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This material is CAMACOP’s answer to the need of its local

churches for a comprehensive, bible-based, strategic and easy to
apply curriculum. We call this entire process of ministry – CAMA-
COP’s WIDER Curriculum. Each letter of the acronym WIDER
represents a process comprising an interrelated segments of proc-

“W” stands for “Win”, a process in which Christ is introduced

to people through evangelism helping them become genuine believ-
ers of Christ. This process describes the task of evangelism.

The letter “I” stands for “Integration”. This is a process

wherein the new believers are encouraged, guided and taught to get
baptized, seek membership of a local congregation and become re-
sponsible members of the body of Christ.

The letter “D” stands for “Disciple”, a process in which a be-

liever is nurtured and discipled for maturity.

Letter “E” stands for “Engaging in ministry and Church Plant-

ing.” This is the process of fielding the believers into ministries in
the church, missions and church planting.

Letter “R” stands for “Rejoicing in worship”. Worship encom-

passes all 4 processes signifying that the ministry of Winning, Inte-
grating, Discipling and Engaging in various ministries are all acts of
worship based on I Corinthians 10: 31, “So whether you eat or drink
or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”

This WIDER curriculum will serve as a framework for CAMA-

COP’s local churches’ ministry and at the same time a step-by-step
implementation guide. CAMACOP churches are expected to adopt
this curriculum for optimum results.

To God be the glory!



All-tee 284
Baptism 66
Baptismal Instruction 65
Bayanihan Church Planting 286
Bridge Illustration 19
Certificate Sample 63
Cover design 1
CTOS 285
Directions lessons 152-197
Disciple introduction page 79
Equippers and ministers 4-6
Evangelism Explosion 14
First steps lessons 20-39
Four Spiritual Laws 15-17
Hallmarks lessons 198-247
Integration program 40-43
Introduction 2
Journey into life lessons 102-124
Kairos 283
Maturity class 80-101
Membership class 68-78
Message 1 (Supremacy of Christ) 44-46
Message 2 (Christ our savior) 47-49
Message 3 (Christ our Sanctifier) 50-51
Message 4 (Christ our healer) 52-54
Message 5 (Christ our coming King) 55 -56
Message 6 (Cross) 57
Message 7 (Baptism and membership) 58-59
Ministry Guide 61-62
Person of Peace 9
Personal Testimony 10-13
Prayer of Three 8
Rejoice in worship 287-288
Rejoice lesson 289-292
Shape assessment tool 248- 282
Steps to receiving and ministering healing 60
Table of contents 3
The Way Ahead lessons 125-151
Weekend Integration Event 64
Welcoming of new believers 67
WIDER Wheel 7
Wordless book 18



By Reniel Joel A. Nebab, DMin

Worldviews and mindsets, they say, are what makes a person act and behave. If this
is so, then worldviews and mindsets are important to people if they desire to live out their
intended role or status in an organization or community. In the context of the church, world-
views and mindsets are necessary for the church to fulfill her function in the world. Further,
the members of the church need to also fulfill their functions within the church, but, world-
views and mindsets must guide and direct the members for them to fulfill their functions or
roles. The following is a paper that will present two mindsets for the CAMACOP workers in
order that they will be guided and directed to fulfill their intended roles or functions in the

The first mindset that CAMACOP workers need to know and implement is, “Every be-
liever is a minister.” I Peter 2:9 declares, “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood,
a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who
called you out of darkness into his wonderful light” (NIV).Then Revelation1:6 says, “And has
made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father─ to him be glory and
power forever and ever! Amen” (NIV). These verses teach the “priesthood of all believers”
and that this is one of the most profound truths that Christians need to know and act on.

In the Reformation period in Germany, Martin Luther discovered through the reading
of the Scripture the truth concerning the priesthood of all believers. He opposed
“sacerdotalism” and questioned the separation of “clergy” and “laity” in the church. For Lu-
ther, every believer is a minister and therefore the “laity” is now equal in status with the
“clergy” according to the Scripture. In the church every one functions according to the of-
fices and spiritual gifts the Lord has given to each one. Every believer then must discover
their spiritual gifts in order to utilize their gifts for the edification of the body.

Several years ago, I entered the pastoral ministry with my wife in one of the local
churches of the CAMACOP having in mind the biblical concept, “Every believer a minister,”
but I had no idea how we should go about it. The CAMACOP leadership is now embarking
on a program that will eventually help Christian workers to implement the biblical principle,
“Every believer a minister.” Now the burden is on us, Christian workers, who need to com-
municate that “every believer is a minister” and help the believers fulfill such role in the
church. The sad story is that Christian workers have usurped the role of the believers in that
they have become the “ministers” and therefore do the work of “ministers.”This has resulted
in the sad state of the church wherein the believers have become only the “spectators” and
the Christian workers the “players.” If the church needs to be truly the church of Jesus
Christ, then Christian workers should begin emancipating the believers so that they can take
on their role as the “ministers” and move them from being “spectators” to being “players.”
Believers, on the other hand, must not relinquish their role to the Christian workers, but fulfill
their roles as ministers.
The second mindset that Christian workers must know and act on is, “Every leader
(pastor) is an equipper. Ephesians 4:11-12 says, “And he gave the apostles, the prophets,
the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for
building up the body of Christ” (ESV).In this verse we find the leaders of the church and they
are the apostles, prophets, evangelists, and pastors and teachers. What is the role of the

leaders in the church? They are to equip the saints (ministers) for the work of the ministry. I
would consider the Christian workers as the leaders of the church and they are mandated by
Scripture to equip the believers (ministers).
In the first mindset, I have commented that the Christian workers have usurped the role
of the believers. In this second mindset, the believers have given up their expected role and
both Christian workers and believers came up with the mindset that only Christian workers
are to be involved in Christian ministry. Our situation now tells us that many churches con-
sider Christian workers as their employees that is why they have to do all the ministry in the
church. Christian workers preach, teach, handle Bible studies, do visitation in the homes and
the sick ones in the hospitals. They play the instruments, conduct the choir, and to some ex-
tent do the janitorial work of the church. This is definitely wrong and is not biblical. There is a
need to get back to the New Testament theology of Christian ministry. Both Christian workers
and believers need to have a renewed understanding of Christian ministry in order that each
one will be able to at least function according to God’s ideal.

The ministry of equipping the believers, which will include training, discipling, empower-
ing, etc., is the ideal ministry that Christian workers have to implement. I would call this a
mandated ministry of the Lord for all Christian workers which needs implementation. Christian
workers should grasp the mindset that as leaders they are to be equippers. If Christian work-
ers are not able to have this mindset the church will not be built up. The church will not grow
and become healthy.

Church workers, therefore, will have to change their mindset from doing all ministries in
the church to that of equipping the believers for ministries. Church workers will have to spend
more of their time in discipling, training and empowering the church leaders and members to
do ministry. They have to unleash God’s people and emancipate them to do the various min-
istries in the church, namely, teaching, preaching, nurturing, evangelizing, leading Bible stud-
ies, visiting ministries, etc. Church workers also have to facilitate the discovery of the spiritual
gifts of God’s people and allow them to exercise those gifts for the edification of the body.

In the game of basketball, it is important that the players on the floor have their desig-
nated roles. You have the point guard, the center, the off guard, and the forwards. Each of
these players needs to understand their roles and function as they play together. What hap-
pens when the center plays the position of the point guard? Definitely the team will be disor-
ganized and not able to make the plays the coach would want.

The ministerial role of the believers and the equipping role of Christian workers is very
crucial in the life of the church if the church wants to grow exponentially. Until believers recog-
nize and act on the principle, “Every believer is a minister” and until Christian workers under-
stand and grasp the principle, “Every leader is an equipper,” the church will not become the
church as the Lord desires her to be.
Just imagine if all believers will become ministers in their local churches, what do you
think would happen to that local church? Definitely that local church will grow and influence
people around her. Then just imagine if all Christian workers will equip, disciple, train and em-
power the believers to do ministry, what do you think will happen within the local church?
Definitely that local church will be edified or built up into Christlikeness to the glory of God.


Many years ago, Nike shoes came out with this advertisement, which became
a byword, “Just do it.” The challenge for us today especially as Christian workers is to
just do it. We need to implement and apply the mindsets and principles, “Every be-
liever is a minister” and “Every leader is an equipper.” May the Lord grant us His wis-
dom and above all His Spirit to do all these for His church to be the church God wants
her to be. Amen!

For Pastors:


MOTTO: I am an equipper
I am empowered to equip
and edify the church to be ministers
for the glory of God

For Church Members:

I am a believer
I am empowered to help minister
And edify the church
For the glory of God


WIN - The process of winning people to Christ and helping them become
genuine believers.

EQUIPPERS Verse: Matthew 28: 20 Therefore, GO and make disciples of all

nations, Baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son
Spend some time praying and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I
for your members to have have commanded you and surely I am with you always to the very
passion and compassion
for the lost. end of the age.
Command: Jesus told us to GO and share the Gospel.
Preach and teach Evangel-
ism. Convince your people Standards:
through preaching and Every believer is a soul winner.
teaching that the work of The gospel must be shared with every type of people in the
“evangelism” is the work society.
of every believer. Disciples must win people to train them become disciple
Be a model. Let your peo- Pastors and leaders must be an example in soul winning.
ple emulate you in the min-
istry of evangelism. Evangelism Models:
The 3x3 model of prayer
Schedule a training with
the whole membership of Every Believer is expected to win people to Christ.
the church. Get as many This is God’s call for every one of His disciples.
people as you can, includ-
ing the young teens and The 3x3 model of prayer begins with a group of
young people. three Christians. Each one comes up with three names of
their non-Christian friends and/or loved ones to be prayed
Group your members with for.
three individuals in each First week: An intense time of daily synchronized
group and apply the prayer and one fasting each week for the nine persons in
PRAYER OF THREE the list which continues for the whole month. The group of
three meets once each week for one hour to agree in
principles for evangelism.
prayer for the nine to be saved.
Second week: Each member begins to make phone
contact with the non-Christian friends. The group meets
again once in that week for one hour to agree in prayer for
Demonstration: Ask the peo- the nine to be saved.
ple to form groups of three and Third Week: Each member shares to their non-
let them run through the fol- Christian contacts how to be saved using their testimonies
lowing: or other evangelistic materials suggested below. Again, the
1. Each one will give three group meets that week for one hour to agree in prayer for
names of unbelieving the nine contacts to understand the Gospel and receive
friends. Christ in their lives.
Fourth week: Each member invites the newly con-
2. Let them discuss what verted contacts to the nearest integration event. The
steps they should do next group meets that week for one hour to thank God for those
according to this strategy. who accepted Christ and pray that they will attend the inte-
gration event.

WIN—The process of winning people to Christ and helping them become
genuine believers.


Personal Testimony Church –based Personal Follow-up
Prayer of Three 4 Spiritual Laws Outreach Biblie Study First Steps Lessons
Person of Peace Evangelism Explosion Open Air
Wordless book
Bridge Illustration


Take note that the Prayer of Three The person of peace (Luke 10: 1-12) is God’s
and Person of Peace are evangelism key person for you to win the whole family, a
Models/strategies and not Evangel- group of friends, a whole company or the whole
ism tools. community.
You can adopt one of these Evangel-
ism strategies and focus on it. Hav- 1. We have to pray for discernment for our per-
ing both strategies may cause confu- sons of peace.
sion and lack of focus. 2. We need to go out and find our persons of
In this Evangelism strategy, ask your peace.
people to share the Gospel to as 3. Your person of peace could be someone you
many as they can. Most of the time, already know for a long time.
your ‘Person of Peace’ is the one you 4. We will know these persons as we observe the
least expected. following: (a) They are receptive of our mes-
Use any of these Evangelism tools sage. (b)They show us kindness. (c)They re-
you are most comfortable with. spond in faith. (d) They will ask you to teach
1. Personal Testimony: This is the most them more of the word of God.
practical and the most effective evan- 5. Share your testimony or use other evangelistic
gelism tool. Encourage your people tools to win your person of peace to Christ.
to learn how to share their testimony 6. Bring the newly converted ‘person of peace’ to
for evangelism. the nearest Integration Event.
Demonstration: 25 minutes
1. 15 Minutes - Write your personal tes- PERSONAL TESTIMONY
timony. Your personal testimony is the best evangelistic
2. 5 Minutes -Find a partner and share tool you can use to win others.
your testimony with each other.
3. 5 Minutes - give your evaluation and You can outline your testimony like this:
feedback with your partner’s testi- *Your life before you meet Christ
mony. *How did you realize you needed Jesus
*Describe what you did to receive Christ
*What happened after you have received
Every believer
A soul winner

Taken from: and


One of the most effective tools you have for sharing your faith is the story of how Jesus Christ gave
you eternal life and how He has enriched your life. When the Apostle Paul stood before King Agrippa (Acts
26), he spoke simply, logically, and clearly about his life before salvation, how he met Christ, and what his life
was like after conversion.

By following the steps outlined in this paper, you will learn how to tell others in the same manner
about how you came to know Christ. The choice of the right words, the flow of your story, and knowing how to
begin and how to end are all important.

Testimonies can be prepared on many subjects and tailored to various audiences. The kind of testi-
mony outlined here is designed to give to a non-Christian. It will be best suited for sharing one-on-one or to a
small group. How will you use your testimony?

The purpose of preparing a testimony is not necessarily to memorize it and give it verbatim, but to
help you put into words some of the important and interesting details of your conversion and personal relation-
ship with Jesus Christ. A testimony serves primarily as a “door opener,” not a “convincing tool.” Many people
are open to talk about the gospel after hearing a personal testimony.

Points to remember as you prepare your testimony:

Your testimony is important. If it is important to you, it will become important to other people.
As you prepare your testimony, seek the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Because you will have a very brief
encounter with each person, it is necessary for you to seek the Holy Spirit's leadership in preparing to share
your testimony.
God honors preparation. Carefully prepare your testimony so you can effectively share Jesus Christ.
Keep your testimony short. It should be from one minute to one and a half minutes or about 275 words.
Use short, simple phrases.


Paul’s testimony in Acts 26 is a biblical model you can follow in writing your own personal testimony. Paul’s
format in Acts 26 is essentially a 3-point outline:
(Lead-in - vv. 2-3)
1. Before vv. 4-11
2. How vv. 12-20
3. After vv. 21-23
(Close - vv. 24-29)

Following are some ideas for developing the before, how, and after sections of your personal testimony.
1. Before
A. Many people’s actions spring out of their unsatisfied deep inner needs. What were one or two of your un-
satisfied deep inner needs before you came to know Jesus Christ? Which areas do you still sometimes strug-
gle with as a Christian? Some examples of inner needs are:
lack of peace fear of death something missing no meaning to life
desire to be in control loneliness lack of security lack of purpose
lack of significance no real friends no real motivation
B. Non-Christians often try to satisfy their deep inner needs through unsatisfactory solutions. In the past, what
unsatisfactory solutions have you used to attempt to meet those inner needs? List some positive as well as
negative solutions. Some examples are:
marriage/family work drugs/alcohol sports/fitness money
Education hobbies entertainment sex social life
2. How
“. . . but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you
to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence” 1 Peter 3:15

A. Describe the circumstances that caused you to consider a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Depending
on your story, you might be able to relate how you came to see Christ as the solution to your deep inner needs.
Or you might explain how a misconception about Christianity got cleared up for you. Identify the events that led
to your conversion. In some cases this may have taken place over a long period of time.
B. State specifically the steps you took to become a Christian. Be vivid. If there is a particular passage of Scrip-
ture that applies here, you may want to use it. Don’t include more than two Scripture verses. It is preferable to
paraphrase, “It says in the Bible...”
C. Include the basics of gospel clearly and briefly:
God loves you
All have sinned and stand under a penalty of death
Christ has paid the penalty
We must respond by turning from our sin and placing our trust in Jesus.
3. After
A. State how Christ is filling your deep inner needs. In the before, you expressed your needs and how your tried
unsuccessfully to meet them. You now want to briefly show the difference that Christ has made in your life. Be
authentic. Let them know that life can still be a struggle. You might want to share how your relationship with
Christ has helped you through a tough time.
B. Conclude with a statement like this: “But one of the greatest benefits is that I know with certainty that I have
eternal life.” (Know 1 John 5:11-12) The person you talk to will tend to comment on the last thing you say. Often
it is natural to move from the testimony into a clear presentation of the gospel. Be prepared to do this!


Your personal experience with Christ will probably fall into one of the following three formats. Choose the one
that best describes you:
Format 1: Adult Conversion.
You trusted Christ as an adult. You have a distinct before, how, and after.
Format 2: Early Conversion, Adult Full Commitment. You made a decision for Christ as a child, but your life was
characterized by spiritual immaturity-a lifestyle similar to that of a non-Christian-until you made a later
commitment of your life to Christ. Evaluate whether you early conversion was genuine. If not, use For-
mat 1.
Format 3: Early Conversion, Consistent Growth. You probably grew up with Christian parents and have a strong
church background. You have very little before.

The following Testimony Worksheets provide questions that will help you get started in writing out your
testimony. Select the appropriate worksheet and jot down thoughts on each question on a separate piece of pa-
per. This will give you a basis from which to write sentences and paragraphs about your own experience.

As you write your first draft, follow these guidelines:
Make it sound conversational. Avoid being overly dramatic or using literary sounding statements. Use infor-
mal language. Write the way you talk.
Share about what happened to you. Say “I” and “me,” not “you.” This helps keep the testimony warm and
Avoid speaking in generalities and using religious words. Don’t assume the listener knows what you mean by
terms such as sin, accepted Christ, or even Christian. Define everything.
Generalize so more people can identify with your story. Write in such a way that others can identify with you
in your past and present experiences. Don’t name specific groups or churches. Avoid use of dates and ages.
Build your testimony around a theme. Choose something characteristic of your experience that is of general
interest to non-Christians. Some same themes: success, search for meaning and purpose, dealing with trag-
edy, dreams for the future, what I want most out of life, etc.
Explain how Christ met or is meeting your deep inner needs. Do not communicate that all your struggles and
problems end at conversion.
Emphasize the fact that the thing that made the difference in your life was accepting Christ and making
Him Lord of your life. Our greatest need is to be reconciled to God; many felt needs are symptoms of this.
Explain exactly how your received Christ. A person should be able to receive Christ as a result of
hearing your testimony.
Sound adult, not juvenile. Reflect an adult point of view even if you were converted at an early age.
Don’t worry if your testimony doesn’t sound exciting to you. You relationship with Christ will still be “fresh air”
to many people. Just tell your story in an interesting way.
Include humor and human interest. This will reduce tension and increase attention.
Avoid dogmatic or mystical statements that skeptics can question, such as, “I prayed and God gave me a job,”
or “God said to me. . . ”
Be positive from start to finish. Avoid statements that reflect negatively on the church, a denomination, other
organization, or people.
Word pictures increase interest. Briefly describe the setting so a person listening can visualize your experi-
Simplify--reduce “clutter.” Be concise and avoid the use of unnecessary words. Mention a limited number of
people and use only their first name. Combine information when you can.


When you feel comfortable giving your testimony, you may begin to wonder, “When do I share it?” “How do I
initiate conversation that will lead to presenting my testimony?” The following suggestion may help:
1. Establish rapport: include some “small talk.” Discuss family, job, hobbies, interests, etc.
2. Be alert for expressed needs such as family problems or stress on the job. Be a good listener, first!! You can
then share how Christ has helped you through some of the same areas.
3. Discuss past concerns and needs in your life. “We used to struggle in our marriage relationship,” or, “I
used to allow the pressures of work to get to me. . . then I discovered something that made a tremendous
difference in my life. Would you be interested in hearing about it?”
4. Discuss contemporary situations in the news or in your area. (e.g. in response to a discussion that turns
to the problem of drug abuse on campus) “It seems that people are really trying to find something that sat-
isfies. I’ve found that my relationship with God has met many of those deep needs in my life.”
5. Build relationships. Show that you really care. Dr. Daniel Everett of The University of Pittsburgh said it
well when he spoke here last year, “The #1 commodity of the university is ego. The scarcest resource is
love. If you demonstrate that you care, people will ask you why.”
6. Avoid dogmatic religious statements or arguments on moral issues.


When you have shared your personal testimony, you may want to conclude with a statement that causes the per-
son to reflect on what you have just shared. What you say will depend on how this person has been responding to what
you have shared.

If their response seems positive you could say something like:

1. “NOY, has anything like this ever happened to you?”
2. “INDAY, do you know for certain whether your have eternal life?”
3. “May I share with you some day why I know for certain that I have eternal life?”
4. “May I share an illustration with you that explains how a person can know for certain that he has
eternal life?”

If their response seems neutral or negative you could say something like:
1. “If you are interested I would like to share more with you sometime.”
2. “Do you have any questions about what I have just shared with you?”
3. “Well, that’s my story. If you ever have any questions or want to talk about it any further, I’d love to do so.”

Format 1: Adult Conversion
1. What was a deep inner need in your life before you met Christ?
2. Give some examples of how you tried to meet or fulfill that need with unsatisfactory solutions.
1. Describe the circumstances that caused you to consider Christ.
2. State how you trusted Christ. (Briefly include the gospel.)
1. Give an example of how Christ is currently meeting your deep inner needs.
2. End with a statement to the effect that you know for certain that you have eternal life.

Format 2: Early Conversion, Adult Deeper Commitment

Before Deeper Commitment
1. What was a deep inner need you were trying to fill?
2. Give some examples of how you tried to fill that inner need through unsatisfactory solutions.
1. Briefly describe the situation in which you made a deeper commitment to Christ.
2. Refer to your conversion experience. State how you trust Christ. (Briefly include the gospel.)
1. State how Christ is currently meeting your deep inner needs.
2. End with a statement to the effect that you know for certain that you have eternal life.

Format 3: Early Conversion, Consistent Growth

1. State what deep inner needs you see people trying to fill.
2. Describe how you see people trying to satisfy those needs.
1. Explain why you haven’t experienced this problem to the same degree.
2. Refer to your conversion experience. State how you trust Christ. (Briefly include the gospel.)
1. Illustrate how Christ is meeting your deep inner needs.
2. End with a statement to the effect that you know for certain that you have eternal life.

WIN—The process of winning people to Christ and helping them become
genuine believers.


Personal Testimony Church –based Personal Follow-up
Prayer of Three 4 Spiritual Laws Outreach Biblie Study First Steps Lessons
Person of Peace Evangelism Explosion Open Air
Wordless book
Bridge Illustration

2. Using the 4 Spiritual laws
This material is widely available Law 1 God loves you and has a won-
in Christian bookstores and other derful plan for your life.
Christian centers.
Schedule a 1-hour training on how to Law 2 Man is sinful and separated
use this material. from God. There fore, he cannot know
Be sure you have the materials ready and experience God’s love and plan for his
for the trainees to use for the OJT life.
(On the Job Training)
Explain the material step by step and Law 3. Jesus Christ is God's only pro-
make sure the trainees have a full vision for man's sin. Through Him you can
grasp of the material. know and experience God's love and plan for
During the session, every after dis- your life
cussing each law, you may ask the
trainees to find a partner and demon- Law 4 We must individually receive
strate the actual sharing of that par- Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord; then we can
ticular law they have just learned. know and experience God’s love and plan for
Make sure you have an OJT after the our lives.
Gather them after the OJT for testi-
monies, feedbacks and celebration.
Many of our churches in CAMACOP
have used EE for evangelism and have
Demonstration: Have the participants proved it to be one of the effective tools for
demonstrate the whole process of shar- evangelism. However, To be able to use
ing the 4 Spiritual laws. the EE material, one needs to undergo
the EE training conducted by certified train-
ers. If you need to know more about this
material and how to use it, please contact EE
Philippines through the address and the
numbers given below.
The salvation of a single soul is more important Evangelism Explosion Philippines, Inc. National
than the production or preservation of all the Office: 128 Pioneer St. Mandaluyong City, Philippines
epics and tragedies in the world. Tel: (632) 638-2968 to 69 / 746-2878 to 79.
C. S. Lewis




Taken from: Global Media Outreach

1. God loves you and created you and has a wonderful plan for your life.

God's Love
"God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but
have eternal life" (John 3:16).
God's Plan
"Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have
sent" (John 17:3, NIV). What prevents us from knowing God personally?

2. Man is sinful and separated from God, Therefore he cannot know and experience God’s love and plan
for his life.
Man is Sinful
"All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). Man was created to have fellowship with God;
but, because of his own stubborn self-will, he chose to go his own independent way and fellowship with God was
broken. This self-will, characterized by an attitude of active rebellion or passive indifference, is an evidence of
what the Bible calls sin.
Man is Separated
"The wages of sin is death" [spiritual separation from God] (Romans 6:23). "...(Those) who do not know God and
do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus...will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the
presence of the Lord..." (2 Thessalonians 1:8,9)

This diagram illustrates that God is holy and man is sinful. A great gulf separates the two. The arrows illustrate
that man is continually trying to reach God and establish the personal relationship with Him through his own ef-
forts, such as a good life, philosophy, or religion - but he inevitably fails. The third principle explains the only way
to bridge this gulf...

3. Jesus Christ is God's only provision for man's sin. Through Him you can know God personally and
experience God's love and plan for your life.
He Died in Our Place
"God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8).

He Rose From the Dead

"Christ died for our sins...He was buried...He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures...He ap-
peared to Peter, then to the twelve. After that He appeared to more than five hundred..." (1 Corinthians 15:3-6).

He is the Only Way to God
"Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me'" (John

This diagram illustrates that God has bridged the gulf that separates us from Him by sending His Son, Jesus
Christ, to die on the cross in our place to pay the penalty for our sins.
It is not enough just to know these truths...

4. We must individually receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord; then we can know and experience God’s
love and plan for our lives.
We Must Receive Christ
"As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His
name" (John 1:12)
We Receive Christ Through Faith
"By grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of
works that no one should boast" (Ephesians 2:8,9). When We Receive Christ, We Experience a New Birth (Read
John 3:1-8.)
We Receive Christ by Personal Invitation
[Christ speaking] "Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any one hears My voice and opens the door, I will
come in to him" (Revelation 3:20).
Receiving Christ involves turning to God from self (repentance) and trusting Christ to come into our lives to forgive
us of our sins and to make us what He wants us to be. Just to agree intellectually that Jesus Christ is the Son of
God and that He died on the cross for our sins is not enough. Nor is it enough to have an emotional experience.
We receive Jesus Christ by faith, as an act of our will.
These two circles represent two kinds of lives:
These two circles represent two kinds of lives:

Which circle best respresents your life?

Which circle would you like to have represent your life?

The following explains how you can receive Christ:
You Can Receive Christ Right Now by Faith Through Prayer
(Prayer is talking with God)

God knows your heart and is not so concerned with your words as He is with the attitude of your heart. The following is a suggested prayer:
"Lord Jesus, I want to know You personally. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive
You as my Savior and Lord. Thank You for forgiving me of my sins and giving me eternal life. Take control of the throne of my life.
Make me the kind of person You want me to be."
Did you pray this prayer?

I still have questions

If it does, pray this prayer right now, and Christ will come into your life, as He promised.

How to Know That Christ Is in Your Life

Did you receive Christ into your life? According to His promise in Revelation 3:20, where is Christ right now in relation to you? Christ said
that He would come into your life and be your friend so you can know Him personally. Would He mislead you? On what authority do you
know that God has answered your prayer? (The trustworthiness of God Himself and His Word.)

The Bible Promises Eternal Life to All Who Receive Christ

"The witness is this, that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the
Son of God does not have the life. These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, in order that you may know
that you have eternal life" (1 John 5:11-13).
Thank God often that Christ is in your life and that He will never leave you (Hebrews 13:5). You can know on the basis of His promise that
Christ lives in you and that you have eternal life from the very moment you invite Him in. He will not deceive you.

An important reminder...
Do Not Depend on Feelings
The promise of God's Word, the Bible - not our feelings - is our authority. The Christian lives by faith (trust) in the trustworthiness of God
Himself and His Word.
This train diagram illustrates the relationship among fact (God and His Word), faith (our trust in God and His Word), and feeling (the result of
our faith and obedience) (John 14:21).

The train will run with or without the caboose. However, it would be useless to attempt to pull the train by the caboose. In the same way, we
as Christians do not depend on feelings or emotions, but we place our faith (trust) in the trustworthiness of God and the promises of His

Now That You Have Entered Into a Personal Relationship With Christ
The moment you received Christ by faith, as an act of your will, many things happened, including the following:
1. Christ came into your life (Revelation 3:20 and Colossians 1:27).
2. Your sins were forgiven (Colossians 1:14).
3. You became a child of God (John 1:12).
4. You received eternal life (John 5:24).
5. You began the great adventure for which God created you (John 10:10; 2 Corinthians 5:17 and 1 Thessalonians

Can you think of anything more wonderful that could happen to you than entering into a personal relation-
ship with Jesus Christ?
Would you like to thank God in prayer right now for what He has done for you?
By thanking God, you demonstrate your faith.

WIN—The process of winning people to Christ and helping them become
genuine believers.


Personal Testimony Church –based Personal Follow-up
Prayer of Three 4 Spiritual Laws Outreach Biblie Study First Steps Lessons
Person of Peace Evangelism Explosion Open Air
Wordless book
Bridge Illustration

Evangelism Tools: The Wordless Book

EQUIPPERS by KeeperAtHome | More from this Blogger
Using the WORDLESS book
as a tool for evangelism. The Wordless Book is an excellent resource for use in wit-
nessing to others, especially children. This book is easy to learn
Gather your people for a 1- how to use and is very simple to make. All you need to make a
hour training about the wordless book is black, red, white, yellow or gold and green con-
WORDLESS book. struction paper or poster board and glue. Arrange the paper in the
following order: Black, red, white, yellow or gold and green, then
Prepare the materials ahead simply glue the edges to make a binding. If you prefer you can hole
of time if you want your punch the sides and connect them with yarn. Going through each
trainees to make their own page of the book the gospel can be simply explained.
WORDLESS book at the
end of the training. 1. The black or dark page represents our sin. Every person before
Teach them how to present he is saved is lost in his sins. His heart is dark without Christ (Rom.
the Gospel through the 3:23).
WORDLESS book. 2. The red page symbolizes the blood of Jesus. The Bible says that
Guide them in making their "The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin." Jesus paid the
own WORDLESS book. price for us by dying on the cross and shedding His blood for us (I
Have them paired in two Jn. 1:7) .
and use the material as an 3. The white page represents the condition of our heart after we
have been saved. Jesus' blood cleanses us, the dark sin is gone
evangelism tool.
and the Bible says we are "as white as snow" (Ps 51:7).
Get the whole team for an 4. The yellow or gold page symbolizes heaven. When we have re-
OJT immediately after the ceived Jesus as our Savior we know that heaven is our home. John
training. 14:3 says that Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us. We have a
mansion waiting for us in heaven after we receive Jesus.
5. The green page represents growth. When we get saved we
should not stay the same as we were before we got saved. II Corin-
thians 5:17 says that "If any man be in Christ he is a new creature,
old things are passed away. Behold: all things are become new."
Christians must grow in their faith by reading and studying the Bible,
praying, going to church and witnessing to others.

The Wordless Book is a wonderful method to use in Sunday school,

Vacation Bible School or even with your own children. It is simple
and inexpensive to make and is a wonderful evangelism tool.

You can use beads on a bracelet with the same colors the WORD-
LESS book represents and use it as an evangelism tool.

WIN—The process of winning people to Christ and helping them become
genuine believers.


Personal Testimony Church –based Personal Follow-up
Prayer of Three 4 Spiritual Laws Outreach Biblie Study First Steps Lessons
Person of Peace Evangelism Explosion Open Air
Wordless book
Bridge Illustration

EQUIPPERS The Bridge Illustration

The Bridge Illustration Taken from:
is one of the most ef-
5. Crossing over to eternal life
fective evangelism
tools many Christians John 5: 24
have used. It is simple
and easy to follow. MAN GOD
Gather your people for
1-hour training on how HEAR BELIEVE
to share the Bridge Il- 2. In light of God's
lustration. character... JESUS CHRIST 1. GOD'S CHARACTER:
God is-
During the session, let MAN HAS A PROBLEM
your trainees practice GOD IS HOLY- -Holy, Perfect
the parts of the presen- Man is a sinner Rom 3:23 -Eternal
tation on each other. GOD IS ETERNAL- -Judge
Have an OJT (on the Man dies Rom 6:23 -Love
Job Training) immedi- GOD IS JUDGE-
3. In light of God's character...
ately after the training. Man is under God's
judgment Heb 9:27
Demonstration: Pair the
SOLUTION I Timothy 2:5
trainees and let them present
the Gospel using the Bridge John 1:12
Illustration. Receive + Believe = Become
Romans 10:13
Call on the Lord to be saved
1. GOD'S CHARACTER- God is the originator and sustainer of all that exists. God is Holy (Perfect), God is Eternal, God is Judge
and God is Love. (Write down the phrase God is ____________. Ask them to put description(s) of God's character in the blank.
Make sure that Holy, Eternal, Judge and Love are included.)

2. MAN HAS A PROBLEM- Man does not measure up to God's Character. God is Holy- Man is a sinner. God is Eternal- Man dies.
God is Judge- Man is under the judgment of God. (Look up the verses Rom 3:23; 6:23 and Hebrews 9:27)

3. GOD HAS A SOLUTION TO MAN'S PROBLEM- God is Love. God demonstrated His love by sending His Son to die on the
cross for our sins (Look at Romans 5:8). Christ the God-Man is the mediator between God and Man. (See I Timothy 2:5)

4. MAN'S RESPONSE TO GOD'S SOLUTION- In order to receive the benefit of God's Solution everyone must receive Christ and
believe in Him. (John 1:12) Everyone must pray to the Lord and seek His salvation (Romans 10:13).

5. CROSSING OVER TO ETERNAL LIFE- Hear the Message, Believe in Christ (to believe is to entrust yourself to) and He prom-
ises (1) Eternal Life, (2) No Judgment and (3) that we will Cross Over from Death (Man's Side) to Life (God's Side.) John 5:24

CONCLUSION: Will you cross over from death to life? Call on the name of the Lord to be saved (Romans 10:13) Pray to God a
prayer like this. God you are holy, eternal and the judge of all people. I am a sinner under the sentence of death and under your
judgment. I believe that Jesus came to save me from eternal judgment. Father, I put my faith and trust in Christ's death to save
me from the penalty of my sin. I praise you for your love for me and for the free gift of forgiveness through Jesus Christ.

WIN—The process of winning people to Christ and helping them become
genuine believers.


Personal Testimony Church –based Personal Follow-up
Prayer of Three 4 Spiritual Laws Outreach Biblie Study First Steps Lessons
Person of Peace Evangelism Explosion Open Air
Wordless book
Bridge Illustration


As your members
start winning peo-
ple to Christ, be
sure to teach them
the importance of
personal follow up.
Encourage them to
personally follow
through those they
have won for the
The First Step les-
sons are follow-up
lessons designed
for new believers.
Your members can
use this lesson to
follow up those that
they have won for
the Lord. First
steps is a four- les-
son series dealing
with most basic is-
sues a new believer
has to know.
You can use other
follow up materials
you deem fit and
appropriate in your



Book 1
A Believer in Christ

Book 1—First Steps


These series of lessons about salvation are intended to assure the new Christians of the new life
they have just received through faith in Jesus Christ. The essential teachings about sin and salvation,
as well as the process of becoming a child of God are carefully explained so that the new believers
will be firmly grounded in the Christian faith. Consequently, spiritual growth is taught as a natural
goal of being a follower of Jesus Christ.

Lesson Title Scripture Memory Verse

Romans 5:12 “Sin came into the world through
1 SIN AND ITS Selected Bible one man, and his sin brought death with it. As a
CONSEQUENCES References result, death has spread to the whole human race
because everyone has sinned.” (TEV).
John 5:24 “I am telling you the truth: whoever
2 GOD’S PROVI- Isaiah 53:6; 1 Peter hears my words and believes in Him who sent me
SION FOR SIN 2:25; Eph. 2:13; has eternal life. He will not be judged, but has
Romans 5:8, etc. already passed from death to life.” (TEV).

3 THE GREATEST Selected Bible John 1:12 “Yet to all who received Him, to those
GIFT OF ALL References who believed in His name, He gave the right to
become children of God”. (TEV)

4 RECIPE FOR Mark 1:35, I Peter I Peter 2:2 “Like newborn babies, crave pure spiri-
SPIRITUAL 2:2-3, Col. 3:23, etc tual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your sal-
GROWTH vation.” (TEV)


Aim: That the learner will realize how sin entered the world and affected the whole creation.
Scripture Texts: Selected Bible references

Memory Verse: Romans 5:12 “Sin came into the world through one man, and his sin brought death
with it. As a result, death has spread to the whole human race because everyone has
sinned” (TEV).

Pray for God’s anointing on your first follow-up ministry with the new believer.
Memorize Romans 5:12
Use a Bible translation that is easy to be understood by your learner (example: TEV).
1. Write your brief personal testimony to be shared at the Entrance portion. It must
include these three essential facts:
a. Your life before receiving eternal life through Jesus
Christ. b. How you received eternal life.
c. What eternal life means to you now.
2. Write the memory verse in a 1/2 sheet of paper and give to your learner as an assign-
ment to memorize.
3. Provide a piece of paper for your learner to write on during the Performance portion.
4. Reminder: This is your first follow-up lesson material to use for a new believer
in a one-on-one nurturing ministry. A once a week regular meeting is recom-
Session Time
(One on One)

(Start this first session with greetings. Have time to know more about your learner).
1. State the purpose of your visit. Say, “Hello. I am . I learned through my pastor (or any-
one who referred you to this person) that you had attended (give the occa-
sion like church service, evangelistic meeting, etc.) I also learned that you had expressed
your interest to know more about Jesus. This is why I am here, to be a friend to you and to
help you know about your new life in Christ.

2. Ask for permission: Say, “May I share with you how I came to know Jesus personally? (Present
your testimony briefly, following the basic outline given above.)

Transition Sentence: You too can know more about Jesus and the free gift of eternal
life, if you would give me at least 30 minutes to talk with you about it. (Thank your
learner if
he/she consents.)

1. Say: Let us turn to the Word of God in Genesis 1 to know more about God. (Let the learner read.
Provide a Bible for your learner if he/she doesn’t own one).

2. Ask: Who is God according to Genesis 1:1?
Expected answers:
a. God is the creator of everything. v. 1

b. He created everything good v. 10,18, 21, 25 & 31.

3. Ask: Who is man according to Genesis 1:26?

Expected answer: Man was created by God – He created him in His own image.

Say: In the beginning, God created everything good and He created man as a perfect, excel-
lent, and sinless being. Man’s life was wonderful, peaceful, and blissful.

4. Ask: What do you understand by the phrase “created in the image of God?” (Wait for your learner’s response,
appreciate the answer and give a short summary. See below.)

Notes to the Teacher: Man as ‘created in the image of God’ means that he is a person with power to think,
feel and decide; and has the capacity for moral choices and spiritual growth or decline. (Source:
Hebrew-Greek study Bible) This made man distinct from other creations.
a. Man is created special among the rest of God’s creation. God provided a home for man; the
Garden of Eden- (Gen. 2: 8) and gave man a responsibility to take care of it- (Gen. 2:15)
b. God can talk to man face to face because man was created in the image or likeness of God.
c. God created man as a moral and spiritual being. He has given man a free will to choose, and the ability to
have relationship with God his Creator, of which animals do not have the same privilege.
d. In Psalm 8:4-8, man is said to be crowned with glory and honor, the ruler of God’s creation.
That’s why some scholars said that “man is the crowning glory of God’s creation.”

5. Ask: What happened to man in Genesis Chapter 3:1-7? (Let the learner read the passage)
Expected answer: Man disobeyed God. He fell into sin.

6. Ask: What are the effects of sin as recorded in Gen. 3:14-19?

Expected answer: The serpent was cursed (v.14), so with the woman (v. 16), and the man.

7.Say: Genesis Chapter 3 tells us that man fell into sin. Adam and Eve dis-
obeyed the expressed command of God when they ate the fruit of the tree
that was forbidden to them. Because of that act of disobedience, sin came
into the world and along with it God’s judgments. (Read together the
memory verse for this lesson).
Read also Romans 3:23; 6:23.

Because of sin, man’s relationship with God was broken (see diagram). Guilt and shame had taken root in
man’s conscience and he/she cannot stand before the holy God. Sin has affected the whole human race
from then onward. Isaiah 64:6 says that man’s righteous acts (good works) are just like filthy rags in the
eyes of God.

8. Ask: What does sin do in man’s life? Read Isaiah 53:6; 1 Peter 2:25
Expected answer: Sin causes man to go astray, like wayward

9. Ask: How does sin spread or grow in a person’s life according to James 1:13-15?

Expected answer: Sin grows in a person’s life in the following four stages:
a. It starts with one’s own evil desire.
b. It drags you away from God and become en-
ticed. c. It conceives and gives birth to sin.
d. It gives birth to death.
God’s solution to the problem of Sin- Genesis 3:15

10. Ask: What is God’s promise in Genesis 3:15 concerning the solution to the problem of
sin? (Let the learner read the passage).

Say: In Genesis 3:15 we read the promise that the offspring of the woman would eventually
crush the serpent’s head (Satan). This refers to the coming of the woman’s offspring which is
the Lord Jesus Christ, defeating Satan on the cross of Calvary to bring salvation to mankind.
This is God’s solution to the problem of sin. Matt. 1:21 says “…He will save his people from
their sins.”

General Truth: We are all sinners and we cannot save ourselves, thus we need God’s provision for our
sin problem

1. Ask: What are some effects (consequences) of sin that we can observe today?
Possible Answers:
a. In nature: flood, global warming, food shortage, etc.
b. Moral lives of people: domestic abuse/violence, break down of families, immor-
ality, pornography, etc.
c. Social problems: Corruption, addiction, juvenile delinquency, poverty, etc.

2. Ask: What are some sinful acts that we can see all around us?
Possible answers: Greed, hunger for power, rebelliousness, immorality, violence,
lying, cheating, strife, murder, jealousy, etc.

3. Reflect: Why do you think these problems are prevalent in our society today?
Possible answers:
a. Satan, the old serpent, is still at work. He keeps on deceiving and enticing people to sin.
b. Passion, pleasure, and pride are still major incitements to sin.
c. Sinful men prefer darkness (living in sin) rather than coming to the light.

4. Reflect: Do you struggle with any of the above mentioned sinful acts in your own life? (refer to
Are there some areas in your life that you want Jesus to help you overcome
(Give time for the learner to think, no need to pressure him/her to share his/her
struggle with specific sins if he/she seems hesitant to do so).

1. Say: As you reflect on your new life in Christ, you realize that you will need constant help from
God in order to overcome sin and temptations that come your way. (Give your learner a
piece of paper.)


Here’s a piece of paper on which you can write a short prayer to Jesus, asking Him to help
you overcome a specific sin/sins in your life.

You can complete this sentence: “Lord Jesus, help me to…”

(Example: - Read / Study Your Word so I will not sin against You.
- Confess my sin of > lying, cheating, oppressing others, etc.
- Desire to know Your will and obey Your commands,
2. Ask your learner is he/she wants to read what he/she had written, then pray for your learner to
have victory over sin. [If he/she is not willing to read it aloud, pray just the same.]

3. Encourage your learner to memorize today’s memory verse. Make a follow up appointment
with your learner for the next lesson. (Lead in closing prayer).


Aim: That the learner will appropriate God’s provision for sin by trusting in Jesus Christ.
Key Scripture Texts: Selected Bible references: Isaiah 53:6; 1 Peter 2:25, Eph. 2:13; Romans 5:8, etc

Memory Verse: John 5:24 “I am telling you the truth: whoever hears my words and believes in
Him who sent me has eternal life. He will not be judged, but has already passed from
deathto life” (TEV).

Pray for continuing spiritual desire of your learner.
Memorize the verse John 5:24 to set an example to the new believer.
Bring your Bible always.
a. Bring pictures that portray various forms of social evils: e.g. illicit relationship,
cheating, criminal acts, etc. to use in the Significance Portion.
b. Familiarize yourself with the picture of the two pathways found at the last page
of this lesson, to be used in the Substance portion.
a) This is your second follow-up lesson in this series.
b) Look for a suitable place (free from disturbance) to have the 30 minutes of
learning time together.
c) Be willing to listen to the learner’s personal problems or needs.

Session Time
(One on One)
1. Tell this brief story about the bull frog male species. This story was shown in television some-
time ago.

By nature, bull frogs like to fight other bull frogs to win the ‘love’ of a female frog. But one
thing fascinating about bull frogs is their species knew by instinct how to free the endangered lives of tad-
poles enclosed in a mud pond. One bull frog, for instance, saw hundreds of tadpoles choking to death in
a pond that was drying up. The little ones were squirming in the mud in every direction looking for a
way-out. Using its hind legs, this one bull frog ploughed through the muddy pond to create a long
passageway. Through it, all the entrapped tadpoles were released to freedom to the nearby river. This is
the way how bull frogs preserved their generation. The bull frog helped the endangered tadpoles by
making a passageway out of the dangerous drying up mud pond.

Transition Sentence: Like the endangered tadpoles, we, too have a sure way-out from
the bondage of sin and death towards spiritual freedom in Christ.

1. Say: All human beings, just like you and me, want to be free, right? Today, we will learn how to
be free from the bondage of sin and death. We will turn to the Bible, the Word of God, to
help us understand more how we can attain this freedom.

2. Review Questions:
a. From our study last meeting, who has sinned?
Expected answer: Every one. All men. (Romans 3:23)

b. What does sin do in man’s life? Read Isaiah 53:6; 1 Peter 2:25
Expected answer: Like a sheep, sin caused man to go astray or be separated from God.

3. Ask: By his own efforts, can man remove the barrier of sin that separates him from God? (Read

Expected answer:
No, human efforts cannot remove the barrier of
sin. Why? (Allow the learner to respond before
you share this portion)

4. Say: Because all men have sinned (Rom. 3:23) and all have
inherited the fallen nature (Eph. 2:1- 3), man can-
not reach God on his own merit or effort. The heart
of man is filled with all kinds of conceivable evil,
mentioned in Romans 1:28-32. (Discuss these verses briefly). Sin is lite an ocean of
death engulfing a desperate man who is trying very hard to find a way out.

5. Ask: Will good works help remove the barrier of sin? Read Ephesians 2:8-9.
Expected answer: Good works cannot remove the sin barrier. No one in all the world
can remove the barrier of sin that separates man from God.
6. Ask: Who then can remove the barrier of sin?
Read Ephesians 2:13; Romans 5:8

Expected answer: The Bible says that Jesus is the One and
Only person who can remove the barrier of sin. He did this
when He paid the penalty of our sins on the cross. He demon-
strated His love for us by dying on our behalf. (John
3:16, I John 4:9,10.)

7. Ask the learner to read 1 John 1:6-7, and then examine

the picture shown on the last page:

Say: There are two pathways illustrated here: the broad way that leads to hell –and the
narrow way that leads to heaven. The broad way – an evil and world full of sin and dark-
ness ruled
by Satan - leads to destruction or death. On the other hand, there is a way that leads to
eternal life. This way is made available for those who choose to receive Jesus in their
lives and turn away from their sin. All of us must have a personal decision which way
we should walk, and whichever way we choose now, it has an eternal consequence.

8. Ask: What have you learned today about true freedom from sin and its consequence?

General Truth: Jesus Christ is the ONLY WAY OUT from sin to spiritual freedom.

1. Show the pictures you prepared which portray various forms of evils in the world. Ask for
your learner’s reaction. (Wait for personal reactions and insights from your learner)

2. Ask: Why are many people today still under the bondage of sin?
Expected answer: Because they have not chosen the way to freedom in Christ.

3. Ask: How does this truth (our freedom in Jesus Christ) make a difference in your life now?
(Give time for the learner to reflect and then ask him/ her to share)

1. Ask: Have you ever made this personal decision to turn away from sin and follow Jesus Christ?
(If the learner says yes, ask him/her how/when he/she received Jesus as his/her personal Sav-
ior. If the learner is not sure, or does not remember making such a decision, explain briefly
the gospel again and ask him/her to pray the prayer of acceptance.)

2. Lead the learner in prayer - either to accept Jesus as his/her personal Saviour, or to ask God
to continually bless and safeguard his/her commitment to follow the pathway of right-

3. End this study in prayer and make an appointment for the next meeting.




Aim: That the learner will sincerely respond and receive Jesus’ gift of eternal life.
Key Scripture Texts: Selected Bible references

Memory Verse: John 1:12 “Yet to all who received Him, to those who be-
lieved in His name, He gave the right to become children of

Pray for your learner to have wisdom, understanding, and willingness to listen.
Memorize the verse in John 1:12.
Bring your Bible always when you do follow-up ministry.
1. Prepare a nicely wrapped gift, to be used in the Entrance Portion.
2. Write in strips of manila paper (or bond paper) the four headings of the four (4) nec-
essary steps needed to receive the gift of eternal life in the Substance Portion.
3. Familiarize yourself with the picture at the last page – about ways of growing spiritually
to be used in the Performance Portion.

Reminder: As a teacher of new believers—you should posses the quality of being a F-A-S-T
teacher. (FAST is acronym for Faithful, Available, Self-Sacrificing, and Teachable.)
Session Time
(One on one)
1. Show the wrapped gift you prepared to your learner and talk about it.

Say: To receive a gift is really exciting, isn’t it? When I receive a beautifully wrapped gift, I
could hardly wait to see what is inside. I also think that someone has paid a great price for it
so I can freely enjoy it. Do you like receiving gifts too? (Wait for response).

2. Ask: When do we usually give or receive a gift?

Expected answer:
- On special occasions - our birthday, graduation/promotion day, Christmas, Valentine, etc.
- When someone wants to encourage us or show us appreciation.
- Others

3. Ask: When was the last time you received a gift from somebody? (Let your learner respond.)

4. Ask: What two options does a person have when someone gives him/her
a gift?

Answer: Either to accept the gift or reject it.

Transition Sentence: Today, we will talk about the greatest gift that
one can ever receive, given by the Greatest Person who ever


1. Review: Let’s have a brief review of our previous two lessons thus far: In the first lesson, we
have learned how sin entered the world and affected everything in it. In the second lesson,
we learned that Jesus alone can remove the barrier of sin that separates us from God.

2. Say: In our lesson today, we will learn about the greatest gift that we can ever receive through the
Lord Jesus Christ. And we will also learn how one can receive this gift.

First : The Part of GOD the Father

Ask: According to John 3:16 (read together), What did God do for this sinful world?
Expected Answer: He loved the world, so much so that He gave His one and only
Son—to save man from sin.
Second: The Part of JESUS, God’s Only Son

Ask: What did Jesus do for us? (Ask the learner to read the following passages
(a) I Peter 2:24 “He bore our sins” (Past tense).
(b) I Cor. 15:3,4 “He paid the penalty of sin”.
(c) John 19:30 “He cried, I have done it!” Our redemption is complete.
(d) 1John 5:13- He gives us eternal life.

Say: Jesus’ purpose in coming to earth was to take away the penalty of sin. When He accom-
plished His purpose, He said, “It is finished!” Thus, through His death, the barrier of
sin was broken that we might receive life; eternal life through the Lord Jesus.

Third : The Part of Man

Ask: How should we respond to what God has done for us? (Lecture this portion):

Say: There are four necessary steps to do as our part in order to receive the gift of eternal life :
(Tuck the strips of manila paper where you wrote these steps either on the board or on the
wall. Tuck one strip at a time as you talk about each step. )

a. Transfer your trust. From whatever you have trusted in the past for your sal-
vation, transfer your trust in what Jesus has done for you. His death on the cross
is enough for your salvation.
b. Accept Jesus as your only Savior. Invite Him to come into your life. (Rev. 3:20).
c. Ask Jesus to be your Lord. Give Him the “driver seat” of your life (to control and
direct your life), not the “back seat,”.
d Repent of your sin. Turn “90 degrees” away from sin and turn to Jesus for
your salvation.

3. Ask: What is the greatest discovery you’ve learned today about Jesus?

General Truth: Jesus Christ offers us the greatest gift of all - eternal life!



1. Say: From what we have studied today, can you name again the four necessary steps in
order to receive the gift of eternal life? (Remember the acronym T-A-A-R)
Expected Answers:
a. Transfer trust to Jesus.
b. Accept Jesus as Savior.
c. Ask Jesus as Lord.
d. Repent of sin.

2. Ask: How do most people today respond to God’s offer of eternal life?
Possible answers:
a. Some people reject it or put it aside. “I don’t want it.”
b. Some people belittle it. “I don’t believe it.”
c. Some people joyfully accept it. “I believe it! I want it”

1. Ask: How did you react or respond when you first heard about this offer? Have you received the
gift of eternal life that Jesus offers to you? (If the learner already received the gift of eternal
life; you can just go through these steps again so he/she will understand the commitment
that he/she made.)

2. Say: Let me emphasize again how you can appropriate God’s gift of eternal life for yourself:

a. First: You need to transfer your trust in Jesus as the only person who can set you
free from sin and who can give you eternal life.
b. Second: You need to accept Jesus as your Savior.
c. Third: You need to ask Him to be the Lord of your life.
d. Fourth: You need to repent of your sins and accept the gift of eternal life.

If you are not sure that you have done this before, you can do it right now. Jesus said… “he who
believes in me has eternal life” (John 6:47). If this is what you desire, I can lead you in prayer
right now. Please follow after me as I pray and make this prayer your prayer. I prayed this kind
of prayer long time ago when I asked Him to come into my life too.

“Lord Jesus I know I am a sinner. Thank you for loving me. I believe You with all my
heart and mind. I now would like to put my trust in You as the only Person who can set
me free from the bondage of sin.

Lord Jesus, I now invite You to come into my life and accept You as my Savior. I also ask
You to take control of my whole being and be my Lord and my Master. I repent of all my
sins and by faith I now receive the gift of eternal life. I also renounce any form of evil and
bondages that
entangles me and accept the freedom in Christ alone. Thank You for saving me and giving me
the gift of eternal life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

3. Thank your learner for praying the prayer of acceptance, and affirm/confirm
him/her commitment as follows:


Word of Confirmation:

Say: Congratulations! Today is your Spiritual Birthday! Welcome to the Family of God!
Quote 2 Cor. 5:17: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;
the old has gone, the new hascome.”
Say: According to this verse, you are now a new creation. The memory verse for this lesson is
another verse that confirms your new relationship with Him. Let us recite our memory
verse together.

Ask: What does the verse say about your new relationship with God? Yes, you are now a child of

Lead in simple prayer as suggested below:

“Lord Jesus, today is the spiritual birthday of (mention name), a day to

remember always. By faith, he/she received you as Savior and Lord. Thank You for the free
gift of eternal life that You have given him/her. I do pray that You bless him/her, protect
him/her and that he/she will continue to grow in You. In Jesus’ name, amen!

Show and explain to the learner the picture of the spiritual growth process. Encourage him/her to
continue studying the Word because it is the only way to grow in this new life in Christ.



Lesson 4

Aim: That the learner will continually desire to grow spiritually through the Word of God.
Scripture Text: Selected Bible references: Mark 1:35, I Peter 2:2-3, Col. 3:23, etc

Memory Verse: I Peter 2:2 “Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you
may grow up in your salvation.” (TEV)

Pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance as you teach this lesson.
Memorize the verse 1 Peter 2:2. Review also the previous three memory verses.
Bring your Bible, notebook and pen always.
a. Photocopy the “Low Cholesterol Diet” list from the Department of Health to be used
for the Entrance portion. (See last page of this lesson)
b. Write the Bible references for the five vital nutrients in a ¼ sheet of paper for
your learner to read during the Substance portion.
c. Photocopy the pictures of the cup & the growing plant for Performance
portion, found at the last page of this lesson.

Session Time
(One on One)
1. Give your learner the photocopied list of ‘low cholesterol diet’. Explain that this is obtained from
the Department of Health (DOH). Give time for the learner to read it.

2. Ask: What do you think are the benefits we can get if we follow this diet as prescribed by the
Possible answers: a. We’ll have a healthier body.
b. We’ll be more conscious of the kind of food we eat.
c. We won’t need to see a doctor often.

Transition Sentence: Today we are going to learn the vital spiritual diet which is
very necessary to become a growing, healthy child of God.

Say: Our “menu” for today is the five vital food components needed for our spiritual growth. (Give
the Bible references you’ve written on the ¼ sheet pad paper to your learner and request
him/her to read it aloud). These five components are:

1. The Word of God (Read the Bible everyday) - (Ask learner to read I Peter 2:2-3)
Say: We must desire the “pure spiritual milk” (the Word of God) to be nourished,
strengthened, and to become healthy. Read God’s Word daily. Here’s how to do it:
a) Look for a promise verse you can claim.
b) Find an example to follow.

c) Choose a verse to think about and apply it in your life each day.

2. Prayer (Pray everyday) - (Ask learner to read Mark 1:35)

Say: Jesus Himself has given us an example. Begin your day with prayer. Talk to God
about anything, anytime, anywhere. Prayer is an expression of our dependency on God
for our
daily provision, protection, guidance and spiritual growth. We talk to God through prayer,
and He also talks to us through His Word, the Bible. He listens to us when we pray and He
answers our prayers. However, there are times when God does not grant immediately what
we asked for. There are reasons for this. The Bible reveals:
a. The presence of sin in our hearts hinders God’s answer (Psalm 66:18).
b. When we ask with a wrong motive, God will not answer. (James 4:2b, 3).
3. Worship (Participate in church worship) – (Ask learner to read Hebrews 10:25)
Say: The Bible describes the church as a BODY, with Jesus Christ as its head, and we -
as believers - are parts of that spiritual body. All members of the body do not have
the same function. (Romans 12:4-5). But as a body, we need to function as a team.
Notes to the Teacher: A good illustration to this is a basketball game. In playing basketball, the whole team plays
together and each member is expected to observe teamwork. If the team has no teamwork, they will eventually lose
the game. In the same way, as a child of God, it’s important to know that we belong to a team which is the
Church. Another illustration of the church as a body of Christ is a family. We belong to the family of God and we
are all brothers and sisters, thus we need to support and love one another.

Say: As members of Christ’s body or God’s family, we must participate in corporate worship:
a. To praise God for His love and goodness to us.
b. To show openly that we belong to Him.
c. To meet with other members to worship & pray together.

If a piece of burning wood is taken away from the bonfire, the fire will eventu-
ally die out. In the same way, if you stay away from the church fellowship,
your love for Christ will soon grow cold and eventually die. Being a part of a
Bible-believing church is important in our spiritual growth. We cannot grow in
our spiritual life apart from the nurture and fellowship of the church.

4. Active Service (Active involvement in ministry)- (Ask learner to read Colossians 3:23).
Say: Active service is another important component for spiritual growth. As a
Christian, we have to serve and please God! You can serve God in these areas:

a At home— show the difference in your new life by being helpful, patient, kind
and loving towards all members of the household.
b. At the work place — people surrounding you in your workplace will watch your life!
Be honest in all your dealings. Be ready to tell them what Christ
means to you. Be calm when your faith is being attacked.
c. At church— involve in active church ministries like visitation, Bible study, out-
reach, etc. You can also serve the church through your financial support (see
(Malachi 3:10; 2 Corinthians 9)


5. Witnessing (Tell others about Christ) – (Ask learner to read Matthew 5:6 & 1
Peter 3:15) Say: The world is in spiritual darkness because of sin. As a child of God, you
are now in the light because Jesus is the Light. Share to those who are still in darkness what
Jesus had done in
your life. Tell how Jesus loved them. With gentleness and respect, show them that Jesus is the
only way, the truth, and the life. (John 14:6).

6. Review / Ask: To summarize our lesson today, let us enumerate the five vital spiritual
food components necessary for our spiritual growth. Can you name them
again? Expected answers:
a. God’s Word- Feed on the Word of God regularly.
b. Prayer- Pray everyday.
c. Worship- Participate in church worship.
d. Active Service- Involve in the ministry of the church.
e. Witnessing- Tell others about Christ.

General Truth: The new life in Christ needs continuous nurture in order to grow strong and healthy.
(Emphasize on the memory verse and recite it together)
1. Ask: Why do you think many new Christians today are not conscientiously following these
five components for spiritual growth?
Possible answers:
a. Tight work schedule
b. Negative attitude in life
c. Too preoccupied with themselves or their own interests
d. Lots of temptation
e. Lack of interest for spiritual matters

2. Say: Looking back again at these five spiritual components for Christian growth, which of
these are you already doing at present - and which are the ones you have yet to do? (Give
time for the learner to reflect and encourage him/her to share. Pray for your learner’s de-

1. Ask: Which of these two pictures – a pot and a plant – would you rather be? Why?
(On the last page, show the picture of a pot without soil and a plant growing on the soil. Let
your learner decide which of the pictures he/she would rather be. After he/she has chosen
one, ask him/her to explain his/her choice).

2. Drive home the message. Say: A plant in a pot without soil cannot grow; but a plant planted on
the soil has roots and as it feeds on the nutrients in the soil, it will grow and mature.

3. Say: As new believers, we can be compared to a plant. The plant needs care, cultivation and nu-
trients so it will grow healthy.

For us to grow in our Christian life, we need to regularly fed on His Word and cultivate
our spiritual lives by doing the other spiritual essentials we have studied today. I am
strongly encouraging you to keep reading and studying His Word to ensure your con-
tinuous growth.



Congratulations! We have finished Book 1 of our Christian Growth study series. Would you
like to commit yourself to continue to know more about God and His Word? Then we can start
our study on Book 2 in this series.

(Ask for the commitment of your learner to continue on to the next series. Make an appoint-
ment to meet with him/her again for the next session).

4. Thank your learner and lead in closing prayer.


1 – DOH Food list

2 – Pot or Plant





INTEGRATE— The process of integrating the new believer into church membership.

Membership Class
Lesson on communion
Welcoming of the newly baptized believer into church family
Baptismal Instruction and Baptism
Integration Event


After a person is won to Christ One of the problems of many churches is how to convince the
and is born again, the next step that new converts to become members of a local church. It is for this reason
he/she should take is to get bap- that CAMACOP is providing prototypes of integration events that will serve
as strategic venue to help the new believers realize the importance of Bap-
tized and become a member of a
tism and Church Membership in their new-found life in Christ.
local congregation. How would you
convince the new convert to get It is important that an integration event accomplishes two pur-
baptized and become a member of poses:
a local church? The answer to this A. First, an integration event must help the new believer discover his/
question is - bring the new convert her new identity in Christ.
to an integration event. B. Second, a good integration event will bring the new believer into
realization that he/she cannot be a true DISCIPLE OF CHRIST
CONDUCTING AN INTEGRATION without getting baptized and being a part of a church family.
Conducting an Integration event Three types of Integration Events:
needs ample time of prayer and
Involve the leadership of your Description: This Integration event is a one-day event starting from 8
church in planning and espe- in the morning until 5 in the afternoon. This event can be
cially in choosing which of the held in a church or any location as long as the place is con-
types of integration event you ducive for a spiritual activity like this one and with a certain
would have in your church. degree of privacy.
Conduct a church-wide prayer
and fasting focusing on this Advantages:
event. A. Low budget
If possible, conduct the INTE- B. Easy access to venue (no need of sleeping quarters)
C. Minimal Manpower
GRATION EVENT first among
D, More people could attend
your members to let them ex-
perience the whole process Disadvantages:
before the actual event. A. Short time allotment for each session
Create teams to facilitate the B. Shorter sharing time
event. Study the preparation
guide on Page 43.
Involve as many of your CMT How to conduct this integration event?
leaders in the church. If you are 1. Preparation
giving them speaking assign- A. Pray for this event. Pray for the support of the whole
ments be sure you give them church. Pray also for the right persons to be tapped.
B. Sell the idea to the church leadership. The more the
the material at least 2 weeks
church’s leadership is involved the better.
before the event. C. Create teams to facilitate the event. You would need the

INTEGRATE— The process of integrating the new believer into church membership.

Membership Class
Lesson on communion
Welcoming of the newly baptized believer into church family
Baptismal Instruction and Baptism
Integration Event
Event Director (preferably the pastor)
He in-charge of the speakers and overall program
Physical/accommodation Team
Place for the retreat/Accommodation arrangements
Physical arrangement of the place
Sound/lights and other facilities
Food team
Food and snacks
Registration/ Certificates

2. Conduct the Bridge-Point Integration event

(Sound system, tables, chairs, LCD player or computer, TV or LCD projector, place for lunch, musical instru-
ments, screen, etc.)

8: 00 – 8: 30 REGISTRATION
(ID’s, registration form, registration fee, handouts, assign partners (as much as possible partners should be at
the -same age level)

8:30 – 9:00 WORSHIP

Welcome Pastor
Worship songs (2 -3 songs)
Opening Prayer
Opening Message Speaker
(Message 1-The Supremacy of Christ – Pages 32-33)
Song of Response Above all

9: 00 – 9: 30 ORIENTATION
The event director will give this orientation
All cell phones must be off
Names of partnering participants

9: 30 – 9: 40 BREAK

9: 40 – 10: 40 SPEAKER
20 minutes Message 2: Jesus Christ – our savior (Pages 34-36)
20 miniutes Steps to receiving and ministering Healing (Page 47)
The pastor or the event director explains and demonstrate this process.
20 minutes Ministry time Guide 1 (Pages 48-49)

10: 40 – 11: 20 SPEAKER

20 minutes Message 3: Jesus Christ – our sanctifier (Pages 37-38 )

INTEGRATE— The process of integrating the new believer into church membership.

Membership Class
Lesson on communion
Welcoming of the newly baptized believer into church family
Baptismal Instruction and Baptism
Integration Event

20 minutes Ministry time Guide 2 (Pages 48-49)

11: 20 – 12: 00 SPEAKER

20 minutes Message 4: Jesus Christ – our healer (Pages 39-41)
20 minutes Ministry time Guide 3
12: 00 – 12: 40 LUNCH

12: 40 – 1: 20 SPEAKER
20 minutes Message 5: Jesus Christ – Our coming King (Pages 42-43)
20 minutes Ministry Time Guide 4 (Pages 48-49)

1: 20 – 2: 00 CROSS
5 minutes Message 6: Jesus Christ lover of our soul (Page 44)
15 minutes Video (All participants kneeling)
5 Minutes Song: Jesus, Love you so much

2:00 – 2:40 SUBMISSION

20 minutes Message 7 : Baptism and Church membership (Pages 45-46)
(Message on Baptism and Church membership)
20 minutes Ministry time Guide 5 (Pages 48-49)

2:40 – 3: 10 BUCKLING UP
20 Minutes Instruction
(Instruction about the date, venue and other details of baptism will be given at this time.)
10 minutes Commitment form
( Participants will fill out the commitment form)

3:10 – 3: 30 BREAK


Participants will lay down at the foot of the cross what they have written during their ministry time. They will
recite the declaration before they nail their sin-lists to the cross. (Declaration: Page 44 bottom)

4: 00 – 4: 30 GRADUATION
Giving of certificates (Certificate Sample: Page 49)
Prayer of blessing (the pastor, together with the elders will lay their hands on each participant and pronounce
blessing on everyone of them)


Announcement (Pastor announces baptism date. If possible the nearest Saturday to the bridge-point event)
Closing Song

INTEGRATE— The process of integrating the new believer into church membership.

Membership Class
Lesson on communion
Welcoming of the newly baptized believer into church family
Baptismal Instruction and Baptism
Integration Event

Activity/item/place Time Table (least pos- Person In charge Remarks

sible time before the
Message 1 speaker 1 month
Message 2 speaker 1 month
Message 3 speaker 1 month
Message 4 speaker 1 month
Message 5 speaker 1 month
Message 6 speaker 1 month
Message 7 speaker 1 month
Registration 3 weeks
Venue booking 2 months
Worship time 2 weeks
PowerPoint 2 weeks
Handouts 2 weeks
Certificates 2 weeks
Program print out 1 week
Commitment form 1 week
Declaration of freedom 1 week
Ministry time guides 1 week
IDs, 1 week
Venue preparation during the Event day
Food and snacks 1 week
Cross made of wood or Sty- 1 week
Worship leading 2 weeks
musicians 2 weeks
Music 2 weeks
Sound system 1 week
Musical Instruments 1 week
TV or LCD projector 1 week
DVD player or Laptop 1 week
Rides (if needed) 2 weeks



Integration Event
Message 1

Introduction: Who is Jesus Christ to you?

Some people say that Jesus was just a good man. Others say he was just a prophet. Some say he was
just a great teacher. In Mark 8: 28-29, Jesus asked his disciples “who do people say I am?” The disciples replied;
“Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, one of the prophets.”“But what about you?” he
asked. “Who do you say I am?” Peter answered, “You are the Messiah.”

Who is Christ to you?

Do you know that Jesus claimed to be eternal? In John 8: 58, Jesus claimed to be older than Abraham.
He said “before Abraham was even born, I am.” Jesus also claimed to be a great king greater than Solomon. In
Matthew 12: 42 Jesus said: The queen of Sheba will also stand up against this generation on judgment day and
condemn it, for she came from a distant land to hear the wisdom of Solomon. Now, someone greater than Solo-
mon is here and you refuse to listen.

In Revelation 19: 16 we see Jesus as a triumphant King marching in victory followed by the armies of
heaven dressed in pure white linen. On his thigh were written these words: King of kings and Lord of lords

The bible says that Jesus is eternal, He is king of Kings and lord of Lords. He is God above all gods.

These verses show us that we serve a great God.

Let us take a look at Hebrews 1:1-4 and see more of what the bible is saying about our Lord Jesus Christ.

1 In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2 but in
these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he
made the universe. 3 The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining
all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Maj-
esty in heaven. 4 So he became as much superior to the angels as the name he has inherited is superior to theirs.

I – First we see in this passage the supremacy of our Lord Jesus Christ over the former ways of revelation.
This passage does not in any way demean the value of the laws and the prophets through which God has
spoken to his people in the days of old. What this passage wants to show us is the supremacy of Christ over these
forms of revelation.

In this we can say that...

The law and the prophets point God’s people to the truth, in the new revelation Jesus said He is the truth.
The Law and the prophets point God’s people to the light, in the new revelation Jesus said He is the light.
The former revelation dimly and partially revealed God’s plan of salvation to His people, in the new
revelation Jesus came to give his life as a ransom so that salvation may be available to all men.
The bible says that Jesus is the final and complete revelation of God Himself and the fulfillment of the law.


Hebrews 1: 3 emphatically declared that the Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact represen-
tation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word.

Praise God for revealing Himself and His plan of salvation to us through His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

II – Second, we see in this passage Jesus’ supremacy over all creations

The advancement of science and technology today allow us to see the many wonders of the universe
never seen by the naked eye before. The planets, the stars, the galaxies and the boundless and unending array
of the vast expanse.
The universe as a whole in its beauty and grandeur, is an awesome display of a powerful and infinite creator.
Who created the universe? Whose powerful hand fashioned all these things?

The bible says, Jesus is the creator of all things. He fashioned all things by the power of His word. In
Colossians 1: 16 Paul said: 16 For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and in-
visible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.

Jesus is also heir of all things. Not only that the universe was created by Him and through Him, the uni-
verse was also created FOR HIM. This is what it means when the bible said ‘Jesus is the heir of all things.’

Our passage also tells us that Jesus is the sustainer of all things. He sustains everything by His power-
ful word. I can’t imagine what power that is that sustains the whole universe simply by the power of His Word.

So, the Bible clearly tells us that Jesus did not have His beginning at Bethlehem when he was born
there as a baby. He was present when the universe was created. In fact He is the Creator of all things. Because
Jesus is the creator of all things, we can fully depend on him. What a wonderful truth it is to know that the God
who holds the universe in His hands is also the one who holds us in the hallow of His loving hands.

There is an old song entitled HOW BIG IS GOD. This song speaks of both the greatness and nearness
of God in Jesus Christ. Here is the lyric of the chorus of the song:

How big is God? How big and wide his vast domain
To try to tell these lips can only start
He is big enough to rule the mighty universe
Yet small enough to live within my heart

This great God who created, rule and sustain the universe is the God who lives in us. Isn’t that amazing
and heartwarming?

III – Third, we see Jesus’ supremacy over angels.

Angels are great being. They are powerful. One angel alone can defeat a great army of many nations. They
are God’s messengers and they are extremely powerful. They are God’s servants. Yet in the book of Revela-
tion we are told of thousands upon thousands of angelic hosts surrounding and encircling the throne, exalting
the lamb. All these angels sing glory to the lamb that was slain, the Lord Jesus Christ.


Jesus is superior than angels in name for Jesus was given the name above every name. In the name of Je-
sus, every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that He is Lord of all.

Jesus is superior than angels in Glory because Jesus is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representa-
tion of God’s being.

Many of us have seen many great spectacles and marvelous scenes. Some of us have watched the glor-
ous openings of sport events or the grand celebration of New Year and other special occasions.

During this time, fireworks displays and the grand presentations exude a glorious spectacle that all who
sees it are awed and wowed for minutes or even hours. But one day we will see the splendor of our King.
For the Lord will come in great splendor and majesty. The whole earth will see His glory.

Jesus is superior than angels in Love because Jesus gave his life for the ransom of men.

Because of Christ’s love, he took off his kingly crown and came to die on the cross for the salvation of all
men. Our passage mentioned this by telling us that JESUS PROVIDED THE PURIFICATION OF OUR SINS.
Take note the purification of our sins is already provided. It is PAST TENSE. It is already done. THAT
WORLD. Our purification is already a done deal. It is final.

Imagine this great King, the God who created and sustained all things leaving His throne and coming to
earth to save His people from sin and death.

Is there a person more supreme than our Lord Jesus Christ? Is there love greater than the love of

Knowing the supremacy and finality of Jesus Christ should bring us to our knees in worship and thanks-
giving. The words of Charles Wesley in this hymn aptly describe a fitting response to this wonderful truth we
have just learned today. The words of the hymn said:

Oh for a thousand tongues to sing my great redeemer’s praise

The glories of my God and King, the triumphs of His grace.

My gracious master and my God, assist me to proclaim

To spread through the earth abroad, the honors of thy name.

Jesus the names that charms our fears, that bids our sorrows cease
‘Tis music in the sinner’s ears, ’tis life and health and peace

He breaks the power of canceled sin, he sets the prisoner free

His blood can make the foulest clean, His blood availed for me

Glory to God and praise and love be ever, ever given

By saints below and saints above, the church in earth and heaven.

CHALLENGE: Let us therefore in everything and in every way put the highest value, give the highest respect,
the highest worship, the greatest love, the grandest service to our Lord and King, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Integration Event

I heard a story about a tourist who visited a church in Germany and was surprised to see the carved figure of a
lamb near the top of the church’s tower. He was curious so he asked why it was there and a man told him that during the
construction of the church, one of the workers fell from a scaffold several feet high. Immediately, the man’s fellow workers
rushed down, fearing they would find him dead below. But to their surprise and great amazement, the man was alive and
suffered only minor bruises.

How did the man survive? The workers found out that at the same time the man fell from the scaffold, a flock of
sheep was passing beneath the tower and the man landed on top of a lamb. The lamb cushioned the weight of the falling
man crushing it to death, but the man was saved.

To put a remembrance to that miraculous event, someone carved a figure of a lamb on the tower at the exact
height from which the workman fell.

Saved by a lamb is a fitting description of this man’s experience.

Do you know that Jesus is pictured in the scripture so many times as the Lamb of God?

In John 1: 29 John the Baptist referred to Jesus as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. When
John described Jesus as the Lamb of God, he was referring to a certain practice in the Jewish sacrificial system where in a
lamb is killed, its blood shed to commemorate God’s saving grace for His people in Egypt. This practice is traced back to
the time when the Israelites were in Egypt and Pharaoh would not let them go. God had sent nine plagues already and yet
the Pharaoh hardened his heart and keep God’s people from going out. On this tenth plague, God has instructed Moses
and AAron to tell the Israelites to prepare a lamb to be killed, its blood be applied on doorframes of every house of the peo-
ple of Israel so that when the angel of death passes by and sees the blood of the lamb, the angel of death would just pass
over that house, sparing that family from death of its first born of both people and animals.

One bible commentator aptly put it, “in that particular evening when the angel of death visited the houses in Egypt
there was either a dead lamb or a dead first born in each house.”

Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Jesus is the sacrificial Lamb that was slain so
that we can be saved from death.

What does this metaphor of salvation imply?

First it implies the worthiness of Christ to take away our sins. Jesus is God’s lamb. He is God’s provision for the salvation
of God’s people. In the instruction given to Moses and Aaron, God told them that the lamb to be killed must be without de-
fect. It must be pure and without blemish. I Peter 1: 18 and 19 says: “ For you know that it was not with perishable things
such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, but with
the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.” Jesus alone is able to save to us. There is no other way a
person can be saved except through Jesus Christ. In John 14: 6 Jesus himself said, “I am the way, the truth and the life, no
one comes to the Father except through me.” Acts 4: 11-12 declares “Jesus is
“‘the stone you builders rejected,
which has become the cornerstone.’[a]
12 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”

To the thief who was hanged on the cross with Jesus and who said to him, “Lord, remember me when you come
into your kingdom”, Jesus said, “today you will be with in paradise.” There is nothing in life of the thief to deserve mercy but
he received mercy.

Listen to the lyric of this song: It is entitled Mercy Saw Me.

Mercy Saw Me
Verse 1:
The years had left scars, the scars had left pain,
How could he recognize me, I wasn’t the same;
I knew I should pay and I knew the price,
For justice and law demanded my life.
But His tender heart heard my desp’rate cry,
And he saw my past through merciful eyes.

Beautiful, that’s how mercy saw me,
Though I was broken and so lost,
Mercy looked past all my faults;
The justice of God saw what I had done,
Mercy saw me through the Son,
Not what I was , but what I could be,
That’s how mercy saw me.

Verse 2:
Whatever you’ve done, you can’t go too far
That His eyes of mercy can’t see where you are;
He loves you too much to leave you alone,
You’re flesh of his flesh and bone of His bone.
And His heart cries out for your heart today,
Se yourself through His eyes and then you can say.


Sin had stolen my dignity and all my self esteem;
But I was made brand new again, when mercy looked at me.

Friends, the same hope Jesus is giving to all who put their trust in Him.

Second, the metaphor of Jesus as the Lamb of God implies the GRAVITY of the sin Jesus is saving us from. As
the lamb in the Passover had to be killed, its blood poured out and applied on the doorframes of the Israelites houses,
Jesus also had to die and shed his blood to save us.

Isaiah prophesied about Jesus’ suffering and death in Isaiah 53: 3– 5 saying: He was despised and rejected—a
man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief. We turned our backs on him and we turned the other way. He was de-
spised and we did not care. Yet it was our weaknesses he carried; it was our sorrows that weighed him down. And we
thought his troubles are a punishment from God , a punishment for his own sins. But he was pierced for our rebellion,
crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed.

Like a lamb that was slain during the Passover, Jesus was died for the sins not his own.

Why Jesus has to die? Jesus has to die because of our sin. Romans 6: 23 tells us that the payment for sin is
death. This is the reason why Jesus has to die. He went through horrible pain, suffering and death to pay the price of our
sins. Sin means breaking God’s law. It means offending God. Sin is rebellion against God. The bible says that all of us
have sinned and fell short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23).


Third, the metaphor of Jesus as the Lamb of God implies that an acceptable offering has been offered for the pay-
ment of sin. Jesus’ death was an acceptable sacrifice. It satisfies the justice of God. The price has been paid. Those who
believe in Jesus had been atoned for.

Here is a story entitled the DRAWBRIDGE KEEPER, adapted from Henry abbey’s poem bearing the same title:

There was once a bridge that spanned a large river. During most of the day, the bridge sat with its length running
up and down the river paralleled with the banks, allowing ships to pass through freely on both sides of the bridge. But at
certain times each day, a train would come along and the bridge would be turned sideways across the river, allowing the
train to cross it.

A switchman sat in a shack on one side of the river where he operated the controls to turn the bridge and lock into
place as the train crossed.

One evening as the switchman was waiting for the last train of the day to come, he looked off into the distance
through the dimming twilight and cause sight of the train lights. He stepped onto the control and waited until the train was
within a prescribed distance. Then he was to turn the bridge. He turned the bridge into position, but, to his horror, he found
the locking control did not work. If the bridge was not securely in position, it would cause the train to jump the track and go
crashing into the river. This would be a passenger train with many people aboard.

He left the bridge turned across the river and hurried across the bridge to the other side of the river, where there
was a lever switch he could hold to operate the lock manually.

He would have to hold the lever back firmly as the train crossed. He could hear the rumble of the train now, and
he took hold of the lever and leaned backwards to apply his weight to it, locking the bridge. He kept applying the pressure
to keep the mechanism locked. Many lives depended on this man's strength.

Then, coming across the bridge from the direction of his control shack, he heard a sound that made his blood run

"Daddy, where are you?" His four-year-old son was crossing the bridge to look for him. His first impulse was to
cry out to the child, "Run! Run!" But the train was too close; the tiny legs would never make it across the bridge in time.

The man almost left his lever to snatch up his son and carry him to safety. But he realized that he could not get
back to the lever in time if he saved his son.

Either many people on the train or his own son -- must die.

He took but a moment to make his decision. The train sped safely and swiftly on its way; and no one aboard was
even aware of the tiny broken body thrown mercilessly into the river by the rushing train. Nor were they aware of the pitiful
figure of the sobbing man, still clinging to the locking lever long after the train had passed. They did not see him walking
home more slowly that he had ever walked; to tell his wife how their son had brutally died.

Now, if you comprehend the emotions that went through this man's heart, you can begin to understand the feelings
of Our Father in Heaven when His only begotten Son is given to be THE LAMB OF GOD so that those who put their trust in
Him will be saved.

When John the Baptist saw Jesus he said: BEHOLD THE LAMB OF GOD WHO TAKES AWAY THE SINS OF



Bridge-Point Event

Introduction: Jesus did not only die for us to be saved but also lived for us so that we can follow the holy life that He lived
through the power of the Holy Spirit. “But just as He who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written:
‘Be holy, because I am holy.’” 1 Peter 1:15-16.

When we accepted Christ as our Savior, we become God’s children and are set apart for God’s purposes. This
process of being “SET APART” is called SANCTIFICATION. Sanctification simply means separated or set apart for God’s
holy purposes. Since you already have received Christ as your Savior, you are now saved and at the same time expected to
live a life characterized by obedience to God’s holy Word. We can live a sanctified life in Christ only if we allow the Holy
Spirit to take full control of our lives. 1 Corinthians 6: 10-11 Nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers
nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you
were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

Jesus is our SANCTIFIER, he is the one who makes us holy through the Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 1:2 To the
church of God in Corinth, to those sanctified in Christ Jesus and called to be his holy people, together with all
those everywhere who call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ—their Lord and ours.

Two major points we need to remember about our sanctification:

I – First, since we are now God’s children through Christ, we are called to leave behind the life of sin.
Sanctification is separation from sin. Although we are not at this time removed from the presence of sin, we, God’s
children are saved in Christ from the penalty and power of sin. The Holy Spirit is the one who empowers us to live the holy
life expected of us.

Two important thoughts we need to remember at this point:

A. We have the power to overcome sin. In other words, we can say no to every temptation and save ourselves from com-
mitting sinful acts. I Cor. 10: 13 The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is
faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a
way out so that you can endure (NLT). This means that living a holy life is not impossible. God has given us everything
we need to live the holy life God expected us to live.

Illustration: I guess one of the most difficult temptations to overcome ever recorded in the bible was the temptation faced by
Joseph while serving in Potiphar’s house. Three things that make Joseph’s temptation difficult:
1. His POSITION. Although Joseph was made in charge of Potiphar’s house, he was, in reality, a slave and was sub-
jected to his master’s command. Joseph could simply justify a sinful act with Mrs. Potiphar by citing his powerless-
ness over Mrs. Potiphar’s indecent proposal.
2. The daily PRODDING of Mrs. Potiphar asking Joseph to lay in bed with her. When temptations assail a person on a
daily basis, there is a greater chance for that person to fall into temptation. Mrs. Potiphar was relentless. She
prods Joseph day and night to give in to her malicious offer.
3. The PLEASURE that sexual sins offer. One of the most difficult temptations to overcome are sexual temptations
because of the pleasure it promises and the personal satisfaction it offers.
But in all these, Joseph did not sin. Joseph said NO to temptation and he came out clean. Like Joseph, you have the power
to say no temptation and live a holy life God expected you to live.

B. Sin will always have a consequence. God wants us to live holy lives so that we will not experience the dreadful conse-
quences of sin. David’s life is an example of how one sinful act could bring dreadful consequences to a person’s life.

What happens when a believer lives a sinful life?

1. He/she receives the natural consequences of sin. For example: when a Christian steals, the natural conse-
quence is that he/she would no longer be trusted and at worst, he/she would be jailed for the act of stealing.


2. He/she loses the effectiveness of his/her testimony. Sin takes away the power of our testimony.
3. He/she loses the joy that springs from one’s obedience to Christ. A Christian living in sin lives an unfulfilled and
unsatisfied life.
Transition: So, we said that since we are now saved and had become children of God, we need to leave behind the life of
sin and disobedience.

II – Secondly, as children of God, we are called to live a life of holiness.

Living a sanctified life means living a life that is holy and pleasing to God.
What does it mean to live a holy life glorifying to God?

A. First, to be holy is to live a life of obedience to God’s Word. When we obey God’s word, we live our lives according to
God’s set of rules and not according to the ways of the world. The bible here becomes the basis of our faith and
practice. This point implies two things:
1. It implies the need of knowing God’s word. Psalm 119:11 I have hidden your word in my heart that I might
not sin against you.
2. It implies the need of applying God’s Word in our lives.

B. Second, to be holy is to make God number one in our lives. To be Holy means to love God more than we love our
selves, others or the things of this world. Mark 12: 30 says: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and
with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’

To be holy is to be set apart for God which means living for God. Romans 12: 1 says: Therefore, I urge
you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleas-
ing to God—this is your true and proper worship. We make God number one in our lives when we surrender
everything to him.

C. Third, to be holy is to serve God willingly and gladly.

We are set apart for service. We are God priests called to serve Him and declare God’s praises. I Peter 2:9 says:
“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may
declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” All of us are equipped
and expected to serve. God is pleased when we willingly and gladly serve him.

Now we know that living a sanctified life is leaving behind the life of sin we once lived and live for God in love, obe-
dience and service.

A story was told about a house that was being sold for half the price if the buyer would agree on one thing: leave
the nail that is protruding at the house’s center post as property of the original owner. One buyer thought what a big dis-
count that is and agreed to buy the house. The man bought the house and enjoyed it but not for long. The former owner
who kept for himself the nail on the post would come and hung stinky dead animals on his nail at the center post of the
house and thus polluting the whole house with very foul odor. Since then, the new owner lived miserably because of one
nail he willingly gave out and surrendered control.

CHALLENGE: living a sanctified life means surrendering all to God. Do not leave out one un-surrendered nail for
Satan to gain a foothold in your life. Surrender everything to God and live a life that is holy and pleasing to God.

Remember: If you are a Christian you are empowered to live a holy life through Christ our sanctifier.


Jesus Christ Our Healer

Message 4
Integration Event

Introduction: Do you believe that Jesus still heals today?

We, members of CAMACOP believe that God still heals today and that Jesus is not only our Savior and
sanctifier, He is also our healer today. Here is our statement of faith regarding Jesus Christ our healer:

In His mercy, power and sovereign will, God can heal the sick. Provision was made in the atoning
death of Christ for the healing of the body. The anointing of the oil and praying for the sick by the elders of the
church, as set forth in James 5: 13-16, is to be practiced.

We the Alliance believe strongly believe that Jesus Christ is our healer even today.

Our text today is found Mark 2: 1-12, let us examine this text and discuss the setting, the story and
some lessons and insights we can draw from this passage.

First, let us take a look at the setting.

This event took place the day Jesus returned to Capernaum. Mark mentioned that the news of Jesus’
arrival at Capernaum spread like a wildfire that the house was packed with visitors in a short while. We remem-
ber that Capernaum was the place Jesus chose to stay when he left Nazareth as recorded in Matthew 4: 13.
The New Testament also noted that Peter and Andrew were both from Capernaum as well as James and John,
the sons of Zebedee and Matthew, the tax collector. Some scholars were thinking that maybe the house that
was mentioned here in our text was Peter’s house.

Now, let us imagine a scene. Let us imagine a house jam-packed with people that there is no more
room even outside the door. Jesus is inside the house preaching the Word of God.

Transition sentence: This is the scene we want to keep in mind as we move along with our story.

The story begins when a group of unnamed individuals marched into the house carrying with them a
friend who had been paralyzed. Since the house was packed with people and there was no way to see Jesus
through the door, the four individuals made their way to the roof and dug a hole through it. It is hard for us to
imagine what these friends did especially when our imagination limits us to the kind of houses we have here.
Let us not forget that the way the houses were structured in Jesus’ day provides access to the roof making what
was described here possible. In Acts 10 for example, we read that Peter was praying up on the roof. We can
just imagine the reactions of people when debris start falling from the roof as the men started to dig a hole.
When the hole was big enough, the men lowered their paralyzed friend on his mat through a rope and laid him
right in front of Jesus.

Mark tells us that Jesus saw the men’s faith and responded by pronouncing forgiveness for the para-
lyzed man and healed him instantly. Jesus said, “Stand up, pick up your mat and go home.” Immediately the
man was healed. The man jumped up, picked up his mat and walked through the stunned onlookers. The peo-
ple were greatly amazed and praised God, saying, “We’ve never seen anything like this before.”

Let us take a look at this story in a different perspective, by observing four different kinds of hands:

A. First is the “Needy hands” of the paralytic. Like the paralytic who desperately needs healing, a lot of people
today are physically sick and they need to be touched and healed. Some people are sick emotionally, suffer-
ing from various emotional wounds. Many of us here today may be suffering and are in pain caused by
wounds that others have inflicted on us. Many of us today have “Needy Hands” and desiring for God’s heal-
ing touch. What are your wounds that need healing today?

B. Second is the “Restricting hands” of the crowd. The paralytic and his friends could not pass through the door
to see Jesus because of the “Restricting Hands” of the crowd. Sometimes, receiving what we desire for re-
quires persistence and faith because of the many hindrances that push as away from Jesus. We may call
this struggles, difficulties, temptations or hindrances that seem to shut us off from receiving what God has
intended for us to receive. What are the hindrances that block you from receiving God’s best for you?

C. Third, the “Helping Hands” of the sick man’s friends. Jesus himself was impressed by the faith of the sick
man’s friends. They are willing to sacrifice. They persisted in spite of the many obstacles. They did not ‘call
it quits’ when the was closed for them and their sick friend. Instead, they found a way to bring to Jesus their
friend who was in great need. In our lives, God gives us people who, in many ways, give us helping hands in
our time of great need. Who are these people that the Lord has used to help you in your time of great need?
Thank the Lord for them.

D. Fourth, the “Healing Hands” of Jesus. In this story, we see Jesus first forgave the sick man of his sins and
then healed him. We see Jesus here as one who is concerned for the total healing and well being of the per-
son. The sick man was not only healed from his paralysis, he was also freed from the bondages that long
had bounded him. Jesus is indeed able to forgive people and heal them of their sicknesses. He is our
healer even today. If you let Him, he will touch and heal you today.

Transition sentence: Now, what are the spiritual lessons and insights we can draw from our passage today that
are beneficial for all of us?


What are the spiritual lessons and insights that we can draw from here?

A. First, we see the Practicality of faith.

Mark said that Jesus saw their faith. Faith is something visible. Some people think that faith is something
you cannot see. It is not physical and something that is not visible. But Mark said that Jesus saw their
faith. James said that faith without works is a dead faith (James 5: 15). This group of friends showed
their faith in Jesus. They believed that the only thing they need to do is to bring their sick friend to Jesus
and He will take care him.
Is your faith practical? Is your faith a living faith? What are the visible evidences of your faith in Jesus?

B. Second, we see the importance of faith in this healing experience. We can say that the sick man’s friends
have great faith because of their persistence and sacrifice in bringing their sick friend to Jesus. They
have one thing in mind, present their sick friend to Jesus and he will be healed. Mark said that Jesus
saw their faith and as a result, the sick man received forgiveness and healing. James 5: 15 says “And the


prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they
will be forgiven.” To receive healing, we need to have faith in Jesus. We need to believe that Jesus has
the power to heal us and deliver us from any bondage or sickness. You see, many of us have wounds that
need to be healed and bondages that need to be broken. Jesus can heal us today. What we need to do
is to put our trust in Him. Will you put your trust in Jesus today?

C. Third, we see Jesus having real concern for the needy.

For countless times in the Gospels, we see Jesus ministering to the poor and needy, meeting their every
need. Here, we see Jesus showing His love and concern to the paralytic. Jesus cared not only for the
paralytic’s physical needs but also, his spiritual needs. God cares for his people. In Psalm 23, God is
described as a good shepherd who cares for His sheep. He cares for the paralytic, He cares for us.

There is a hymn that aptly describes this character of God. The lyric of the hymn goes this way:
I would love to tell you what I think of Jesus
Since I found in Him a friend so strong & true;
I would tell you how He changed my life completely
He did something that no other friend could do.

No one ever cared for me like Jesus,

There’s no other friend so kind as He;
No one else could take the sin & darkness from me
O how much He cared for me!

Yes, Jesus cares. He cares for me and you. Jesus wants you healed. Jesus wants you free because He
cares for you.

D. Fourth, we see Jesus having the power to heal.

Jesus has the power to heal. He said to the paralytic “rise up, take up your mat and walk!” Instantly the
paralytic was healed and he did what Jesus said. Everyone who saw what happened was amazed of Je-
sus’ power and authority over sicknesses.

You can trust Jesus today. He has the power to heal you and set you free from bondages. Jesus is our
healer and He wants you to experience his healing power even today.

CHALLENGE: would you let Jesus’ healing hand touch you today?

ALTAR CALL: I would like to ask all of you who need God’s healing to come forward. Those of you who want to
be released from bondages that long had bound you. You may be hurting and shackled by the chain of UNFOR-
GIVENESS. Why don't’ you come and receive God’s healing today.

SONG: “I am the God that healeth thee”


Jesus Christ Our Coming King

Message 5
Integration Event

When we believed and accepted Christ into our lives he became our savior, which means that through Christ we
were brought back to a relationship with God (John 1: 12). We also learned in this meeting that Jesus is our sanctifier, the
one who empowers us for holy living. Indeed Jesus is our savior and the one who makes us holy. We also learned that Je-
sus is our healer. He heals us of our sicknesses and frees us from bondages. This time, we are going to examine the truth
about Jesus as our King and His imminent return to take us all of His children to be with Him for eternity.

Having Jesus as our King puts us into at least two privilege positions.

I—First, is that we automatically become his servants.

We are all servants of God our King. Every believer becomes God’s servants the moment they accepted Christ in
their lives as Savior, Lord and King. The New Testament calls this the priesthood of believers. Meaning, if you are a Chris-
tian, you are God priest expected to serve Him faithfully.

What do we need to know about the fact that we are God’s servants?

A. First, we need to know that all of us are called to serve. No one is exempted. Every one of us is expected to serve.
When Jesus became Lord of our lives it is automatic that all of us become God’s servants.
1. As servants, we are expected not only to be faithful but fruitful as well. Remember the servant that had one talent?
He was faithful in a sense that he did not squander or give the money away. The money was intact when the mas-
ter came. Why was he condemned then? The servant with one talent was condemned because he was not fruitful.
The master was angry with him because he did not invest the money. Is your life fruitful?
2. As servants we are expected to serve in Love. Our service to God is our response to God’s grace and love for us.
Anything we do for God must be done in love or else, according to Paul in 1 Corinthians 13, it will be useless and
worth nothing. Are you serving God today? Are you serving God because you love him?
3. As servants, we are called to be kingdom builders for our king. We need to advance the values of the kingdom.
We need to advance the agenda of our King, that is, His salvation be made known over all the earth.

B. Second, all of us are equipped to serve.

Every one of us is equipped to serve God. God has given us gifts and talents to be used in our service to Him. Every
Christian has at least one spiritual gift he can use to serve God. There are two things we need to do with our gifts:
1. We need to discover our gifts and develop it.
2. We need to use our gifts to serve in our area of giftedness.
You will know you are in the right place of ministry when you are EFFECTIVE and ENJOYING the ministry,

II—Second , when Christ becomes our King, not only that we become His servants, we also become heirs of His eternal

I remember a story about a father who left all his properties to his children before he died. To the eldest son, the
father gave the ranch, the farm, the farm equipments and the convenient store. To the second child, the father gave her the
house and hotel he owned. To the youngest son, the father gave him his favorite bible. The youngest son was upset of the
humble inheritance he received. In his anger, he threw the bible away and went to a far away land. He kept on thinking
why his father would not give him anything except the bible while his brother and sister got a big piece of the properties. He
remembered that his father loved him as much as he loved his brother and sister. One day he thought of going home to his
sister’s house and had a look at the bible his father gave him. To his surprise, inserted in one of the pages of the bible is the
authorization with his name on it to withdraw all of his father’s money deposited in the bank.

Some of us don’t have much to inherit but do you know that if you are a Christian you are an heir of not only a town

or city but of a kingdom, an eternal kingdom.

Romans 8: 17 Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share
in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.

III—Third, another aspect of Christ as our King is that the bible says, He is coming back to take us with Him.

Matthew 24: 1-51 tells us of several descriptions about Christ return.

A. First, our text says that Christ second coming will be preceded by signs. Jesus said that when we see these signs
being fulfilled, we can look up in anticipation of His imminent return (Luke 21: 28).

What are the signs of Christ’s second coming?

1. Wars and rumors of wars
2. False-christs and false prophets
3. Famine and pestilence
4. Persecutions of believers
5. Appearance of antichrist in the temple of Jerusalem
6. Global darkness
7. Preaching of the Gospel to all nations

B. Second, our text says that Christ second coming will be visible (Matt. 24: 27,30). People all over the world will see
Christ coming on the clouds with power and great glory.
C. Third, Christ second coming will be immediate. Like a thief in the night and in the twinkling of an eye.
D. Fourth, Christ second coming will be grand. It will be with power and great glory. Imagine how, in the midst of darkness,
lightning and great lights suddenly appear with Christ riding on the clouds surrounded by countless of His angels. Christ
is coming as a great King and it will be grand.
E. Fifth, Christ second coming will be a big surprise. People will be caught unaware.
Sixth, Christ second coming is certain. Jesus will certainly come to take His people with Him.

If Christ, who is our savior, sanctifier and healer will certainly come as Judge and King over all the earth, what does this text
tell us we should do in effect of Christ’s imminent return?

We need to be watchful and persevering (Verses 4, 13).

We need to Pray hard and be discerning (Verse 20)
We need to be faithful (Verses 45-51)
We need to passionately preach the Gospel to anyone and anywhere possible.

Challenge: Is Christ your King? If he is, then what are you doing in preparation of His return?

Remember our Identity in Christ:

Because Christ is our savior, sanctifier, healer and coming King we learned that …
We were saved and became God’s children
We were empowered for holy living through His sanctifying work
We received healing and freedom through Christ our healer
We became God’s priest and servants, heirs of the eternal kingdom, eagerly waiting for the return of our king.


Message 6 – The Cross

Integration Event

Do you know how much it cost Jesus to save you from Sin?

I remember a story about young boy named John. John was 8 years old and he barely makes it to school
each day. His father was an alcoholic. His mother died when he was three years old. Because of his father’s
problem, John was often left alone to fend for himself. He would often go to school without taking anything for
breakfast. John was obviously malnourished. John would often steal bread from the school canteen to fill-in his
empty stomach. John had a friend named Mark. Mark was 9 years old and he was a big boy. Mark was John’s
best and only friend. One day John was caught stealing and he was brought to the principal’s office. The princi-
pal was known to be rude and without mercy. There were boys that he had punished before that had landed in
hospitals because they were severely beaten. John had been warned before that the next time he is caught steal-
ing he would be paddled seven times as a corporal punishment. Mark rushed to the principal’s office when he
heard that his friend John was caught and will be punished. Mark felt great compassion for his friend John. Mark
asked the principal if he could take the punishment upon himself because his friend John was too weak to receive
it. The principal agreed and had Mark receive the punishment. While Mark receives the beating, John wrapped
his hand around his friend and the two cried together as Mark received the beating and the pain of the punishment
intended for John
Isaiah 53: 3 He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one
from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem.4 Surely he took up our pain
and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. 5 But he was
pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on
him, and by his wounds we are healed.

Jesus took the punishment upon himself so that all of us can go free and have all our sins paid for. NO

(May I request that all chairs be cleared and let us all kneel down with our hands stretched side ward as
we watch the video. Let us endure the pain and at least feel what Jesus felt when He was hanging on the cross.
As you do this, remember Jesus suffered because he loves you. He never gave up on you. )

WATCH THE VIDEO: the passion clip


Through the blood of Jesus Christ, I’ve been saved from the power and penalty
of sin and transferred from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light. I now live
by faith to be God’s light in this dark world. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Message 7 – Baptism and Church membership
Integration Event

Like a good soldier, God expects you to live in obedience to him so you will receive God’s blessings in full
measure. God’s desire is that you will experience the abundant life He came to give (John 10:10b).

There are two steps of commitments God wants you to do after this event. God wants you to be baptized
and to have a church family of your own. Let us take a look at baptism first.

BAPTISM is an ordinance or a command. Jesus commands all His followers to make disciples (believers
or followers), and then BAPTIZE and TEACH them. Matthew 28:18-20. Every believer must be baptized. Jesus,
though without sin, was baptized. His baptism was an act of identification with sinful humanity, and an example for
us to follow.
Some of us may have been baptized as a baby, but the baptism that Jesus exemplified for us is a baptism
of a young person or adult who has personally and consciously made a decision to be a follower of Jesus Christ,
and to obey His commands. A baby does not know nor understand Christ, how could he/she make a commitment
to follow Him?
Baptism is a ceremony wherein a believer shows publicly that he already has asked Christ’s forgiveness,
has decided to turn his/her back from all things that displease God, and has made Christ his/her Savior and Mas-
A. It is following the example of Jesus. As recorded in the first four books of the New Testament,
(Matthew, Mark, Luke and John), Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist in the river of Jordan. John, at first, re-
fused to baptize Jesus. He knew who Jesus was, and he did not consider himself worthy of baptizing the Son of
God. But Jesus told him that he must do it because it was a requirement that He (Jesus) be baptized. (Refer to
Matthew 3:13-15).
B. It is obeying Christ’s command. Before Jesus went to heaven, He commanded His disciples to baptize
those who would believe in Him. “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of
the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
And surely I am with you always to the very end of the age. Matthew 28:19-20

There are some religious groups or denominations that baptize by sprinkling water on the head of the one
being baptized. Others, such as many evangelical and born again groups, baptize by immersion, following the
example of Jesus Christ and the early church’s practice.
In baptism by immersion, a person’s whole body is completely under water. This is symbolic of what actu-
ally happens to a true disciple of Christ. Baptism is a picture of our salvation. Our old sinful self has been put to
death with Christ on the cross. Being immersed symbolizes that we have been buried with Christ and the coming
out of the water symbolizes being “raised up” into a new life with Christ.
When we submit to water baptism we demonstrate our love and dedication towards Christ. As we go
down the water, we identify ourselves with his death. Coming out of the water symbolizes our identification with
Christ’s resurrection.

A. Baptism does not take our sins away. It is only a symbol.


B. A person who submits himself to water baptism making Christ his Savior and Lord must live a new life. A life,
which is no longer characterized by sin but by the holiness and the love of Christ.

Now let us talk about CHURCH MEMBERSHIP. Why is it important for Christians to be a member of a
local church?

Ephesians 2:19, "You are a member of God's very own family and you belong in God's household with
every other Christian." There are four KEYWORDS we need to observe in this passage, these are; "member",
"family", "belong", "household". These are four key truths we need to understand.

The first is that the CHURCH IS A FAMILY. It did not say the church is like a family, it says the church is
God’s family. If you are a Christian you are a part of God’s family. The church is your spiritual family and this fam-
ily will even outlast your physical family. In Heaven, Christians will continue to be a family, a family of God.

Second, God wants you to be a member of a church family. Our text says, "You are a member of God's
very own family." You know what it says? It says that it's God's will that you become a member of a local church
family. It's not optional. It is something you need to do and to have. I can’t imagine what life would be to a Chris-
tian who does not belong to any church. It is like a basketball player without a team.

I want you to remember that when the word "church" is used in the Bible it's used two different ways. First it's
used to refer to all the believers who have ever lived in this planet. We call this the universal church. But the
other way the word "church" is used is to refer to a local group in a specific place. For example, the church at Ga-
latia and Philippi, are local churches. The word church here is used in a local sense. In fact, very few times that
the word church in the bible was used to mean the “universal church”. Almost every time you see the word
"church" in the Bible it's used to refer to a specific group of believers.

Once you became a Christian you are automatically become a part of the universal church of God. But member-
ship to a local church is different. You don't become a part of a local church family until you make that decision.
It's like when you were born physically, you were automatically entered as part of the human race. You didn't have
a choice. You became a part of the human race the moment you were born. But you didn't become a part of any
local family until somebody decided to embrace you and make you a part of the family.

You need to be a part of a local church family. You need to make a decision to become a member of a
local church. Do you know that there are over thirty commands in the Bible you cannot obey unless you are a part
of a local church?

So your next step now is to get baptized and be a part of God’s family.



“Therefore, confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed” (James
5: 16a)

IMPORTANCE: There are four points I want to emphasize as to the importance of this spiritual exercise:

A. When we do this process, we put a right price tag to sin. Every sin as an offense to God no matter how
small they are.
B. We acknowledge our responsibility to tell God we are sorry for the sin we have done.
C. Owning up our sins is an important part of the whole process to healing. In the scriptures, the confession of
our sin is not only imperative but also carries with it redemptive implication.

When we go through this process, we provide ourselves with a concrete POINT OF REFERENCE that
we can use against Satan’s accusations. Every time Satan would accuse us of the sins we already have dealt
with, we can always take this event as a point of reference.


Partner 1—Prayer: Heavenly father I have sinned against you. I have done what is evil in your sight. I now
confess my sin of (mention the sins you mentioned in your Ministry Time Guide) and I claim your forgiveness
through the blood of Jesus that was shed on the cross, over these sins in Jesus name, Amen.


Partner 2— PRAYER:
(Mention the name of your partner) God promised in His word that as you confessed and own up to your
sins, God’s forgiveness has been given to you. You are now forgiven and these sins (mention the sins listed in
the ministry guide) will no longer be counted against you anymore. You have been set free and these sins and
empowered to live victoriously for the glory of God.

Then partner 2 will do the receiving healing part and partner 1 will do the part of ministering


Take note that the new believers will be partnered with the members of the church. It is much better
if the new believer is paired with the person who shared with him/her the Gospel.


Jesus Christ our Savior

The bible says that it costs God His one and only son to pay the price of our sin. The intense suffering
and horrible death of Christ on the Cross show us the tremendous price of our rebellion, rejection and deliber-
ate inattention to God’s laws. Jesus Christ endured all the pain and gave His life to save us.


Check the areas you know you have rebelled and offended God
______deliberate disobedience ______ Horoscope
______ Rebellion against God ______ Occult involvement
______ Ungrateful spirit ______ Insult God by doing the things He hate
______Witchcraft ______Satanic rock group
_____Spirit of the coin ______Spirit of the glass
_____Consulting Shamans ______Psychic healing
_____ Hypnosis ______Palm reading

Share with your partner the result of your inventory

Proceed to the steps to healing and freedom guide and do the steps.


Jesus Christ our Sanctifier

The bible says that when Christ died on the cross, the veil in the temple that divides the holy place and
the most holy place was torn in two indicating that God has found a new place to dwell. I Corinthians 3: 16
affirms that God is no longer dwelling in the temple made by hands of men but by in the hearts of those who
put their trust in Christ. With our body as God’s temple, we are therefore, expected to live a pure, sanctified


Check the sinful acts, behavior and thought patterns that you have done or got involved with.
____ Lust ____ Homosexuality
____ Voyeurism ____Fantasies
____X -rated movies ____Pornography
____Masturbation ____Fornication
____Adultery ____Incest
____Rape ____Molestation
____ Abortion ____Seductive Actions

Share with your partner the result of your inventory

Proceed to the steps to healing and freedom guide and do the steps.

Jesus Christ our healer

The bible says that Jesus is our healer. He has the power to heal us from our physical sicknesses, emo-
tional wounds and hurts and even our bondages. Jesus wants to touch you and heal you today.

Come to the altar those of you who needs God’s healing touch today.

(The pastor will do altar call and have the elders of the church help in the anointing of oil to all who
come to the altar)


Jesus our coming King

When we acknowledge Christ as our King, we automatically put ourselves in a position of a servant. As Christ’s
servants, we are expected to serve God and promote kingdom values and fulfill the purposes He has set for
each one of us.


Check the particular involvement/non-involvement you may have done or been a part of that are not
pleasing to God.
______ Fear of service ____Obsessed with personal ambition
______ No time for God ____spiritual apathy
______ Not Doing evangelism ____Neglect of God’s Word
______Prayerlessness ____Unholy living

Share with your partner the result of your inventory

Proceed to the steps to healing and freedom guide and do the steps.


Baptism and Church Membership

After the instruction on baptism and church membership, the pastor will gather all the participants to
let them share their struggles regarding baptism and church membership. After the sharing time, the pastor
with team will pray for every participant.

Pray directly towards their fears. Rebuke it in the Name of Jesus.

Even those who seem to be without struggles need to be prayed for covering.


In response to God’s great love for me, I will love him back and obey His commands. I am convinced
that I must get baptized the soonest possible time. I believe that the Lord will cover me against every opposi-
tion and hindrance so that His perfect will be accomplished in my life.

Name ___________________________________________ Contact Number ______________________

Address ______________________________________________________________________________
Birthday __________________________________ Date I received Christ_________________________


Presents this

Certificate of Attendance


For his active participation in

the awesome experience and life-changing
Bridgepoint integration event - Batch 1
held at Assumption Socio-Educational Center
Zone II, Bo. Obrero, Lapaz, Iloilo City
on October 29, 2005

Given this 29th day of October in the Year

of our Lord Two Thousand and Five
at Iloilo City

Event Director Event Facilitator

Event Coordinator

INTEGRATE— The process of integrating the new believer into church membership.

Membership Class
Lesson on communion
Welcoming of the newly baptized believer into church family
Baptismal Instruction and Baptism
Integration Event

1. Weekend Integration Event
Take note that the General description: This event starts at 6:30 pm Friday and ends at 5 pm Sun
number of atten- day. The goal of this event is to inform the new believer of his/her identity
dance to the inte- in Christ and encourage him/her to make a decision for baptism and
gration event is church member ship.
dependent upon Advantages:
the number of con- A. In a weekend integration event, usually the venue gives way to several
verts your church is advantages already such us:
winning. (a) Privacy
Integration Events (b) Conduciveness for learning
must be pro- (c) Spiritually, emotionally and physically refreshing
grammed after a B. More time for the new believers to process the truths and the exer-
series of evangel- cises such as ministry and sharing time.
ism trainings in the C. More time for all the necessary topics and activities to cover.
church when many D. Quality time for the attendees
people are getting
converted. It is Disadvantages:
very helpful, how- A. Expensive
ever that you al- B. It is harder to get busy people to this event
ready have a C. More people are needed to help
schedule for the D. More difficult to find a place for the retreat
integration event
even while imple-
menting the WIN 2. 3-Hour Integration Event
portion of CAMA- General Description: This an abridged version of the 1-day Bridge-point Inte-
COP’S WIDER gration event. This designed for Saturday or Sunday afternoon integration event.
program. Having a
clear view of what Advantages:
to do next will help A. Low budget
the people get mo- B. Very minimal manpower
tivated for evangel- C. Easy access to venue
You may program Disadvantages
your Evangelism A. Very limited time
for the first 2 B. Low impact
months and then
the first Saturday of
the third month will
be your integration

INTEGRATE— The process of integrating the new believer into church membership.

Membership Class
Lesson on communion
Welcoming of the newly baptized believer into church family
Baptismal Instruction and Baptism
Integration Event


It is important that be- Baptismal Instruction

fore a new convert gets There are many ways to conduct a baptismal instruction. Here are two of
baptized, he/she attends a the many ways to conduct a baptismal instruction you can choose from in this ma-
baptismal instruction to be terial.
conducted by the pastor
who will officiate the bap- A. 1 to 2- hour baptismal instruction
tism or by someone the In this model, the new convert is simply given a short explanation about
pastor may assign. assurance of salvation, the meaning of baptism and why the believers need to be
Important matters to re- Advantage:
member in giving a baptis- 1. Instruction can be given during the time of baptism. No need to set a day
mal instruction: separate from the baptism schedule.
All candidates under- 2. Many of the new converts are very much eager to get baptized. A shorter in-
stand what baptism is struction is most appropriate in this situation.
and why are they sub-
mitting themselves to Disadvantage:
water baptism. 1. No more time to discuss for other matters of faith that a candidate for Baptism
Ask the candidates may ask.
how their families are
reacting to their deci- B. 7 Weeks lesson series leading to baptism
sion to get baptized In this instruction model, a new convert is ushered into a series of lessons
especially those with on the basics of faith. Topics like salvation, lordship, prayer, faith, church, commit-
unbelieving families. ment and baptism is discussed. Normally, it takes seven weeks to complete this
Knowing this gives the series of lessons.
pastor a picture on
some possibilities that Advantages:
the unbelieving families 1. A new convert gets a clearer view of the Christian faith before he commits him-
may do in response to self/herself to baptism.
the candidate’s deci- 2. Ample time for the candidate to think and evaluate his/her commitment to
sion. Christ before submitting to water baptism.
Orient the candidates 3. More time to deal with the new convert’s questions about the faith.
on what will happen 4. A more solid decision for baptism from candidates who have gone through a
during the baptism in- longer process like this one.
cluding their outfit.
Choir gowns are Disadvantages:
proven better and ap- 1. It is harder to get people to a long series like this. Some of the new converts
propriate than casual may decide not get baptized because of the long process of instruction.
dresses or t-shirts. 2. You need to have an appropriate material to cover the topics that could mean
more time to study and more expenses.
INTEGRATE— The process of integrating the new believer into church membership.

Membership Class
Lesson on communion
Welcoming of the newly baptized believer into church family
Baptismal Instruction and Baptism
Integration Event


It is important that new Here are few baptism service ideas you can adopt in your church’s baptism cere-
believers understand the im- mony or service:
portance of baptism and sub-
mit themselves to it in obedi- Baptism as part of the worship service (for churches with baptistery)
ence to Christ’s command.
For churches with baptistery and are holding their baptism ceremony as part of
Here are some insights on
how to facilitate the baptism of the worship service, do not rush up your baptism. Baptism ceremonies should be
new believers: special and must not be taken as an ordinary addendum to the service. Prepare a
Schedule your baptism short, yet special program. When you are baptizing 5 or more people, it is better to
as close to your integra- have a special baptism service. You can have it Sunday afternoon, If possible, can-
tion event as can be. cel all fellowships and meetings on that particular date and encourage every mem-
You can adopt the longer ber of the church to come and be a part of the Baptism service. If possible, prepare
version of baptismal in- a snack for the fellowship after the service.
struction to those who will
be won in the first few Special baptism service in a resort or a beach
weeks of evangelism. Some churches hold their baptism and worship service in a beach or a resort on
But those who are won
Sunday. This is a good idea because it makes the people excited and puts the
closer to the baptism
date, using the shorter whole church in a celebrative mode. During this event, it is good to have an evan-
version is practical and gelistic flavor on the Pastor’s message assuming that a lot of non-members may
handy. have joined the celebration. Making your service seeker-sensitive could be a good
Make your baptism a big idea. In this case, make baptism central in the whole worship celebration.
event. Baptism is a very
special Christian experi- Some ideas in making your baptism service special:
ence and should be given If possible, have the candidates’ family members attend the baptism service. It
special attention. Making is always good to have the whole family rejoice with a family member who de-
it grand and special cided to follow the Lord in water baptism.
makes everyone in the If possible, have all candidates give a short testimony. Their testimony could
church excited and look
greatly encourage others who are still undecided or reluctant to get baptized.
forward to it.
As a pastor, you don’t Prepare a special song. A special song for the candidates can make the whole
have to do all the prepa- ceremony more meaningful.
rations and work in mak-
ing your baptism day a
big day. You can assign WIN INTEGRATE
a team to do the planning Baptismal
and preparation. Just Sharing the Gospel Instruction and
make sure that it is clear and winning people Integration Baptism
to Christ Event
to them what you want to
accomplish and how they BAPTISM
should accomplish it.. Approximately One Day
2 Months One Day If possible, 1 week after the
Integration Event

INTEGRATE— The process of integrating the new believer into church membership.

Membership Class
Lesson on communion
Welcoming of the newly baptized believer into church family
Baptismal Instruction and Baptism
Integration Event


Equippers must take Welcoming of the newly baptized believer into the church family is another im-
portant step after the new believer is baptized. You may take note of the following sug-
note of the flow of events
gestion as you observe this step:
from WIN to INTEGRATE. Make it a special part of the worship service by Including it in the program and if pos-
You can allocate 2 months sible, announce it in the bulletin. It is good to have their names printed in the Sunday
for your church to be chal- bulletin.
lenged, trained and fielded Make sure the baptismal certificates are ready to be given out during this event.
for evangelism. The people If budget allows, prepare a gift for each of the newly baptized members to be given
that are won to the Lord as during the welcoming ceremony. An Old and New Testament bible is most appropri-
a result of the 2-month ate to be given out as a gift.
evangelism campaign will A special song may be prepared to this effect.
be ushered to a one-day
integration event. The next A 1-hour LESSON ON COMMUNION IS STRONLY SUGGESTED
event is baptismal instruc- CLASS.
tion and baptism.
After the new believer is
baptized, he/she is immedi- After the newly baptized believers were welcomed into church family, they need
ately welcomed to the to take the next step which Membership Class. What is the importance of a membership
church family. The next class?
step after this is member-
ship class. Membership class is important for the following reasons:

1. They need to know the major belief and distinctive of the church. This important as-
Our membership class
pect of church membership is discussed in the Membership Class. A new comer needs
can be conducted between to know what kind of church he/she is making himself/herself a part of. In our Member-
2 to three hours. You can ship Class, CAMACOP’s history, distinctive and other important matters regarding the
conduct this class on Sun- organization is discussed.
day afternoon or Saturday
evening depending on the 2. They need to know their responsibilities and privileges as part of a church family.
availability of most of those These things are covered in the Membership Class. It is important that the new believer
who need to attend. knows the privileges he/she is entitled to as a member of the church family and also his/
her responsibilities like faithfully attending the fellowship, supporting the church in prayer,
For the membership class tithes and giving, protecting the church through godly and proactive services.
you would need the follow-
3. They need to sign a membership covenant. The membership covenant is a commit-
ment every member of a local congregation must make. It is a commitment to help fulfill
Classroom the purposes of the church. It is also a commitment to promote good relationship within
Handout the church family and to support the church through tithes and offering and through
Copies of the covenant prayer.

(Adapted from Rick Warren’s Class 101)
One and a Half Hour Session
Preferably on a Sunday Afternoon

Welcome to our MEMBERSHIP CLASS. This course is our first step in knowing your church family. I'm Pastor
____, the senior pastor here. I am happy that you are here. This course is very important because it teaches us
about our church.

The basis of this class, on page 1, is Ephesians 2:19, "You are a member of God's very own family and you be-
long in God's household with every other Christian." Circle "member", "family", "belong", "household". These are
four key truths. Out of this verse we gather some very important keys about the Bible and what the Bible says
about the church.

The key truths are these:

1. The church is a family. It says "God's household". It doesn't say the church is like a family. It says the
church is a family. It's a spiritual family. In fact, your spiritual family is going to outlast your physical family. The
Bible says there isn't marriage in heaven but there are Christians in heaven. So we're all going to be related in
heaven -- together -- and this family will actually outlast the blood family that you have here on earth.

Some families are sick, some are strong, some are weak, some are small, some are big. The same is true with
church families. We're going to look at what makes a healthy church family.

2. God expects me to be a member of a family. Notice he says, "You are a member of God's very own family."
That says it's God's will. It's not optional. Every Christian needs a church family. A Christian without a church
family is like a person who says "I want to play Basketball but I don't want to be a part of any team" or "I want to be
in the army but not serve in any platoon" or "I want to be a bee but I don't want to be a part of the hive" or "I want
to play an instrument but not be in an orchestra." The fact is, we need each other to be strong in our Christian

3. A Christian without a church family is an orphan. It says, "You belong in God's household with every other
member of the church." Do you know that we have at least 30 instructions in the New Testament that we can't
fulfill unless we choose to be a part of a local church?

The Bible says, if you're a Christian, it means you're a part of the body of Christ. You could be the hand, the ear,
the eyes, the nose, the liver. What would you say if the liver said, "I think for one week I'll be a part of this body
over here and the next week I'll be a part of that body over there and the week after that I'll be a part of this body
over here..." Pretty soon what's going to happen is an unconnected liver shrivels up and dies. You need to be a
part of a local church family.

What's the difference between being a Christian and being a member of a church family? The difference is the
word "commitment". I become a Christian by committing my life to Christ. I become a member of a church
by committing myself to other Christians. I say, "That's going to be my church home where I'm going to give
and be given to, where I'm going to serve and be served, where I'll love and be loved."

What is it that makes a church family?


1. Our Salvation. What God has done for us

2. Our Statement. Why we exist as a church
3. Our Strategy. How we fulfill our purpose

In this class, we're going to discuss and explain in detail – what ____________ family is and how you can be a
part of this family.

First a little background on how ______________ got started.

(Share a brief history of your church)

Secondly, we need to know the vision, mission and core values of our church.
(Share about the vision, mission, core values and strategies of your church)

Sample: Mission Statement

NLCC exists to love God by worshipping and serving Him and to love people by bringing them to Christ
and discipling them to Christlike maturity through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Sample Core Values:

N- Need oriented Evangelism and Mission

E- Excellent, God-glorifying, Inspiring Worship Service
W-Wholistic, gift-oriented ministry

L- Loving and genuine relationship

I- Intentional small group based discipleship
F- Fervent, passionate prayer life
E- Empowered Servant Leadership

The FIVE PURPOSES of our Church:

1. To WIN people to Christ.
2. To INTEGRATE the new believers into church membership.
3. To DISCIPLE them to Christ-like maturity
4. To ENGAGE the believers to ministry and Church planting
5. To REJOICE together in worship

We are told to WIN people to Christ.

We call this Evangelism. Evangelism is "sharing the good news". Ephesians 3:10 "His (God's) intent was that
through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known." In other words, the purpose of the
church is to talk about God, talk about the incredible things He has done and the incredible person He is to make
known His wisdom to other people.

Romans 10:13-14 (Living Bible) "Anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved, but who can ask Him to
save them unless they believe in Him and how can they believe in Him if they have never heard about Him and
how can they hear about Him unless someone tells them." The point of the verse is that you can't know about
God unless somebody tells you. A great majority of people have somebody first tell them about Jesus Christ be-
fore they come to church. That's one of our purposes, to tell the good news of Jesus Christ.


Why do we need to win people?

1. Because God loves people. This is the most important reason of all. God loves people. He is our model. If
He loves people, we love because He does. 2 Peter 3:9 "The Lord is patient not wanting anyone to perish but
wants everyone to come to repentance." The fact is we believe that every single person in the world needs Jesus
Christ. Every single person needs to have a relationship with Him. If they don't they will spend eternity in hell.
Because we believe that it means that we are going to continue to reach out to every person in Iloilo. We feel the
responsibility to tell them about Jesus Christ. Because He loves them, we do too, so we will never stop growing.

2. Because God commands us to reach out. He says you are to reach out and tell people about Me. Luke 14:23,
Jesus talking, "Go out into the country and urge anyone you find to come in so that My house will be full." God
wants many people to join His family. Acts 1:8 Jesus again speaking, "You will be My witnesses." He doesn't say,
maybe, if you're having a good day and you're feeling ok about things you can be My witnesses. He just flat out
says, "You will be My witnesses." Because God loves people we will reach out and because He has commanded
us, we will reach out.

3. Because growth is God's will. It's His will that His church grows. Colossians 2:19 "Under Christ's control the
whole body is nourished and it grows as God wants it to grow." It is very clear, very straightforward God says He
wants His church to grow. Matthew 16:18 Jesus says, "I will build My church." God loves everybody. He wants us
to continue to reach out because He cares about them. He has said, You will do it if you are My disciples. You will
do what I told you. You will share your faith. Growing is His will.

We exist to INTEGRATE the new believers into Church membership

Everyone who has accepted Christ belong to his family. This is why we need to let the new believers know
that they cannot be a true disciple of Jesus without being a part of a local church. Christians are called to believe
and to belong. Christians must be a part of a local congregation.

We need to remember that when the word "church" is used in the Bible it's used two different ways. First it's
used to refer to every Christian who's ever lived throughout history. That's called the universal church. Every be-
liever all around the world regardless of the denominational label, regardless of whether they're in a church build-
ing or out, in a tent or a little hut or wherever around the world is part of the universal church.

But the other way the word "church" is used is to refer to a local group, a specific place. Like the church at
Corinth, the church that met in Lydia's home, the church that was on the hill or like our church here, __________
Alliance church. It's used in a local sense. It's only used four times in the Bible to refer to a general universal
sense. Almost every time you see the word "church" in the Bible it's used to refer to a specific group of believers
like we are here today.

Once you became a believer you are automatically a part of the universal church of God -- automatically, the
moment you gave your life to Christ. But you don't become a part of a local church until you make that choice. It's
like when you were born physically, you were automatically entered into the human race. You didn't have a choice.
You became a part of the human race the moment you were born. But you didn't become a part of any local fam-
ily until somebody chose to take you home from the hospital.

We exist to DISCIPLE the believers to maturity

Discipleship means helping believers grow spiritually. Hebrews 6:1 "Let us leave the elementary teachings
about Christ and go on to maturity." We know from experience that there is something more than just coming to


know Jesus Christ in a personal relationship. There's something more. The Bible says Christians need to grow
mature, becoming like Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 3:18 "Grow in grace and the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Ephesians 4:11-13 "God has given some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God's people for works of minis-
try, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all become mature like Christ."

We exist to ENGAGE in ministry and church planting

Part of our growing to maturity is service. We demonstrate our love for God by serving him. Likewise, we
demonstrate God’s love to people by meeting their needs through a ministry. Every Christian is called to serve.
That is why we call God Lord and make ourselves His servants. We are to serve God according to how God wired
or enable us. We call this S-H-A-P-E (S-spiritual gifts, H – heart or passion, A – abilities, P-personal style and E-

1 Corinthians 12:4-5,27 "Now God gives us many kinds of special abilities. There are different kinds of
service to God or ministry. All of you together form the one body of Christ and each of you is a separate and nec-
essary part of it." One of the favorite metaphors in the Bible for the church is a body. It's a great metaphor. Eve-
rybody's got a body so we can relate to this metaphor. Jesus is the head of the body. He is the one in charge. All
of us are the separate parts. Some people are the elbow, some are the knees, some are the eyes, the nose, the
big toe. Everybody's got a part in the body of Christ.

This has been such an incredible lesson to us, how important all of us in the body of Christ, in His church.
What we have to offer is something valuable. I know that probably some of you when you came to this church, I
bet at some point you looked around and said, "They don't need me here. What do I have to give? I can't sing
like Pastor ______. I can't play the piano like _____. I can't play any of those other instruments. I can't speak the
way brother ________ speaks. I can't teach children." You look at this church and you see the many ministries
and just think, "They don't need me here. They really don't need me here."

Nothing could be further from the truth than that my friend. We need every single one of you and each
one of you is vital and necessary. When you became a Christian, when you gave your life to Jesus Christ, He
gave you in return some kind of a gift, something that you could give back that would make such a difference in
His body.

As a church, we also would like to engage in Church Planting. We believe that the GREAT COM-
MISSION, the call to make disciples of all nations, cannot be accomplished without the local church. That is why
we need to plant churches in areas where there are no Christian churches so that we disciple people as God com-
manded us to do. As a church, we need to get involve in church planting and as God enables us, we will plant a
daughter church where in the people in that community can be reached and nurtured to become responsible disci-
ples of Christ.

We exist to REJOICE in worship

Worship is all encompassing in our ministry purposes because this is the very reason why we do all things. I
Corinthians 10:31 says: “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”

This is the number one priority of our church because it is the number one priority for our lives. We weren't
made or created to have great jobs or careers or grow beautiful gardens or to have fabulous hobbies. We were
made to have a relationship with God. We were made to have fellowship with Him. If that's what we were made
for that should be the number one purpose for our lives. That's the number one purpose for our church.


Worship is expressing my love to God. Matthew 4:10 says, "Worship the Lord, your God, and serve Him only."
A lot of Christians get real excited about serving God, real enthusiastic, but in the process they forget that they are
supposed to worship Him first. If you're not worshiping Him first, service gets old and wears you out. Start with wor-
shiping because that's why we exist. "The Father seeks worshipers and His worshipers must worship Him in spirit
and in truth." Have you noticed there is a lot of variety among churches?

That's why we exist. That's the purposes of our church.

Let's look quickly at the CAMACOP Statement of faith, this is what we believe and do. There are eleven differ-
ent essentials we say about God, about Jesus Christ, about the Holy Spirit, about the Bible, about the human be-
ings, about salvation, about security, about eternity. These are eleven major beliefs that if you're going to join our
church, you need to be in harmony with. These are things we need to agree on. These are things we believe are
essential. These are things we need to be united in thought and purpose on. In the essentials we must have unity, in
non-essentials liberty.

Here are some important beliefs we practice define us as a church and as members of CAMACOP. These are
the things we practice because beliefs don't really matter a whole lot unless they're actually translated into action.
These are some things we really believe and teach strongly.

1. Revelation and the Word of God. The Bible is God’s revelation, the Word of God. It is the ultimate author-
ity for faith and practice.

2. God. There is one true God existing in three persons, Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

3. Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is true God and man. He suffered as a substitutionary sacrifice to provide eter-
nal salvation for mankind. He was buried and on the third day He rose again and ascended into heaven where He is
now seated at God’s right hand, ruling over all things and interceding for us as Advocate and High Priest , until He
comes again to establish His kingdom upon earth.

4. The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a Divine Person , the Executive of the God head; the Comforter who in-
dwells, guides and empowers the believers for victorious living and effective service. He calls and keeps the church
in faith and holiness, and convicts the world concerning sin, righteousness and judgment.

5. Man’s Sin and Guilt. Man was created in the image and likeness of God; hence, he is of infinite worth and
dignity. Through disobedience, he fell into sin and incurred physical and spiritual death.

6. Salvation. Salvation is by grace through the redemption provided by the Lord Jesus Christ and received by
faith in Him. Upon repentance from sin and the exercise of faith in Christ, the believer is justified in God’s sight,
adopted into God’s household, born again, and united in Christ.

7. The Church. The church is the community of believers from all cultures, tribes and languages. It is called to
belong to Christ, to confess and proclaim His lordship among peoples. Thus the church is commissioned to: (1)
make disciples of all nations and integrate them into local congregations; (2) proclaim the uniqueness and finality of
Christ; (3) manifest God’s sovereign rule by proclaiming the Gospel through acts of justice, righteousness, mercy
and peace. The sacraments to be observed are Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
A.) Baptism symbolizes the believer’s identification with Christ in His death and resurrection, and expresses
his resolve to die to sin, self and the world and be loyal to Christ.


B.) The Lord’s Supper is a proclamation of the Lord’s death, a remembrance of the Lord, and a renewal
of commitment of the participants.

8. The Ministry. The whole church is commissioned to continue and fulfill the mission of Christ. All believers
serve God and their fellowmen in the church and in the world by the exercise of spiritual gifts and through their
earthly occupations and stations in life. Within the ministry of the people of God are those who are called and or-
dained to perform special functions like Gospel proclamation, shepherding, equipping the body of believers and
administration of the sacraments /ordinances.

9. Sanctification and Power for service. God wills the consecration and sanctification of all the believers,
thereby receiving power for holy living and effective service. Sanctification occurs after conversion , but it should
be a continuing and growing experience. The believer is also exhorted to seek the power of the Holy Spirit for

10. Divine Healing and health. In His mercy, power and sovereign will, God can heal the sick. Provision is
made in the atoning death of Christ for the healing of the body. The anointing with oil and praying for the sick by
the elders of the church, as set forth in James 5: 13-16, is to be practiced.

11. Christian Hope and the Life to Come. God will accomplish His eternal purpose in history and bring all
things to their consummation in Christ. In the end, Christ will come again personally and visibly to establish God’s
rule over all things. At His coming, God will call believers to eternal life and unbelievers will be judged for their
sins and suffer everlasting punishment.


The Christian & Missionary Alliance Churches of the Philippines (CAMACOP) is one of the largest
evangelical groups in the Philippines, which had originated from the Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA)-
USA. Its main thrust is to promote world-wide missions with teaching and practice of deeper life as integrated in
its core doctrine- stressing the role of Jesus Christ as our Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, and Coming King. It is rec-
ognized as sister organization of Alliance World Fellowship (AWF) and a member denomination of the Philippine
Council of Evangelical Churches (PCEC).

The first Protestant missionaries came to the Philippines in June 1901, and the Christian and Missionary
Alliance, per “Mission Comity Agreement”, was given Sulu Archipelago and Western Mindanao to occupy, includ-
ing Davao, Cotabato and Zamboanga. These were the most difficult areas to reach with the gospel then,
mostly among Muslim and animistic territories. Through the dedication and commitment of the early missionaries,
the gospel of Jesus Christ spread in Mindanao, it also reached Visayas and much later on, it has spread out
to Luzon.

CAMACOP was officially organized in 1947 with 13 charter member churches. It was duly registered as
a non-stock/non-profit organization with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in 1950 and as a non-
VAT institution with the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) in 1989. as of September 2010, CAMACOP has a total
of 3,000 local churches under 25 districts and commissions nationwide. The CAMACOP slogan, “The Alliance:
Doing the Mission Together”, implies its emphasis on holistic developmental ministries, with a strategy focused
on church planting here and abroad. The CAMACOP has been sending Filipino missionaries to different
countries in the world. It has several Bible schools, recognized church-based schools, and many other
educational training ministries for the preparation of leaders. (For more information about the CAMACOP
today, please log on to


What It Means To Be A Member. The difference between being an attendee and being a member can be
summed up in one word -- commitment. The difference between being an attendee at a church and being a mem-
ber is like the difference between living together and getting married. If you're just living together there's no commit-
ment; you can walk out at any moment. Marriage means you're committed for the duration.

Here in our church, we recognize the need for a formal membership. We ask you to commit to membership
in our church for four reasons.

1. A Biblical Reason. Christ is committed to the church and it shows obedience to what He is com-
mitted to. The Bible says, "Christ loved the church and gave His life for it."

Every once in a while I'll hear somebody say, "I like Jesus, I just don't like the church" or "I'm committed to
Christ but I don't want to be committed to any local church" or "I like Christ, I don't need the church".

Whenever I hear that, I know one thing: They are an incredibly immature believer. The more mature you
grow as a Christian, the more you're going to love the church. The Bible says the church is the bride of Christ and
the body of Christ. The Bible says Jesus died for the church. He gave His life for it. The more like Christ you be-
come, the more you're going to be willing to give your life for the church. It's not perfect but it's what Jesus died for.
If we're going to be like Christ, we'll be as committed to the church as He is.

2. A Cultural Reason. It is an antidote to our society. We live in an age where very few people
want to be committed to anything ... a job, a marriage, a church, a country. This attitude has produced a generation
of church shoppers and church hoppers. They hop around from one church to another every week. Commitment
always builds character.

3. A Practical Reason. It defines who can be counted on. Every team must have a roster. Every
school must have an enrollment. Every business has a payroll. Every army has an enlistment. Even our country
takes a census and requires voter registration. Membership identifies who's in our family and who's not.

4. A Personal Reason. Membership produces spiritual growth. The New Testament places a ma-
jor emphasis on the need for Christians to e accountable to each other for spiritual growth. You can't be account-
able when you're not committed to any specific church family.

We're not into rituals or organization or simply signing your name on a piece of paper and meaning nothing.
That's not what membership is all about. We're talking about a step in your personal development. First, you com-
mit your life to Christ. But that's just your first step in your growth. Next, you need to commit yourself to Christ's fam-
ily, the body of believers. If you don't like other Christians you're not going to like heaven ‑- that's all who's going to
be there. If you're not willing to commit to some other Christians right now, what do you think you're going to enjoy
about heaven?

What is expected of me as a Member? Here in _________________ we never ask our members to do

more than the Bible clearly teaches anyway. We only expect our members to do what the Bible expects every
Christian to do. These responsibilities are spelled out in the Membership Covenant.

In our copies is the preamble to the covenant: "Having received Christ as my Lord and Savior and been
baptized, and being in agreement with __________Alliance Church, strategy, and structure, I now feel led by the


Holy Spirit to unite with ____________ family. In doing so, I commit myself to God and to the other members to
do the following..." If you choose to join this church this is what you're committing to:

I will protect the unity of my church by acting in love toward the other members, refusing to gossip, by
following the leaders.

"Let us concentrate on the things which make for harmony, ... Live in harmony with each other ... Have a sincere
love..." If you join this church, you're going to find out real quick it's filled with imperfect human beings. And you're
not going to like everybody that's a member of this church. But you've got to love them! That's the commitment.
And if you don't want to love the members of this church, don't join us. We don't want you. If you're not willing to
commit to loving the other people of this church, don't join.

By refusing to gossip -- "Don't let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths but only what builds up other."
What destroys churches more than anything else is gossip. Gossip is when you're neither part of the problem, or
part of the solution but you're talking about it. When you share information about a problem and you're neither
part of the problem nor part of the solution and you talk about it, you are gossiping. The Bible calls it sin. And you
promise if you join this church to not gossip. So if you hear something about somebody in the church what do you

A. You go directly to that person and talk to them. You don't go talking to somebody else about some-
body else... Or

B. You call your pastor -- and say, "Pastor, what's the scoop here?" If we don't know, we'll help you find
out. But you don't start this rumor mill that causes all kinds of stuff and problems in churches.

Then "I will protect the unity by following the leaders." "Obey your leaders and submit to their authority.
They keep watch over you as men who must give an account. Obey them that their work will be a joy and not a
burden for that would be no advantage to you."

This verse scares a lot of pastors. Not the part about "obey your leaders and submit to their authority."
But the part that says, "They keep watch over you as men who must give an account." The Bible says that one
day all leaders will stand before the Lord Jesus Christ and will give an account on how well they helped their mem-
bers grow spiritually.

So, if you choose to become a member of this church, pray for your pastors regularly that we will lead the
church in the right way and not the wrong way.

I will share the responsibility of my church by praying for its growth, by inviting the unchurched to
attend, by warmly welcoming those who visit.

The difference between being an attendee and member is like being on a cruise. If you're an attendee
you're just going for the ride. If you're a member you're actually a crew member on the cruise. Now that you join
the church it's your job to reach out and bring others in. Pray for its growth, invite others, warmly welcoming those
who visit.

"So, warmly welcome each other into the church just as Christ has warmly welcomed you then God will be
glorified." We have regular greeters or ushers here at ____________ alliance church. They love to greet people.
They always tend to be up here close to the doors. When a visitor walks in and three people have already greeted


him as he enters the church he thinks, "This is the friendliest church in the whole world!" You only have to have
about three people say "Hi!"

So we will make it a tradition here at _____________ Alliance Church that Everybody who takes the
membership class today will join the regular greeters for this month. So starting this Sunday up to the last Sunday
of this month, you come early to church, that is 15 minutes before ___a.m. and greet everyone who comes. As
greeters put an extra smile and extra kindness to people.

This does two things. One, it gives you a ministry for the first thirty days as a member. Anybody can do
this. Two, if you do this you'll actually meet some people. You'll get to know some people.

I will serve the ministry of my church by discovering my gifts and talents, by being equipped to serve
by my pastors, by developing a servant's heart.

Once you take SHAPE assessment class you will fulfill this part of the membership covenant. Our leadership
is committed to helping you make a difference with your life. That's what the SHAPE assessment class is
all about.

I will support the testimony of my church by attending faithful, by living a godly life, by giving regu-

By living a godly life, you promote the testimony of the church. The people around are watching the believers
and their testimonies are crucial to the conversion of those who are watching.

You are to give your tithe to the church. The tithe is the Lord’s. God wants His tithes to be given to His
church so that the ministry will be supported.

(Let the participants sign the membership covenant)


The NLCC Membership Covenant


Having received Christ as my Lord and Savior and been baptized, and being in agreement with
New Life Christian Community’s statements, strategy, and structure, I now feel led by the Holy Spirit to
unite with NLCC family. In doing so, I commit myself to God and to the other members to do the following:

1. I will protect the unity of my church

…by acting in love toward other members
…by refusing to gossip
…by following the leaders

“So let us concentrate on the things which make for harmony, and on the growth of our fellowship
together” (Rom. 14:19).
“Have a sincere love for one other believers, love one another earnestly with all your heart”
(I Peter 1:22).
“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building
others up according to their needs” (Eph. 4:29).
“Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. They keep watch over you as men who must
give an account. Obey them so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would
be no advantage to you” (Heb. 13:17).

2. I will share responsibility of my church

…by praying for its growth
…by inviting the unchurched to attend
…by warmly welcoming those who visit

“To the church--… We always thank God for you and pray for you constantly” (I Thes. 1”1-2).
“The Master said to the servant, ‘Go out to the roads and country lanes, and urge the people
there to come so my house will be full” (Luke 14:23).
“So, warmly welcome each other into the church, just as Christ has warmly welcomed you; then
God will be glorified” (Rom. 15:7).

3. I will serve the ministry of my church

…by discovering my gifts and talents
…by being equipped to serve by my pastors
…by developing a servant’s heart

“Serve one another with the particular gifts God has given each of you” (I Peter 4:10).
“God gave … some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God’s people for works of service, so
that the body of Christ may be built up” (Eph. 4:11-12).
“Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your
attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who… took on the very nature of a
servant” (Phil. 2:3-4, 7).


4. I will support the testimony of my church

…by attending faithfully
…by living a godly life
…by giving regularly

“Let us not give up meeting together… but let us encourage one another” (Heb. 10:25).
“Whatever happens, make sure that your everyday life is worthy of the gospel of Christ” (Phil. 1:27).
“Each one of you, on the first day of each week, should set aside a specific sum of money in proportion to what
you have earned and use it for offering” (I Cor. 16:2).
“A tenth of all your produce… is the Lord’s, and is holy” (Lev. 27:30).

Signed :__________________________________________
Date: ____________________________________________

DISCIPLE— The process of training and growing the believers to spiritual maturity.

EQUIPPERS Other materials

The way ahead, Directions & Hallmarks
Discipleship is one of the most important facets of ministry
every pastor and equipper must have a good grasp of. Jesus First steps and Journey into life
underscored the importance of discipleship by doing it himself. Maturity Class
As an Equipper, a pastor plays a strategic role in the training and
maturing the believers under his care. In all growing ministries
around the globe, discipleship is alluded to be one of the major
factors for growth.
Maturity Class is a class that discusses two
Two ways to disciple your members: major topics the believers need in order to grow
mature—the bible and prayer. Simple instruc-
ONE TO ONE DISCIPLESHIP - This is a highly effective way to tions on how to study the bible and how to have
disciple people. Several reasons are pointed out why this disci- a personal quiet time, how and what to pray
pleship method is highly effective. and how to have a consistent prayer life is dis-
Schedule — in a one-to-one discipleship, only two people cussed in this class.
have to agree for the time of meeting making it easier to
agree on a schedule. JOURNEY INTO LIFE
Time factor— 30 to 45 minutes is enough for two persons to This discipleship class can be used in one-to
cover a lot of things. In a small group of 6, longer time is
-one discipleship or group discipleship. This is
always needed to cover everybody.
Transparency— it is always easier to be transparent to one
a good material for growing new believers.
person than with a group of people. Let us not forget that These class discusses the basics of the Chris-
transparency is a major ingredient for good relationships. tian faith and how the new believers could walk
circumspectly in the light of God’s Word.
How to start a one-to-one discipleship in your church?
Share the vision with your leaders and start one-to-one disci- THE WAY AHEAD, DIRECTIONS AND
pleship ministry in your church with them. You can start with the HALLMARKS
elders of the church. Then the elders will disciple the deacons
and other leaders until the ministry spirals to the members of the These series of lessons will help the believer
church. Make sure you assign someone to disciple a new be- deepen his/her roots and become mature.
liever using the first steps and journey into life material. These
These series lessons are ideal for small group
materials are design for new believers. You can use any avail-
able materials in discipling your leaders and members. discipleship. The series “THE WAY AHEAD” is
a seven-lesson series on various topics cover-
GROUP DISCIPLESHIP— There are many types of discipleship ing topics baptism and communion among oth-
groups. Sunday small groups, cell groups, homogenous disci- ers. The “DIRECTIONS” is a series of 14 les-
pleship groups and others. sons on the essentials of faith. Topics about
heaven, second coming and knowing the en-
How to start disciple groups in your church? emy, the devil are among the topics discussed
You can start by sharing your vision to the church. Let your in this series. The “HALLMARKS” is a series of
church see the importance of discipleship in the church life and 10 lessons covering mostly the topics dealing
ministry. Next, you have to decide what kind of discipleship with the major distinctive of CAMACOP, giving
groups you are going to adopt in your church. You can have
and missions among others.
homogenous discipleship groups in your church like high school
students discipleship group, professionals group, women’s group
or men’s group. These groups can meet in any day of the week
convenient for them. You can also convert your Sunday school
for adults into homogenous discipleship groups using our WAY
AHEAD, DIRECTIONS and HALLMARKS discipleship group ma-

DISCIPLE— The process of training and growing the Maturity Class
believers to spiritual maturity.

Adapted from Rick Warren’s Class 201
3-hour Session
Preferably on a Sunday afternoon

Let's start on page 1 where it says "Welcome to Discovering Spiritual Maturity". I want you to notice first
THE PURPOSE OF THIS CLASS. What is the purpose?

The purpose is the same goal that Paul had for the Colossian Christians. He said, "And we pray this in
order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please Him in every way; bearing fruit in every good
work, growing in the knowledge of God (Col.1:10). That's what God wants us to do. He wants us to grow up. You
can circle the word "bearing fruit”. It is God's will that you grow up.

Ephesians 4:14-15 "We are not meant to remain as children but to grow up in every way into Christ."

Once you're born into God's family, God wants you to grow up. What does it mean to be born again? It
means to be born into God's family. Just like you've got a physical birth that gave you the desire to grow physi-
cally, you've had a spiritual birth and God wants you to grow spiritually. There are a lot of immature Christians, but
God says He wants you to grow up.

WHAT'S THE FOCUS OF THE CLASS? We're going to focus on four basic habits that every Christian
needs to develop in order to grow to spiritual maturity. This class will equip you with the skills you need to begin
these habits and will explain the tools you will need to continue these habits.


Ephesians 4:13 (Phillips translation) "In the unity of common faith and the knowledge of the Son of God,
we arrive at real maturity, the measure of development which is meant by the fullness of Christ." This verse says
that you can define spiritual maturity in one phrase. That phrase is this: Spiritual maturity is being like Christ. It
says real maturity is the measure of development which is meant by the phrase "the fullness of Christ."

Notice this has been God's goal all along. Romans 8:29 "For from the very beginning, God decided that
those who came to Him should become like His son." From the very beginning of time, back in the Garden of
Eden when God made man, He said, "Let us make man in our image." From the very beginning of time, God has
said, "I want to make man like Myself, not to be gods, but to be godly." Not to be sovereign like God but to have
godly characteristics that God has.

As a result of sin, the Bible says, that image was marred -- God's original design of making man in His
own image. Adam was made in the image of God, but he sinned and that image was marred. Jesus Christ came
to earth to die on the cross to pay for our sins and to restore us to the point so that original goal could come back.
It says here that we should become like His son.



DISCIPLE— The process of training and growing the Maturity Class
believers to spiritual maturity.

In other words, you can be a Christian and you can never grow up spiritually. Hebrews 5:12-13 "You have
been Christians for a long time now, and you ought to be teaching others, but instead you need someone to teach
you. When a person is still living on milk, it shows he isn't very far along in the Christian life. He's still a baby
Christian." He's saying it's not automatic. It takes time, effort.

"Learn to be mature" The Bible says in 2 Peter 3:18, "Continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our
savior, Jesus Christ." That indicates a process. It takes time. It's not instantaneous. It's a continual process. You
have to learn to be mature. But there are some skills that you can learn that will help you grow.

1 Timothy 4:7 "Take the time and the trouble to keep yourself spiritually fit." Is physical fitness automatic?
No. Neither is spiritual fitness. It takes time and trouble. Just like to be physically fit you've got to exercise, de-
velop some basic habits. That's true in the Christian life. The Bible says, "Discipline yourself for the purpose of
godliness." That's the New American Standard Version of the same verse. It takes discipline.

When you talk about discipline you need to talk about discipleship because the two go together. There
are six key truths I want you to understand as an overview to where we're going.

1. The Bible teaches that mature believers are called disciples. That's the term that the Bible uses for a
mature believer -- a disciple.
2. The Bible teaches that I cannot be a disciple without being disciplined. In fact the two words go
together -- disciple and discipline.
3. The Bible also teaches that the more disciplined I become the more God can use me.
4. The mark of a disciple is cross bearing. Luke 14:27, Jesus said, "Anyone who does not carry his cross
and follow me cannot be my disciple." God wants us to bear our cross. We're going to explain
what that is.
5. How often am I to do this? The Bible says daily. Jesus said, "If anyone would come after me, he must
deny himself, and take up his cross daily [circle this] and follow me."
That's what we're going to talk about. What does it mean in a practical sense to bear our cross.
6. What is involved in cross bearing? Stated up front: Whatever it takes to give Christ first place in my

How can I become a disciple? By developing disciple habits.

Colossians 3:9-10, "You have put off the old self with its habits and have put on the new self
which God is continually renewing in his own image to bring you to a full knowledge of himself."

Notice it says God is able to make us in His image when we choose to put off old habits and when we
choose to put on new habits. That's the way God changes us. God's number one goal is to make us like Christ --
that's maturity, to become like Christ. He says here that it's by putting off the old habits and putting on new habits
is how we become like Christ.

There are four habits here: Time with God's Word, Prayer, Tithing, Fellowship. Read through these four
verses here and circle the word disciple in each of them.

1. TIME WITH GOD'S WORD. "If you continue in my Word then you are my disciples indeed. And you
will know the truth and the truth will set you free." The Bible says that the first thing that a disciple is, is he/she is
DISCIPLE— The process of training and growing the Maturity Class
believers to spiritual maturity.
someone who continues in God's Word. So tonight in the first session, we're going to look at how do you get into
God's Word on a regular basis?

2. PRAYER. "If you remain in me, and my words remain in you, then you will ask for anything you wish,
and you shall have it. In this way, you become my disciples." The second thing we're going to look at is the habit of
prayer. How do I pray effectively, pray and get answers.

3. TITHING. Jesus said, "None of you can be my disciples unless he gives up..." ... ten percent of his
possessions. Is that what it says? No. It says "... unless he gives up all" Circle "all". How do you get tithing out of

Tithing is simply the indication that that's true in our lives. If I'm not willing to give the first ten percent of
what I make to God, how can i say that I've given it all to God?

Notice the Bible says in Deuteronomy 14:23, "The purpose of tithing is to teach you to always put God first
in your lives." In other words, God doesn't need my money. God just says that tithing proves that He's first in my
life. We're going to look at that tonight.

If you have a possession that God told you to give it away, and you couldn't give it away, then you don't
possess it. It possesses you. You want the proper perspective according to the Bible. When I tithe -- when I write
out a check (If I make $100 and I give the fist $10 back to God) -- it's not like I'm giving God ten percent of my
money. Rather, if I'm a Christian, it's God letting me use ninety percent of His money. It's all His. God's letting me
keep ninety percent.

4. FELLOWSHIP. "Love each other just as much as I love you. Your strong love for each other will prove
to the world that you are my disciples." He says as you love each other -- that's fellowship -- you're going to prove
that you're My disciples.

We illustrate the relationship of these four habits in THE DISCIPLE'S CROSS. Notice that Prayer and The
Word are the vertical because they have to do with my relationship to God. As we talk to God in prayer and as He
talks to us in His Word, we have a vertical relationship with God.

But then we also have a relationship with people and with money. So Tithing and Fellowship involve the
disciplines in those areas.

If God is number one in my time and in my money and in my relationships, then He's number one in every
area of my life. but if He's not number one in my time and not number one in my money or not number one in my
relationships, then He's not really number one in my life.

Let's look at the DEFINITIONS OF "HABIT". I got this out of Webster's Dictionary. "It is a continual, often
unconscious inclination to do a certain activity, acquired through frequent repetition."

Or "An established disposition of the character". What this is saying is that character is simply the habitual
way of doing things. If you want to have Christlike character, then you just develop the habits that Christ had.
Character is simply the habitual way of doing something. For instance, if I've got the character of kindness, it's be-
cause I'm habitually kind. If I have the character of saying "I have discipline", it's because I've developed the habit
of being disciplined.

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believers to spiritual maturity.
The dictionary also defines habit as "A customary practice" -- something you do over and over.

The fact is that all of us are simply a bundle of habits. If you were to look at your life most of the things
you do in life you do by habit -- You get up, you brush your teeth by habit, you shave (if you're a man) by habit. I'll
bet, men, when you shave you probably start on the same side ninety percent of the time. When you wash your-
self in the shower I bet you habitually start with either your left arm or something like that. We are creatures of

How many of you would agree that it's easier to form good habits than it is to get rid of bad habits? It is.
The way you get rid of bad habits is by replacing them. So in this A02 class, our goal is to help you replace some
bad habits with some good habits that will help you grow in Christ likeness.


We're going to first look at this introduction to spiritual maturity and habits as we've been doing.
Then we're going to look at how to get a grasp on your Bible.
Then we're going to look at the habit of a daily quiet time, a daily time with God.
Then, we're going to look at the habit of prayer, talking with God, the habit of tithing, giving back
to God, and the habit of fellowship, enjoying God's family.

Then I'm going to close it off with how to start and maintain good habits. We are going to learn six or
seven point formula on how you develop good habits that you can use, not only with these things but any time you
want to start a habit in any area of your life.

Here's THE GOAL OF THE CLASS: That you will commit to the habits necessary for spiritual maturity.

Romans 6:19 (Phillips) "In the past you voluntarily gave your body to the service of vice and the purposes
of evil. So now give yourselves to the service of righteousness for the purpose of becoming truly good."

Notice it uses the word "vice". What are vices? They're bad habits. It says when you give yourself to the
service of vice that means a lifestyle of bad habits, a lifestyle of sinful habits. In contrast, it says, "Now give your-
selves to the service of righteousness..." which is a lifestyle of righteous habits or good habits. The Bible says
give yourselves. That's a voluntary act or commitment. To benefit from a habit you've got to voluntarily want to do
it. It can't be forced on you because you've got to have the right motive. In other words, if you want to diet, it's
because you've got to want to diet, not because somebody else is forcing it on you.

HOW TO GET A "GRASP" ON YOUR BIBLE. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 "The whole Bible was given to us by
inspiration from God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives; it
straightens us out and helps us to do what is right. It is God's way of making us well prepared at every point, fully
equipped to do good to everyone."

That's the purpose of the Bible. It teaches us what is true. It makes us realize what's wrong in our lives.
It straightens us out when we get off the path. And it's God's way of making us well prepared at every point, fully
equipped to do good to everyone.

To start off, trace your hand on the page headed "SIX WAYS TO GET `GRASP' ON YOUR BIBLE". Label
these fingers.

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believers to spiritual maturity.
On the little finger, write the word "HEAR". That's one way we can get God's word in our lives.
The next finger, write the word "READ". That's the second wy.
The third finger, your long finger, is the word "STUDY".
The index finger, is the word "MEMORIZE".
The thumb is the word "MEDITATE".
Down in the middle of your palm write the word "APPLY".

These are the six ways that you can get a grasp on God's word. Hear, Read, Study, Memorize, Meditate,

When you get a grasp on God's word you want to have more than just the little finger. Most Christians, the
only way they take the Bible into their life is they hear it. They don't read it or study it. They come to church. They
just hear it. Hold your Bible with just that little finger. It's not much of grasp. See how easy it is for it to be pulled
from your grasp?

The Bible says that Scripture is the Word of God, the sword of the Spirit. Using just your little finger, how
can you fight the devil as hard as you can?

If you decide to not only hear the word of God, but read the Bible every day, now you've got two fingers to
grasp the Bible. The devil can still pull it out, but it's a little bit harder.

The third one -- Hear, Read, Study. If you're studying, you're getting a little bit better grip on the Bible. You
can still take it away, but not as easy.

Four fingers -- Hear, Read, Study, Memorize. That's harder. How much do you forget when you memorize?
Nothing. Then when you add Meditate and Apply -- when you have it all, you have a grasp. You get the idea. If all
you're doing is hearing the Word of God, you're not getting much. But the more of these six things you do, the better
grasp you're going to get on God's Word.

Let's look at each of them in detail.

First we're going to talk about HOW TO HEAR GOD'S WORD. Romans 10:17 "Faith comes from hearing
the Word of God." How many of you would like to have more faith? Hear the Word of God. This is the easiest way
to get into God's Word. It's the most common way. But it's also the way we can lose the most content.

Here are some ways to hear God's word: Church services, Bible studies, sermon tapes.
Those are all good. But the problem is, we tend to forget 95% of what we hear within 72 hours. If
you want a statistic that will depress your pastor, that's it! Unless you write things down, you're going to forget 95%
of what was said this afternoon in three days. That's why people can go week after week, year after year to church
and not really grow. They don't really remember it. And how can you apply it if you don't even remember it. That's
why it is good that every week we have the main outline of our message in our program so that you can back to it
anytime you want.


1. Be ready and eager to hear God.

2. Deal with attitudes that prevent hearing God.
3. Confess any sin in your life.

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believers to spiritual maturity.
James 1:21 "Get rid of all moral filth and humbly accept the Word." You can't pour two things in
one vessel. He's saying get rid of all the garbage in your life so that God can fill your life with the Word.
4. Take notes on what you hear.
5. Act on what you hear.


That gives us a little bit stronger grip. First we just had the little pinky finger, now we've got the ring finger
involved too.
How do you read God's Word? The Bible says in Revelation 1:3 "Happy is the one who reads this book
and obeys what is written in it."

How often should I read God's word? The Bible says you should read it daily. Deuteronomy 17:19 (Living
Bible) "The Scriptures shall be his constant companion. He must read from it everyday of his life so that he will
learn to respect the Lord, his God, by obeying all of his commands." God wants me to read the Word of God on a
daily basis.

Suggestions on how to read the word of God.

1. First you need to read it systematically. You don't use the dip and skip method. Many of us have done
this. You set down on the edge of your bed at night and start to feel guilty -- "I've got to read my Bible!" -- so wher-
ever you open it up that's where you start.

2. Read it in a Bible without notes.

Use a bible without markings for you to have fresh insights of the texts. When you use marked
bible, you will have the tendency to see the same thing over and over.

3. Read it in different translations.

I suggest for reading a couple of the modern translations. The Good News translation is excellent
and very readable.

4. I would suggest you read it aloud quietly to yourself.

If your mind tends to wander while you're reading, just read it aloud. Your mind doesn't wander when
you're reading aloud.

5. Underline or color code key verses.

You can put all the promises in blue and all the verses about Jesus in red and all the verses about
the Holy Spirit in green. You can make up your color code.

6. Then choose a reading plan and stick with it.

There are other reading plans. You can keep a record for yourself through the Bible in a year.
Pace yourself. If you read approximately 15 minutes a day you can read through the Bible once a year.


Proverbs 7:2-3, "Guard my words as your most precious possession. Write them down, and also
keep them within your heart." Nothing is going to do more for your spiritual life than memorizing Scripture. One of
the most powerful habits that you can develop is to memorize Scripture. As you put it in your mind I have found

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believers to spiritual maturity.
they came to my mind when I needed them most. If I hadn't memorized them I would have missed an opportunity to
solve a problem, give a word of answer, things like that.


1. It helps me resist temptation.
We have an example of this with Jesus in the wilderness. When the devil tempted Him, He quoted
scripture every time He was tempted. Granted, He did write the book, so He did have a little advantage over us. But
He memorized the scripture.
Psalm 119 "I have hidden your Word in my heart that I might not sin against you."

2. It helps me make wise decisions

"Your Word is a lamp to guide me and a light for my path." Many times I've prayed, "Lord, what am I
going to do now?" and a verse would pop into my mind. Because I had it memorized. If I hadn't had it memorized
the Holy Spirit couldn't have brought it to mind.

3. It strengthens me when I'm under stress.

"Your promises to me are my hope. They give me strength in all my troubles. How they refresh and revive

4. It comforts me when I'm sad.

Jeremiah 15:16 (Living Bible) "Your words sustain me. They bring joy to my sorrowing heart and delight me."
Yet notice what Proverbs 22:18 says "You will be glad if you remember them and you can quote them."

5. It helps me witness to unbelievers.

1 Peter 3:15 "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for
the hope that you have." When somebody comes and says to you, "What does the Bible say about ...." or "How do
you know that?" If you have that memorized it's going to make you more effective.


1. Pick a verse that speaks to you. I've given you a list of suggested Scripture verses you might want to
2. Say the verse reference before and after. The hardest part to remember is the reference, the address,
where in the world is the thing. So say it at the start and at the end.
3. Read the verse aloud many times. Record it! You memorize by saying it aloud. You don't memorize
things by reading it. You memorize things because our ear has a large factor to do with what we memorize.
4. Break the verse into natural phrases.
5. Emphasize key words when quoting the verse.
6. Write the verse out on flash cards. Carry those cards with you at all times for review.
7. Display your verses in prominent places where you're going to see them. Bathroom mirror, over your
desk, by your computer.
8. Always memorize the verse word perfect. Memorize it exactly the way it is written.
9. Some of you could put the verse to music. Write a song. That's effective.
10. Get a partner so you can check each other.

You remember what you're interested in. If you're interested in memorizing scripture then you're going to be
able to remember it.

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believers to spiritual maturity.
How important was it to David? Psalm 119:72 "The law you gave me means more to me than all the
money in the world." That's how important God's word ought to be to us.

Meditation is focused thinking about a Bible verse in order to discover how I can apply its truth to my own

The word for meditation is also the word for rumination. Rumination is the process where a cow chews its
cud, swallows it, regurgitates it, chews it again, swallows it... goes through that process something like seven times.
The reason the cow does that is to get every bit of nourishment that it can from that grass.

That's what we're to do with God's word. We are to focus our thinking, spend time on it, trying to drain
every bit of spiritual nourishment and food we can from the Word of God.

How many of you are good worriers? If you're a worrier, you can meditate. Worry is just negative medita-
tion. When you're worrying about something, what are you doing? You're ruminating on it. You're thinking about
it. You lay in bed and think and think... and go through it in every way you can. That's negative meditation.

But if you think positive about the Word of God and good things, then that's the kind of meditation Scripture


1. It is the key to becoming like Christ.
Proverbs 4:23 "Your life is shaped by your thoughts."
Romans 12:2 "Be transformed by the renewing of your mind." Meditating is part of that renewing process.
1 Corinthians 3:18 says "As we contemplate the Lord's glory, we are being transformed into His likeness."
As we think deeply about the Lord and about His Word, we become more and more like Him. If you want to be-
come like Christ you have to meditate.

2. It is the key to answered prayer.

John 15:7 "If you live your life in Me, and My words live in your hearts, you can ask for whatever you like,
and it will come true for you."

3. It is the key to successful living.

Joshua 1:8 "Meditate on the word day and night, so you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then
you will be prosperous and successful."

SIX WAYS TO MEDITATE ON A VERSE -- These are real simple. Meditation is not hard.

1. Picture it! Visualize the scene in your mind. This works really good on passages of Scripture that are
narrative, that tell a story. For instance, the woman at the well. What was it like to be a woman who had been mar-
ried five times and living with a man now who was not her husband and have a stranger sit down and tell of her life
as if He's known her forever. What was that like for that woman? What feelings did that bring in her?

Picture the scene in your mind. Write down what thoughts come.

2. Pronounce it! Say the verse out loud, each time emphasizing a different word. "I can do all things
through Christ who strengthens me." I can do all things through Christ..." God says you can do it. "I can do all

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believers to spiritual maturity.
things through Christ who strengthens me." Not just the easy things but the things that are tough. Take a verse and
emphasize different words as you go through it. You get a new meaning each time you do it.

3. Paraphrase it! Rewrite the verse in your own words.

4. Personalize it! Replace the pronouns or people in the verse with your own name.
5. Pray it! Turn the verse into a prayer and pray it back to God. If you're reading in the Psalms and you
hear David saying things like, "How long, O Lord, will You turn your face from me." Maybe that day you're particu-
larly feeling that exact same way. Take that prayer and pray it right back to God. It's not unspiritual to do that.
You're not copy-catting. It's Ok to do that. Take the prayers that are in the Bible and pray them right back to the

6. Probe it. Dissect it and probe it by asking questions.

Rick Warren has made up an acrostic that he calls the S.P.A.C.E.P.E.T.S. QUESTIONS. You can use this
method in your meditation of the scriptures.
S - Is there a Sin to confess?
P - Is there a Promise to claim?
A - Is there an Attitude to change?
C - Command to Obey is the next.
E - Example to follow.
P - Prayer to Pray.
E - Error to Avoid.
T - Truth to believe.
S - Always look for Something to thank God for.

Let's look at the sixth way to get into God's word. We've talked about Hear, Read, Study, Memorize, Medi-
tate and the palm is Apply. You need to APPLY GOD'S WORD. The first are the five ways you get it into your life
and then Apply is what you do after you've got it in there.

Notice James 1:22 "Do not fool yourselves by just listening to the Word. Instead, put it into practice." Mat-
thew 5:19 says "Whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven."
This is the hardest part for many people -- How do I get the Bible into my life? How do I apply Scripture?

You use the APPLICATION BRIDGE. The application bridge is how you get "What did it mean then?" to
"What does it mean now?" The key to understand, "What did it mean then?" and "What does it mean now?" in my
life is the bridge between them is finding the timeless principle

There are three questions you ask:

1. What did it mean to the original hearers?
2. What is the underlying timeless principle?
3. Where or how could I practice that principle today?

There are four marks of a good application project.

It's personal
It's practical
It's possible
It's provable -- you can prove you've done it.

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believers to spiritual maturity.
Example: “Carry your cross and follow me”


Definition of a quiet time is a daily time I set aside to be alone with God to get to know Him through the
Bible and prayer. Your time alone with God should be the top priority in your schedule for five reasons.

1. We were created to have fellowship with God.

The Bible says in Genesis 1:27 "So God created man in his own image."
2. Jesus died to make the relationship possible.
1 Corinthians 1:9 says "God has invited you into this wonderful friendship with his Son, Christ our
Lord." When Adam and Eve sinned, the fellowship that God created us for was broken. It took God send-
ing His son, Jesus, to earth to restore that fellowship.
3. Personal time alone with God was Jesus' source of strength.
Mark 1:35 and several other verses tell us "Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed."
4. Every person who has been effective in service for God developed this habit.
5. You cannot be a healthy, growing Christian unless you spend time with God.
It's not just a good idea. It's a necessity. Two verses talk about how it's a necessity for us spiritu-
ally. Matthew 4:4 "Man cannot live on bread alone but on every word that God speaks."

"How can a young man cleanse his ways?" Psalm 119:9 says, "By keeping to your Word." So
our time with God in a quiet time is a spiritual bath. It's a time when we get cleansed from all the sin that
has accumulated and built up.


1. To give devotion to God.

Psalm 29:2 says "Give to the Lord the glory due to his name. Worship the Lord in the splendor of
his holiness."
2 Chronicles 31:21 "Hezekiah was successful because everything he did, he did in a spirit of com-
plete devotion to his God."

2. To get direction from God.

Psalms 25:4 "Show me the path where I should go, O Lord; point out the right road for me to
walk. Lead me."

Two things to do in a quiet time:

1) Consider your way. Proverbs 4:26 says "Ponder the path of your feet and let all your ways be
established." Take time to be quiet and assess your life. "In all your ways acknowledge Him, and he will
direct your paths." Proverbs 3:6 says. Look at your life.

2) Commit your day to Him. "Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him to help you do it
and he will."

3. Gain delight in God

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believers to spiritual maturity.
Psalm 37:4 says "Delight yourself in the Lord; and he will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm
16:11 "God's presence fills me with joy and brings me pleasure."

4. To grow daily like God.

2 Peter 1:3-4 "For as you know him better and better, God will give you, through His great power,
everything you need for living a truly good life. He has promised to save us and to give us His own character."


You need to do four things.


The best time to do your quiet time is the first hour of your day when you are fresh. God deserves
the best time of your day.


1) I would suggest that you start with 15 minutes a day. Anybody can give 15 minutes a day. Don't
start with a two hour quiet time because you'll get two hours the first day, a hour the second day, the third day you'll
give up because you don't have time for it.
2) Don't watch the clock. That will ruin your quiet time faster than almost anything. You're not go-
ing to have much of a relationship with Christ if you're doing that.
3) Emphasize quality not quantity. It's what you do with your time that counts not how long you


Luke 22:39 "Jesus left the city and went, as he usually did, to the Mount of Olives to pray." Circle
"as he usually did". That means, it was Jesus’ habit. It was a habitual place, a special place. There's really only
one important factor that you need here. Solitude.


Get a Bible with readable print. Some Bibles are nice to carry in your purse but I wouldn't suggest
that for a quiet time. You get up in the morning, your eyes are bleary, you need a Bible with readable print. Get the
large type.

4. BEGIN WITH THE RIGHT ATTITUDE. There are three things you need to have.
1) Reverence. You need reverence for the Lord. The Bible says, "Be still, and know that I am
God." You don't rush into God's presence. You prepare your heart. You don't come into a quiet time like you're
going to a football game. Have reverence. "Be still, and know that I am God."
2) Expectancy. The Bible says, "Open my eyes to see wonderful things in your Word." When you
come to your quiet time, say, "Lord, I expect You to talk to me today. I expect to meet with You. I expect you to say
something to me out of Your word."
3) Willingness to obey. John 7:17 "Whoever is willing to do what God wants will know whether it's
true or not." Being willing in advance. "Lord, before I even open this book, the Bible, I want You to know that I'm
willing in advance to do what You want me to do. I'm saying `Yes' in advance."


Don't complicate your quiet time. I'm going to give you a simple plan to get your started that I call

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believers to spiritual maturity.
1) Relax. That takes about a minute. Be still. Be quiet. Show down. Prepare your heart. Take
two or three deep breaths. Especially in the morning, if you just got up, maybe you don't want to relax too long
because you might go back to sleep. Relax.
2) Read. Read a section of Scripture. Spend about four minutes just reading.
3) Reflect. I'm talking about, you meditate on the scripture. How do you meditate? Use those
six ways we learned earlier on how to meditate on scripture. Picture it, pronounce it, paraphrase it, probe it using
the SPACEPETS questions.
4) Record for about two minutes. In the recording section, you're going to write out a personal
application statement. Review the notes on How to Apply God's Word. Write an application that is personal, prac-
tical and measurable.
5) Then Request. This is your prayer time. Make your requests. Conclude your quiet time by
talking to God about what He has shown you and making your requests from your prayer list.



This is the battle of the blankets. Billy Hanks tells the story about a young man who tries to offer an ex-
cuse to God for not having his quiet time. He said, "Oh, Lord. I'm really sorry. I wanted to meet with You this
morning but something came up." God said, "Yeah, I know. I saw it. It's called a sheet."

Your first problem in establishing a quiet time you will face the moment you wake up in the morning -- "Am
I going to get out of bed? Am I going to get out of bed that fifteen minutes earlier or am I going to lay in bed?"
The devil will always exaggerate how tired you are. When the devil and your flesh team up together, you've got a
potent combo that are trying to keep you from having a quiet time.

You need to first have a desire -- I want to meet with God. Then decision -- I'm going to meet with God.
Then, the determination and discipline to get out of bed and do it.
Some suggestions that will help you with the problem of discipline:

1) Go to bed on time. You can't get up early if you're going to stay up late.
2) Get up immediately. I have found that the battle is usually won or lost in the first few seconds.
3) Be aware of quiet time robbers. Be alert to things that are going to keep you from having a
quiet time. Ninety percent of those things happen the night before. Late night TV is the number one rob-
ber keeping people from having a quiet time.
4) Fall asleep thinking spiritual thoughts.


Satan will try to use anything he can to get your mind to wander during a quiet time. Suggestions:
1) Get out of bed. Never try to have a quiet time in bed.
2) Get thoroughly awake.
3) Read and pray aloud. That keeps your concentration.
4) Walk during your prayer time. That's a good thing to do. You will never fall asleep while
you're walking.
5) Keep a notepad nearby


DISCIPLE— The process of training and growing the Maturity Class
believers to spiritual maturity.
Sometimes you're going to feel like you're not getting anything out of your quiet time. Never judge
your quiet time by your feelings. Don't depend on your emotions. Emotions come and go. They could be just be-
cause you had a bad pizza or something
Possible causes for spiritual dryness.
1) Maybe your physical condition. Maybe you're not getting enough rest.
2) Disobedience to God. Sin in your life.
3) Rushing your quiet time. "Hurry is the death of prayer." Samuel Chadwick said.
4) Getting in a rut. Doing the same thing, the same way, at the same time. Vary it.
5) Not sharing insights with others
Your greatest problem is going to be your struggle to stay consistent. Satan fights you the hardest in your
personal quiet time. He doesn't fight you on anything else as hard as he fights on a consistent daily time with God.
He knows that a PRAYERFUL Christian is a POWERFUL Christian. Suggestions:
1) Make a covenant or vow to God that you're going to spend fifteen minutes a day.
2) Schedule it on your calendar. Have a To Do list that and print it up on your calendar. The first
thing on your schedule should be Quiet Time, every day.
3) Be prepared for Satan's excuses
4) Leave your Bible open at night the night before to the passage you're reading.

What if I miss a Day? Three things: Don't get on a guilt trip. Don't be legalistic. Don't give up.
Galatians 6:9 "Let us not get tired of doing what is right. For after a while we will reap a harvest of blessing
if we don't get discouraged and give up."

Father, I realize I was created to have fellowship with You. Thank You for making this privilege
possible through Jesus' death. I know that daily fellowship with You is the most important thing in my life. I now
want to commit myself to spending at least some time everyday with You in a quiet time of Bible reading and
prayer. I'm trusting in Your strength to help me be consistent. In Jesus' name. Amen.


"Base your happiness on your hope in Christ. When trials come, endure them patiently; stead-
fastly maintain the habit of prayer." Romans 12;12


HOW TO REVITALIZE YOUR PRAYER LIFE? As we talked about in the session on quiet time, Jesus
died to make a relationship with God possible. Prayer is part of that relationship. Yet for so many people, they're
prayer life is dull and boring and something we avoid. So how can we revitalize it?

The first step to revitalize your prayer life is to APPROACH PRAYER WITH THE RIGHT ATTITUDE. The
passage of scripture that we're going to be looking at is Matthew 6:5-8. v. 5 "When you pray, do not be like the
hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men."

The first attitude you need to approach prayer with is Be Real. Don't try to impress others as the Pharisees
were trying to do. The Pharisees were people who would stand on the street corner, literally and raise their hands
and their face to the sky and carry on in this very public way, trying to impress other people. Scripture says don't be
like the hypocrites. Don't try to impress other people.

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believers to spiritual maturity.
Don't try to impress God. Don't pray what you think God wants to hear. Remember He already knows
your heart and your thoughts and you're not fooling him. Just speak to Him with what's on your heart.

Secondly, Be Relaxed. v. 6 "But when you pray go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father
who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." You need to relax, you need
to go some place where you can be alone, where you can be quiet and take those deep breaths, and remove dis-
tractions and concentrate. The two main excuses most people give for not praying is that they don't have time and
they don't have a place to go.

Be Revealing. v. 7-8 "Don't recite the same prayer over and over as the heathen do, who think prayers
are answered only by repeating them again and again. Remember, your Father knows exactly what you need
before you ask Him!" When you talk to the Lord, just talk. That's what prayer is with the Lord. It's conversation
between two people who love each other. Just talk to Him as a dear friend.

Approach prayer with the right attitude and secondly...

USE THE MODEL THAT JESUS GAVE TO US. This is out of Matthew 6:9‑ 15, commonly called the
Lord's Prayer. This prayer, Jesus said, "This is how you should pray" not what you should pray. He's giving us an
illustration of things we should use in prayer, not this specific prayer to pray.

There are SIX PARTS OF PRAYER that are revealed in that.


v. 9 "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name." When you come to prayer you want to begin by ex-
pressing your love to God. Start by saying to Him, "Lord, I want to focus on You." If I come to prayer focusing on
myself and my needs first, I just leave prayer most depressed and frustrated than when I began. But if I come to
prayer with the attitude of DEPENDENCE and my focus is upon God, what I can see of Him, what I can learn of
Him, what it is that He can show me then I'm going to have the right perspective.
Two kinds of praise we're told to do. First of all is adoration, which is praising God for who He is, His
character. And thanksgiving is praising God for what He has done or His deeds. We need to do both of those
when we come before the Lord -- thanking Him for who He is and thanking Him for what He's done.

Psalm 100:4 says "Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise. Be thankful unto
him, and bless his name."


First, as you read your Bible and you come across a quality of God that you see, write it down. For exam-
ple if you're reading in Numbers 14:8 it says that God is patient. Numbers 14:8 also says God is merciful, God is
forgiving. Write those character qualities down on a notebook and then review them when you're praying. The
key to prayer is God's character. God's character is the basis for answered prayer, making requests. God an-
swers the prayers that acknowledge who He is.

Secondly, remind yourself and affirm the promises that God has made that are contained in the meaning
of His names. For instance, God as Jehovah‑ Jireh, Jehovah-Shalom, all kinds of different names of God and
each one of those tells us something else about Him. When we focus on the names of God, when we are upset or
worried, we could start saying, "Lord you are my Rock. You are my Provider. You are my Strength. You are my

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believers to spiritual maturity.

Peace." Just take the names of God and claim those for yourself. It gets the focus off of you resulting to praising
Him and calming you down and enable you to think about what it is you want to pray about.

Third, make a list of all that you're thankful for and review them when you pray. Is it easy to forget the
goodness of God? Absolutely! Day by day I forget what He did for me yesterday even though what He did for me
yesterday was great by tomorrow sometimes I've already forgotten it. If you'll make a list of the things God has
done for you and the ways He's blessed your life, as you pray you can review them. Be grateful. It will surprise
you what the Lord's done.


The next part of the Lord's prayer says, "Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in
heaven." This is an acknowledgment that God is God and I am not. At this time in prayer, pray for God's will to be
done in your family and in your church, your friends and your city. This is where you tell the Lord to do whatever
He needs to do in your life. There's an old song that says, "Whatever it takes for me to draw closer to You, Lord,
that's what I'm willing to do." That's what this time is in prayer. Claim Romans 12:2 "Offer yourself as a living sacri-
fice to God, dedicated to his service and pleasing to him. This is the true worship that you should offer."

First of all, I come and praise the Lord for who He is and what He's done then I commit myself and say,
"You do whatever You need to do in my life, cause You're God."


Pray About every need you have. There is nothing too great for God's power to take care of and
there's nothing too insignificant for His concern. Philippians 4:19 says "God will supply all of my needs from His
riches in glory because of what Christ Jesus has done for us." Romans 8:32 "Since God did not spare even his own
son for us but gave him up for us, won't he also surely give us everything else?" Saving you and me was the hard-
est thing that God ever did. There was nothing harder that He could do than to save our souls so when we come
and ask a request of Him for our personal daily lives it's a piece of cake in comparison.

James 4:2 says "You do not have because you don't ask of God." Wishing and hoping for something is not
the same as actually specifically asking for something. When you have a need, ask God for it. And be specific.
Write down your request with the promise that you're claiming from the Bible and expect God to answer.

Example: Give an example

Philippians 4:6 "Don't worry about anything but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, pre-
sent your requests to God." Why? Doesn't God know what I need? Why do I have to go and talk to Him about it?

Of course He knows what I need. He knows everything about me before I come to Him. But prayer is my
personal declaration of dependence on God.


This part of the Lord's prayer says, "Forgive us our debts". There are four steps to forgiveness:
1) Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal every sin. He's so good to do that. When we come to Him with an
honest heart, He will reveal areas of sin in our lives. "Examine me, O God, and know my mind; test me, and dis-
cover my thoughts. Find out if there is any evil in me." Psalm 139 says. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the sin.

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believers to spiritual maturity.
2) Confess each sin specifically. Sometimes we like to get away with confession of sin by just saying,
"Forgive me all my sins." You committed those sins individually, you better ask for forgiveness individually. None of this
blanket coverage stuff. Proverbs 28:13 "You will never succeed in life if you try to hide your sins. Confess them and give
them up. Then God will show mercy to you."
3) The third part of forgiveness is to make restitution to others when necessary. Matthew 5:23-24 "When
you remember your brother has something against you, go at once to make peace with him, then come back and offer
your gift to God." So when God reveals something that you've done to someone else make restitution and get it off your
4) By faith accept God's forgiveness. "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our
sins, and purify us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9.


The Lord's prayer says, "As we have forgiven our debtors." 1 Timothy 2:1 "Pray much for others; plead
for God's mercy upon them, give thanks for all he is going to do for them." (Living Bible). An important part of prayer is
remembering that God is working in the lives of the people you pray for even when you can't see it. Be assured that who-
ever it is you're praying for, God is working, even though you can't see the evidence of it. We are never given permission
to stop praying for someone. We are to pray until God has either changed us, changed the situation, or changed the per-
son. Keep praying.

Make a list of people you want to pray for. One day of the week, you pray for your family, the next day for the gov-
ernment, the next day for your friends, the next day for your church. Make a list and spend one day praying for those peo-
ple every week.


v. 13 "And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one." We, as believers, face a spiritual battle
every day and satan wants to defeat us through temptation and fear. If I start every day without praying for God's protec-
tion I'm walking into battle unprotected. I'm walking into battle without the spiritual armor we're supposed to put on. Ask
God to make you aware of evil in this world. If you're unaware of it, you can get caught by it, you can get involved in it be-
fore you even know what's going on. But if you ask the Lord to make you aware of evil and evil, tempting situations, you
can fight it.

1 John 4:4 "The Spirit who is in you is more powerful than the spirit who is in those who belong to the world."
Don't be afraid. The Spirit who is in us is more powerful than the spirit who is in the world.

I want to close this section by encouraging you to remember that prayer is the only way you can talk to God. God
has ways of communicating to us through His word, through creation, through other people, through thoughts that come
into our mind. There's numbers of ways that God can communicate with us but the only way that you and I have to com-
municate to God is through prayer. I encourage you to take these steps to revitalize your prayer life.


We want to now look at the HABIT OF TITHING OR HONORING GOD WITH MY GIVING. Why is this
one of the basic habits? We're talking about four indispensable habits. There are many good things you can do that are
good habits for your Christian life but in this class we're concentrating on the four most important.

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believers to spiritual maturity.

The Bible is a book about giving. The Bible talks more about giving than it does about either heaven or hell. Jesus
talked more about giving than almost any other subject. Over half of His parables have to do with money. There are more
promises in the Bible related to giving than any other subject.
1 Corinthians 16:2 "On the first day of every week set aside some of what you have earned and give it as an
offering. The amount depends on how much the Lord has helped you earn."
It says "the first day of every week". Is that a habit? Yes.


"Just as you excel in everything -- in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness -- see that you
also excel in the grace of giving." 2 Cor. 8:7

Let me put this in perspective what the Bible says. In the key words that are used in the Bible, the word "believe" is
used 272 times; the word "pray" is used 371 times; the word "love" is used 714 times; the word "give" is used 2162 times. God
is a giver and God wants us to become like Him.


God is a giver and if we're going to be like God, we've got to become givers. The Bible says "God so loved
the world that He gave his only Son." He loved, so He gave. You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving.
Christians are to be the most giving people in the world because we're to be the most loving people in the world.


Matthew 6:21 "Where your treasure is, there your heart is also." Wherever I put my money shows my priori-
ties. If I put my money in my house, that's where my heart is. If I put my money into eating out, that's where my stomach is! If
I put my money into clothes, into a hobby... that's where my heart is.
The question then becomes, Where do you want your heart to be? Wherever you want your heart to be,
that's where you need to put your money. Where you treasure is, there your heart is also. The fact is, every time you give back
to God, you're drawing closer to Him.


We live in a materialistic world. What is materialism? It's all about getting. Get all I can, can all I get, sit on
the can, and spoil the rest. Get! Get!
What is the opposite of getting? Giving. Giving is the antidote to materialism. The only way I can know if I'm
having victory over materialism is am I willing to part with what I've got. True living comes from giving. We are commanded to
be generous and to be willing to share. We make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give. We need to
model that balance.


Faith is like a muscle. God uses finances to test your faith. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not
on your own understanding. Honor the Lord by giving him the first part of your income, and he will fill your barns to overflow-
ing." God says that the way we prove our trust, the way we demonstrate our faith, is by giving the first part of our income back
to Him.
Luke 6:38 "Give and it will be given to you. For with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you."
God says, "I dare you! Try me. See if this works. Let's see if this works. Let's see how much you want Me to bless your life.
You give a cup, you get a cup of blessing. You give a bigger cup, you get a bigger cup. You pull up a dump truck, you get a
dump truck's worth. The measure you use is the measure you're going to get." Giving strengthens my faith. The issue why a
lot of people don't give is that they just don't believe. They just don't really believe God will take care of them.


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believers to spiritual maturity.

"Give happily to those in need, and always be ready to share whatever God has given you. By doing this, you will
be storing up real treasure for yourselves in heaven -- it is the only safe investment for eternity." In light of today's Savings and Loan
crises that has excellent application.
You've heard it said, you cannot take it with you but you can send it on ahead. You send it on ahead by investing in
people who are going there


There are so many promises we could have used. There are more promises regarding giving than anything else.
"A generous man will himself be blessed." "A generous man will prosper, he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed." "Good
will come to him who is generous."


Jesus said, "There is more happiness in giving than in receiving."

We don't really believe that verse. If we did, we'd be more interested in giving than we are in receiving. There are
two kinds of people in life: There are takers and there are givers. The happiest people in life are not the takers. The happiest people
in life are the givers. No man has ever been honored for what he has received. He's honored for what he gives away.

Carl Menniger, one of the top psychiatrists in the nation said, "Giving is a criterion of mental health. Generous peo-
ple are rarely mentally ill." The more healthy you are, the more unafraid you are to give away. The more you hold things in and are
afraid to give away, that's an indication that there's fear in your life.


What is tithing? Tithe means a tenth part. It's a word that God uses all through scripture. In the Bible, God tells us
that we're to give the first ten percent of all we earn back to God. Giving less than ten percent is not tithing. Giving more than ten
percent is more than tithing. Tithing means ten. Giving a tithe is giving ten percent of my income.

What's the difference between a tithe and an offering? Tithe is giving ten percent of my income. An offering is any-
thing I give in addition to my tithe.

Why should I tithe? There are eight reasons in God's word.

1. God commands it.
Leviticus 27:10 "A tenth of all you produce is the Lord's and it is holy." Circle "holy". We could just stop right there.
God could have said give ninety percent. But He just said ten. Simply because He says it, we ought to obey it. But He does give us
other reasons.

2. Jesus commended it.

Not only did God command it, but Jesus commended it. In fact in Matthew 23:23, He commends the Pharisees --
the only thing Jesus ever commended the Pharisees for was their giving. He says that's one thing you guys are doing all right. Eve-
rything else you're off base but, in Matthew 23:23, He said, "Yes, you should tithe, and you shouldn't leave the more important things
undone either." They were tithing, but they weren't doing some other things.

3. Tithing demonstrates that God has first place in my life. Deuteronomy 14:23 (Living Bible) "The purpose of tithing is to
teach you to always put God in first place in your life." I can say God is first place in my life, but there are two things you can look at
that will tell you what is really first place. Look at schedule and look at where I spend my money.

4. Tithing reminds me that everything was given to me by God. "Always remember that it is the Lord your God who gives
you the ability to produce wealth."

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believers to spiritual maturity.
5. Tithing expresses my gratitude to God for the blessings He's done for me. Psalm 116:12 "How can I repay the
Lord for all his goodness to me?" The answer -- Deuteronomy 16:17 "Each of you should bring a gift in proportion to the way
the Lord your God has blessed you."

6. God says that refusing to tithe is stealing from Him. That's pretty strong but that's exactly what He says. Malachi
3:8-10 "God says `Will a man rob God? Yet you are robbing me!' But you ask, `How do we rob you?' God says `In tithes and
offerings... Bring your whole tithe to my house.'" Not a half of a tithe, a third of a tithe -- the whole tithe. The Bible says that
when I use money to pay bills that I ought to be tithing with, then I'm robbing from God because I'm paying bills with God's
money. Money that is rightfully God says I'm to give to Him.

7. Tithing gives God a chance to prove He exists and wants to bless you. This is one of the most amazing promises
in the Bible. God actually offers you a challenge and He says I dare you. Start tithing and watch what happens. He not only
makes a promise to bless you with more, but He promises to protect what you already have. "`Bring your whole tithe to my
storehouse. test me in this' says the Lord, `and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much
blessing that you won't have room enough for it! I will prevent pests from devouring your crops and the vines in your fields will
be protected from plagues.'"

God says, Test me. This is the Pepsi challenge verse of the Bible. There's only one place in the Bible that God
says, "You can prove that I exist, one way to prove I exist. Tithe." Why? Why does He choose finances? Of all the areas He
could have chosen, as a test, why did He choose finances? Because we spend most of our lives revolving around money.
Making it, earning it, saving it, giving it, sharing it, spending it. So God has used this as an acid test. He says, "I dare you!
Just see if I won't fulfill the promises I've made regarding tithing."

8. Tithing proves that I really love God. Jesus said, "If you love me, do what I command." And it is clearly com-
manded all the way through scripture. Some people say tithing is Old Testament law. No, it's not. It's an Old Testament prin-
ciple. In fact, tithing was established before the law was given. The law was established with Moses. God established tithing
from the very first. Abraham gave tithes 400 years before Moses was born. It's not part of Jewish law. It is a life principle
before the Jewish nation even became Israel.
"I want you to be leaders also in the spirit of cheerful giving. This is one way to prove that your love is real,
that it goes beyond mere words." 2 Corinthians 8:7-8

What should I tithe?

The Bible makes real clear that the first part of what I earn, not the leftovers. The Bible says, "Honor the
Lord by giving him the first part of all your income." God wants to be first. He deserves to be first always in our lives. So, it is
just proper that we give His portion first before we use it for our own. What do you when you receive your pay salary?
Budget the money for all the expected expenses and then give a tithe when there is something to spare? This is not making
God first. This making God last on our priority. What you should do is to take the Lord’s tithe from your income first and then
let God bless the remaining for your needs. When you put God first in your finances he promised to bless you and meet all
your needs.

Where should I give my tithe?

The Bible says we bring our tithe into the storehouse, "Bring your whole tithe into my storehouse." Malachi 3:10. In
the Old Testament, the storehouse is a place in the temple where all the tithes were stored for the consumption of the Priest
and temple workers. The background of this is that, when the land was divided, the priests and the tribe of Levi, who were the
temple workers, were not given a share of the land. They get their share from the tithes of the rest of the tribe. Basically, the
TITHE is God’s way of providing the needs of His servants serving full time in the temple. We can draw these implications
from this truth: (1.) We give our tithe to provide the needs of full time workers and the church in general. (2.) We give our
tithe to the church where we are worshipping or a part of.

When should I tithe?

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believers to spiritual maturity.
1 Corinthians 16:2 "On the first day of every week, set aside some of what you have earned and give it as
an offering. The amount depends on how much the Lord has helped you earn." What is the first day of every week? Sun-
day. What do you do on Sunday? You go to the place of worship. That's when you're to give. You're to give at the place of
Teach your children to tithe.
The Bible says that attitudes are much more important than amounts. That's why God developed tithing.
It's the fair thing. God could have said, "Everybody give P100 a week." For some people, their whole income is 100 pesos
for the whole week. For some 1000 pesos. It wouldn't be fair if God set an amount. Instead, He says a set proportion.

1. We're to give willingly. God is more interested in my attitude than the amount. 2 Corinthians 9:12 "For if the
willingness is there, your gift is acceptable according to what you have, not according to what you don't have." It's according
to what you have not according to what you don't have. When God looks at our giving, He's not impressed with the amount.
He doesn't look at the amount you give, He looks at the amount you have left over, in proportion to what you gave.

1 Corinthians 9:7 "Each one should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under pressure."
The Scripture says you are to never give under pressure. You're to give willingly, not reluctantly. You don't give to make up
a budget deficit, you give because God says so whether the church needs it or not. The issue is I need to give for my own

2. Give joyfully. "God loves a cheerful giver." If you cannot give cheerfully, don't give. You don't get credit for giv-
ing that's not cheerful. If you can't tithe cheerfully, what you need to work on is your attitude. The Bible wants to look at your

3. Give generously. 2 Corinthians 8:3-4 "They gave as much as they were able and even beyond their ability. En-
tirely on their own, they urgently pleaded with us for the privilege of sharing in this service." This is an incredible church.
Paul says they were begging to give. They gave beyond their ability. This is the first financial principle of giving a tithe.

4. Give expectantly. "Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows gener-
ously will reap generously." God says it's like the farmer who sows seed. If a farmer had a tough crop last year and he only
has a few seeds does he say, "I can't afford to plant this seed"? He can't afford not to. He's got the choice of either eat it
himself or plant it. He can eat it himself and that's going to last one meal. Or he can plant it. God says if you want a big
harvest, you plant a lot. If you want a little harvest, you plant a little. How you plant is how you reap, it's up to you?
(Let some people share some testimonies)

THE KEY TO GIVING is in 2 Corinthians 8:5. "They first gave themselves to the Lord." This is really the issue. If
God owns me, He's going to own my wallet. If He doesn't own my heart, He doesn't own my wallet. I need to first give my-
self to the Lord.
Here's a commitment prayer
"Father, I know You love me and want what's best for me. I recognize that all I have, or ever will have, comes from
You. I am more interested in pleasing You than in having possessions. I want You to have first place in my life and I am
willing to begin tithing as You have commanded. Out of gratitude for all You've done for me and in expectation that You will
continue to provide for me, I commit myself to returning at least the first 10% of all I earn back to You. I want to begin invest-
ing for eternity. Help me to remain faithful to this commitment. In Jesus' name, Amen.


Hebrews 10:25 is an important verse that any believer ought to understand and spend some time thinking
though the implications of this verse. "Let us not give up the habit of meeting together, as some are doing. Instead, let us
encourage one another." That's an extremely important concept.


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believers to spiritual maturity.


If you read through the New Testament, you'll notice that the word brothers and sisters and father and children are
used quite a few times. It's because there is a familiar relationship between us and our father who is in heaven. In fact, Jesus
says of His disciples that you are my brothers. Galatians 6:10 "Let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to
the family of believers." That's a pretty strong statement. We need to be focusing on how can we assist one another, how
can we relate to one another in that special kind of way as brothers and sisters, especially those who are believers. Ephe-
sians 2:19 "You are a member of God's very own family and you belong in God's household with every other Christian." You
belong in the same household. He's our Father. We're His children.

Romans 12:5 "So in Christ, we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others." We be-
long to each other. There's a uniqueness. One time I hurt my finger. That finger has let the rest of my body know that it exists
for the last 24 hours. That's a real significant part of my life right now because it's painful. But in the same kind of way, each
one of us, ought and should relate to one another just like the parts of our individual bodies. That is difficult to understand
unless you look at the analogy of the hand and the body. We all are part of each other and we need each other. YOU CAN’T

It's interesting that in the New Testament, the word "church" is used about 100-104 times but 98 times the word
"church" is used, it always refers to the local assembly of believers. The emphasis is always on the local gathering of believ-
ers not some kind of an invisible church but a reality where people actually come together and relate as a family of believers.


I need the support to grow spiritually. You cannot grow healthily alone. We need each other. Hebrews
10:24 "Let us think of one another and how we can encourage one another to love and good deeds." Note the phrase
"encourage one another". One of the things we need to do as brothers and sisters is to think in terms of what can I do, what
can I say to encourage you to do the things that are pleasing to God
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, 12, "Two are better off than one. If one of them falls down, the other can help him up.
But if someone is alone and falls it's just too bad because there is no one to help him. Two men can resist an attack that
would defeat one man alone. A rope made of three cords is hard to break."


"People learn from one another just as iron sharpens iron." "Everyday keep encouraging one another so that none of
you is hardened by the glamour of sin." Sin is glamorous. It smells good, it tastes good. It's when it goes down is when it
becomes bitter. We really need to encourage one another that we don't get trapped in the glamour.

"Brothers, if someone is trapped in some sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. Carry each other's
burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." What is the law of Christ? Caring for one another.
We can say, "I believe in Jesus." I love Jesus." But what is the real proof of your love for Jesus? Saying
that you love Jesus? No, how you love people. That's the reality of your love for Christ.


He's right here with us. "For wherever two or three have come together in my name, I am there, right
among them!" I am there with them. I am present, He is saying.


"Whenever two of you on earth agree about anything you pray for it will be done for you by my Father in heaven."
That's a beautiful promise. We need to be spending time together praying for this community, for the things that God directs
us to pray for.


Jesus says, "My prayer for all of them is that they will be of one heart and mind so the world will believe you
sent me." How does the world know that Jesus was sent? The believers will have one heart. Our unity, our love and care for
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believers to spiritual maturity.
each other, is a great testimony that Jesus Christ actually came. Is it important that we have this one mind? That we be
unified together? Yes, it's key to the gospel.
"Your strong love for each other will prove to the world that you are my disciples." How does the world
know that Jesus even exists? It's by the way that we relate to one another.
Why? 1 Peter 4:10 "God has given you some special abilities [spiritual gifts]; be sure to use them to help
each other." One of the most important things you want to understand about spiritual gifts is that they are a special endow-
ment that God gives to every single person who comes to Christ. A spiritual gift, that special ability God gives to each be-
liever is for the purpose of me ministering to other believers. That is so important. I have an important responsibility that
God has given to me to minister to the needs of other people.
1 Corinthians 12:5, 27 "There are different kinds of service to God. Together you form the body of Christ
and each one of you is a necessary part of it." We need each other.
You see a partial list of the "One Anothers" of fellowship. There are at least 58 times in which the concept of "one
another" is used in the New Testament.
Serve one another, Accept one another, Forgive one another, Greet one another, Bear one another's bur-
dens, Be devoted to one another, Honor one another, Teach one another, Submit to one another, Encourage one another.
There's a tremendous emphasis throughout the New Testament of that fellowshipping together, of coming together, minister-
ing and serving one another.


Step One is Desire -- First you've got to have the desire, you've got to want to begin the habit.
Step Two is a Decision -- To start a new habit, first you get the desire, then you make the decision. The
Bible says, if you wait for perfect conditions you'll never get anything done.

Step Three -- Declaration -- You make a covenant resolution. The power of the vow is awesome. Psalm
76:11 "Make vows to the Lord your God and fulfill them." We're going to encourage you tonight to make a covenant vow.
Step Four is Determination -- You never allow an exception until the new habit is securely rooted in your
life. It takes seven to twenty-one repetitions to learn something. If you're going to have a quiet time, you've got to do it for
about 21 days before you start getting into the sense of it. If you're going to develop the habit of tithing, get into a small
group, you've got to go on a regular basis.
Step Five is Do it -- Whenever you feel the slightest urge or prompting a new habit do it then. Don't wait.
Seize every opportunity to reinforce your habit. Those feelings won't last, so whenever you feel inclined to perform it, do it.
If you're going to start having a quiet time and in the first week three or four times in a day, you've found yourself wanting to
have another quiet time -- go ahead. It's ok to have three or four of them in one day. That's ok. Once you get started the
more you do it, any time you have the slightest inclination to reinforce a good habit do it.
Step Six is Double Up -- Get a partner who will encourage you and support you. Particularly if you're going
to memorize scripture it's great to get a partner. Two are better than one.
Step Seven is Depend on God -- Rely on God's power to help you establish the habit. Remember, Satan
does not want you to develop habits that help you grow spiritually. He'll do all he can to tempt you and cause you to slip or
discourage you. The Bible says that "The Spirit God has given us fill us with power, love, and self control."
"For it is God who is working within you both to give you the will and the power to achieve his purpose."
The very first thing that I said was that the goal of this class was to challenge you to commit yourself to the
habits necessary for spiritual maturity."

Heavenly father, we thank You for these people who've come today, took time out of their schedule to
spend a whole afternoon with us. We thank You for Your Word. How practical and relevant it is! I pray that You would help
us be committed to make these commitments that would help us grow spiritually of a daily time with You for the rest of our
lives, and a weekly tithe to You and to be a part of a committed team for You. We know that when our time and our money
and our relationships are under Your control then our life is really under Your control. I thank You for these who are here
today to make this commitment. In Jesus' name. Amen.






In this unit, we hope to gain a deeper understanding of the believers’ new life experience. The series
of lessons are designed to assure the new believers of their new relationship with Jesus Christ, and to intro-
duce them to the basic foundations of Christian growth. Spiritual growth is necessary and ex-
pected of all believers; just as physical growth is necessary and expected for human beings. Peter admon-
ishes us to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Pet. 3:18).

Christians must grow up until they are no longer ‘spiritual children’, easily swayed by false teachers
and false doctrines. They are to "grow up into him (Christ) in all things" (Ephesians 4:15). The goal is to
become spiritually mature like Jesus. The objective of this unit then is to get the new believers to
learn the fundamental Biblical truths, because spiritual growth cannot be achieved apart from the Word
of God. ‘Like newborn babies, new Christians must “crave for pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may
grow up in your salvation.” (1 Peter 2:10)

Lesson Title Scripture Memory Verse

1 KNOWING Selected verses I John 5:12: “He who has the Son has life; he who does
MORE ABOUT not have the Son of God does not have life.”
2 THE NEW LIFE Romans 3:23, 2 Cor. 5:17: “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new
IN CHRIST 6:23; John 5:24, creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”
3 CLEANSED 1 John 1:7-9; 1 John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just
AND FOR- Jeremiah 31:34b, and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all
GIVEN Psalm 32:5; unrighteousness.”
Ephesians 4:32
4 THE WORD OF Selected verses Psalm 119:130 “The unfolding of Your words gives light;
GOD it gives understanding to the simple.”

5 THE John 14:16-18; John 14:16 “And I will ask the Father, and He will give
INDWELLING 16:13,14; Acts you another Counselor to be with you forever.”
OF THE HOLY 1:8; Eph. 3:16, 17
6 SHARING THE John 4:1-42 Acts 1:8 “But you will receive power when the Holy
GOOD NEWS Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses...
7 OVERCOMING Selected Matthew 26:41 “Watch and pray so that you will not fall
TEMPTATION references into temptation. The Spirit is willing, but the body is


Lesson 1

Aim: That the learner will commit to know more about Jesus the Savior, through the
Word of God.
Key Scripture Texts: Selected Bible references.

Memory Verse: “He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the
Son of God does not have life.” I John 5:12

Pray faithfully for your learner.
Study the given texts for this week and memorize the specified verse (1 John 5:12).
a) Give your learner a Bible as your spiritual birthday gift for him/her. (Ask your pastor how
and where you can buy one or get a free copy of the Gideon’s Bible.)
b) Always bring your Bible, notebook, and pen to help you write your plans and
c) Provide your learner a copy of the “My New Spiritual Life Chart” for the Significance
Session Time
1. Ask your learner to name some famous religious leaders in history. [Give an example, if needed].
Possible Answers:
1) Buddha (Buddhism)
2) Mohammad (Islam)
3) Joseph Smith (Church of the Latter Day Saints)
4) Confucius (Confucianism)
5) Felix Manalo (Iglesia ni Cristo)
6) Mary Ellen White (Seventh Day Adventist)

2. Ask: What do you think do all these people you have just mentioned have in common?
(Allow your learner to think).
Expected Answer: All these famous leaders have died and remained in their tombs until now.

Transition Sentence: In our lesson today, we will learn about another famous religious leader. But
unlike all the others He did not remain in His tomb, rather, He rose again from the grave.

1. Pray before studying the Word together - for insights, lessons to learn, and wisdom.
2. Ask: Who is Jesus Christ according to your own understanding?
(Ask for brief responses to this question)
3. Ask the following questions:
a. What pieces of evidence show that Jesus Christ already existed even before He came to earth?
(Give the reference one at a time.)


Possible Answers:
1) 1 John 8:57-58: In these verses, Jesus did not say “I was”, rather, He said “I am”,
signifying the eternity of His being and His oneness with the Father.

2) 2 John14:7-10: The words “ Father” stress the intimate connection

between the Father and Jesus. Jesus brought the full revelation of the Father, so that the
disciples had real knowledge of Him (14:11).

3) John 17:5 shows that before Jesus came into the world, He was with the Father.

b. What was the good news announced by the angel in Luke 2:10-11?
Expected Answer: The announcement was about the birth of the Savior who would deliver the
people from sin and death. “A Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.” (v.11).
c. Why did Jesus come into this world? [He came for a special purpose.]
(Refer to each verse below to find the answers)
1) Col. 1:13-14 (Answer: To rescue mankind from Satan’s power)
2) Matt. 20:28 (Answer: To give His life as a ransom)
3) 1 John 3:8 (Answer: To destroy the devil’s work)
4) 1 John 5:11,12 (Answer: To give us eternal life)
5) John 1:12 (Answer: To grant us the right to become children of God)
6) 1 John 1:3 (Answer: To restore our fellowship with God)

d. What does the person of Jesus Christ reveal to us about God?

[Direct the learner to the text and wait for the expected answer]
1) Romans 5:8 (Answer: Jesus showed us God’s love.)
2) Luke 4:18-19 (Answer: Jesus showed us God’s power.)

e. According to the following verses, what did Jesus do for us?

1) 1 Peter 2:24 (Answer: Jesus died on the cross for us.)
2) Eph. 2:4-6 (Answer: Jesus rose from the dead for us.)
3) John 14:1-3 (Answer: Jesus opened the door of heaven for us.)

4. Ask: What does our lesson today say about Jesus?

(Let the learner summarize what he/she has learned about Jesus.)

General Truth: Jesus, the Son of God, is the Savior of the world.
Recite the memory verse ( I John 5:12) together to reinforce this truth.

Notes to the Teacher: Two thousand years ago, Jesus appeared on the scene of human history. He was
born into the world and grew up into manhood just like you and me. But this Man was different; He was no
ordinary man. He was conceived by a young virgin through the power of the Holy Spirit. He was God
Himself, who came to earth in human form. He Himself is the “Son of God” (Luke 1:26-35). God sent His
Son Jesus to earth to meet every human need – to forgive sins, to heal the sick, cast out evil spirits, perform
miracles, and raise the dead, etc.


1. Ask: Why do you think many people today do not know who Jesus is and what He has done for
Possible Answers:
a) They have no desire to get to know Him in a deeper sense.
b) Jesus is only a historical person to them.
c) Jesus is only human, not divine.
d) No one told them about who Jesus is.
e) People have their own personal beliefs and convictions.

2. Ask: What does our lesson today say about Jesus? Who is Jesus Christ to you now?
(Wait for your learner to articulate his/her own understanding of his/her new relationship
with Jesus Christ).

1. Direct your learner to his/her copy of “My New Spiritual Life” chart. Check the self-evaluation form.
A YES answer means a clear and sure knowledge with understanding of the truth. If NO and NOT
SURE answers are given, review the assurance of salvation (Refer to Book 1- First Steps)

My Spiritual Life Yes No Not Sure

A. I am glad to know who Jesus is to me ____ ____ ____
B. I am assured of my salvation ____ ____ ____
C. I am thankful to God that Jesus came ____ ____ ____
D. I am aware I cannot save myself ____ ____ ____
E. I am loved by Jesus ____ ____ ____

2. Pray aloud for your learner as you end this session.

3. Encourage your learner to continue to study God’s Word on his/her own.

4. Thank your learner for the time spent today.

5. Remind him/her to review the lessons today.

6. Give the memory verse for next week: 2 Corinthians 5:15.


Lesson 2

Aim: That the learner will value his /her new life in Christ, and commit to share it with others.
Scripture References: Romans 3:23, 6:23; John 5:24, 1:12

Memory Verse: 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a

new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”

Pray for your learner’s spiritual journey.
Memorize 2 Corinthians 5:17.
Read and study carefully the Scripture references to give you
confidence as you teach this lesson.
- Provide a Bible to your learner.
- Use visual aids like objects, pictures, charts, etc. to make the lessons more interesting and
understandable for your learner.
- Inform your learner about the series of nurture lessons he/she will go through every week.


[Before the entrance, have a sharing time (‘kumustahan’) with your learner. Review the memory verse and
ask him/her to share something about the assignment last week. Pray before actual ‘entrance’ starts.]

1. Ask: Have you ever experienced having to take care of a baby? [Wait for response]
What do you think is the most urgent need of a newborn baby?
Expected Answer: Infant’s milk.

2. Ask: What are some common signs that a baby is hungry?

Possible Answers:
a) The baby keeps crying.
b) Mother’s milk drips from her chest
(if she’s breastfeeding).
c) The baby is restless and cannot sleep.
d) Others
3. Ask: What would happen if a baby is not fed for one week?
Expected Answer: The baby will starve to death.

4. Say: Your new life in Christ can be compared to that of a newborn baby that needs spiritual
food in order to grow.

Transition Sentence: Today we are going to learn more about our new life in Christ, and how we can
grow spiritually.


1. Ask your learner for the month, day, and year when he/she accepted Christ in his/her life as
personal Savior.
Say: “Mark this important date in your calendar – this is your spiritual birthday – a very significant
day when you received new life in Christ Jesus.”
2. Greet you learner and say “Happy spiritual birthday to you________________(name). When
you put your trust in Jesus and asked Him into your life, you became a part of the family of
God. So welcome to the family!”
3. Pray a short prayer of thanks for your learner’s salvation experience.

4. Explain briefly:
a. The purpose for the one-on-one meeting or session once a week. [To grow in Christ]
b. The Bible is the primary basis of all the lessons on spiritual growth / nurture.
c. The Bible is very important for your learner’s spiritual journey, so provide a Bible for
him/her, preferably in his/her dialect.
5. Give the following questions one at a time to your learner.
a. Read Romans 3:23. What does this verse say about man? (Let him/her read the
verse and wait for his/her answer)
Expected Answer: All of us are born sinners, with no exemption!

b. Ask: According to Romans 6:23a (read the verse aloud), what is the penalty for sin?
Expected Answer: It says, “Death!”

c. Explain briefly: Death denotes both physical and spiritual separation. This means sin
separates man spiritually from God who is holy and perfect. For example, when Adam
and Eve sinned in Genesis 1 and 2, they both died spiritually and were separated from

d. Ask: According to John 5:24, what are the things we should be

thankful for concerning our salvation?
Possible Answers:
1) We have eternal life.
2) We will not be condemned.
3) We have crossed over from death to life.

e. Ask: Do you now understand the essentials of putting your faith in Jesus’ finished work on
the cross? (Let the learner respond)

f. Say: Let us read further John 1:12. According to this verse, what must a person do to
become a child of God?
Expected Answer: He must receive Him and believe in His name.

g. Ask: Have you ever done this?

Expected Answer: “Yes, I trusted in Jesus Christ and I received Him in my life,
thus He gave me the right to become His child.”


h. Say: Let us turn to John 3:16. Read and emphasize the words “whoever believes in
Him.” According to this verse, who can give this new life?
Expected Answer: Jesus Christ.

General Truth: Jesus Christ alone can give us a new life.

Notes to the Teacher: Believing in Jesus and receiving Him in our lives as our Savior means becoming
new persons with a new life. Whereas we once were slaves to sin and enjoyed many kinds of evil things
that displeased God, now we learn to love God and desire to do all things that please Him. Such a
drastic change is not possible unless a man becomes a new person inside. Because of this, a genuine
believer of Jesus will not continue to live in sin because he/she is already dead to sin, and that he/she is
alive to God in Christ. This is best symbolized in the act of water baptism described in Romans 6:1-
11. Furthermore, this new life we have in Christ has a purpose. God created us in Christ to do good
works. The purpose of the Christian's new life then is to do good works for the glory of God.

SIGNIFICANCE: [Ask the following questions]

1. Ask: Why do you think many people today have not received this new life in Christ?
Possible Answers:
a) They may have never heard about it.
b) Some probably heard about the gospel but they rejected it.
c) They probably think they do not need it.
d) No one shared it with them.
e) They are too busy to listen.
f) Satan has “blinded their minds.” (2 Cor. 4:4)

2. Ask: How about you? Would you please share with me your new life experience? How did you
receive your new life in Christ? (Pause for a moment in order for your learner to think and
reflect on his/her salvation experience. Ask specific questions to help the learner share his/her salva-
tion experience or refer to his/her written testimony in Book 1.)

1. Make another appointment with your learner for next week, at your agreed day and time.
2. Close in prayer, loud enough for him/her to hear and follow it.
3. Remind your learner to review the lesson this week (lesson2).
4. Encourage him/her to share his/her testimony or salvation experience with someone this week.


Lesson 3

Aim: That the learner will appropriate God’s grace and mercy by confessing his/her sins to God.
Scripture: 1 John 1:7-9; Jeremiah 31:34b; Psalm 32:5; Ephesians 4:32

Memory Verse: 1 John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and pu-
rify us from all unrighteousness

Keep praying for the spiritual growth of your learner.
Memorize 1 John 1:9 so you can encourage your learner to memorize it as well.
Study the text references very well.
1. Provide a Bible for your learner so he/she can read it by himself/ herself.
2. Develop the habit of bringing your Bible, notebook, and pen always for you to write plans,
problems, and assignments.

Session Time

1. Ask: Have you ever seen a building under construction? (Wait for answer).
What do you think is the most important aspect of the construction work?
Possible Answer: When one constructs a building, the most important part of the whole
building construction is its foundation.

2. Say: In our Christian life, we also need solid foundation in order to grow strong.

Transition Sentence: Today, we will learn other important foundational lessons in this series. I
hope you enjoy knowing more about your new relationship with Jesus Christ as His child.

1. Pray first before you begin the lesson proper.

2. Review: Let us review what we learned from last week’s session:

a. Who are called sinners?
Expected Answer: All or every one of us. (Romans 3:23)

b. In John 5:24, what happens to us the moment we receive Jesus as our personal Savior?
Expected Answers: 1) We will have eternal life.
2) We will no longer be condemned.
3) We have crossed over from death to life.
c. In John 1:12, what will Jesus give you when you believe and receive Him into your life?
Expected Answer: The right to become His child.
[Appreciate your learner for learning the above basic facts and then proceed to the
lesson today]


3. Ask: What if a believer commits sin after becoming His child, will God forgive him/her? Please turn
to 1 John 1:7,9 to know the answer to this question.

Expected Answers:
a. Jesus will purify us from all sin (v.7)
b. God is faithful and just, He will forgive our sins and cleanse us. v.9)

Say: This means that God will forgive the sins of all those who confess
their sins to Him, and will restore their communion with Him.

4. Ask: According to Jeremiah 31:34b (read together), what will God do with our
Expected Answer: God promises not only to forgive all our sins, but to forget them as
well. He said, “I will forgive…and will remember their sins no more.”

5. Say: Let us now see the example of David in Psalm 32:5 (read together). How did he confess his
sins? Expected Answers:
a. David acknowledged (admitted) his sins.
b. He did not hide his sin, but confessed it to the Lord.
6. Ask: According to Psalm 103:12 (read together), what happens to the sins you had confessed?
Expected Answer: “God has taken away my sins. This is how He shows His love and compassion
to anyone who believes, accepts, and acknowledges his/her sins”.
7. Ask: Because you have experienced God’s forgiveness, what should be your attitude toward
others? Read Ephesians 4:32
Expected Answers:
a. Be kind and compassionate
b. Be forgiving with one other
8. Say: These are basic attitudes we should have in life as believers in Christ because we are bringing to
Others what we have received from God.The words “just as” tell us to forgive others without
counting the number of times we forgive (read Matthew 18:21, 22). If God has forgiven you, then it
is likewise expected that you forgive those people who have wronged you.
9. Ask: What is the important truth you’ve learned today about Jesus Christ?

General Truth: Jesus Christ cleanses, forgives, and forgets our sins

1. Ask: When people make mistakes or wrong others, what are some common expressions or excuses
they offer as apologies?
Possible Answers:
a. Sorry ha?
b. Pasensya ka na! Di ko sinasadya!
c. Tao lang ako na nagkakamali!
d. Let’s forget it, tapos na yon.


2. Ask: What do you think should be the proper words to say when you have offended somebody?
Possible Answer: _ (call the name and say aloud) Please forgive me! (Or go
to the person I have offended to offer a handshake or embrace).

3. Ask: How about you? Have you appropriated God’s blessing of forgiveness for yourself?
(Wait for response).

Notes to the Teacher: Forgiveness means “I set you free!” One should make a deliberate choice/decision to
release the offense and the offender because it is required by God. Likewise, you release healing to that
person and to yourself. If one does not forgive, it gives room and opportunity to the devil to set a ‘foothold’
in his/her life. (Eph. 4:27).

Jesus forgives anyone who comes to Him, no matter who he/she is! The choice is yours. The truth is—
when we come to God for confession whenever we commit sin, He cleanses, forgives, and forgets our sins.
This is how good and faithful God is to His children!

1. Say: Let me ask you a personal question. You don’t have to answer it aloud; just reflect on the
question and answer it silently:

2. Ask: Do you know of any unconfessed sins in your life right now? You can use these few minutes
to search your heart, and confess to God directly if there are any sins that you have not confessed
to Him yet.
[Give your learner some time to reflect and pray silently. Don’t rush him/her. Just be sensitive if
your learner is ready or not; or if he/she needs help or further counseling].

3. Recite the memory verse together - 1 John 1:9 - to reinforce the message.

4. Close this session with a prayer, thanking God for your learner’s new life in Christ and the
assurance of forgiveness and restoration.


Lesson 4

Aim: That my learner will read the Bible regularly as his/her source of salvation and spiritual
Scripture: Selected verses from God’s Word.

Memory Verse: Psalm 119:130 “The unfolding of Your words gives

light; it gives understanding to the simple.”

Spend time to pray for the spiritual growth of your learner.
Learn the memory verse by heart.
Bring your Bible always to read and study the references given.
Study and familiarize yourself with the basic salvation references to help you in your teaching.
Prepare: a) A notebook to record notations and/or questions.
b) Ball pen or pencil.
c) Remind your learner (through text message, phone call, or personal visit) to
bring his/her Bible to the session.

Session Time

1. Ask: Can you tell me what things or tools are important to the following people:
a) Teacher (Possible answer: lesson plan)
b) Dressmaker (Possible answer: sewing machine)
c) Cook (Possible answer: recipe)
d) Engineer (Possible answer: blue print)
e) Doctor (Possible answer: stethoscope)
2. Ask: What do you think is important to a believer in Christ?
(Wait for answer.) Expected Answer: The Bible

Transition Sentence: Just as these people need certain tools to do their jobs, the believers of Jesus Christ
must also have the very important tool needed for their growth – this is what we are going to learn today.

1. Recite the memory verse together.
2. Request your learner to say a word of praise or a word of testimony about his/her recent experience as
a new believer.
3. Lead in prayer.
4. Allow your learner to read the acrostic below. Ask him/her what he/she thinks of it.
(Or ask him/her if he/she can think of another one that corresponds to each letter of the word.

The B-I-B-L-E stands for

B - Basic


B– before
L– leaving
E– earth

5. Ask the following questions:

a. Since you have already accepted Jesus as your Savior, how can you be sure He has
accepted you?
Expected Answer: I can be sure because of this fact - - The Bible, God’s Word, declares it!
It is written, so I am assured.

b. How do you know that God loves you? How do you know you have eternal life?
How do you know Jesus rose from death and is now alive?
Expected Answer: God says so in the Bible. The Bible is full of promises for all who
trust in Jesus.

c. What does Revelations 3:20 tell us about the promise of God?

Expected Answer: He said, “I will come in to him and live with him”.

Say: This is Jesus speaking —He said it and so we must accept it because it is true.
So if you ask, ‘how can I be sure I have eternal life’? Again, the answer is in the
Bible (ask the learner to read John 3:16 and John 3:36).
6. Ask: What are some important facts we need to know about Jesus Christ in relation to our
salvation? (Give references)
1). Rom. 5:8 - Answer: He came to earth to die for my sins.
2) 1 John 4:9 - Answer: He loved me so much.
3) Heb. 13:5; Matt: 28:20 - Answer: He is always with me.

7. Say: We must not rely on our feelings or ideas for these are unreliable. But instead, we must
rely on God’s promises in the Bible.
Fact: God said it in the Bible.
Faith: Because God said it, I will believe and accept it.
Feeling: I have new life in Christ, and so I praise and thank Him for it.

8. Ask: What important lesson have you learned today concerning the Bible?

General Truth: The Bible, God’s Word, is a Book that gives life.

1. Read aloud to your learner the lyrics of the song: “Jesus Loves Me” (If you know it, sing it)

“Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.

Little ones to Him belong; they are weak but He is strong!”


Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me.

Yes, Jesus loves me, the Bible tells me so!
2. Say: The Bible is very important to our spiritual growth. The Word of God produces life, and it is
our daily spiritual food intended to give us health, strength, and wisdom as we journey into this life.

3. Ask: According to 2 Timothy 3:16, what are the four uses of the Bible?
Expected Answers: a. For teaching
b. For rebuking
c. For correcting
d. For training in righteousness

4. Ask: What do you think are some reasons why people do not read or study God’s Word?
Possible answers:
1) They find it hard to understand God’s Word.
2) People do not value it.
3) They believe it is an old book written only by men.
4) Some may simply read it but would not apply its truth to their lives.
5) They are scared to know God’s truth as revealed in the Bible.

5. Ask: How about you? What can you say about God’s Word?
(Allow your learner to think and respond)

6. Recite again the memory verse together.

1. Teach your learner how to say a short prayer of thanksgiving for God’s Word. You may use the
example below:
Lord Jesus, thank You for Your wonderful Words.
By studying Your Word, I learned that You love me so much. You gave Your life for me.
Help me to grow in Your Word. Thank You, Lord!
In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen

2. Lead in closing prayer.

3. Assign the memory verse for next week – Romans 8:11.


Lesson 5

Aim: That my learner will appropriate the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in his/her life.
Scripture References: John 14:16-18, 16:13,14; Acts 1:8; Ephesians 3:16,17

Memory Verse: Romans 8:11 “And if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, He
who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit, who
lives in you”.

Pray for yourself and your lesson preparation.
Memorize the verse—Romans 8:11 and reflect on its meaning and implications.
Study the selected references. If possible, study it in other Bible versions.
Know what it means to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Prepare: a) Bring your Bible, notebook, and pen.
b) Bring the New Believer’s Study Guide for your learner to take down notes or
questions he may want to ask later on. Encourage him/her to answer the
review questions or follow up assignments.

Session time

1. Ask: “What is there in All Saint’s Day or All Soul’s Day celebration that makes some people and
children fearful or afraid to think about? (By doing this you would be able to discern his/her beliefs re-
garding evil spirits).
Expected answer: The old folks say that spirits of the dead come back to earth.

2. Ask: “What do you think of ghosts and evil spirits? Are they
real?” (Wait for his/her answer)

3. Say: The Bible teaches that the spirit world is real.

Transition Sentence: Today we will study not ghosts or evil spirits, but the Spirit of God and how we
can be sure that He lives in us.


1. Pray first.
2. Read aloud the Scripture passage in the dialect of your learner.

3. Say: Before we can understand why the Holy Spirit is so important in our lives as believers, we
need to know more about who He is).

4. Read: John 14:16-18 and ask the following questions:

How does Jesus call the Holy Spirit? v.16
Expected Answer: Counselor.


a. Who gives the Holy Spirit to us? v. 16

Answer: God the Father.
b. What does Jesus say the Holy Spirit will do for the believers? John 14: 16-17
Expected Answers: He will be with us forever. (v. 16).
He will live in us. (v. 17)

5. Ask: Whose presence do you now have after you invited Jesus into your life?
Expected Answer: The Holy Spirit.

Notes to the Teacher: The word ‘counselor’ is a legal term referring to a person who helps someone who
gets in trouble with the law. The Holy Spirit, as a counselor, will stand by Christ’s people. He also brings
people to know the truth. The Holy Spirit is God. He is the Third Person of the Trinity (Matt. 28:19). He has
been at work in the world since creation, and is now continuing the work that Jesus began, in and through
the believers in Christ.

This means that the Holy Spirit took the place of Jesus after He returned to heaven. The Holy Spirit now in-
dwells the believers—a permanent assurance that He lives within us after each one of us had accepted
Jesus in our life.

6. Ask: What other works of the Holy Spirit for the believers are mentioned in the following

a. John 16:13,14 [Expected Answer: To guide believers into all truth and to
reveal what is to come]
b. Acts 1:8 [Expected Answer: To give power to believers to share the good news of
salvation to others]
c. Eph. 3:16, 17a [Expected Answer: To strengthen the believers in their inner being]

7. Ask: From the lesson today, what have you learned about the Holy Spirit? (Allow your learner to
summarize what he/she learned from the lesson).

General Truth: The Holy Spirit is the Counselor who will always be with us.
[Recite together the memory verse in John 14:16].

1. Ask: Knowing that the Holy Spirit is in you, how should you respond to Him?
Possible Answer: I will trust Him and turn to Him when I am in trouble.

2. Ask: When you are afraid of ghosts or evil spirits, what does 1 John 4:4 say?
Expected answer: “Greater is He that is in us”

Say: If He (the Holy Spirit) who is in us is greater than he that is in the world, do we have to be


1. Take a few minutes to pray for the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Let your learner follow you as you
read the short prayer below:

‘Dear Lord Jesus, I need you. I acknowledge that I have been in control of my life and as a result I
have sinned against You. You have forgiven my sins through Christ’s death on the cross. I now
invite You, Jesus, to take full control of the throne of my life. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit, I pray.
Thank You, Lord. In Jesus’ name. amen.

2. Lead in a brief closing prayer.

3. Give your learner an assignment to read - John 4:1-42 - for your next lesson.

4. Encourage him/her to read the Word of God for it is the spiritual food of our soul.

Lesson 6

Aim: That my learner will commit to share the good news of salvation to at least one person this week.
Scripture: John 4:1-42

Memory Verse: Acts 1:8 “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes
on you; and you will be my witnesses…

Pray that your learner will understand the meaning of witnessing.
Memorize the assigned verse in Acts 1:8.
Study the assigned reference
a) Remind your learner to keep on reading John 4:1-42.
b) Bring your Bible, notebook and ball pen. Encourage your learner also do so.


Session time

Relate this situation: What if during a severe famine you discover a warehouse full of groceries
with a big signboard at the entrance saying, ‘Whosoever will may come and get what he needs.”
What would you do? (Encourage your learner to respond to this scenario)

Possible Answers: a) I will take up the offer and thank God for the donor.
b) I will tell my family and friends, and others about the good news.
c) I will investigate further whether this is really true or not.

Transition Sentence: Today we are going to learn why each one of us has to tell others about
what Christ has done for us.

1. Pray for God’s guidance.
2. Read together John 4:1-42.
3. Ask the following questions:

a. What have you observed from this encounter between the Samaritan
woman and Jesus?
Possible Answers:
1) It was noontime and the woman came to get water alone.
2) Jesus was waiting for her at the well and started conversation with her.
3) Jesus knew about the woman’s sinful life.

b. What did the Samaritan woman learn about Jesus?

Possible Answers:
1) That He was the promised Messiah
2) That He was the Source of Living water [which could quench her deep spiritual thirst]
3) That Jesus knew everything about her

c. What did the woman do about what she discovered?

Expected Answer: She immediately returned to the city and excitedly shared the good news to
all her friends and neighbors, and urged them all to meet Jesus personally.

d. What was the result of the woman’s witness to her neighbors?

Expected Answer: People came to listen to Jesus and many more believed in Him.

4. Say: Here is another example. Let us read John 1:40-42.

Ask: In this passage, how did Simon Peter come to know Jesus?
Expected Answer: His brother Andrew told him about Jesus being the Messiah, and
brought him to meet Jesus in person.

5. Ask: From whom did Andrew learn about Jesus?

Expected Answer: From John.


6. Say: Following the examples of the Samaritan woman and of Simon and Andrew, what should
we do with the good news of salvation? (Let the learner think and share)

General Truth: We need to share the good news of Jesus to someone without delay.

1. Ask: Why do you think some believers fail to share Christ?
Possible Answers:
a) They are afraid of what people may say.
b) They feel they are not ready to answer questions that may be asked.
c) They are not yet trained to witness, so they do not know where and how to start.

2. Say: Let me share with you some practical ways how you can start sharing the good news to
your family or friends:

a) Use your personal testimony—how you found new life in Jesus and how meaningful
your life has become. (Refer to your written testimony in Book 1).
b) Use a guide or aid in sharing the gospel, i.e., The Bridge, The 4 Spiritual Laws, etc.
(See your pastor about the availability of these evangelism tools).
c) Let your life speak.
d) Just do it. Pray for the person you want to share the gospel with. Then when
opportunity comes, share.

1. Ask: Which of the above suggestions do you think can you do this week? (Wait for response)

2. Pray with your learner to have wisdom and boldness to share. Pray also for the person he/she plans to
share the gospel with.

3. Lead in closing prayer.


Lesson 7

Aim: That my learner will trust God for victory over every temptation that comes into his/her life.
Scripture References: Selected passages

Memory Verse: Matthew 26:41 “Watch and pray so that you will not
fall into temptation; the spirit is willing but the flesh in weak.”

Pray for yourself as you teach your learner this lesson on temptation.
Memorize Matthew 26:41
Study the lesson well.
Prepare: a. Photocopy the lyrics of the song “Yield Not to Temptation” to be read
aloud at the Substance Portion of the lesson.
b. Bring your Bible and notebook.


1. Ask: Have you ever experienced taking a really scary trip? What happened? [If
your learner hasn’t experienced one, you may share your own experience].

2. Say: Journeys are not always easy; the road we travel is not always smooth. So it is with our
spiritual journey. There are times when we encounter hardships or temptations. Satan will
continue to tempt us to sin -- to return to doing things we know are wrong; to think evil thoughts and
practice bad habits.

Transition Sentence: Our lesson today, “Overcoming Temptation” would be a great help to you in
order to have a victorious walk with God.

1. Pray for wisdom.
2. Ask: How do you define temptation? Can you give some specific examples?
(Wait for the learner’s response).
3. Give this definition: Temptation is a strong desire for something that is against the will of
God. It is a desire which Satan uses to persuade you to sin.

Say: It is not wrong to be tempted, but it is wrong to yield to temptation and sin.

4. Let your learner read the lyrics of the song “Yield Not to Temptation”. (Give your
learner a copy so he/she can read aloud).


Yield not to temptation, for yielding is sin; Each vict’ry will help you some other to win; Fight manfully
onward, dark passions subdue; Look ever to Jesus, He’ll carry you through.

Ask the Savior to help you, Comfort, strengthen, and keep you; He is will-
ing to aid you, He will carry you through.

Shun evil companions, bad language disdain, God’s name hold in rev’rence, nor take it in vain; Be
thoughtful and earnest, kindhearted and true; Look ever to Jesus, He’ll carry you through.

To him that o’ercometh, God giveth a crown, Through faith we will conquer, though often cast down;
He who is our Savior, our strength will renew; Look ever to Jesus, He’ll carry you through.

5. Say: From the day you trusted Jesus as your Savior, you entered into a spiritual warfare. Your enemy is
the devil. He will do everything in his power to make you become discouraged,
doubtful, defeated, and even a fault-finding believer. Beware of his strategies. As we study this lesson, we
will discover that all believers in Christ are subject to temptation. But victory is ours in Christ.

6. Read Philippians 3:14 together.

Ask: Because you and I belong to God’s family, we are included in the Apostle Paul’s instruction
in Philippians 3:14. What is the instruction of Paul?
Possible Answers:
a) We are to “press on toward the goal.” [This means go on and live up to the calling of
being a child of the living God by doing God’s will in our lives].
b) A new believer is tempted when he is enticed or carried away to do something that would hurt God. Giving
in to temptation will destroy us spiritually. So, we must focus our eyes on Jesus.

7. Say: Part of our study as we travel the way ahead is to know the source of temptation.

Ask: What does the Word of God say about temptation in the following verses: (Allow the
learner to read each verse and wait for his/her answer)
a) James 1:13 (Answer - Temptation never comes from God)
b) James 1:14,15 (Answer - We are tempted by our evil desires)
c) John 13:2 (Answer - We are tempted by Satan or the devil)

Say: Satan uses temptation to try to make us fall. Thank God, we can choose not to sin!
There are ways by which we can keep ourselves from yielding to temptation and falling into sin.

8. Ask: What are some ways you, as a believer, can overcome temptation? [Give the
following references one at a time]

Text Expected Answers:

a) Psalm 119:11 Keep God’s law (His Word) in my heart.
Comment: Study it. Memorize it. Obey it.]


b) Col. 3:1,2 Guard my thoughts carefully.

Comment: Fill your mind with thoughts and desires that are good and pleasing
to God.

c) Psalm 141:3 Guard my speech carefully.

Comment: Satan wants to use your words to harm others and yourself.
Refuse to even listen to something evil and you cannot be tempted to repeat it.

d) 1 Tim. 6:9,10 Be content with what I have.

Comment: The love of money brings dissatisfaction and leads to temptation.
The best thing to do is to be hard-working, and not go for easy money.

e) James 4:7 Be firm in my faith, submit to God, and actively resist Satan.
Comment: Maintain your intimate relationship with God, and say NO to any enticement
and deception of Satan.

f) Eph. 6:11 Put on the spiritual armor that God gives me.
Comment: You must recognize that you cannot resist temptation by your own strength
alone. You need to appropriate God’s spiritual armor for you - truth, right-
eousness, readiness to tell others the Good News, faith, salvation, and the
Word of God (vs.14-17).

8. Say: Here are some other principles and promises of God to help you in times of need:

a) Build a strong spiritual life through consistent prayer, worship, Bible-reading, and fellow-
ship. (Read Eph. 6:10)
b) God will not allow you be tested beyond your ability to withstand. He will give you the strength to
endure it. (Read 1 Cor. 10:13).
c) Christ understands and helps you because He himself was tempted, but He never
sinned. (Read Heb. 4:15).
d) Christ gives you His power. You will have the strength to face any situation. (Phil
e) Christ is able to keep you from falling (Jude 24).

9. Ask: From our lengthy lesson today, what have you learned about temptation?

General Truth: God’s Word promises us a way to victory over every temptation.

(Emphasize the memory verse. Recite it aloud together).


Notes to the Teacher: Christ has not left the Christians helpless. Any Christian can overcome temptation
with God’s help. Christians can overcome temptation because God, who is in them, is more powerful than
Satan who is in the world (I John 4:4). Christians who are obedient and submissive to God will surely over-
come the world (I John 5:3-5). There are practical ways to do this. First, stay away from places of tempta-
tion. Paul warns us in 1 Thessalonians 5:22 to ‘avoid every kind of evil’. Second, stay away from wicked or
unbelieving friends. Choose Christian friends who can encourage you and help you grow spiritually.
Finally, strengthen your spiritual life through consistent prayer and reading of God’s Word.

1. Ask: What are some harmful influences in our society today which can easily lead a person to
turn away from the Lord? (Give time for your learner to contribute what he/she knows).
Possible Answers:
a. Pornographic books, magazines, or pictures
b. Unrestricted and excessive use of radio, television, internet or cell phone
c. Satan may even use another person, or he may put an evil thought on your mind. d.
He may use one’s former vices, i.e., gambling, drinking, night life, etc.
e. He may tempt you through:
1) your eyes - pornography, indecent movies or TV films, or horror and crime
2) your ears - listening to gossips or unwholesome conversations.
3) your tongue - cursing and using obscene language, lying, back-biting,
gossiping, etc.

2. Ask: Which of the influences mentioned above are you presently struggling with?

1. Encourage your learner to share his/her own thoughts about temptation.

2. Pray together for a victorious walk in Christ.

3. Inform and encourage your learner to attend the next series of discipleship lessons called
“The Way Ahead” which is a higher level of study.






The lessons in this unit are designed to assist new believers to grow spiritually strong through basic
Christian disciplines such as Discipleship, Bible reading, Prayer, Church Attendance, Church Ordi-
nances, and Stewardship. One cannot be a disciple without learning discipline! If we want to de-
velop Christ-like character in the new believers, there are certain disciplines or habits they need to
practice as part of their lifestyles. (1 Tim 4:7b). Paul says that just as an athlete gives priority to habits
that will develop him as a champion, a disciple gives priority to habits that develop Christ-like
character in him. (1 Cor. 9:25-27). We hope that the learners will learn to develop these spiritual dis-
ciplines, as well as deepen their understanding of the communal life and their personal responsibili-
ties as a Christian. Through this series of lessons, the new believers will develop their faith in the
Lord Jesus Christ, having been firmly anchored in the Word of God.

Lesson Title Scripture Memory

References Verse
1 COUNTING Luke 14:25-30 Mark 8:34: “If anyone would come after me, he must
THE COST deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.”
2 GROWING IN 1 Peter 2:2; Psalm 2 Timothy 3:16: “All Scripture is God-breathed and is
THE WORD 119:105; James 1:21- useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training
25; Eph. 6:13,17 in righteousness”.
3 TALKING Eph. 3:12, 6:18; 1 Philippians 4:6: “Do not be anxious about anything,
WITH GOD Thess. 5:17; Mk. but in everything by prayer petition, with thanksgiv-
1:35, 6:46 ing, present your requests to God”.
4 GOING TO Ephesians 2:19; Acts Hebrews 10:25: “Let us not give up meeting to-
CHURCH 2:42-47; Heb. 10:25 gether,
as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage
one another—and all the more as you see the Day ap-
5 GIVING Psalm 24:1, Malachi Luke 6:38: “Give, and it will be given to you, a good
FAITHFULLY 3:8-10, Hebrews 7:2, measure, pressed down, shaken together and running
Matt. 23:23b, 2 Cor. over, will be poured into your lap. For with the meas-
8:1-5, Acts 20:35 ure you use, it will be measured to you.”
6 SUBMITTING Matt. 3:13-15; 28:19- Galatians 2:20 “I have been crucified with Christ and
TO WATER 20; Acts I
BAPTISM 2:38; Romans 6:1-4 no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live
( in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God who
loved me and gave himself for me.”
7 THE LORD’S 1 Cor. 11:17-34 John 6:33,35 “For the bread of God is he who comes
SUPPER down from heaven and gives life to the world.
Then, Jesus declared, I am the bread of life!”


Lesson 1

Aim: That my learner will dedicate himself/herself to Jesus Christ as the Lord of his/her life.
Scripture: Luke 14:25-30

Memory Verse: Mark 8:34 “...If anyone would come after me, he must deny
himself and take up his cross and follow me.”

Pray for wisdom and deeper understanding for your learner’s new path of
Memorize the verse: Mark 8:34
Read and study the assigned text.
Prepare: A piece of bond paper and write the following statements on each side, to be used for
the Substance Portion:
1. “The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.”
2. Definition of the word “DISCIPLE”: A “disciple” is a person who has surrendered
his/her life to Jesus and is following His will and purpose.

Session Time
1. Ask your learner to read the first statement: “The journey of a thousand miles begins with the
first step”.
2. Say: When you want to go somewhere, you have to stand, take the first step and go forward. So it is
with a little child – when he/she is just starting to walk, the child needs the assistance and en-
couragement of both parents (and other adults) to keep him/her going.

Transition Sentence: It is also true with our new relationship with God; we need to continue to
walk in our spiritual journey as we follow the Lord Jesus Christ.

1. Pray first for wisdom.
2. Ask: What do you understand by the word “disciple?” (Wait for response).
3. Show the definition of the word “disciple” that you prepared. (Read together).
A disciple is a person who has surrendered his/her life to Jesus and is
following His will and purpose.

Say: You are learning fast in your journey into your new life as a disciple of Christ. It is a great
achievement! In this series which is called “The Way Ahead”, we will go through 7 lessons. Our
first lesson today is about the cost of following Jesus.

4. Read aloud the paragraph written below:


“Jesus never encourages people into a shallow profession of faith. Instead He challenges the disciple to face
difficult realities in life. He wants the disciple to count the cost of following Him.
Becoming a disciple of Jesus is not a bed of roses—the way ahead has
obstacles, challenges, and struggles to face”.

Ask: What do you think of this paragraph? What word or words struck you most? (Wait for

5. Let us read aloud—Luke 14:25-20, 33. Here are some questions for you to answer:

a. Ask: What are the conditions given by Jesus for a person who wants to become His disciple?
Expected Answers:
1) To “hate” our family members and even ourselves” v.26.

Say: “Hate” is an idiomatic expression which means we have to love Jesus far more
than we love our family or ourselves. (In Filipino, bigay todo ang dapat na pag-
mamahal na iukol kay Hesus).

2) To “carry our cross and follow Jesus” v.27.

Say: The word “cross” refers to anything that we are called to

bear and suffer for Jesus’ sake. This means total commit-
ment on our part as disciples—even unto death.

b. Ask: To what did Jesus compare a man who wants to be His disciple? vs.28-30
Expected Answer: A man who wants to build a tower.

c. Ask: Why do you think did Jesus give the illustration of the unfinished tower? (Let your
learner analyze the example of Jesus. Appreciate his/her thoughts on the matter).

Notes to the Teacher: Many people want to go to heaven just to secure their future but they do not want
to walk the way ahead because it is difficult. Some do not follow through as disciples because they
failed to count the cost. They do not see that following Jesus is like getting married and commit-
ting oneself to a life time relationship.)

d. Ask: Who then cannot be His disciple? v.33

Expected Answer: Anyone who is not willing to give up everything cannot be His

Say: In this verse, Jesus is telling us that anyone who wants to follow Him should make a
total surrender of his/her life to Jesus and there is no turning back. His/her faith in Christ
must endure because he/she has chosen to obey God by stepping out in faith.

6. Ask: From this study, what do you understand about becoming a disciple of Jesus?


General Truth: Becoming a disciple of Jesus means complete surrender of one’s life to
Him without turning back.

1. Ask: Is it possible for a believer in Christ to remain as an infant?
Expected Answer: Yes, if he/she is not growing spiritually.

Say: A person who does not want to pay the cost of following Jesus remains to be a babe in
his/her faith. Many people during Jesus’ earthly life, for example, just believed but they did
not put into action what they believed.

2. Ask: What are some things that a believer should surrender as he/she follows Christ?
Possible Answers:
a. The control of one’s life.
b. Personal wants and desires.
c. It may mean to surrender one’s career, ambition, rights, girl friend / boy friend, etc.

1. Ask: Which of the things that you have enumerated above do you need to surrender in order to
follow Christ? (Give time for your learner to respond)

2. Lead your learner to say a prayer for commitment. Or ask him/her to personally commit his/her
life to Jesus as the Lord of his/her life through prayer.

3. Pray for him/her so that this whole week he/she will think about what was learned in relation to
his/her life’s journey

4. Assign the memory verse for next week (2 Timothy 3:16) so he/she can memorize it and reflect on
its meaning.

5. Record in your notebook any question/problem that is not answered and research on it or ask
your pastor to help you.

6. Remind your learner to review the lesson.


Lesson 2

Aim: That my learner will read and apply the Word of God for his/her spiritual
Scripture Texts: 1 Peter 2:2; Psalm 119:105; James 1:21-25; Eph. 6:13,17

Memory Verse: 2 Timothy 3:16 “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful

for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness”.

Pray for your learner as you continue to teach the series of lessons in this series.
Memorize the memory verse – 2 Timothy 3:16.
Study your lesson well.
Prepare: a. Write in a sheet of paper the question: “Why do you think should you read the
Bible? (Show this during the Entrance Portion)
b. Write in a paper the acrostic of the word B-I-

Session Time
1. Ask: What kind of reading materials do you want to read?
Possible Answers: a. Fiction books
b. Action/ adventure books
c. Biographies
d. Cartoons / Comics
e. Inspirational/devotional books
f. Others

2. Ask: Why do you like to read those kinds of materials?

Possible Answers: a. for entertainment
b. for personal development
c. learn something from them
d others

Transition Sentence: Today, we will study one particular Book which will help us grow strong in
our Christian life.

1. Pray first.
2. Introduce the children’s chorus entitled:”Read Your Bible”:
Read your Bible, pray every day
Pray every day, pray every day
Read your Bible, pray every day
And you-grow, grow, grow


And you-grow, grow, grow

And you-grow, grow, grow
Read your Bible, pray every day
And you-grow, grow, grow.

Say: This song tells us that the Bible helps us grow spiritually.

3. Ask: What do the following references tell us about the Bible? (Help
your learner find the verses then read them together)
a. 1 Peter 2:2 – (Answer: It is our spiritual milk/food)

Say: As a child in Christ, you have to grow and be able to eat solid food in order to develop a
healthy spiritual life. So, you need to nurture your new life in Christ by
studying God’s Word to be a glowing believer in Christ.
b. Psalm 119:105 (Answer: The Bible is a light.)
Say: The Bible gives light to every problem. It shows us the right way ahead.

c. John 1:21-25 (Answer: The Bible is a mirror).

Say: If there is dirt on your face, the mirror will slow it. In the same way the Bible will
show you what you are really like. It will expose any sin, so that, you can do something
about it.

d. Ephesians 6:13,17 (Answer: The Bible is a weapon).

Say: God’s Word is the weapon given to us to defeat Satan.

e. Hebrews 4:12 (Answer: The Bible is a sword)

Say: The Bible is likened to a sword with power that penetrates deep down in our
4. Ask: When and where should you read the Bible? (Ask your learner to give suggestions).
Give these practical suggestions:

a. Have a definite time (the best time you can devote to God - probably early in the morning
or after dinner).and a special place (bedroom, study room, dining area or sala) where you can be
quiet and concentrate on reading the Bible.

b. Do this as an everyday habit.

5. Ask: How should we read the Bible systematically? (Allow the learner to share his/her ideas/opinions).
Give the following practical suggestions:
a. Start by reading the Gospel of Mark. b. Read the Gospel of
John next.
c. After John, read 1 John (This book gives instructions about confessing sin, being sure of salvation, and other
important matters for spiritual growth).
d. After 1 John, read the Book of James (This tells you about Christian behavior and ethics).


e. Next is the book of Romans, which gives you a systematic study of the major doctrines of
the Christian faith.
f. Read one chapter a day until you finish the whole book. Make Bible reading an every
day habit.

6. Ask: How do you begin reading the Bible? (Wait for response).
Give these suggestions:
a. Pray for guidance. Example: “Open my eyes Lord so that I may see the truths You want me
to learn and receive.”
b. Read God’s Word slowly and carefully ask yourself these questions:
What does it say? What does it mean? How does it apply to my life?
c. Memorize a verse each day– This is one way to grow strong and to glow in your life.

Say: Abraham Lincoln said: “I am profitably engaged in Bible reading. Take all of this book
and you will live and die a better a man.”

Notes to the Teacher: The Word of God (the Holy Bible) is God’s special book. It was written by many
different people, who wrote by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, 2 Tim. 3:16. The Bible has been translated
into more languages than any other book in the world. It is the world’s best-selling book.

The Bible is also one of the oldest books in the world. It is made up of 66 books. It has only one central
theme: “God’s loving plan to rescue mankind.” The Bible is divided into two sections:
(1) The Old Testament- tells us about God’s work with His people before the birth of Je-
(2) The New Testament-tells us about Jesus’ birth, His life, His ministry of healing and forgive
- ness, His death on a cross, His resurrection, and His ascension. It tells us also about the
continuation of His work after He ascended to heaven.

The most important relationship you can have in this life is your relationship with God. Through reading the
Bible you can come to understand what God is like—you will learn about His thoughts, His plans, and His
promises for (to) you and me. (Adapted from Church Planters Institute 1992, p.3).

Ask: What does this lesson teach about God’s word?

General Truth: God’s Word is very essential for our spiritual growth.

1. Ask: Why do you think people today do not read the Bible regularly even if it is already translated
into their language?
Expected answers:
a. The Bible is difficult to understand.
b. To them, it is a very old book.
c. It is boring to read.
d. Many other reasons.


2. Say: Since you have accepted Jesus in your life, what can you say about the Bible? (Pause for a
moment to allow your learner to respond) .

Possible Answers:
a. God’s Word changed my life.
b. It gave me direction.
c. It gave me a blessed hope.
d. Life became meaningful.
e. It opened my eyes to understand.

1. Say: The Bible is a revelation of God for the salvation of mankind and well-being of His children. It
also contains the ‘nutrients’ and ‘vitamins’ for the health of our soul. The Bible was given for our trans-

2. Recite the memory verse again – 2 Timothy 3:16.

3. Share this quote: “Study the Bible to be wise; believe it to be safe; practice it to be holy.”

4. Ask the learner to make a schedule for his/her daily Bible reading for the coming weeks. Ask her to
submit this form every week for a month or more, so that he/she will be used to it. (Teacher’s discre-

5. Give him/her a chart to fill up. Example: (as printed in the Learner’s Study Guide)

Day : Time : Passage : Lesson Learned

: : :
: : :
: : :
: : :
: : :
: : :
: : :
: : :

5. Lead in the closing prayer.


Lesson 3

Aim: That my learner will develop a habit of talking with God regularly.
Scripture: Eph. 3:12; 1 Thess. 5:17; Eph. 6:18; Mk. 1:35, 6:46

Memory Verse: Phil. 4:6: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by
prayer petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Pray for wisdom and guidance.
Memorize the assigned verse. This will greatly encourage your learner to memorize it also.
Prepare: a. Write: YES, NO, WAIT in a bond paper to be used in the Substance Portion.
b. Write on a piece of paper the acrostic of the word—ACTS (Adoration, Confession,
Thanksgiving, Supplication) to be used in the General Truth Portion.

Session Time

1. Ask: When you were still a student (Or as a student, if you are still one at present), how do
you approach your father/mother when you have urgent needs at school (e.g. due pay-
ment of tuition fees / projects/activities, or attendance at PTA, etc.?
(Give time to your learner to think and share).
Possible Answers:
a. Go direct to him/her and explain the urgency of the need.
b. Send him/her a text message immediately.
c. Write an email if he/she is working abroad to explain need.
d. Talk personally to your father / mother.

2. Say: There are conditions to consider if we want our parent to respond to

our needs without delay. Can you name some of these conditions? (Let your
learner share his /her experience).
Expected Answers:
a. When there is no gap in relationship
b. When you communicated your needs clearly.
c. When you were honest and sincere about the request.
d. When you have established an intimate connection with them.
e. When your father/mother is pleased with you.
Transition Sentence: Today we are going to know more about God as our Heavenly Father and
how to talk with Him.

1. Pray aloud so your learner could clearly hear the prayer.


2. Greet your learner and ask about insights/experiences or issues on relationships about his/her new
found faith.
3. Say : Another important lesson you need to learn is about PRAYER.

Ask: What do you understand about prayer? (Allow learner to respond). You may augment with this
short note:
Notes to the Teacher: Prayer is simply talking with God. In this lesson we are going to look at prayer, a
time you spent between you and God alone. (This is your personal time with God, not as a group). It is you
talking to God about anything, anytime and anywhere. And God talks to you through His Word, the Bible.
You speak to Him and He speaks to you, as you read and meditate on the Word of God. Prayer and reading
the Bible should always go together.

4. Say: Here are questions for us to answer:

a. According to Ephesians 3:12, what is made available to you and me?
Expected answer: That we can approach God with freedom and confidence.

Say: This is further strengthened by Heb. 4:16 which says, “ that we may receive mercy to help us
in time of need.” This means God is always ready to give an answer and to help us when we pray.

b. Why do we have to pray? Read 1 Thess. 5:17; Eph. 6:18

Expected answer: It is a command, not an option. Each believer has to pray and to keep on

5. Say: Let us turn to other Bible references about the command to pray. (Read the reference first, then ask
your learner to summarize the text briefly ).
a. Luke 21:36 – Answer: Watch and pray always.
b. Matt. 26:41- Answer: Pray lest you fall into temptation.
c. Luke 10:2 – Answer: Pray for workers for God’s kingdom.
d. 1 Tim. 2:12 – Answer: Pray for those in authority.
e. Luke 6:28- Answer: Pray for your enemies.

6. Ask: Whose example do we have to follow? Mark 1:35; 6:46

Expected answer: Jesus himself has given us a model.

Say: Our Lord Jesus Christ always finds time and place to talk to His heavenly Father.
This means prayer is a top priority in His life and ministry.
7. Ask: Are there prayers not heard or granted by God? See Psalm 66:18, James 4:2-3
Expected answer: Yes! He does not answer prayers when (read the references).
a. There is sin in our heart Psalm 66:18.
b. We ask with the wrong motives. James 4:2b,3

Notes to the Teacher: God answers all our prayers but not always in the way we expect. He knows what
is best for us. He answers-YES if we ask in accordance to His will. He answers WAIT if the time is not
yet ripe. He answers NO if there is a wrong motive and sin in the heart. Sometimes God refuses our re-
quests for our own good.


8. Say: Our prayers should include Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication
(ACTS). This acronym stands for:
A - Adoration- you appreciate who God is and thank Him for who He is.
C - Confession- confess your sin to God.
T - Thanksgiving- Thank Him for what He has done.
S - Supplication- Pray for others and for your personal needs.

9. Ask: What have you learned from this lesson on prayer?

General Truth: Believers in Christ can talk to God in prayer with freedom and confidence.

1. Ask: What do you think are some reasons why many people today find it hard to pray?
Possible answers: a) Too many activities to attend to.
b) There are other priorities in life.
c) It is hard to do.
d) God does not answer my prayers. He is too far!
e) Unconfessed sin
f) Etc.

2. Ask: What do you think are some reasons why it is hard for you to pray? Can you cite some of your
struggles in the area of prayer? (Let the learner share.)

1. Let the learner pray asking God to help him/her to be able to overcome his/her struggles about
prayer. Then pray for him/her.

2. Say: May I suggest(—) that you begin and end your day in prayer, thanking God for His protection for
the past night and asking Him to help you for the day. Would you do that?

3. Remind your learner of the memory verse this week. Give also the verse for next week- Hebrews

4. Close in prayer.


Lesson 4

Aim: That my learner will commit to attend church regularly for worship and fellowship.
Scripture References: Ephesians 2:19; Acts 2:42-47; Hebrews 10:25

Memory Verse: Hebrews 10:25: “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in
the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see
the Day approaching”.

Pray for your learner’s growth in the Lord.
Memorize: Hebrews 10:25
Study the Scripture references.
Prepare: a. A simple quiz to test your learner’s mastery of past lessons.
b. Invite your learner to church and to your home this week.
c. Prepare visual aids, charts or pictures to add life and pictures related to the lesson

Session Time

1. Think & respond: Do you like broiled fish or meat? Suppose you are broiling one, what do you think
would happen if one piece of burning charcoal fell from the grill? What makes the open fire keep
burning? (Let the learner share or respond)

2. Say: A similar thing will happen to us if we stay away from the group of fellow believers of Jesus
Christ. In the Christian life, we also need other believers.

3. Illustrate: Find a living plant around you and cut one leaf. Show it to your learner.
Ask: Is this leaf dead or alive? (Wait for answer from your learner. There is no right and wrong
answer to this question).

Say: This leaf is dead and is gradually drying up because it is disconnected from the main plant).
As you have learned from our series of lessons in basic Bible teachings on salvation and
spiritual growth, following Jesus includes belonging to the Body of Christ (the church), not
just merely believing..

Transition Sentence: Our lesson today (the fourth in this series) will tell us the importance of
going to church to worship with other believers.

1. Pray
2. Say: You are growing fast in following Jesus’ steps. You have become His disciple. We have
learned in previous lessons about counting the cost, growing deeper in the Word, and talking with


God through prayer.

Say: But before we go to the next lesson, let us have a short review of our previous lessons through
this simple quiz:

Review - Quiz Time: Fill in the blanks:

a. Jesus said, take up the and follow me. (Answer: Cross - Lesson 1)
b. The is God’s Word. (Answer: Bible - Lesson 2)
c. is talking with God. (Answer: Prayer - Lesson 3
d. went out very early in the morning to pray. (Answer: Jesus - lesson 3)

(Appreciate your learner’s response, and encourage him/her to continue to study)

3. Say: Our lesson today has to do with attending church. The Bible describes the church as a family
bound together by love for Jesus and for each other. Take note, that the word church can mean two
a. The church as a building
b. The church as a group of people, like you and me, who received Jesus in their hearts, and
who fellowship and worship together during the week.

4. Ask: According to Eph.2:19b, what have you have become?

Expected Answer: Fellow citizens with God’s people and members of God’s household.

Say: Paul uses these terms to describe the church that Christ is building...of which Christ is the chief cor-
nerstone (verse 20) or foundation. This means that the true church is not built on human ideas, but on
Jesus as the foundation.(God’s ideas.)

5. Ask: Why do we have to go to church? (Listen to the learner’s ideas. Thank him/her for it).

Notes to the Teacher: Almost all the New Testament books deal with the subject on the Christian Church.
The purpose of the church is to make God’s people mature in Christ. The church is not only an organization,
it is also an organism, a body of believers, committed to one another and for the glory of God. The Church
has four basic objectives: (a) worship, (b) fellowship, (c) education (instruction), and (d) evangelism.
As believers of Jesus Christ, we must go to church for the following rea-
a. To praise and thank God for all His love and goodness to you.
b. To show openly that we belong to Jesus as His disciple.
c. To meet with other believers to pray and worship together.
d. To learn more about the way ahead.
e. To receive strength and guidance from God.

6. Ask: What were the early New Testament believers doing in Acts 2:42-47? (Read together.)
Expected Answers:
a. They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching.
b. They continue to fellowship.
c. They break bread (eat) together
d. They devote time for prayer.
e. They continued to meet together every day.
f. They praise God together.


7. Ask: What is God’s reminder for us in Hebrews 10:25?

Expected Answers:
a. To not give up meeting together.
(This means to keep on meeting or fellowshipping with one another)
b. To encourage one another.
(This means a non-stop participation and fellowship with other believers in church.)
(Optional/Additional Notes: Why meet together in church on a Sunday rather than Saturday (Sabbath)
as commanded in the Old Testament era?

Answer: In the Jewish time reckoning, Sunday began at sundown on Saturday at about 6:00 p.m. and this
is “first day of the week” when Jesus arose from the tomb, thus it was called the “resurrection day”.
The history of the Christian church showed that “Jesus is alive” on a Sunday. In celebration of His resur-
rection, the Christian church made Sunday as the day of worship.

Ask: What have you learned from this lesson?

General Truth: Going to church for worship is vital to the Christian’s spiritual growth

1. Ask: Why do you think many people do not go to church?
Possible answers:
a. Not important
b. No time
c. It’s only for the fanatics
d. Busy, no time, conflict with schedule, boring, work/overtime, etc.

2. Ask: When do people usually go to church?

Possible answers:
a. When invited as Ninang or Ninong in a wedding or a child dedication, etc.
b. To attend special occasions like weddings, birthdays, Christmas, etc.
c. During funeral services.
d. When there’s a personal need, crisis, etc.

3. Ask: In your own personal conviction, after learning this lesson, why do you have to go to church?
(Listen to your learner’s perception why going to church is important).

4. Ask: What are some things/ personal beliefs that hinder you from joining a fellowship of believers?
(Keep on praying for the Holy Spirit to work in his./her heart.)

Recite the memory verse together to encourage your learner.


1. Invite your learner to attend church on Sunday (if possible fetch him/her so as to have someone
he/she knows well in church).

2. Open your house and introduce your new guest to your family. (You may offer snacks or a meal to
establish rapport and camaraderie).

3. Give assignment to memorize the memory verse for next week -.Luke 6:38.

4. Remind him/her to review the lesson today.

5. Lead in the closing prayer.

Lesson 5

Aim: That my learner will commit to give faithfully to God.

Scripture references: Psalm 24:1, Malachi 3:8-10, Hebrews 7:2, Matt. 23:23b,
2 Cor. 8:1-5, Acts 20:35

Memory Verse: Luke 6:38 “Give, and it will be given to you, a good measure,
pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For
with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

Pray that your learner will become a cheerful giver to the work of God.
Memorize: Luke 6:38
Study your lesson well and give illustrations.
Prepare: Prepare/print this short story - “The Parable of the Pig and the Cow”


The pig was unpopular while the cow was beloved. This puzzled the pig...

Pig: “People speak warmly of your gentle nature and your sorrowful eyes. They
think you’re kind and generous because each day you give them milk and cream, but
what about me? I give them everything I have; I give bacon, ham, etc. I give all.”

The cow replied: “It’s not really what you give when you’re dead. It’s about what you
give while you’re still alive.”

Session Time
1. Ask your learner to read the short parable, then ask:
What insights or principles can you share about this parable of the pig and the cow? (Wait a
moment for your learner to think and share his/her thoughts).

Say: Giving to God and sharing our resources with others are two important things we need to
know and practice as a Christian.

Transition Sentence: Today we are going to learn how and why we should give back our
resources to God.

1. Pray for insights and spiritual blessings.
2. Introduce this chorus by singing it (or just read if you do not know it).
We will go, give, and pray
We will spread the Gospel on its way
We have heard the call of God
To spread the gospel all around
We will go, we will give, we will pray
We will go, give, and pray.

2. Ask: Would you like to share a testimony of God’s faithfulness and goodness to you these
past few days/weeks? (Or you can start by briefly sharing your own testimony.)

3. Say: Let us turn to our Bible to discover what God says about giving and sharing. We will start
reading Psalm 24:1. (Direct your learner to the verse and ask him/her to read it)

Ask: What does the verse say?

Expected Answer: The verse is proclaiming God as the Owner-Creator of the whole world,
including us.

5. Say: Psalm 89:11 also tells us that the God owns everything. This means we ought to honor Him as
such—we are not owners but stewards (in Filipino- “tagapamahala” o “tagapangasiwa”). A
steward is a manager of another’s household or possessions. We are stewards of God’s


possessions: money, talents, bodies, as well as time while we’re in this world. (Inform your
learner that you will handle these topics later. Giving financially to God as commanded would
be the first issue to tackle in this lesson).

6. Ask: What was God’s command to the people in the Old Testament? Read Malachi 3:8-10
Expected Answer: To bring the whole tithe into the storehouse.

Say: “Storehouse” in Deut. 12:5-6 refers to the tabernacle, the Lord’s dwelling place during their
desert journey. It was the Jewish place of worship. Today it refers to the local church, the des-
ignated place where to put one’s tithes.

7. Ask: What is a tithe? How much is a tithe? Read also Hebrews 7:2
Expected Answer: It is the tenth part (10%) of everything. (Give an example)

Say: In the Old Testament the 10th of all produce, flocks and cattle were declared sacred for God.
These tithes were a symbol of the people’s recognition and acknowledgment that the whole
land belonged to God).

8. Ask: What did Jesus say to the Jewish teachers and Pharisees (temple priests) about the
tithe-giving? (Ask your learner to read in Matt. 23:23b)
Expected Answer: “You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former”.

Say: It means they should not have stopped tithing, just like Abraham. Read in Heb. 7:2.

9. Ask: In 2 Corinthians 8:1-5, what did the Macedonians do before they gave their money to God?
Expected Answer: “They gave themselves first to the Lord. This is the true principle of all
Christian giving—to excel in this grace giving” - v.7

10. Ask: What did Jesus say about giving? Turn to Acts 20:35.
Expected Answer: “It is more blessed to give than to receive”.

11. Ask: What have you learned so far about giving our financial resources back to God?

General Truth: Giving our resources faithfully to God is expected and blessed by God.

1. Ask: Why do you think many believers find it difficult to give their tithes faithfully?
Possible Answers:
a. They have limited knowledge and understanding about the biblical teaching
on giving.
b. They have not learned the true essence and meaning of surrendering everything
(including finances) to the Creator-owner.
c. Some might say, “Mahirap lang kami, mas kailangan namin ang tulong Niya]
d. Other possible reasons.


2. Ask: How should you apply this lesson and the memory verse we learned today? (Wait for
response). Follow up question: Would you decide to start giving to God faithfully?

Say: Consider your income and possessions, ask yourself: what should I give? What should I keep for
myself? (Allow your learner to interact).

3. Share: “As for me…” (Share briefly your own testimony about the blessings of giving)..

1. Encourage your learner to start giving even a little amount this Sunday by putting the money at the
offering plate during the worship service.

2. Pray this prayer together:

“Father God, thank You for giving us such a clear teaching on how our material possessions are to be
managed. We pray that You will give us a continuing desire to be faithful in giving back to You
whatever You have entrusted to us as Your stewards. We now commit to give regularly towards
Your work”. In Jesus’ name. Amen

3. Remind your learner to keep going in his/her spiritual journey, and to review the lessons today by
answering the questions in his/her student guide.

4. Give the Bible references for next week’s lesson: Matt. 3:13-15; 28:19-20; Acts 2:38; Romans 6:1-4.
Ask your learner to read all of them at least once during the week.


Lesson 6

Aim: That my learner will obey the command of Jesus and submit to water baptism.

Scripture References: Matt. 3:13-15; 28:19-20; Acts 2:38; Romans 6:1-4

Memory Verse: Galatians 2:20 “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but
Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God who loved
me and gave himself for me.”

Pray that the two ordinances or ceremonies to be taught would be well understood by your learner.
Memorize the Verse: Galatians 2:20
Study your lesson well. [When difficult questions arise that you cannot answer, ask help from your
Prepare: a.) Remind your learner during the week to read the Bible references in Matt. 3:13-
15; Matt. 28:19-20; Acts 2:38 and Romans 6:1-4.

b.) Bring your notebook, pen and Bible. Having these on hand will help you take
notes like— a problem, a reminder, a struggle, or anything that needs to be writ-
ten down.


1. Ask: How are you getting along with our series of lessons on Book 2- The Way Ahead? (Wait for
insights and some struggles probably that need to be resolved or listened to).

2. Say: We are now entering the subject of beliefs and ordinances which our church has been believing
in and has been practicing through the years.

Ask: What are some church ordinances that you know of? (Wait for responses)
Possible Answers:
a. Marriage / matrimony
b. Holy Communion
c. Confirmation, Ordination, etc. (if from Catholic background)

Say: In the New Testament, there are two important ordinances which Jesus Christ has
commanded for all believers to do.

Transition Sentence: Today, we will study God’s first ordinance and see how this relates to our
spiritual growth.


1. Pray first.
2. Ask: What do you think of this cliché: “NO MAN IS AN ISLAND”?
Have you ever been in a place or situation where you felt you’re alone?
(Give time for your learner to reflect and share).
3. Say: We often hear this cliché: “No man is an island”. “Even in the perfect
environment of the
Garden of Eden, God said, “It is not good for man to be alone!” (Gen. 2:18).

Man was fashioned by God to belong to a community. As a new believer in Christ, you need to
belong to a community of believers for worship, instruction, fellowship and service.

The Bible says that as God’s one family we are put together, joined together, built together,
members together, heirs together, fitted together and held together and will be caught up in
heaven together someday. This shows that you are not on your own anymore. You belong to
God’s family and connected to every other believer. Until when will this be? It will be for eter-

As a member of God’s family, He has a command, an order, and a requirement for each one that
belongs to Him. Therefore we must understand and obey this particular command.

4. Read and discuss: Here are some questions for us to answer (Give the reference one at a time):

a. What was one of Jesus’ last commands to his disciples? Matthew 28:19,20
Expected Answer: To baptize them (new believers) in the name of the Father, Son and Holy
b. Why should a believer in Christ be baptized?
Expected Answers:
1). Matt. 3:13-15 - Jesus himself was baptized in water. He showed us a model to follow).
2. Acts 2:38 - Peter preached that everyone be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.

c. What does the Bible teach about baptism? Read together the following references: Acts 2:41;
8:38; 9:18; 10:48; 16:33; 18:8; 19:5; 22:16)
Expected Answer: Baptism is an important step of obedience.

Say: In the New Testament we see that everywhere the gospel was preached, those who
believed were soon baptized.

d. According to Romans 6:1-4, what does baptism symbolize?

Expected Answer: Water Baptism is a symbol of the believer’s union or identification with
Christ in His death, burial and resurrection.


Notes to the Teacher: What is baptism? There are two ordinances which Jesus Christ has instituted and
established for His Church. An ordinance is a "prescribed practice." It is something that has been pre-
scribed and ordered by Jesus Christ and practiced by the Church. An ordinance is something that
the Church practices because Jesus Christ has told her to do so. The Early Church practiced and
observed two ordinances: water baptism and Communion (‘breaking of bread’). Both are mentioned in
Acts 2:41-42.

The Greek word baptiz[ma]o means "to immerse" or "dip." Baptism is the outward sign of one's
inward faith in Christ. It's an act of obedience by which a person demonstrates the reality of his salva-
tion. Salvation is not visibly seen, but is a supernatural, spiritual transaction. The fruit or result of
salvation, however, should be evident. If one doesn't see the result, there's reason to question whether
salvation took place. In the early church, the initial fruit of obedience was baptism, and there's no rea-
son for that to be any different now. It's the means by which an individual testifies to his or her union
in the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ (Rom. 6:3-4). Galatians 3:27 says, "As many of you as
have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ" (Gal. 3:27). Baptism does not wash away sins. It is
an outward sign-a testimony that one’s former life is already dead and buried with Christ and there-
fore he/she is free to follow Christ completely. The act of the body going under the water and rising
up from the water illustrates what has happened in the life of the new believer – dead to sin and alive
in Christ.

Coming out of the water symbolizes our new life in Christ. Baptism is not a requirement to be-
come a CAMACOP member. It is a command to do as instructed by Jesus to all who follow him.

e. On the basis of Gal. 2:20, what is declared of one who is in Christ?

Expected Answer: On the basis of my identification with Christ, He now
lives in me. I live by faith.

5. Say: Your baptism in the name of Christ has set you free from the power of sin.
Because you have joined your new life in Christ on purpose- you belong to Him.
(Recite the memory verse together).

6. Ask: What have you learned thus far about baptism?

General Truth: Water baptism is a command of Jesus Christ that we must obey.

1. Say: Some people believe that accepting Christ as their Savior is enough; that they need not undergo
water baptism. Why do you think some believers do not see the necessity of water baptism?
Possible Answers:
a. They did not know about Jesus’ teaching on baptism (nobody taught them).
b. They are not willing to obey.
c. They were not encouraged or invited by anyone.
d. They are shy or reluctant to be identified as a Christian.


2. Ask: How about infant baptism? What can you say about this practice done in many churches?
Possible Answers:
a. The Bible is silent about this issue. No record. No mention.
b. Baptism is not for salvation.
c. The Bible says that parents brought their little children to Jesus for His
blessings (Mark 10:13-16). This is not infant baptism.
d. Baptism is for believers in Christ who already repented of their sins.

3. Ask: How about you? In response to our lesson today, do you think you are ready or willing to
submit to water baptism? (Give few minutes for your learner to think and decide).

1. Pray together with your learner in presenting to the Lord his/her decision.
2. Encourage your learner to continue to read the Word and apply its truth to his/her daily life.
3. Remind him/her to review this lesson.
4. Follow up during the week by phone or personal visit. Discuss the possibility of helping your learner to
go through a baptism orientation or instructional briefing with your church pastor .


Lesson 7

Aim: That my learner will understand and participate in the Lord’s Supper.
Scripture: 1 Cor. 11:17-34; see other selected references as well.

Memory Verse: John 6:33,35 “For the bread of God is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the
world. Then, Jesus declared, I am the bread of life!”


Pray for God’s enabling power and wisdom.

Memorize John 6:33,35
Study the lesson well on 1 Cor. 11:17-34 and other selected verses. (Enrich your lesson with some in-
sights from your readings on the teaching of the Lord’s Supper as observed by the CAMACOP in order
to be familiar about the basic doctrines of our denomination).
a) Bring your Bible always for it is your final authority on all issues.
b) Confer with your church pastor concerning any problem or struggle you may have in
nurturing a new believer.

Session Time


1. Read this short story: “I Will Tell Your Name”

Roland Allen tells about a veteran missionary who came up to him one day after he had delivered
his sermon. The missionary introduced himself and said, "I was a medical missionary for many years in
India. And I served in a region where there was progressive blindness. People were born with healthy
vision, but there was something in that area that caused people to lose their sight as
they matured."

But this missionary had developed a process which would arrest progressive blindness. So people came
to him, and he performed his operation. They would leave realizing that they had been spared a
life of blindness because of this missionary. He said that they never said, "Thank you," because that
phrase was not in their dialect. Instead, they spoke a word that meant, "I will tell your name." Wher-
ever they went, they would tell the name of the missionary who had cured their blindness. They had re-
ceived something so wonderful that they eagerly proclaimed it and the one who made it possible for them
to see.

2. Ask: What do you think of this story? (Let the learner think and respond)

Transition Sentence: Our topic for study today is also about the most wonderful proclamation we can ever
make- about the most important event in human history that saves us from a life of spiritual blindness.


1. Pray first.

2. Say: This is now the last lesson (Lesson 7) in this series from Book III, “The Way
Ahead.” Aside from the ordinance of baptism, we will also study about another church ordi-
nance – the Lord’s Supper.

3. Ask what your learner knows/ believes about the Lord’s Supper or Holy Communion. (Allow
your learner to express or describe what he/she knows about this ordinance).

4. Give a brief background of this ordinance. See notes below:

Notes to the Teacher: The Lord’s Supper is a ceremony that commemorates the death of Jesus
Christ. It was established by Jesus and is to be celebrated regularly by all of His followers until He
comes back to earth. The Bible tells us that after Jesus and His disciples had finished eating their last
meal together, Jesus took a cup of wine and bread. These two are inseparable. He told his disciples that
the bread was His body and the cup was God’s new covenant sealed with Jesus’ blood. The cup repre-
sents Jesus’ blood while the bread represents His body that He freely gave in His death.

Communion is thus a time of proclamation and celebration. At the communion table we proclaim
the most important event in human history- our salvation in Christ. And whenever we take the ele-
ments, we “tell of His name”, our Savior, Lord and Coming King. It is also a time of celebration that we
all share as members of Christ’s body, expressing our gratitude for what He has done for our salvation.

5. Read and Discuss: (Ask your learner to read the passages)

a. Ask: What does 1 Corinthians 11:23-24 say about the celebration of the
Expected Answer: When we take part in communion, we remember
that Jesus’ body was broken and His blood was poured out for us.

b. Ask: What does John 6:55-57 teach us about the Holy Communion celebration?
Expected Answer: As we take part in the celebration, we show our complete dependence
upon Jesus for our spiritual life and health.

c. Say: When Jesus said that His flesh is the real food and His blood the real drink He was
emphasizing that spiritual food and drink are more important than physical food. He is the
source of our spiritual nourishment).

d. Ask: Why is the Lord’s Supper to be shared with other believers? See 1 Corinthians 19:16,17
Expected Answer: It is to demonstrate the unity of believers in Christ, being members
of one body – the Body of Christ. (1 Cor. 12:27)

e. Ask: What is the connection of the communion celebration with the gospel-preaching?
Read 1 Cor. 11:26.


Expected Answer: The Lord’s Supper does not give clear instruction as to how often this
should be celebrated but the significance of it is the continuous proclamation of the Lord’s
death until He comes back to earth.

f. Ask: What was the warning given in 1 Cor. 11:29 concerning the partaking of the Lord’s
Expected Answer: We are not to take part in communion in an unworthy manner.

Say: This means we should not dishonor or despise what great deed and price Jesus paid for our
sins. This is the reason why small children and those who have not yet accepted Christ should
not be given communion. Because they do not yet fully understand the meaning of sin and the
punishment Christ bore for our sin. As a believer in Christ, you are to examine yourself before
participating in the communion. If there is sin in your life,
confess it first and ask His forgiveness.

h. Say: What important truth or principle have you learned in today’s lesson?

General Truth: We must take part in the Lord’s Supper with reverence and gratitude for what the
Lord has done for us. Let us also examine ourselves first, as the Scripture reminds us to do .

1. Ask: What have you observed in some churches about the communion celebration? (Allow your
learner to give his/her viewpoints and acknowledge his/her opinion).
Possible Answers/added notes:
a. In some churches (like the CAMACOP), the Lord’s Supper is observed regularly as a symbolic
ordinance, just like baptism.
b. Some churches believe that Jesus is actually present IN the bread and wine. Still others say the
Lord’s Supper is simply a memorial feast.

Additional Leader’s Notes:

The Roman Catholics believe in “transubstantiation,” the actual changing of the bread
and wine “literally and completely into the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Christ,”
when the priest consecrates these elements during the Lord’s Supper (or Holy Eucha-
rist as they call it (Pena, 1985, p.43).

However, the Word of God does not say so. Several times in Hebrews chapters 9 & 10 we are told that
Jesus died for sin only once for all time. Their view therefore contradicts the biblical truth when they
say that the elements literally become the body and blood of Christ, implying that Jesus dies every time
mass and Holy Eucharist is celebrated.


2. Ask: How about you? Now that you know and understand the biblical truth about the Lord’s
Supper which Jesus had instituted, how will you apply this truth to your spiritual life?
(Give time to your learner to evaluate and reflect truths in his/her very own life).

Expected Answer: I want to obey Christ and participate in the Lord’s Supper with
reverence and gratitude in my heart.

1. Pray for your learner to commit to participate in the Lord’s Supper.
2. Ask him/her to come to church with you, especially on the first Sunday of the month, which is
usually Communion Sunday in most CAMACOP churches.

3. Encourage your learner by calling or visiting him/her during the week. Questions, doubts,
unresolved struggles might be disturbing him/her still due to former religious background.

4. Remind your learner about the memory verse of the week to strengthen his/her grip on the truth.
5. Lead in closing prayer.






In this unit, we hope to gain a deeper understanding of what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ and
to be a part of His body, the Church. The lessons emphasize the essential foundations in developing Christ-
like attitudes and character, as well as one’s privileges and responsibilities as a member of God’s spiritual
family. The unit provides an in-depth study on the Person of God, the Holy Spirit, Christ’s return, the
Church, etc.

Through these lessons, the learners will reflect on their growing relationship with God, and will continue to
desire to grow more healthy and balanced in their spiritual life – spiritually, mentally, socially, etc.,
through the ministry of the Word and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.

Lesson Title Scripture Memory Verse

1 Selected references: Hebrews 11:16 “And without faith it is
KNOWING THE Psalm 19:1-6, John impossible to please God, because anyone
GOD WHO EXISTS 14:7-9, Rom. 1:19- who comes to Him must believe that He
20, etc. exists and that He rewards those earnestly
seek Him.”
2 LEARNING TO Selected references : Psalm 95:6-7 “Come, let us bow down in
WORSHIP GOD Psalm 103:1-5, Psalm worship, let us kneel before the Lord our
47:6-7, John 4, Acts Maker; for He is our God and we are the
2:42-47, etc. people of His pasture, the flock under His
3 LIVING A Selected References: 1 Corinthians 15:57 “But thanks be to God!
VICTORIOUS LIFEHeb. 11:1-12; James He gives us the victory through our Lord
1:22-25, etc. Jesus Christ.”
4 DEVELOPING THE Selected References: Psalm 5:3 “In the morning, O LORD, You
PRAYER HABIT Mark 1:35; Psalm hear my voice; in the morning I lay my
5:3; Daniel 6:10 requests before You and wait in expectation.”
5 ACKNOWLEDGING Selected references: Luke 6:46: “Why do you call me ‘Lord,
THE LORDSHIP OF Phil. 2:8-11, Luke Lord,’ and do not do what I say?”
CHRIST 6:46-49, etc.
6 Selected References: John 14:1-2: “Do not let your hearts be
ANTICIPATING Isa. 66:1; Acts 7:49 troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In
HEAVEN Rev. 21:9-21, etc. My Father’s house are many rooms; if it
were not so, I would have told you. I am
going there to prepare a place for you.”
7 PREPARING FOR Selected References: Matthew 24:42 “Therefore keep watch,
THE SECOND .Matthew 24:42-46; because you do not know on what day your
COMING Luke 12: 37,38; etc. Lord will come.”


8 BEING FILLED Selected References: Ephesians 5:18 “Do not get drunk with wine
WITH THE HOLY Acts 6:5; 7:55, Gal. which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled
SPIRIT 5:22-23, etc. with the Spirit.”
9 Selected References: I Peter 5:8 “Be self-controlled and alert. Your
KNOWING THE Zech. 3:1; I Thess. enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring
ENEMY, THE 2:18, Rev. 12:9; lion looking for someone to devour”
DEVIL 20:2, 2 Thess. 2;9,etc
10 Selected References: Hebrews 10: 24-25 “And let us consider how
BELONGING TO John 1:12; Ephesians we may spur one another on toward love and
THE FELLOWSHIP 2:19, 4:13-15, etc. good deeds, not giving up meeting together....
encouraging one another…”
11 LOVING GOD Selected References: Deuteronomy 6:5 “Love the Lord your God
WHOLEHEARTED Mark 12:30-31, Deut. with all your heart and with all your soul and
LY 11:13-25, etc. with all your strength.”
12 Selected references: 1Timothy 5:8 “If anyone does not provide for
LOVING OUR Joshua 24:15, Acts his relatives and especially for his immediate
FAMILY 10:2,33, I Peter 3:1-7; family, he has denied the faith and is worse than
Col. 3: 18-19,etc. an unbeliever”.
13 BELONGING TO Selected References- John 1:12 “Yet to those who received Him, to
GOD’S FAMILY John 1:12, Eph. 4:13- those who believed in His name, He gave the
15, Hebrews 10: 24- right to become children of God.”
25, etc.
14 Selected references: Luke 10:27 “Love the Lord your God with all
LOVING OTHERS Hebrews 13: 1-3, your heart and with all your soul and with all
Luke 10: 25-37 your strength and with all your mind, and love
your neighbor as yourself.”


Lesson 1

Aim: That the learner will put his/her full trust and confidence in the living God.
Scripture: Selected references

Memory Verse: Hebrews 11:16 “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who
comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those earnestly seek Him.”

Pray for this lesson to be deeply implanted in the heart and mind of your learner.
Memorize: Hebrews 11:6
Study carefully the references/verses given. [You may also read the texts in other versions].
Prepare: a. Have a P500 peso bill on hand to demonstrate its worth and value.
b. In case of difficult doctrinal issues that may come up in your discussion, write it in
your notebook and do research on it. You can also ask your pastor about it.

Session Time

1. Demonstrate. (Show your learner a P500-peso or P1000 bill. Crumple it. Fold it. Roll it. Toss it and
even sit on it. Tell the learner to watch how the money is being treated. Afterwards, ask
his/her reaction and opinion on the question below).

2. Ask: After what I have done to this bill, has the value of the P500-peso bill (or P1,000 bill) changed or
decreased? Why or why not? (Give time to hear what your learner would say)
Expected Answer: Despite the harsh mishandling of the P500-peso bill, its value remains
the same.

Transition Sentence: Today, we are going to study about Someone who doesn’t change too. He is
the same yesterday, today and forever.


1. Pray for God’s wisdom.

2. Say: Today, we are going to start the fourth book in your growth study series entitled
“Directions”. The first lesson would be your first solid food in your spiritual diet. There are
14 lessons in this series. These lessons are designed to help you grow strong in your new life in
Christ. The first lesson is entitled—“Knowing the God Who Exists”. God do exist – and He
never changes!

Knowing God is essential in our Christian growth. As we get to know God more and more, we
discover areas in our lives that need to be changed. In this lesson we will discuss about God’s
being and His existence.


3. Ask: What are the evidences that tell us that God do exist? (For better learning, use a Bible
translation that is easy for your learner to understand. Read the references aloud and allow your
learner to answer the questions)

Expected answers:
a) Creation tells us that God exists
(1) Psalm 19:1-6- The sky, the earth, and the sun show that God exists
(2) Rom. 1:19-20- The works of God show His existence
(3) Psa. 139:13-14- Man’s body system shows that God exists
b) Jesus’ testifies that God exists
(1) John 14:7-9- Jesus Christ Himself declares the existence of God
c) Human history testifies that God exists
(1)Joshua 23:14- God’s promises to Israel all came to pass
(2) John 1:1, 14- The physical presence of Jesus on earth in history
(3) Matt. 24:6-14- God’s promises are being fulfilled today.
Isaiah 9:6 was fulfilled in Luke 2:11
Micah 5:2 “ “ “ Matt 2:5-6
Psalm 22:18 “ “ Matt 27:35
Zech 9:9 “ “ Matt. 21:5

4. Ask: How do the following Bible passages describe God?

Expected answers:
a) Isaiah 6:3 Holy and Glorious
b) Psa. 11:7 Righteous
c) 1 John 4:7-9 Loving
d) James 5:11 Full of Compassion and Mercy
e) James 1:17 Source of Every Good and Perfect Gift
f) 1 John 1:5 Light
g) Psalm 90:2 Everlasting
h) Psalm 139:1-4 Knows all things
i) Psalm 139:7-10 Present Everywhere all the Time
j) Rev. 1:8 Almighty

Notes to the Teacher: God is too great for us to fully understand. Human words are not
enough to describe who He is. He has no beginning and He has no ending. There is no place in the
whole universe where His presence is not felt. Job 11:7 says; “Can you fathom the mysteries of
God? Can you probe the limits of the Almighty?”)

5. Say: What does our lesson today say about God?

Expected Answer: Our lesson stresses that God exists.

General Truth: God exist, therefore, Christians can put their full trust and confidence in Him.
[Emphasize the Memory Verse in Heb. 11:6 to strengthen the truth learned]


1. Ask: What makes some people think they do not need God? (Get the opinion of your learner
before sharing the expected answers).
Possible answers:
a. Too much confidence on one’s intelligence.
b. When people have everything (tend to be self-sufficient)
c. Have power and authority.
d. Too dependent on their self-made beliefs & philosophy of life
e. Possesses the spirit of Lucifer who said, “ I will make myself like the Most High” (
Isaiah 14:14)
f. Others

2. Ask: Why do some people feel that they need God?

Possible Answers:
a. Because they recognize their own limitation
b. Because God is the only one whom they can turn to.
c. Because He is the only God who is true .
d. Others

3. Ask: What are some situations in life that a Christian can put his trust and confidence in God?
Possible Answers:
a. In times of calamities> flood, drought, storms,
b. When betrayed by other people> friends, family, officemates, loved ones, etc.
c. In times of physical illnesses or weaknesses
d. In times of exams
e. When pressured in one’s work place
f. When one can’t fulfill other people’s expectations
g. When temptations come
h. Others


1. Ask: After answering the last three questions above, how do you evaluate your relationship with
God? Do you feel you need Him? (Give time for your learner to share)

2. Pray aloud for your learner. Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit concerning his/her spiritual needs.

3. Sing a worship chorus or find CD tape on worship to join in and sing praises to God.

I worship You, oh Prince of Peace

That is what I long to do
I give You praise for You are my righteousness
I worship You, Almighty God
There is none like You.

4. Lead in closing prayer (Tell your learner to follow you aloud).


Lesson 2

Aim: That my learner will learn to worship God every day.

Scripture Texts: Psalm 103:1-5, Psalm 47:6-7, John 4, Acts 2:42-47 and other selected references

Memory Verse: Psalm 95:6-7 “Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our
Maker; for He is our God and we are the people of His pasture, the flock under His care.”

Pray for God’s wisdom as you study this lesson together and for your learner to know God more
Memorize the verse in Psalm 95:6-7.
Read and study carefully the cited references. Use Bible commentaries for difficult passages.
a. Write on a bond paper the three quotations below (one paper for each quotation) to be
used in the Entrance portion.
b. Bring extra sheet of paper for your learner to write on during the Performance portion.
c. Bring your Bible, notebook and pen to class. Remind your learner to bring his/hers also.

Session Time

1. Show to your learner the quotations you’ve written in advance and ask his/her reactions (show
one at a time only).
a. “True worship doesn’t depend on the preacher or place, but on the attitude of the heart.”
b. “Gold has more worshipers than God.”
c. “One who knows God by heart and mind, worships God.”

2. Say: Many people know that God exists, but they do not know Him personally so they do not
know how to truly worship Him.

Transition Sentence: In our lesson today, we will learn how to worship God in a manner that pleases Him.


1. Read aloud the third quotation again: “One who knows God by heart and mind, worships God.”
Only those who have been born again through faith in Jesus Christ can truly worship God.

2. Say: Only those who have received Jesus as Savior and Lord are the ones who can truly worship
Him. Let us turn to John 4 to find out the answers to the following questions:

a. How does God want His people to worship Him? v.23

Expected Answer: God wants us to worship Him in spirit and in truth.


Notes to the Teacher: God wants us to be true worshipers! To worship Him “in spirit” means one can
worship Him regardless of the place because God is not confined to one place. True worship must be in
keeping with God’s nature. Because God is Spirit, worship then must be done in spirit which must spring
from the heart, not by outward forms or rituals. Our spirit should be in communion with Him. To
worship Him “in truth” means to worship God for who He is, according to the truth revealed in the

b. Why do we have to worship God? Read Psalm 47:6-7; Psalm 103:1-5.

Expected answers:

(1) We worship God because of who He is.

*Psalm 47:6-7-“God is the King of all the earth”
*1 Chronicles 16:29- He is holy. We need to worship God in the splendor of
His holiness.
*Genesis 1:1- He is the Creator
*Hebrews 1:3- He is the sustainer of all things by His powerful word.

(2). We worship God because of what He does. Psalm 103:1-5

*God gives us benefits of His love and compassion.
*He forgives our sins and heals all our diseases.
*He redeems us from destruction.
*He crowns us with love and compassion.
*He satisfies our desires with good things.

4. Say: Let us turn to the examples of some individuals in the New Testament who worshiped God
when Jesus was born. (Ask the learner to read the references).

a. Mary (Luke 1:46) “My soul glorifies the Lord…”

b. Heavenly host (Luke 2:13, 14) “praising God...glory to God in the highest.”
c. Shepherds (Luke 2:20) “glorifying and praising God”
d. Simeon (Luke 2:28) “took him (Jesus) in his arms and praised God.”
e. Anna Luke 2:36,37) “worshiped night and day, fasting and praying.”
f. Magi from the east (Matthew 2:2) “have come to worship him”

5. Ask: How much of yourself should you offer to God when you worship? See Mark 12:30
Expected Answer: God wants all of MYSELF—my heart, soul, mind, and strength! This
means—my total being. God wants our whole-hearted devotion.

6. Ask: What kind of worship is acceptable to God? Heb. 12:28

Expected answer: Worship with reverence and awe.

7. Say: Here are some examples of expressing worship to God:

a. Worshiping God with our voices through:
Singing (Psa. 9:2, 11)
Word of praise (Psa. 103: 1)
Shouting (Psa. 47:1 )

b. Worshiping God with our hands.


Through hands lifted up (Psa. 63:4)

Through clapping of hands (Psa. 47:1)
Through musical instruments (Psa. 150)

c. Worshipping God with some bodily postures:

Standing (Psa. 134:1)
Kneeling & bowing (Psa. 95:6)
Dancing for joy (Psa. 30:11-12)

General Truth: Worship is the natural response of the person who knows and experience
God personally. (Recite the memory verse together to reinforce this truth.)


1. Ask: What are some common obstacles why one cannot truly worship God?
Possible Answers:
a. Unconfessed sins and/or unrepentant spirit
b. The mind is preoccupied or distracted by problems, worries, etc.
c. Unsettled broken relationships
d. Wrong concept of God
e. Others

2. Ask: What are some practical ways we can do to enhance our personal worship to God?
a. Prepare yourself for worship- intentionally set aside the things that may disturb worship.
b. Select songs appropriate for worship.
c. Choose a place where you can worship God without disturbance.
d. Take time in reading God’s word. Don’t hurry.
e. Take time to listen to God.
f. Take time to commune with God in prayer.


1. Ask: What specific actions would you like to do this week to enhance your daily personal worship?
(Give time to your learner to think and share).
2. Give a piece of paper to your learner to write down his/her plan.
3. Let the learner share what he/she had written down.
4. Pray for your learner that he/she might be able to follow through his/her plan.
5. Lead in the closing prayer.


Lesson 3

Aim: That my learner will commit to live daily a victorious life by faith in Jesus Christ.
Scripture: Heb. 11:1-12; James 1:22-25 & other selected references

Memory Verse: 1 Corinthians 15:57 “But thanks be to God! He gives us the

victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”


Pray that your learner will continue to desire to grow spiritually and live a victorious Christian life.
Memorize: 1 Corinthians 15:57
Study carefully the references/verses given. You may do additional readings on how to step out in
faith and steps to victorious living.
Prepare: Provide a paper for your learner with a list entitled —“In order to live a victorious life of
faith, I commit to…”, to be used in the Performance portion.

Session Time

1. Ask the learner to share his/her opinion or reaction to the following statements (Appreciate answers):
a. To see is to believe.
b. To believe is to see.

2. Say: The saying, “To see is to believe” is inclined to live more by sight; while “to believe is to
see” is inclined to live more by faith. Living by faith is one aspect that a believer needs to

Transition Sentence: Today we will study about living a victorious life by faith.

1. Ask your learner to define faith. (Give time for the learner to answer)

Notes to the Teacher: According to the Dictionary, FAITH is

a. “Firm belief in someone or something for which there is no proof.”
b. “Belief in someone with strong conviction without doubt or question.”
c. “Trust”- putting one’s confidence in.

2. Let the learner read Hebrews 11:1-12 aloud.

Questions to Ask:
a. What does Hebrews 11:1 says about faith?
Expected Answer: Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.


b. What do you think the phrase “what we hope for” means? (v.1)
Expected answer: Things we hope for are things that we do not yet posses, those things that are prom-
ised to us in the Word of God.

c. What was the Biblical fact mentioned in v.3 which we did “not see” but that we must believe
by faith?
Expected answer: The universe when it was being formed. By faith, we know that the earth
came to existence through God’s command. He created the universe out of nothing and we
believed it as true.

3. Ask: What was promised by God in John 14:1-3 that we have not seen yet but we believe it as real?
Expected answer: The many rooms in the Father’s house which He prepared for us.

4. Say: The following verses in Hebrews 11 talk about the demonstration of faith in the lives of the people
in the Old Testament. We are now going to look at these examples.

a. Abel- he worshiped by faith- v.4

Ask: In verse 4, why was God pleased with Abel?
Answer: Abel, by faith, offered God a better sacrifice than his brother Cain. Abel’s offer-
ing pleased God and so God accepted it.

b. Enoch- he walked by faith (v.5)

Ask: Because of Enoch’s faith, what had happened to him?
Answer: God took him away straight to heaven. He did not experience death.

c. Noah- he worked with faith- v.7

Ask: How did Noah demonstrated faith in v. 7?
Answer: Noah, by faith, when told about things “not yet seen” constructed an ark to save
his family. He had complete trust in God and in His words even before the rains
came and destroyed all living things.
d. Abraham- he waited by faith v. 8-12
Ask: How did Abraham and his wife expressed their faith in God whom they believe
though they “did not see”? vv. 8-12
Answers: Abraham obeyed God and went out of his own country even if he did know
where he was going. v.8. Sarah, an old barren woman, believed in Him who prom-
ised and bore a son in her old age. v. 11

5. Ask: How can our faith increase and endure just like these Bible characters mentioned? Read
Romans 10:17; James 1:22-25.

Expected Answer: Faith comes from hearing the message through the Word of
Christ. We are also enjoined not just to be hearers but doers of the Word. James


Say: These verses remind us to keep on feeding in God’s Word so that our faith will grow. And as
we obey God’s Word, we will experience more of His presence and power in our lives, thus making
us victorious day by day.

6. Ask: Like these Bible characters, how should we live as Christians today?
Expected Answer: A Christian should live by faith.

General Truth: In order to live a daily victorious Christian life, we should live by faith in God.


1. Ask: What do you think are the reasons why some Christians nowadays do not live a victorious life?
Possible answers:
a. Failure to trust completely on God’s promises.
b. Failed to claim victory in Christ over temptations and trials.
c. Depend highly on human efforts.
d. Failed to abide in Christ
e. Have neglected the daily reading of the word of God.
f. Have not given themselves in prayers.
h. Others

2. Ask: What are some specific areas in our lives which we must manifest victorious living?

Expected Answers:
a. Physical: for good health, daily provision,
b. Mental: For knowledge, wisdom in decision making, direction
c. Spiritual: For growth in relationship with God
d. Social: For a healthy relationship with others
e. Others

3. Reflect: What are some practical ways you can express your faith in God in your daily life?
Possible Answers:
a. By faith, trust in God’s faithfulness even in times of difficulties. Be assured that God is there
and He will not abandon you.
b. Live a life of obedience always.
c. By faith thank God for the things you do not see yet that God promised for you in His Word.
d. By faith, “hope” for God to bring better things in life.
e. Commit your ways to the Lord.


1. Challenge your learner to make a personal commitment to Jesus Christ – use the prepared paper. Let
him/her check all appropriate boxes:


In order to live a victorious Christian life, I commit to:

[ ] Devote more time in prayer [ ] Read His word more often
[ ] Obey Him more [ ] Enjoy His presence more
[ ] Worship Him more [ ] Rejoice in Him always
[ ] Have right attitude in life [ ] Serve Him more
[ ] Trust Him more [ ] Others, pls. specify

2. Pray together.

3. Say: The more you know and experience God, the more your faith grows. To know God, you have
to study His word and trust Him for your day to day life.

Lesson 4:

Aim: That the learner will develop the habit of daily prayer in order to grow in his/her relation-
ship with God.
Key Scripture Texts: Mark 1:35; Psalm 5:3; Daniel 6:10, and other selected Bible references.

Memory Verse: Psalm 5:3 “In the morning, O LORD, You hear my
voice; in the morning I lay my requests before You and wait in

Pray faithfully for your learner.

Study the given texts for this week and memorize the specified verse
(Psalm 5:3).
a) Give your learner a new Daily Bread or Daily Bible reading guide. (Ask from
your pastor/church office how you can avail it if you don’t have one).
b) Bring your Bible, notebook, and pen always to help you write your plans
or activities.


Session Time
1. Ask your learner to define what a habit is.
Possible answers:
a. A behavior, activity or routine that is done often or regularly.
b. A usual way of doing things

2. Say: We all have good and bad habits. Consciously or unconsciously, these habits developed
over time, such that they become an integral part of our personality or daily routine.

3. Ask: What are some habits that you know or possess?

Possible answers:
a. Going to bed early.
b. Washing hands before eating.
c. Mañana habit (postponing for tomorrow what could be done today)
d. Que sera, sera (whatever will be, will be)
e. Borrowing from others without paying.
f. Praying before meals

Transition Sentence: In our lesson today, we will learn one important habit that we need to develop
in order for us to grow in our relationship with God.


1. Pray before studying the Word together - for insights, lessons to learn, and wisdom.

2. Ask: What is daily devotion according to your own understanding? (Wait for response)

3. Say: Daily devotion is:

a. Time spent each day to meet God in prayer, worship and the reading of His word.
b. It is a regular time daily devoted to commune and fellowship with God.
c. It is a daily time set aside to be alone with God.

4. Ask the following questions:

a. According to our definition, how often do we need to practice our devotion?
Expected answer: Daily

b. Why do we need to develop the habit of daily prayer? (Give the reference one at a time.)
Expected answers:
b.1 Philippians 3:10 (Answer: To know God personally). It takes time to know God
personally. The Apostle Paul made knowing God his lifelong goal.
b.2 I Corinthians 1:9 (Answer: To be in fellowship with His Son Jesus Christ)
b.3 Isaiah 40:31 (Answer: To be strengthened spiritually) According to this verse those
who hope in the Lord will renew their strength, soar on wings like eagles, will run and not grow weary and will
walk and not faith. We need God’s strength every day .


b.4 Psalm 32:8 (Answer: To receive instruction and counsel from God). We need
God’s daily guidance.
b.5 Psalm 37:4 (Answer: To gain delight in God). God will give us the desires of our
heart if we make Him the object of our delight.
b.6 John 15:5 (Answer: To declare our dependence upon Him). Jesus himself said that
apart from Him we can do nothing.

5. Say: Let us look at the following verses and see what time of the day and what circumstances the fol-
lowing biblical characters go to prayer:
Possible answers:
a. David went to prayer in the morning- Psalm 5: 3
“In the morning O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and
wait in expectation.”
2 Samuel 7:18-29- “Then king David went in and sat before the Lord, and he said…”
b. Daniel spent time in prayer 3 times a day- Daniel 6:10 b
“Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had
done before.”
c. Jesus spent time in prayer very early in the morning- Mark 1:35
“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went to a solitary
place, where He prayed.”
c.1 Jesus also spent time in prayer in the evening- Matthew 14:23-
after he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. When eve-
ning came, he was there alone.
c.2 Jesus also spent time praying in private- Luke 9:18,29

d. Hannah prayed when she was in deep sorrow- I Samuel 1:10

“In bitterness of soul Hannah wept much and prayed to the Lord.”

e. Paul was praying at the house of Judas after his Damascus road experience -
Acts 9:11
f. Peter knelt down and prayed to restore Dorcas back to life-Acts 9:40

Peter went to the rooftop to pray at the sixth hour- Acts 10:9

6. Say: All of the above characters have spent times in prayer. Some of them
prayed in the morning and evening; others morning, evening and noon in varied
circumstances. But to others no specific time was recorded. What matters most
is that each one of them had set times to spend with the Lord.

7. Short Lecture: Practical ways to develop the habit of daily prayer:

a. Start with a simple prayer to God asking him to help you pray daily, “Loving Father, I want
to spend time with You every day by praying and meditating on Your word. Please grant me
the desire and hunger to do it.
b. Use a devotional guide like the daily Bread or to read one chapter a day from the Gospel of
c. Select a specific time. When you are about to do something which is very important, you do it
when you are at your best. Whatever time you decide to set, it is important to be consistent.
The duration may vary from 10 minutes for beginners to one hour or even more.


d. Choose a quiet place.

e. Endure setbacks and obstacles. If you miss a day don’t worry. Just continue doing it the fol-
lowing day until you get used to it. Accordingly, it takes three weeks for one to become famil-
iar with a new task. Then it takes another three weeks for it to become a comfortable habit.

8. Ask: What does our lesson today say about spending time in prayer regularly?
(Wait for your learner to articulate his/her own understanding spending time with God daily ).

General Truth: Spending time with the Lord daily in prayer and meditation is a profitable habit to
develop for every believer in order to grow in his/her relationship with God.

Recite the memory verse together ( Psalm 5:3).

Notes to the Teacher: Prayer is simply talking to God- and listening while God talks. It is the most
basic expression of our faith. It is the breath of our spiritual life. It is our lifeline to God. A Christian
should set a definite time of the day when he could give his best in communication with God by reading
His Word and praying to Him.


1. Ask: Why do you think many people today do not practice daily devotion?
Possible Answers:
a) They do not know the importance of prayer.
b) They have no desire to get to know Him in a deeper level.
c) They do not prioritize prayer in their lives - too busy.
e) They don’t know how to do it.

2. Ask: How about you? How is your prayer life? Do you need to grow in this area? (Give time for the
learner to reflect and share his/her own journey. Appreciate response.)

Say: Following the practical ways on how to develop a daily habit of prayer, write down your specific plan to
do it.
2. Ask the learner to write down his/her specific plan for personal daily prayer.
A. Select a specific time of the day ___________________
B. Select a guide to use _______________________
C. Select a place to do it _______________________
D. Write your personal prayer asking God to help you make daily prayer a habit
3. Teach the old children’s song: “Read Your Bible”

Read your Bible, pray every day, pray every day, pray everyday
Read your Bible, pray every day and you grow, grow, grow
And you grow, grow, grow; And you grow, grow, grow
Read your Bible, pray every day and you grow, grow, grow.


Neglect your Bible refuse to pray, refuse to pray, refuse to pray

Neglect your Bible refuse to pray and you shrink, shrink,
shrink And you shrink, shrink, shrink; And you shrink,
shrink, shrink,

Lesson 5

Aim: That the learner will acknowledge the Lordship of Christ in his/her life and will commit to obey
Key Scripture Texts: Selected Bible references.

Memory Verse: Luke 6:46 “Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?”

Pray faithfully for your learner.
Study the given texts for this week and memorize the specified verse (Luke 6:46)
Prepare: ¼ sheet of paper for your learner to write in the Performance Portion.


Session Time
(One on One)

1. Ask: What comes into your mind when you hear the word “lord”?
Possible answers:
a. Jueteng lord, Gambling lord, Drug lord
b. Abusive employer
c. Royalty, etc…
2. Ask your learner to define what the word ‘lord’ means according to his/her understanding [Give
an example, if needed].
Possible Answers:
a. Boss / ‘Bosing’, Manager
b. “Amo”
c. Jesus Christ

Transition Sentence: Today we will be studying about Someone who is called “Lord” in the Bible
and how we should respond to Him as such.

1. Pray for yourself and your learner - for insights and wisdom from God.
2. Say: In the Bible, Jesus Christ was called by many titles. Let’s turn to the following passages
and see how people addressed Him. Read each passage carefully and tell me the titles given
to Jesus:
Expected Answers:
a. Luke 2:11- The angel announced that He is Christ the Lord
b. Luke 6:5 - The Son of Man is called the Lord of the Sabbath
c. Luke 8:24- His disciples call Him Master
d. Luke 7:6- The centurion called him Lord
e. Phil. 2:8-11 He will be the Lord of all

3. Ask: In your own understanding why is He called Lord?

Possible answers:
a. He has power and authority [over nature, sicknesses, Satan and his demons, etc]
b. He is superior in wisdom than others.
c. He comes from God.

4. Ask: How did Jesus gain His authority being the Lord? Who has made Jesus both Christ & Lord
according to Apostle Peter? Read together Acts 2:26.
Expected Answer: It is God who made Him Lord.

5. Ask: How did the Apostle Paul connect Christ’s humility & obedience to His Lordship in
Philippians 2:8-11? Read the passage aloud.
Expected Answer: Because Christ humbled Himself and became obedient even to death,
God exalted Him to the highest place.

6. Ask: What does Jesus deserve from His followers as their Lord? Read the following passages.


Expected Answers:
a. Love -“ Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all
your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind.” Luke 10:27
b. Worship & service –Jesus said, “Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only.”
Luke 4: 8
c. Obedience- “Why do you call me Lord, Lord and do not do what I say?” Luke 6:46
d. Trust/believe - Jesus said, “Don’t be afraid; just believe…) Luke 8:50

7. Ask: What did Jesus say about those who call Him Lord but do not do what he commands?
(Luke 6:46-49)

Expected Answer: He is like a man who built his house on the ground without a strong foundation.

8. Ask: According to the above verses, what is the first requirement for
those who recognize Jesus Christ as his or her Lord?
Expected Answer: Utter and total obedience to Him.

10. Ask: What does our lesson today say about how Jesus Christ? How
should we acknowledge Him? (Let the student summarize what he/
she has learned about the Lordship of Jesus.)

General Truth: Jesus is Lord, therefore we must acknowledge Him as our Lord by giving Him
our total obedience and complete submission.

Learn/ recite the memory verse together ( Luke 6:46).

1. Ask : Why do you think many people today find it difficult to obey Jesus?
Possible Answers:
a) They do not really understand what the Lordship of Christ demands.
b) They do not want to submit to the leading and direction of the
Lord. c) They have not fully surrendered everything to Jesus.
d) They just want to willfully disobey Him.

. 2. Ask: What does the Lordship of Christ mean to you?

(Wait for your learner to articulate his/her own understanding of his/her new relation-
ship with Jesus Christ).
Possible answer: It means that I recognize Him for who He is and give Him the honor that
He is due. He has earned it; He is worthy of it.

1. Ask your learner to list areas of his/her life which he/she needs to surrender to the lordship of
2. Ask your learner how he/she can acknowledge Christ’s Lordship in the following areas of
his/her life - home or family - work/career
- finances - ministry
- leisure/ hobbies - others


3. Ask your learner to write a short prayer of commitment to ask Jesus to be his/her Lord in any of
the areas listed above.

4. Encourage your learner to continue to study God’s Word on his/her own by reviewing the
5. Thank your learner for the time spent today and remind him/her to review the lessons.

6. Lead in closing prayer.

Lesson 6

Aim: That the learner will commit to live a holy life in joyful anticipation of life in heaven.
Key Scripture Texts: Selected Bible references.

Memory Verse: John 14:1-2 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust
in God; trust also in me. In My Father’s house are many
rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going
there to prepare a place for you.”

Pray faithfully for your learner.
Study the given texts for this week and memorize the specified verse.
a) Memorize the verse for this meeting – John 14:1-2.
b) Always bring your Bible, notebook, and pen to class.



Session Time

1. Ask: What sayings do you usually hear from people who are hopeless and desperate?
Possible answer:
a. “Sana kunin na ako ni Lord” (May God take my life)
b. “Kailan pa kaya matatapos ang pagtitiis na to?” (When will this misery end?)
c. Others

2. Ask :Why do you think they say this way?

Possible Answer: Maybe because they are hoping to be there in that better place where
there will never be hardship and trouble.

Transition Sentence: In our lesson today, we will learn about that place that is free
from hardship and trouble, which is called heaven.

1. Pray before studying the Word together - for insights, lessons to learn, and wisdom.

2. Discussion Starter: What do you think heaven is? (Ask for brief responses to this question)
Possible Answers:
a. A place where God resides
b. A home for the righteous when they die.
c. A place where there will be no more problems.

3. Ask : What is heaven according to these verses? (Give the reference one at a time.)
Expected Answers:
a. Isaiah 66:1; Acts 7:49 – Answer: God’s throne
b. John 14:2- Answer: Father’s home
c. I Kings 8:30; Matthew 6:9- Answer: God’s dwelling place
d. 2 Corinthians 5:1- Answer: Eternal house built by God
e. Hebrews 11:10- Answer: City built by God
f. Luke 10:20; Hebrews 12:23-Answer: Names of saints/ believers are written
g. Matthew 5:12; I Peter 1:4- Answer: saints rewarded in heaven

4. Ask: How is heaven described in the following verses?

Expected answers:
a. Gen. 1:1; Rev. 10:6- Answer: It is created by God
b. Psalm 89:29; 2 Corinthians 5:1- Answer: Everlasting
c. Jeremiah 31:37- Answer: Immeasurable
d. Psalm 103:11; Isaiah 57:15- Answer: High
e. Deut. 26:15; Psalm 20:6; Isa. 57:15- Answer: Holy
f. Revelation 21:1- Answer: New heaven, new earth
g. Revelation 21;2- Answer: Holy City


h. Revelation 21:9-21
City shining with the glory of God - v.11
With high walls and 12 gates - vv.12-14
Foundation with precious stones
Streets of gold
5. Ask: What are the common experiences on earth that will be no longer be experienced in heaven?
Read Rev. 21:25-27.
Expected answers:
a. night/darkness d. pain g. curse
b. death e. sorrow/mourning
c. light—sun & moon f. impurities/sin
6. Ask: Who will be in heaven? Read Revelations 21:27.
Expected answer: Only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life. This refers to
people who had trusted Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, for their salvation.

7. Ask: Who are those people who cannot enter heaven?

Expected answers:
a. I Corinthians 15:50- Flesh and blood cannot inherit heaven
. b. Galatians 5:21- the wicked
c. Ephesians 5:5- the immoral, impure or greedy, idolater
d. Revelations 22:15- those who practice magic arts, sexually immoral, murderers, idolaters,
everyone who loves and practice falsehood.

8. Ask: What does our lesson today say about heaven?

(Let the student summarize what he/she has learned from the discussion).

General Truth: Heaven is a perfect place prepared by God for all those who received Jesus as their
Savior (their names are written in the Book of life.)


1. Ask: Why do you think many people live today as though they will stay on earth forever?
Possible Answers:
a. They have no knowledge about heaven
b. No one from earth who went to heaven came back to life.
c. We rarely hear sermons about heaven.
d. Their minds are preoccupied with earthly things.

2. Ask: How should our study about heaven affect our life today as Christians?
(Wait for your learner to articulate his/her own understanding about heaven

Possible answers:
a. Tell others about heaven and share how they can go there.
b. Live a holy life.
c. Live with anticipation.


d. Do not to focus all our attention on the things of earth.

e. Support the ministry of the Lord.


1. Ask: How can we personally prepare while waiting for the day when we will go to heaven? (Allow
your learner to share his/her thoughts. Affirm and/or add more to the suggestions.)

2. Pray: Let him/her say a few words of prayer in response to the lessons learned, then pray aloud for
your learner.
3. Encourage your learner to continue to study God’s Word on his/her own by reviewing the les-
4. Appreciate your learner’s time and cooperation, and remind him/her to come again next week.


Lesson 7

Aim: That the learner will become watchful and ready for the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Key Scripture Texts: Matthew 24:42-46; Luke 12: 37,38; other selected verses.

Memory Verse: Matthew 24:42 “Therefore keep watch, because you do not
know on what day your Lord will come.”

Pray faithfully for your learner.
Study the given texts for this week and memorize the given verse.

Bring your Bible, notebook, and pen always for you to write your notes, observations or plans.

Session Time

1. Ask: Suppose you receive a notice that the President and his Cabinet is coming to your town with his
party and will drop by at your house for a short visit, how would you prepare for his coming?
Possible Answers:
a. Clean the house and surroundings very well.
b. Order / prepare good food and drinks.
c. Orient family members to be in their best behavior.
d. Others

2. Ask: Suppose you went away for a long trip and then came home without notice. How might you find
your house helpers or family members upon your arrival? (Allow your learner to think). Possi-
ble answers:
a. They might be surprised (or afraid).
b. They are relaxing, not in a hurry to do their tasks.
c. They are excited to report what they had done in your absence.
d. Others

Transition Sentence: Today, we will learn about the second coming of Christ and how we should
prepare for it.

1. Pray before studying the Word together - for insights, lessons to learn, and wisdom.

2. Ask (Discussion Starter): What would you do if you knew Jesus Christ would return tomorrow?
(Ask for brief responses to this question)
Possible answers:
a. I will ask for forgiveness for all the sins I have committed.
b. I will do well, even to those who are not good to me.
c. I will do everything that will glorify my Lord.


3. Ask: How is the “second coming” referred to in other passages in the Bible? (Give
the reference one at a time. Ask learner to read the passage.) Expected answers:
a. Acts 3:21; Romans 8:21 (Answer: Times of liberation of all things)
b. I Peter 1:5 (Answer: Last time)
c. I Peter 1:7 (Answer: Appearing of Jesus Christ)
d. I Peter 1:13 (Answer: Revelation of Jesus Christ)
e. Titus 2:13 (Answer: Glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior)
f. 2 Peter 3:12 (Answer: Coming of the day of God)
g. 1 Cor. 1: 8 (Answer: Day of our Lord Jesus Christ)

4. Ask: What is the purpose of Jesus’ second coming? How is it different from His first coming to earth?
(Give the reference one at a time)
Expected answers:
a. Hebrews 9:28 ; I Peter 1:5 (Answer: To complete the salvation of saints)
b. 2 Thessalonians 1:10 (Answer: Be glorified in His saints)
c. I Corinthians 4:5 (Answer: Bring to light the hidden things of darkness)
d. John 5:22; 2 Timothy 4:1; Jude 1:15 (Answer: To judge the living and the dead)
e. Isaiah 24:23; Daniel 7:14; Rev. 11:15 (Answer: To reign)
f. I Cor. 15:25,26 ( Answer: To destroy death)
g. Revelations 19:11-21(Answer: To judge the wicked, the antichrist and Satan)
h. Mark 13:27, Revelations 19:14 (Answer: To gather the saints)
i. Revelations 20:4, Matthew 1340 (Answer: To reign on earth for a thousand year)

5. Ask: According to the following passages, what is the manner of His second coming?
Expected answers:
a. Mark 13:36 (Answer: Suddenly)
b. Matthew 24:44; Luke 12:40 (Answer: Unexpectedly)
c. I Thess. 5:2; 2 Peter 3:10; Rev. 16:15 (Answer: Like a thief in the night)
d. Matthew 24:36; Mark 13:32 (Answer: Unknown)

6. Ask: What will happen to the wicked:

Expected answers:
a. 2 Peter 3:3,4 (Answer: Scoffing and following their own evil desires)
b. Matt. 24:48 (Answer: They shall be thrown into the place where there is weeping and gnashing of
c. 2 Thess. 1:8, 9 (Answer: They shall be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of
the Lord).
d. 2 Thess. 2:8 (Answer: The man of sin [Satan] will be destroyed and overthrown)

7. Ask: What will happen to the believers or “saints”?

Expected answers:
a. 2 Tim 4:8 (Answer: They shall be awarded with the crown of righteousness
b. 2 Tim. 4;8 ; I Peter 5:4 (Answer: They shall receive a crown of glory )
c. Colossians 3:4 (Answer: They shall appear with Him in glory )


See also Matthew 24:46; Luke 12: 37& 38- the writers wrote about the blessedness of being

8. Ask: How can the believers prepare for the second coming?
Expected answers:
a. Philippians. 3:20 (Answer: Think about our citizenship which is in heaven
b. Titus 2:11-13 (Answer: Say “no” to ungodliness and worldly passions; instead be self-
controlled, upright and godly in this present age.)
c. 2 Peter 3:11-12 (Answer: Live a holy and godly life.)
d. Matthew 24:44 (Answer: Must be ready always because Christ will come unexpectedly).
e. James 5:7,8 (Answer: Should be patient)
f. I John 2:28; 4:17 (Answer: Confident and unashamed before Him)
g. I Thessalonians 3:13; 5:23; Jude 1:24 (Answer: Shall be blameless and holy).
h. Philippians 3:21; I John 3:2 (Answer: Shall be like Him in purity of life).

9. Ask & summarize: What does our lesson today say about Christ’s second coming and how are we to
prepare for it? (Let the student summarize what he/she has learned about being watchful and
being ready for Jesus’ second coming. Appreciate the response.)

General Truth: Christ’s second coming is sure but no one knows about the exact time.
Therefore we should be prepared to meet our Lord anytime.

Recite the memory verse (Matthew 24:42) together.

Notes to the Teacher: Jesus’ second coming is very sure and signs preceding His coming are seen and
experienced anywhere. If during His first coming He came as a Savior giving eternal life to those who
believe and receive Him, in His second coming He will come to judge the living and the dead. Those
who have received Him will be brought to eternal glory but those who have rejected Him will be judged
and thrown into the lake of fire.


1. Ask: How do most people today regard the Lord’s second coming?
Possible Answers:
a. They don’t believe in it.
b. They don’t care.
c. They dread the thought of it.
d. Some eagerly anticipate the day!

2. Ask: What about you? How does this truth affect your Christian life?
(Wait for your learner to articulate his/her own understanding of his/her new relationship
with Jesus Christ).

3. Ask: What is the best preparation you can make to become ready and joyful in awaiting the Lord’s
second coming?
Possible answers:
a. Live righteously. Obey God’s will and commands.
b. Share the gospel of salvation to others.


c. Know more about God /Jesus through reading the Bible and prayer.
d. Confess all sins in our lives and ask for the Spirit’s infilling.


1. Pray aloud for your learner as you end this session.

2. Encourage your learner to continue to study God’s Word on his/her own by reviewing the lessons.
3. Thank your learner for the time spent today. Close in prayer.

Lesson 8

Aim: That the learner will commit to live a Spirit-filled life.

Scripture References: Selected texts: Acts 6:5; 7:55, Galatians 5:22-23, etc.

Memory Verse: Ephesians 5:18 “Do not get drunk with wine which leads to
debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.”


Pray for your learner’s spiritual journey.

Memorize Ephesians 5:18
Read and study carefully the Scripture references to give you confidence as you teach this lesson.
Bring your Bible, notebook and pen to the session.
Remind your learner to bring his/her Bible.
Prepare: Bring a pitcher of water, clear glass with small light trash in it to be used at the Substance

Session Time

[Before the entrance, have a sharing time with your learner. Review the memory verse and ask him/
her to share something about the assignment last week. Pray before actual ‘entrance’ starts.]


[Before the entrance, have a sharing time with your learner. Review the memory verse and ask
him/her to share something about the assignment last week. Pray before actual ‘entrance’ starts.]


1. Demonstrate: Show a clear glass with a small piece of trash in it, then pour some water over it.

2. Ask: What have you observed? [Wait for the learner’s response]
Expected Answer: The trash floats.

3. Say: Let us see what would happen if I pour some more water into this glass. (Pour water until it
overflows). (Wait for learner’s response). As you can see, as we pour more water, the trash
spill over the glass or it went out with the water.

Transition Sentence: Today, we are going to see what happens when one’s life is filled with the
Holy Spirit.


1. Ask: What is God’s command for all believers in Eph. 5:18? (Let your learner read aloud.)
Expected Answer: Be filled with the Holy Spirit.

2. Ask: Why do we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit?

Expected answers:
a. To give us the power to live godly life
b. Romans 8:5-8- To help us overcome our sinful nature.

3. Ask: What does it mean to be filled with the Holy Spirit?

(Wait for the learner’s response. Then share the following material).

Notes to the Teacher: The Greek verb for "be filled" in Ephesians 5:18 is literally translated, "be being
kept filled" with the Spirit. The command is for continuous filling or controlling of the Spirit of God in the
believer's life. It denotes that the believer is filled with the Spirit, not that he fills himself. To be filled with
the Spirit means to allow the Holy Spirit to take full control of our lives. Take note that this is imperative.
Meaning, God is asking us to be filled with His Spirit. Whatever our situation, however we feel, we can
choose to be filled with the Spirit or allow God to take control of our lives.

4. Ask: What are the characteristics of a Spirit-filled person? Read Eph. 5 & 6.
Expected answers:
a. 5:19- He will speak to others in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.
b. 5: 20- He will be thankful for all things.
c. 5: 22 - He will submit himself to fellow believers.
d. 5: 22-24-Wives will submit to their husbands.
e. 5:25-33- Husbands will love their wives as Christ loved the church.
f. 6: 1-3- Children will obey their parents.
h. 6:10- He has power to resist the enemy.


5. Say: Being filled with the Spirit results in right relationships with God and man.

6. Ask: What fruit is being produced in the person’s life when he is filled with the Holy Spirit?
Read Galatians 5:22-23.
Expected answer: When you surrender to the control of God's Spirit, you will find that God
produces amazing things in your life too. Paul calls those marvelous blessings "the fruit of the
Spirit," and they are: "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness,

7. Say: Here are some specific individuals in the Bible who were filled with the Spirit:
a. Jesus- Matthew 3:16; Luke 4:1,18; Acts 10:38
b. Stephen- Acts 6:5; 7:55- "Full of faith and of the Holy Spirit", he saw the glory of God
while he was being stoned to death.
c. Paul- Acts 9:17- He was filled with the Holy Spirit

8. Ask: What hinders the Holy Spirit from filling the believers’ life?
Expected answer: Sin and unbelief hinder the filling of the Holy Spirit.

9. Share: How can one be filled by the Holy Spirit? (Short Lecture)
a. Sincerely desire to be directed and empowered by the Holy Spirit-Matthew 5:6
b. Confess sins- John 7:37-39
c. By faith thank God that He has forgiven all of your sins - past, present and future -
Colossians 2:13-15; 1 John 1; 2:1-3; Hebrews 10:1-17).
d. Commit every area of your life to God (Romans 12:1, 2).
e. By faith claim the fullness of the Holy Spirit, according to:
* His Command - Be filled with the Spirit. (Ephesians 5:18).
* His Promise - He will answer when we pray according to His will. (1 John 5:14, 15)
f. Surrender your life to God (Romans 12:1,2)

General Truth: To be filled by the Holy Spirit is necessary to be able to overcome our sinful nature
and to live a victorious Christian life.

Notes to the Teacher: At salvation the believer is baptized by the Spirit into the body of Christ (1
Cor. 12:13), indwelt by the Spirit (Romans 8:11), and sealed by the Spirit unto the day of redemption
(Ephesians 1:13). An important verse in understanding the filling of the Holy Spirit is John 14:16,
where Jesus promised the Spirit would indwell believers and that the indwelling would be permanent. It is
important to distinguish the indwelling from the filling of the Spirit. The permanent indwelling of the Spirit
is not for a select few believers, but for all believers. There are a number of references in Scripture that sup-
port this conclusion. First, the Holy Spirit is a gift given to all believers in Jesus without exception, and no
conditions are placed upon this gift except faith in Christ (John 7:37-39). Second, the Holy Spirit is
given at the moment of salvation (Ephesians 1:13). Galatians 3:2 emphasizes this same truth, saying that
the sealing and indwelling of the Spirit took place at the time of believing. Third, the Holy Spirit
indwells believers permanently. The Holy Spirit is given to believers as a down payment, or verifi-
cation of their future glorification in Christ (2 Corinthians 1:22; Ephesians4:30). This is in contrast to the
filling of the Spirit referred to in Ephesians 5:18. But a Christian can live a life of defeat if he does not en-
joy the moment –by- moment experience of being continually filled by the Spirit of God.



1. Ask: What do other religions teach about overcoming man’s sinful nature?
Possible Answers:
a. Obey prescribed laws
b. Deny oneself
c. Practice rigorous, personal discipline
d. Isolate oneself from the world

2. Ask: What are some possible reasons why Christians could not overcome sin in their lives?
Possible answers:
a. They trust in their own strength to do it.
b. They have not surrendered their lives completely to God.
c. They have not asked the Holy Spirit to take full control of their lives.

3. Ask: What about you? Have you asked the Holy Spirit to fill your life? (Wait for response).


1. Ask: Do you personally desire to live a victorious Christian life? (Wait for your learner’s response)

2. Say: The infilling of the Holy Spirit is only possible when you personally ask Him by faith to do it.
You need to surrender to His full control and pray to fill you by faith. Here is a suggested prayer:
"Dear Father, I need You. I acknowledge that I have been directing my own life and that, as a
result, I have sinned against You. I thank You that You have forgiven my sins through Christ's
death on the cross. Fill me with the Holy Spirit as You commanded me to be
filled, and as You promised in Your Word that You would do so if I ask in faith. I now thank
You for directing my life and for filling me with the Holy Spirit. Amen.

3. Ask: Does this prayer express the desire of your heart? If so, please bow in prayer and trust God to
fill you with the Holy Spirit right now. (Let the learner pray the suggested prayer. Then
pray for him aloud).

4. Remind your learner to review his/her previous lessons and the memory verses; to bring his/her
Bible for next meeting, and to continually depend on the Holy Spirit to fill his/her life.

5. Close the session in prayer.


Lesson 9

Aim: That the learner will know the nature and tactics of the enemy, thus enabling him/her to overcome.

Key Scripture Texts: Selected Bible references: Zechariah 3:1; I Thess. 2:18, Revelations 12:9; 20:2, 2 Thess.
2;9; Revelations. 16:14

Memory Verse: I Peter 5:8 “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil
prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”

Pray faithfully for your learner.
Study the given texts for this week and memorize 1 Peter 5:8.
Prepare: Always bring your Bible, notebook, and pen to help you write
your plans, activities or observations.

Session Time

1. Ask: Before the commander of the army deploys his soldiers to war, what is one important
thing he should do first?
Expected Answer: He should know who and how strong the enemy is.

2. Say: As a Christian we are constantly in battle against our great enemy. In order to defeat him, we
need to know who he is and his strategy.

Transition Sentence: Today, we will learn about our enemy; who he is and his schemes so we will be
able to stand against him.


1. Pray before studying the Word together - for insights, lessons to learn, and wisdom.

2. Ask: (Discussion Starter): Who is the devil according to your own understanding?
(Ask for brief responses to this question)

3. Ask : According to 1 Peter 5:8, how is the devil described here in relation to believers?
Expected answer: The devil is the believer’s enemy.

4. Ask: To what is the devil likened to, according to the following passages: (read together)
Expected answers:
a. Psalm 91:3- A fowler
b. John 10;12- A wolf
c. I Peter 5:8 - A roaring lion
d. Revelations 12:9; 20:2- A serpent


5. Ask: What did he do and continues to do even at the present time?

Expected answers:

a. 2 Peter 2:4; I John 3:8- Sinned against God

b. Gen 3:1,6, 14,24- The author of the fall
c. Matthew 4:3-10- Tempted Christ
d. Matthew 4:6 ; Ps. 91;11,12- Perverts the Scripture
e. Zechariah 3:1; I Thess. 2:18-Opposes God’s work
f. Matthew 13:19; 2 Corinthians 4:4- Hinders the Gospel
g. 2 Thess. 2;9; Revelations. 16:14- Works lying wonders
h. 1 Cor. 11:14- Assumes the form of an angel of light
i. Matthew 13:25,28 – A sower of tares
j. John 8:44- He is a liar and the father of lies

6. Ask: What does the Bible say about his character?

Expected answers:
a. Job 1:6; Matthew 4:5,6- presumptuous
b. I Timothy 3:6- proud
c. Ephesians 2:2; 6:12- powerful
d. I John 2:13- wicked
e. Gen 3:1 – 2; 2 Cor. 11:3- subtle
f. 2 Cor. 11:14; Ephesians 6:11- deceitful
h. Luke 8:29; 9:39,4 2; I Peter 5:8- fierce and cruel

7. Ask: What did God do to him?

Expected answers:
a. Luke 10:18- Cast out of heaven
b. 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 1:6- Cast down to hell
c. Jude 1:6; revelations 20:10 – shall be condemned at the judgment
d. Matthew 25:41 – everlasting fire is prepared for him and his follower

8. Ask: What should the believers do to overcome the works of the enemy?
Expected answers:
a. James 4:7; I Peter 5:9- we should resist him
b. 2 Corinthians 2;11- we should be watchful / vigilant
c. 1 John 2:13; Revelations 12:10,11- we have to overcome him
d. Romans 16:20- we shall finally triumph over him

9. Ask: What can the devil do to believers?

Expected answers:
a. Job 1;12; 2:4-7- He can afflict the believer but only as God permits.
b. 1 Chron. 21:1; 1 Thess. 3:5, Gen. 3:1-7- He tempts and deceives the believers
[but we don’t have to believe him!]
c. John 10:10 – Satan’s ultimate purpose is to steal, kill and destroy.
10. Ask: What is our best defense against Satan?
Expected answers:
a. The Word of God. Jesus quoted Scriptures when He was being tempted by Satan (Matt.4)
b. The full armor of God, as mentioned in Ephesians 6:10-18


11. Ask: Why do we need to put on the full armor of God?

a. To stand against the devil’s schemes
b. So that when the day of evil comes, we may be able to stand our ground.

General Truth: Our enemy the devil will do everything to destroy the believers; however, we
are empowered to overcome /resist his deceptions and lies.

Recite the memory verse again with your learner ( I Peter 5:8).


1. Ask: Why do you think many people today are deceived by Satan?
Possible Answers:
a) Because they don’t know Satan’s schemes.
b) Not living close to God.
c) They have not put on the full armor of God.

2. Ask: What are some instruments which Satan uses against believers today?
Possible answers:
a) Pornography - through magazines, internet, etc.
b) Busy schedule so that one has no more time for God.
c) Materialism, greed for power and fame
d) Vices, Addiction
e) Others

3. Ask: How can we stand against the attacks of our enemy? (Wait for your learner’s response).


1. Ask: Have you ever experienced being tempted or deceived by Satan?

(Encourage your learner to share).

2. Ask: What areas of your life do you need to gain victory over Satan? What forms of attacks are you
experiencing personally right now [or recently]?

3. Say: Remember that although our enemy is powerful, he is limited by God’s awesome power. We
can overcome the wiles and attacks of the enemy by:
a. Study God’s word consistently - by attending Bible study and by personal devotion.
b. Putting on the full armor of God.
4. Ask your learner to pray silently, asking God to help him/her fight against the enemy.

5. Pray aloud for your learner as you end this session.

6. Encourage your learner to continue to study God’s Word on his/her own by reviewing the
previous lessons. Thank him/her for the session today.


Lesson 10

Aim: That the learner will value the importance of joining a Christian fellowship or local church.
Scripture References: Selected texts - John 1:12; Ephesians 2:19, 4:13-15, etc.

Memory Verse: Hebrews 10: 24-25 “And let us consider how we may spur one an-
other on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as
some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another…”

Pray for your learner’s spiritual journey.
Memorize this week’s memory verse - .
Read and study carefully the Scripture references.
a. Bring you Bible, note book & pen and other resource materials
b. Use visual aids like objects, pictures, charts, etc. to make the lessons more interesting
and understandable for your learner.

1. Ask: Can we ever grow a baby? [Wait for response].
Expected Answer: No, not even science can grow a baby from nothing. However, we can
facilitate the baby’s growth.

2. Ask: What can we possibly do in order to facilitate the growth of a baby?

Possible answers:
a. Provide for his/her needs.
b. Provide adequate support and a healthy environment. That is why God placed the baby in a
family where every newborn baby can receive love, care, attention and nourishment.
c. Others

3. Say: Our Christian life can be compared to that of a growing baby. We are born into the family of God the
moment we receive Jesus as our only Savior. Like a newborn baby, every new believer needs a spiritual family to
help facilitate his/her growth as a Christian .

Transition Sentence: Today, we are going to learn about our spiritual family- the church.


1. Explain briefly:
a. The purpose for these weekly one-on-one meetings is for you to grow in Christ.
b. The Bible is the primary basis of all the lessons on spiritual growth / nurture.

2. Ask: As a new believer, what do you think are the things that would help us grow to maturity?


Possible answers:
a. Counsel and direction from those who are mature in the faith.
b. Prayer and sharing of our lives with other believers.
c. Encouragement and sharing of ups and downs in life.

3. Ask: According to the following verses, what happens to those who believed and received Jesus
Christ? Read John 1:12; Ephesians 2:19. (Give the reference one at a time.)
Expected answers:
a. John 1:12- He becomes a child of God
b. Ephesians 2:19- No longer called strangers and aliens; but fellow citizens with the saints;
members of the household of God.

4. Say: These verses tell us that those who believe in Jesus become children of God and that they
become members of the family of God. God intended that the believers be joined with others in
order to grow.

5. Ask: Why do you think God placed us in a spiritual community or fellowship? (Wait for response).
The following verses will tell us the purpose of the fellowship. (Read the references together one at a
time then allow the learner to give his/her answer to the question.)
Expected answers:
a. Acts 2: 42-44 - To receive teaching and instructions from God’s word.
b. Acts 1:14; 12:5 - To pray and be prayed for. c. 1 Pe-
ter 2: 4-5 - To be a royal priesthood.
d. 1 Corinthians 12:27 - To practice our spiritual gift/s in the body of Christ.
e. I Corinthians 14: 26 - To strengthen others and be strengthened by one another.
f. 2 Peter 3:18 - To grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord.
g. John 13:34-35 - To demonstrate observable love and care for one another.
h. Ephesians 2:22 - To be built up
i. Ephesians 4:13-15 - To grow up towards Christ likeness.

Say: The above verses tell us the importance of meeting together as a group. We need to belong
to a Christian family to ensure that we grow fast and healthy in our Christian life.

6. Ask: According to Hebrews 10: 24-25, why do we need to continue meeting together as a spiritual
Expected answers:
a. To spur (urge, stimulate, encourage) one another on toward love and good deeds.
b. To not give up meeting together.
c. To encourage one another.

7. Ask: What does our lesson today say about how we as believers grow in our Christian life? (Let the
learner summarize what he/she has learned from the lesson today. Appreciate all answers.)

General Truth: In God’s design, Christian growth happens through the body of Christ (the Church
or Christian fellowship), thus being a member of a church / fellowship is vital for every believer.


Notes to the Teacher: When immediate family, and grows up healthy and strong. So it is with a new
believer. He needs to become a member of a local fellowship of believers (or church) to provide support
and nurture for his faith to grow. In Acts, after Peter preached his first sermon during Pentecost, he called
his listeners to repent and be baptized. All who responded were then added to local body of believers -
called the church. Christian life is never meant to be lived alone. Each believer needs to belong to a
Christian community!


1. Ask: Why do you think some believers do not want to belong to a fellowship?
Possible Answers:
a. They probably think they do not need others.
b. They do not know the importance of joining a Christian group.
c. They are too busy to go to church.
d. There’s no church near their area, etc.

2. Ask: What can you possibly do in the church concerning new believers?
Possible answers:
a. To be a discipler /mentor to new believers.
b. To be a ‘welcomer’ to new believers (make them feel at home, orient them).
c. To be a Bible Study/ care group leader.
d. To be a Sunday School class helper, etc.


1. Ask the learner to reflect on the two previous questions in the Significance portion, then ask:
a. What keeps you from being actively involved in the church or in a Christian fellowship?
b. What role do you think you can do best within the community of believers?

2. Give enough time for the learner think and share his/her response to the reflection questions.

Building one another in the community of faith


Lesson 11

Aim: That the learner will demonstrate wholehearted love for God.
Key Scripture Texts: Selected Bible references: Mark 12:30-31, Deuteronomy
11:13-25, etc.

Memory Verse: Deuteronomy 6:5 “Love the Lord your God with all your
heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.”

Pray faithfully for your learner.
Study the given texts for this week and memorize the specified verse - Deuteronomy 6:5.
Bring to the session your Bible, notebook, and pen always.

Session Time

1. State this quotation on love: “LOVE IS BETTER ACTED THAN SAID”. Ask for your learner’s
reaction or response to it- does he/she agree? Encourage him/her to share his/her opinion on the

2. Ask: How do you demonstrate your love for your wife/husband (if unmarried, love for parents or
Possible Answers:
a. Show care for each other
b. Submit to one another
c. Doing what pleases him or her
d. Give gifts/card on special occasions.
e. Help in the household chores.
f. Others

Transition Sentence: In our lesson today, we will learn how to demonstrate our love for God.


1. Pray before studying the Word together - for insights, lessons to learn, and wisdom to apply them.
2. Ask: According to Jesus in Mark 12:30-31, what is the first, the greatest and the most important
commandment in the Bible? (Read the passage together).
Expected answer: Jesus replied (quoting from Deuteronomy 6:5), “Love the Lord your God
with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.”
3. Ask: To whom and through who was this command given? (Give the passage one at a time).
Expected answers: In the following verses God gave the command to the people of Israel:
a. Deuteronomy 11:1 through Moses – “Love the Lord your God…”


b. Joshua 22:5 through Joshua- “Be very careful to love the Lord your God..”

4. Read: Deuteronomy 10: 12 & 13. These passages summarize the response that God expects from His peo-
ple, Israel. Aside from loving Him, what else did God require from His people?
Expected answers:
a. Fear the Lord our God.
b. Walk in all His ways.
c. Serve the Lord with all your heart and soul
d. Observe the commands and decrees

5. Ask: Why do you think God give this command to love Him? Read together Deut. 10:13-15.
Expected answers:
a. v 13 – “ …for our own good”. It means that it is for our own benefit that we should respond
to His love.
b. v. 14,15 – God wants to have an intimate relationship with His people. Moses explains:
“ To the Lord belongs the heavens, the earth and everything in it. Yet the Lord set His affection
on your forefathers and loved them, and He chose you their descendants above all the

6. Say: Deuteronomy 30:6,8 stresses that God Himself will help us to love Him. “The Lord your God will cir-
cumcise your hearts and the hearts of your descendants so that you may love Him with all your heart
and with all your soul, and live.”

7. Ask: What are the promises or blessings of God if we faithfully obey the command to love Him?
Let your learner read Deuteronomy 11:13-25.
Expected answers:
a. God’s provision (vv 14-15): “I will send rain in its season… eat and be satisfied.”
b. God’s protection (v.22 –25): “The Lord will drive out nations before you…No man will be able to stand
against you.”
c. God’s sustenance (v.9, 21): “…. so that you may live long.”

8. Ask: What does it mean to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength?
Expected answer: It means to love God wholeheartedly – to love God with not just a part but with
all our being- from a sincere heart, a pure mind, expressed through physical action.
a. Matthew 15: 8 - Jesus warned about people who honored Him with their lips, but their
hearts were far from Him. God emphasizes the love that comes from a sincere heart.
b. 1 John 3:18 –John exhorts his readers ,”Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but
with actions and in truth.”

9. Ask: How should believers demonstrate their love for God? Refer to the following texts:
Expected answers:
a. John 14:15; 2 John 6- Obey His commands. Jesus said, “if you love me, you will obey
what I command.”
b. I John 2:5 - Obey His word. “But if anyone obeys His word, God’s love is truly made
complete in him.”
c. I John 4:11- Love one another. “Dear friends since God so loved us, we also ought to love
one another.”


10. Ask: What does our lesson today say about loving God? (Let the student summarize).

General Truth: We should demonstrate wholehearted love for God by obeying His commands.

Recite the memory verse together to reinforce the truth. (Deuteronomy 6:5)


1. Ask: Why do you think many people today do not demonstrate their love for God?
Possible answers:
a. They don’t know God or they don’t know how.
b. They think that God does not need their love.
c. They have not personally experienced God’s love, etc.

2. Ask:: How do you show that you really love God? (Ask for brief responses to this question)
Possible answers:
a. By going to church to worship Him and fellowship with others
b. By obeying His commands
c. By doing what pleases Him, etc.

3. Ask: What are some practical ways we can demonstrate our love to God? (Wait for your
learner to articulate how he/she can demonstrate his/her love for God).
Possible answers:
a. By spending quite time with the Lord regularly.
b. By giving what is due to Him – praise, honor, tithes and offerings.
c. By showing kindness to the people around us.
d. By taking care of our church/ pastor/ other believers.


1. Ask: From what we have discussed earlier, what specific ways would you like to do to show your
love to God this week? (Give time for the learner to think and respond.)

2. Ask your learner to commit in prayer whatever he/she plans to do for God this week.

3. Encourage your learner to continue to study God’s Word on his/her own.

4. Thank your learner for the time spent today and lead in closing prayer.


Lesson 12

Aim: That the learner will learn to love each member of his/her immediate family.

Key Scripture Texts: Selected Bible references: Joshua 24:15,

Memory Verse: 1Timothy 5:8 “If anyone does not provide for his relatives and
especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and
is worse than an unbeliever”.

Pray faithfully for your learner’s spiritual growth.
Study the given texts for this week and memorize the specified verse.
a. Provide a ½ sheet of bond paper for your learner, to be used in the Entrance Portion.
b. Bring your Bible, notebook, and pen to help you write your plans or activities.
c. Bring a picture of your family. (Optional)

Session Time
1. Show a picture of your family (or just describe them if you don’t have a picture) and introduce
each of them: names, age or occupations.
2. Ask your learner also to describe his/her family (or ask him/her if he/she has pictures of them).
3. Give your learner a ½ sheet of bond paper and ask him/her to draw what his ideal family would
look like. Ask the learner to explain his/her drawing. (Appreciate).

Transition Sentence: Today, we are going to learn about how we can demonstrate love
and concern to our own family.


1. Ask: How do you define ‘family’? (Wait for response).

Expected answers:
a. A group of persons whose members love and help each other.
b. The smallest unit of society
c. Where parents and children bond together

2. Say: Literally, family is defined in Webster's Dictionary “as parents and their children considered
as a group. It is a group in which persons are together under the same identity.”

3. Ask: How do the following Biblical characters demonstrate their love and concern for their families?
Read the following passages one at a time: Possible answers:

a. Genesis 35:2-3 - These verses tell us that Jacob took the responsibility of bringing up his family
in the presence of God. “So Jacob said to his household and to all who were with him, “Get rid of
the foreign gods you have with you and purify yourselves and change your clothes.

Then come let us go up to Bethel, where I will build an altar to God, who answered me in the day of
my distress and who has been with me wherever I have gone.”.

b. Joshua 24:15 - Joshua made a commitment to the Lord to serve Him with his whole family. “As
for me and my house we will serve the Lord.”

c. Job 1:5- Job was particular with the purity of heart of his children, so he regularly made burnt of-
ferings in their behalf. “…early in the morning he would sacrifice a burnt offering for each of
them thinking, ‘perhaps my children have sinned and cursed God in their hearts.’

d. John 11: 1-5- Mary & Martha showed their love and concern for the physical condition of their
brother Lazarus.“So the sisters sent word to Jesus, “Lord, the one you love is sick.”

e. Acts 10:2,33- Cornelius made sure that his whole family listen to the Lord. “He and all his family
were devout and God-fearing, he gave generously to those in need and prayed to God regularly.
(v.33) now we are all here in the presence of God to listen to everything the Lord has commanded
you to tell us.”

f. Acts 16:31-34- The jailer at Philippi felt the joy of having his whole family believe in God. “He
was filled with joy because he had come to believe in God- he and his whole family.”

4. Ask: How can each member of the family ensure love and concern for each other?
Possible Answers: (Ask your learner to read the passages or turn takes in reading them.)
a. Deuteronomy 4:9,10- Parents should teach the Scriptures.

b. Proverbs 31:27; I Tim 3:4,5,12 – The father must manage his own family well and see that his chil-
dren obey him with proper respect.

c. I Peter 3:1-7; Colossians 3: 18-19- The wife must be submissive & obedient to her husband;
the husband must be considerate and treat his wife with respect.

d. I Peter 3: 20; Ephesians 6:1-3- Children must be obedient to their parents; honor their parents

e. Ephesians 6:5-9- Servants must be obedient & respectful to their masters. Likewise, masters
must treat their servants with respect.

5. Ask: According to the following verses, how should each family member demonstrate their love to one
another? Genesis 45:24; 5:17-21; Deut. 14:26; Ps. 133:1
Expected answers:
a. Genesis 45:24- The family must live in harmony. Joseph instructed his brothers not to quarrel
on their way back home.
b. Genesis 5:17-21- The family must live in mutual forbearance, forgiving each other of the
wrong doings they have. Joseph forgave his brothers and spoke kindly to them.
c. Deuteronomy 14:26- The family must worship and rejoice together before God.
d. Psalm 133:1- The family must live in unity for it is good and pleasant to behold.

6. Ask: What does our lesson today say about how we should regard our families? (Let the student summarize
what he/she has learned about Jesus.)


General Truth: It is God’s will that we show love and concern to our families.

Recite the memory verse (1 Timothy 5:8) together to reinforce this truth.


1. Ask: How would you describe a family that pleases the Lord? What do you think are the factors that
keep a family remain pleasing to the Lord?

Possible answers:
a. A family that demonstrates love through action.
b. A family that shows respect for one another.
c. A family that shows trust & confidence toward each other.
d. A family that forgives one another.
e. A family that worships and serves the Lord together.
f. A family that expresses concern for each other.

2. Ask: What are some practical ways to show our love and concern to our parents, brothers or sisters?
Possible answers:
a. Express love, care and love.
b. Feel true sorrow at the ‘misfortune’ of a member in the family.
c. Be compassionate by helping them in their needs.
d. Help one another in doing responsibilities in the home.
e. Perform one’s duties/responsibilities in the house with joy.
f. Speak kind words to each other.
g. Appreciate each other.
h. Remember each member on his/her special day- e.g. birthday, anniversary, etc.


1. Ask: What specific things you would do this week to show your love and concern for your family,?
(Give the learner time to think and write his plan down in his planner notebook)

2. Ask him/her to share what he/she had written down. Pray for him/her to be able to do them.

3. Encourage your learner to continue to study God’s Word on his/her own by

reviewing the lessons.

4. Thank your learner for the time spent today, then pray aloud for your learner as you end this session.


Lesson 13

Aim: That the learner will commit to love his/her neighbor (or the other people outside his/her natural
and spiritual families)

Key Scripture Texts: Selected Bible references.

Memory Verse: Luke 10:27 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and
with all your soul and with all your strength and with all
your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself.”

Pray faithfully for your learner.
Study the given texts for this week and memorize the specified verse
a) Bring your Bible, notebook and pen.

Session Time

1. Ask: What do you think are some common reactions of people when a stranger ap-
proaches them and ask for their help? [Give an example, if needed].
Possible Answers:
a. I don’t care
b. I don’t know him/her
c. He/ She might be dangerous.
d. I have also my own need
e. He/she might only be lying, trying to take advantage of me, etc.

2. Ask: How about you? How would you react or what will you do when a complete
stranger approach you to ask for help? (Allow your learner to think and then share).

Transition Sentence: Today, we will learn how we can show love and concern to other
people especially the strangers, the hopeless, the helpless and the less fortunate.

1. Pray before studying the Word together - for insights, lessons to learn, and wisdom.

2. Discussion Starter: In the second greatest commandment (see memory verse today), who do
you think is your neighbor according to your own understanding? (Ask for brief response)
a. The people who live nearby
b. People outside my family
c. Others

3. Say: Let us look up the following verses and see who are our neighbors are and how we ought to treat
them. Read together Hebrews 13:1.


4. Ask: What is the command stated in Hebrews 13:1?

Expected answer: The command is for us to “keep on loving each other as brothers.”

5. Ask: In the context of Hebrews 13: 1-3, who are these “others” mentioned and what instructions are
given to us to do for other people?
Expected answers:
a. v. 2 - the strangers -“Do not forget to entertain strangers for by so doing some people
have entertained angels without knowing it.”)
b. v. 3a - those who are in prison -“Remember those in prison
as if you were their fellow prisoners”)
c. v. 3b - those who are mistreated-“Remember also those who are mistreated as if you
yourselves were suffering.”)

6. Say: In the Old Testament, God accused the Israelites of exploitation, and quarreling while on fasting
(Isaiah 58:3-5). They think that they are pleasing God because they are doing it. What they do
not know is that God is displeased because of what they are doing during fasting.

7. Ask: What was the kind of fasting that pleases God? Read Isaiah 58:6-7.
Expected Answers: The fast that God approves is the one accompanied by love for Him and genuine concern
for others.

a. v. 6 - To lose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke. b. v.7 - To share
food with the hungry.
c. v.7 - To provide shelter for poor wanderer. d. v. 7 – To clothe
the naked.

8. Ask: How did Jesus illustrate to us on how we should demonstrate real concern for other people?
Expected Answer: By narrating the parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10: 25-37, in response to the
question of the expert of the Law about what must he do to inherit eternal life.

9. Ask: How did Jesus answer the expert of the Law?

Expected Answer: He directed him to what was written in the Law of Moses.

10. Ask: What was the answer of expert of the Law?

Expected Answer: v. 27 He answered, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul
and with all your strength and with all your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself”.

11. Say: Jesus knew that the man was just testing him and therefore commanded the expert of the
Law to do what was written in the law. But the expert of the Law wanted to justify himself and asked another
question, “Who is my neighbor?”

Jesus replied by telling a story of a man who badly needed help after he was robbed along the road. There are
three characters that passed him by – a priest, a Levite and a Samaritan, and each reacted in
different ways. (The Samaritans were not exactly favorite people of the Jews).


12. Ask: According to the story, who do you think acted as a good neighbor to the victim?
Expected answer: It was the Samaritan. Whereas the priest and the Levite passed by without
extending help, the Samaritan took pity on him, bandaged his wounds, brought him to an inn
and took care of him. He also paid for all expenses incurred by the injured

13. Ask: Why is it very important for us to show real concern and love for the strangers, the
suffering and the less fortunate?
Expected answer: Matthew 25:31-46 tells us to put the needs of the needy and the vulner-
able as a priority. Christ considered those who are suffering, the less fortunate and the help-
less as his brother and whatever is done for them He will consider it as if it is done for Him.

14. Ask: What does the Lord expects us to do to the strangers and the needy?

Expected answer: The Lord is expecting us at least just to provide or help in the
basic needs of a person such as food & water, clothing and shelter. v. 35 tells us
about what Jesus told about those who are in need,” for I was hungry and you gave
me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a
stranger and you invited me in. 36. I needed clothes and you clothed me. I was sick
and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”

Ask: What does our lesson today say about loving others?
(Let the student summarize what he/she has learned about Jesus.)

General Truth: Whatever we do to other people, especially to the strangers and the needy, we
do it the Lord. Recite the memory verse (Luke 10:27) together.


1. Ask: Why do you think many people today do not have real concern for the helpless, hopeless,
the oppressed, the foreigners and the like?
Possible Answers:
a) They have not experienced being “reached out” by others.
b) Many Christians do not model it
c) Many people are selfish, self-centered and lovers of themselves.
d) They do not know what the Bible teaches on how to be a “good Samaritan” to
e) People have their own personal beliefs and conviction.
f) Etc.

2. Ask: What does our lesson today say about loving others? Are you a “Good Samaritan” Do you
love your neighbor?(Wait for your learner to articulate his/her own understanding about
those people who need Christ’s love through him/her)


3. Ask: What does it mean to you to be a good “neighbor” to others?

Notes to the Teacher: The world in which we live is in need of Christ and good “Samaritans”. As
Christ’s followers, we must be willing to be the caring hands of Christ, to be His compassionate eyes
upon the weak and the hopeless, to be His feet to bring the good news of salvation to those who have-
n’t heard of it. Christ takes our resources, our talents and our whole beings, and use them to tend to
the wounds of those who lie sick and dying by the roadside in our world today. As we do these acts,
we are demonstrating what it means to be neighbor to those around us.

Our motivation must be the very love and care we experienced from God. Christ is the “Good Samari-
tan” who has reached out to us. Romans 5:6-8 states that at just the right time, when we were still
powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: “While we
were still sinners, Christ died for us”. Jesus Christ is our greatest model in reaching out to others. God
expects us to demonstrate real love and concern to all people especially those who are poor, needy,
hopeless, etc.


1. Ask your learner to write ideas on how he/she can show concern to other people this week.
2. Pray aloud for your learner as you end this session.
3. Encourage your learner to continue to study God’s Word on his/her own by reviewing the
4. Thank your learner for the time spent today.






This unit deals more specifically with the distinctive thrusts of the Christian & Missionary Alliance
Churches of the Philippines. The lessons focus on the person of the Jesus Christ, emphasizing His unique
role as our Savior, Sanctifier, Healer and Coming King. Included in this unit are the important emphases
of the CAMACOP concerning ordinances, missions, stewardship and being a member of the Alliance

Lesson Title Scripture References Memory Verse

1 JESUS OUR Romans 3:21-26; Acts 4:12 “Salvation is found in no one else, for
SAVIOR Ephesians 2:8-9; and there is no other name under heaven given to
other selected Bible ref- man by which we must be saved.”
2 JESUS OUR Ephesians 1:4; I Peter I Thess. 5:23 “May God Himself, the God of
SANCTIFIER 2:5,9 peace, sanctify you through and through. May
Selected Bible your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blame-
references less at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

3 JESUS OUR Psalm 103:3 Matt. Isaiah 53:5 “But He was pierced for our
HEALER 4:23-24. Acts 9:32- transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities;
35; Other selected the punishment that brought us peace was on
Bible references. Him, and by His wounds we are healed”.

4 JESUS OUR Matthew 24: 29-31, Matthew 24:44 “Therefore you also must be
COMING KING Acts 3:19-21 and other ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour
selected Old & New you do not expect.”
Testament texts
5 THE CHRISTIAN Matt. 3:13-1, Romans Luke 3: 22 “And the Holy Spirit descended on
BAPTISM 6:3-14, other selected
Him in bodily form, like a dove, and a voice
Bible references. came from heaven, “You are my beloved Son;
with you I am well pleased.”
6 THE LORD’S Matthew 26:26-30; I Corinthians 11: 26 “For whenever you eat this
SUPPER (HOLY Mark 13:22-26; Luke bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the
COMMUNION) 22: 14-20 . Lord’s death until He comes.”
7 CHRISTIAN Malachi 3: 6-12 Luke Luke 6:38 “Give and it will be given to you. A
GIVING 11:42; Mark 12:41-42 good measure, pressed down, shaken together
Romans 15: 26-28. and running over, will be poured into your lap.
For with the measure you use, it will be measured
to you.”


8 MISSIONS: THE Luke 24:47-49, Matthew 24:14 “And this gospel of the kingdom
TASK RE- Matthew 28:18-29, Acts will be preached in the whole world as a testi-
MAINING 1:1-9 and other selected mony to all nations, and then the end will
Bible references. come.”

9 SPIRITUAL 1 Corinthians 12:11, 1 Peter 4:10 “Each one should use whatever gift
GIFTS Eph. 4:12-13 1Peter he has received to serve others, faithfully
4:10,11 administering God’s grace in its various forms.”

10 WELCOME TO Acts 2:37-47, Eph. 5:25b & v. 27 “Christ loved the church and
THE ALLIANCE and other se- gave Himself up for her….and to present her to
FAMILY! lected Bible Himself as a radiant church, without stain or
references. wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and


Lesson 1

Aim: That my learners will continually trust and declare to others that Jesus is the only Savior.
Key Scripture Texts: Romans 3:21-26; Ephesians 2:8-9; and other selected Bible references

Memory Verse: Acts 4:12 “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven
given to man by which we must be saved.”

Pray faithfully for your learners.
Study the given texts for this lesson.
Memorize the verse: Acts 4:12
a. Bring your Bible in every class session.
b. Bring a notebook and a pen to write your plans and activities
your class.
c. Print (or draw) the CAMACOP logo.

Session Time
(Group Study)
1. Let your learners draw a cross on a piece of paper.
2. Ask: What are some common Filipino beliefs about the cross?
Possible answers: The cross is used as follows:
a. an ornament- a piece of jewelry, decoration in churches, houses, buildings, etc.
b. a lucky charm.
c. an instrument to ward off evil.
d. a symbol of the death of Jesus Christ.

Transition Sentence: Today, we will learn what the Bible says about the cross and what it means to
us as Christians .

1. Pray for wisdom and understanding for you and your learners.
2. Explain the meaning of the CAMACOP logo.
Say: The Christian & Missionary Alliance stresses the four roles of Christ which are repre-
sented as emblems in the CAMACOP logo.
a. The cross represents Jesus as our Savior. Jesus Christ died on the cross for the sins of
b. The laver (or basin) represents Jesus as our Sanctifier. Jesus sets us apart so that we become
holy and live a sanctified life as His children.
c. The pitcher represents Jesus as our Healer. He died on the cross not only for our sins but also
for our sicknesses.
d. The crown represents Jesus as our coming King. Jesus will come again and take us to Himself.
He will reign in His kingdom forever and we, His children, will live in glorified bodies
reigning together with Him.


Say: The Christian and Missionary Alliance Churches of the Philippines (CAMACOP), firmly believes in
the above distinctives. In becoming a member of the CAMACOP, we are encouraged to know the CAMA-
COP logo and its significance.
Notes to the Teacher: For further explanation of the elements of the Christian & Missionary Alliance logo.

The CROSS: Christ Our Savior

“Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to man by which we
must be saved” (Acts 4:12). We believe Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures . . . that we are re-
deemed through His precious blood, justified by His death and resurrection, made righteous through His
righteousness, and accepted in His name.

The LAVER: Christ Our Sanctifier

“His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him
who called us by his own glory and goodness” (2 Peter 1:3). Holiness is the Lord Jesus Christ Himself–so dwelling
in our hearts and so walking in our steps that we shall live like Him. This can never be in a sense that will minister to
our own pride or self-sufficiency, for before we can receive it, we must come to the end of ourselves and never
become self-sufficient apart from Christ. Such holiness means living a life of simple dependence, moment by
moment, on Christ alone.

The laver symbol represents a vessel used in the temple of the Old Testament. The priest used it to wash his feet before
entering the Holy Place. It signifies the daily cleansing from sin by the power of the Holy Spirit .

The PITCHER: Christ Our Healer

“And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up” (James 5:15).
The Lord Jesus has purchased and provided for His believing and obedient children physical strength, life, and
healing as freely as the spiritual blessings of the gospel. He took up our infirmities as well as our sins, and from
His risen life and living touch, our faith may draw health and strength until our life work is done.

This symbol represents a pitcher containing oil to anoint the sick for healing that comes through obedience to
God's Word.

The CROWN: Christ Our Coming King

“You will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds
of heaven” (Mark 14:62). The Lord Jesus is coming personally to this earth again. It is not a mere spiritual
coming, either at death or in a deeper experience of the Holy Spirit, or in the spread of the gospel throughout the
world; but it is the coming of the Lord Himself as literally and personally as when He went away.

3. Read aloud: (Or let a learner read this paragraph aloud):

“Salvation means deliverance from the power and effect of sin in our lives. Jesus dealt with the problem of
sin by willingly dying on the cross on our behalf. Through His death and resurrection, He is able to bring sin-
ners into a right relationship with God. (I Peter 1:18-21; Eph. 2:18.) Salvation then has been made free


for us, offered as a gift to those who believe and receive Jesus as Savior and Lord. (Eph. 2:8,9). We are
now assured of new life in Christ, as He makes His home in our hearts by faith ( Eph. 3:17), and it
will be complete when Christ appears again” (Phil. 3:20,21).

4. Ask: Did you find some words in the paragraph that you did not understand? (Wait for the learners’
responses; clarify any questions that may arise).

5. Say: The first emblem we are going to study is the cross. The cross stands for our salvation through
the death of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary. Let us turn to some passages to discover why the
cross of Jesus is central to our salvation:

I. Mankind has been under the bondage of sin since Adam and Eve chose to disobey God in the Garden
of Eden.

1. Ask: According to the following verses, who has sinned? Give the
reference one at a time. Expected answers:
a. Psalm 14:1-3 - sons of men or all mankind
b. Romans 3:9 - both Jews and Gentiles
c. Romans 3:23- all have sinned

2. Ask: Why is sin such a serious thing to God? Read Isaiah 59:2; Col. 1:21
Expected Answers:
a. Isaiah 59: 2 – because sin has separated man from God, sin hid the face of God from
b. Colossians 1:21 – man is so far away from God.

3. Ask: How do the following Bible verses show us that no one, by his own efforts, can deal with
sin and have a right relationship with God? (Let the learners read the verses)
Expected Answers:
a. Romans 4:1-5 - Abraham was not made righteous before God by his works. He
was made righteous by his belief in God.
b. Ephesians 2:8,9 – It is by the grace of God and faith in Him that man is saved
and not through his own good works.

II. The Bible tells us how God, who is absolutely holy and righteous, puts a sinful person right with

1. Ask: Who has sinned according to Romans 3:21-26? (Let the learners read the verse aloud):
Expected Answer: All have sinned.

2. Ask: How does God put the people right with Himself? (v.22)
Expected Answer: Through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe.

3. Ask: What does v. 24 say about the cost to the sinner of being put right
with God?
Expected Answer: None. It’s a gift from God.


4. Ask: What is the result of being put right with God through Jesus Christ? (v. 25, 26)
Expected Answer: Forgiveness of sins.

5. Ask: Why did God offer His Son? (vv. 25, 26)
Expected Answer: To demonstrate that He is just – Jesus paid for the penalty of our sins.

6. Ask: How are people’s sins forgiven? (v. 25)

Expected Answer: Through faith in Christ.

III. Our salvation is past, present, and future. A Christian is already

saved, being saved, and will be saved.

1. Ask: What do the following verses tell us about our salvation in Christ?
(Assign someone to read each passage).
Expected Answers:
a) John 5:24 – we will not be condemned; have passed over from death to life.
b) 2 Cor. 5:17- we have become a brand new person.
c) 2 Cor. 5:18, Rom. 5:10,11- we became God’s friend, no longer His enemy.
d) Rom. 8:16; Gal. 4:6, 7 - we’ve been assured by the Holy Spirit that we are children of God.
e) Phil. 3:9- we’ve received the righteousness that comes from God.
f) John 8:34-36- we’ve been freed from the bondage of sin.
g) Heb. 2:14, 15- we’ve been freed from the fear of death.
h) Rom. 5:1- we have peace with God

2. Say: The moment a person puts his/her trust in Jesus as his/her Savior, that person becomes a child
of God – possessing the full the benefits and blessings of being saved.

3. Ask: What is the message of the cross to those who are being saved?
Read I Cor. 1:18 and 2 Peter 1:3
Expected answers:
a. The cross is the power God to those who are being saved.
b. God’s power gives us everything we need for life and godliness.

4. Ask: What are the visible results of salvation in Christ?

Read Romans 6:14, 22
Expected answers:
a. holy living (set free from sin)
b. serving God (a servant of God)

5. Ask: What will happen when our salvation is complete? (Read together the specific verses and then al-
low the learners to respond). Expected Answers:
a. Romans 5:9; I Thess. 5:9 - We will be saved from God’s anger.
b. Phil. 3:20, 21; I John 3:2 - Christ will change our bodies and make them like His own.
c. I Thess. 5:10; 2 Tim. 2:10-12- We will live together with Christ in eternal glory and rule with
Him. cf. Revelation 22:5b
d. Romans 8:17a; Col. 1:12 - We will possess the blessings God keeps for His people and will
share in what God has reserved for His people in the Kingdom of light.
e. Romans 8:21-23 - Both creation and we, people, will be set free from slavery to decay,


and share the glorious freedom as the children of God.

h. 2 Peter 3:13 - There will be new heavens and a new earth “where righteousness will
be at home”.

6. Say: A Christian will be saved. His salvation will be completed in the future and is closer than
when he first believed – Romans 13:11b. Christ “will appear a second time, not to deal
with sin but to save those who are waiting for Him – Heb. 9:28b

General Truth: Jesus is our Only Savior.


1. Ask: In the world today, how do most people regard Jesus?

Possible answers:
a. Jesus is just a man. d. He is a historical person.
b. Jesus is a teacher and prophet. e. He is a good man.
c. Jesus is a radical “misfit”.

2. Ask: How do Christians regard Jesus?

Expected answer: He is the Savior.

3. Ask: Who is Jesus to you?

Expected answer: Jesus is my Only Savior.


1. Ask: Having received Jesus as your Savior, what should you do about your friends and loved
ones who have not received Jesus as their Savior? (Wait for their response)
2. Pray that your learners will share Jesus to their friends and loved ones.
3. Encourage your learners to share the gospel to at least one person this week.
4. Remind them to share with you their experiences. (Call or visit during the week).



Aim: That my learners will live sanctified lives before God.

Key Scripture Texts: Selected Bible references

Memory Verse: I Thess. 5:23 “May God Himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through.
May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Pray faithfully for your learners.
Study the given texts for this lesson.
Memorize the verse: 1 Thess. 5:23.
a. Bring your Bible in every class session.
b. Bring a notebook and a pen to write your plans, observations
or prayer requests for your class.
c. Print (or draw) the CAMACOP logo.

Session Time
(Group Study)
1. Review: Show a picture of the CAMACOP logo and ask the learners to identify each symbol.
Say: Last week, we looked into the cross which represents Jesus as our Savior.
We have learned that because of God’s great love for man, He sent His one and only Son, Jesus
Christ, to die on the cross so that we will be saved from our sins. We also learned that our salva-
tion was given to us for free and that this salvation is past, present and future.

Ask: Were you able to share the gospel of salvation to your loved ones and friends?
Possible answers:
a. Yes, I did.
b. I am still praying about it or I am looking for a right time to share.
c. I am beginning to share a small portion of what I know about Jesus to a friend.
d. I don’t know how to do it. (Or where to start)

2. Show your learners a picture of a laver (basin) or let him/her draw one.
3. Ask: What do you think are some uses of the laver? (Wait for your
learners’ answers.)
Possible answers:
a. It is used for drinking wine and water.
b. It could be used as a flower vase.
c. It could be used as a decoration.


Notes to the Teacher: Laver (Heb. kiyor), a "basin" for boiling in, a "pan" for cooking (1 Sam.
2:14), a"fire-pan" or hearth (Zech. 12:6), the sacred wash-bowl of the tabernacle and temple (Ex.
30:18, 28;31:9; 35:16; 38:8; 39:39; 40:7, 11, 30, etc.), a basin for the water used by the priests in
their ablutions. That which was originally used in the tabernacle was of brass (rather copper; Heb.
nihsheth), made from the metal mirrors the women brought out of Egypt (Ex. 38:8). It contained water
wherewith the priests washed their hands and feet when they entered the tabernacle (40:32). It stood
in the court between the altar and the door of the tabernacle (30:19, 21). In the temple there were ten
lavers used for the sacrifices, and the molten sea for the ablutions of the priests (2 Chr. 4:6). The
position and uses of these are described 1 Kings 7:23-39; 2 Chr. 4:6. The "molten sea" was made of
copper, taken from Tibhath and Chun, cities of Hadarezer, king of Zobah (1 Chr. 18:8; 1 Kings 7:23-
26). No lavers are mentioned in the second temple. Source: Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary

Transition Sentence: Today, we will learn about the second symbol in the CAMACOP logo which is
the laver, a symbol of Jesus as our Sanctifier.


1. Say: The laver represents Jesus Christ as our Sanctifier. The word “sanctify” means to set
apart for God’s use or dedicate to God and to make holy. This is what Jesus does for the
believer. He sets us apart, He makes us holy.

2. Share the following background:

A. In the Old Testament

Certain people and objects were set apart to belong exclusively to God and be used by Him.
Example: The Sabbath day in Genesis 2:3;
The sacred tent (tabernacle)
The altar – Exodus 29:44; priests – Exodus 28:41.
The Israelites were also set apart from other nations to be God’s chosen
people- Leviticus 20: 7, 8, 26.

B. In the New Testament

Jesus Christ Himself was dedicated / set apart for His special work of sacrificing His life for
all mankind – Hebrews 10:9, 10. Because of Christ’s death we are now living under a new cove-
nant between God and man. The former outward sign of being set apart (physical circumcision)
is no longer necessary – I Corinthians 7:19; Galatians 5:6, but rather, the inward separation or
“circumcision of the heart” is required – Romans 2:29; Colossians 2:11.

3. Short Lecture: Jesus as our Sanctifier - what does He do for the believer?

A. He sets the believer apart for God’s holy purpose- Ephesians 1:4; I Peter 2:5,9
a. As His disciples, Jesus dedicates us to God- John 17:15-20
b. As His disciples, we also have a part in the dedication of our lives to God.
-We need to have a deep desire to do what God requires of us
- We must “hunger and thirst for righteousness” – Matthew 5:6
-We need “to be conformed to the likeness of His Son” – Romans 8:29.


c. As His disciples, we need to do to dedicate our lives to God:

- by confessing all known sins in our life - I John 1:9.
- by surrendering ourselves completely to God -Romans 6:13, 19; 12:1.
- by asking Him to fill us with His Holy Spirit- Ephesians 5:18
- by believing by faith that we are filled. Luke 11:13 and James 1:6.

B. Jesus continually works on the process of making the believer holy.

Sanctification is a continuous process of spiritual growth.

C. The sanctified life – the meaning and process of sanctification:

1. To be sanctified is to become more and more like Jesus – Romans 8:29

It is an inward change taking place in our life, resulting in purity and holiness – I Peter
1:15, 16; Colossians 1:22.

a. Our part in the process of sanctification:

1). Have a conscious, on-going decision on our part consider ourselves “dead” as
far as sin is concerned – Romans 6:11; Galatians 5:24.
2). Live as God wants us to live – Ephesians 5:1; I Thessalonians 4:7
3). Abide in God’s Word in order to live as God wants us to – John 15:4,5; I John
2:5,6,24,27; 3:24

b. God’s Word is vital in our sanctification – John 17:17; I Peter

1:22-2:3; Heb. 5: 12- 6:1.
This can only be done through reading and listening to God’s
Word being preached and taught, in personal study, medita-
tion and memorization. Only then can we live in obedience to
its teaching. The Holy Spirit works through His Word to make
us more and more like Jesus.

c. We have Jesus Himself, through the Holy Spirit, living in us,

thus enabling us to live holy lives – Galatians 4:19; 5:16, 17,
22- 25 .

2. To be sanctified is to be provided with spiritual power–

a. For witness- Acts 1:8;
b. For living a life pleasing to God- I Corinthians 12:4-7

General Truth: Jesus Christ is our Sanctifier.


1. Ask: What do the priests in the Old Testament do for cleansing?

Expected Answer: They wash themselves with water in the laver.

2. Ask: Today, what do people in general do for spiritual cleansing?


Possible answers:
a. Confess to a priest.
b. Do works of charity to outweigh the sins one committed.
c. Spend time in seclusion for meditation.
d. Do merit making.
e. Make peace offering.

3. Ask: In the light of this lesson, what should a Christian do for spiritual cleansing?
a. Surrender all areas of life to Jesus as our Sanctifier.
b. Ask for the filling of the Holy Spirit moment by moment.

4. Ask: How about you? You can ask yourself this question: “Does my life today show to others
that I am becoming more and more like Jesus?” (Give them time to reflect).


1. Say: Let us altogether say our memory verse aloud in I Thessalonians 5:23
“May God Himself the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole
spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

2. Say: Life in the Spirit is a continuing experience, and as we let the Spirit control us we will
experience His power and guidance in every area of our life and in all our relationships.
We must never trust in our own ability to be holy, but take our spiritual life from Jesus
who supplies us, moment by moment, with whatever grace or help we need. And we can
truly say, “It is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me – Galatians 2:20

3. Ask: Are there some areas in your life that you need to surrender to God?
Give time to everyone to do self-introspection. Ask them to make a personal commitment
to God as they pray silently.

4. Pray for your learners. Ask Jesus to sanctify each one and live in the power of the Holy

5. Thank each one for their time and cooperation and remind them to come again next meeting.


Lesson 3

Aim: That my learners will experience the healing power of Jesus Christ.
Key Scripture Texts: Selected Bible references.

Memory Verse: Isaiah 53:5 “But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was
crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on Him, and by
His wounds we are healed”.

Pray for your learners every day.
Study the texts and the lesson material for this week.
Memorize the verse for today – Isaiah 53:5
a. Bring your Bible, pen and notebook to class.
b. Remind your learners to bring theirs also.

Session Time
(Group Study)

1. Show your learners the CAMACOP logo and review what each emblem symbolizes:

The cross symbolizes that Jesus is our Savior.

The laver symbolizes that Jesus is our Sanctifier.
The pitcher symbolizes that Jesus is our Healer.
The crown symbolizes that Jesus is our coming King.

2. Point to the third symbol in the logo (pitcher).

3. Ask: What do you think are some uses of a pitcher? (Give time for the learners to answer)
Possible answers:
a. The pitcher is used as a water container. We use it to serve water or juice during meals.
b. Some use it as a flower vase.
c. Others use the pitcher as a decorative item.
d. The pitcher has many other uses and it comes from a variety of materials [plastic, glass, alumi-
num, etc], sizes and colors.

Transition Sentence: Today, we will learn about the third symbol in the CAMACOP logo, the
pitcher, which symbolizes Jesus as our Healer.



1. Ask: Have you ever experienced being sick? How did you get well? (Give time for some to share
their experiences.)

2. Give the definition of healing.

Healing is the restoration to health of a person suffering from an organic and/or psychological
disease. In the Alliance, we believe that Jesus Christ still heals people today, just as He healed the
sick when He was here on earth thousands of years ago.

I. Healing in the Old Testament - Question and Answer portion:

a. Ask: What does God say about Himself to the Israelites? Read Exodus 15:26.
Expected answer: He is the Lord their God who will not bring any diseases to the
Israelites which He brought to the Egyptians, for He is the Lord who heals.

b. Ask: Aside from forgiveness of sins, what else does David praise God for in Psalm 103:3?
Expected answer: The healing of all diseases.

c. Ask: What is prophesied about Jesus in Isaiah 53:5?

Expected answer: The prophecy about Jesus was that He will be pierced for our
transgressions, crushed for our iniquities, the punishment that brought us peace was upon
Him and by His wounds we are healed.

II. Healing in the New Testament (Short Lecture)

Say: The frequency of healing miracles is much greater in the New Testament than in the Old
Testament. The ministry of Jesus always included healing.

In Matthew 8:16,17 the prophecy in Isaiah 53:4 (say together the memory verse today) was ful-
filled when Jesus drove out the evil spirits and healed many who were sick. In I Peter
2:24 Jesus bore our sins so that we might die to sin and live for righteousness and by His
wounds we have been healed.

A. Examples of Healings in the New Testament

1. Ask: Whom did Jesus heal and what were some of the diseases He healed?
Read Matt. 4:23-24.

Expected Answer: Jesus healed the people throughout Galilee and some diseases that
were healed were: those suffering from severe pain, demon possessed, those having sei-
zures, and the paralyzed.

2. Ask: What did Jesus give His disciples and what did they do beside healing people in Luke
9: 1, 2 & 6?


Expected Answers:
a. Jesus gave His disciples the power and authority to drive out demons and to cure
diseases. v. 1
b. He also sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. v. 2.
c. Wherever the disciples went, they preached the Gospel and healed the people who were
sick. v.6

3. Ask: Whom did God use to do miraculous signs in Acts 2:43?

Expected answer: The Apostles

B. Purposes of Healing in the New Testament

Say: In the New Testament, healings were part of the miracles of Jesus to demonstrate His
power and authority over demons and sickness, so that people may believe in Him as the Messiah and
Son of God.

1. Ask: According to Jesus in John 9:1-7, why was the man whom He healed been born blind?

Expected answer: The man was born blind not because of his sin or the sins of his parents [as
was generally thought of then]; but Jesus said it was for the reason that the work of God might
be displayed in his life. v.3

Note: The Bible does not teach that all sicknesses are caused by the sin of the one who is s
suffering, but there are instances when it is true. See Numbers 12:1-15

2. Ask: Who was the man healed in Lydda? Read Acts 9:32-35.
Expected answer: Aeneas, a paralytic man who was bedridden for 8 years. v. 34

3. Ask: What was a result of this miracle? – v. 35

Expected answer: As a result, all those who lived in Sharon and Lydda turned to the

III. Healing ministry in the Church

A. The gift of healing is one of the spiritual gifts the Holy Spirit gives to the Church
Read I Corinthians 12: 9, 28-30.

1. Ask: What are the gifts of the Holy Spirit mentioned in 1 Cor. 12:9, 28-30?
Expected answer:

2. Ask: How can a Christian with the gift of healing help those who are sick?
Expected answer: He/ She can help those who are sick by praying over their illnesses.

3. Ask: Who heals the sick?

Expected answer: God’s power heals those who are sick and He works through those who
have the gift of healing.
B. Instructions for believers who desire God’s healing- James 5:14-16 (Short Lecture)


1. We must call the elders of the church– v. 14

2. The elders should pray over and anoint the sick with oil in the
name of the Lord – v. 14

(Say: Oil itself cannot heal, and it has no “magic” quality. It is

God who heals the person).
3. They must offer a prayer in faith – v. 15
4. Confess your sins and pray for each other- v. 16

C. Instructions for a believer who wants the Lord to heal him/her.

1. A believer must be certain there is no sin in his/her life, and that he/she is living in a right
relationship with God- Psalm 66:18; Isaiah 59: 1, 2

2. A believer must have faith that Jesus can heal him/her. Mark 5:34; Matthew 21:22;
Mark 9:17-24:

3. A believer must ask for healing in God’s will- 2 Corinthians 12:7-10

a. Ask: In His time of great suffering in the garden of Gethsemane, what did Jesus pray for?
Read Matthew 26:39, 42
Expected answer: Jesus prayed that the cup of great suffering will be taken away
from Him if at all possible – vv. 39, 42

b. Say: When we ask for God’s will in our healing, He may show us by reminding us of
certain verses of Scripture, or by giving us the faith and assurance, that it is His will to
heal us. It is our privilege to ask for healing, but not to demand it. Sometimes our heal-
ing is not granted immediately. If we have followed all of God’s instructions and are not
healed, we must accept that it is not His will to heal us through His power at that time.
We must also remember that while sometimes healing is instantaneous, sometimes it is a
gradual restoration to health.

General Truth: Jesus is our Healer for all our sicknesses (physical, spiritual, mental, etc.)


1. Ask: Whom do some people go to when they are sick?

Possible Answers:
a. Medical doctors / medical practitioners
b. “Traditional” doctors like ‘albularyos’, herbalists, etc.
c. None at all – they don’t go to any of the above. Some opt for self-medications only.

2. Ask: To whom should Christians go when sick?

Possible Answers:
a. Pray and ask Jesus for healing. Follow James 5:14-16.
b. See or consult a medical doctor.



1. Ask: Do you have any illness/sickness that you want the Lord to heal? Or do you know of
anyone (loved ones or friends) who needs the Lord’s healing?
(Give time for your learner to think and respond)

2. Sing or Read this song: “I Am The God Who Healeth Thee.”

I am the God that healeth thee,

I am the Lord your healer
I sent my Word and healed your disease
I am the Lord your healer.

You are the God that healeth me,

You are the Lord my healer
You sent your Word and healed my disease
You are the Lord my healer. (Repeat)

3. Pray: Spend time in praying together for someone who is sick (refer to number 1).

4. Lead in closing prayer.


Lesson 4

Aim: That my learners will prepare for the coming again of Jesus Christ.
Key Scripture Texts: Matthew 24: 29-31, Acts 3:19-21 and other selected Old & New Testament texts.

Memory Verse: Matthew 24:44 “Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son
of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.”

Pray daily for your learners.

Read and study carefully the texts in this lesson material. Add your own insights as
you read and meditate upon the passages.
Memorize the verse for this week – Matthew 24:44.
a. Remind your learners and yourself to always bring your own Bible, pen and notebook to
b. Write on a small sheet of paper the following verses as a take home reading assignment for
your learners: Isaiah 2: 1-4; 9: 6,7; Daniel 7: 13, 14; 12:1-4; Joel 2:28-32; Micah 4:1-4

Session Time
(Group Study)
1. Show again the CAMACOP logo to see if your learners can remember what each emblem represents:
The cross represents Jesus as our Savior.
The laver represents Jesus as our Sanctifier.
The pitcher represents Jesus as our Healer.
The crown represents Jesus as our Coming King.

2. Say: Who do you think are the persons who usually wear a crown?
Possible answers:
a. Kings and queens of some countries.
b. Winners of beauty pageants.
c. Others

Transition Sentence: Today, we will learn about the last symbol in the CAMACOP logo – the crown.


Say: The first time Jesus Christ came into the world He came to become a part of the human race and to die
on the cross as our Savior. Then He rose again and He returned to heaven. He will also someday, person-
ally and visibly return to earth.
[ Note: This part is quite long, you may opt to divide this lesson in two sessions]

I. The second coming of the Lord Jesus is prophesied in the Bible.


A. In the Old Testament

1. Say: The Old Testament prophets looked forward to both the day when Jesus would come as
Savior, and to the time when He would return in power and glory to judge the world, and to
reign in peace as King.

2. Distribute the list of verses that you prepare in advance for their reading assignment.

3. Say: These verses are prophecies from the Old Testament concerning the coming of the Lord
Jesus Christ. This is your take home reading assignment for this week.

B. In the New Testament

Say: Now, let’s look at some passages in the New Testament that also speaks of the second com-
ing of the Lord Jesus Christ. Let us see who speaks about His second coming in the follow-
ing passages:
a. Matthew 24: 29-31 -Jesus Himself told of His Second Coming.
b. Acts 1:11- The angels said He would come again.
c. Acts 3:19-21- The apostles preached about His return.

II. Signs of the Lord’s return (Lecture this portion)

1. Say: Although no one can know for certain the exact time of the Lord’s return, the Bible does tell
us of certain circumstances which will be a sign to those who are watchful.

Some signs were given by Jesus as recorded in Matthew 24, Mark 13 & Luke 21.
a. There will be physical signs- such as earthquakes, famines, plagues, etc.
b. There will be social signs- such as the spread of evil, wars, revolutions, rumors of wars-
with whole nations in despair, and people’s hearts failing them due to fear.
c. There will be religious signs- such as false christs, persecution of Christians-with many of
them giving up their faith. Finally, the gospel will be preached throughout the world.

Further descriptions were given by the apostles.

2. Say: It will be a time of general moral decay. [Take turns in reading the passages]:
2 Timothy 3: 1-8, 13;4: 3, 4; I Timothy 4:1; 2 Peter 3: 3, 4; Jude 18, 19

Say: There will be clear evidence of the power of evil fighting against God, culminating in the
appearance of the Wicked One (the Antichrist).

3. Request the learner to read 2 Thessalonians 2:1-10 silently.

III. There will be two aspects of the Lord’s return.

Christ will come first to receive all those who belong to Him, both those who are still alive then and
who were dead in Christ - 1Thess. 4:14-17; Matt. 24: 36-41; Luke 17: 34, 35.

1. Ask: What will happen to believers at the Lord’s return? see I Cor. 15:42-44; 51-54; Phil. 3:20,
21; I John 3:2.


Expected answers:
a. I Corinthians 15: 42-44: During the resurrection of the dead,

what is sown perishable will be raised imperishable, what

is sown in dishonor will be raised in glory, what is sown in
weakness will be raised in power, what is sown in a natural
body will be raised in a spiritual body.
b. I Corinthians 15: 51-54: We shall all be changed in the
twinkling of an eye. The mortal body must put on im-
mortality and the perishable will put on the imperish-
c. Philippians 3:20, 21: Our citizenship is in heaven and we await a Savior, Jesus Christ. He will
transform our lowly body to be like His glorious body.
d. I John 3: 2: When Christ will appear, we shall all be like Him for we are God’s children.

Christ will return in power and glory as Judge and King.

2. Ask your learners to read aloud the following passages.

a. Daniel 7:9-14
b. 2Timothy 4: 1
c. Jude 14, 15

IV. The Future Judgments

A. Judgment of all believers. (Lecture briefly)

1. This will take place sometime after Christ’s first return to receive all who belong to Him.
2. Believers will not be judged for their sins because they were already forgiven when they ac-
cepted Christ as their personal Savior. God considers them as having “already passed from
death to life.” John 5:24
3. Although no one can earn salvation, believers will be judged for what they have done as
Christians. Each one will be rewarded for living a righteous life and for his/her service to
Christ. Daniel 12:13; I Corinthians 3+13-15; 9:25; 2Timothy 4:8; I Peter 5:4
4. The final destiny of the believers is the new heaven and the new earth; and the holy city,
Jerusalem. Rev. 21:1-7

B. Judgment of unbelievers
1. Ask: When and where will the final the final judgment happen? Read Rev. 20:11-15.
Expected Answer: The judgment will be pronounced at the great white throne which
will take place after the millennium; a thousand years of peace when Christ rules as
King on earth.

2. Say: Here are the descriptions of those who will be judged and condemned:
a. Those who will be judged and condemned are those whom the Bible described as hard
and impertinent in heart. Rom. 2:5,8
b. They will be thrown in flaming fire and condemned- 2 Thessalonians 1:8; 2:10-12
c. They will be convicted of ungodliness- Jude 15, 16
d. God will judge and destroy the ungodly- 2 Peter 3:7b
e. The idolaters has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God’s wrath is upon the
disobedient- Ephesians 5:5,6


f. Their final destiny will be the lake of fire- Daniel 12:2c; Matthew 25:41;
2Thessalonians 1:9; Revelation 20:15
g. Those who will be thrown into the lake of fire are the following as seen in this pas-
sage: the devil, false prophets, beast, Death and Hades, and anyone whose
name is not found in the book of life.- Revelation 20:10,14,15
3. Ask: What do you think of these passages? How does this truth affect you? (Wait for
their response)

V. From the following Scripture verses, the knowledge of Christ’s return should affect the
way we live at present.
1. Matthew 23: 42-44 – Believers should be awake and stay ready always.
2. I Cor. 15:58 – We should always be steadfast, unmovable, always working for the Lord.
3. Ephesians 6:10-18 – Put on the whole armor of God and pray at all times in the Spirit.
4. Phil. 3: 20 – We should all wait for the coming again of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
5. I Thessalonians 5: 3-11 –Let us all be sober and put on the armor of God, encourage
and build up one another.
6. 2 Timothy 3:5 – Avoid those who are trying to be godly. Be perceptive and do not be
7. Titus 2:11-14 – Let us renounce all ungodliness and worldly passions, and live self-
controlled, upright and godly lives.
8. 2 Peter 3: 11, 14, 17, 18 – We should all be diligent and live pure and holy lives, not car-
ried away by the errors of lawless people but we should continually grow in the
grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
9. I John 3: 2, 3 – Let us keep ourselves pure for we know that when He appears, we shall
all be like Him.
10. Jude 20, 21 – Build yourselves up in the faith, pray in the Spirit, keep yourselves in the
love of God and wait for the mercy of Jesus Christ.

General truth: Jesus is our coming King; we must be prepared to welcome Him.

1. Ask: What are some predicted signs of the second coming of Jesus Christ that are now happening in
the world today?
Possible answers:
a. civil wars – Israel and Palestine, Iran, Iraq, Kyrgjkistan and Tajikistan
b. natural calamities – frequency of earthquakes, typhoon, extreme climate change like El
Niño, La Niña, tsunami, etc.
c. wide-spread famine – Bangladesh, Somalia, Africa, etc.
d. increase of lawlessness – murder, thief or robbery, drugs
e. ungodliness – rise of cults, false christs, atheistic beliefs, etc.
f. children disobeying their parents – violent, rebellious, answering back, etc.
g. lovers of money, lovers of pleasure, self-centered
h. homosexuality, immorality
i. frequent travel of people from one place to another

2. Ask: How can we prepare ourselves for the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ?


Possible answers:
a. Read the Bible and memorize verses.
b. Always keep in touch with the Lord through prayer.
c. Reading books and newspapers of what is happening in our world – current events
d. Evangelize – tell others of Jesus coming.
e. Involve in kingdom building.
f. Preservation of the family unit – disciple and prepare them for the Lord’s return.


1. Give out a piece of paper for your learners to write on.

2. Say: As we prepare for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, let us write a simple prayer on this
piece of paper telling God that we would want to meet Him on His return. We’ll tell God
what we want to do for the rest of our life here on earth in preparation for His coming. We
will keep that piece of paper and always remind ourselves of what we have written, our
personal prayer to God to make us ready and excited for the Lord’s return.

3. Ask one of your learners to lead the closing prayer.

Lesson 5

Aim: That my learners will commit to follow the Lord in water baptism.
Key Scripture Texts: Selected Bible references.

Memory Verse: Luke 3: 22 “And the Holy Spirit descended on Him

in bodily form, like a dove, and a voice came from heaven, “You are
my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.”

Pray for yourself and for your learner to have a clear understanding of the lesson.
Pray for your learners to commit to follow the Lord in water baptism.
Review your learners on the previous memory verse - encourage them to recite it from memory.
Study the passages and memorize the given memory verse for today – Luke 3:22.
Bring your Bible, pen and notebook to class.
Encourage your learners to do so also.


Session Time
(Group Study)
1. Ask: Before any one becomes a member of a fraternity group, what does one usually need to
undergo in order to be a full pledged member of the group?
Expected answer: He /She must go through an initiation ceremony, as prescribed by the

2. Ask: Do you know (Or have you heard) of anyone who has undergone such initiation rite?
(Give time to think and appreciate your learner’s response).

Transition Sentence: As a new member of the Body of Christ, we are also instructed to observe two important
ordinances; and the first one we shall be studying together today.

Say: Ordinances are ceremonies or practices of the church that are ordained (ordered, decreed) by God in
the Bible. The Christian and Missionary Alliance Churches of the Philippines (CAMACOP), as most
evangelical Protestant churches, practices two ordinances namely; baptism and communion. Today,
we are going to talk about the ordinance of baptism.

Lecture this portion:

I. The Background of Baptism

A. The baptism by John the Baptist

1. In the Old Testament: The prophet Isaiah foretold John’s ministry of preparing the way for
Jesus as the Messiah in Isaiah 40:3 (see Mark 1:2-4).

2. In the New Testament

a. John’s birth, like Jesus, was announced to his parents by an angel. In fact, his life was closely
linked to Jesus.
b. In Luke, an angel foretold about John’s life and ministry (Luke 1:13-17)
c. In Matthew 3:1-12, John fulfilled what was foretold about him, both by the prophet Isaiah
and the angel.

3. The baptism preached and practiced by John was related to repentance (Matthew 3:6,11).

4. He was called “the Baptist” because his method of baptism was immersion.

B. The baptism of Jesus – Matthew 3:13-17

The baptism of Jesus was His first step on the road to the cross. Although He had no sin, He identified
Himself with the sinful humanity. Obedient to the very end, He was willing to suffer sin’s punishment
for all people – even death on the cross (Philippians 2: 6-8).

1. Ask: What was John’s reaction to Jesus’ request to be baptized? (Matthew 3:14)


Expected answer: John was surprised and asked Jesus a question, “I need to be baptized by you
and do you come to me?”

2. Ask: How did Jesus answer him? What was the result? (Matthew 3:15)
Expected answer: Jesus answered, “Let it be so now for thus is fitting for us to fulfill all
righteousness.” Jesus wanted to be baptized to fulfill all deeds of righteousness. So John
consented to baptize him in Jordan River.

C. Jesus’ Last Command before His return to heaven- Read Matthew. 28:19, 20.

1. Ask: What can you say about baptism, being part of Jesus’ last command to the disciples before
He returned to heaven?
Expected Answer: Baptism is an integral part of the disciple making process. One needs to
be baptized in obedience to this command.

2. Ask: Does this command include us at present?

Expected answer: Yes, it does.

II. The meaning of baptism (Short Lecture) Let the learners read Romans 6:3-14 and discuss:

A. The Importance and significance of Baptism:

1. Ask: According to the text, what is baptism and what is it for?
Expected Answers:
a. Baptism means identifying with Christ’s death. v3
b. Baptism is also a symbol one’s newness of life in Christ.
c. Through Baptism, we identify with Christ’s death and resurrection. v. 4
See also Romans 3:23-25; 5:10
d. The cross brought us salvation and forgiveness of sins. Once, we were enemies with God but
now, we are in union with Him through the cross.
e. In the past, Jesus brought forgiveness to our sins which speak of our old self, and this old self
has been put to death so that we can walk in the newness of life.
f. When a person is baptized, he should acknowledge that he is dead to sin and alive unto God
through Jesus Christ. vv. 9, 10, 11
g. A person must not allow sin to rule over his/her body, because sin has no control anymore
over his/her life. Therefore he/she should walk in righteousness with Him. vv. 12-14.

Notes to the Teacher: The word “baptism” means “to dip in or under,”
“to dye,” “to immerse,” “to sink,” “to drown,” “to bathe,” “wash”. In the
New Testament it is simply “to dip” (Luke 16:24) and “to
dye” (Revelation 19:13) (Theological Dictionary of the New Testament
by Geoffrey W. Bromiley).

B. Biblical references about baptism:

1. Say: In several New Testament portions about baptism, references are made to happenings in the
Old Testament. Further readings at home on the Old Testament background is encouraged for
the learner after the New Testament references.


2. Read: I Corinthians 10:1-5 (ref. Exodus 13:21, 22; 14:19-31)

Say: The baptism of the Israelites in the Old Testament and in the Red Sea could separate them
from their former life of slavery in Egypt. It also showed that the Israelites acknowledged
Moses as their deliver, the one chosen by God to free them from the bondage of the Egyp-
tians. As a result they promised to follow and obey him.

In the same way, our baptism symbolizes a separation from our former life of slavery to sin
and its power over us. It is also our acknowledgement of Jesus Christ as our Deliverer from
sin, and our promise to follow and obey Him as our Lord and Master.

3. Ask your learners to read Colossians 2: 11-14; 3:1-4 (ref. Genesis 17:7-14)
Say: Circumcision was a physical sign of a special covenant relationship between God and the
Jews. It was a sign of separation from other peoples and acceptance by God of them as His
special people.

In verse 11, Paul speaks of the circumcision made by Christ as spiritual, and it “consists of being
freed from the power of this sinful self.” It is only through Christ that we can be separated and
freed from the power of our sinful self, be accepted by God, and enter into a special relationship
with Him. Although baptism in the New Testament does not take the place of circumcision in

Notes to the Teacher: Abraham was accepted by God as righteous before he was circumcised (Romans
4:11). The act of circumcision was a sign of something which had already happened.

Similarly, baptism is a sign of confirming something which has already taken place in the life of a be-
liever. However, baptism goes beyond the meaning of circumcision. More than just a sign of separation,
it is the death and burial of the “old self” and resurrection to a new life with Christ. This is the very rea-
son why Jesus was nailed on the cross (Galatians 2:14), because we have been raised to life with Christ
we are supposed to “seek the things which are above” (Col.3:1). Heavenly things are to be considered
more important than the earthly things because we are now “hidden with Christ” (Col. 3:3). Our real life
now is with Jesus Christ for we are in union with Him (Col. 3:4; Gal.2:20; 3:27).

Therefore, we see that the ordinance of baptism is not only a picture of our salvation but also of our
sanctification – with the continual presence of Jesus Himself in our lives, providing us with everything
we need to become like Him.

4. Read I Peter 3:21 and ask the following questions:

a. What did Jesus do for our salvation and what is required of us?
Expected answer: Jesus Christ died for our sins once and for all. Baptism requires us to
pledge to have a good conscience toward God.

b. If Jesus Christ had not been resurrected from the dead (v. 21), could we be saved? Why?
Expected answer: We cannot be saved if Jesus had not resurrected from the dead because
it would mean He is not God. But Jesus was the only one who was dead, buried,


and on the third day rose again from the dead. Thus, Jesus is the living Savior of all mankind.

c. How is our salvation from sin and death completed and made certain (sure) by Christ’s resurrec-
tion? (v. 22). See also Romans 8:34; Hebrews 7:24, 25
Expected answer: Jesus, the resurrected one has gone into heaven and is now at God’s right hand-
with angels, authorities and powers in submission to Him (! Peter 3:22). He is our priest (Heb. 7:24,
25) who intercedes on our behalf before God (Romans 8:34).

d. Since baptism is an outward symbol of the putting to death of our former sinful self, showing to
others our promise of loyalty to God (v. 21), how should this affect the way we live? See Colos-
sians 3:1-17; Ephesians 4:23, 24.
Expected answers:
(1) We should live with a good conscience toward God (v. 21).
(2) We should set our minds and hearts on things above and not on earthly things. (3) We
should be thankful always to God (Colossians 3:1-17).
(4) We should put on the new self in true righteousness and holiness and we should be made
new in the attitudes of our minds (Ephesians 4:23, 24).

III. Baptism in the New Testament Church and today (Lecture).

(Use whiteboard/blackboard if available. If not, provide hand-outs or outline for your learners so
that they can follow the lecture.)

A. What the New Testament Church believed about baptism:

The early church believed that Baptism is an integral part of God’s total plan of salvation.
Repentance, resulting in faith in Christ, and baptism, were seen as a whole, with baptism as the natu-
ral outward response of an inward faith. However, faith was necessary first, because apart from faith
the rite of baptism had no meaning.

B. Requisites for baptism:

1. The person to be baptized must have turned away from his sins – Acts 2:38
2. The person should “believe the good news about the Kingdom of God and about Jesus
Christ” – Acts 8:12.

C. Reasons why a believer should be baptized:

1. To follow the Lord’s example. Jesus Himself had been baptized – Matthew 3:15, 16.
2. He commanded it for His followers to do– Matthew 28:19, Mark 16:1, 16.
3. For believers, baptism always followed conversion and is not something to be questioned.

D. The method of Baptism: The method of baptism was immersion. The original Greek word used in the
New Testament for baptism has the meaning of “immersion” or “to go completely under water.” This
mode best expressed the reality of spiritual union with Christ in His death, burial and resurrection.

E. The Alliance Practice today:

In the Alliance, we follow the New Testament teaching concerning baptism, and also the
pattern of immersion, not as a rite of cleansing from sin but as the outward sign that our for-
mer sinful self is dead and buried, freeing us from the power of sin. Just as Christ was


raised to life through the glorious power of God, we have experienced a new birth into a life of
righteousness and obedience to God.

General Truth: Christians ought to follow the example and obey the command of Jesus concern-
ing water baptism.


1. Ask: What are some of the reasons why some new believers do not want to be baptized?
Possible Answers:
a. They are not ready.
b. They do not understand why they should be baptized.
c. Their loved ones may not allow them.
d. No time to go through the baptismal instruction lessons.
e. Lack of commitment


1. Ask the following questions for personal reflection:

a. What keeps you from following the Lord’s command and example of being baptized?
b. In response to the command of the Lord Jesus, would you be willing to submit to water

2. Say: If you are willing to submit to water baptism, you have to undergo a baptismal instruction
class so that you will understand more clearly what water baptism is all about.

3. Pass a sheet of paper and let them sign their names if they would like to attend a baptismal
instruction class.

4. Recite again the memory verse. Luke 3:22 “And the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form,
like a dove, and a voice came from heaven, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.”

5. Lead in the closing prayer.



Aim: That my learners will appreciate the deeper meaning of the Lord’s Supper and participate in it.
Key Scripture Texts: Matthew 26:26-30; Mark 13:22-26; Luke 22: 14-20 .

Memory Verse: I Corinthians 11: 26 “For whenever you eat this bread
and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes.”

Pray for your learners every day.

Study the specified texts this week and memorize the given memory verse.
Remind yourself and your learners to bring your own Bibles, pens and notebooks to class. Prepare:
Bring to class a cup of grape juice and a slice of bread to be used in the Entrance portion of this les-

Session Time
(Group Study)

1. Direct your learners’ attention to the cup and bread you’ve prepared.
2. Ask: What comes to your mind when you see these elements?
Expected Answer: They are elements for the Holy Communion. (It is expected that
your learners have already.) joined a communion service.
3. Ask: What do you think these elements mean?
(Pause and wait for response. Appreciate your learner’s answers).

Transition Sentence: Today, we will know more about the meaning of these elements as we
discuss about the Holy Communion or the Lord’s Supper.

SUBSTANCE (Lecture is generally used in this lesson due to the wide coverage of the lesson)

1. Pray for wisdom and understanding for you and your learners.

2. Explain the biblical meaning and significance of the Lord’s Supper.

3. Say: The Holy Communion or the Lord’s Supper is one of the two ordinances instituted
by Jesus Christ for the Church. This is described in three of the four gospels: Matthew 26:26-30;
Mark 13:22-26; Luke 22: 14-20. (Encourage your learners to read these later by themselves)


The first communion service took place at the last Passover meal that Jesus shared with His disciples
just before He was betrayed. [Explain briefly about the Passover meal in Exodus 12:21-29]


Although this happened many years before Christ, it was a prophetic illustration of what
Jesus would do for us. It is because of the sacrifice of His body and His blood which was
poured out for us on the cross that we have eternal life, thus we need not fear the “angel of

B. The Celebration of the Lord’s Supper in Luke 22: 14-20. When Jesus and His
disciples had finished eating the Passover meal together, Jesus took a cup of wine and

1. Ask: According to verses 19 and 20 what do the bread and the cup symbolize?
Expected Answers:
a. The bread symbolizes the body of Jesus Christ given for us (v. 19).
b. The cup symbolizes Jesus Christ’s blood of the new covenant which was poured out for
us. v. 20

2. Explain the meaning of a covenant.

Say: A covenant is an agreement either between persons, or between God and a people. The
seal is a sign that guarantees that the covenant will not be broken.

a. In the Old Testament, God made a covenant with Israel in which He promised them
that He would be their God and they would be His people. On the part of the Jews, they
would obey the Lord and do everything He commanded. This covenant was guaranteed or
sealed by sacrificing young bulls and pouring out its blood in the ceremony as a seal of the
covenant. Exodus 24:3-8.

b. The new covenant which Luke talks about in Luke 22:20 is God’s commitment to us that
He will be our God and we will be His people, which was made possible only through the
blood of Jesus Christ that was poured out for us. As believers, we then become part of the
covenant with God the moment we receive Jesus Christ into our lives.


(Lecture this portion. You may ask the learner to read the given texts.)

1. We remember the death of Christ – Luke 22: 19, 20; I Cor. 11:23-25, Hebrews 10:10, 12

a. We remember that the new covenant was established through the sacrificial death of
Jesus- Hebrews 9:15-22.
b. We remember that His body was broken for us – I Corinthians 11:23, 24.
c. We remember that, “Because Jesus Christ did what God wanted Him to do, we are all purified
from sin by the offering that He made of His own body, once and for all … an offering that is
effective forever, and then He sat down at the right side of God – Hebrews 10: 10, 12.

2. We celebrate a sacred communion with the Lord in His death. The partaking of the bread and
cup symbolizes our union with Him. This means:
a. That we completely identify with Him in His death and resurrection. - Romans 6: 4-6.
b. That we totally depend upon Him for our spiritual life and well-being- for our spiritual nourish-
ment - John 6: 48- 58


- we live in Him and He lives in us – John 6:56,

- we have eternal life – John 6: 58
- we also have provision for our spiritual strength – Ephesians 6:10.

3. We celebrate our unity as members of the body of Christ – I Cor. 10:16,17.

The celebration of communion symbolizes the worldwide unity of believers, for though we are
many as members of one body, we share the same Christ, united together with Him by faith.

4. We proclaim the Lord’s death and His return – I Corinthians 11: 26

Through the celebration of communion we proclaim God’s redeeming mercy toward all mankind
through His death and we also look forward for His return.

III. INSTRUCTIONS CONCERNING COMMUNION. In I Corinthians 11:27-31, Paul gives

some instructions to those taking part in the Holy Communion or the Lord’s Supper.

1. Ask: What warnings and advice are given in I Corinthians 11: 27-30
Expected answers:

a. If the Lord’s Supper is taken in an unworthy manner, he will be guilty of sinning against the
body and blood of the Lord. V. 27

b. The partakers should examine themselves and ask for forgiveness for any sin committed. V.

c. If one does not recognize the body of the Lord, he/she drinks
judgment upon himself/herself. V. 29

2. Ask: In verse 29, what does Paul mean of the phrase in verse 27: “…in
an unworthy manner?”
Possible answers:
a. “…in a way that dishonors Christ”
b. When one has unconfessed sins: unforgiving and divisive spirit, etc.
c. When the one partaking does not understand the meaning of it.

3. Ask: What judgment had come upon some of the Corinthian Christians because of their wrong
manner of taking part in the Lord’s Supper? – v. 30
Expected answer: Some were weak and sick, and others have fallen asleep.

4. Ask: Why is self examination so important?

Expected answer: Self examination is important so that one is clean before the Lord mak-
ing him worthy to partake of the elements. This includes asking for forgiveness for the sins

IV. THE FREQUENCY OF THE CELEBRATION. How often and how should communion be

1. The Bible does not specifically tell us how often we should celebrate communion, but in the
CAMACOP, communion is celebrated every first Sunday of each month.

2. The Early Christian Church however, celebrated communion together at a regular meal.

3. Today, whether or not it is part of a meal, members of the body of Christ still share together a
communion with Christ – “Because there is the one loaf of bread, all of us, though many, are
one body, for we all share the same loaf: - I Corinthians 10:17.

4. One important thing we should remember in observing the Holy Communion is the importance
of celebrating it reverently and worshipfully. It should not be done hurriedly.

General truth: Every Christian should participate in the Communion/ Lord’s Supper to remind us of
what Jesus did on the cross of Calvary for our salvation and to remind us that we belong to the Body of
Christ, the Church.


1. Ask: From what we have studied today, why do you think we as Christians should partake of the
Communion? (Allow your learners to reflect and respond to the question).
Expected Answer: Because we belong to the Body of Christ and we commemorate what Christ has
done for our salvation.

2. Ask: Now that we understand the meaning of the communion, what attitude should we have as we
take part in it?
Expected answer: We should have the attitude of humility, worship and reverence, honoring
Jesus alone for what He did for us.


1. Ask: Do you now understand the communion better and do you think you are ready to participate in the
next communion service?
Expected Answer: Yes.

2. Say: Let’s spend time thanking God for what He did on the cross of Calvary for our salvation. Let
reflect on it and remember it every time we take part in the Holy Communion. And let’s thank
God for the Church in which we are a part.

3. Review the memory verse this week and encourage your learners to know it by heart.

4. End the session in prayer.



Aim: That my learners will commit to faithfully give to God His tithes and their offerings.
Key Scripture Texts: Selected Bible references.

Memory Verse: Luke 6:38 “Give and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together
and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

Session Time
(Group Study)

1. Pray faithfully for all your learners.
2. Remind your learners to always bring their Bibles, notebooks and pens to each session.
3. Review previous memory verses and memorize this week’s memory verse.
5. Prepare 1/2 sheet of paper for your learners to use at the Entrance Portion.

1. Give out the half sheet of paper you prepared for your learners.
2. Ask them to write down their monthly income and budget. (If he/she is not the family head,
ask him/her to give a close estimate of their family monthly income and budget). Give each one
about two minutes to do it.
3. Ask some volunteers to share what they had written. (Do not make any comments as they share)

Transition Sentence: Today, we will study about the importance of giving what is due to God.

Say: One aspect of our Christian life that we need to learn is in the area of giving His tithes and our
offerings. This subject is important for us to learn because financial obedience to God is empha-
sized throughout the entire Bible. Let us discover what the Bible teaches about this subject.

I. In the Old Testament

A. The importance of paying tithes

1. Say: What is a tithe? A tithe is a tenth part of a person’s income paid in kinds or in cash to God.
In the Old Testament, God commanded the Jews to tithe. It did not matter whether a person is
rich or poor. They were commanded to give back to God the 10% of all they owned, earned and
produced, including crops and animals– Leviticus 27:30, 32. Even the priests also were to pay
tithes to God – Numbers 18: 25-29.

2. Ask: Where do they give their tithes?

Expected Answer: The Jews were to give their tithes, offerings and gifts to God at their place of
worship (temple) – Deuteronomy 12: 5, 6, 11.

3. Request your learners to turn to Malachi 3: 6-12 and read it together.


Ask the following questions and allow your learners to think and respond to each question:
a. To whom do the people owe their tithes? According to God, whom are they cheating
(robbing) if they do not pay it? v. 8
Answer: People owe their tithes to God and they are cheating or robbing God if
they do not give it.

b. What was the result of not giving the tithes? v. 9

Answer: The result was a “curse.”

c. Where were the tithes to be given? v. 10

Answer: The tithes are to be brought into the storehouses.

d. What would be the results of paying what they owe? vv. 10-12
1) God will throw open the floodgates and pour so much blessing that they
will not have enough room for it.
2) Pests will be prevented from devouring the crops and vines. v. 11
3) Nations will call them blessed for the land is delightful. v. 12

Teacher’s Notes: You may use this portion to add more information about the topic. Or you
can give the following references to your learners to look up on their own.
1. In addition to their tithes, Jews were required to offer to God the first and best of everything
they earned or produced. These were known as “first fruits.”- Exodus 23: 19a; 34: 19;
28: 16; Deuteronomy 26: 1-3, 10; Nehemiah 10: 35, 36.
2. The Jews were required to give to the Lord on special occasions. Exodus 23: 14,
15; Deuteronomy 16: 16, 17; Leviticus 23: 37, 38.
3. The Jews presented thanksgiving offerings to God for special mercies or blessings which
they had received from Him.-Leviticus 7: 12; 22: 29; 2 Chronicles 29: 31.
4. Although it is no longer a command to us, many Christians today also give God offerings of
their “first fruits” on special occasions, and in thanksgiving.

II. In the New Testament

A. What Jesus teaches about giving.

1. We must give out of love- Luke 11:42; Mark 12:41-42
2. We are to give generously to God and to others. Luke 6: 38

B. What Paul teaches about giving.

1. Giving provides us with the opportunity to support the Christian ministry- Phil. 4: 14-20.

2. We ought to give to fellow Christians who are in need- Romans 15: 26-28. The Christians in Ma-
cedonia and Achaia decided to contribute to the poor saints in Jerusalem because they believe that
they owe it to them.

3. We ought to give generously- 2 Corinthians 8: 1-15; 9:5-13

Principles of giving from 2 Corinthians 8:1-15


a. The Macedonian Christians gave as much as they were able,

beyond their ability and entirely on their own – v. 3.
b. The Macedonian Christians gave themselves up to the Lord- v. 5a
c. Christians should all the more excel in the grace of giving- Vv.7c
d. God accepts our gifts based on our willingness to give- v. 12
e. It is fair to help others when one is in abundance because it will supply
what others need and in return to the ones who gave, when they are in need
they will also be helped. Then, there is equality.- v. 12,14

Principles of giving based in 2 Corinthians 9: 5-13

a. Give generously- v. 5,6
b. Each one should give what he has decided in his heart to give with cheerfulness because God
loves a cheerful giver-v.7
c. God is able to make all grace abound to so that you will abound in every good work-v.8
d. God supplies us with seed and bread.-v.10
e. God will make us very rich in grace, in good works, and in every way if we give generously and
f. Our service of giving meets the needs of God’s people.-v.12
g. Our service of giving shows our loyalty first to God and then to gospel of Christ.-v. 13
h. God receives the glory.- v. 13

General truth: All followers of Jesus should commit to give what is due to God – His tithes
and our offerings!


1. Ask: What do you think motivates some Christians to give?

Possible Answers:
a. They give because they want to be close to the pastor. (“palakasan”)
b. Some want to show how generous they are as compared to others in the church.
c. They want to receive more blessings from God.
d. Etc.

2. Ask: What should be our proper motivation when we give to the Lord?
Expected answers:
a. We give in obedience to God’s command to give.
b. We give to show our love for God and loyalty to the Gospel of Christ.
c. We give because we want to share in God’s work.
d. We give out of gratitude - because we ourselves have received from God and from others.
e. We just want to give, and we give gladly and generously.
f. We give because we want to help those who are in need.

3.Ask: What could be some reasons why some Christians do not give?
Possible answers:
a. They are selfish or greedy.
b. They are not taught about giving the tithe.


c. They don’t give priority to God’s command and work - other personal expenses are deemed
more important.
d. They consider themselves too poor that they have nothing else to give for God.
e. They let others give and share, especially those who are rich.

4. Say: When we give faithfully our tithes and offerings, we will experience God’s abundance, according
to His promise. If we put God first in our lives, then ALL that we need will be provided as well.
(see Matthew 6:33).


1. Say: Take out again the budget you wrote in the Entrance Portion. Have you included your tithes and
offerings or other giving for the Lord’s work? [Wait for response]

2. Say: Let us reflect on our lesson today and respond to truth of the Bible. From now on, will you com-
mit to give faithfully to God what is due to Him? [Give time for the learner to reflect and to make
such commitment by praying silently].

3. Sing a song of commitment together: (Or listen to a taped music)

Suggested Song: “Take My Life, and Let it Be”
“My Tribute”
“He is Lord”
*Or any hymn/chorus about commitment that is familiar to you.

4. Lead in closing prayer.


Lesson 8

Aim: That my learners will become actively involved in missions by taking the message of salvation to any
[or all] unreached people groups.

Key Scripture Texts: Luke 24:47-49, Matthew 28:18-29, Acts 1:1-9 and other
selected Bible references.

Memory Verse: Matthew 24:14 “And this gospel of the kingdom will be
preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the
end will come.”

Session Time
(Group Study)

Pray for your learners every day.
Review the learners on the memory verses and help them recite it from memory.
Memorize the verse for today – Matthew 24:14.
a. Bring your Bible, pen and notebook to class.
b. Familiarize yourself with the Kairos Missions Course. Share the following
background information on the term “Task Remaining”:

“Task Remaining” is a term used in Kairos Missions Course. It refers to the 6, 900 un-reached people
groups with still no viable church. These consist of over 2.5 billion people and make up more than 1/3 of
the world’s population that is found in the imaginary 10/40 window of the globe where 3 major religions
are found—Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism.

This is called Task Remaining because unreached peoples have not even heard about who Jesus Christ
is and what He has done for mankind.

Session Time
(One on one)
1. Show to your learners some pictures of CAMACOP Filipino missionaries from different
2. Ask: Who do you think are these people?
Expected Answer: Our Filipino Missionaries!
3. Say: I will mention the names of the missionaries; can you tell me the country where
they were sent? (Show some pictures and wait for their answers)
Possible answers: Africa, Asia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Nepal, etc.
4. Ask: Why do you think these missionaries are willing to spend their lives in these countries?
(Pause and listen to their answers. Appreciate answers.)

Transition Sentence: Today, we are going to study another important emphasis of CAMACOP.

1. Pray for wisdom and understanding for you and your learners.
2. Explain the biblical background of missions.

Say: Although the Great Commission given by Jesus Christ to His followers is found in the
New Testament (Matthew 28:19-20), missions actually originated way back in the Old

I. The Old Testament Roots of Missions

1. Say: In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve sinned by disobeying God. Along with the judgment of
sin, God made the promise of redemption to mankind. To carry out God’s plan of redemption, He
called Abraham and through him the nation of Israel was formed. God chose the nation of Israel to
be His people, through whom the promised Messiah would be born.

(Let the class open their Bibles to the Old Testament passage in Genesis 12:1-3 and
let them read the verses together.)

2. Ask the learners the following questions:

a. What was the command of God to Abraham in v. 1?
Expected answer: Abraham was to leave his country, his people, and his father’s household; and
go to the land which God would show him.

b. What was God’s promise to Abraham in verses 2-3?

Expected answer: Abraham will become a great nation and he will be blessed by God.

Note to the Teacher: In Kairos Missions Course, this first part is called—“Top Line” promises
of blessings to Abraham by God which states:
a. “I will make you a great nation”
b. “I will bless you”, and
c. “I will make your name great.”

The second part is called—“Bottom Line” promises of blessings that states, “and all peoples on
earth will be blessed through you.” So, our obligation is to share the blessings of the Lord to other
people groups especially in different cultures.

c. Who else will receive God’s blessing through Abraham in v. 3? (Cf. Galatians 3:6-9)
Expected answer: All the peoples on earth will be blessed through Abraham.

d. How was God’s promise received by Abraham and his descendants? Romans 4:13
Expected answer: God’s promise was received “through the righteousness of faith,” not through
the law.

II. The New Testament Emphasis on Missions

1. Say: In the New Testament, God states that the Church of Jesus Christ would be His priest and His


holy nation, His own people who are to declare the praises of Him. – 1 Peter 2:9

2. Read together each passage below and then ask the following questions:

a. Read: Luke 24:47-49

1) What is the message that must be preached?
Expected Answer: The message of repentance and forgiveness of sins.

2). How is it to be preached? In whose name?

Expected answer: The message is to be preached in the name of Jesus, the Messiah.

3). To whom it should be preached?

Expected answer: The message must be preached to “all nations.”

Note to the Teacher: “all nations” mean to all people groups of the world. A “nation”, a
biblical term, refers to an ethnic unit or people group with its own language, customs, and
culture. It is not referring to a political state or geographical location.

4). Where are the disciples to begin?

Expected answer: The disciples are to begin in Jerusalem.

b. Read - Matthew 28: 16-20 (also commonly called as the “Great Commission.”)
Ask the following questions:

1) In whose authority were the disciples to do in obeying Christ’s command? v. 18

Expected answer: Christ’s authority alone and no one else.

2) What is the main command of Jesus to His disciples in this passage? V. 19-20
Expected answer: The main command is to go and make disciples of all nations. This
involves going, preaching/sharing the gospel, baptizing and teaching.

3) What is the promise given to those who will obey His command? V. 20
Expected answer: God’s presence (enabling) is going to be with them to the end of the
age. This is very reassuring and empowering words to those who will obey.

c. Read – Acts 1: 1-9 and ask the following questions:

1) To whom did Jesus give instructions before He was taken up to heaven? v. 2
Expected answer: Jesus gave instructions to the apostles through the Holy Spirit.

2) What proved Jesus’ followers that He was really alive? V. 3

Expected answer: Jesus appeared to His disciples many times.

3) What command and promise did Jesus give His disciples? (vv. 4, 5)
Expected answer: The disciples were commanded not to leave Jerusalem and they were
to wait for the gift (the Holy Spirit) that the Father promised.


Note to the Teacher: The disciples were commanded to wait for the coming of the Holy Spirit
upon them before they go out as Christ’s witnesses. The task of evangelism / missions can be
done only through the power of the Holy Spirit.

4) When would Jesus’ followers be filled with power (v. 8) and what would be
the result?
Expected answer: The followers of Jesus will be filled with power when the
Holy Spirit will come upon them and as a result, they will become witnesses of
Jesus in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth.

d. Read - Matthew 24: 14 (Emphasize that this is the memory verse for this lesson)
1). What would be preached and where?
Expected answer: The Good News about the Kingdom will be preached in
the whole world.

2) For what reason will it be preached?

Expected answer: It will be preached as a witness to all people. [This means this Good
News has to be preached by all means to every soul alive on Planet earth regardless of
race, language, and culture—all beings must hear it].

3). What will happen when this is done?

Expected answer: When the Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached to all people,
only then will the end come.

III. The Current Trend of Missions Today (Short Lecture)

A. The church must take the Gospel to the ends of the earth.

Although all of us have a responsibility to reach our own “Jerusalem” and

“Samaria” with the Gospel, God still chooses and calls certain people to take the
Gospel to the ends of the earth, just as He called Paul during those days of the early
church. [Read Acts 9: 15; 13:2; Romans 1:1; Galatians 1: 1, 15, 16; 2 Timothy

Though it is not possible for everyone to go as missionaries to other countries, yet

“Frontier missions” is defined as going cross-culturally to work among an unreached people groups and
live there as a missionary; for example- to the Muslim, or Hindu or Buddhist countries. This should be
today’s very crucial priority in order to complete the task of the Great Commission.

B. The church (as sender) must pray for missionaries (the goers or the sent ones)

The apostle Paul considered it very important that the Christians pray for him in 2 Cor. 1: 11; Ephesians 6: 19,
20; Colossians 4: 3, 4. Today, it is equally important for every Christian to pray for all missionaries, so that
people in other countries will hear and believe the Gospel.


C. The church (as sending agent) must support the goers financially.

Members in the Early Church also helped Paul financially (Philippians 4: 14-20). It is still the
responsibility of every Christian to give financially to the work of missions, to make it possible
for missionaries to go. By going, praying, and giving, our church can fulfill its responsibility to
take the message of repentance and forgiveness of sins to all nations.

D. The church or sending agency is the mobilizer that should train, prepare, and
release the goers.

The church as mobilizer should provide training, practical helps, and encouragement to those
who want to go as cross-cultural missionaries.

E. The church must also encourage all its members to get involved in the Welcomer’s
Ministry-- that is, to welcome, befriend, and share the gospel to internationals who come to our land
to study, visit or work here permanently.

General Truth: It is the responsibility of the church to take the message of salvation to all people
groups everywhere, even to the ends of the earth.


1. Ask: What do you think are some possible reasons why the preaching of the
gospel has not yet reached all people groups in the world up to this point in time?
Possible answers:
a. We are ego-centric by nature (have a tendency to judge other cultural behaviors and
b. We insist in our own old/ “traditional” approaches in reaching other people groups.
c. We failed to learn and appreciate others’ cultural behaviors and practices.
d. We (the Church of Christ on earth) have not joined, participated, and cooperated
together as one mission force that will reach the unreached.
(Note: The Christian and Missionary Alliance began as a missionary organization, and even today this is
still our purpose. That is why the Alliance has churches all over the world. It has its own missionary pro-
gram. Filipino missionaries are currently serving in many countries outside the Philippines, and there are
other missionary candidates as well who are preparing to go cross-cultural.

2. Ask: How can the whole church get involved in missions?

Possible answers:
a. By praying, giving our missionary offerings, going when the Lord calls us to a
mission field and mobilizing others to be involved also in missions.
b. By sharing through evangelism ministry the Gospel to people who do not know the
Lord Jesus Christ in their lives.
c. By developing “apostolic passion” by heart and mind to people who are in need–
people in jail, rehabilitation centers, hungry children, beggars, sick people, street


kids and many other social concern ministries of the church. This means
an intentional program for them for God’s glory in the salvation of the lost.


1. Show again the pictures of Filipino missionaries used in the Entrance portion.

2. Ask: What can we do for them today and in the days to come?
Expected answer:
Pray for each individual missionary and make a schedule of intercessory prayer time for them
during the week. Support them by sharing regularly and cheerfully your financial blessings
through the church.

3. Present the challenge: The remaining task of missions should be our church’s number
one priority and advocacy these days. Put special emphasis on the reaching of the
6,900 un-reached people groups from the 10/40 window of the globe. (Motivate your
learners to commit themselves to the ministry of the “Task Remaining” of cross- cul-
tural missions).

4. Distribute a copy of a missionary update and give them time to read the article. Allow
them to pray for the missionaries for 3 minutes.

5. Lead in the closing prayer.

(Optional Teaching Suggestion: You may decide to divide this lesson into two parts (Part 1 & 2),
considering the length of the material and the many possible discussion points which may arise in the
lesson presentation .


Lesson 9

Aim: That my learners will discover, develop, and use the God-given gift/s given to each of them.

Key Scripture Texts: Selected Bible references.

Memory Verse: 1 Peter 4:10 “Each one should use whatever gift he has re-
ceived to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in
its various forms.”

Pray for your learners faithfully.
Memorize the memory verse this
week. Prepare the following:
a. Bring your Bible, notebook and pen.
b. Print the list of spiritual gifts for your learner’s use at the Performance Portion.
c. Familiarize yourself with the following background information about spiritual gifts:

Notes to the Teacher: Every believer in Christ has a spiritual gift from God. It is very important for
the believer to discover and use the gift(s) given to him/her. In this way, the believer not only
becomes aware of where he/she fits into the body of Christ, but also knows what his/her area of minis-
try would be. A believer desiring to do the will of God, but does not know how he/she should function
in the church, needs to give top priority in discovering his/her spiritual gifts. Spiritual gifts are re-
ceived from God. It is not something we worked for. It is not to be used to compete with one another
but it should be used for the edification and building up of the body of Christ.

Session Time
(Group Study)

Say: During Christmas time, most families gather together to celebrate the special
occasion. One of the highlights of the celebration is the giving or receiving of gifts.
The parents usually prepare a gift for each child. For the children, the best moment
of Christmas is the opening of gifts. For the parents, it is the joy of seeing their child’s excitement and pleasure
as they open their gifts.

Transition Sentence: As God’s children, we also receive a special gift (or gifts) from God,
and this is what we are going to discover today.


1. Say: Spiritual gifts are special abilities given by God to everyone who received Jesus as his/her
Savior and Lord. These gifts are to be used in the church to accomplish His work. Let us now look
into some Biblical references to help us understand about them. (Ask your learners to read the verses).


2. Ask the following questions:

a. Who is the giver of the gifts? 1 Corinthians 12:11
Expected answer: The Holy Spirit

b. In Eph. 4:12-13, what are the basic purposes for spiritual gifts?
Expected Answers:
1). To help Christians become mature in the faith. v. 12
2). To enable Christians to do the work of ministry. v. 12
3). To build up the body of Christ. v. 12
4). To achieve Christian unity. v. 13

c. What should one do with the gift/s that he/she received from God? 1Peter 4:10,11
Expected answer: He/ She should use them to serve others (the Body of Christ)... so that in all
things praise may be given to God through Jesus Christ.

d. Why is it necessary for Christians to know their spiritual gifts?

Expected answers:
1). Because God commands it - Rom. 12:6.
2). Because it defines God’s will for our ministry - 1 Cor. 12:18.
3). Because it enhances the self-worth of believers as they become God’s co-workers - Eph.
4:12Mark 16:20; 2 Cor. 6:1.

e. What are the God-given gifts mentioned in the Scriptures? Ask learners to read the references.
(Note: you may lecture this portion if there is lack of time.)

Expected Answers:
1 Cor. 12:28 – The gift of Administration- the ability to lead others and manage the af-
fairs of God’s ministry.
1 Cor. 12:28; Eph. 4:11 - The gift of Apostleship- the ability to begin a new ministry for the
Lord through the Word.
1 Cor. 12:10 – The gift of Discernment of Spirit – the ability to discern the spirit of truth and
Eph. 4:11, Acts 21:8 – The gift of Evangelism- the ability to present Christ in such a way that
people usually respond by faith.
Rom. 12:8 - The gift of Exhortation- the ability to encourage, guide, strengthen, and give
instruction using the authority of God’s Word.
1 Cor. 12:9 – The gift of Faith- the ability to trust God without questioning Him for results.
Rom. 12:8; 2 Cor. 8:1-7 – The gift of Giving- the ability to share and deliver one’s substance for
the cause of God’s work.
1 Cor. 12:9, 28 – The gift of Healing- the ability to heal a person to make him/her whole spiri-
tually, emotionally, physically, socially, and morally.
1 Cor. 12:28 – The gift of Helps- the ability to aid and assist another person in need in
God’s name.
1 Cor. 12:28 – The gift of Knowledge- the ability to know truth or advance understanding for
spiritual things of God)
Rom. 12:8 - The gift of Leadership- the ability to set directions and inspires others to follow.


Rom. 12:8 - The gift of Mercy- the ability to work joyfully with those whom the majority
ignores or extending help to a person in distress)
1 Cor. 12:10, 28 – The gift of Miracles- the ability to perform acts contrary to natural laws
with power beyond human capacity.
Eph. 4:11, 1 Tim. 3:1-7 – The gift of Pastoring- the ability to assume a long-term care
(nurture) of the spiritual needs of believers through teaching the Word.
Eph. 4:11; Rom. 12:6 – The gift of Prophecy- the ability to preach or proclaim of a truth
believed to be revealed by God for the present or future.
Rom. 12:7 - The gift of Serving- the ability of having a willingness to serve in loving act
of caring for the needs of others for God’s glory.
Rom. 12:7; 1 Cor. 12:28; Eph. 4:11 – The gift of Teaching- the ability to expound and make sim-
ple God’s truth and communicate it clearly and systematically for righteous living.
1 Cor. 12:10, 28 cf 1 Cor. 14:5 - The gift of Tongues- the ability to speak in a language unlearned
by the one speaking with the purpose of ministering to and for the body of Christ.
1 Cor. 12:10, 30 cf 1 Cor. 14:5, 13, 17 – The gift of Interpretation-ability to hear,
understand, and translate God’s intended message spoken to build up the body of Christ.
1 Cor. 12:8 – The gift of Wisdom- the ability to speak, utter, write words and apply the

Teacher ‘s Notes: Prepare a copy of the above list of the spiritual gifts for your learners to take home
and study, taken from Rev. Jun Vencer’s booklet, Your Gifts From God, pp. 14-23. It is interesting to
note that Rev. Vencer also included some Special Gifts in his book as follows:
* Singleness – 1 Cor. 7:7, 32-35 (Ability to remain or stay unmarried to serve the Lord
more fully and effectively)
*Hospitality – Rom. 12:13 (Ability to welcome strangers and make them feel wanted, ac-
cepted, and “feeling at home”)
*Missionary – Matt. 25 (Ability to present the Gospel in unselfish acts of directly serv-
ing the basic need of others across boundaries)
*Craftsmanship- Exodus 35:30-33 (Ability to work and make in one’s hand designs
for the purpose of serving God in making ornaments)

General Truth: Spiritual gifts are given by God to His people to discover and use for
His glory. (Emphasize and memorize the verse in 1 Pet. 4:10)


1. Ask: What are some factors that hinder the discovery and use of spiritual gifts?
Possible Answers:
a. Many Christians are uninformed or ignorant of their spiritual gifts.
b. Some misuse their gifts or use it for their personal interests or self-glory.
c. They compare their gifts with others which may result to jealousy, envy or insecurity.
d. There is spiritual poverty because of competitive spirit.
e. They are not willing to commit themselves or their gifts for the Lord’s work.
f. Others.

2. Ask: How could a believer discover his/her spiritual gifts and use it?


Possible Answers:
a. Participate in seminars or trainings about the discovery and development of spiritual
b. Read books about spiritual giftedness in order to find ways how to use the gifts.
c. Consult a spiritual mentor like your pastor, elders or Bible study leader.
d. Involve actively in different church ministries utilizing various gifts.
e. Pray that God will reveal it to you and for the body of Christ to confirm it.


1. Challenge your learners to reflect upon his/her own spiritual giftedness.

Say: For you to start your personal thinking in the right direction to stir your gifts, ask yourself
these basic questions on spiritual giftedness:
a. What is my own personal conviction about my spiritual gifts?
b. What area of ministry I enjoy doing now?
c. What type of ministry I believe I am most productive?
d. What type of ministry I am most productive as perceived by those who know me well?

2. Give time to your learners to think through the diagnostic questions. Let your learners share
their insights or answers.

3. Give a ‘take home’ assignment: Provide them with the list of spiritual gifts for further review and
study. Give opportunity next meeting for them to share what they discovered or learned.

4. Lead in the closing prayer.


Lesson 10

Aim: That my learners will know more about the Christian and Missionary Alliance as an evangeli-
cal denomination and will commit to it as bonafide members.
Key Scripture Texts: Selected Bible references.

Memory Verse: Eph. 5:25b & v. 27 “Christ loved the church and gave Him-
self up for her….and to present her to Himself as a radiant church,
without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.”

Pray every day for all your learners.
Review the memory verses last week and memorize this week’s memory verse.
a. Bring your Bible, pen and notebook to class.
b. Print in one page of paper the “Brief Background of CAMACOP” as addi-
tional information for your learners (optional).
c. Photocopy the eleven articles of the CAMACOP’s Statement of Faith.
d. Bring a twig of a tree to be used as illustration at the Substance Portion.

Brief Background of the CAMACOP

The Christian & Missionary Alliance Churches of the Philippines (CAMACOP) is one of
the largest evangelical groups in the Philippines, which had originated from the Christian and
Missionary Alliance (C&MA)-USA. Its main thrust is to promote world-wide missions with
teaching and practice of deeper life as integrated in its core doctrine- stressing the role
of Jesus Christ as our Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, and Coming King. It is recognized as sister organiza
tion of Alliance World Fellowship (AWF) and a member denomination of the Philippine Council of
Evangelical Churches (PCEC).

The first Protestant missionaries came to the Philippines in June 1901, and the Christian and Missionary
Alliance, per “Mission Comity Agreement”, was given Sulu Archipelago and Western Mindanao to occupy,
including Davao, Cotabato and Zamboanga. These were the most difficult areas to reach with the gos-
pel then, mostly among Muslim and animistic territories. Through the dedication and commitment of the
early missionaries, the gospel of Jesus Christ spread in Mindanao, it also reached Visayas and much later
on, it has spread out to Luzon.

CAMACOP was officially organized in 1947 with 13 charter member churches. It was duly registered as a
non-stock /non-profit organization with the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) in 1950 and as a
CAMACOP has a total of 3,000 local churches under 25 districts and commissions nation-wide. The
CAMACOP slogan, “The Alliance: Doing the Mission Together”, implies its emphasis on holistic developmen-
tal ministries, with a strategy focused on church planting here and abroad. The CAMACOP has been sending
Filipino missionaries to different countries in the world. It has several Bible schools, recognized church-
based schools, and many other educational training ministries for the preparation of leaders. (For more
information about the CAMACOP today, please log on to


Session Time
(Group Study)

1. Ask: Have you ever attended a worship service at any CAMACOP local church?
Let the learners share their experiences when they attended a local church for the first

Transition Sentence: Today we will focus our study on the Christian and Missionary Alliance
Churches of the Philippines (CAMACOP) as an evangelical denomination.


1. Ask: What do you know about the Alliance or the CAMACOP?

(Wait for answers. Allow them to share what they know. Don’t give any comment on their

2. Say: When you accepted Jesus into your heart, you automatically became a member of God’s
family as stated in John 1:12. You also received a new nature from Christ (2 Cor. 5:17),
even if you have not yet applied as a member of a local church.

3. Ask your learners to share what it means to them to be a follower or disciple of Jesus.
(Give time for them to think and then share)

4. Say: Being a follower of Jesus Christ you need to commit yourself to continue in your walk
with Him so that you will grow as a disciple.

5. Ask: What do you think one needs to do in order to grow in Christ?

Possible answers:
a. Join a fellowship of co-believers in Christ.
b. Participate in a Bible study group.
c. Be a member of a local church.

6. Show the twig you prepared. Tell your learners that the twig started dying the moment it
was cut off from the tree. Even if the leaves are still green, there’s no more growth because it
was cut-off from the main plant)

7. Say: The local church (Christian and Missionary Alliance) can do to help you grow deeper in
your faith as a new believer.

Notes to the Teacher: Talk briefly about the CAMACOP nurturing curriculum.
Say: Aside from the 42 ‘Nurturing Care’ lesson series (which all of you have probably taken), the Alli-
ance offers other series of lessons for building up and strengthening one’s spiritual life, all of which are
all based and grounded in the Word of God. You may inquire about it after
class. After finishing these 42 lessons, each learner will receive a Certificate of Completion. This will now
qualify you to become an official member of the local Alliance Church.


8. Ask: What biblical model can we follow on how a new believer can grow in Christ? See Acts
Expected Answer: New believers or converts received further instructions from the disciples.

9. Illustrate: Use the following diagram to explain further the nurture process in Acts 2:37-47. On the Day
of Pentecost, Peter preached the gospel and many believed the message and about
3, 000 people got saved. They were baptized and they received further instruction in the
Word in the church. Let us study this diagram of the New Testament church.

10. Say: Sound teaching of the Word of God, therefore, is essential in the personal and corporate growth
of believers. The early New Testament Church had a solid spiritual development training program
for new believers in the faith. They had a balanced program of worship, fellowship, evangelism,
and instruction.

11. Ask: What about our denomination? What programs do we have for new believers to grow in their
spiritual life? (Ask learners to listen to the following lecture)

Say: The Alliance has a systematic program in teaching the Bible, God’s Word. This is done by lev-
els of instruction—basic doctrines, devotional, and advanced studies in the field of varied ministries
and many other matters that would lead believers to maturity in Christ.

At the outset, let us start orienting ourselves with the CAMACOP’s Statement of Faith which is
the basic beliefs of our denomination and serves as the backbone structure expressed in eleven
(11) important articles.


12. Distribute the Statement of Faith of the CAMACOP. Print the eleven (11) statements below
and give your learner a copy. Ask some of them to read it aloud.

1. Revelation and the Word of God. The Bible is God’s revelation, the Word of God. It is
the ultimate authority for faith and practice.
2. God. There is only one true God existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
3. Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is one true God and man. He was conceived by the Holy
Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, died for our sins, was buried, rose bodily from the dead, is
in heaven, and will return to set up His kingdom.
4. The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a Divine Person, the Executive of the Godhead; the
Comforter who lives, controls, guides, teaches the believer, and convicts the world.
5. Man’s Sin and Guilt. Man was created in God’s image but man’s sin separated him
from God. All men are born with a sinful nature and only Jesus Christ’s sacrifice can pro-
vide forgiveness of man’s sin.
6. Salvation. Salvation is available only in Jesus, His death and resurrection, and believers
have eternal life and have become children of God.
7. The Church. The church is the community of believers from all cultures, tribes and languages.
The church is commissioned to:
a. Make disciples of all nations and integrate them into local congregations;
b. Proclaim the uniqueness and finality of Christ (Christ as the ONLY Savior);
c. Manifest God’s sovereign rule by proclaiming the gospel. The sacraments to be observed
are Baptism and the Lord’s Supper
8. The Ministry. The whole church is commissioned to continue and fulfill the mission of Christ.
All believers serve God and their fellowmen in the church and in the world by the exercise
of spiritual gifts and through their earthly occupations and stations in life.
9. Sanctification and Power for Service. God wills the consecration and sanctification of
all believers, thereby receiving power for holy living and effective service. Sanctification
occurs after conversion, but it should be a continuing and growing experience.
10. Divine Healing and Health. In His mercy, power and sovereign will, God can heal the sick.
Provision is made in the atoning death of Christ for the healing of the body.
11. Christian Hope and the Life to Come. God will accomplish his eternal purpose in history
and bring all things to their consummation in Christ. In the end, Christ will come again per-
sonally and visibly to establish God’s rule over all things. At His coming, God will call believ-
ers to eternal life, and unbelievers will be judged for their sins and suffer everlasting punish-

13. Say: To learn all these statements by heart will take time. Please take your copy with
you and review it at home. Once you learned them, you will be able to help others also.

14. Ask: Are there statements here that are unclear to you?
(Wait for response or reactions from you learners. When not sure of your answers, just say,
“We can invite our pastor or elder to explain for us the questions you raised on the articles!”)

General Truth: We belong to the CAMACOP, an evangelical denomination whose beliefs

and practices are Bible-based, Christ-centered and people-oriented.



1. Commit to memory the verse for this week: Eph. 5:25b & 27

2. Ask: What areas of ministry in your local church do you think needs to be strengthened?
Possible Answers:
a. The preaching and teaching of the Word
b. Prayer ministry
c. Fellowship
d. Worship
e. Evangelism
f. Emphasis on obedience to the Great Commission
g. Warning about materialism, etc.

3. Ask: What are some reasons why you think you have to be involved in the Church small group study
like what we have now?
(Pause and listen to learner’s comments. Accept and appreciate their answers)

4. Ask: In what ways can the church help you grow in your understanding of what CAMACOP is all
about? (Wait for response).

5. Present the church programs, ministries, as well as the process of becoming a “bona fide”
member of the local church, if time allows.


1. Ask: Are you willing and ready to be a full-pledge member of the Christian and Missionary Alliance
Churches of the Philippines? If you are, then we can talk to our Pastor later. (Make appointment)

2. Lead in closing prayer.

3. Extend a warm invitation to learners to join and be an active “bona fide” member of the Alliance
church. (Give assistance to those new believers who finished 42 lesson series to be awarded with



ENGAGE— The process of helping the believers become fruitful and faithful minister

Bayanihan Church Planting
SHAPE ASSESSMENT CLASS—One of the questions you may CTOS
ask is, when can a new believer start serving the Lord? The answer
is, it depends upon the kind of ministry he/she is gifted at and his/her
readiness to do the ministry. Teaching ministries for example re- Alltee
quires people who are not only gifted but people who have been Commissioning
trained and been around long enough to be able to teach. However,
in ministries like handling musical instruments, ushering, etc, a gifted Shape Assessment Class
new believer does not need to wait for years to be able to serve. In
this scenario, a new believer, after he/she had been baptized, at- SHAPE ASSESSMENT CLASS
tended membership class and maturity class, started discipleship
class, attended shape assessment class and specialized training, he/ Shape Assessment Class is an assessment
she can be commissioned to a ministry he/she is gifted at. The whole class designed to help the believers determine
process can be done in three to four months in this case. his/her spiritual gift, heart or passion, abilities,
personal style and experiences. The importance
How to administer the Shape Assessment Class? of this class for churches is that it helps right peo-
Preparation: Place of training, teacher (preferably the pastor), ple serve in right places of ministry. When people
equipments, materials, handouts, target list and ministry list. serve according to their passion, giftedness and
Encourage and invite those in your target list, those who have personal style, they become effective while enjoy-
finished the maturity class to take the Shape Assessment Class ing the ministry.
for proper placement in ministry.
Conduct the Shape Assessment Class. SPECIALIZED MINISTRY TRAINING
After the class, You need to schedule the attendees for consulta-
tion. This is a one-to-one consultation with those who attended After the Shape Assessment Class and after
the class. In the consultation, the consultant (pastor), study the the believers determine the best ministry-fit avail-
result of the assessment, clarify the areas that are not so clear to able for them, the next big step is to acquire train-
the attendee, affirm his/her SHAPE based on the assessment ing for that particular ministry. We call this spe-
and help the attendee find the best ministry-fit for him/her that are cialized ministry training. Aside from the pre-
available in the ministry list now being done in your church. scribed specialized training in the curriculum, a
local church should have training for various min-
SPECIALIZED MINISTRY TRAINING—If you want an effective usher- istry in the church. For example, If John’s Shape
ing ministry, train your ushers and usherettes. If you want an effective Assessment Tool points out to ushering ministry
worship leaders and musicians, trained them and teach them how. to be the best ministry fit available for him, John
Training is very important even with those who are highly gifted. If will immediately be ushered to the training for
you don’t have available materials for some of the trainings you want ushers and usherettes. After the training, John
to conduct in your church, you may visit the internet. There are a lot will be commissioned and absorbed as part of the
of training material available in the web for free. ushering team. Shaped, gifted and trained, John
will surely be effective in the ushering ministry.
COMMISSIONING—before you field your people to ministry, commis-
What are the things you need to prepare and do for this com- Commissioning is an important part of the min-
missioning? istry process. In the New Testament, we have
several examples of believers being commis-
Prepare a short commissioning program as part of the worship sioned before they launch into the ministry. Com-
service. missioning is a simple ceremony wherein, the
A commissioning charge from the pastor and a pledge of commit- pastor and the elders of the church lay their hands
ment from those who will be commissioned is appropriate. on the believers being commissioned as they
If possible, a hand towel be given to each one of those who will kneel and charge them for the ministry. It is ap-
be commissioned as a symbol of commitment and servanthood. propriate to this ceremony during the worship ser-
Let the elders lay their hands on the ones being commissioned vice to encourage the members to serve and to
as the commissioning prayer is being prayed. show them the sanctity of Christian service.

Adapted from Rick Warren’s Class 301 Material,
Gene Wilkes’ SERVE profile, Carmel Lutheran Ministry Profile and
Bill Hybel’s Networks material
3-hour session

Welcome to our DISCOVERING OUR SHAPE class. This class will help you proceed to the next level of
our Christian life, service. This class will help you be in the right place of ministry as you discover your SHAPE pro-
file and be able to serve effectively.

(This page is to be filled out after you have done processing your SHAPE profile)

Name _______________________________________ Date ______________________

(S) Spiritual Gift/s Dominant gifts Subordinate Gifts
____________________________ __________________________
____________________________ __________________________
____________________________ __________________________

(H) Heart Motivation Passion People Passion

____________________________ __________________________
____________________________ __________________________
____________________________ __________________________

Causes Passion Ministry Passion

____________________________ __________________________
____________________________ __________________________
____________________________ __________________________

God-Sized Passion
____________________________ __________________________

(A) Abilities ____________________________ __________________________

____________________________ __________________________

(P) Personality ____________________________ __________________________

____________________________ __________________________

(E) Experience Painful Experiences Spiritual Markers

____________________________ __________________________
____________________________ __________________________
____________________________ __________________________

Every believer is called not only to believe but also to belong. To belong to the body of Christ means you
are entitled to both privileges and responsibilities. Christians are privileged in a sense that aside from the spiritual
blessings they receive in Christ, they also receive the benefits of the body life as the members exercise their gifts in
obedience to Christ. As a member of the body of Christ, a Christian must not only be at the receiving end as others
exercise their responsibilities but must also take the responsibility of blessing others by exercising his/her spiritual

gifts. It is therefore very important that each believer knows their place of ministry in the body of Christ so as to
complete the balance of receiving blessings from the members of the body and blessing the members of the body.
As members of the body, we need to discover our SHAPE (Spiritual Gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personal style, and Ex-

Major Standards in our ministries:

Every Christian received a Spirit-given spiritual gift/s during conversion.
My ministry is determined by my SHAPE
Every believer has a place of ministry in the body of Christ.

Objects of our Ministry

We minister to the Lord.
We minister to the body of believers
We minister to the unchurched.

Ten Foundational Truths of Ministry (Rick Warren)


Ephesians 2:10, "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in
advance for us to do." We were created in Christ Jesus to do good works. You were created for ministry. Most
people don't know that. You were created for ministry, good works that God prepared in advance for you to do.
You were made for ministry. People say, "What am I here on earth for?" You're here for the purpose of accom-
plishing God’s ministry for you.


2 Timothy 1:9 (Living Bible) "It is He who saved us and chose us for his holy work, not because we deserved it but
because that was his plan long before the world began." God planned that you would be saved and that you would
begin to serve Him in ministry. The Bible teaches that every Christian is saved to serve. A non‑ serving Christian
is a contradiction.


Galatians 1:15, "God, in his grace, chose me even before I was born, and called me to serve him." Ephesians 4:1
"I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received."

1 Peter 2:9-10 "You have been chosen [circle "chosen"] by God himself. You are priests of the King. You are
God's very own. All this so that you may show to others how God called you [circle "God called you"] out of dark-
ness into his wonderful light. Once you were less than nothing, now you are God's own!" If you ever have a hard
time with self esteem, look this verse up. Before you became a Christian you were a nobody, but now you're a
somebody. Once you were less than nothing, now you are God's own.

You are called into ministry. 1 Peter 2:5 "You will serve as holy priests". Every Christian, the moment you became
a Christian, you were called into ministry.

We are not who we think we are, we are not who others think we are, but we really are who God says we are! And
God says that our primary identification is not that we are a man or a woman, not that we are a husband or a son,

or a daughter or a mother, or a wife. God says that our primary identity is that we are the ministers of Jesus Christ.
If you'll let that sink into your life, it will flat out change your perspective on everything. I'm not who I think I am, I'm
not who you think I am, I'm who God says I am. And God says I was created, I've been saved, and I've been called
into ministry. I am a minister of Jesus Christ. We could just stop here and go home because that's one of the most
profound truths you'll understand. When you became a Christian, you became a minister. It's clearly taught in
Scripture. I was called, I was created, I was saved to minister. Every believer is a minister.


1 Peter 4:10 "God has given each of you some special abilities [circle "special abilities"] be sure to use them to help
each other, passing on to others God's many kinds of blessing." We're going to talk today about how to discover
your gifts.


Jesus said, "All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples."

2 Corinthians 5:20 "We are therefore Christ's ambassadors." An ambassador is someone who represents royalty
or a throne or government. The Bible says you're an ambassador on the earth for Jesus Christ. When someone
comes up to you and says, "So you are minister of Jesus Christ, huh?" You say, "Yes, I am!" without any shame or
lack of confidence. They say, "Who do you think you are, anyway?" You say, "I've been authorized by Jesus
Christ." it's not because you deserve it. You don't. It's not because I deserve it. I don't deserve to be in the minis-
try. I don't deserve even to be a Christian. But it's all God's grace. I have been authorized and you have been
authorized to minister to other people by the grace of God.


Jesus said, "You attitude must [circle "must"] be like my own, for I, the Messiah, did not come to be served, but to
serve." Jesus said it's not an option. A non ministering Christian is not obeying God. He expects us to be like Je-
sus Christ. To Archippus Paul says, "Take heed to the ministry you've received from the Lord and fulfill it." Circle
"fulfill". The secret of a fulfilled life is to find the ministry for which God made you and get right in the middle.
You're going to find fulfillment there more than any other area of your life, because it's what God made you to be.
He said you lose your life to find it. We are commanded to minister.


Ephesians 4:11-12 "God gave pastors and teachers to prepare God's people for works of ministry so that the Body
of Christ may be built up." This verse scares many pastors because the Bible teaches real clearly that they are
going to be evaluated as a pastor on how well they prepare their members for works of service. That's why we
need to take this class very seriously. More than what pastors preached on Sunday morning, they are going to be
evaluated on how they prepare God's people for ministry.


1 Corinthians 12:27 "All of you together are the one body of Christ and each of you is a separate and necessary
[circle separate and necessary] part of it." When I don't fulfill the ministry God has given me, you get cheated.

When you don't fulfill the ministry God has given you, I get cheated and other people get cheated. We're all a nec-
essary part.

What if your liver said to your body, "I don't want to serve this year, I need some time off." Have you ever heard your
liver say, "I just want to be fed." You say, "I'm sorry, dear liver, but because you're part of the body of me, you've got
to perform your function." Because, if the liver doesn't do its part, the whole body gets cheated.

Many people are in a church hopper and shopper mode that they think the church exists for them. The Bible says
that the church exists for the world. We, the body of Christ, exist for the world.

The body of Christ needs my ministry. Ministry always follows function in the context of the church family. It's
meant to be through some local body because it's for the body of Christ.

"When Jesus saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep
without a shepherd. Then he said, `The harvest is great but the workers are few. Ask the Lord to send out workers
into his harvest field.'" Is this still true today? There are more people out there ready to receive Christ than we're
ready to give it. The body of Christ needs my ministry.


Romans 14:12 "So then, each of us will give an account [circle "account"] of himself to God." There are many, many
parables in the New Testament -- like the parable of the talents. God talks about how the man gave one man one
talent, one two talents and one five talents and came back a couple of years later and said, "What did you do with
it?" The one who hadn't done anything with it, he said, "You're wicked and lazy!" If God has given me a talent, it is
a sin not to use it. One day I'm going to stand before God and I'm going to give an account of the talents, the gifts
and the abilities that He's given me. One day you are too. That's why we take this class very seriously because we
want to help prepare you for the final exam. One day God's going to say to you, "What did you do with what you
were given?" You're accountable for ministry.


"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not men, since you know that you will re-
ceive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward." God says you're going to be rewarded in heaven on the basis of
your ministry. Matthew 25:23 "Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful with a few things; I will
put you in charge of many things. Come and share your Master's happiness."

The Bible teaches real clearly that I was created for ministry, I was saved for ministry, I was called for ministry, I've
been authorized to minister, I'm commanded to minister, I'm gifted for ministry, I'm prepared for ministry by pastors
and teachers, The body of Christ needs my ministry, I'm accountable for ministry and I will be rewarded in heaven
on the basis of my ministry.

different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit gives them. There are different ways of serving, but the same
Lord is served. There are different abilities to perform service, but the same God gives ability to everyone for their
service. The Spirit's presence is shown in some way in each one, for the good of all." Underline "spiritual gifts" --
that's one factor. He says there are different "ways of serving" -- he's talking there about our temperament, our per-
sonality. There are "different abilities". And "the Spirit's presence is shown in some way" by different experiences
and things we have in life.


We have an acrostic that we're going to study. We say MY S.H.A.P.E. WILL DETERMINE MY MINISTRY. What
is my SHAPE? There are five factors that influence who you are. We’ve put them in an acrostic to make it easier
because the Bible says God has shaped me for ministry.

What are the things that shaped me? There are five things.

1 Corinthians 7:7 "Each man has his own gift from God, one has this gift, another has that." So the first question
we're going to look at is "What am I gifted to do?"

Revelation 17:17 "God has put it into their hearts to accomplish his purpose."

"For it is God who works in you, both inspiring the will and the deed, for this own chosen purpose."

The question you want to ask here is, "What do I love to do?"

Isn't it true there are some things you love to do and there are just some things you hate to do? That's your heart.
Where did you get that natural inclination? God put it in you. God wants your ministry to be a blessing, not a bur-
den. So it's a legitimate question to ask yourself, "What do I love to do?" Why would God give you a ministry that
He hasn't given you a heart for? When you look at your gifts and your heart, what do you like to do?

Do you know that people rarely succeed unless they're having fun doing what they are called to do. We enjoy do-
ing what we love to do. We're going to look at discovering what am we are gifted to do and what we love to do.

Natural talents, vocational skills. They're different from spiritual gifts. The Bible says "There are different abilities
to perform service."

"I (God) have given him skill, ability, and knowledge in all kinds of crafts." Those are vocational skills. God says
He gives people abilities. 2 Corinthians 3:5 says "our competence comes from God."

The third question to ask yourself is, What natural talent and skills do I have? What vocational skills have I
learned? What natural talents have I been given by God?

This is the fourth thing we're going to look at. We're all very different. We've all got different personalities, different
blends of temperament. 1 Corinthians 2:11 "No one can really know what anyone else is thinking or what he is
really like, except that person himself."

So we're going to ask ourselves, where does my personality best suit me to serve?

If you are an introverted person I'd suggest you not get involved in the Greeters Ministry. That's going to put a lot of
additional stress on your life. When you have an area that you may be gifted to do and a heart to do, but you don't
have personality to do, it puts enormous stress on your life. God doesn't want you to have to do that.


Your experiences help determine the direction you should be involved in ministry. There are four different kinds of
experiences you want to look at when you're trying to discover your shape.

1. What spiritual experiences have I had?

This means times with the Lord. Maybe at a retreat or campground or at home, maybe as a young person, maybe a
crisis you went through and that brought you closer to the Lord. Hebrews says "There has been enough time for
you to be teachers but you still need to be taught You are without any experience in the matter of right and wrong."
Your experiences are going to have an influence. The amount of time you've been a Christian is going to influence
what ministry you should be involved in.

2. What painful experiences have I had?

Many people overlook this but it's very, very important. Your painful experiences often determine your ministry.
"Sometimes it takes a painful experience to make us change our ways." Proverbs 20:30.

2 Corinthians 1:4 "God helps us in our troubles, so we are able to help others who have all kinds of troubles, using
the same help that we ourselves have received from God." God often allows you to go through a painful experience
and then heals you and comforts you in that experience so that He will give you the ministry of helping other people
in that very same thing. Who can relate to somebody who's struggling with alcoholism better than somebody who's
been an alcoholic? Who can better relate to somebody who's lost a child in miscarriage or stillbirth than somebody
who's had a miscarriage or stillbirth?

God never wastes a painful experience. Even the painful experiences we bring on ourselves through dumb deci-
sions and mistakes God wants to use in ministry.


1 Corinthians 12:1 "Now about spiritual gifts I do not want you to be ignorant." Many people are ignorant about spiri-
tual gifts. They are ignorant and they don’t want to discover. In order for us to serve according to our spiritual gifts,
we need to discover them first.

We're convinced that one of the primary ways you learn spiritual gifts is by getting involved in ministry. Many people
try to figure out their gift and then get in ministry. We're saying that one of the ways is the exact opposite. As you
get into ministry you'll find out what you're gifted at. One pastor started out serving the Lord full time as a minister of
music. It didn't take long until he figured out he is not cut for it. He has a heart for music and he love to sing and he
love to write songs but he just don't have the talent in that area. He never thought that he would be a good speaker
but as he began doing it, all of a sudden he saw that God blesses his preaching ministry. Many people were
blesses and he knew that he was gifted in that area.

You're not going to discover your gift just by going through a list and understanding it. But we are going to give you
an overview of what they are so that a year from now you'll have a much better understanding of what your spiritual
gift is.

What is a spiritual gift? It is a special ability given by the Holy Spirit to every believer at their conversion to be
used to minister to others and therefore build up the Body of Christ.

Notice: A spiritual gift is a special ability. It's different from a talent. It's given by the Holy Spirit to every believer.
Every Christian has at least one spiritual gift. You get it the moment you became a Christian. Many people don't
know they have a gift but they do. You've got one. It may be hidden and you have to unwrap it. It's like when you
were born physically you got a sense of physical senses: hear, touch, taste, smell, feel. As a baby you didn't know
you had those things. Only as you matured, you figured out, "I have the ability to smell. I have the ability to hear..."
You got them at birth but you didn't understand them until you matured. The same is true of spiritual gifts, when
you're born again.

They are to be used to minister to others (not to build up yourself) and therefore to build up the body of Christ.

TEN TRUTHS about Spiritual Gifts:

1. Only believers have spiritual gifts.
2. Every Christian has at least one gift.
3. No one receives all the gifts. Why? If someone received all the gifts, he'd have no need of anybody else.
And God does not give any person all the gifts because He wants us to depend on each other. He wants
us to need each other so no person can say, I'm an island unto myself; I don't need you, I don't need the
church. No one has all the gifts.
4. No single gift is given to everyone. Again, God wants variety. There's no gift that everybody has.
5. You can't earn or work for a spiritual gift. That's a contradiction in terms. A gift is a gift. It's something
God gives, not that you've earned or worked for. It's like salvation, it's a gift.
6. The Holy Spirit decides what gifts I get. You can't say, "I'd really like the gift of teaching... mercy... what-
ever." That's fine but the Bible says the Holy Spirit decides who gets what gifts. It's sovereignly given.
7. The gifts I'm given are permanent. Once you've been given it, you've got it for life. He doesn't take them
away. They're permanent.
8. I am to develop the gifts God gives me. When you're given a gift, they're given in seed form. But just like a
muscle, the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets. As you use your spiritual gift, the more you use your
spiritual gift, the stronger it will get.
9. It is a sin to waste the gifts God gave me.
10. Using my gifts glorifies God and grows me (helps me grow). We bear fruit and it glorifies God.


1. THEY ARE NOT FOR MY BENEFIT, BUT FOR OTHERS. This is a very important truth. Spiritual gifts are
not for my benefit but for others. 1 Peter 4:10 "Each one of you, as a good manager [you're to manage
God's gifts] of God's different gifts, must use for the good of others [underline "good of others"] the spiritual
gift he has received from God." 1 Corinthians 12:7 "The Holy Spirit displays God's power through each of
us as a means of helping the entire church." Contrary to what some people teach and think when you get a
gift it's not for your own benefit. It's not to bless you. The gift that God gives you is given to bless other
people, to bless the church. It's to help the entire church. In fact, spiritual gifts outside of the church is an
unbiblical use of a gift. God meant for them to be used through the church, to build up the body.

4:11,12,13 "It was he who gave gifts to men, to build up the Body of Christ so that we shall all come to-
gether to that oneness in our faith and become mature. Then we shall no longer be children carried by the
waves and blown about by every shifting wind."

Probably most of you know at least one Christian who started out right for the Lord and then some cult came
along, swept them off their feet and they went off into some crazy cult. Why? Because Christians around

them were not using their spiritual gifts to help them grow and become stable. When you use your gift it
produces maturity and stability in the church family.


1. Don't confuse gifts with natural talent. Somebody might say, "I'm good at sales." Fine. That's a vocational skill.
That's an ability but that's not a spiritual gift.

2. Don't confuse gifts with the fruit of the Spirit. The gifts of the Spirit are different from the fruit of the Spirit. The
fruit of the Spirit shows my maturity; the gift show my ministry. This is very important. The fruit of the Spirit is listed
in Galatians 5:22-23. They are love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, self-control.
Those nine qualities show your maturity.

A person can have a spiritual gift and be spiritually immature. You get them the moment you become a Christian.
When you become a Christian and you have a spiritual gift and you may be gifted as a teacher but you don't have
the maturity to teach. You have to grow and develop. You need both the fruit and the gifts in your life.

3. Don't confuse gifts with Christian roles. For instance, shepherding or pastoring is a spiritual gift. It is the ability to
care for the spiritual needs of other people. The gift of pastoring is different from the office or the role of being a
pastor. A person can have the role of being a pastor but dones't have the gift of pastoring. One can have the gift of
leadership and teaching and encouragement but don't have the gift of pastoring. There are people who are not pas-
tors but they do have the gift of pastoring and caring for people. So you might have the gift of pastoring or shepherd-
ing even though you're not a "pastor". Don't confuse the two.

4. Be aware of gift projection tendencies. This is real common and it causes a lot of difficulty in the church -- ex-
pecting other people to serve in the way you do and have similar results. People with the gift of mercy expect every-
body else to be just as merciful. People with the gift of prophecy -- they're the confronters. They come up and say
"That's wrong!" and they expect everybody else to be just as confrontative. When you get a person with mercy and
a person with prophecy in the same Bible Study group expect sparks because they're going to tend to project onto
other people. People with the gift of administration expect everybody else to be organized. It's natural. So you've
got to be careful not to project on other people. People with the gift of evangelism -- it seems like every plane they
get onto somebody gets saved. They bring 3000 people to church. It's natural. They just have an ability to share
Christ with other people. And it makes everybody else feel guilty! "How come I don't see that many people come to
Christ?" There are different gifts and abilities and you should not project your gift onto somebody else.

5. Don't feel that my gift makes me superior to others. Because they're not superior or inferior, all gifts are equally

6. Realize that using my gifts without love is worthless. It's not by accident that the greatest chapter on love in the
Bible -- 1 Corinthians 13 -- is sandwiched between 1 Corinthians 12, which is on spiritual gifts, and 1 Corinthians 14,
which is on spiritual gifts. Right in the middle of the greatest passage on spiritual gifts, Paul stops and says, By the
way, let's talk about love. If I have not love I'm like a sounding brass or tinkling cymbals. He said I could be the
greatest teacher in the world, I could be the greatest preacher in the world, I could be the greatest administrator in
the world, I could have the most mercy... but if I have not love it doesn't count a hill of beans. "I may be able to
speak the languages of men and even angels..." I may be able to speak in tongues, I may have the gift of inspired
preaching, I may have all knowledge, I may have all the faith to move mountains but if I have not love I'm nothing. It
does no good.

7. Recognize that I have both a primary and secondary ministry in my church. How do you know the difference?
My primary ministry commitment should be in the area where I'm gifted. That should determine what your primary
ministry is. My secondary ministry includes serving in any other area of the Body where I'm needed. Titus 3:14 in
the Living Bible says "Our people must learn to help all who need their assistance that their lives would be fruitful."
Just because I'm not gifted in an area doesn't mean... Let's say I don't have the gift of mercy and I see somebody fall
down. I can't say "It's not my gift to go help them." Just as you are gifted to be a minister in a primary area, God
expects us to manifest all the gifts just as roles. In other words, some people have the gift of giving, the ability to
make money and give it away. That's their gift. That does not excuse all the rest of us from giving. I don't have the
gift of giving, but I'm called to give simply because I'm a Christian. All of us are called to teach in different situations
or settings. All of us are called to be leaders in different settings and situations. All of us are called at times to give
a word of encouragement. You say, "It's not my gift, therefore I never encourage anybody." One lady told his pas-
tor, "I have the gift of criticism." He told her, "I'm sorry, ma'am, but that's not in the Bible. It's not a spiritual gift.")

So the secondary ministries mean I'm just willing to serve, to help out when I'm needed. If I'm needed to set up
chairs I can't say, "That's not my gift." I just go set up chairs because I'm a servant of Christ and Jesus said, "He
that wants to be great learns to be a servant of all." If I'm asked to serve in a Sunday School I'll help out, not be-
cause I'm gifted there, but it's a secondary ministry -- it's not my primary role. But I'm willing to do that because of
my maturity.


The Bible does not lock us into tight restrictions as to the number of spiritual gifts, or even their definitions. The four
major lists of gifts are found in Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4 and 1 Peter 4, but there are other pas-
sages that mention or illustrate gifts not included in these lists. All the gifts are given to help the church fulfill its pur-
poses. So we've categorized this list of gifts according to church’s four major purposes. In other words, we have
four purposes in our church: Celebrate God's presence (Worship), Demonstrate God's love (Ministry), Educate
God's people (Discipleship), and Communicate God's word (Evangelism). Everything we do in church fits under one
of those four purposes. If that's true, and it is, that those are the four purposes of the church, then the gifts of the
Spirit are given to help fulfill those purposes. So we've categorized what gifts help fulfill each purpose.

As you read through this list, check off your initial impression concerning yourself. Remember you can have many

Let's first look at gifts that communicate God's word. We've listed about 26 spiritual gifts. We believe that the gifts
listed in the New Testament are exemplary not exhaustive. In other words, we don't believe that these are the only
spiritual gifts there are. Why? In the first place, there is no single list that lists them all and there is a very casual
approach to the listing. People have tried to group them in different ways but all of the groupings are man-made.
Almost all of the authors you can read about gifts don’t have the same list of gifts.

What does that say to me? It obviously means that this is not an exhaustive list. There are many gifts in scripture
and there are some gifts that are just listed in a single sentence, some of them are listed in groups. We think that
these are just examples, that there may be other spiritual gifts besides these. But here in our church, we have listed
these as gifts that we see as appropriate at church. We see these as appropriate in our ministry.

First, GIFTS THAT COMMUNICATE GOD'S WORD both to believers and to unbelievers.





This is a special ability to recognize unmet needs in the church family, and take the initiative to provide practical as-
sistance quickly, cheerfully, and without a need for recognition.

Take note the phrase "and take the initiative". The Bible has called all of us to serve. The Bible has called all of us
to have a servant heart. If they see a need they immediately take charge and start doing it. If they walk in the room
and chairs aren't set up, nobody has to ask, "Would you help set up the chairs?" They just immediately start setting
them up. Or picking up papers, or helping move something, or setting up a table, or taking down a table. It may be
manual help, it may be physical help, spiritual help. The motivation of the people with the gift of service is just "I
want to be helpful." These people have no need and in fact they don't want to be, up front. They don't want to be on
stage. They don't need the on stage strokes and don't like being on stage. It makes them nervous.
These seem to have spiritual antennae that are alert. When they see a need they immediately move into action and
take the initiative. Often these people have a real high energy level. They're very practical people. They are effi-
cient at physical tasks. They feel very fulfilled at assisting people who are in the more visible roles. These people
are typically very unselfish. They're willing to do whatever it takes. They don't feel that anything is below them.
They realize it's all God's work and whatever you do, you do it for the Lord. They're rarely arrogant people, these
people with the servant gift. They're very practical. The church needs lots of people with the gift of service. It's a
demonstration of God's love.

___I'm pretty sure I have this gift. ____I may have this gift. ____I don't think I've got this one.


This is a special ability to detect hurt and empathize with those who are suffering in the church family. The ability to
provide compassionate and cheerful support to those experiencing distress, crisis, or pain.

The best example of somebody with the gift of mercy would be the Good Samaritan. Remember the story. He just
came, picked up the guy at the side of the road, took him to the local inn, left some money and said, "Whatever it
takes I'll pay for it and cover it."

These people have a great ability to empathize. These are the people who know how to weep with those who weep
and rejoice with those who rejoice. If you've got the gift of mercy, that would be a good thing.

Check that. ___I'm pretty sure I have this gift. ___I may have this gift. ____I don't think I've got this one.


This is a special ability to make others, especially strangers, feel warmly welcomed, accepted, and comfortable in
the church family. The ability to coordinate factors that promote fellowship.

You can always tell somebody who's got the gift of hospitality. You feel immediately comfortable around them.
There's a difference between entertaining and showing hospitality. A person could do entertaining in their home.
You walk in and the whole time you feel like they're uptight. But somebody with the genuine gift of hospitality, you

This is an ability to publicly communicate God's Word in an inspired way that convinces unbelievers and both chal-
lenges and comforts believers. Those with this gift enjoy speaking or reading in front of others. Their form of verbal
delivery has a sense of freshness, genuineness and compellingness that draw the listener to focus on and take to
heart the message being conveyed. People with this gift are obvious. It's a very public gift. When people who
have this gift speak, God's blessing is obvious.

Evaluate yourself on these. Number 1, ___I'm pretty sure I have this gift. Check that blank. ___I may have this gift.
Check that box. Or, ___I don't think I've got this one. Check that.


This is a special spiritual ability, out of a God-given fullness of understanding, to apply the grace or judgment of
God which the Scriptures proclaim, so that individuals or groups may hear God speaking to their own life and situa-

This is a communication gift. Those with the gift of prophecy typically are deeply rooted in the Word of God. Their
grasp of God’s Word enables them to comfort, encourage, guide, warn, or rebuke the Body of Christ in a timely fash-
ion. Prophets are concerned about evangelism and holiness and will not hesitate to call attention to behavior and
activity in society and in the church that are contrary to the will of God.

Evaluate yourself on these. Number 1, ___I'm pretty sure I have this gift. Check that blank. __I may have this gift.
Check that blank. Or, ___I don't think I've got this one. Check that.


This is a Communication Gift. Those with this gift have a wonderful way of utilizing the language arts with a sense of
freshness, genuineness, and compellingness to where the reader is enabled to focus on and take to heart the mes-
sage that is being conveyed. When writing to communicate truths and principles of God’s Word, those with this gift
write in such a way to where the lives of their readers are impacted and changed for the glory of God and the well-
being of themselves and others.

Scripture: Acts 15:19-20; Philippians 3:1; 1 Timothy 3:14-15; Jude 3

Evaluate yourself on these. Number 1, ___I'm pretty sure I have this gift. Check that blank. __I may have this gift.
Check that blank. Or, ___I don't think I've got this one. Check that.


Evangelism is the ability to communicate the good news of Jesus Christ to unbelievers in a positive, non threatening
way. The ability to sense opportunities to share Christ and lead people to respond with faith. People who have this
gift are very sensitive about how the unchurched feel. They notice things. They rarely overlook opportunities to
share Christ. If you don't have this gift often there are opportunities around you that you totally miss. If you've got
this gift you're always saying, "I could share Christ right now!" They have a knack for turning conversation to a spiri-
tual side. They have a love for lost people and a desire to see them saved.

This gift can be used in many, many different ways. You may have the gift of evangelism and be introverted. It may
scare you to death. It doesn't mean you'd go door to door. You may have the gift of evangelism but your personality

is introverted and so it's going to show up in different ways. Many of you have this gift you just don't know it. You
have a real heart to share Christ with other people but you haven't learned to share in ways that are consistent with
your personality

____"I'm pretty sure I've got this gift." Check that blank. ___"I may have this gift." I might. I'll check back a year,
six months from now. Or, ___"I don't think I've got this one."


The ability to adapt to a different culture in order to reach unbelievers and help believers from that culture.

1 Corinthians 9 talks about this. Paul obviously had this gift ‑- the missionary gift. He says, "I become all things to
all people, that I may in some way save some. When I'm with the Jew, I become like the Jew in order to reach the
Jew. When I'm with those outside the Law, I become like those outside the law in order to reach them. I become all
things to all men so that I may in some way save some."

This is the ability to adapt to a culture or different cultures. Some people, if you take them to Japan and they have to
eat sushi, they'd gag. They just don't have the ability to relate to other cultures. In Acts 13, Paul and Barnabas had
this gift affirmed in them. The church said, You've got the ability -- the gift -- to deal with other cultures. And they
sent them out.

You have a strong desire to see the great commission fulfilled. Often people with this gift have a special heart for a
certain group of people like Hispanics, Vietnamese, Chinese, a certain kind of people group.

____I'm pretty sure I have this gift. ____I may have this gift. ___I don't think I've got this one.


This is a special ability to start new churches and oversee their development.

Paul said his ambition was not to build on another man's foundation. Today most of the time we don't call these
people apostles. We call them church planters. It's the ability to go out and just start a Body of Christ from scratch.
Some of you may have this gift.

It's the ability to take risks, a willingness to try new things. The apostles in the body of Christ are God's entrepre-
neurs. They can make something out of nothing.

____I'm pretty sure I have this gift. ___I may have this gift. __I don't think I've got this one.

Those are gifts that communicate God's word to both believers and unbelievers. Now let's look at the second pur-
pose of the church, GIFTS THAT EDUCATE GOD'S PEOPLE.


This is a special ability to educate God's people by clearly explaining and applying the Bible in a way that causes
them to learn. The ability to equip and train other believers for ministry.

Have you ever been taught by somebody who didn't have the gift of teaching? It's obvious. When you're in a Sun-
day School class and you're being taught by somebody who doesn't have the gift of teaching, your mind is wander-
ing in a million different directions. There's no way of holding your attention.

On the other hand, when a person has the gift of teaching, you're with them. Many of you have this gift, but it's in
seed form and you just need to develop it. You don't realize it, but you have this gift. You're going to develop it by
getting involved in some kind of ministry. This is a gift that you really have to develop.

One of the ways teachers teach is they are often very systematic about their teaching. They think in organized
ways. They think in lists. Some of you think in lists. That might be a sign that you're a teacher.

____I'm pretty sure I have this gift. ___I may have this gift. ___I don't think I've got this one.


This is a special ability to motivate God's people to apply and act on Biblical principles, especially when they are
discouraged or wavering in their faith. This is also an ability to bring out the best in others and challenge them to
develop their potential.

The difference between somebody who has the gift of encouragement and somebody who has the gift of teaching --
teachers typically focus on the content of the text -- the story itself -- and people with the gift of exhortation or en-
couragement focus on the principles of the text. They say, "These are the principles I see that can change your life."

They typically are very positive people, practical. If you have this gift you're skilled on the ability to make sugges-
tions. Somebody asks you what you think they ought to do. You can say, "This is what I think you ought to do..."
and then list them one‑ two-three. You go right to the point. They're inspirational, they're motivational, action ori-
ented. People with the gift of encouragement often can visualize achievement for other people, bring out the best in
others. These people are often great counselors.

Again, exhortation can be used in a public forum, as a teacher. You might have the role of teaching but not have the
gift of teaching. You might have the gift of encouragement. Or it could be used on a one-on-one situation or as a
lay pastor.

____I'm pretty sure I have this gift. _____I may have this gift. ____I don't think I've got this one.

There are three gift that support teachers and encouragers. The teachers and encouragers are the ones who build
up and educate God's people. The three gifts that support are Wisdom, Discernment and Knowledge


This is a special ability to understand God's perspective on life's situations and share those insights in a simple un-
derstandable way. The ability to explain what to do and how to do it.

These people are those people say of them, "That person has insight!" Often these people have real insights into
relationships. They say, "You see what's going on here..." And the other person says, "No, I don't know what's go-
ing on at all!" They say, "There's a hidden agenda here. This is what this person is feeling..."

One of the characteristics I've found in people who have the gift of wisdom is a desire to memorize scripture. They
want to hide God's word in their heart to share it. They like to share God's word. People with wisdom are patient
and understanding with people. They're very gentle with people. Wise people know how to be patient. They under-
stand the ways of God. They're good mediators in a conflict because they can explain what's going on. They em-
phasize practical application.

____I'm pretty sure I have this gift. _____I may have this gift. ____ don't think I've got this one.


Discernment is the ability to distinguish right from wrong, truth from error, and to give an immediate evaluation based
on God's Word. The ability to discern whether the source of an experience is Satan, self, or God's Spirit.

This gift is vastly needed in the church of God today. With so many false ideas on TV and movies and New Age
stuff and cults and these kinds of things.

This is the gift that protects the church from getting off into extremes. Some of you have this gift but you're not able
to use it because you don't have enough Bible under your belt yet to know what God has said. As you understand
the word of God more and more as you study it more and more, this gift is going to blossom in your life. Many of
you have this gift but you haven't been able to develop it yet because you don't have enough Bible content.

It's the ability to know truth from error, right from wrong, and the ability to say, "That's wrong!" or "That's right!"

Evaluate yourself there. ____I'm pretty sure I have this gift. ___I may have this gift. __I don't think I've got this one.

One other support gift in the area of education is the gift of


These gifts wisdom, discernment, knowledge are often given in addition to, if you have teaching or encouragement.
Knowledge is the ability to discover, collect, analyze, and organize information that is vital to individual believers or
the entire church family. This is a special ability to comprehend a large amount of information and provide it when
needed for effective decision making.

Examples: Daniel 1:17 says, "To these four young men God gave knowledge and understanding of all kinds of lit-
erature and learning." He gave it to them. It was a gift. The Bible is very strong in making decisions based on
knowledge. When you read Proverbs it says, get the facts! In a business decision, in a financial decision, in a
church decision it says, Get the facts! Don't just depend on feelings.

These people are the researchers. Some people love to go to the library. I could say, "I'm going to be teaching on
`Anger' next fall." They love to read. These people love to study, people with the gift of knowledge. In the informa-
tion age this is absolutely vital. There are also people who like to organize. They don't mind doing data work.

Some of you, if you've got this ability, you could work as a church librarian, curriculum writer, data entry, church his-
torian recorders. The Bible says "Know well the condition of your flock." All that stuff we keep on computers is im-
portant information. Some of you have that gift in the area of knowledge.

___I'm pretty sure I have this gift. ____I may have this gift. ____I don't think I've got this one.

walk in and it really doesn't matter how the house looks, you feel comfortable. They have a way of putting you at
ease. People with the gift of hospitality are often good conversationalists. They know how to bring out the best in
other people. They know how to get other people talking about themselves. People with the gift of hospitality have
a great concern for your comfort. Are you comfortable? Is everything OK? They're interested in that. They often
use their homes as ministry tools. They love to provide meals for people, services for people. They're the first to
sign up when we have a need for a fellowship activity, like a banquet or fellowship or anything. They just have the
ability to provide, to prepare an atmosphere that everybody else can enjoy.

Check that. ___I'm pretty sure I have this gift. ___I may have this gift. ___I don't think I've got this one.


This is a special ability to care for the spiritual needs of a group of believers and equip them for ministry. The ability
to nurture a small group in spiritual growth and assume responsibility for their welfare.

The word "pastor" in Greek literally means "to lead and to feed". It means to care for. Pastors in Acts 20 are told to
protect the flock. They are to give their lives for the flock. They are to equip. They enjoy caring for people. Some of
you have that gift in seed form. Many of you ought to be lay pastors. It's something you need to develop as you
grow and become a stronger Christian.

___I'm pretty sure I have this gift. ____I may have this gift. ____I don't think I've got this one.


This is a special ability to share one’s participation in Christ with the members of His body. Those with this gift have
a desire for wanting to see themselves along with others grow further in their walk and relationship with Jesus Christ.
They enjoy participating in and planning for moments where various numbers of individuals are able to gather for the
study of God’s Word, discussion, dialogue, and prayer. They are especially suited for leading in a small group minis-
try where growth in faith and Christian living are embraced and encouraged. These individuals also tend to know
how to make others feel welcome and typically generate a sense of safety to those who are around them.

Scripture: Mark 14:22-25; Romans 10:12; 1 Corinthians 12:12-13; Galatians 3:28; Philippians

___I'm pretty sure I have this gift. ____I may have this gift. ____I don't think I've got this one.


This is a special ability to invest the talents they have in the life and ministry of other members of the Body of Christ,
thus enabling others to increase the effectiveness of their own spiritual gifts. People with this gift often enjoy doing
routine tasks in order to free others to do the ministry God has called them to do. People with this gift are often not
looking for recognition for the work they do.
Scripture: Mark 2:3-4; 15:40,41; Luke 8:2-3; Acts 9:36; Romans 16:1-2; 1 Corinthians 12:28

____I'm pretty sure I have this gift. ______I may have this gift. _____I don't think I've got this one.


Some of you have this gift. You're just not in the financial situation to do it right yet. But in your heart you would love
to give large sums of money for God's work.

____I'm pretty sure I have this gift. _____I may have this gift. ____I don't think I've got this one.


These are the worship gifts.


It's very clear in scripture that being able to play well musical instruments is a spiritual gift. This is a special ability to
express personal faith and provide inspiration and comfort through the playing of a musical instrument, and so to
enlarge others also in their gifts.Those with this gift have a special joy in creating music that not only touches the
hearts and souls of others, but that especially brings praise and honor and glory to Almighty God. Their desire is not to
draw attention to self, but to Christ and His purpose and will. They have come to recognize how music can be used by
God in powerful ways to draw people into a deeper relationship with Him as well as into a deeper sense of commit-
ment and devotion as a disciple of Jesus Christ. (I Chronicles 16: 41 With them were Heman and Jeduthun and the
rest of those chosen and designated by name to give thanks to the LORD, “for his love endures forever.” 42 Heman
and Jeduthun were responsible for the sounding of the trumpets and cymbals and for the playing of the other instru-
ments for sacred song. The sons of Jeduthun were stationed at the gate.)

Check yourself off on that one. ___I'm pretty sure I have this gift. ___I may have this gift. ___I don't think I've got this


This is a special ability and opportunity to present personal witness and inspiration to others through singing, and so to
enlarge others also in their gifts. Those with this gift have a special joy in creating music that not only touches the
hearts and souls of others, but that especially brings praise and honor and glory to Almighty God. Their desire is not to
draw attention to self, but to Christ and His purpose and will. They have come to recognize how music can be used by
God in powerful ways to draw people into a deeper relationship with Him as well as into a deeper sense of commit-
ment and devotion as a disciple of Jesus Christ.

2 Chonicles 5: 12 All the Levites who were musicians—Asaph, Heman, Jeduthun and their sons and relatives—stood
on the east side of the altar, dressed in fine linen and playing cymbals, harps and lyres. They were accompanied by
120 priests sounding trumpets. 13 The trumpeters and musicians joined in unison to give praise and thanks to the
LORD. Accompanied by trumpets, cymbals and other instruments, the singers raised their voices in praise to the
LORD and sang: “He is good; his love endures forever.”

Check yourself off on that one. ___I'm pretty sure I have this gift. __I may have this gift. __I don't think I've got this one

Did you know that this is a spiritual gift? In Exodus 31:3-11 " make artistic designs to work in gold, silver and
bronze, to cut and set stones, to work with wood and engage in all kinds of artistic craftsmanship. He gifted two men
to teach these skills to others." Some people are gifted to work with their hands. Others are gifted by God to teach
other people how to do it. They find great joy in helping and serving others who may lack these kinds of abilities. They
take great pride in their work and content themselves with a job well done.

___I'm pretty sure I have this gift. ___I may have this gift. ____I don't think I've got this one.


This is a special ability of skills in varied arts and crafts, and the spirit of free willingness to discover possibilities of
using them for the blessing of Christ’s whole body. This gift is a practical gift. It is the skill of creating artistic expres-
sions that produce a spiritual response of strength and inspiration. Christians with this gift are exceptionally good
in decoration, acting and other creative communication media. They delight in discovering how almost anything in
God's vast creation can be brought together to fashion a visual image that wondrously portrays the truths of
God and His Word. Oftentimes, these people further like to help others experience this very same thing for them-

Scripture: Exodus 30:22-25; 31:1-11; Psalm 149:3a; Acts 16:14; 18:3; 2 Chronicles 34:9-13

___I'm pretty sure I have this gift. ____I may have this gift. ____I don't think I've got this one.



This is a special ability to pray for the needs of others in the church family over extended periods of time on a regular
basis. The ability to persist in prayer and not be discouraged until the answer arrives.

This is not just praying. These are people who keep praying and praying until the answer shows up. They have the
ability to go long hours. Paul had the gift of intercession. He says repeatedly, "I'm always praying for you, day and

___I'm pretty sure I have this gift. ____I may have this gift. _____I don't think I've got this one.


There are some gifts that support all four purposes of the church.


This is a special ability to clarify and communicate the purpose and direction, the vision of a ministry in a way that
attracts others to get involved. This is also an ability to motivate others by example to work together in accomplish-
ing a ministry goal.

The test of leadership is real simple: Is anybody following you? If you've got this gift people will naturally gravitate
to you. People with the gift of leadership are typically goal oriented. They are long term people. They're not just
short term -- let's work on the crisis today. Management works on short term. Leadership works on long term. Man-
agement works on control. Leadership works on change. You could summarize leadership in one word. Leader-
ship is influence. It is the ability to influence, clarify and communicate the purpose of the church. Some of you have
the gift of leadership in seed form. As you grow and develop, you're naturally going to become a respected and val-
ued leader in the church just because people are going to respond to your direction and to your understanding of the
direction of the church.

____I'm pretty sure I have this gift. ___I may have this gift. ____I don't think I've got this one.


This is also called the gift of organization. That is the ability to recognize the gifts of others and recruit them to min-
istry. This is a special ability to organize and manage people, resources, and time for effective ministry. This is also
an ability to coordinate many details and execute the plans of leadership.

The Greek word for administration is literally the word for "to steer a ship." It's to guide, to pilot. Administration is
the gift of management, while leadership is the gift of influencing.
How do you know if you've got this gift? One of the ways is that you have the ability to balance several balls at the
same time. Some people can only work on one thing at a time. But if you've got this gift you can juggle several
things at one time. People recognize that. You're always looking for more efficient ways. How can I do this better?
What's the more efficient way to do it? Typically people with this gift know how to delegate. They know how to get
other people involved. They don't try to do it all themselves. They like to get other people involved. People with this
gift can work with the details in a thing without losing the big picture. If you don't have this gift, when you get into the
details, you lose the big picture. But these people see it. They just have the ability to be organized.

Evaluate yourself on that one.

___ I'm pretty sure I have this gift. ____I may have this gift. ____I don't think I've got this one.


The gift of faith is the ability to trust God for what cannot be seen and to act on God's promise, regardless of what
the circumstances indicate. This gift is characterized by willingness to risk failure in pursuit of a God-given vision,
expecting God to handle the obstacles.

How do you know if you've got the gift of faith? You love to take risks. It doesn't threaten you to go out on a limb.
You are never afraid to go out on a limb because that's where the fruit is.

Another thing about the gift of faith is you have the ability to persevere. You just don't know how to give up. You
keep on keeping on. An oak tree is just a little nut that refused to give its ground. People with the gift of faith just
don't know how to give up. They don't know how to quit. They just keep on keeping on. They are positive in spite
of problems. They trust God for the impossible. They have big dreams. They take big risks, big vision. They have
the ability to believe God that other people just are hesitant about.

God calls us all to have faith but some people have the gift of faith. We're all to have faith, but some people have
the gift of faith to believe God in greater amounts than others. It just doesn't bother them -- they don't lose a night's
sleep going into a million dollar building project! To them it's just a few extra zeros!

___I'm pretty sure I have this gift. ____I may have this gift. ____I don't think I've got this one.

SPECIAL NOTE: We are not including in this assessment tool the following SIGN GIFTS: The gift of tongues,
interpretation of tongues, healing and miracles for the fact that they tend to be self evident.

Here are some thoughts about the gift of tongues and why we are not including it in this spiritual gift as-
sessment tool.



What is the gift of tongues or the interpretation of tongues? 1 Corinthians 14:13-15 talks about the gift of tongues or
praying with my spirit. That's the ability to pray in a language understood only by God or by one who is given the gift
of interpretation at that time.

This is definitely a gift. The Bible teaches that this is a spiritual gift. In some churches they actually practice this gift
in the service. In a charismatic church this gift is manifested in their church. Our stand in the ALLIANCE concerning
this gift is “seek not, forbid not”. This means that if you have the gift, don’t forbid the use of it. However, if you don’t
have the gift, don’t seek it or fake it. The following are important thoughts from Rick Warren we need to note why we
have to deal with this gift with utmost caution: This gift caused problems in the Corinthian church that Paul had to
write an entire chapter -- 1 Corinthians 14 on guidelines. This was one gift that was being abused. Obviously it is a
legitimate gift. It's the ability to pray in a language understood only by God or one who's given the gift of interpreta-
tion at that time. Paul saw the problems and gave them some guidelines.

1. It is for personal edification, not for the whole church. 1 Corinthians 14:4 "He who speaks in a tongue
edifies himself, but he who preaches edifies the whole church." This gift is different from every other gift.
We said the purpose of every other gift was to edify the church. Yet Paul says here that he who speaks in a
tongue edifies himself. But he who preaches edifies the church. The point here is that since this gift is des-
ignated for personal edification, we believe that Scripture teaches it should be used for time alone with God.
If you want to speak in tongues in your quiet time and God's given you that gift, that is fine. But it's not a gift
that's for the whole church. If somebody starts speaking in tongues in the church, who does that edify?
Nobody. It just draws attention to that person. That's what Paul says in 1 Corinthians 14:4.

2. We are to focus on building others up, not ourselves. Paul says, "Unless you speak intelligible words you
will just be speaking into the air. Try to excel in the gifts that build up the church." That's why we need to
deal with the exercise of this gift in public worship with utmost caution. This gift doesn't build up the church.
It's for personal edification not for edification of the church.

3. It confuses unbelievers in the service. It will blow people's mind. Notice what Paul says, "If some unbe-
lievers come in, will they not say you are out of your mind?" It not only confuses unbelievers, it freaks out a
bunch of Christians too who are not familiar with this gift. He says it confuses unbelievers so it should not
be used where there are unbelievers present in the service.

4. Ideally it is not meant to be used in the worship service. 1 Corinthians 14:19-20 "In the church [underline
this] I would rather speak five intelligible words to instruct others than ten thousand words in a tongue.
Brothers, stop thinking like children!" He's saying, I'd rather say five words in a worship service that you
could understand -- "Jesus loves you. Praise God! -- That's more important than ten thousand words in a
tongue. That's the relationship that Paul says. He says it's not meant to be used in the worship service be-
cause it doesn't help anybody other than the person who is speaking in tongues.

Notice 1 Corinthians 14:32-33 "The gift of speaking God's message should be under the speaker's control,
because God does not want us to be in disorder, but in harmony and peace." What is this saying? Just like
every other gift, this gift is under the control of the person who's doing it. If somebody comes and says, "I
just couldn't help myself when I spoke in tongues." Then I say, "Then it wasn't from God." The Bible says
that the gift of speaking God's message should be under the speaker's control. He's talking here about
tongues. God doesn't want us to be in disorder but peace.

5 minutes sharing time

After you've got a general idea -- you're not sure but you think you have these certain gifts -- list the spiritual gifts you're most certain you
have in order. "The one I feel the best about ..." Write that down as number one.

I think have these gifts:


Now, we will go through this SPITIUAL GIFT ASSESSMENT TOOL to know more about your spiritual gift.


To what extent are the following statement true to you: Not true Very Some- Often Consis-
to me Rarely times tently
0 1 2 3 4
1. I am successful at getting a group to do its work joyfully.
2. I enjoy making something that is artistically appealing.
3. I can readily sense when someone is promoting God’s purposes or
their own personal agenda.
4. I look for occasions to share what Jesus means to me with
unchurched friends and neighbors.
5. I welcome opportunities to minister to people who need comfort,
consolation, encouragement, and counseling.
6. I see life as an adventure and am not afraid to take risks if it moves
God's work forward.
7. I have a real hunger for seeing others spending time together in the
Word and in prayer.
8. Without hesitation, I give generously and freely to worthwhile pro-
jects and ministries.
9. I count it a privilege to relieve someone in a responsible position of
some small task, so that they may attend to more important things.
10. I truly feel that the needs and well-being of others are more impor-
tant than my own.
11. Playing a musical instrument comes easily for me.
12. Times of routine which require little thought provide me opportuni-
ties to talk with and praise God.
13. I feel especially drawn to the frontiers of research and the unfold-
ing realms of technology.
14. I am able to lead and partner with others toward accomplishing
specific tasks.
15. General home maintenance and upkeep is something I am quite
capable of handling myself.
16. Others know that they can count on me to help those who are less
17. I have a strong desire to take the Gospel to people who have
never had the opportunity to hear it.

18. I have a strong desire to oversee or contribute to the establish-
ment of new churches.
19. I am not afraid to take a stand for the truth of God's Word, even if
it irritates others.
20. I readily and happily take directions from others when it comes to
getting things done.
21. I like to reach out to those who have strayed from the Christian
faith or have become inactive in the church.
22. Speaking or reading before a crowd is more a privilege and pleas-
ure to me than something I would fear.
23. I have no problem organizing materials for teaching a Sunday
School and/or Bible Class.
24. Singing and harmonizing with others is something that comes
easily for me.
25. I can analyze a situation quickly, clearly and correctly.
26. Expressing my thoughts and ideas in written form comes easily to
27. I have the ability to organize ideas, resources, time and people for
more effective results.
28. I really like doing things that permits me to express myself in a
creative manner.
29. I am frequently able to perceive when someone’s true motives are
not reflected in what they are saying.
30. I am repeatedly able to lead others to embrace God's gift of salva-
tion through faith in Christ.
31. I have directed others to implement biblical principles in dealing
with their affliction or suffering.
32. I have encouraged others to stand on God’s promises in the face
of a difficult situation.
33. It means everything to me when others get connected in smaller
groups for the sake of Bible Study and prayer.
34. I can give sacrificially most any time because I know that God will
meet all my needs.
35. I like to assume less important tasks so that someone else might
accomplish something more meaningful.
36. I do whatever I can to see to it that others are taken care of and
feel comfortable.
37. I look forward to practicing a musical instrument and take pleas-
ure in doing so.
38. I keep a running list of people I want to pray for daily, and praise
God when they experience His help and deliverance.
39. I am especially drawn to discovering new truths through reading
or firsthand observation.
40. When I join a group, others seem to back off and expect me to
take the lead.
41. Being good with my hands, I can usually fix or build things myself.
42. I feel great compassion for the problems of others and typically
look for some way to help.
43. More than most, I have a strong desire to see peoples from other
countries/cultures won to the Lord.
44. I have a real desire to promote the ministry of Jesus beyond the
life of my congregation.

45. I often have a strong sense of what God wants others to be clear
about when it comes to certain matters.
46. I really do not mind exerting some effort toward accomplishing
strenuous tasks.
47. I enjoy being responsible for the spiritual well-being of a particular
group of Christians.
48. I know how to use verbal communication to effectively relate
thoughts and ideas to others.
49. I am able to explain God's Word in such a way that others under-
stand it.
50. Praising God in song is one of my favorite spiritual exercises.
51. I feel that I have a special spiritual insight in selecting the best alter-
native in a difficult situation.
52. I like to use “words” in the same way that an accomplished artist
uses “paint.”
53. Setting goals and objectives and making plans to reach and accom-
plish them is something I do well.
54. I like using my imagination to come up with something worthwhile.
55. I can just sense whether an idea or effort is of God or man.
56. I sometimes get frustrated when others do not seem to share their
faith with unbelievers as much as I do.
57. Motivating others to a higher level of spiritual commitment comes
easily for me.
58. People seem to view me as a person who truly believes that, with
God, everything is possible.
59. I have a real passion for wanting to see visitors and outsiders feel
60. Rather than feel irritated when new appeals of need come, I wel-
come them, consider them seriously, and often respond.
61. I enjoy accomplishing necessary tasks that others would consider
mundane or insignificant.
62. My home is always open to people passing through who need a
place to stay.
63. Others have told me that my playing a musical instrument has been
a blessing to them.
64. I regularly feel compelled to pray specifically for people or circum-
65. I have an ongoing desire to learn as much as I can so that I might
better understand God and His creation.
66. When I speak, people seem to listen and agree.
67. I like working with tools.
68. I possess an unusual capacity to understand the feelings of those in
69. I like to build bridges with people of other cultures and languages so
that I might share Christ with them.
70. Being involved in the launching of a new congregation sounds excit-
ing to me.
71. The truths of God's Word compel me to speak out concerning vari-
ous issues and behaviors.
72. I really do not mind being interrupted so as to assist someone else.
73. My heart aches when individuals I know stop coming to church and I
want to do something to try and restore them.
74. I am able to verbally read from a printed text and yet come across
as personal and conversational.
75. I like devoting considerable time to learning Biblical truths in order
to communicate them to others.
76. Raising my voice in song to the glory of the Lord is a source of
great blessing for me.
77. When others have a problem, I am frequently able to provide them
with Godly direction and options.
78. I like expressing myself through creative writing.
79. Delegating tasks to others comes quite easily for me.
80. I experience great satisfaction working with lines, colors, objects,
and images.
81. The genuineness of an individual’s spirit is quickly evident to me.
82. I proclaim God’s message of salvation to where unbelievers are
drawn into a connected relationship with Jesus.
83. I take real delight in reaching out to and encouraging inactive or
uninvolved Christians.
84. I seem to have more confidence than others that God can and will
accomplish the impossible.
85. It is very important to me that the people of God gather for wor-
ship, prayer, instruction and sharing.
86. Committing a generous portion of my financial resources to the
work of the Lord brings me great joy.
87. I enjoy accomplishing certain routine tasks even though I may
never receive any recognition for doing it.
88. I enjoy preparing and serving meals for the benefit of others.
89. I have sensed closeness with God as a result of playing instrument.

90. I find myself praying when I possibly should be doing other things.
91. I have a hungry curiosity to know all kinds of things, and a restless
mind that wants to know how everything fits.
92. I am a person of vision and am able to communicate that vision to
others so that they commit to making it a reality.
93. I find joy in building or repairing things which serve to benefit others.
94. I sense joy in helping and comforting people in difficult situations.
95. People of a different race or culture have been attracted to me,
and we have related well.
96. When driving around, I have sometimes thought: “This would be a
great location for a church!”
97. I have stood firm in love and shown others how their way of walk-
ing would end only in futility, death and judgment.
98. I look for ways to lend a hand whenever I can and wherever I am.
99. I am willing to take the initiative in helping other Christians grow
even further in their faith.
100. I like to be expressive with my voice when talking in front of others.
101. I like taking difficult truths from God’s Word and conveying them
in a way that is clear and concise.
102. I enjoy singing with others and others find joy in singing with me.
103. People with spiritual problems seem to come to me for advice
and counsel.
104. I find that I do my clearest thinking when I discipline myself to put
my thoughts on paper.


0 – Not true to me 1 – Very rarely 2 – Sometimes 3 – Often 4 - Consistently

Value for answers totals Spiritual Gifts

1. 27. 53. 79. ADMINISTRATION
2. 28. 54. 80. ARTISTRY
3. 29. 55. 81. DISCERNMENT
4. 30. 56. 82. EVANGELISM
5. 31. 57. 83. EXHORTATION
6. 32. 58. 84. FAITH
7. 33. 59. 85. FELLOWSHIP
8. 34. 60. 86. GIVING
9. 35. 61. 87. HELPS
10. 36. 62. 88. HOSPITALITY
11. 37. 63. 89. INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC
12. 38. 64. 90. INTERCESSION
13. 39. 65. 91. KNOWLEDGE
14. 40. 66. 92. LEADERSHIP
16. 42. 68. 94. MERCY
17. 43. 69. 95. MISSIONARY
18. 44. 70. 96. MISSION PLANTER
19. 45. 71. 97. PROPHECY
20. 46. 72. 98. SERVING
21. 47. 73. 99. SHEPHERDING
22. 48. 74. 100. SPEECH
23. 49. 75. 101. TEACHING
24. 50. 76. 102. VOCAL MUSIC
25. 51. 77. 103. WISDOM
26. 52. 78. 104. WRITING

Step 3: Spiritual Gifts Analysis

Using the information that you gathered during the previous portion, note those gifts that received the highest
numerical values.
List the three highest gifts below in the Dominant column (there may be some overlap).
List the next three highest gifts below in the Subordinate column (there may be some overlap.
If you are completing this as part of SHAPE, copy the Spiritual Gifts that you listed below over to your Personal

SHAPE Profile (First Page)

Dominant Gifts Subordinate Gifts

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

We talked about that everyone is called into ministry if you're a Christian. We began to talk about beginning
to identify your unique SHAPE.

S - Spiritual gifts. That's the first thing you look at.

H - Heart. What is your heart? It's what you really love to do. It's your basic motivational pattern. It is you passion.
This is about what motivates you and gets you excited.

A - Abilities. What are my vocational skills that I've learned and what are my natural talents that God has given

P - Personality. We all have unique personalities and temperaments and God doesn't waste personality.He's given
you a unique personality and that is one of the five factors you want to look at in determining what God wants you
to do with your life. We're not just talking about ministry here but we're talking about knowing God's will also. By
look ing at what God made you to be, you understand what God has made you to do.

E - Experiences. God has given you educational experiences, spiritual experiences, painful experiences. These
are all things that God has used in our lives that teach us and mold us and shape us into the vessel He intends for
us to be.

We've looked at Spiritual Gifts. We're going to start talking about HEART OR PASSION.
Just because you're gifted in an area that doesn't mean you're going to be fulfilled in just using that gift. There are
many other factors. There are four other factors you want to look at besides your spiritual gift to determine your min-

You may have heard people say, "I'm using my gift but I just don't get any thrill out of it. I'm just not fulfilled." That's
because they have to look at not only their spiritual gift or gifts (Every believer has at least one and most of us have
many) but they also have to look at their Heart, their Abilities, Personality and Experiences. When we get all five of
these in a match, when it comes into sync with a ministry, then we are going to find fruitfulness and fulfillment.

Where Is Your Heart (Passion)?
Perhaps you have never taken time to sort out and identify the things you are passionate about and highly
motivated to accomplish. As a result, you may not be using your gifts and talents as completely or effectively as you
could. The following assessment will help you to better identify those motivations, desires and inclinations that are at
the center of your heart.


Look over the following HEART CONCEPTS. Check the response that best describes how you feel about the
concept described.

Heart Concept Description That’s not Rarely Often That’s

me me

DESIGN & DE- I love to make something out of nothing. I enjoy getting
VELOP something started from scratch.

PIONEER I love to test out and try new concepts. I am not afraid
to risk failure. Some of you don't like new stuff. You like
it to be five years old before you have to deal with it.
ORGANIZE I love to bring order out of chaos. I enjoy organizing
something that is already started. You can always tell
an organizer. You go home and look in their closet. All
of the clothes are on the hanger the same way and
sometimes even color coordinated. All the shoes are in
the right order.
OPERATE & Some of you love to efficiently maintain some things that
MAINTAIN is already organized.

Notice the three different people here: First the Pio-

neers. They're the people who start something. Then
the Organizers. They're the people who come along and
take something that's already started and get it organ-
ized. Then the Operators/Maintainers come along and
take something that's already organized and they main-
tain it efficiently. Three different kinds of people needed
for the project.
SERVE OR I love to assist others in their responsibility. I enjoy help-
HELP ing others succeed. You say, "I don't have a big need
for me to get the credit but I like helping others suc-
ACQUIRE & I love to shop, collect, or obtain things. I enjoy getting
POSSESS the highest quality for the best price.

EXCELL I love to be the best and make my team the best. I en-
joy setting and attaining the highest standard.

INFLUENCE I love to convert people to my way of thinking. I enjoy

shaping the attitudes and behaviors of others.

PERFORM I love to be on stage and receive the attention of others.

I enjoy being in the limelight. Some of you might say
that doesn't sound too spiritual. But it's actually a neu-
tral thing. It can be used for the Lord in terms of drama,
music, speaking -- all different ways. It can be used for
God or used for yourself.


IMPROVE I love to make things better. I enjoy taking something

that someone else has designed or started and improve
REPAIR I love to fix what is broken or change what is out of date.

LEAD AND BE IN I love to lead the way, oversee and supervise. I enjoy
CHARGE determining how things will be done. Some of you like to
lead and some don't.
PERSEVERE I love to see things to completion. I enjoy persisting at
something until it is finished. Some of you, your basic
motivation in life is you just don't know how to quit. Good
or bad you keep on keeping on until the job is done.
FOLLOW THE I love to operate by policies and procedures. Some peo-
RULES ple don't enjoy operating in a very fluid environment.
That's fine. We're all made differently. Some people
enjoy operating when it's clearly spelled out what's ex-
pected and what's not expected. They operate good with
parameters. I enjoy meeting the expectations of an or-
ganization or boss.

PREVAIL I love to fight for what is right and oppose what is wrong.
I enjoy overcoming injustice. Some people have a knack
to be crusaders. They have an ability and a desire...
They always have a cause. Once one thing is settled,
they get another cause.

Review your responses.

Circle the top three (3) Heart Concepts that says “THAT’S ME” or the ones that best describe you and list them below in right
order. Remember to transfer your responses over to your Personal SHAPE Profile (First Page).

1. ________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________

STEP 2: Identify your PEOPLE PASSION

Choose the following people group on whom you feel you can make the greatest impact

I love to be with or work with…

Infants/Babies College/Early Career Youth Empty Nesters

Toddlers Singles Older Adults 60+
Preschool Children Young Married Women
Elementary Children Couples Men
Middle School Youth Families Adults
High School Youth Single Parents Children/Youth

From these selections, CIRCLE the one which you feel strongest about. Remember to transfer your response over to your Per-
sonal SHAPE Profile (First Page).
STEP 3: Identify your “CAUSES” PASSION
Choose the following CAUSES you feel led to champion!
I feel strongly or get excited about…
Parenting Sanctity of Life Mobilizing People for Ministry
Families/Marriage Homelessness Worship
At-Risk Children Drug/Alcohol Recovery Policy and/or Politics
Abuse/Violence Illegal logging Poverty Issues
Financial Management Animal welfare Business and the Economy
Divorce Recovery Military Issues Relief Efforts
Grief Recovery Sexuality &Gender Issues Ethics
Disabilities/Support Issues Health Issues Fare hike Issues
Deafness Education Science and/or Technology
Blindness OFW welfare Environment
Law and/or Justice System Corruption International and Global affairs
Other Issues _______________________
From these selections, CIRCLE the one which you feel strongest about. Remember to transfer your re-
sponse over to your personal SHAPE Profile (First Page).

STEP 4: Identify your “MINISTRY” PASSION

Some of these ministries may still be non-existent in our church but let us just assume we have all of these.
Identify the ministries you really want to be in.
Song leading Outreach Bible study Teaching Sunday School
Choir Church Planting Assistant Teacher
Back up Feeding program Small Group leader
Instrumentalist Outreach Visitation Teaching
Sound system Outreach VBS Vacation Bible School
Choreography Medical Mission Sunday School Superintendent


Worship Leading Prayer coordinator One to one discipleship
Ushering Prayer leader Small group Discipleship
Lights and sounds Song Leader Campus ministry
Tambourine Dance Prayer Request preparation Camp Coordinator
Drama team Prayer warrior Small Group Director
Mime Dawn watch Maturity Class teacher
Stage Décor Prayer and Fasting Tutorial Class


Hospital Visitation PowerPoint Mission Director
House Visitation Projectionist Kairos Coordinator
Prison Ministry Web design Short term missions
Counseling Printing Correspondence
Widow Visitation Material Production Missions Fund

Others _______________ _____________________ ___________________

From these selections, CIRCLE three (3) to which you feel most drawn. Remember to transfer your re-
sponse over to your Personal SHAPE Profile (First Page).


STEP 5: Identify your “GOD-SIZED” PASSION

If you knew you couldn’t fail, what would you attempt to do for God?

Is there anything else about which you feel strongly?

Remember to transfer your response over to your Personal SHAPE Profile (First Page).

ABILITIES – this is your area of skill and vocational training that can be used in the ministry. Let us take a
look at some biblical example:

Paul (Acts 18:2-3) _______________ Peter (Mark 1:16) __________________

Five Misconceptions about Abilities (Skills and Talents)

Myth 1: People are not born with skills. All skills must be learned by experience.
This simply is not true. There are a number of skills that seem to be inborn, or are developed very early in
infancy. When people say: “He just comes by it naturally” it is probably true.

Myth 2: Those skills that must be learned are learned primarily in the classroom.
Actually, some of your most basic skills were learned at home, “in the street,” or somewhere else outside
the classroom.

Myth 3: If you have certain abilities, you will be very aware that you have them.
Again, this is not true. You are probably using a number of talents or skills of which you are not even
aware. You need some process of skill identification.

Myth 4: Skills that I use at work are only usable in that environment, not in ministry.
Hopefully, as you continue to grow in your faith, you will see the fallacy of this idea. Be creative! You might
be delightfully surprised with how your skills can be put to use in the work of Christ’s kingdom and the ministry of
our congregation.

Myth 5: Most people have very few abilities.

The truth is that many national studies have proven that the average person possesses from five hundred
to seven hundred skills! What are your skills and vocational training that can be used for the ministry?


Artistic Ability: To conceptualize, picture, draw, paint, photograph, or make renderings.

Athletic Ability: To perform in sports and athletics
Classifying Ability: To systematize and file books, data, records and materials so they can be retrieved
Composing Ability: To write music and/or lyrics.
Counseling Ability: To listen, encourage and guide with sensitivity.
Counting Ability: To work with numbers, data, or money.
Decorating Ability: To beautify a setting for a special event.


Editing Ability: To proofread or rewrite.

Entertaining Ability: To perform, act, dance, speak.
Evaluating Ability: To analyze data and draw conclusions.
Feeding Ability: To create meals for large or small groups.
Graphics Ability: To lay out, design, create visual displays, images, graphics, or banners.
High Tech Ability: To accomplish various tasks using technological tools/equipment.
Interviewing Ability: To discover what others are really like.
Landscaping Ability: To do gardening and work with plants, trees, flowers, etc.
Managing Ability: To supervise people to accomplish a task or event and coordinate the details involved.
Mechanical Operating Ability: To operate equipment, tools, or machinery.
Multi-Media Ability: To conceptualize, create, edit, utilize audio/video media.
Musical Ability: To play an instrument or sing.
Planning Ability: To strategize, design and organize programs, activities.
Promoting Ability: To advertise or promote events and activities.
Public Relations Ability: To handle complaints and unhappy customers with care and courtesy.
Recall Ability: To remember or recall names and faces, events.
Recruiting Ability: To enlist and motivate people to get involved.
Repairing Ability: To fix, restore, maintain.
Researching Ability: To read, gather information, collect data.
Resourceful Ability: To search out and find inexpensive materials or resources needed.
Teaching Ability: To explain, train, demonstrate, tutor.
Welcoming Ability: To convey warmth, develop rapport, making others feel comfortable.
Writing Ability: To write articles, letters, books, stories.

Copy your Specialized Abilities over to your Personal SHAPE Profile (First Page).

PERSONAL TYPE – this is your way of relating with others and the manner in which God has molded you that de-
termines the manner in which you serve at your greatest potential.

Write your name on this space: ________________________

Write your name using the opposite hand on this space: ___________________________

What Happened?
When you tried to do something that was not natural to you…
You felt uncomfortable.
I t took extra time and effort.
You could do it, but continuing would decrease your motivation and could even lead to burn out.

The same things are true when we try to minister in areas that are not suited to our personality. God wired
your temperament in a unique way. This factor is very important as you seek to find your place in the ministry of
our Lord Jesus Christ.

Let’s take a look at this story:
Pedro and Juan are two individuals with two different personalities. Pedro is an outgoing guy. He loves to
be with people and he enjoys his work as marketing supervisor. He is a person who can easily adapt to changes
and is not bothered with on the spot assignments. When he goes on vacation, he is the type of person who would
just jump into his car and go where his feet would lead him to. Juan is the opposite. He doesn’t want to be with peo-
ple. He would rather stay in his table and do what he has committed himself to do that day. Juan is not comfortable
with on the spot assignment and he is quite slow in adapting to changes. He likes status quo. He doesn’t close his
day without planning what to do the next day.

Pedro and Juan are two individuals with two different relational styles and they do their job well and are
efficient if they are placed in the right kind of work that matched their personalities. It is therefore important for us to
discover our personality or relational style to maximize our effectiveness in the ministry.

Here, we are going to use a four-category model that has been proven overtime and has strong scientific
support on discovering our relational styles. Written by Ken Vogos in his book titled “Understanding How Others
Misunderstand You.” Voges used the letters DISC to represent the four primary relational styles.

D stands for “dominance”

I stands for the “influencing” style
S is the “steadiness” style
C represents the “conscientious” style

Here is how these letters compare to other models based on similar theories.


Dominance Lion Choleric
Influencing Otter Sanguine
Steadiness Golden Retriever Phlegmatic
Conscientious Beaver Melancholic

Instructions: Your focus in taking this survey is to select your instinctive behaviour and not what you perceive is
the best response. There are no right or wrong answers.


How to respond: Rank each horizontal row of words on a scale of 4,3,2,1 with 4 being the word that best describes
you and 1 being the least like you. Use all rankings in each line only once. Below is an example:

1 forceful 4 lively 2 Modest 3 Tactful

Dominant Influencing Steadiness Conscientiousness

_____Forceful _____Lively _____Modest _____Tactful
_____Aggressive _____Emotional _____Accommodating _____Consistent
_____Direct _____Animated _____Agreeable _____Accurate
_____Tough _____People-oriented _____Gentle _____Perfectionist
_____Daring _____Impulsive _____Kind _____Cautious
_____Competitive _____Expressive _____Supportive _____Precise
_____Risk Taker _____Talkative _____Relaxed _____Factual
_____Argumentative _____Fun-loving _____Patient _____Logical
_____Bold _____Spontaneous _____Stable _____Organized
_____Take Charge _____Optimistic _____Peaceful _____Conscientious
_____Candid _____Cheerful _____Loyal _____Serious
_____Independent _____Enthusiastic _____Good listener _____High standards

______ Total ______ Total ______ Total ______ Total

Note: If your four totals do not add up to 120, you did not complete the survey correctly or you made a mistake in
adding up the totals. Recheck your work.

Tallying your score:

1. If you have not added your scores on each of the vertical columns, please do so now. Then, in the large square
above the first column, write the letter “D” second “I” third “S” and fourth “C.” Transfer each of the DISC totals from
the bottom of the survey to the boxes below.


2. Using these totals, plot your DISC dimensions on the graph show here; then connect the four points.

High Style DISC Profile High Style

48 48

44 44 Strong

40 40

36 36
32 32 Middle
28 28

24 24 Strong

20 20

16 16

12 12 Extreme

Personality Description Strengths weaknesses Example

Dominant Works towards achieving goals and Direct Too Controlling Paul
results; functions best in an active, Active Hates routine
challenging environment. Decisive Hates detail
Influencing Works toward relating to people Gregarious Not remembering Barnabas
through verbal persuasion; functions Enthusiastic the goal
best in a friendly, favorable environ- Very Flexible Poor follow through
ments Overlook details
Steadiness Works towards supporting and coop- Cooperative Fails to confront Abraham
erating with others; functions best in Deliberate Dislikes change
supportive, harmonious relationship supportive Too compromising
Conscientious Works towards doing things right and Detailed Inflexible Moses
focuses on details; functions best on Conscientious Rigid
a secured , orderly environment Cautious Indecisive

EXPERIENCE – God is a God is History. He works in our lives through the events that He allows to happen in our
lives. As we look back, there are significant experiences in our lives that can be used for the ministry. Paul for exam-
ple, he was a Jew yet a Roman citizen. He was a Pharisee and was familiar with the law and the Old Testament as
a whole. He was also schooled under the best teacher of his time. These experiences became necessary founda-
tions for Paul’s calling as an apostle, missionary and writer of several books of the New Testament.

Painful and sad experiences:

God uses our painful and sad experiences to mould us and make us better persons. It has been said that “God
never wastes a hurt.” A couple who experienced the pain of losing a child can be the best persons to counsel and
help those who experience the same. What are your painful experiences that you think could be used for the minis-

Spiritual Markers:
At some points in our lives we experience “spiritual encounters” with God that changed our lives and made us closer
to God. We call these “turning points” as spiritual markers. What are the spiritual markers you can identify in your


Go back and fill out your SHAPE Profile on the first page.

Networks: Putting right people in right places by Bill Hybels
Discovering my SHAPE (Class 301) by Rick Warren
Jesus on Leadership by Gene Wilkes
Personal Ministry Profile by Carmel Lutheran Church


Bayanihan Church Planting
ALLTEE—this training is very essential for your lead- CTOS
ers. In CAMACOP, the elders of the church are required
to have studied at least the first of the six ALLTEE books.
How to conduct an ALLTEE training in your Church? Commissioning

To conduct an ALLTEE training in your church, you Shape Assessment Class

need to coordinate with ALLTEE coordinators assigned in
your area. They will guide you on how to set up an ALL-
TEE training in your church.
This training material has been tested in CAMACOP for
years. Pastors, lay workers, church planters and a lot of
church leaders can attest how beneficial this material is to
As a denomination our goal is not only to minister
their spiritual growth and maturity. ALLTEE is a series of
to our people here in our country but to the people around
pastoral theology books from the book of Matthew.
the world. CAMACOP’s ministry extends beyond our
shores to the islands and continents beyond. Our ministry
is to all the nations of the world. As a pastor and equipper KAIROS
of your church, you need to keep the fire of missions burn-
KAIROS is a week-long missions course design to inform,
ing in your church. KAIROS course is one of the venues in
challenge and invigorate the church for world missions. This
which your leaders and members be fired up for missions.
training is for pastors, leaders and members of the church.
To access this course for your church, you may contact
your DMS for information regarding the schedule, place Conducted by accredited facilitators and trainers, KARIOUS
has already created a wave of missions awareness and ac-
and other details of the training.
tual missionary endeavors among CAMACOP churches.
CTOS—is an outreach mobilization SEMINAR for the
whole church. Refer to the CTOS for details and guide-
Bayanihan Church Planting is one of the church planting
models CAMACOP is adopting. BCP aims to help mobilize
local churches for church planting. The whole process of
planting a daughter church through BCP is basically based
“You don’t need a lot of money to be able to plant a daugh-
upon Dave White’s “Ten Steps to Plant a daughter church.”
ter church”, this is what Bayanihan Church Planting has
In line with CAMACOP’s goal to plant more churches, BCP
been saying, Your church can plant a daughter church in
seeks to help local churches create a church planting team
one year with minimal budget. What are the steps you
from its local leaders and members. Once a team is created,
need to take if you adopt this vision?
they will be coached and guided through the ten steps of
planting a daughter church and expected to establish a
The first step you need to do as a pastor is to attend,
together with two of your key leaders, the BCP Orien- daughter church in one year.
tation. It is a one-day event giving you the big picture,
The first step in adopting BCP in your church is to attend
strategy, viability and all the information you need to
a one-day ORIENTATION. In this orientation, the BCP
know regarding BCP.
strategies and plan of action is presented and discussed. It
Commit to do church planting ministry using the BCP
is in this orientation that churches decide whether they would
ten steps to planting a daughter church.
Cast the vision to your church. You need the whole commit to adopt the BCP program. Those churches who
would commit to the program will be assisted in creating their
church’s support in planting a daughter church.
Church Planting team and will be coached through the ten
Organize a team in your church for church planting.
steps of planting a daughter church. One Saturday of every
The team can be led by an elder or a deacon , one
month, the local church’s team attends the BCP network
with a desire and passion for church planting.
Attend the once-a-month networks meetings. meeting where they will coached, guided and helped to suc-
cessfully plant a daughter church.

In line with CAMACOP’s present denominational thrust in church planting and expansion, ALL-TEE is designed to
provide certain people with an AUTHORIZED alternate route to church planting and pastoral ministry. It is de-
signed for those who may not be able to attend a regular CAMACOP training college because of family or other
social and economic responsibilities.

A secondary purpose will be accomplished, then, by others who will be a strong and vital by-product of the program:
WELL-TRAINED LAY men and women who will minister in their local churches.


This theory of learning has been summarized in four principles: SMALL STEPS, ACTIVE RESPONDING, IMME-
DIATE CONFIRMATION, AND SELF-PACING (or going at your own speed.)


Easy-to-take STEPS enable the student to avoid errors which are discouraging to him. It has long been known
that active participation of the student in the learning process is more effective than passive listening.

The student is introduced to a small amount of material and then is required to respond to it by answering a ques-
tion or doing an assigned task. These SMALL STEPS are referred to as program FRAMES. Small steps are not always
just one or two statements. Just as a small step for an adult is not the same size as a small step for a baby, so you will find
larger amounts of information will still be a ‘small ‘ step for you as you grow in your understanding and knowledge.

These ACTIVE RESPONSES of the student can be written or oral and may include feeling, acting, thinking, and accepting
or rejecting small amounts of information. The response may be few words, sometimes even a single word, or it may be a
complicated activity which requires him to apply a technique that has been learned.

IMMEDIATE CONFIRMATION is based on the theory that the learner is reinforced by answering correctly and succeeding.
If it is not correct, he should be directed immediately to the correct response. Prompt correction of error contributes to
Since programs are self-instructional, they allow persons to move at their own SPEED. Some people learn more
rapidly than others, and the rapid learner becomes bored if held back by slower learner. The speed with which the pro-
gram is done is not as important as completing all that is required in the process. Both the quicker student and the slower
student should have about the same understanding of the material if they both complete the work.


Dr. Ted Ward created the Split – Rail Fence analogy to visually illustrate the three components of the TEE model that work
together to provide a comprehensive study program for adult education.


A specialized training of engaging ministry of the W.I.D.E.R. program

CTOS Overview
Church Team Outreach Seminar (CTOS) is the CAMACOP national evangelists equipping program to help local
churches effectively engage in evangelism and church planting in the communities.

The CTOS offered four methods in order to mobilize local churches for effective evangelism and church planting.
The following are four evangelism training manuals of CTOS. These are by no means an end; it is, however, a
beginning, a basic guideline, methods that will help every believer win people to Christ.

Lifestyle Evangelism (1-1/2 day seminar)

This equipping method is described as evangelism that everyone can do because it is one form of evangel-
ism that makes use of existing relationships, the most natural, the most simple, the most productive form
of evangelism. This is a one and half day seminar using a 20 page teaching manual.

Church Team outreach evangelism (4 days seminar)

Church Team Outreach is an evangelistic method of preaching the Gospel to lost people and mobilizing the
body of Christ, primarily through effective church team outreach. Church leaders are equipped to lead
church members to be effective evangelistic team. The seminar takes 4 days using an 80 page teach-
ing manual.

Church based evangelism (3 days seminar)

Church based evangelism is a form of evangelism to mobilize the local church to invite their love ones,
friends and neighbor to attend church based evangelistic meeting to hear the Gospel and to give op-
portunity for personal counseling and commitment for follow-up. The seminar takes 3 days using a 50
page teaching manual.

Crusade event (4 weeks seminar-once for each month)

The crusade event seminar is to equip churches to utilize their spiritual gifts and calls for unity to make the
gospel known to the people in the community, gathered in one place. A series of 4 weeks training ses-
sion are required in order for the church to have proper preparation, presentation and preservation of
the event.

Each of the method includes inspirational messages, Biblical and historical perspective, instructional lectures,
workshop and practicum.

At the end of each seminar, only those who have had a 100% attendance and participated in the practicum will
receive a certificate. Interested Participants who wanted to qualify as trainers should complete the five steps
process to become CTOS trainer associates.

If you want more information and interested to have one of those seminars in your District or local church please
contact CAMACOP national evangelists: Luzon, Rev. Isachar Losbanes, E-mail:; Mobile
no: 09394170828. Visayas, Rev. Eliezer Fiel, E-mail: Mobile no. 09102048017 and Rev.
Rolly Bustamante, Mobile no:09107745594 Mindanao, Rev. Anecito Sabanal, E-mail: Mobile no: 09062001720.
Bayanihan Church Planting

NOW, your church can plant a daughter Church!

Low Budget
Coaches provided


How to start a Bayanihan Church Planting process in your church?

1. Attend a Bayanihan Church planting in your area.

Ask your DMS for the BCP orientation Schedule in your area.
Bring two or three of your CMT members in the orientation

2. Join the network and apply the ten steps

Spend time in prayer before you make a commitment to join the process.
Make a commitment to do your best to plant a daughter church in one year
through the BCP process.

10 Formally organize the new church

9 Continue nurture and outreach

8 Form a fellowship
7 Nurture the new believers
6 Start outreach bible Studies
5 Make contacts
4 Confirm the target area

3 Set a goal and write plans

2 Mobilize a team

1 Impart vision to your church


I Corinthians 10: 31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever
you do, do it all for the glory of God. Hebrews 10:24–25 commands, “let us consider
how to stir up one another to love and good works,
Definitions: not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of
some, but encouraging one another.” When God’s
Worship means giving honor to a supernatural or divine
people gather for corporate worship, church lead-
being. Worship is essentially giving, not getting. Basically, ers must ensure the methods they employ align
it involves the giving of oneself and everything he has to with six biblical principles for worship.
God, the Creator, Sustainer and Redeemer.
Worship is making God number one in every area of our
Worship is giving God is rightful worth and value. CENTERED
Worship is loving God back with all our heart, soul, mind
and strength. Worship is not an occasion for us to hear ser-
mons about us, sing songs about us, or focus
CORPORATE WORSHIP on how to make ourselves feel happily in-
The gathering of the body of Christ for the purpose of spired. Since we are prone to worship our-
exalting, listening and responding to God corporately in unity selves as idols, corporate worship is an impor-
and through the enabling of the Holy Spirit. tant occasion to redirect our worship back to
(Mark Driscoll)
1. Preaching of the Word (2 Timothy 4:2) 2. CORPORATE WORSHIP SHOULD BE IN-
2. Prayer ( I Tim. 2:1) TELLIGIBLE
3. Singing and playing of music (Col. 3:16)
4. Communion and baptism (Matt 28:19;1 Corinthians Worship should be intelligible. This means that
11:17–34) not only is the service conducted in the known
5. Reading Scripture (1 Timothy 4:13) language of the hearers, but also that technical
6. Financial giving (2 Corinthians 8–9) doctrinal terms are explained so everyone un-
derstands what is being said and sung. This
PERSONAL WORSHIP also means the pastor should not seek to im-
Personal worship is both a discipline and an attitude press the congregation with his vast knowl-
of coming to God’s presence personally for the purpose of edge of Greek and Hebrew terms, but as John
exalting God, seeking His will in prayer, accepting His grace, Calvin and other Reformers argued, love his
listening to His Word and responding in faith, love and ser- people by speaking to them plainly; the pastor
vice. should want the people to be impressed with
Jesus Christ rather than himself.
Is a time spent alone in isolation mainly for reflection, wor-
“To worship is to quicken the conscience by
ship, prayer and fasting.
the holiness of God, to feed the mind with the
QUITE TIME truth of God, to purge the imagination by the
A daily time of personal prayer, worship, study and reflec- beauty of God, to open the heart to the love of
tion of the Word. God, to devote the will to the purpose of God.
All this is gathered up in that emotion which
PERSONAL RETREAT most cleanses us from selfishness because it
An extended period of time of personal study of the word, is the most selfless of all emotions– adora-
worship, reflection and prayer. It is also appropriate to include fast- tion.” - William Temple
ing in this discipline.



Because there are non-Christians present in corporate worship

meetings, people leading those meetings need to be hospitable
to non-Christians. This would include the preacher presenting "Without worship, we
the gospel to the non-Christians, someone explaining why the go about miserable."
church meetings have certain elements such as communion or
singing, and explaining Christian terms in a way that allows the A. W. Tozer
non-Christian to understand what the Bible says. This does not
mean that the entire service is to be seeker-sensitive and de-
signed mainly as an evangelistic rally, but a sincere effort is
made to help non-Christians understand and experience the


If someone wants to express their personal response to God in a way that draws undue attention to them and
distracts from others responding to God, they should do that kind of thing at home in private. The meeting is for
corporate response to God, not just individual response. In worship, God gives to his people truth, love, hope,
and the like, and anyone who distracts others from receiving what God has for them and focusing on God needs
to be rebuked so they may mature and learn to consider others more highly than themselves, as Scripture says.


While the Bible does not prescribe or describe any church service order, it is important that such meetings actu-
ally function with enough administrative foresight to be useful and not frustrating and distracting for the worship-
ers. While no church is perfect, nor is the goal of corporate worship meetings an impressive performance, musi-
cians who cannot keep time, singers who cannot sing, audio speakers with continual feedback, long awkward
pauses because no one knows what is happening next, and people speaking in tongues or prophesying out of
turn in a way the Bible forbids are all things that distract people from being able to focus on God and falsely por-
tray God as chaotic.


Human beings are, as God’s image-bearers, culture makers, receivers, and interpreters. Subsequently, it is non-
sensical for Christians to ignore culture or assume Christianity, is in itself, a culture that exists completely sepa-
rated from the cultures in which the church exists. To be missional, a church meeting has to fit the culture it is in
rather than being a subculture imported from another time or place. This does not mean that older traditions (e.g.,
hymns, creeds) are not used, but they are used because they contribute to informing faithful worship of God
rather than perpetuating a dated form that is no longer best for ministry. Still, this must be done with great theo-
logical reflection so as to not turn artistic expression and music into idols.


Worshipers the Father Seeks

Aims: That my learners will:

1. Know the meaning and importance of true worship;
2. Commit themselves to worship God with all their beings; and
Participate actively in worship services in their communities of faith.

Main Scripture Reference: Psalm 24:3-6.

Memory Verse: “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the
Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must
worship in the Spirit and in truth” (John 4:23-24, NIV).

In Advance
Pray for the Spirit’s enlightenment as you study God’s word regarding worship and be able to teach your
learners with confidence.
Memorize: “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in
the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must
worship in the Spirit and in truth” (John 4:23-24, NIV).
Read this lesson guide, especially the Scripture portions cited.
Prepare: Clean pieces of paper and pencils; white/black board and markers/chalk.

Session Time
(Class setting)

Welcome one and all.
Ask: Suppose Jesus paid a personal visit to your barangay (town or city) today (Sunday), which
church do you think would he go to? (Pause for the question to sink in their minds).
Say: Imagine Jesus entering a church gathered in worship inside a beautiful building with plenty of
singing and clapping accompanied by musicians, featuring the most talented song leader in your
barangay (town or city). (Pause for effect.) Then imagine him going to a second church where
the preaching is skillful and spellbinding. (Pause, again.) Again, picture him in your mind visiting
a friendly church which has many social activities and community service projects. But he
passes by all of the three churches. Down the road he finds yet another church. Perhaps it lacks
the strengths of the other three churches, but Jesus settles and stays there for the morning wor-
ship service.
Ask: What sets this last church apart? (Allow them a few minutes to give their answers. Appreciate
each one for his answer.)
Say: What sets this last church apart is their commitment to God. They love God.

Transition sentence: In our lesson today, we will attempt to know and understand the meaning of true worship
from the Bible so that we can truly worship God personally and corporately.


Say: The matter of personal and corporate commitment is basic to the life of a church. For no matter how
many religious activities a church performs, it ceases to be a true church of Jesus Christ if it loses its
commitment to God. Neither quality music, nor good preaching, nor charitable services matters to
God unless it comes as an expression of our love and devotion to Him.
Ask: When we come to praise and worship God in church on Sundays, do we really praise and worship
Him? (Give a minute to allow them to think about the question. If someone wants to think aloud, rec-
ognize him).
Say: Sometimes (oftentimes?) we are not really praising and worshipping God, although we look like we
are. We are good actors and we make people (and ourselves) believe that we adore God when in
reality we are not. We only play the praise and worship game.
Ask: How should we come before God to express our sincere devotion to Him? (Just ask the question
without expecting an answer).
Pray: (For God to challenge each one from His word; for each one to open his heart and mind to the
Spirit of truth; for the Spirit to speak to each one in terms he understands).
Say: Please turn with me to John 4:23. (Allow everyone a couple of seconds to open his Bible to the
Scripture verse). It says here that God is in search of true worshipers.
Ask: What is worship? (Allow each one, if possible, to give his answer briefly. Accept every answer).
Define: (First, define worship negatively. Tell briefly what worship is not.) Say: Some people go to
church for what they can get from the worship service. They go to church for what will entertain
Say: This is one reason some Christians hop or move from one church to another. They look for fellow-
ship of believers whose worship services will “bless” them—to use a Christian word. People would
say, Kina Pastor Juan dela Cruz na kami nagsisimba ngayon. Mas nakaka-bless ang pagsasamba
nila doon! Sumama na kayo sa amin.
Ask: Why are our churches usually full on special Sundays? (Probable answer: Maraming blessing ang
matatanggap ‘pag Special Sunday).
Say: True worship is not getting something from a worship service. Ask: What then is true worship?
(Provide each one with paper and pencil and give him enough time to write his answer. After each
one is done, ask two or three individuals to read what they have written).
Define: Worship means giving honor to a supernatural or divine being. Worship is essentially giving, not
getting. Basically, it involves the giving of oneself and everything he has to God, the Creator, Sus-
tainer and Redeemer.
Ask: Is worship really necessary and important? (Give them time to think aloud).
Say: Worship is necessary and important because the eternal future or destiny of a person depends on
who he worships. This is the reason God is looking for true worshipers. God the Father sent His only
Son to the world “to seek and to save the lost” (Luke 19:10). God became a human being to look for
people who will truly worship Him “in the Spirit and in truth”.
Group work: (Ask each one to open his Bible to Psalm 24:3-6. Allow each one enough time to read the
verses silently. Then divide the class into three groups). Instruct: Read once more Psalm 24:3-6
with understanding and find out the answers to the following guide questions: Who is a true wor-
shiper? What characterizes a true worshiper? (Write the questions on the board. When the time you
allot is over, find out what each group has discovered and compare the answers. The answers from
the text are: a) “He who has clean hands”; b) “He who has… a pure heart”; and, “[T]hose who seek
Ask: What does “clean hands” mean? What does “a pure heart” mean? What does “those who seek
God” mean? (Give them time to answer).
Discuss: “Clean hands” means obedience to God. A true worshiper does what God tells him to do. His

hands are clean and he does only those things that give glory to God. “A pure heart” means having
the right motive. Why do people go to church? To show off? To see other people show off? But how
many go to church services to actually worship God? “Those who seek him” refers to those who pur-
sue God. Like Paul, their ultimate goal in life is to know Christ and to become like him (see Philippi-
ans 3:10).
Emphasize: A true worshiper: a) is obedient to God; b) his motives are right; and, c) pursues God.
Ask: How does one become a true worshiper? (Allow one or two to answer briefly). Then Say: If you are
a true believer and follower of Jesus, you belong to the body of Christians called the church. Like the
nation of Israel in the Old Testament, God created the church for His own glory and praise (see
Isaiah 43:7, 21; I Peter 2:9 and Ephesians 3:21).The ultimate purpose of God’s people (that is, the
church composed of individuals), is to worship God. Christians, therefore, are expected to be true
worshipers of the one, true God. Before he is saved by God, a person is an idolater. He pursues and
serves other gods. God came down to earth to seek and save the lost and to seek true worshipers.
Only by believing and following Jesus can one become a true worshiper of God.
Ask: How do we express our worship to God in visible bodily actions? (Allow each one to respond
Say: In the Bible, especially in the Psalms, there are bodily actions or gestures related to praise and
worship, such as: a) bowing or kneeling (Psalm 95:6); b) shouting for joy (Psalm 98:4); c) singing
(Psalm 18:49); d) making music (Psalm 33:2-3; 98:5); e) clapping (Psalm 47:1; 98:8); f) dancing
(Psalm 149:3; 2 Samuel 6:14; Jeremiah 31:4); g) lifting up of hands (Psalm 134:2); h) spreading out
of hands (Psalm 143:6); and, i) rejoicing (Psalm 40:16). Then Ask: Do we do these actions when we
worship God alone or in a group? If no, why?
Say: Worship is not just a Sunday activity. It is a way of life. Ask: How does one show a worshipful atti-
tude in his everyday life?
Inform: One of the ways one shows an attitude of true worship is by winning others to Jesus. (Ask each
one to turn to Romans 15:16. Allow each one to read the verse silently). Explain: In Romans 15:16
Paul considered the people he persuaded to believe and follow Christ as acceptable offerings to

General truth: We have been won by Jesus and integrated into a body of believers that worships the
one, true God. In response to God’s grace, we should worship Him as individuals and as communities of faith
with our whole beings expressed through words and actions that result in winning more people to Jesus by the
enabling of the Spirit.

Say: Telling someone about the gospel and persuading him to follow Jesus is an exciting experience.
Seeing people turn away from sin to Jesus creates an indescribable joy and excitement in your
Ask: Have you ever experienced telling others about Jesus? What did you feel after? (Allow one to tell
his story briefly).
Say: The reason worship services in many of our churches look lifeless is that no one seems to get ex-
cited. The reason no one seems excited is that no one has talked to someone about Jesus over the
past week. We have to employ professional singers and install high-tech sound and musical equip-
ment just to get people excited.
Ask: What do you think would happen to our church if, say, five (5) percent of us win other people to Je-
sus every week? (Look for this answer: Our church would be bursting with singing, dancing, clapping
and rejoicing!)
Say: Let’s get this straight. Worship is not merely an emotional experience, though it includes it. Proba-

bly the best definition there is today on worship is given by a pastor named William Temple because
it describes what happens to the whole being of man in true worship.

Quote: Temple said: “To worship is to quicken the conscience by the holiness of God, to feed the mind
with the truth of God, to purge the imagination by the beauty of God, to open the heart to the love of
God, to devote the will to the purpose of God. All this is gathered up in that emotion which most
cleanses us from selfishness because it is the most selfless of all emotions– adoration.” (Have this
quote written on the board beforehand. Emphasize the underlined words).

Ask: When you worship God either individually or in community, is your whole being (that is, your heart,
soul, strength, and mind) active and involved?

Say: True worship happens when we humbly come before the presence of the holy God who accepts us
just as we are through our Mediator, the Lord Jesus Christ. The quality of worship is not measured
by how well we sing, play music, pray, or preach. True worship happens in the church only when the
Spirit of God is reverenced; the Word of God is proclaimed and obeyed; and the holy ordinances are
properly administered. Worship not done “in the Spirit and in truth” is not true worship at all.

1. Ask: What “activities” do you think should be included in the “order of worship” on Sundays when the church
gathers for worship celebration that would involve the whole being of each one present? How do we make our
worship celebrations joyful? (Give each group time to design its own order of worship. Then compare and cri-
2. Thank each one for participating in the discussion and group activities.
3. Encourage each one to worship God alone in his personal devotions; to initiate family worship time at home;
and, to participate actively in the Sunday community worship in his fellowship or church.

End by thanking God for His presence; for His enlightenment from the Scriptures; and, for the privilege of rejoic-
ing in Him in worship.

W.I.D.E.R. material
Prepared by:

Averell U. Aragon
25 June 2012


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