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Tagum City, Davao del Norte, Philippines




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August 28, 2021

1. Differentiate the physical education in Sparta and Athens. Give your own
critique on their p.e system.

Athens is a Greek city-state regarded as the cradle of civilization and the birthplace of democracy.
Sparta, on the other hand, was a notable Greek city-state that rose to become the region's main
military land force. Spartan education was state-run, with a focus on military skills and life lessons
for both boys and girls, such as how to be excellent spouses and give birth to a large number of
Spartan troops. Private education was the norm in Athens, with a focus on philosophy, the arts, and
the sciences. Sparta's goal in physical education was to develop a military caste of tough, resilient,
fearless warriors capable of defeating any external foe. The Athenians, on the other hand, were
committed to educating man in a way that was balanced and harmonious, and as a result, both the
body and the mind were developed in Athenian physical education.

2. Compare and contrast the ideas of the philosophers in Greece and

Rome. (you can have a specific persons or you can discuss it in general)

Similarities of Greece and Romans; Physical education was considered vital by the Athenians in order
to acquire overall mental, moral, and physical excellence. This concept, known as arte, was
personified by the Greek gods. The Olympic Council's 12 major gods possessed great mental and
physical talents, including strength, endurance, agility, and bravery. Because the Greeks were
regarded the most educated and most cultured of the Mediterranean nations, Rome drew greatly
from them in many cultural fields, including art and philosophy. The Greek gods were repurposed by
the Romans to serve Rome's purposes. 2B.Difference; Romans-Inspired by the art of the Greeks, but
employed a more naturalistic approach to represent physical oddities and nuances in expressions of
everyday people/Greek-It was as if statesmen and generals had been transformed into gods, with
their bodies glorified in the same way. As a result of their existence hundreds of years later than
Greek civilization, the Romans have a distinct advantage. In 146 BC, the Roman Empire seized the
final Greek city, putting an end to the Greek civilisation as we know it.

3. Expound the line of Plato - Gymnastic is for the body and Music is for the

Plato says, "Just as the harmony and equilibrium of the many elements constitutes the health of the
human body, so justice, like the harmony of its constituents, constitutes the health of the human
mind." As a result, any disruption of this balance is considered a psychic sickness.

4. Assess the physical education in the Philippines during the Spanish Era.
A detailed examination of the curriculum during the Spanish dictatorship reveals that physical
education was not included. Despite the lack of incentives in the school system for structured
physical education and the priests' resistance to sports, dances, and physical exercises that were not
related to church events, Filipinos continued to participate in them in their private meetings. Despite
the fact that the Spaniards did not provide enough encouragement for physical education, the
Filipinos were aware of its importance.

5. What is/are the difference of this - education through the physical vs.
education of the physical
Education through the Physical; Physical education teaches students how to be physically active, and
physical activity programs allow students to put what they've learned in physical education into
practice. Education of the physical; It is "education through physical activity". Student's physical
competence and mobility and safety knowledge will be developed, as will their ability to employ
these skills in a wide range of activities connected with a healthy and active lifestyle.

6. Assess the development of physical education from 2000 onward

Around the turn of the 21st century, physical exercise as a way of thinking progressively became
ingrained in society, initially embraced by public health professionals and academic disciplines
related to sports (Ainsworth, 2005; McKenzie, Alcaraz, Sallis, & Faucette, 1998; Morgan, 2000).
Children and adolescents need to learn how to become and stay physically active in everyday life,
according to this idea (McKenna & Riddoch, 2003; Smith & Biddle, 2008; Trost, 2006). Physical
inactivity has become more of a focus in society as a result of social changes. Despite the fact that
there had never been so many opportunities before, this scenario came about.

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