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National Service Training Program 1

Mountain View College

Worksheet 1
Chapter 1: NSTP Program (RA 9163)

Full Name: Eric John A. Modillas

Section Code: SAE
Course and Year Level: 1st Year AB Theology

Provide what are being asked for. ALWAYS SUBMIT YOUR OUTPUT IN THE MOODLE IN PDF
FORMAT ONLY. Not following this simple instruction will forfeit your chance to earn scores. You may
modify the format of the response box.

1. Show 5 illustrations how NSTP-CWTS students can serve the community. Give a description for
each illustration. You can sketch, use pictures from the internet, or use your personal pictures for
this item. Each illustration will be credited 5 points. Use appropriate pictures.

Donate Unwanted Items
Some people are not fortunate enough to be able to purchase every item at full price. These
people head to shelters or thrift stores to pick up the items necessary for everyday life. Donating
items that are unwanted or no longer used is a great way to help out your community. The gently
used coats, blankets, and shoes in the back of your closet can make a big difference to others,
while cleaning up some of the clutter in your home. Consider donating to local charities and
women’s shelters.

2. Clean the Environment

Take a moment to imagine a beautiful local park. There may be a playground and some botanical
gardens, but you probably didn’t picture trash blowing through the park. Not only does this look
unkempt, but it’s also bad for the environment. In rural areas, you can adopt a section of the
highway to clean up the roadside ditches. Another way to keep the earth clean and beautiful is by
planting trees in your neighborhood.

3. Support the Red Cross

Red Cross is an organization that helps with disaster relief, blood donations, and more. Being a
Red Cross volunteer provides experience in the medical field and allows you to help those in
need. The Red Cross responds to disasters nationwide and helps communities recover. It may be
difficult to see devastated communities, but you could have a part in helping them recover. In
addition, you may meet new friends along the way.
National Service Training Program 1
Mountain View College

4. Aid Your Church Ministry

There's a good chance that churches in your community are seeking volunteer help. Churches
usually host a variety of activities to bring members and non-members together. Some churches
are non-profit organizations, meaning that they have a few staff members on the payroll, and rely
on volunteers to assist with the rest of their activities. In your church, you can help serve, sing in
the choir, hand out offerings, organize church events, or even join a mission trip.

5. Assist Your School

Schools are almost always looking for volunteers, and because they have a wide variety of
activities, you can usually help with an activity that you are interested in. If you prefer to work
with adults, you can be a teacher’s assistant or a working student. If you want to assist children,
you can help serve lunch or watch recess. Volunteering at a local school is a great way to interact
with younger minds and give back to your community.

2. The following are the NSTP Program Outcomes formulated by the NSTP Educators Association
of Region 10 (NEAR 10) in 2015 which are adapted by MVC NSTP.

a) Recognize one’s social responsibilities.

b) Engage in community work
c) Perform the spirit of volunteerism during community-related activities.
d) Demonstrate a deep sense of community.

What can you contribute to help achieve these outcomes? (10 points)
As a responsible NSTP student volunteer, I can contribute to helping achieve these outcomes by
firstly acquaint myself with the needs of society and my community. I must begin with myself
before I advocate for others. By this, I will recognize how I can manage to help to the best of my
capability. Using the learning that I got, I will share this with my fellow students by setting an
example to achieve the outcomes. I may also lead even a small group of students to exercise the
small, simple steps to better the community, whether it may be just by picking fallen leaves and
trash along the road or encourage them to volunteer in community outreach activities.
National Service Training Program 1
Mountain View College

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