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Republic of the Philippines

Saint Francis College of Allen N. Samar Inc.

Pascual B. Gutay, Sabang II
Allen N. Samar

Impact of Time Management on Academic Performance of Grade 11

Students, in Saint Francis College

Antipolo, Lea Rose, F.

Grade 11 St. Peter of Alcantara

Research Proposal

February, 2024

Context and Rationale

Time management is essential, especially to the students. Time

management is setting and organizing our activities in a certain specific time.
Effective time management is the ability to plan and arrange one's time in
order to accomplish particular objectives and tasks. Learning time
management skills is crucial for students since it makes it easier to balance
their personal lives, extracurricular activities, and academic obligations.

Effective time management helps students set aside enough time to

study, do assignments, and get ready for tests, which eventually improves
their academic achievement. Effective time management lowers stress levels,
encourages a healthier lifestyle, and prevents panic attacks and last-minute
cramming. Students frequently have a lot on their plate, including going to
class, being involved in extracurricular activities, and upholding social
connections. Keeping these responsibilities in balance is made easier with the
help of time management. Early time management instruction aids in the
development of important life skills in pupils, including organization, discipline,
and planning. These abilities are advantageous in both academic and
professional contexts.

In applying time management, there are struggles and problems that

students may encounter. The propensity to put off tasks is one of the typical
issues. A backlog of work brought on by procrastination can be stressful and
lower the quality of the work produced. Having trouble deciding which chores
to prioritize might lead to overspending on unimportant activities, which leaves
little time for critical ones. Saying no to extra responsibilities can be difficult for
students, which can result in an overbooked schedule and little time for
important tasks. The effectiveness of time management techniques can be
hampered by poor planning, which includes underestimating the amount of
time needed for tasks or failing to account for unexpected roadblocks.
Distractions from social media and modern technologies can make it difficult
for students to focus on their assignments and follow their timetables. In order
to get through these challenges, students should work on becoming more
self-aware, setting reasonable objectives, dividing work into smaller, more
manageable steps, and scheduling flexibility to accommodate unforeseen
circumstances. Using productivity tools or getting advice from mentors can
also help students improve their time management abilities.

Time management is a collection of behaviors meant to enhance one's

quality of life, for students. When properly used, time management is an
essential ability that can greatly enhance both academic performance and
general well-being. Students frequently have a wide range of academic
obligations, such as lectures, homework, tests, and extracurricular activities.
Beyond coursework, students may have personal obligations, social activities,
and family responsibilities, which emphasizes the necessity for good time
allocation. Proper time management becomes vital to juggling various
demands. An unbalanced workload brought on by poor time management can
cause stress and burnout. Gaining efficient time management skills helps
create a task that is more balanced and manageable.

Time management is a set of practices that work together to help you

get more value out of your time with the aim of improving the quality of your
life. Students most often do not utilize their time judiciously as expected to

attain their goals. (Florence Adebayo, 2015)

The primary achievement of distance and regular students is managing

time effectively. Mismanagement disturbs the academic achievements of
learners. Time administration plays a significant role in improving learners'
performance and accomplishments. It is a skill to manage time and every
learner must familiar and command on this skill for the sake of better results.
A student can only survive if he/she has ability of time utilization properly.
(Ahmad, Saghir, et al. 2019)
Effective time management is a vital skill for both the general well-
being and academic achievement of students. It is essential to recognize the
difficulties students encounter in making efficient use of their time and to
emphasize the need of time management. Institutions and teachers can assist
students improve their time management abilities by offering them tools and
direction, which will improve their quality of life and help them succeed
academically. All things considered, time management is a fundamental
competence that not only guarantees survival in the classroom but also
establishes the framework for success and fulfillment in a variety of spheres of
life. Both individuals and educational institutions stand to gain from actively
encouraging and supporting students' acquisition of efficient time
management skills.

Objectives of the Study

1. Significance of time management in academic performance of the student.

2. Identify the the existing time management habits and practices of students.
3. Determine the factors affecting students time management.

a) Lifestyle
b) Self discipline
c) Environment
d) Procrastination

4. Correlate the impact of time management in academic performance of the


Significance of the Study

The study's importance emerges from its capacity to improve student
success, guide instructional methodologies, and add to the larger discussion
on successful tactics for achieving academic success among Saint Francis
College's grade 11 students. This study will be significant to the following;


Students will gain particular knowledge about time management

techniques that could lead to better study habits, less procrastination, and
more effective time management.

Educators and Administrators

The outcomes of the study will facilitate the ability of educators and
administrators at Saint Francis College to make well-informed decisions on
the development of educational programs, methods of instruction, and support
services that are targeted at improving time management abilities.

Guardians and Parents

The results of the study can help parents help their kids develop good
time management skills so they can succeed in school and extracurricular

Future Researcher

For researchers or other institutions interested in examining

comparable correlations in various educational contexts, the findings might
provide a standard.


At Saint Francis College, grade 11 students better academic

achievement is significantly correlated with effective time management.
Expected Result
The impact of time management in the academic performance of the
grade 11 students, are beneficial. Positive Correlation between Time
Management and GPA. It is anticipated that there would be a statistically
significant positive correlation between the grade point average (GPA) and
the self-reported time management skills of students. Higher GPA’s should be
correlated with higher proficiency in time management. Better Study Habits
and Productivity. It is expected that students who have better time
management abilities will also have more productive study habits, which will
boost their academic output. Reduction in Procrastination. Students who
actively engage in effective time management are expected to exhibit lower
levels of procrastination. It is anticipated that timely completion of activities
and assignments would support overall academic success. Enhanced Stress
Management. Assume that students who are good at managing their time will
feel less stressed out about their academic obligations. Efficient time
management expected to result in a more equitable workload and decreased
stress related to school. Impact on Extracurricular Involvement. It is
hypothesized that students who have improved time management abilities will
engage in extracurricular activities at a higher rate. People with good time
management skills may strike a balance between extracurricular activities and
academic obligations. Finding the Most Effective Time Management
Techniques. Among students in grade 11, pinpoint the precise time
management techniques that have the strongest positive correlation with
academic achievement. This could involve strategies like prioritizing tasks,
creating goals, and making efficient use of study breaks.

It is significant that the expected outcomes are predicated on the

theoretical correlation between effective time management and academic
performance. The research is going to provide understanding on the
mechanics of this interaction in the particular setting of Saint Francis College
grade 11 students, however the actual results may differ.

Feasibility Requirements
Defining the conditions for feasibility is a crucial part of a research
proposal, since it shows that the study can be carried out in an ethical and
successful manner. The following are the essential conditions of viability for
examining how time management affects Saint Francis College grade 11
students' academic performance.

Gaining informed consent from participants and providing them with a

clear explanation of the study's goal, procedures, potential dangers, and
benefits is one way to ensure that ethical criteria are met. Obtain institutional
permission by submitting an application to the appropriate Saint Francis
College authorities in order to conduct research with 11th grade students.
Data collection and availability, make sure that academic performance
information for students in grade 11 is available and can be accessed in a
way that upholds confidentiality and privacy. Administration should create a
workable plan for distributing surveys or questionnaires in order to collect data
on time management techniques. Time commitment, determine how much
time will it need to collect, analyze, and report data in order to make sure the
research can be finished in the allotted time. Financial resources, ascertain
the research's budgetary needs, taking into account costs for materials,
participant incentives, and data analysis instruments. Make that the
instruments used to assess students' academic performance and time
management abilities are both valid and reliable. Instrument availability attests
to the availability of suitable tools for gathering data, such as standardized
time management evaluations. Develop a plan to safeguard participants'
anonymity and privacy while taking ethical considerations into account.

Literature Cited
ADEBAYO, Florence Aduke (PhD) 2015. Time Management and Students
Academic Performance in Higher Institutions, Nigeria — A Case Study
of Ekiti State.

Ahmad, Saghir; Batool, Ayesha; Choudhry, Abid Hussain, 2019. Path

Relationship of Time Management and Academic Achievement of
Students in Distance Learning Institutions.


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