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Class level XI & XII English grammar Name ___________________________

Sentence: A group of words which makes complete sense. He runs fast. She cooks meal. Simple
sentence has two parts.
1 subject: The part which we are speaking about.
predicate: The part which tells something about the Subject.
Simple sentence; We laughed. She narrated the story. He teaches me English.
Compound sentences; has two or more independent clauses joined by coordinating conjunction ie.
for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so. (FAN BOYS). The bus stopped, and we got out. I enjoy playing tennis,
but I hate playing golf.
Complex sentence; has one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses e linked by a
subordinate conjunction placed at the beginning of the dependent clause. e.g. although, because, just
as, whereas, unless, even though. She drove slowly because she did not know the route well.
Phrase: a group of words, which makes sense, but not complete sense. The sun rises in the east. He
sits on a wall.
Clause: a group of words which forms part of a sentence, and contains a Subject and a Predicate. He
bought a pen which is made of gold. The dog barked at him when he came home.
Parts of speech/ word classes: Noun: the name of a person, place, or thing; Israr, hospital, book.
Proper noun: the name of some particular person or place, Ali, Karachi, Pakistan.
Common Noun is a name given in common to every person or thing of the same class or kind; Boy,
city, book, school.
Collective Noun: the name of a (collection) of persons or things and spoken of as one whole; as,
Crowd, team, herd, army, family, nation.
Abstract Noun; is usually the name of a quality, action, or state; Goodness, kindness, whiteness,
theft, movement, judgment, youth, slavery, sickness, poverty.
Pronoun is a word used instead of a noun; He is ill.
Personal Pronouns: they stand for the three persons (First person) I, We (Second person) You, (Third
person) He She It They.
Reflexive Pronouns when the action done by the subject turns back upon the subject; as, I hurt
myself. We hurt ourselves.
Demostrative pronoun: used to point out the objects; this, that, these, those, this is your book. Those
are my parents.
Relative pronoun is one which is used to refer to nouns mentioned previously, used to join two
sentences; The cyclist who won the race trained hard. Here is the book that you lent me.

Interrogative pronoun: used for asking questions, Whom, Who, Whose, Which, What. What do you
want for dinner? What is your friend’s name?

Adjective is a word used to add something to the meaning of a noun; He is a brave boy.

Adjectives of Quality show the kind or quality of a person or thing; as, large, foolish, handsome.
Demonstrative Adjectives point out which person or thing is meant; as, This boy is strong. These
mangoes are sour. What, which and whose, when they are used with nouns toask questions, are
called Interrogative Adjectives; as, Which way shall we go? Whose book is this?
Verb is a word used to express an action or state; He plays. Ali is a good boy.
Transitive Verb.(Transitive means passing over.) The boy kicks the football.
Intransitive Verb. (Intransitive means not passing over.) The boy laughs loudly.
Adverb is a word used to add something to the meaning of a verb, an adjective, or another adverb; as,
This flower is very beautiful. He finished his work very quickly. He is driving too fast.
Adverbs of Time (which show when)I have heard this before. That day he arrrived late.
Adverbs of Place (which show where). My brother is out. Come in.
Adverbs of Manner (which show how). The Sikhs fought bravely. The boy works hard.
Preposition: words used before a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to show direction, time, place,
location, spatial relationships, or to introduce an object. in, at, on, of, and to. There is a cow in the
garden.The girl is fond of music.
Conjunction: a word used to join words or sentences; as, Two and two make four. I ran fast, but
missed the train. Interjection: a word which expresses some sudden feel ing; Hurrah! We have won
the game. Alas! She is dead.
Modal verb Function Example
Can Could Ability I can speak English. He could run 10 km
Can May Permission You cannot go out tonight. May I sit here?
Can I go now?
Should Must Advice You should do your work. You must take medicine.
May Might Possibility It may rain today. She might be feeling unwell
Ought to Moral obligation We ought to respect our parents

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