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Compare the impacts of using three different ERP system architectures into a

business. Explain your answer.

Technological Architecture of ERP Systems have made a big contribution and has

evolved into a critical tool in the corporate world, it organizes the tasks required in

completing a business operation, such as order fulfillment. There are three different

types of technological architecture ERP system that helps business and organization to

their daily operations, which are Mainframe, Client-server, and Browser. Mainframe

computers is a system with a huge performance that performs higher comparatively to a

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regular computer, it helps to secure transactions, and it is reliable such as banking or

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other sectors. Second is a client server, it is a network architecture in which various

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services are transmitted from one machine server to another, and it is used by major
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organizations to manage resources and networks, client servers assist businesses by

connecting networks using a central database. Lastly is browser, it is a software that

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access, display and a tool used to search different websites. Web browsers helps

businesses to do online marketing and it is easily to use and access to gather data that
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can be used to their daily operations.

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