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Simple Past Simple Future

Before Today Eventually
In the past Right now Soon
Few years ago Now In 30 years from
Long time ago These days One day
Many years ago Nowadays In the future

Please select 4 specific topics and create sentences in past present and future describing changes…
for example:

 Some years ago kids played board games like monopoly. Right now kids play video games on their
phones and computers. Soon kids will play virtual reality games only wearing some special glasses.

(Usar la imagen de Grammar Focus como referencia, pueden incluir oraciones negativas si lo

1. A long time ago, Pelé was the player with the most goals in world football. Right now
the player with the most goals in history is Cristiano Ronaldo. Soon Cirstiano Ronaldo
will go down in the history of world football.

2. In the past the teaching methods were found in the ancient east. Today education is the
social institution that allows learning and thus have skills in the future.

3. Many years ago my dad and my mother decided to have a children. Nowadays they are
separated but they enjoy their children. Eventually they want to see their children

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