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Table of Contents

Subject Page
 Declaration 2
 Acknowledgments 2
 Abstract 3
 Introduction 4
 Mechanical Design: 4
1. Concept design 4
2. CAD and CAM files 6
3. Stress analysis and robotics calculations 6
4. Motors calculations 7
5. Choosing and fixing the sensors and wires 7
6. Manufacturing the parts 7
7. The assembly process 7
 Electrical Design: 7
1. Choosing the suitable sensors on the robots and the correct wiring system 8
2. Electrical calculations and signal conditioning 8
3. Communication between robots 8
4. Elements that will be used in the control 9
5. Design the full cabins of control and wiring diagrams 10
 Software and Coding: 10
1. Choosing the suitable elements 10
2. Organizing the wiring diagram 10
3. Functions and programing calculations 10
4. Coding and programing 10
5. Code simulation on computers 10
 Documentation: 10
1. User manual “catalogue” for the whole system 10
 References: ---


“I declare that this research had been copied from references which I will mention later”


First of all, i would like to thank ALLAH that has given us the opportunity to complete our research.
Alhamdulillah, His Willingness has made it possible for us as students to complete the research in time.
We worked hard in completing this project within a semester.

I would like to take this opportunity to give our special thanks to our dedicated supervisor, Dr.
Abdelrady Okasha for guiding this research at every stage with clarity, spending much time to discuss
and help with this project, and that priceless gift of getting things done by sharing his valuable ideas as
well as share his knowledge.

I would also like to thank to all the lecturers whom had helped directly or indirectly in completing of our
knowledge. Not forgotten are our best colleagues for their openhandedly and kindly guided, assisted,
and supported and also encouraged us to make this research successful.


This paper details the design and development of designing and control an anthropomorphic
robotic arm using a bilateral master–slave control methodology. The master robot will be fitted
to a human arm with a 6 revolute joints for smooth and unblocked motion of the human arm.
Two cabins will be designed for the robots one for the master and one for the slave to control
the synchronization of them using 2 PLC integrated with servo motor drivers and twin Xbee
modules for wireless communications.
The Slave robot is an high strength iron robotic arm with the same 6 revolute joints in the
master arm, this robot is fixed to an iron column which can be fixed in the future on an another
mobile robot, this slave will work with 6 powerful servo motors attached to the joints to copy
the motion of the master robot. An advanced option will be fitted to the robot after finishing it
which is the force feedback from the slave to the master.


Problem Statements

The challenging thing is to develop anthropomorphic robotic arm which can be controlled wireless and
remotely via another robotic arm attached to a human arm to copy and synchronize the motion of the
human arm to prevent human from danger environments and hard work places.

Project Objectives

The main objective of this project is:

1. study the motion of the human arm

2. design the master robot which will be fitted to a human arm
3. choose a way of control and design the wire diagram
4. design the slave robot to achieve its task

Mechanical Design:

1. Concept design:

The main target is to make the robot have the same DOF as the human arm and that to
ease the manipulation task.

This photo will lead us to 6 basic revolute joints:

 Shoulder rotation
 Shoulder back and forth,
 Elbow,
 Wrist up and down,
 Wrist rotation,
 Gripper.

So after listening to suggestion and brain storming the concept design will be as close as
to this:

2. CAD and CAM files:

We will use Autodesk Inventor 2015 for modeling and simulation of the mechanical
design in the project and also for exporting CAM files for ease of manufacturing the

3. Stress analysis and robotics calculations:

As an application for stress analysis and robotic science we will make some basic
calculations on the main body, bearing and shafts during design to achieve maximum
performance, reliability and repeatability.
Those calculations will be simulated as mentioned in CAD programs.

4. Motors calculations:

One of the most important challenging tasks is to calculate the needed torque and
power for every motor in the arms and because of accuracy and the importance of the
feedback it is better to use servo motors.

5. Choosing and fixing the sensors and wires:

A part of the design is to choose the suitable specifications of sensors and the way of its
position on the robot and that will be in coordination with the electrical designer.

6. Manufacturing the parts:

“Designed for Manufacturing” is a famous expression for engineers, that means project
is designed to be easy for manufacturers to apply simple and basic process to produce
all parts.
CAM files will be organized and distributed between workshops for fast and easy

7. The assembly process:

The last step in the project that should be very accurate and also should be done under
the organization of the mechanical designer

Electrical Design:

The main theory:

1. Choosing the suitable sensors on the robots and the correct wiring system:

The best sensors to determine the position of every angle of the master robot and the
slave robot is a potentiometer connected to an analog module of the controller with
some limit switches.

2. Electrical calculations and signal conditioning:

At this part of research we should calculate the needed current and voltage for every
component in the project and make sure that the wires and suppliers are capable of do
the function correctly and that also including the protection and safety for the operator
and the robots.

For signal conditioning:

The electrical designer will be responsible for adjusting all the electricity within the
controllable rang EX: (24VDC, 10VDC, 220VAC) and supply the control cabins with
all required converters between the controllers and the analog input and output
which will be also synchronized with digital input and output.

3. Communication between robots:

WMSRA 6, W refers to wireless and that means no direct connections which will lead us
to used wireless modules like Xbee module integrated with controllers.

4. Elements that will be used in the control:

First Servo Motors:

Servo motors are a type of electromechanical actuators that do not rotate continuously
like DC/AC or stepper motors; rather, they are used to position and hold some object.
They are used where continuous rotation is not required so they are not used to drive
wheels (unless a servo is modified). In contrast they are used where something is
needed to move to particular position and then stopped and hold there. Most common
use is to position the rudder of aircrafts and boats etc. The servo can be commanded to
rotate to a particular angle (say 30) and then hold its position there. Servos also employ
a feedback mechanism, so it can sense an error in its positioning and correct it. This is
called servomechanism. Say if you ask servo to go and lock itself to 30 degrees and then
try to rotate it with your hand, the servo will try hard and its best to overcome the force
and keep servo locked in its specified angle. Controlling a servo is easy by using a
microcontroller, no external driver like h-bridge etc. are required. Just a control signal is
needed to be feed to the servo to position it in any specified angle. The frequency of the
control signal is 50 Hz (i.e. the period is 20ms) and the width of positive pulse controls
the angle. We can use the AVR microcontrollers PWM feature to control servo motors.
In this way the PWM with automatically generate signals to lock servo and the CPU is
free to do other tasks.

Servo motors drivers:

Second PLC and ARDUINO:

5. Design the full cabins of control and wiring diagrams :

Electrical designer should design the whole final two control cabins for the twin robots.

Software and Coding:

1. Choosing the suitable elements:

2. Organizing the wiring diagram:

Those two challenging tasks will be merged with the

electrical engineer as mentioned before.

3. Functions and programing calculations:

4. Coding and Programming:

Those two tasks are the main task of the coding engineer because the programmer must
calculate some essential equations to convert the mechanical movements into a code.
The algorithm will be the start of coding by writing the theory of control in steps of flow
chart, after that the coder will convert this flow chart into logical equation and then into
ladder diagram for PLC and into C for arduino.

5. Code simulation on computers:

After finishing the codes the programming will simulate it on computer via
AUTOMATION STUDIO to see the whole system working before the assembly process
which will be led by the mechanical engineer.


1. Catalogue :

As known for any machine the user should have a user manual book for better using in
the future.


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