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Tour management system


«extends» New user


Validate user
Tour details


Check aailibility «uses»

of package Reserve tour

modify tour


Reg customer Make pymnt



At office

Manitain scheme


Reserve ticket

Reserve hotel

Use Case Name : Validate user

Use Case ID: UC001

Use Case Description: This use case is used to validate user –check is existing or new

Actor: System

Basic Flow: 1.Validate User – Admin

2. Tracks the Customer details using-

Customer name and see details

3. Product details are fetched successfully

Alternative Flow: Details not found

1. If in step 3 of basic flow the customer detail is new then system will display “Not found

2. Then use case will register new customer by taking personal and tour details

Exception Flow: Nil

Use Case Name : Check availability of package

Use Case ID: UC002

Use Case Description: This use case will check availability of package

Actor: Registered customer

Basic Flow: 1.Validate User – Admin

2.Registered customer will find availability of package, according to his / her prefernce

3. is able to find expected packge- and modifies and reserves it by paying

Alternative Flow: if registered customer is not able to find package according to expectation, he may
provide his details and resumes at step 1

Exception Flow: Nil

Use Case Name : Maintain schecm

Use Case ID: UC003

Use Case Description: This use case Maintain scheme

Actor: Admin

Basic Flow: 1.Validate User – Admin

Admin will maintain scheme according to customer’s preferences.

Successful scheme is maintained

Use Case Name : Reserve ticket

Use Case ID: UC004

Use Case Description: This use case reserves ticket and hotel for customers whu have paid

Actor: Staff

Basic Flow: 1.Validate User – Admin

2.Staff will book tickets and hotel for customer who have paid successfully.

3. Successful tickets and hotel are booked

Check availbility of package

Get personal and tour details
[Existing ]

Get tour details

Provide tour details


Reserve tour Save customer details

Update tour info

Make Payment

Online At office

Cash, Credit , Cheque

Ticket booking

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