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Name: Amper, Gwyneth Jacqueline P.

Section: BS Architecture 2J


4 points each (48 points)

1. How would you characterize yourself?

As an introvert, I get my energy from within and prefer spending time

alone or in small, intimate groups to large crowds. I appreciate my alone time
because it allows me to recharge and reflect on my thoughts and feelings. As an
introvert, I am a deep thinker who enjoys debating complex issues and analyzing
various points of view, taking my time to process information before making
decisions. I am also a good listener, more at ease in one-on-one conversations,
and capable of picking up on subtle cues and nuances in conversation that
others may overlook. However, being an introvert has drawbacks, such as
dealing with social anxiety and feeling exhausted after prolonged social
interaction. Due to this, it can be difficult for me to form new relationships or put
myself out there in social situations. Despite these obstacles, I value my
introverted personality and its unique perspective. It enables me to delve deeper
into my thoughts and passions and connect with others on a deeper level, even if
it is difficult.

2. What makes you stand out from the rest? What makes your self

I differ from the others in several ways because I'm an introvert. I stand
out because of my capacity to observe and evaluate situations from a distinctive
angle. I don't enjoy social situations as much as extroverts do; instead, I like to
step back and watch my surroundings, enabling me to notice details others
might miss. My introspective nature also makes me stand out. I have a solid
connection to my inner thoughts and feelings, enabling me to make choices that
are true to who I am. My capacity to listen to others and feel their emotions is
one of my distinctive qualities. I can establish deep connections with people and
lasting relationships because of my introverted personality. My introverted
personality helps me stand out and be remembered, despite the difficulties of
being an introvert, such as feeling misunderstood by others. It has enabled me
to cultivate a unique set of abilities and traits that I am proud of and that make
me an essential member of society. Overall, what makes me stand out is my
ability to approach life with quiet confidence, value my thoughts and feelings,
and connect with others meaningfully. As an introvert, I am proud of who I am
and believe my introverted nature makes me truly special.

3. How has your self-transformed your self?

My journey of self-discovery has resulted in a remarkable transformation.

Because of my introspective nature, I've developed a profound self-awareness
that has transformed how I see myself and the world. My introverted tendencies
have taught me the value of active listening and empathy, enabling me to form
meaningful connections with those around me. Furthermore, my desire for
solitude and creative expression has allowed me to tap into my creativity and
express myself more authentically. Despite the difficulties of social anxiety, my
introverted nature has taught me to value quality over quantity in relationships,
which has led me to find happiness in a few close relationships. Finally, my
experience as an introvert has been transformative, allowing me to become the
confident and authentic person I am today.

4. How is your self-connected to your body?

As someone who values self-care, I recognize the importance of the

relationship between myself and my body. My physical sensations are an
important indicator of my emotional state, allowing me to identify and manage
stress. My physical habits and routines, such as exercise and proper nutrition,
are also crucial to my overall well-being and help me feel more energized and
balanced. My body image and how I think about my physical appearance are
equally important. I value developing a positive body image and rejecting
societal beauty standards because I love and accept myself. Due to my increased
self- assurance and ability to express myself honestly, I can connect with people on
a deeper level. Overall, I value the bond between my body and myself and
prioritize self-care to keep my confidence and sense of well-being.

5. How is your self-related to other selves?

As someone who enjoys socializing but also values introspection, the

relationship between myself and other-selves is critical to my overall well-being
and self- discovery. Connecting with others who share my interests and
values gives me a sense of belonging and support. Taking time for solitude and
self- reflection helps me understand my thoughts and feelings, allowing me to
form more authentic connections with others. Furthermore, self-care practices are
critical in developing meaningful relationships, allowing me to show up for
others with a genuine and caring attitude. My ability to foster connections while
prioritizing my needs for introspection and self-care will enable me to maintain
balance, confidence, and authenticity in my relationships with others.

6. What will happen to yourself after you die?

People have been curious about what happens to us after we die for all of
recorded human history. I don't know what will happen to me after I die, and the
idea that I might stop existing altogether is frightening and unsettling. While
some people believe that the self is only present in the physical body, others
believe in reincarnation or an afterlife in the spiritual world. I need assistance
regarding the integrity of these beliefs and am looking for solutions. However, I
take solace in knowing that my lifetime contributions to the world will endure.
The memories and experiences I've shared with others will live long after I'm
gone. The fact that my life and impact will continue to be felt and remembered
by those whose lives I have touched gives me comfort, even though the question
of what happens to the self after death is still a mystery.




1. How would you

characterize yourself?
EASY I am self-aware and
capable of
characterizing myself,
so I can easily
respond to this

2. What makes you stand

out from the rest? What
EASY This question is
makes you special?
easy for me because I
am aware of what
sets me apart from
the crowd and what
makes me unique.
3. How have your self-
transformed yourself?
MODERATE This is a moderate
question because I
really thought about
how I transformed
myself and took my
time answering it.
I'm struggling to
provide an answer to
this query.

4. How is yourself
connected to your body?

5. How is your self- I'm struggling to

related to other selves? provide an answer to
this query.

6. What will happen to I'm struggling to

you after you die? provide an answer to
this query.

Rate yourself out of 48: 45

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