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1. Which of these properties of an iron nail is

a physical property? Directions: Use the diagram below to answer
A does not burn when a flame is applied question 5.
B reacts with hydrochloric acid to release
hydrogen gas
C composed of only one piece instead of
D rusts

2. A group of two or more atoms held

together by chemical bonds is called
A an element.
B a compound.
C a molecule.
D a solution.

3. Which of the following examples in

nature represents a chemical change?
A water freezing in a pond
B a tree branch breaking
C a tree burning after a lightning strike
5. Curtis wanted to measure the volume of a
D steam rising from pavement rock using the method shown above.
Which of the following SI units should he
4. How do crystalline and amorphous solids
A grams
B meters
A Crystalline solids do not melt at a
C milliliters
distinct temperature.
D kilometers
B Amorphous solids are made up of
C Crystalline solids have a regular
6. On a cold morning, Fawn awoke to find
pattern of particles, but amorphous frost on her bedroom windows. Which
solids do not. type of process is the formation of frost?
D Amorphous solids are always soft. A color change
B physical change
C chemical change
D electromagnetic change

Progress Monitoring and Benchmark Assessments
Name______________________________ Date_________________ Class___________________

Progress Monitoring and Benchmark Assessments
Name______________________________ Date_________________ Class___________________


Directions: Use the diagram below to answer 10. According to the model of atoms we now
question 7. use, an atom
A cannot be broken down into smaller
B consists of a sphere of positive
electricity in which negative electrons
are embedded like raisins in a raisin
C consists of a positive nucleus
surrounded by electrons that orbit the
nucleus in well-defined orbits.
7. The diagram compares the particles in
D consists of a positive nucleus around
three different states of matter. What
which electrons form a negatively
process causes particles in State A to
charged cloud.
change to State B?
A condensation
11. What observation led Dmitri Mendeleev
B evaporation
to create the first periodic table?
C freezing
A Atoms contain neutrons.
D melting
B Different elements have different
chemical symbols.
8. What must happen in order for water to
C Atoms of different elements have the
change state?
same number of protons.
A It must maintain its thermal energy D Some elements have similar chemical
level. or physical properties.
B It must absorb or release energy.
C It must be insulated.
12. You find a pure, unknown substance that
D It must convert thermal energy to solar
is a good conductor of electricity and heat.
The substance is most likely
A carbon.
9. A balloon is inflated with air and is then
B copper.
pulled down to the bottom of a lake,
C salt.
where the pressure of the water is greatest.
D water.
What happens to the air in the balloon as it
is submerged?
A Its pressure decreases.
B Its volume decreases.
C Its pressure remains the same.
D It condenses.

Progress Monitoring and Benchmark Assessments
Name______________________________ Date_________________ Class___________________

Progress Monitoring and Benchmark Assessments
Name______________________________ Date_________________ Class___________________


Directions: Use the diagram below to answer question 13.

13. According to the graph, how many years

will it take for 50 percent of a sample of Directions: Use the diagram below to answer
strontium-90 to decay? question 16.
A 28 years
B 56 years
C 84 years
D 112 years

14. From the weakest to the most energetic,

which is the correct order of radioactive
A alpha, gamma, beta
B alpha, beta, gamma 16. How many electrons does a nickel atom
C gamma, beta, alpha have?
D beta, gamma, alpha A 14
B 28
15. Unlike metals, many nonmetals (including C 30.7
nitrogen) exist in nature as D 58.7
A ionically bonded crystals.
B positively charged ions.
C gases that never react.
D diatomic molecules.

Progress Monitoring and Benchmark Assessments
Name______________________________ Date_________________ Class___________________

Progress Monitoring and Benchmark Assessments
Name______________________________ Date_________________ Class___________________


Directions: Use the diagram below to answer question 17.

17. Which group of the periodic table contains

elements made of atoms with only one 20. Which electrical attraction holds atoms
valence electron? together in ionic bonding?
A Group 1 A attraction between nuclei
B Group 3 B attraction between an electron pair
C Group 17 shared by both nuclei
D Group 18 C attraction between ions of opposite
18. The elements in one period of the periodic D attraction between ions of the same
table charge
A have the same number of electrons.
B have the same number of protons. 21. Which of the following diagrams shows
C decrease in atomic mass from left to two hydrogen atoms bonded together?
D increase in atomic number from left to A

19. Which of the following is a general B

property of ionic compounds?
A soft
B easily bent without breaking C
C high melting points
D do not form crystals

Progress Monitoring and Benchmark Assessments
Name______________________________ Date_________________ Class___________________

Progress Monitoring and Benchmark Assessments
Name______________________________ Date_________________ Class___________________


22. Which type of chemical bond occurs in

metals and not in nonmetals? Directions: Use the diagram below to answer
A covalent bonds question 26.
B double bonds
C ionic bonds
D metallic bonds

23. The best evidence for a chemical

reaction is
A the formation of a new substance.
B the production of a gas.
C a change in color.
D the formation of a solid.

24. In a chemical reaction, the total mass of 26. A scientist tested the effect of temperature
the reactants is (from 0° C to 30° C) on enzyme activity,
A less than the total mass of the products. and published his results. A second
B greater than the total mass of the scientist repeated the experiment, but
products. tested temperatures between 0° C and 60°
C exactly equal to the total mass of the C, with the results shown above. What did
products. the second trial show that the first trial did
D unrelated to the total mass of the not?
products. A Activity increases with temperature.
B Activity decreases quickly above 40°
25. Which occurs during a synthesis reaction? C.
A Compounds break down into simpler C Activity decreases with temperature.
products. D Activity decreases quickly above 0° C.
B Two or more substances combine to
form a more complex substance. 27. Which of the following is present in the
C One element replaces another element largest amount in a solution?
in a compound. A solute
D Two elements in different compounds B solvent
trade places. C colloid
D suspension

Progress Monitoring and Benchmark Assessments
Name______________________________ Date_________________ Class___________________

Progress Monitoring and Benchmark Assessments
Name______________________________ Date_________________ Class___________________


Directions: Use the diagram below to answer question 28.

28. The graph shows the results of an

experiment on the solubility of sugar in 30. An acid is a substance that
water. Which variable was deliberately A forms hydrogen ions in water.
changed during the experiment? B has a pH above 7.
A the amount of solute C forms hydroxide ions in water.
B the amount of water D turns red litmus paper blue.
C the type of substance
D the temperature of the water 31. Pepsin is an enzyme found in the stomach
that breaks down proteins. The pH in the
29. A solution turns red litmus paper blue. stomach is about 2. Which statement best
The solution is describes pepsin?
A neutral A It is most effective in a slightly basic
B sulfuric acid environment.
C salt water B It is most effective in a slightly acidic
D a base environment.
C It is most effective in a highly basic
D It is most effective in a highly acidic

Progress Monitoring and Benchmark Assessments

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