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Senior High School Department

Enterprise Park, Brgy. Banay-banay, Cabuyao, Laguna 4025

A Research presented to the Faculty of Senior High School

Cabuyao Institute of Technology


In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

subject Research Project



Alaiza Elago

Angelo Duenas

Arlene Alemania

Christian Hatulan

Jhanezza Ahito

Keisha Faye Lianko

Senior High School Department
Enterprise Park, Brgy. Banay-banay, Cabuyao, Laguna 4025


July 2021
Senior High School Department
Enterprise Park, Brgy. Banay-banay, Cabuyao, Laguna 4025

Proposed title

The role of Time Management Skill in the Pursuit of the Future Careers of Grade 11
ABM students of Cabuyao Institute of Technology S.Y. 2021 – 2022
Senior High School Department
Enterprise Park, Brgy. Banay-banay, Cabuyao, Laguna 4025

Chapter 1

I. Introduction

Time management is the process of organizing and planning how much time you spend on
specific activities throughout the day. Students who practice effective time management can
accomplish more in less time because their attention is focused and they are not distracted by
social media, online games, and etc. As students complete tasks on their to-do list, their stress
levels decrease, which is made possible by effective time management. It can also provide a
sense of accomplishment when goals are met.

According to research, the majority of students today have difficulty managing their time
effectively, which leads to a decrease in productivity as well as an increase in stress levels.
Time management is an art form that not only assists student in maintaining discipline in their
lives, but also in reaching their full potential.

There are numerous reasons why time management is essential, particularly for students.
Time management is important because it allows you to prioritize more effectively and
increase your overall productivity. Good time management also enables you to be more
deliberate about how you allocate your resources. When it comes to maximizing your
strengths and planning day efficiently, time management skills are essential. Furthermore,
because of the pandemic, the relationship between time management skills and the future
careers of 11 ABM students at CiTech appears intriguing this school year, and it is relatable to
every student. Besides that, being responsible and disciplined are common descriptors of time
management ability. Its significance, however, is to assist researchers in determining whether
Senior High School Department
Enterprise Park, Brgy. Banay-banay, Cabuyao, Laguna 4025

having a good time management skill will affect the way Grade 11 ABM students of CiTech
pursue their future careers.

The researchers choose this study to determine the role of time management skills in
pursuing the future careers of 11 CiTech ABM students, who will be the focus of this paper.
This paper was created to address how the gathered information through this research project
can be used to address the problem. Thus, the goal of this research is to look into the role of
time management in the future careers of 11 ABM students at CiTech.

II. Conceptual framework

The role of Time Management

Skill in the Pursuit of the Future
Careers of Grade 11 ABM
students of Cabuyao Institute of
Technology S.Y. 2021 – 2022
Senior High School Department
Enterprise Park, Brgy. Banay-banay, Cabuyao, Laguna 4025

Input Output

Students will have a healthy mindset and

Why it is an important
they’ll know how to manage the
role of an 11 abm three
pressures if their in the process of having
student develop their time
tough times but still maintaining
management skills

To improve self discipline,To

improve the quality of the work,To
determine the advantages
advantages and disadvantages of A lot of students
time management. doesn’t have a
setting goal that
affects their
perspective time
doing such
This includes organizing the jobs.This aims to
task from the important up to answer questions
least , planning on how will they through online
divide their time between a forms.
personal life and to a specific
given task.

Time management is about planning and controlling

the amount of the studies spend on a specific task .
Students needs healthy ways to manage the
pressures of study while maintaining productivity .
It’s important to have a plan for getting task done
and an effective system of organizing them
Senior High School Department
Enterprise Park, Brgy. Banay-banay, Cabuyao, Laguna 4025

This study focuses on the 11 abm

three students were students or
look forward to vision their manage
skills in the pursuit of their future

III. Theoretical Framework

Senior High School Department
Enterprise Park, Brgy. Banay-banay, Cabuyao, Laguna 4025

Fortunately, several current theories can assist you in better understanding time and how to
manage it successfully. Four beliefs regarding time and time management stand out among
the rest, assisting people in developing stronger talents and better prioritizing.

 The Pickle Jar Theory it employs a metaphor to illustrate an important point about
time management: You must complete the most important tasks first, or you will
never get around to them.

The jar represents time, the rocks are important tasks, the pebbles are less important
tasks, and the grains of sand are unimportant tasks that pop up throughout the day,
such as sending a text message, checking your email, or answering a phone call. So,
according to the Pickle Jar Theory, you plan your day by deciding which tasks are your
rocks, pebbles, and sand, and then you finish the rocks before moving on.

 Second is Pareto Principle, in terms of time management, the Pareto Principle states
that 20% of the activities you do each day produce 80% of the results. Alternatively, by
reducing distractions by 20%, you can increase productivity by 80%. The experiment’s
goal was to reduce screen time by 20%, with the expectation that doing so would
increase productivity by 80%.

 Third Parkinson’s law states that “work expands to fill the time available for
completion.” It helps in writing the most words per hour, producing the highest daily
total word count, and completing 100 percent of essential tasks for the day.

 Last, Alpen Method’s best features are that it can estimate the amount of time a task
will take and account for distractions. This will keep you from overburdening your to-
do list and feeling like you didn’t accomplish “enough” that day.
Senior High School Department
Enterprise Park, Brgy. Banay-banay, Cabuyao, Laguna 4025

IV. Objectives:

The objectives of this title is to determine the significance of being responsible to prioritize on
working with a clear targets on the idea of time management as an ABM students and must
be conscious to balance and follow their time frame work.

 To manage time effectively

 Eliminations og non-prioritise

 Have goal setting

 Maximize the time they spent

 Develop manage skills

V. Statement of the problem

Senior High School Department
Enterprise Park, Brgy. Banay-banay, Cabuyao, Laguna 4025

The study sought to determine what are the significance of the role of time
management skill in the pursuit of the future careers of the 11 ABM 3 (Accountancy,
Business and Management) students of CITECH (Cabuyao Institute of Technology)

Specially this aims to answer the following questions;

• How does grade 11 ABM 3 (Accountancy, Business and Management) students

of CITECH (Cabuyao Institute of Technology) vision their manage skills to be
utilized in their future careers

• What are the factors that can assist grade 11 ABM 3 (Accountancy, Business
and Management) students of CITECH (Cabuyao Institute of Technolog) to
overcome procrastination habits

• How will grade 11 ABM 3 (Accountancy, Business and Management) students

of CITECH (Cabuyao Institute of Technology) pinpoint a process to increases
their motivation, passion and dedication to the pursuit of their future careers.

VI. Scope and delimitations

Senior High School Department
Enterprise Park, Brgy. Banay-banay, Cabuyao, Laguna 4025

The perspective of Time Management towards grade 11 ABM 3 (Accountancy,

Business and Management) students of CITECH (Cabuyao Institute of Technology).This
involves a survey for those who choosen ABM strand.

This study uses questionnaires through Online survey forms where 10-15 students
are randomly selected. The selection of respondents are only limited since there a lot
of enrolled pupils in CITECH.

VII. Operational definition

 Intriguing: rousing one’s curiosity or interest; fascinating.

 Numerous: great numbers of units or individuals,many.
 Overburdening:to make someone or something work too hard
or carry, contain, or deal with too much:
 Pebbles:a small stone made smooth and round by the action
of water or sand.
 Perspective:a particular attitude toward or way of regarding
something; a point of view.
 Procrastination:the action of delaying or postponing
 Significance:something that is conveyed as a meaning often
obscurely or indirectly.
 Sought:a person or thing has been looked for or requested.
Senior High School Department
Enterprise Park, Brgy. Banay-banay, Cabuyao, Laguna 4025


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