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Foreign Related Literature

According to Janelle Cox an Elementary Education Expert, in order

for a 21st educator to be ready in teaching at this modern time, they

must use teaching strategies to ensure that the focus in education is on

preparing today’s children for the future of where they will live and

where they will work, not for our current world.  An effective teacher

knows what technology in the classroom can truly help transform their

students’ education. They know what the best tools are, and how and

when to use them.

First, the teacher should know how to collaborate well. The focus

of today’s education is not only learning in school but it also teaches us

how to work together inside the classroom so how will the students work

if their teacher doesn’t know how to collaborate? Teachers must share

their expertise, experiences and the things they learned from others

because it is also an important way of learning and teaching. Giving

them trust they needed to be able to learn with comfort.

Second, a teacher should be able to adapt on the way the

students learn. In the past years, our tools in teaching have changed

and by this the teacher should also adjust to their students. They must

be able to adapt to the needs of most students. They must adapt to the

requirements, curriculum and tools that they need in teaching. The last

thing is they must be able to adapt to the rapid changing of our

technology in order for them to cope up in teaching.

Third, a great educator will not only embrace technology, but be

willing to learn more about it. This means that a teacher should be also

a lifelong learner. They should also study and cope up with what’s new

on the subject they are teaching. They should not only stick on the

curriculum guide years ago.

Fourth, a 21st educator should be an advocate for their own

professions. They should be updated on the latest issues about

education and share it with the parents and students. They don’t just

sit there and do nothing instead they should take a stand on their


According to Tori Pakizer, there are skills that are needed in the 21 st

century skills and they are the 4C’s. These 4C’s will help the students in

learning in a fun and easy way.

Communication is really an important in making the class

organized. Today’s technology made it an easy way to communicate with

each other but communication at this generation is not only by means

of talking personally with someone but it is also being used in apps like

messenger. Let’s admit it that the communication won’t be effective


without using gadgets these days. Works you have to do can’t be

completed without the use of technology.

Collaboration is about working together to reach a goal and

putting talent, expertise, and smarts to work. Collaboration can make

learning easy because you don’t have to do your homework alone. This

also helps the students to be confident in working with others.

Collaboration makes things easier.

Critical thinking is looking at problems in a new way and linking

learning across subjects and disciplines. Critical thinking includes

observation, analysis, interpretation, reflection, evaluation, inference,

explanation, problem solving, and decision making.

Creativity is trying new approaches to get things done, innovation,

and invention. It is important especially if you like writing because you

can use it in writing your own stories, articles, and poems. It gives you

the chance to do unique and new things. Creativity can be learned by

experimenting, questioning and lastly using your imagination.

According to the opinion of Julie Alice Huson, she said that the

traditional teaching is a teacher-centered strategy which means the

teacher will deliver all the information to the class and the students will

just receive it from them. She also stated that traditional teaching

stresses about the academic education rather than focusing on the

skills of the students. Mostly public schools have been using this

strategy and the other alternatives are public school jurisdiction,

religious schools, homeschool and online learning.

Noted education expert John Dewey stated his belief about the

importance of social interaction in 1897, writing, "I believe that the

school is primarily a social institution." It is said that the advantage of

the traditional teaching is also a good way to socialize because in other

alternative teaching like online classroom it is hard to have a

conversation with the others. Traditional teaching also educates all

children, a diverse population encourages children to develop tolerant

and accepting attitudes. This strategy teaches us how to behave well in

our community. Unlike others, traditional schooling means that it is a

state-approved standard in all the curricular areas are covered. This

also assures that the children are exposed to what students are

learning. Traditional public schools received funding from the

government and legally entrusted that may provide equal education

opportunities for all the students. Because of this, counseling, special

education, speech therapy and other support services are available for

students who qualify. These services are provided with no cost to the

child which makes it advantageous to most families.

An article by Nishansinha entitles “Five essential 21 st century teaching

strategies” states that in our world today, students are expected to gain

mastery over a new set of skills such as problem solving, digital literacy

and critical thinking. They should know how to communicate,

collaborate, and present their ideas to navigate through various

challenges. Educationists also need to make use of the most effective

and advance teaching strategies to incorporate such skills to the

students. It was stated here that educator can reach out and impart

education to learners of all groups.  They can categorize the learning

material in a way that students of all groups can grasp everything that

is being taught by the educator, according to their respective set of

unique abilities, readiness or style levels.  Some of the most progressive

schools in the world are adopting the Virtual Reality for students to

engage more on the lessons. Mobile apps and social media platforms like

Facebook and Twitter can also be used in sharing educational matters.

Teachers can also test and grade online assignments. Educators also

used this platform to foster their relationship with every students. An

educator in the 21st century should be able to anticipate and make

plans for the future.  He or she should be able to push the students

towards the right direction in the technological world.  He or she should

be able to prepare the students for the unpredictable situations in life

with the involvement of technology. Educators can discuss how

important it is to take the responsibility of one's learning and one's life.

You can teach the learners to be ready to change and to seek out new

perspectives, new possibilities, and new opportunities.


According to Panworld Education’s (2017) blog post, Digital

learning is replacing traditional educational methods more and more

each day. With how rapidly classrooms are changing, it is best to forget

methods you may remember from when you were in school and start

thinking about newer teaching and learning techniques based on digital

learning tools and technologies. The inclusion of digital learning in the

classrooms can vary from simply using tablets instead of paper to using

elaborate software programs and equipment as opposed to the simple

pen. This could entail using sites, services, programs, teaching tools,

and technologies like study aids built for at-home use. Even social

networks and communications platforms can be used to create and

manage digital assignments and agendas. Learning tools and technology

enable students to develop effective self-directed learning skills. They are

able to identify what they need to learn, find and use online resources,

apply the information on the problem at hand, and even evaluate

resultant feedback. This increases their efficiency and productivity.

Children also develop positive feelings of accomplishment from

mastering new knowledge and skills using digitized learning tools giving

them the confidence they need to want to learn even more new things. It

is commendable that millions of courses by the best educators are

available for free to anyone with an internet connection.


Local Related Literature

According to Arzel D. Ariosa “Education has been an integral part

of human life as eating and sleeping. It has shaped so many generations

for thousands of years and remains doing so in our present. These days,

however, technology has changed so many things as well as the manner

we digest information. Digital tools, such as computers, audio and

visual tools, are slowly replacing traditional teaching methods.” It is

encouraging to note that a Filipino child has an eagerness for education,

despite the controlling influence of circumstances beyond his hold and

even that of our society.

Due to technology advancements, our way of studying and learning were

also affected, most schools nowadays in the Philippines are using

technology as part of their teaching material. However, before 21 st

century teaching strategy was being used, traditional way of teaching

was first used. Traditional education is concerned with the teacher

being the controller of the learning environment. Power and

responsibility are held by the teacher and they play the role of instructor

and decision maker. They regard students as having knowledge holes'

that need to be filled with information. In short, the traditional teacher

views that it is the teacher that causes learning to occur. This kind of

teaching is teacher centered, meaning the teacher is the host of the

class and the students talk less.  This is also a type of teaching that is

inevitable since this way of teaching is used many years ago.

Our world is changing, and in order to prepare our children for

this new world we need to change the way we educate them. In the 21st

century, educators must create a curriculum that will help students

connect with the world and understand the issues that our world faces.

Schools in the 21st century will become nerve centers, a place for

teachers and students to connect with those around them and their

community. Teachers in this new environment will become less

instructors and more orchestrators of information, giving children the

ability to turn knowledge into wisdom. In order to educate in the 21st

century, teachers and administrators need to cultivate and maintain the

student's interest in the material by showing how this knowledge applies

in the real world. They must also try to increase their student's

curiosity, which will help them become lifelong learners. They should

also be flexible with how they teach and give learners the resources to

continue learning outside of school. While students must also

participate in every activity they will do inside the school because the

focus of this modern education is to mold them into a globally

competitive. This way of teaching is not only to teach them the things

they want to know academically but the educators should also teach

them the skills they need to learn for them to grow individually.

An article from Sun Star Pampanga (2017) asserts that in

traditional method, teachers illustrate the concepts to the students by

the used of chalk and black boards. The students must take note of

every important details written by their teacher. It is said that the main

objective of traditional teaching method is to pass the examination. This

article also stated that the traditional teaching method is way more

inexpensive rather than modern teaching method which makes it more

suitable especially in rural areas. Teachers do not require any special

technological knowledge and skills so they can focus more on imparting

students the knowledge. On the other hand, 21 st century teachers use

high tech equipment as a tool for learning due to technologies rapid

advancement. There are lots of modern gadgets which can be use for

improving the teaching in classrooms, they use computers or laptops

with wi-fi connection, LCD projectors, interactive whiteboards, etc. It

says that the use of visual media for teaching may be a lot more

convenient for students to understand the lesson better. By the use of

technology teachers may cover more topics and lessons in lesser time as

they don’t have to white manually on the blackboard. Videos, images

and animation used in the modern way of teaching is more explanatory

than the traditional blackboard method.


According to Ime Morales (2013) article entitled “Why I Choose a

Non-trad School for my Child” she was once on a traditional school

wherein a traditional student experience like taking exams, quizzes,

copying lectures written on the board and answering assignments.

Everyday in school she carried around a heavy bag filled with thick

textbooks. She spent a lot of her time doing her home works. She also

said that there were plenty of physical opportunities, a face-to-face

interaction with the students same age as her, and unplugged

entertainments. According to her, if parents aren’t careful on their

children, they might easily get sucked by the digital world. Many kids

nowadays cannot even sit in a restaurant without having fiddle with

their gadgets. They can’t sit in a car during the rush hour without

playing with their favorite mobile application and even browsing the

internet. Because of this, most kids nowadays are being slaves for being

lack of better term of social media, internet, online and offline games,


An article entitled “Dep-Ed urges students, teachers to keep up

with 21st century skills” by Merlinda Hernando-Malipot (2018) she said

that both teachers and learners need to adapt with the changes of their

environment. Education Secretary Leonor Briones highlighted anew the

importance of instilling 21st century competencies in learners. Briones

said that “The challenges for us now is to go beyond the robots that we

are building.” “We need to build robots which will make our life easier,

which makes our homes livable, and which will eliminate the

opportunities for corruption in government” she added. This explains

that learners and teachers must also evolve as the technology. There are

also projects from the DOST, the implementation of 21 st Century

Learning Environmental Model (CLEM) Classroom, which aims to

support the Dep-Ed’s K-12 curriculum through a modern avenue that

creates a modern practices, human support, and physical environment

to facilitate the development of 21 st century skills of students and


An article posted by Manila Standard (2018) entitled “Exceeding

the traditional way of teaching” states that students must be globally

ready and need to adept to thrive in a 21st century workplace. Jobs

nowadays are demanding, aside from knowledge, problem solving,

critical thinking, and communication skills. However, we can be able to

do it by the means of more innovative approach to education. According

to XSEED’s unique “Five Step Learning Process”, children must develop

critical and analytical thinking skills by replacing the old “chalk and

talk” teaching method. Schools adapting these methods may see marked

improvements in problem solving, creativity, collaboration, and

communication in English. This program also benefits the students by

enhancing their curiosity, confidence and thinking skills, and these are

the skills the need to excel for the 21 st century. “We believe that they will

see the intrinsic value of the program for their students and are

confident that with this program we can help Filipino students become

more prepared for all of their future opportunities.” he added.

Foreign Related Studies

According to Amanda Minor, B.S., C.S.T. (2016) in her study

about Effective Teaching Strategy for students, she emphasizes what

works and what doesn’t. She mentioned that connecting with your

students through sharing your enthusiasm and passion. By connecting

with them, students may enjoy to listen that will give them motivation to

focus on your lecture. Make lecture topics relatable & relevant also an

effective for student to learn. The more the students relate on the topic,

the more they learn because of their experiences, it will help them

remember what’s the topic is all about. In today’s generation, students

enjoy when the teacher share stories related to the discussion. Sharing

stories may help them understand the lesson well.

“Caution: Cellphones in use may interrupt learning” to “Caution:

Cellphones in use may enhance learning”. In her study, she changed

the word interrupt into enhance because in today’s generation, we use

technology especially mobile phones to help us do things easier. You can


gather information by using your cellular phones to search about the

topic you want to search.

She also mentioned the “Flipped Classroom Model”. A flipped

classroom is an instructional strategy and a type of blended

learning that reverses the traditional learning environment. Bloom’s

Taxonomy was created by Benjamin Bloom in 1956, published as a kind

of classification of learning outcomes and objectives it is a hierarchical

ordering of cognitive skills where there are levels of understanding. First

level is remembering. On this level, student must recall facts and basic

concepts. Second level is understanding where students must explain

ideas or concepts. Third level is applying where students can use

information in new situations. Fourth level is analyzing where students

must draw connections among ideas. Fifth level is evaluating where

students can justify a stand or decision. The Sixth and the highest-level

of Bloom’s Taxonomy is creating, where students can produce new or

original work.

In Traditional model, students are responsible for homework and

teachers is responsible to introduce new materials to the students.

Student engagement in the traditional model may be limited to activities

in which students work independently or in small groups on an

application task designed by the teacher. The Class discussions are

centered on the teacher who controls the flow of the conversation. This

pattern of teaching also giving students the task of reading their

textbook. While in Flipped Classroom, educational technologies such as

online videos are used to 'deliver content' outside of the classroom. In a

flipped classroom, students watch online lectures, collaborate in online

discussions, or carry out research at home while engaging in concepts

in the classroom with the guidance of a mentor.

One study by Megha Uplane and Gangotri Rokade (2014) assert

about the effectiveness of Interactive teaching strategies based on

learner’s learning style. In today’s generation is considered as an age of

technology. And as the time passed by, education is having a big impact.

When the economy of our country improves, the way of teaching is also

improved. There are various techniques of teaching which helps the

students in better adaptation in their learning environment. Interactive

teaching method is a new trend in education which the teachers are

using different techniques on how will students understand the lesson

well. Students has different way of learning. Once a teacher knows the

learning style of the students, it will be easy for them to select the most

appropriate method to help the students understand the lesson well.

Interactive teaching strategies is effective for better achievement for the

students and teachers.

Teaching techniques is important especially for the students

because what they learn is what they are. According to Sharmin


Sultana, Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics and ELT (2016) “A classroom

would not be a successful learning place if the students are not

motivated to learn”. In order to motivate the students to learn teachers

must catch their attention by doing that they need a teaching technique

that’s why every teacher and students needs a teaching method to

elaborate and demonstrate the topic clearly that’s why there’s a

progressive modern and traditional way of teaching.

The modern way of teaching is a method where the technology is

seriously involved for the educational purposes. Technology is surely

helpful for this method because it provides tools or materials and

applications to decrease the struggle, also this method help the students

to be a critical thinker and confident because the modern way of

teaching requires activities, individual task and etc. We are currently

using this method (modern way of teaching) to express the ideas and

topics clearly but this way of teaching is quietly expensive because it

requires lots of materials for educational purposes and to improve the

student’s skills. The other method does not require technology and lots

of tools. The traditional way of teaching is a technique where the

students and teachers will tackle the topic with “blackboard” and

“chalk” this method is widely used back then and until now. If the

teachers give a tasks or assignments the students will find what they

need in a library not in the internet it will took them some time but in

this way, the student is not just learning from the given topic but they

also learn from the other knowledge about something else. The

traditional way of teaching does not involved lots technology stuff aside

the students and teachers will discuss the topic with the charts and

written copies. This method is quietly cheap because it’s not requiring

lots of materials, however this strategy of teaching has a lot of problems

such as the facilities need to improve the students skill some say it’s

outdated others say its old fashioned.

According to Dr. Claas Wegner, Lea Minnaert and Friederike

Strehlke department for didactics of biology, Bielefeld University,

Bielefeld Germany (2013) “Fostering and improving your students’

learning strategies is important for them in order to learn successfully”

so not just the teachers who needs strategies but the students too but

that is in terms of learning. In order to be a successful learner a

students must have a better learning strategy to understand and adapt

the topics and lessons clearly the teachers will teach them a way how to

perfectly understand a topic after that the teachers will expect high for

the students because if their learning materials and strategy it will make

them a better person inside and outside the school. A University in

Bielefeld Germany promotes a project called “Kolumbos-Kids” this

project is promoting scientifically gifted learners by inviting selected

university. The purpose of the project is to help the students to find an


efficient way of learning the concept of the project is unique because it is

centered for the learning style and to help the students learn easily to

build a better future.

According to the study of Aaron Johnson (2013) about the

Effective methods for 21st Century Learning “The students technology

skills is approximately balance if the teacher is involved” it is to avoid

any overuse of technology gadgets and also to avoid side effects of them.

The skills on technology will be better if they are guided by teachers who

have experiences, not just to be better but to be useful. Technology is

useful but yet dangerous because it can change a persons personality

and behavior if the person is too attached with that is why they need to

be guided for safety. Also the effectiveness or learning with technology

made a large impact for learners and teachers aside from its decreasing

the struggle it is also helping the learners to improve their skills and

release their talent. If learning with technology is guided, we are going to

have a better future so long the effect of it is proven and useful.

Local Related Studies

According to Amado C. Ramos (Ph. D). This study was conducted

to know what strategies used by the teachers in Bayambang University

in the past first semester of the year 2013-2014, and also by the

changes of our educational system students and teachers must adjust


on what happened, they've given a new task and roles on their area of

teaching. By the technologies there are new way of teaching, a new role

for the advancement of the technology. Teachers was the way of a

successful of the students, they have to be more creative on doing the

methods of teaching, also He should also involve himself on the

students to know what atmosphere he had made and also to see what is

the wrong and correct way of teaching, also have to set goals on what

should they aimed, he also said that what should the teachers help for

the millennium, the goal of the teacher is to give the students a highest

learning. On the other hand, Edmondson and Novak said student

should not only know what are the facts but also to know where is the

origin, so that they'll know what it can be the same with one another,

also (Students should be exposed to varied learning experiences because

the greater the involvement, the greater learning, thereby ensuring

quality education).

According to Robert J. Marzano, Ph. D. (2016) A known

researcher, Marzano said "blended learning" is the key for the 21st

century students, especially millennial. He also said the one problem

that we have in present day is we're still using old fashioned strategies

and structures just like classrooms today there are so many methods

that we can use, new way one how we should teach a student, we

should explore and use other way. Marzano wants us to inform that we

should do something do to renew and to find another method on how

the teachers taught students, like using technology for example

powerpoint presentation, ms word, videos, and pictures that the student

may easily understand it. (An advocate and expert in evidence-based

education, a proactive methodology aimed at creating newer teaching

methods and system based on evidence and observation) Marzano said

that the old fashioned strategy "brick-and-mortar" schools have to find

new methods and strategies over the next 10 years because of the new

law or new educational reforms, using online resources, the blended

learning approach has become an ideal as a direct method of


According to Nikki Natividad (2016), before technologies came in

to our country there are some struggles that we face every day but now

thanks for the technology we have other ways on how teachers may

walks on everyday of their life by teaching, that are more easily and at

the same time it is helpful. She also tackled the teachers who wakes up

early in the morning to prepare the lessons that he/she will use in that

day but after 6 to 8 hours talking with students who sometimes noisy

that the teachers need to deal with it, didn't end there because after that

tiring day, teachers have to check projects, seatworks, quizzes and the

exams of its own students. And that's the reality of life but then

teachers didn't look at that way they motivated themselves, to see it in


the other way for their students to be a successful person someday. “My

students and my family are my motivation for me to continue my

calling,” says Teacher Amerie, a former pre-school teacher in Angeles

City, Pampanga and current Online English Instructor for 51 Talk. And

as a student, we also part of the family once we enter our room all of

students or your classmates is also your brothers and sisters. She also

said that if she did not already do doing her lesson for the next day

she'll not go home as her goal or plan for herself, but if she get tired so

much or the routine that she's doing is so much, she just thinks on

what journey she has before she gets there. For teacher Amerie, she

doesn’t think that teaching is not just like a job, but for her this is

sharing wisdom and kindness to her students. And when the tine she

sees her students succeed it make her hard works pays off after all of

her sacrifices of her life, “When I was younger, I was bullied. And I don’t

want my students to experience that. I want them to feel loved for who

they are,” she says. "Empowered by Technology" today teacher can now

use projectors, Power Point Presentation, Television and to make it more

comfortable on doing things not just like before they have to write on

manila paper they have to print some lesson to see by his/her students

today is more reliable than before, and that's what technologies can do

in our daily life or it can help teacher to get more easy by their jobs.

According to Ariel San Jose, this study was conducted to

comprehend the teaching literature courses. It also to search the

purposes and advancement on the conduct of the teaching method.

Using Focus Group Discussion (FGD) from the students and teachers

and document analysis, the researchers found that teachers applied

variety of teaching method so that they will teach the students easily

but reporting come up to be common, Moreover, discussion was found

to be most efficient method in the teaching literature. It discovers that

teaching method were you to conduct the different learning skills of the

students. Lastly, students were satisfied on the performance and

strategies used by the teachers/mentors. It was recommended that

innovations of the existing efficient teaching strategy must be improved

to attain desired learning outcome.

According to Joann May T. Lumanog, this study was conducted to

gain knowledge about the students' preffered learning styles and

teaching styles of Bukidnon State University -- Gingoong External

Studies Center taking Bachelor of Elementary Education Mahor in

General Curriculum for second semester of school year 2015-2016.

Moreover, the result served as a basis in creating a better set of learning

activities for the students. Data were gathered through the survey

among the fourty three regular first year college students. These

questionaries’ contained questions concerning data needed by the


researcher. In addition, the study employs the survey questionaries’

articulate by Neil Flemming (2005) and Anthony Grasha (1996)

Apparently, the result was indicated that there are fourty four percent

(44%) and twenty-eight percent (28%) who are visual and auditory

learners who preffer the facilitator teaching styles. Meanwhile, the mean

scores of the respondents denote that the acceptably accede with all the

teaching methods. This reveals that there are a lot of students who

distinguish that there are a lot of efficient teaching should be student-

centered. Hence, the teaching styles of the instructors should be the

same with the students' learning style. Their learning style should be a

guide for diversified teaching methods sustain to the needs of the

students. Moreover, further studies should be conducted among the

state university to gain and develop a diversified learning compendium

addressing the needs of the students.

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