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Apostolic Vicariate of San Jose


Poblacion, Abra de Ilog, Occidental Mindoro 5108
Contact Number: 0961 – 275 – 3317 JHS: Government Recognition (MIMAROPA Region) No. OCM-JHS-1969-01, s. 2020 Content Quadratic Equations
Email Address: SHS- ABM/GA - Government Permit Region IV-B (MIMAROPA) No. 063, s. 2015
SHS-HUMSS/STEM – Government Permit (MIMAROPA Region) No. OCM-SHS-03a, s. 2020 Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic
equations, and function, and rational algebraic equations.
LEARNING PACKET: Mathematics 9 (Quarter 1, Term 1)
Performance The learners is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relationship
LAST NAME FIRST NAME/ MIDDLE INITIAL GRADE LEVEL & SECTION DATE OF SUBMISSION Standard in various situations, formulate real-life problems involving quadratic
equations, inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations
using a variety of strategies.
Most Essential  Illustrates quadratic equations
Learning  solve quadratic equations by; (a) extracting the roots; (b) factoring (c)
Parents’ and Guardians’ Guide completing the square (d) using the quadratic formula
(Reference: Ateneo Basic Education Learning Primer Version 1.0)
Learning  I can define quadratic equations
For assistance, written below are the necessary information as far as this learning area is concerned:
Objectives  I can express quadratic eqaution in standard
Learning Area Mathematics 9  I can develop skillls in solving quadratic equations by; (a) extracting
Class Schedule 9SFK: Mon_ 1:00 – 5:00PM / 09-10 September 2021
the roots; (b) factoring (c) completing the sqaure (d) using the
9SJB: Mon_ 8:00AM – 12:00PM / 07-08 September 2021
quadratic formula
Learning Area Facilitator Mr. Edgar A. Quiñones
Phone Number 0950 432 7565
Messenger Account Edgar Quiñones EXPLORE ACTIVITY
The school recognizes that families have different living conditions and varying resources available at home.
Thus, parents/ guardians are urged to disclose issues/ difficulties experienced by the learners to the When you were in Grade 8, you were able to talk about Linear Equations and Functions. You found out
institution through the Class Adviser or the Office of Academic Affairs (0961 – 275 – 3318/ how these concepts could be used to model and solve real-life situations. In this section, you will not
only be introduced to the learning packets but also be assessed on your initial ideas regarding the topic.
The Learners’ Individual Monitoring Plan below will help the learners (and parents/guardians) to track their Be reminded to take each activity seriously. Make a conscious effort to highlight the new concepts that
progress in the learning packets’ activities and assessment. Meanwhile
you will be encountering.
Learners’ Individual Monitoring Plan
(Please check the corresponding box as you accomplish the Learning Activities and Assessments) Learning Activity 1. Welcome Alumni: Read and understand the problem below and answer the
LAc1: Activity Title LAs1: Performance Task In the latest class reunion of HS batch 70 a certain number of successful alumni promised to
donate equally for a new school project amounting to P240 000.00. Four of them failed to
LAc2: Activity Title LAs2: Summative Test provide the certain amount of money. Hence, each of the remaining alumni had to pay to
Academic Honesty and Integrity Statement P3,000.00 more to produce the sum.
(Reference: Writing at Carson-Newman College, 4th ed.)
My signature below constituted my pledge that all the writing is my own work, with the exception
of those portions which are properly documented and reference. I understand what plagiarism is,
and I further understand that if plagiarism is found in my paper, my learning area facilitator will follow
the procedures on academic dishonesty set forth by San Rafael High School, Inc.


Process Questions:
1. How many Alumni had promise to donate originally?
Your goal in this section is to learn and understand key concepts of quadratic equations. You will learn
the important skills are necessary in order to understand the succeeding lesson this module. It is
2. How can Various Real-life situations involving maximum and minimum values be solved and advised that for every new term you encounter. Be sure to define it in your own words aside from the
analyzed? definitions presented to you.

We will start doing the next activity by reading and understand the context on your book on page 83.

Lesson1: Concept Formation (Classifying)

Now that you are able to define what a quadratic equation is, let us now find out whether you can
Learning Activity 1.2. Anticipation Reaction Guide. Let us begin by answering the
identify the equations inside the box whether is it quadratic or non-quadratic. Explain why these are
Anticipation-Reaction Guide. You will be shown statements related to Quadratic Equations. identified as quadratic or non-quadratic?
Your task is to fill in the anticipation column by writing the letter A if you agree with the Equations Quadratic or Non Quadratic Explanation
statement and letter D if you disagree with the statement. -3x3 – 2x = 5

Anticipation Quadratic Equations Reaction Explanation 8x – 2 = x

1. A equation of the form 0= = ax + by + c
is a quadratic equation. (x - 2)(x + 4) = 7
2. The standard form of quadratic equation
is ax2 + bx + c = 0, were a, b, and c can be (x3)2 – x + 1 = 0
any real number.
3. All quadratic equation=s can be solved 2x – x2 = -10
through factoring method.
x(x – 1) = -1

4. in solving quadratic equations using (√ )2 – 2x2 = -4

completing the square method, there is
need to write the square method, there is a 2x – 5 = x
need to write the equation in standard form
5. the roots of a quadratics equations will √ x-2 = x + 3
always be a real numbers
6. the completing the square method and 100x4 = 25
the quadratic formula are used to solve
quadratic equations which are not Process Question:
factorable 1. What is a Quadratic equation?
7. The discriminant tells us the nature of
the roots of a certain quadratic equation.
8. Imaginary number are possible roots of 2. What are the characteristics of a quadratic equation?
a quadratic equations.
9. In solving problems involving quadratic
equations. It is possible to have one of the 3. How did you identify examples and non-examples of quadratic equations?
roots to be considered as extraneous.
Lesson 2:Concept Formation(Forms and Coefficient) a b C
After defining what a quadratic equation I, let us now look at how quadratic equations are written in -3 -30 1
standard for. In this activity, you also identify the coefficient in the transformed equations. Or watch the
video on link:
An equation of the type ax2 = bx + c = 0, where a, b, and c are constant and a ≠ o, is called the
standard form of a quadratic equation. Process Questions:
1. When is a quadratic equation written in standard form?
Take note that:
ax2 = quadratic term or the squared term
bx = linear term
c = constant term
a = numerical coefficient if the quadratic term 2. What are the things you need to remember when identifying a, b, and c?
b. numerical coefficient of the linear term

Quadratic equations can be classified into two: complete and incomplete. A complete quadratic
equation is one where two coefficient are nit equal to zero.
The examples below show you how quadratic equations are written in standard form and how the 3. How do you classify quadratic equations with complete set of coefficients? What about equations
real number a, b, and c are identified. with incomplete coefficients?

1. 9x2 – 5x = 5 a b C
Standard form 9x2 – 5x – 5 = 0 9 -5 -5
Lesson 3: The Roots are Not Far Beyond Your Reach
2. After learning the different preliminary concepts on quadratic equations, it is now time learns how to
solve for the roots of a quadratic equation. You will be watching four videos on the various methods that
Solution: 3x ( )3x you can use to solve quadratic equations.
1 – 30 = 3x2 a b C As you watch each videos, pay attention to the following:
1. List down the steps involved in each method.
Standard form -3x2 – 30x + 1 = 0 -3 -30 1 2. Highlight differences in the various methods.
3. List down the algebraic skills that are needed in each method.
Now, try the next examples below and see whether you know to write quadratic equations in standard
form and identify a, b and c. You are not yet expected to master these methods. You are only expected to look at each method
and make comparisons. Click on th different links below. You may key in your notes on your notebook.
3. 6 + 3x2 = -3x a b C A. Extracting the roots:
Or read and understand your textbook on pages 84 to 85
Standard form : B. Factoring:
Or read and understand your textbook on pages 85 – 95.
C. Completing the Square:
4. 2x2 = 9 a b C Or read and understand your textbook on pages 107 – 115.
D. Quadratic Formula:
Standard form: Or read and understand your textbook on pages 122 – 128.

Lesson 4: Extracting the Roots

5. (x = 1)(x + 2) = 0 Let us look at the first method of solving for the roots of a quadratic equation. Before you practice, let us
Standard form: first look at several illustrative examples that will show the use of this method. Please open your
textbook on page 84 and look the Rule of Square Root Principle, then study the method that we are.
Example no 2. Letter a to d. and try do the Try it part. 5. Check. (very important!)
Process Question:
1. Define square roots principle.

2. Describe the kinds of roots that were derived.

3. Try to look at the following possibilities as you consider the equation x2 = c.

a. What can you say about c if the equation has no real solution?

b. What can you say about c if the equation has one solution?

c. What can you say about the c if the equation has two solution?

Process Question:
1. How different the new method from the previous one?

Lesson 5: Skill Booster

After at several examples that show to solve quadratic equations by extracting the square roots, let us 2. Why call the method solving quadratic by factoring?
now find out whether you can do the solving. Answer the worksheet found below.
1. 4t2 = 108 2. (p + 6)2 = 9 3. (x + 5)(x + 5) = 11 Lesson 7: Practice makes Perfect
It is now time to practice using the new method that you learned. Answer the worksheet you find below.
Try to check you answer at the end of the activity.
Solve each equation by factoring and check your answer.
1. 2x2 – x = 15 2. 5m2 – 22m + 8 = 0

Lesson 6: When the linear term is present (SOLVING BY FACTORING)

Steps for Solving Quadratic equation By Factoring
1. Put equation in standard form (ax2 + bx + c = 0)
2. Factor completely Lesson 8: You Complete Me ( Completing the Square)
3. Set each factor = 0 Find out the third method of solving the roots of the quadratic equations using the completing the
4. Solve each equation square.
Completing the square- In an expression of the form x2 + bx or x2 – bx. Add the constant term Lesson 9: IN GENERAL (Quadratic Formula)
Watch the video again by searching this link: Or read
( ) to complete the square. Lets study example below.
and understand your textbook on pages 121 – 129. Then answer the process question below.
1. Complete the square. Then, write each completed square in factored form. Process Question:
1. Describe the process of solving quadratic equations using quadratic formula.
a. x2 + 14x ______ b. x2 - _________
to complete the square. Add ( ) or (7)2 = 49
Completed square: x2 + 14x + 49 add ( ) or
2. Compare quadratic formula from factoring and completing the square.
Factored form: (x + 7)2
Completed square: x2 - x +
Factored form: ( )
2. Solve each by completing the square. 3. Why is it important to learn this method?
a. x2 + 8x + 2 = 0 b. 4x2 – 20x – 7 = 0
a. . x2 + 8x + 2 = 0
. x2 + 8x = - 2 Subtract 2 from both sides
x2 + 8x + 16 = - 2 + 16 Lesson 10 : 3 – 2 – 1 Chart
Complete the square by adding ( ) or 16 on both sides. In this activity, you will be asked to complete the 3-2-1 Chart regarding to the factoring techniques
(x + 4)2 = 14
x+4= √ Apply the square root principle. that you discovered.
Subtract 4 from both sides.
x=-4 √
3-2-1 Chart
b. 4x – 20x – 7 = 0
Three things you found out:
4x2 – 20x = 7 Add 7 both sides
1. ______________________________________________________________________
x – 5x =
2 Divide both sides by 4.
2. ______________________________________________________________________
x2 – 5x + = Complete the square by adding ( ) or both sides. 3. ______________________________________________________________________
Factor the left side expression. add the numbers on the right side Two interesting things:
( ) = 1. ______________________________________________________________________
Divide the right side expression. 2. ______________________________________________________________________
( ) = 8 One question I still have:
Apply the square root principle then add to both sides.
x= √ 1. ______________________________________________________________________
Please send your personal massage on my messenger account if you have clarification.
x= √ Factor the radicand.
x= √ Simplify the radical. After learning the different of solving quadratic equations, let us now find out whether you know how to
For more examples visit your text book on pages 107 – 116. Then answer the process question below. determine which method would be appropriate in solving each given equation. Write your
answer/solution on a separate sheet pad of paper. Make sure your paper attached properly on this
Process Questions: learning packet.
1. Why is completing the square necessary in solving for the roots of a quadratic equation?
1. 49x2 – 25 = 0 3. 2x2 + 8x = 3 5.
2. 2x2 + 5 = 7x 4. (x – 1) (x + 2) = 10

2. Compare the new method that you learned with the previous methods.
1. What is a discriminant?

2. Why is getting the discriminant important?

Lesson 14: Showcase your Skills: After learning what discriminant are, let us find out if you can
answer the worksheet below. Solve for the discriminant of the following equations and describe the
nature of the roots.

Lesson 12: ROOT INVESTIGATION Equations Discriminant (b2 – 4ac) Nature of Roots
Fill out the table with the needed information. 1. 8x2 - 2x – 3 = 0
ROOT 1 ROOT 2 2. 6a2 + 17 – 14 = 0
1. x2 + 4x – 21 = 0
2. x2 – 3x – 18 = 0
3. x2 + x – 1 = 0
3. 2x2 – 3x + 2 = 0
4. x2 + 4x + 4 = 0
5. x2 – 2x + 1 = 0 4. 15x2 + x – 2 = 0

PROCESS QUESTIONS: 5. 16x2 + 24x + 9 = 0

1. Describe the values that you got under the column b2 – 4ac.


2. For each kind of number you got under the second column, observe the roots. What generalizations Now that you have learned the important skills needed in solving quadratic equations, your goals in
can you make? this section is to look at some real-life situations where we can apply the concepts that you have

Learning Activity 2.1. No Monkey Busines: Imagine that you inherited Php 500,000 from your
grandmother. Think of a business that you would like to run. What kind of products or services are you
Lesson 13: IT IS THE DISCRIMINANT willing to offer your customers? What are the different costs associated with running a business?
Do you ever wonder what b2 – 4ac stands for? Why don’t you watch a video by clicking on this link: or read and understand in your textbook on pages Watch a video about the different costs that businesses incur by clicking this link:
PROCESS QUESTIONS: 2. How does it look like?
1. What are the costs incurred in a business?

3. Recall the graph of a linear function. How is it different from the graph that you see above?

2. How is a fixed cost different from a variable cost?

4. When would profits be equal to zero?

5. How much profit could you gain for selling 60 shirts?

3. Why do businesses incur losses?

6. Where does the graph cross the x-axis? What do these points represent?

4. What might lower the profits of businesses?

7. Why does the graph reach the fourth quadrant? What does this imply?

8. How could you explain why selling 60 shirts would give you more profit than selling 80 shirts?
Learning Activity 2.2. The Algebra in Business: Do you ever wonder where quadratic equations are
used in business? Read and understand the problem below. After which, answer the process
9. How can various real-life situations involving maximum and minimum values be solved and
The profit P of the business is given by the equation P= -x2+120x-2000 where x is the number of t- analysed?
shirts sold.

Look at the table of values below.

x 0 20 40 60 80 100
P -2000 0 1200 1600 1200 0 Learning Activity 2.3. Sailing the Sea: It is time to look at another way in which quadratic equations
How were the values of P derived? can be used to model real-life problems. You will first view a video that explains how a boat sails in
Now, look at the graph of the different ordered pairs. apparent wind. Click on the link:

After watching the video, read and understand the problem below. After which, answer the questions
1. Describe the graph.
Sailors need to consider the speed of the wind when adjusting the sails on their boat. The force F (in
pounds per square foot) on a sail when the wind is blowing perpendicular to the sail can be modelled by
the equation F = 0.004v2 where v is the wind speed (in knots).
PROCESS QUESTIONS: 1. Complete the table below.
1. Complete the table below. x 0 1.5 2 2.82 3.5 4
v 0 10 20 30 40 50 h
2. Graph the ordered pairs.
2. Graph the ordered pairs.

3. Describe the shape of the graph. 3. Describe the shape of the graph.

4. Is there a limit to the wind speed? 4. What is the maximum height of the jet of water?

5. What is the lowest point the graph? 5. Why will water eventually go down?

6. Are negative values considered? Why? 6. Are negative values considered? Why?

7. How can various real-life situations involving maximum and minimum values be solved and 7. How can various real-life situations involving maximum and minimum values be solved and
analysed? analyzed?

Learning Activity 2.4.Do Not Get Wet Learning Activity 2.5. Summing Everything Up
Here is the last problem that we are going to talk about. Read and understand the problem below and You will now revisit the defferent situations that you have used to apply the concepts of quadratic
answer the process questions that follow. eqautions. What are the common things that you notice among the various situations presented?
From the various real-life connections presented in the different activities, I noticed that the
A jet of water is spraying from the center of a circular fountain. The height, h, in , meters above the situations have following things in common:
ground, of the jet of water is modelled by the relation h = -0.5x2 + 1.8x +1.2, where x represents the 1. ____________________________________________________________________
distance that the water travels horizontally, in meters. 2. ____________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________
What Generalization can you make? ____________________________________________
Let us now revisit the ARG. After learning concepts on quadratic equations and their application to
real-life situations, your task is to fill in the reaction column by writing the latter A if you agree with the
statement and letter D if you disagree with the statement. If you disagree with the statement, correct
to make it true statement and explain your correction afterwards.
Anticipation Quadratic Equations Reaction Explanation
1. A equation of the form 0= = ax + by + c
is a quadratic equation.
2. The standard form of quadratic equation
is ax2 + bx + c = 0, were a, b, and c can be
any real number.
3. All quadratic equation=s can be solved
through factoring method.

4. in solving quadratic equations using

completing the square method, there is
need to write the square method, there is a
need to write the equation in standard form
5. the roots of a quadratics equations will
always be a real numbers
6. the completing the square method and
the quadratic formula are used to solve
quadratic equations which are not
7. The discriminant tells us the nature of PROCESS QUESTIONS:
the roots of a certain quadratic equation. 1. Name real life situations that are represented by each picture.
8. Imaginary number are possible roots of
a quadratic equations.
9. In solving problems involving quadratic
equations. It is possible to have one of the 2. What is common among the pictures?
roots to be considered as extraneous.

TRANSFER TASK 3. How does each picture show the use of quadratic equations?
Your goal in this section is to apply your learning to real life situations by doing scaffold activities
which will help you in the making of final project. You will be given practical task which will
demonstrate your understanding. 4. Can you name other real life experiences that use the concepts of quadratic equations like the ones
Note: Write your answer in Activity 4.1 and 4.2 on separate sheet of paper then attach properly your shown in the pictures?
answer sheet.

Learning Assessment 1.1. SCAFFOLD FOR TRANSFER 1

In this activity, you will observe the following pictures below. Identify a real-life experience that can
associate with the given pictures, after which, answer the process question that fallow.
Learning Assessment 1.2. SCAFFOLD FOR TRANSFER 2 _______ 2. A quadratic equation in one variable is an equation of the form ax2 + bx + c = 0.
After learning how quadratic equations can be used to model real-life situations, you will now extend Which could NOT have a value of 0?
your learning by interviewing any person in any field where quadratic equations can be used. You will A. a B. b C. c D. a and b
be asking your interviewee questions that pertain to the importance of parabolic paths in the given field. _______ 3. A quadratic equation has two distinct unreal roots if b2 – 4ac is ____.
A. less than zero C. greater than zero but not a perfect square
You may use the following questions in your interview: B. less than or equal to zero D. greater than zero and a perfect square
1. Name math skills that you utilize in your work. Why are these skills very important? _______ 4. Which number should be added on both sides of the equation 2x2 +8x + 5 = 0
2. How do you use quadratic equations in doing your work? if completing the square will be used?
3. Why do you use parabolic paths in doing your work? A. 64 B. 5 C. 16 D. 4
_______ 5. If x2 – 13x + 42 = 0, then x is equal to ____.
After the interview, present what you have learned by creating customized avatars through A. 6 and 7 B. -3 and 14 C. 3 and -14 D. -6 and -7
_______ 6. What is the sum of the roots of the quadratic equation 2x2 – x + 5 = 0?
a. b. . c. . d. .
Now, that you have completed the first lesson of this module, you will now complete the synthesis
_______ 7. What value of c will make the trinomial x – 20x + c a perfect square?
journal found below.
a. 25 b. 100 c. 40 d. 400
_______ 8. Which quadratic eqautions has the roots – 5 and 8 ?
a. x2 – 3x – 40 = 0 c. x2 – 3x + 40 = 0
Learning Assessment 1.3. SYNTHESIS JOURNAL: Complete the journal below.
b. x2 + 3x – 40 = 0 d. x2 + 3x + 40 = 0
The unit’s lesson was on ____________________________________. One key idea was _______ 9. The income I (in pesos) earned by a company on the manufacture of s liters of an
________________________________________________________________________. acid solution is I = s2 – 95s – 500. Compute for its profit or loss if it manufactured 50
This is important because_____________________________________________________. liters of acid solution.
Another key idea was ______________________________________. This is also important A. (P 2750) B. P2750 C. P3000 D. (P3000)
because _______________________________________________________. In summary, _______ 10. If the total costs are C(x) = 500 + 90x, and total revenues are R(x) = 150x – x2. Find
the unit’s lesson ____________________________________________________________ the break-even point(s). At break-even, there is no profit, the costs equal the
__________________________________________________________________________ revenue, so R(x) = C(x).
__________________________________________________________________________ A. 20 and 25 B. 50 and 10 C. 5 and 100 D. 4 and 125

Learning Assessment 2.1. Identification: State whether the roots of the following equation are
Real and Unequal, Real and Equal, or Imaginary and Unequal.
_________________________1. x2 + 6x + 9 = 0
_________________________2. 5x2 – x = 4x2 + 2
_________________________3. x(x -5) = 4(5 – x)
_________________________4. x2 + 7x + 1 = 0
_________________________5. 5x2 – 6 = 13x

Learning Assessment 2.2. Multiple Choice. Write the letter that you think is the best
answer for each question on the space provide before each item. Answer all items.

_______ 1. Which of the following is NOT a quadratic equation?

A. 2x2 = √ B. 2x + 5 = 7 C. 4(x2 – 5) = 7x D. = 4√

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