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AUGUST 17, 2021


Answer the following questions, minimum of 2 paragraphs each question.

1. How do you define research?
Research is the systematic and scientific process of gathering, analyzing
and interpreting data for a specific idea or problem. It is the careful, critical,
disciplined inquiry, varying in technique and methods according to the nature and
conditions of the problem identified. Data are gathered by the researchers to be
analyzed and processed. After all the processes of gathering, analyzing and
interpretation, a research report is then made.
The research also includes the possible solution to a specific problem. It
usually recommends the solution based on the data gathered. It is then useful for
the people who will read or use the research.

2. Why is research important to humankind?

Research is important to humankind because it helps him understand his
surroundings and make suitable adjustment in order for him to adapt. Research
is also useful to mankind because it is the work of many researchers that
dedicated themselves in finding solutions to the problems of the world.
Researches provides products or innovations which are beneficial to
mankind. All of the things we enjoyed today are products of research like
appliances, gadgets and other things which are useful to all of us. Because of
researches all these things were invented and keep improving as time goes by.
That is why, there were no researches we cannot enjoy the things we enjoy

3. What are the purposes and goals of research?

The purpose of research is to provide answers for our questions.
Researches are also done to discover new facts about known phenomena, to
find answers to problems which are only partially solved by existing methods
and information, improve existing techniques and develop new instruments or
products, to discover previously unrecognized substances and elements and to
enter related, valid generalizations into systematized science.
It is also done to provide basis for decision-making in business, industry,
education, government, and in other undertaking, to satisfy researcher’s
curiosity, to find answers to queries by means of scientific methods, and to
acquire a better and deeper understanding about one phenomenon that can be
known and understood better by research.
4. How do you characterize a good research?
Characteristics of a good research are systematic, controlled, empirical,
analytical, objective, unbiased and logical. It should also employ hypothesis,
quantitative or statistical method, should be original work, and done by an expert.
Research should also have an accurate investigation, observation and
Research should also be patient and unhurried activity so that the data
gathered are accurate and truthful. Patiently looking for a reliable correspondent
is a must for a good research. Research requires an effort-making capacity.
Making research is not a joke and should be done seriously because researches
require too much work and effort. Researches also requires courage. Gathering
data can also be hazardous and uncomfortable. But for the reliability of the
research, researchers should not be discouraged instead be courageous so that
they can get the most accurate data.

5. How are research and problem-solving differentiated?

There are many aspects where research and problem solving differs.
Examples of these are in research there may not be a problem, only interest in a
answering a question or a query but in problem solving there is always a problem
to be solved. A research problem is more rigorous and broader in scope but in
problem solving a problem to be soled is less rigorous and less broad. A
research problem is not necessarily defined specifically while the problem to be
solved has to be defined specifically and identified definitely.
All research is intended to solve some kind of problem, but this is not the
primary aim while in problem solving does not always involve research. Research
conducted not primarily to solve a problem but to make contributions to general
knowledge but problem solving is always intended to solve problem.

6. What are the hindrances to research? Why are they called hindrances?
Some hindrances to research are tradition, and authority of the
correspondents. The traditions posed a hindrance to research because
sometimes traditions prevent the researcher to gather data. It will greatly affect
the outcome of the research. Inaccurate observation can result to wrong
interpretation of the data gathered. The researcher should observe carefully all
the aspects of what he is observing.
Other hindrances are overgeneralization, selective observation, made-up
information, illogical reasoning, ego-involvement in understanding, mystification,
dogmatism and the attitude of not correcting his mistakes.
7. Why should the scientific method of research be followed? What are the steps in
the scientific method? Explain.
Scientific methods should be followed in order to have a systematic and
orderly process of research. The steps in scientific methods are determining the
problem, forming a hypothesis, doing the library research, designing the study,
developing the instruments for collecting data, collecting data, analyzing data,
determining implications and conclusions from findings and making
These steps are necessary to make a good research. It should be
followed systematically so that the research will be accurate and truthful. These
steps are designed for every research to follow.

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