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1Task 3 – Describing my family life

Número de grupo:

Nombre del tutor:

Andrés Felipe Chavarro

Nombre del estudiante:

Arlintong Estrada Rivera
Octubre 2021

Universidad Nacional abierta y a distancia-UNAD

Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación ECEDU
English II

Part 1: Watch the videos

Watch the videos and then answer the questions.

(Do not post part 1 in the forum)

Top Notch. (2016, July 10th). Top Notch Fundamentals Unit 4 Street Interview
[Video]. YouTube.

Complete each statement with the correct answer.

1. Rita says, “_____.”

a. I have two children.
b. I have two girls and a boy.
c. I have a boy and a girl.

2. How many children does Mauro have?

a. Three kids
b. One grandson
c. A son and a daughter

3. When the interviewer says, “Do you have any siblings” he means, “Do you have any
a. children
b. brothers or sisters
c. parents

4. Maiko is:
a. The youngest sister
b. The oldest sister
c. an only child

5. Maiko’s brother is
a. Tall, skinny, and handsome
b. Short, fat, and charming
c. Tall, funny, and fit.

TOP NOTCH. (2016, July 10th). Top Notch Fundamentals Unit 4 Sitcom [Video].

Complete the sentences. Circle the correct words.

1. Cheryl has (a son and a daughter / a brother and a sister).

2. Cheryl says her (mother / grandfather) is not old.
3. Cheryl’s sister has a (daughter / husband).
4. Cheryl says her sister’s (son / brother) is so young.

B. Write in front of each statement if it is True or False.

1. Cheryl’s brother is thirty-four. True
2. Cheryl’s brother is an architect. False
3. Cheryl’s brother has a wife. True
4. Cheryl’s sister has a son. True
5. Cheryl’s sister’s husband is a doctor. False
6. Cheryl’s mother is eighty-five. False
7. Cheryl is in one of the pictures. True

Part 2: Writing

a) Describe at least 4 members of your family and 1 friend. Write a paragraph

description for each one including the following information:
- Describe their relationships (e.g., “He is my aunt’s husband”.)
- Describe the physical appearance.
- Personality. Positive and negative qualities (e.g., “My stepfather is really
- Occupations

(Write a short paragraph describing the first family member you choose.)

My mother, my father's wife, is a woman of medium height, with shoulder-length black

hair and thick skin, she is a direct and sincere person with what she thinks, but she tends
to lose patience easily. She’s a housewife.

(Write a short paragraph describing the second family member you choose.)

My father, my mother's husband, is a man of medium height with short gray hair, he is a
hard-working person but sometimes he does not make himself understood well. He’s a

(Write a short paragraph describing the third family member you choose.)

My sister, the daughter of my parents, is a woman of medium height with dyed red hair.
She is a calm person but can sometimes judge people with ease. She’s a business

(Write a short paragraph describing the fourth family member you choose.)

My cousin, my mother's niece, is a tall slim woman with long black hair. she is an
enthusiastic person but she can become obsessive at times. She’s an architect.

(Write a short paragraph describing a friend.)

My friend, the son of a friend of my mother's, is a teenager of medium height with black
hair. He is a loyal and intelligent person, but he is good at lying easily. He’s an
university student.

b) Describe the place where you live.
(Write a short paragraph describing the place where you live)

The place where I live is a common neighborhood with a road where many vehicles
travel, and it is not uncommon for some neighbors to play loud music, so it can get
noisy. Most of the houses have a good superficial appearance and are not dilapidated,
and there are a few trees.

c) Talk about your household routines and chores.

(Write a short paragraph describing your household routines and the chores you
use to do)

In general, in this house there tends to be a relatively quiet environment without much
to highlight, some of us have to do the cleaning at home in generally daytime hours, and
our mother is usually in charge of the food, also most Sundays we usually leave the
house and return a few hours later.

d) Describe your room and the furniture in it.

(Write a short paragraph describing your room)

My room is painted white, there is a single bed, a small table, some drawers, a
wastebasket and a mirror, as well as a printing machine and an exercise machine. Due to
its size, there is not much space left.

Part 3. Reading aloud
Paste here the link to your voice recording.

Part 4: Poster with descriptions
Paste here the link to your poster in Lino it

Speaking encounters*
Paste here the screenshot to evidence your subscription to the speaking encounters for English II.

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