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1. Educate /ˈedʒukeɪt/ (v)
education (n) educational (adj) mang tính giáo dục
General education: giáo dục phổ thông
2. Train (v) rèn luyện, tập huấn training (n) trainer (n) huấn luyện viên, người đào tạo
trai’nee (n) người được huấn luyện đào tạo
3. Science (n) khoa học scientist (n)
scientific (adj) scientifically (adv) về khía cạnh khoa học
4. Brilliant (adj) very excellent brilliance (n) brilliantly (adv)
5. Mature /məˈtʃʊə(r)/ (adj) behave like an adult, chín chắn >< immature (adj)

maturity (n) immaturity (n)

maturely (adv)
6. Harbour (harbor) (v) to keep feelings or thoughts in your mind for a long time, ấp ủ
7. Private tutor (n): personal tutor, gia sư
8. Inter’rupt (v) làm gián đoạn, cắt ngang qua 1 cuộc nói chuyện interruption (n)
9. Live on (phrasal verb): have enough money for the basic things you need to live, sống nhờ cái gì
Ex: You can't live on forty pounds a week.
10. Realize somebody’s dream: achieve somebody’s dream, đạt được ước mơ, biến ước mơ thành sự thật
11. Living conditions: điều kiện sống
12. Earn a degree in + Subject (NAE): take a degree in (BE): lấy bằng lĩnh vực nào đó
Ex: She earned a degree in music.
13. With flying colours (idiom): very well; with a very high mark, với thành tích xuất sắc, điểm số cao
14. Be/ get married to (adj) marry (v) marriage (n)
- Sam and Chris are getting married on Saturday. (action)
- Is he married? (status)
15. From then on (idiom): from that time, từ nay trở về sau, từ thời điểm đó trở về sau
16. Work on sth (phrasal verb): nghiên cứu cái gì đó (DO RESEARCH ON SOMETHING)
17. Research /rɪˈsɜːtʃ/ /ˈriːsɜːtʃ/ (n) researcher (n)
Research /rɪˈsɜːtʃ/ (v)
18. PhD: ‘Doctor of Philosophy, tiến sĩ MA: ‘Master of Arts’, thạc sĩ 
BA: ‘Bachelor of Arts’, cử nhân professor (n)
19. Tragic (adj) thảm khốc tragedy (n) /ˈtrædʒədi/ bi kịch tragically
20. Die (v) death (n) cái chết, ca tử vong
Dead (adj) đã chết >< alive (adj) còn sống
Undead (adj): immortal, unbreakable, bất tử
21. Take up (phrasal verb): tiếp quản công việc
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- He takes up his duties next week.
- This work seems to take up a lot of time. (chiếm/tốn)
- This piano seems to take up too much room. (the meaning in a particular setting)
- He has recently taken up (theo duoi, tap choi cai gi do) tennis in order to lose weight.
22. Position /pəˈzɪʃn/ (n) post, job
23. Obtain /əbˈteɪn/ (v) to get something, especially by making an effort (no luc, phan dau), đạt được điều gì

24. Thus /ðʌs/ (adv): therefore, vì thế, vì vậy

25. Award (v/n): thưởng/phần thưởng >< reward (v/n) hậu tạ/ sự hậu tạ
a. He received numerous awards for excellence in teaching.
b. A £100 reward has been offered for the return of the necklace.
c. The judge has the power to make damages awards. (sự bồi thường, tiền bồi thường thiệt hại)
26. Determine (v) /dɪˈtɜːmɪn/ xác định determination (n.) sự xác định
27. Atomic weight: khối lượng nguyên tử
28. Joy (n) niềm vui joyful (adj) vui nhộn, happy joyfully (adv)

Joyfulness(n) bầu không khí vui nhộn

29. Ease (v)/(n) làm dịu/xoa dịu/sự dễ dàng/sự thoải mái
easy (adj.) uneasy (adj.) easiness (n)
a. He passed the exam with ease (easily).
b. We were surprised at the easiness of the test.
c. This remedy(liệu pháp chữa trị) should help ease the pain.
30. Suffer from (v): mắc bệnh, chịu đựng suffering (n) sự chịu đựng, sự mắc bệnh
- He suffers from asthma (hen suyễn).
- He made a rash (hấp tấp) decision and now he is suffering for it.
31. Found (v) thành lập, sáng lập foundation (n) founder (n) nhà sáng lập
32. ‘Institute (n) học viện
33. Human (n) human beings being (n) sinh vat
humane (adj) /hjuːˈmeɪn/ nhân đạo humanity (n) sự nhân đạo
inhumane (adj) vô nhân đạo inhumanity (n)
humanitarian (adj) /hjuːˌmænɪˈteəriən/: (dùng cho danh từ chỉ vật) mang tính nhân văn
34. Background (n) lai lịch, tiểu sử
35. Ambition (n) sự tham vọng, khát vọng ambitious (adj)
unambitious (adj) k tham vọng
36. Strong-willed (adj) mạnh mẽ
37. Intelligent (adj) unintelligent (adj) intelligence (n)
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Smart (adj) khôn ngoan intellectual (adj) uyên bác
1. Journalist (n)
2. Hobby (n) hobbyist (n) gaming hobbyist
3. Appear (v) appearance (n)
4. Journalist (n)
5. Hobby (n) hobbyist (n) gaming hobbyist
6. Appear (v) appearance (n)
You will hear a woman named Susan talking to her friend James about a food event. Listen and complete the
gaps (1-5).

International Food Night

Date: 1) ……………………………………. April 3rd at 6 pm.
Location: Belmont 2) ……………………………………. .
Cost: 3) £ …………………………………………., all you can eat!
Highlights: Delicious dishes from various 4) …………………………………….
Supports: Whitedale 5) ……………………………………. Hospital

1. curriculum vitae (CV) (n): résumé, sơ yếu lý lịch
2. travel agency (n) công ty du lịch travel agent (n)
3. telephonist (BE) (n) operator (AE) nhân viên trực tổng đài

Review Wh- Questions + bài tập chuyên đề Wh- Questions đề cương tiếng Anh khối 10


I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. mature B. nature C. measure D. adventure
2. A. rabies B. space C. black D. operation
II. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others.
3. A. background B. suffering C. realize D. diploma
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4. A. interrupt B. severe C. humane D. romantic
III. Choose the best answer (A, B, C, or D).
1. _____ home schooling is very successful, many people still believe in the benefits of traditional
A. Even though B. Despite that C. Because D. In spite of
2. _____ I am hungry, I never seem to be able to finish off a whole pizza.
A. Besides B. However C. Nevertheless D. Despite the fact that
3. Police are still trying to establish the cause of the accident. (SYNONYM)
A. wonder B. create C. determine D. build up
4. He underwent a liver surgery last week and now he has recovered quickly. (SYNONYM)
A. operation B. infection C. injection D. vaccination
5. Take some aspirins. They can ease your headache. (SYNONYM)
A. relieve B. affect
C. get rid of D. comfortable
6. He has tried his best to practice English; as a result, his English has improved now.
A. became better B. worsened
C. bettered D. succeeded
7. Family is very important for a child to form his personality.
A. name B. specialization C. degree D. background
8. This trip is a chance to ____ her childhood dream of visiting Doraemon’s hometown.
A. fulfill B. make C. meet D. have
9. Tom said that he_____ his motorbike the day before.
A. had lost B. lost C. has lost D. lose
10. It's time she _____ how to look after herself.
A. learns B. learn C. learned D. learning
11. The wet weather _____ three weeks now. It has rained every single day.
A. has lasted B. has gone C. had run D. have existed
12. My aunt is a wildlife photographer. She _____ in Uganda for many years.
A. has lived B. is living C. will live D. lives
13. He _____ off alone a month ago, and _____ of since then.
A. set - hasn't been heard B. has set - hasn't heard
C. had set - hasn't heard D. set - hadn't been heard
14. The teacher as well as his students _____ at the school meeting yet.
A. arrived B. hasn't arrived C. haven't arrived D. not arriving
15. " I'm sorry I cannot hear what you _____ because everybody _____so loudly."
A. were saying - has talked B. said - was talking
C. have just said - is talking D. are saying - talk
16. You had better __________ the volume down before your dad gets angry.
A. turn B. to turn C. turning D. turned
17. My elder sister usually helps me __________ the difficult problem.
A. solving B. solved C. solve D. is solving

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18. I would rather _________ to Korea than Thailand.
A. travel B. traveling C. travelled D. to travel

IV. Choose the suitable word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) to fill the blanks in the following passage.
In 1952 Mother Teresa (1) _____ the first Home for the Dying in Calcutta. Over some years,
Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity grew from twelve to thousands, serving "the poorest of the
poor" in 450 centers around the world. Mother Teresa created many homes for the dying and the
unwanted from Calcutta to New York. She was one of the first (2) _____ homes for AIDS patients. For
more than 45 years, Mother Teresa comforted the poor, the dying, and the unwanted around the world.
In 1979, Mother Teresa (3) _____ awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, "for work undertaken in the
struggle to overcome poverty and distress, which also constitute a (4) _____ to peace" . She refused
the conventional ceremonial banquet given to laureates, and gave $6000 to the poor in Calcutta,
claiming the money would permit her to feed hundreds of needy for a year. When Mother Teresa
received the prize, she was asked, " What can we do to promote world peace ? " Her answer was
simple: " Go home and love your family". (5) _____ the same year, she was also awarded the Balzan
Prize for promoting peace and brotherhood among the nations.
1. A. opened B. installed C. turned D. raised
2. A. be established B. established C. establishing D. to establish
3. A. is B. was C. has been D. had been
4. A. threat B. threaten C. threatened D. threatening
5. A. At B. For C. On D. In

V. Error identification.
1. National parks including (A ) land for animal (B ) grazing, as well as wilderness (C ) areas with
(D) scenic mountains and lakes.
2. Ducks are less (A) susceptible to (B) infection than (C) others (D) types of poultry.
3. Mary said (A) her friends that she would (B) never walk alone (C) in the forest after dark (D).
VI. Supply the correct forms of the words in brackets.
1. He is an man. He has never been satisfied with his success. (ambition)
2. She was when she treated a small child so badly like that. (humanitarian)
3. People who exercise frequently have greater _________ endurance than those who don't.
4. It has been _____________________ proven that these conditions lead to heart problems.
5. She stepped back and then turned and walked __________________ away. (determine)

VII. Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning.

1. Scientists have discovered many new species of animals in the last decades.
Many new _________________________________________________________.
2. People are destroying species-rich wild forests.
Species-rich _______________________________________________________ .
3. The government will demolish these old buildings next year.

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These old __________________________________________________________.
4. We have to widen the streets to help reduce traffic congestion.
The streets _________________________________________________________ .
5. The professor has presented this problem many times.
This problem _______________________________________________________ .

I. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answers to the questions that follow.
Mark Twain was not a healthy baby. In fact, he was not expected to live through the first winter.
But thanks to his mother's tender care, he managed to survive. As a boy, he caused much trouble for his
parents. He used to play practical jokes on all of his friends and neighbors. The nature of his jokes
often led to violence. He hated to go to school and he constantly ran away from home. He always went
in the direction of the nearby Mississippi. He was fascinated by that mighty river. He liked to sit on the
bank of the river for hours at a time and just gaze at the mysterious island and passing boats and rafts.
He was nearly drowned nine different times. He learned many things about the river during those days.
He learned all about its history and the unusual people who rode up and down it. He never forgot those
scenes and those people. He later made them part of the history of America in his books "Tom Sawyer"
and "Huckleberry Finn".
Mark Twain inherited his genius for humor from his mother. Obviously he did not inherit it
from his father. He once stated that he had never seen a smile on his father's face. On the other hand,
his mother had the rare ability to say humorous things with perfect innocence. The same ability made
Mark Twain an extremely humorous public speaker.
1. Who did he usually play jokes on when he was small ?
A. his friends B. his parents C. his neighbors D. Both A and C
2. The word "mighty" in line 7 is closest in meaning to _____ .
A. powerful B. narrow C. deep D. long
3. How many times was he nearly drowned in Mississippi river ?
A. two B. four C. six D. nine
4. Who did he inherit his genius for humor from ?
A. his father B. his mother
C. both his father and his mother D. his grandparents
5. Which ability made Mark Twain an extremely humorous public speaker ?
A. the ability to play jokes on others
B. the ability to say humorous things with perfect innocence
C. the ability to speak confidently in front of many people
D. the ability to use descriptive words in his speech

II. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. It is rude to laugh other people.
2. He hurriedly got _________ the bus and walked to his office.
3. These days, teenagers prefer chatting the Internet reading books.

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4. This car is different mine, but it is similar my father’s.
5. Due to his family’s financial difficulty, he decided to drop _____ and started working _____ the age
of 17.

III. Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Tom would rather ________________ (not/answer) this question.
2. Mary is such a humorous girl. She always makes me _______________. (laugh)
3. Sally was disappointed with the exam result. She _____________ (never, get) a bad mark before.
4. I _________________ (work) as a hotel telephonist from May 2001 to March 2002.
5. She (develop) some very strange habits lately.
IV. Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning.
1. They should not build the resort on such a beautiful beach.
The resort .
2. During the recession, the firm was making people redundant almost every week.
During the recession, people .
3. The police found two children in the forest.
Two .
4. The scientists are studying the problem carefully.
The problem .
5. Nobody told me that George was ill.
I .

V. Complete the following sentences with a suitable word from the box. (There are more words
than needed.)
chemical pioneers application vaccine
politics charity organization applicants

1. He has sent an _____ form to a construction company and is waiting for an interview.
2. After retiring from the company, she has done voluntary work for a .
3. _____ is not taught at high schools.
4. _____ is a substance that is put into the blood and protects the body from a disease.
5. That doctor is one of the _____in the field of microsurgery.

I. Make the questions for the underlined word or phrase in each sentence.
1. The machine was first tested in 1992. VÂN KHÁNH
When was the machine first tested ?
2. Peter gave his girlfriend a diamond ring. BẢO LÂM
What did Peter give his girlfriend?
3. The teacher is going to talk to his parents this morning. BẢO CHÂU
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Who is the teacher going to talk to this morning?
4. There were about 90 to 100 people at the concert last night. TRÂM ANH
How many people were at the concert last night?
5. She decided to study English because she wanted to get a good job. ĐỨC THỊNH
Why did she decide to study English?
6. He has learned English in a foreign language center. NHẬT TÂN
Where has he learned English ?
7. He went to Moscow by plane. TRÚC XUÂN
How did he go to Moscow?
8. I have lived here for over ten years. BẢO HÂN
How long have you lived there?
9. He went to the supermarket to buy some milk. VẠN PHÁT
Why did he go to the supermarket?
What did he go to the supermarket for?
10. A professional football player in England can earn up to £100,000 a week. MAI LINH
How much money CAN a professional football player in England earn a week?
11. It is 250 kilometers from my house to the camping site. PHƯƠNG TRANG
How far is it from your house to the camping site?
What is the distance from your house to the camping site?
12. He is tall with brown eyes. MỸ ĐÌNH
What does he look like?
13. This river is 1300 kilometers in length. MINH NHẬT
What is the length of the river?
How long is the river?
14. The play last night was very interesting. MAI AN
How was the play last night?
What was the play last night like?
15. He is a kind guy with blue eyes. GIA HUY
What is he like ?

II. Choose the most suitable options to complete the sentences.

1. _____ do you take a holiday? - Once a year.
A. When B. How long C. What time D. How often
2. _____ with his work yesterday? - John did.
A. Who did helped Peter B. Who did Peter help
C. Who helped Peter D. Whom did Peter help
3. ________? - J-O-H-N.
A. Which does your name B. How do you spell your name
C. Do they name their son John D. What do you mean
4. _____ is this building? - It’s about two hundred years old.
A. How long B. How far C. How old D. How
5. _____ is your national flag? - Red and yellow.

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A. What color B. Which of color C. What D. Which
6. ______ of holiday are you interested in? - A package holiday.
What kind of music do you like? = What sort of music do you like?
A. Which B. What C. Which kind D. What kind
7. _____ bag are you carrying? - Judy’s.
A. Which B. What C. Whose D. Who’s
8. _________ as he had promised? - Because of some unexpected trouble.
A. Why John didn’t come B. Why didn’t John come
C. When did John come D. What didn’t John come
9. When does your class finish? -__________.
A. At 11 o’clock B. By Mr. Pike, our form teacher
C. In the hall D. Not very often
10. _________? - He is a kind man with a charming smile.
A. How is the newcomer? B. What is the newcomer like
C. What does the newcomer look D. Whose is the newcomer’s

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