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Yat Sen Secondary School

Name:Desmond Chan12k
Week 1 Term 3
Assessment 2
Year 12 Chemistry

1. Complete the table below which summarises the observations of the reactions that would occur upon
mixing two pairs of solutions.
Reacting Cu2+ (aq) Zn2+ (aq) Mg2+ (aq)
Sodium hydroxide i. Blue precipitate of i. Formation of an ii. Formation of a white
Cu(OH)2 forms insoluble solid(ppt)- precipitate Mg(OH)2 and
Zn(OH)2 is insoluble in excess

Ammonia iii. Cu(OH)2 dissolves to a White precipitate of zinc iv. Mg(OH)2 dissolves
deep blue solution when hydroxide which when added into
concentration ammonia redissolves in excess ammonia.
solution is added then in ammonia

(5 marks)

2. Complete the following table by filling in for i-viii.

Oxide State @ 20°C Bonding Structure

Na2O i. White solid ii. Ionic iii. Giant ionic structure
held together by
electrostatic force

SiO2 solid iv. covalent v. Giant molecular


P4O10 solid covalent Molecules held together

by Van der Waals
SO3 vi. Gas vii. Covalent viii. Simple molecular

(4 marks)

3. Which one of the following compounds shows amphoteric character? B. Al(OH)2

A. H2SiO3
B. Al(OH)2
C. H3PO4
D. HClO4
(1 mark)
4. Calculate the oxidation number of:
a. manganese in manganese dioxide, MnO2 b. carbon in carbonate ions, CO32-

1(Mn)+2(O)=0 1(C)+3(O)=-2
1(Mn)+2(-2)=0 1(C)+3(-2)=-2
Mn+-4=0 C+-6=-2
Mn=+4 C=+4

(1 mark) (1 mark)

5. Write balanced half-equations and combine the balanced half-equations to give the overall equation.
a. SO2 + MnO4- SO42- + Mn2+

(3 marks)
b. I- + IO3- I2

(3 marks)
6. For the reaction 2PbO + C 2Pb + CO2
a. Identify the oxidant, explaining your reasons.

2PbO, it becomes reduced to 2Pb and is an agent for oxidation of Carbon (1 mark)

b. Identify the reductant,

Carbon(C), it is oxidised thus, it is an agent for the reduction of 2PbO to 2Pb (1 mark)

7. The name 2-chloro-4-ethylpentane does not follow the IUPAC rules.

a. Draw the structure implied by this name.

(1 mark)
b. Explain why the name is incorrect.
The parent chain of this organic molecule is supposed to be hexane but its written pentane. (1 mark)
c. Write the correct IUPAC name.

(1 mark)
8. Draw and label the cis and trans isomers for the molecule: 2,3-dichlorobut-2-ene

(2 marks)

9. Describe what you would observe when ethyne is bubbled into a solution of bromine water.
The bromine liquid would bubble vigorously and eventually become decolourised. (1 mark)

10. Draw and name the structural isomers for the alcohols with formula C4H10O.

(4 marks)

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