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Class - IV Session 2021 - 2022 Subject - S.

Name ________________________________ Sec _______ Date_______

Responsibilities Of A Good Citizen

Who is a Citizen?
A citizen is a person who lives in a particular country,
enjoys rights, and has some duties towards the country.
No matter in which part of the country we live in, we are
its citizens. We can live and work in any part of our
country as its citizens. A good citizen always follows his
duties. It is not difficult to be a good citizen.

What is Civics?
Civics is the study of the rights and duties of
citizenship. It is the study of the ways in which a
society organizes and operates a state. It also
comprises the study of civil law, civil code, and the
structure of the government.
It also teaches us the importance of being an active
citizen in the community. It also helps us to
understand our role as members of society. It makes
us aware of the value of mutual cooperation and
coexistence. As citizens of a country, civics makes us
aware of our rights and duties. It also specifies that
the rights granted by the government of a country always come with
responsibilities. Thus, the study of civics is very important. It ensures that every
right there is a corresponding duty.

What is Civic Sense?

Civic sense is an awareness that tells us how to
live like responsible citizens. We need to
understand that we have certain duties to our
family, neighbours, society, and country. Civic
sense helps us to become good citizens. We
understand that all of us have equal rights.
Moreover, we should be careful that while enjoying our rights, we do not hurt or
stop anyone from enjoying their rights.
The first lesson of civic sense starts from one’s home. Family is the primary group
of society. It motivates children to adopt good
civic habits, mannerism and etiquette.
Our school is a significant centre of learning
the lessons of civic sense. Here, we learn
about the basic qualities of tolerance,
adjustment and mutual cooperation.
Civic sense is the way of walking, talking and
behaving in society. In the end, we can say
that the concept of civic sense is an asset to
the country, society and community. It mirrors one’s personality as a whole.

Importance Of Being A Good Neighbour And A Good Citizen

A neighbour is a person who lives next door or in the same
neighbourhood or locality.
A citizen is a person who lives in a particular country, enjoys
rights and has some duties towards the country.
The basic characteristics of a good neighbour and of a good
citizen are identical. Everyone wants to have an ideal
neighbour. A good neighbour should always be helpful,
sociable, sympathetic and well-behaved.
The qualities of a good neighbour are the same as those of a
good citizen. Both of them should be tolerant and adjustable
in nature and should have a positive attitude. They should be
sensitive to each other’s feelings.

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