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Name: Andrea V.

Section/Program: BSED_FIL_EVE_1-4

Understanding the Self

Words That Describe Me

I. Directions: Underline the words that describe you. Add

additional words if necessary.

Adaptive Self-Aware Tolerant

Dependable Intelligent Fearless
Compassionate Hard Worker Capable with Hands
Respectful Calm Humble
Energetic Eccentric Clever
Creative Confidant Thoughtful
Complex Realistic Cautious
Balanced Cooperative Shy
Quiet Attentive Picky

Other words that describe you:

Approachable , Kind

II. Directions: Answer the following questions about

your Self as fully as precisely as you can.

1. How would you characterize yourself?

I characterize my self as a simple person who has a big heart
who wanted to help other people and also to my family. I also has a
big dream who wanted to fulfill the goals in life even though how
hard life is. I am also an approachable person that people can easily
rely on me.

2. What makes you stand out from the rest? What makes your “self”
I am special in a way that others don’t have the talents and
abilities that I have. I stand out from the rest because I know how to
bhandle things that don’t easily give up even how hard the obstacles
that I may encounter. Whenever I feel tired I don’t give up even how
hopeless life is I still have to strive hard to reach my dream.

3. How is your Self connected to your body?

Myself is connected to my body through my mind, heart and
soul. When our mind speaks our body will take actions. For example,
Our mind speak up like “I want to eat ice cream” our body will take
action on it.

4. How is your Self related to other selves?

My self is related to other self because we have the talents
and abilities in our own special way. We are related to them
by making a connection to each other in order to understand
each other we need to have communication because I believe
that no man is an island.

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