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Decision Making and

Problem Solving

After completion of this chapter, the reader will be able to:

1 Recognize the features of a good decision.
2 Identify the role that human behavior plays and its influence in the decision-making
3 Explain the steps to making a sound decision.
4 Select from the available qualitative and quantitative techniques to resolve the prob.
lems and decisions faced by a laboratory manager.


Decision: A conscious choice made after evaluating the available alternatives, for the
purpose of achieving a specific result.
A. Recog nition
B. Investigation
C. Def i n it io n
Deviation: A one-time, random human error.
Effectual Problem: The symptom or surface sign that may hide the real cause of u
Causal Problem the root cause of the problem.
D. Identification of Alternatives
E. Solution Evaluation and Selection
F. Implementation and Follow-up
A. Qualitative Tools
1 . Perso nal judgment
2 . So licitation of adv ice
Brainstorming: A technique used in groups whereby everyone freely and VW°
neously throws out ideas and solutions for later evaluation without regard fir ea-
Synectics: A group whose members are brought together as a problem solving


Nominal Grouping: A highly structured timeestoilnugtioinnswah nicohnyinmd oivudiyu presented write ee dtotheir original
ideas in private, with the alternative
the group for discussion and then voted on and tallied in secret.
3, Systematic Option Review
T Chart: A technique for evaluating alternative solutions by writing down the ad-
vantages and disadvantages of each option.
B. Quantitative Tools
Operations Research: A branch of management science that specializes in quanti-
tative tools.
Probability Analysis: A procedure for measuring risk by assigning a value, ex-
pressed as a percentage, to the likelihood of a specific event occurring.
Queuing Theory: A decision-making technique that recommends the number of
servers needed to handle an unpredictable workload.
Linear Programming: A tool for allocating limited resources among competing
needs by applying mathematical values to each solution variable.
Simulation: The use of computer-designed models to imitate real-life conditions and
test different intervention strategies.
1. Probability analysis
A Priori Probability: Predictions obtained by deductions based on assumed con-
Empirical Probability: Probability factors determined from the recording of ac-
tual events over a specific period of time.
Subjective Probability: A prediction based on the knowledge and experience of
the decision maker.
Payoff Matrix: A matrix, or chart, that compares the probability potential of the
alternatives identified.
Decision Trees: A schematic presentation that demonstrates the probabilit nts.
y poten-
tial of selecting a particular course of action at specific decision option poi
2. Queuing theory
3. Linear programming
4. Simulation

1. It should be based on a complete investigation of

the root causes and potential problems, as well as
Decision making andproblem • solving are such inte-
p encompass the obvious symptoms.
gral parts of daily life, encompassing every aspect
2. It should identify and evaluate alternative solu-
of management and personal action, that discussing
them as separate subjects may seem impossible. Be- tions
cause of their importance, however, decision-making 3. It should involve the selection of the best solution
and problem-solving skills must be given top priority. by in-depth analysis of the available information.
Without proper training and attention in this area, the 4. It should encompass an effective strategy for im-
manager and the laboratory simply muddle through,
plementing the solution.
postponing everyday decisions until they become andTthe setting
acute. Such laboratories then find themselves engulfed making decisions. iThisofchapter
m i are also
n the g in
it crisis management, running from fire to fire without making and problem-solving processes within the
making any discernible progress. This c hapter ,de- framework of organizations and discusses both a step-
scribes the decision-making processof as a seriestoof eight
analytic by-step decision-making model and the tools and tech-
steps and provides a selection tools that niques available to the laboratory manager.
may improve the ability of the manager to make wise
The Human Element
Characteristics of a The human element can quickly cloud the decision-
Good Decision making process. Emotions, prejudices, peer pressure,
and personal interest can exert tremendous influence oni-
Good decisions require both careful thought and thor- o n M on the
o d e c i s i o n s h o u l d h a v e t h e choices made. These factors can never
u g h p l a n n i n g . A w e l l - m a d e
following features:
pletely eliminated, but they must be controlled. This
can be accomplished through sound management and After the laboratory manager becomes a w a r e
decision-making procedures. problem, the situation must be investigat ed Ste, (.:f a
Human factors are not always bad. However, they cludes collecting data, interviewing staff, a nd gam
should be recognized for what they are and given ap- information that may shed light on the nature and
propriate consideration. Disclosure is often an effective ousness of the problem. During this f act_ gatileri..
control method and balancing action, providing the stage, the manager should be alert to ancillary
participants have the power and independence to con- that may have contributed to the problem but were
sider its impact and to act accordingly. at first readily apparent. nct
The most effective way to deal with the human ele-
ment is to turn it into an asset by using objective ana- Definition
lytical tools to evaluate the situation and allowing the Step 3 in the decision-making process is to d e fi ne
human touch to provide the perspective and context problem. President Lyndon Johnson once pointed gie
for selection and implementation. A model for problem that'when a problem has been defined, the solutioncititni.
solving and associated analytic tools are presented in ten becomes obvious to all. Other authors have f on,
the following sections. The manager must cons ider that formulating the correct question is 80 percent 'of the
each stage carefully and apply the available analytical solution. Determining the exact extent and bound, aries of
techniques to the deliberations. the problem enables the laboratory manager to target the
investigation toward specific objectives,
Steps in Making a Defining the problem means determining all the is
sues and aspects of the question, including
Sound Decision equipment, communication, supplies, and theme svnit flow
itself. At this point, attention should be given to
A model for making a decision or solving a problem ascertaining the depth of the trouble and questioning
can be broken down into eight steps, as shown in the boundaries of the definition. Here are some qu a
Table 4-1 and reviewed next. Each phase offers the tions to assist in this process:
decision maker both a challenge and an opportunity.
◼ Is this only a symptom of a more serious or wide.
By paying attention to the details of each stage, the
spread problem?
laboratory manager can build the framework for
choosing the correct course of action. • Is It a one-time deviation from the standards ma
random human error?
Recognition ◼ Is it only an effectual (surface) problem, which
must be investigated further to uncover the roma
Step 1 in making any decision or solving a problem is causal problem?
to become aware that something is wrong and needs
the attention of the manager. This message may arrive The answers to these inquiries help define the na-
from many different sources—as a complaint from a ture and urgency of the problem being researched
physician or employee or as a flag in the quality con - The laboratory manager can note the similarity be-
trol data, for instance. tween this step and troubleshooting procedures com-
Recognizing a problem is not as simple as it may ap- mon in quality control and instrument malfunction in-
pear. What appears to be a problem may he only a vestigations.
random occurrence, and the manager can waste a lot
of time and energy tracking down something that will Identification of Alternatives
fix itself. The earlier the problem is recognized, the Determining what solutions are available to remedy
sooner priorities can be set for resolving it. the situation is step 4 of the decision-making process.
At this stage the manager may wish to solicit advice
from other members of the staff or even assign
Table 4-1. DECISION-MAKING AND the problem to a committee to recommend solutions.
Although the committee system is often criticized
Step 1: Recognition that there is a problem or need for the as being too slow and ineffective, it is one of the
manager's intervention best sources for ideas to resolve organizational prob-
Step 2: Investigation and analysis of the cause and extent of the
Step 3: Definition of the nature and boundaries of the problem The key at this stage is to be aware of as many alter-
Step 4: Identification of alternative solutions native solutions as possible; the manager then has 3
Step 5: Evaluation of each option, within the context of the range of options from which to choose. The manager
management plan and objectives for the laboratory
S tep 6: Selection of the best alternative
should avoid the temptation to examine each alterna -
Step 7: Implementation of the solution tive in depth as it is discovered and instead wait until a
Step 8: Follow-up on the success and progress of the decision, and number of solutions are collected. Although some Pre'
institution of needed modifications posals can be rejected outright, considering each alit::
native as it becomes known is time -consuming.
may settle on a poor choice
_, nager simply be -
die manager
time constraints. e Synectics. People with a variety of backgrounds
cose o are brought together as a troubleshooting team.
Solution Evaluation and Selection ■ Nominal grouping. In a highly structured meet-
ing, individuals write down their original ideas
fte , e pool of feasible solutions has been compiled,
and then present them to the group. Group mem-
t hor ough evaluation should be conducted (step 5) , bers then vote on and rank-order each suggestion
3 d the best alternative selected (step 6). Some suggesr

be ruled out immediately. For those deserv

serious consideration, a variety of tools can be
its can secretly to discourage peer pressure and encour-
age creativity.
Delphi method. In a modification of nominal
to grouping, the input and opinions of experts are
select the most suitable alternative. Both quail- solicited on questionnaires before the meeting.
m.u The results are then discussed and voted on
'ase '
_five and quantitative techniques are discussed in the next anonymously. The Delphi method is more com-
monly used in making decisions in which forecast-
ing future events or trends is important.
Implementation and Follow up -

Systematic Option Review

Steps 7 (implementation) and 8 (follow-up) should be
Systematic option review involves prioritizing each op-
f ully integrated into the management functions and
tion according to its apparent attractiveness. A T chart
process of the laboratory. Developing a plan to imple-
is one popular format for evaluating facts and informa-
ment the final decision and devising a mechanism to
tion. This technique has been borrowed from account-
monitor compliance are part of the management func-
ing. The problem and proposed solution are written
tions (see Chapter 1) and illustrate the central role of
down at the top of the page, a line is drawn down the
decision making in the overall operations of the labo-
middle (hence the name T), and the advantages and
disadvantages are listed on either side of the T. This vi-
sual presentation of the proposal often clarifies the op-
Decision-Making Techniques portunities and risks associated with each option and
makes the selection process more objective. Table 4-2
Techniques for evaluating decision options can be di-
shows a T chart for making the quantitative beta hu-
vided into qualitative and quantitative methods.
man chorionic gonadotropin a STAT test, available on
all shifts.
Qualitative Tools
Qualitative decision-making tools involve personal Quantitative Tools
judgment, solicitation of advice, and systematic option Quantitative tools include both quality control (QC)
review. measures and financial data. One branch of manage-
ment science that specializes in providing quantitative
Personal Judgment tools for decision making is called operations re-
People begin at birth to develop skills in choosing be- search (OR). The four main areas of OR are:
tween competing options. These skills grow with ma- ◼ probability analysis. which measures risk by as-
turity and experience: In addition to the judgment signing a value, expressed as a percentage, to the
gained through life experience, the specific duties and likelihood of a specific event occurring
demands of the workplace and profession become fa- ◼ Queuing theory, which provides recommenda-
miliar through formal training and career advance- tions for the number of staff (phlebotomists.
ments. This personal knowledge is a vital resource in clerks, technical personnel, and so on) needed to
evaluating alternatives and making decisions. handle an unpredictable workload

Solicitation of Advice

Asking for opinions, organizing a committee, seeking a

consensus from colleagues and coworkers, and dele- Problem: Request by ER medical staff for STAT BHCG
gating the task to staff members are all examples of so- Proposed Solution: Train staff on 3:00-11:00 and 11:00-7:00 shifts to
liciting advice and using the experience and insight of perform test
Advantages Disadvantages
other members of the laboratory.
Forming a group or committee to focus on a prob- Satisfy patient service needs Training time
Spread of workload and productivity Lack of trained staff
lem is one of the most common approaches to deci- Improved turnaround time Shortage of personnel
sion making. Listed next are several successful tech- Additional trained staff $2 increase in cost of test
niques for collecting suggestions from a group: Educational opportunities Disruption of work flow
Increased workload of shifts
■ Brainstorming. Everyone freely throws out ideas
for later evaluation without regard for validity.

CCC 2,74
• Linear programming, a tool for allocating lim- pecially useful for cost-benefit analysis of different al
ited resources among competing needs ternatives. In addition, the decision tree can be mod!' fled
◼ Simulation, which designs models to imitate real- for use as a flow chart (see Chapter 16, Laboratory
life conditions so the different intervention scenar- I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m s ) .
ios can be compared
OR management is the application of these quantita- EXAMPLE: Financial impact of performing te sts
tive techniques to business situations. in-house
Laboratories must frequently decide whether to per_
form a test in-house or send it to a reference lab. A
Probability Analysis payoff matrix (Table 4-3) and decisior) tree (Fi g
Probability analysis is most useful when the manager is 4-1) are used to determine the financial impact of
faced with choosing between several different options performing protein electrophoresis in the lab. He
under conditions with significant risk or uncertainty. are the known data:
An estimate of probability (F) of a certain outcome or ◼ Empirical data: An average of 75 protein elec-
event happening is calculated numerically so that it trophoresis tests are sent to reference laboratories
can be compared with other options. per month.
An a priori probability is obtained by deductions
based on assumed conditions. For example, a flip of a ◼ Subjective potential: There is a 70 percent proba_
coin has a 50 percent probability (P = .5) of coming bility (P = .7) of doing 125 tests a month, as de-
up heads. However, the outcome of a single toss can- termined from conversations with physicians and
not be predicted with absolute certainty. Similarly, the complaints about turnaround times.
laboratory goes to great lengths to establish normal (or ◼ Net profit per test
reference) ranges for its procedures and patient popu- Send to reference lab: $5 per test
lation, but it cannot predict with certainty where a par- Perform in-house: First 75 = $2 per test; each addi-
ticular patient's results will fall before the test is run. tional test = $15 per test
Delta checks, a type of statistical quality control proce- ◼ Analysis: The potential for profit goes up as the
dure, depend on comparing current results with previ- volume of tests increases; however, when proba_
ous tests to detect possible errors. bility (P) is included in the equation the options
Empirical probability is determined by recording become more realistic: $900 versus $630. The
actual events over a specific period of time and calcu- manager must obviously include other factors,
lating the • number of times each event occurs. This such as turnaround time and patient service
technique is used when the laboratory establishes QC needs, in making a decision, but the tools of prob-
ranges for a new lot of reagents or controls. It may ability shed significant light on the impact of a
also be used to predict turnaround time for a test, course of action on the total operations of the lab-
STAT response times, and absenteeism. oratory.
Subjective probability is just that—subjective.
Based on the knowledge and experience of the indi-
vidual or group, a prediction is made of the likelihood Queuing Theory
of an event occurring. This technique, like decision Computer programs for queuing, linear programming,
making, is a common process. When technologists and simulation are widely available. The manager,
ate asked how soon a result will be ready or how however, should know how and when to use these
much longer a reagent will last on an instrument, they tools, which are ideally suited to the fluctuating and
can usually predict the answer with fairly good accu- unpredictable work flow of the medical laboratory.
racy, even though no formal study has been con - Queuing theory was originally designed to determine
ducted. the number of airline reservation clerks needed for a
Two techniques have proved helpful in applying given time period and is designed to determine the
probability analysis to business situations: the payoff staffing requirements of a workstation with the follow-
matrix and decision trees. These procedures are es- ing operational needs:


Send Test Out Bring Test In House

Volume Potential Expected Income ($) Potential Expected Income ($)

(Tests per Month) P Income ($) (Po te ntial I nco me x Pro ba bili ty ) I ncome ($) (Potential Income x ProbabilitY)
75 1.0 375
100 .8 500 375 150 150
125 .7 625 400 525 420'
438 900 630
150 .3 750
225 1,275 383
Test Possible
Decision Performance Potential
Volume (P) Expected
Point Option Income
(rest/Month) Payoff
($) ($)
75 (1.0)
• Send Out x 375 = 375
125 (0.7) x
625 436
75 (1.0) =
• lnhouse 150 150
• 125 (0.7) 900 = 630
FIGURE 4-1. Decision-tree analysis.

1. Need for prompt service

◼ Are the throughput and turnaround time accept-
2. Need for an adequate number of servers to meet
an urgent demand
◼ Is the price within the laboratory budget?
3. Unpredictable timing of service requests
4. Unpredictable duration of service time Linear programming then applies a mathematical value
to each variable to solve the problem.
The input variables used by most queuing programs to
determine the appropriate staffing level of servers EXAMPLE: Requirements for the main chemistry
(e.g., phlebotomist, technologists, instruments) include: analyzer
1. Average number of units (e.g. specimens, pa - ■ Turnaround time (routine processing time):
tients, clients) requesting or arriving for service 5 20 minutes for all tests including enzymes
during a designated period of time (hour, shift, 5 10 minutes for STAT CHEM 6 (glucose, BUN.
day, test run) lytes)
◼ Specimen Requirement:
2. Average number of units waiting for service 5 50 ji.L per test
3. Average waiting time until service begins ◼ Throughput (tests per hour):
4. Average time to process a unit 60 samples per hours
5. Maximum time acceptable to wait for results or ◼ Test available:
service a all routine tests
Once these parameters have been determined, they ◼ Price:
Instrument = < $100.000
can be entered into a queuing program for staffing
Cost per test = 5 S1.20
level calculations.
■ Analysis: By solving for each of these variables, an
informed decision can he made when these crite-
Linear Programming ria arc applied to each instrument being consld-
Linear programming was designed to resolve the 101- co
lowing problems: mputer has made possible the development of models
• Limits and restraints on the availability of re- that closely duplicate the conditions found in real-life
settings. These models attempt to identify important
sources (staff, time, expenses)
variables, which the manager can then manipulate to test
◼ Constant need for decisions as to allocation of the impact of different options on the system. An
these limited resources among competing needs example of simulation might be a computer projection
◼ Pressure to maximize income and minimize losses of the impact on length of patient stay in the hospital
nagers may not be aware that they use linear pro- r if CPK isoenzymes are batched and run at different
"riming techniques subconsciously in everyday decisions. times (e.g., every 2, 4, or 8 hours) instead of on a STAT
The process of elimination and selection illustrates basis.
Critics point out the difficulty of isolating all possible
the procedure. Here are some questions and variables
variables and accurately measuring their influence.
ssoctated with this type of decision:
However, as computers and computer simulation be-
◼ Does the instrument perform all the tests required,
or is additional equipment necessary?

38 ❑ MANAGEMENT OF ORGANIZATIONS of selecting the wisest course of action and incre
ing the efficiency of the laboratory. Th ese t. k
come more sophisticated, they will be even more use- niques, in concert with the other techniqu es 15/1-
ful to the manager. Used in conjunction with the other skills covered in Part 1, provide the laboratory i.,4rid
decision-making tools, the possibilities are limitless. ager with a significant amount of knowledge thatri.
By applying the tools discussed in this chapter to be di rected toward assuring both personal and ins"
the decisions and problems encountered in the med- tutional success.
ical laboratory, managers can improve their chances

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