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School Year 2021-2022

Homeroom Guidance

Name: Crisostomo, Selvin A. Grade and Section: 12-Matatag

Date: September 6-10, 2021
Activity 1: Mirroring Therapy
1. Face in front of a mirror and act out your emotional reactions on the following
scenarios or aspects of your personality:
a) your facial structure
b) the circle of friends that you have
c) your current academic performance
d) living with family
e) personal relationship with God
f) your current relationship status
g) your body posture
h) attitude towards difficulties in life

2. Try to observe yourself and evaluate your emotional reactions. Write down your
answers to the processing questions below.

Processing Questions:

1. How did you feel about the activity?

As I recite the given direction I find time to think deeply about those situations and
gives me a chance to reflects my self. I was relieved after because this is the first time
to think and reflect myself on various presented situations. Many emotions is present
from sad, heart rending , traumatic experience and happy moments. It gives me like a
crazy moments thinking and to feel those situations.

2. Was it easy or difficult? Why?

Well for me both easy and difficult I was experienced. It was easy to do the task as it was
cleared and simple to do but difficult in coping those different situation thinking all the
experience I’ve done like thinking again some negative past experiences was difficult to deal
with. But with those difficulties was change somehow to easy as I put god in the center and
have my love once around me
School Year 2021-2022

3. Were you able to mirror emotional reactions you had towards the different scenarios in
your life and aspects of your personality? How?

Probably a Big YES I was able to mirror different emotions towards the scenarios presented it
is because those are outcomes of actions that I’ve done in the past either good or bad. At
some how I’ve regret it. Over thinking to go back in the past and changes those difficulties. It
really sucks when those memories are chasing down me. With the concept of the mirroring
therapy everyday gives me a lot of thoughts and burst emotion or just like a diary, talking to
own self opening the problems and experience in day to day life. By means of mirror therapy
also could figure out what emotion really have in particular situation and gives concept on
how to deal with it to make better impressions to our self.

4. What strengths and weaknesses have you noticed or identified?

I’ve notice that my weaknesses is losing my beloved love ones as I recite the letter D
reminds me how to feel to have a complete family. In addition I was also unhappy and
over thinker person that tend to focusing on the big picture of life and be careless
about the little things . In addition to this I usually unmotivated sometimes when I over
think scenarios dealing with my problems. Especially right now sometimes
unmotivated in doing school work. Moreover I usually wear a mask in front of people
to hide my emotions. However I figure out my strength that I was a friendly person
despite many unhappy, negative and traumatic experience I’ve encountered and
have a confident to showcase who I’m by means of having a positive mindset. I was
able to rise on ashes and continue to live and to inspire other people. I was
considered myself as a brave and hardworking person as I encountered many kind of
problems. Lastly my weaknesses tend to be my inspiration to fight and continue
everyday and with the help of having faith with god, praying all concern/problems is
the best answers in difficult situations and having a happy person around me makes
me stronger.

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