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Starting an Intervention



SANDRA DENTI (19061036

Nurse : Good morning Ms. Sandra. My name is Jessy and I’ll be looking after you for this morning.
Patient : Good morning, okay Nurse.
Nurse : how's today? did you have a good sleep?
Patient: not really,nurse. I was little bit headache last night.
Nurse : hmmm, did you drink your medicine last night?
Patient : I did, but I woke up last night and I couldn't continue to sleep.
Nurse :Ok, I'll check your blood tension now.
Patient : Ok, nurse. Btw Will the docter come today?
Nurse :Yes, he will come at 11am. Ok, we're done: After I checked, your blood pressure is 120/
80mmHg. I can diagnose that your healthy is getting better, your blood pressure has been normal. You
need to have more rest to make it better. you'll have your breakfast in 15 minutes.
Patient : Thank you nurse.

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