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1. How would you characterize yourself?

I characterize myself as a well-organized individual. I want everything to

be in order. I always work in a systematic manner. Everything must be
completed as soon as possible. When things don't go according to plan, I get
frustrated. I am also a goal-oriented individual. To attain my goals, I work with
zeal. I, too, am eager for new skill development.

2. What makes you stand out from the rest? What makes yourself special?

I have a complex personality. It was difficult for me to understand myself

since I had complex personality depending on the circumstances. For example,
I may be doing well at the moment, but later on I may become despondent. And
I believe this distinguishes me from the rest.
3. How has your self-transformed itself?

I allowed myself to develop good and positive habits. I now have the
courage to step outside of my comfort zone. And I set reasonable goals and
take chances. These aforementioned enable me to transform myself.

4.  How is your self-connected to your body?

My mind, soul, and emotions connect my elf to my body. Because self is

the foundation of our body, I feel that without these ligaments, there would be no
self at all and, as a result, our body would be nothing.

5. How is your self-related to other selves?

Through connection and understanding, I feel I am related to

others. We tend to affect others by the way we live and deal with life. Our
basic beliefs and how we live them have an impact on how we influence
and connect to others. That explains how I relate to other selves.

6. What will happen to yourself after you die?

My self will no longer exist on my body when I die. It will, however,

live on in people's hearts and minds.

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