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Disusun oleh: Mr. Selamat Riyadi, S.S,.S.Pd

Setelah kita membahas main idea. Hari ini kita membahas tentang:
1. The paragraph following

2. The conclusion
The inferrence
It is inffered tips-nya cari kata benda di paragraph terakhir atau kesimpulan
The implied
It implies
3. The preceding sentence (tips-nya cari kata benda yang diceritakan di paragraph
4. Refers to (tips-nya cari kata benda yang dimaksud, kemudian cari keatasnya)
5. Cloze procedure / kalimat rumpang. Tips cari menjawabnya di nomor yang rumpang
itu lihat ke kanan dan ke kiri untuk menentukan grammar dan tenses.

Contoh soal reading yang menggunakan the paragraph following...

If you had the opportunity to live forever, would you take it? The obstacles to keeping
your body alive indefinitely still seems insurmountable, but some scientists think there is
another possibility opened up by digital: creating a digital copy of your “self” and keeping
that “alive” online long after your physical body has ceased to function.
In effect, the proposal is to clone a person electronically. Unlike their familiar
physical clones-offspring that have indentical features as their parents, but that are
completely separate organisms with a separate conscious life- your electronic clone would
believe itself to be you. How might this be possible? The first step would be to map the
For Ray wthis would be, quite literally, heaven. Once you apload the brain onto the
internet and log on to that virtual world the body can be left to rot while your virtual self
carries on playing Counter Strike forever. Therefore, why wait when you can have a shot of
nanobots and upload your brain onto the internet and live on as an immortal virtual surfer?

1. The topic of the paragraph following the passage will likely talk about?
A. how human will live as eternal virtual surfer
B. what people will do if they have nanobots surfer
C. how to upload the mind onto the internet to be an immortal
D. people’ meeting up on some virtual tropical beach
E. nanotransmitters ability to connect people

Last year’s drought in Texas, for example, could not be specifically tied to climate
change, said John Nielsen-Gammon, the Lone Star state’s climatologist. Over the past
century there has been an increase in rainfall – not a tedency toward dryness over most of
Texas by about 10 percent. “Changing climate has not contributed to the lack of rainfall
over the long term.
Temperatures have risen in Texas, meaning the increased rainfall is being evaporated
at a more rapid rate, he added. But for the drought, which continues to seize more than half
of the lower 48 states. He was a drought accelerant but not the main cause.

1. The topic of the paragraph following the passage will likely about?
A. changing climate has not contibuted
B. Temperatures has risen in Texas
C. there has been an increase in rainfall
D. not a tedency dryness
E. a drought accelerant but not the main cause
Contoh soal reading yang menggunakan implied...
In effect, the proposal is to clone a person electronically. Unlike their familiar
physical clones-offspring that have indentical features as their parents, but that are
completely separate organisms with a separate conscious life- your electronic clone would
believe itself to be you. How might this be possible? The first step would be to map the

1. It is implied in the passage that electronic cloning is...

A. an idea
B. in its first step
C. a science
D. a work in progess
E. pysical cloning

Its application can be examined in the context of a typical 2.5 hour commercial whale-
watch trip aboard a Pasific Whale Foundation passanger vessel to observe humpback
whales in Hawai. Each whale-watch trip is different venture. Nonetheless, it is possible to
view the trip as a structured experience, and to guide participants through an educational
sequence that has very clear goals and objective that can be monitored and evaluated over

1. It is implied that ....

A. an education is for fun
B. the guide is the instructor
C. the captain organizes
D. learning is through experiencing
E. participants are evaluated
Contoh soal reading yang menggunakan preceding
If you had the opportunity to live forever, would you take it? The obstacles to keeping
your body alive indefinitely still seems insurmountable, but some scientists think there is
another possibility opened up by digital: creating a digital copy of your “self” and keeping
that “alive” online long after your physical body has ceased to function.
In effect, the proposal is to clone a person electronically. Unlike their familiar
physical clones-offspring that have indentical features as their parents, but that are
completely separate organisms with a separate conscious life- your electronic clone would
believe itself to be you. How might this be possible? The first step would be to map the

1. The paragraph preceding this one most likely deals with ..

A. body alive indefinitely seems insurmountable
B. the opportunity to live forever
C. alive online
D. a digital copy
E. proposal is to clone

In 1983 a new type of photograph disc reached the marketplace, which showed
promise of eventually taking over the recording industry. It was called the compact disc and
made use of two technical systems: digital recording and laser beams. All recording until
the advent of the compact disc was analog recording.

1. The paragraph that preceds this passage most likely deals with....
A. the other uses of laser
B. nostalgia in the 1990s
C. major stars in recording industry
D. recording methods before 1983
E. the vibrations sound waves
Contoh soal reading yang menggunakan refers to ....
Borrowing upon principles of cognitive psychology, my friends and I have develope
an interpretative model for presenting information about marine mammals and their ocean
environment during whale-watch excursions in Hawaii and Australia. It has more recently
been extended to include snorkeling excursions to coral reef areas near Maui, Hawaii.

1. The word “it” refers to...

A. an education
B. a presenting
C. extended
D. an interpretative model
E. excursions

It is important that we recognize that up to forty percent of people who live through a
disaster experience some kind of psychopathology. This include anxiety, depression, mood
disorder, and stress disorder.

1. The word “this” in paragraph one line 2 is ...

A. disaster experience
B. psychopathology
C. forty percent
D. depression
E. stress disorder
Contoh soal reading yang menggunakan cloze procedure
..(1)..... many people believe that English is very important, ....... (2)......... there are
still many people ignore it. One of great men is KH. Agus Salim whose ....... (3)........ to speak
many language and he also led the international forum ........ (4)....... Agus Salim was .....
(5).... in speaking foreign languages when he was still a kid.
1. A. although
B. due to
C. despite
D. in spite of
E. because of

2. A. but
B. and
C. because
D. due to
E. in

3. A. ability
B. able
C. can
D. ambition
E. goals

4. A. success
B. successful
C. succeed
D. succeeded
E. succesfully

5. A. like
B. fond
C. interested
D. happy

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