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Feature story

For Immediate Release November 10, 2021

Blue House Agency, the key to obtain confidence as a team leader

BOISE, IDAHO - Haley Mindt is a Boise State

student who became part of Blue House Agency
for the first time this semester.

She is in the final stages of her communication

studies with an emphasis in Public Relations.
Haley choose her major since she have always
been extremely passionate about public speaking
and public advocacy, as she explains
“Communication is vital to human existence and
survival and I truly believe that communication is
one of the most powerful tools we possess as

Inside Blue House Agency, her role as the team

leader involves team communications, meeting
organization, semester scheduling, team tracking,
message development and event coordination. In short, she manages and organizes all the
decisions that take place within the group.

However, she explains how prior to this class, she had always been timid to step up, or put
herself out there when it came to a leadership position. Leading a team is something she has
always aspired to do, and her position in Blue House has just made her much more confident,
and less afraid to go after what she wants.

“I have enjoyed gaining a hands-on experience, and really immersing myself within the
community and also working alongside a team and being able to learn new skills from everyone
in my team. I have been extremely blessed with an exceptionally talented group of individuals
this semester.”

Haley will finish her phase at Boise State this semester and she is ready to face new challenges.
After graduation she would love to work within a nonprofit organization that assists low-income
children. Meanwhile, one of her long-term dreams is to put in practise her passion about
communication and write a book about grief and how to process those emotions.

For more information Website

Antia Martin Gago
Content manager - Blue House Agency

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