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“Kalampusan sa Batang Aupagan, Garbo ug Kadaugan sa Tibouk

The flagship of Aupagan National High School is anchored in the strong belief that the
children are the future of the Nation. The school administrators and the stakeholders hold
on to its dream that the success of every child from Aupagan is the pride and victory of all
Strong Commitment of Leaders and Its effect to the Organization.

The success of every organization is not a mere product of intelligent leaders but it is a
good result of collaborative efforts of all people in the organization and the people in the
community,the customers and the consumer of the products and services that the
organization provides. Good leaders, are expected to be the role model who manifest
excellent characters, values and image worthy to be emulated. The leaders who embody
good character and discipline in an organization, will definitely radiate positive, good
quality and high performance in a workplace. However, there is no such perfect
organization present in the surface of the earth. Even a strong organizations will encounter
conflicts or crises when other leaders and members lacks communication, commitment
respect and unity.

Communication, commitment, respect, and unity are just some of the strong
foundation of successful organization that Barangay Council of Barangay Aupagan needs
to be strengthen. In a discussion with my interviewees, Mrs. Marisol H. Julve, Treasurer and
Ms. Snooky Sucaldito, Secretary of Barangay Aupagan, admitted that conflicts always
arise in the council and the rest of the community. The two appointed member of the
council deliberately divulged some of their disappointing and frustrating experiences
because of unprofessional behavior of some barangay council members. Mrs. Julve and
Ms. Sucaldito bluntly expressed their disappointments they often feel every time the
council holds a program for the Celebrations of Araw ng Aupagan. They stated that more
often than not, there are council members who come late but first to leave the program
without taking responsibly of those after program duties. There are committee members
who are noted as irresponsible in handling duties designated on them. There were projects
and programs conducted and implemented by the council failed because it lacked
supports from other council and the rest of the community. As a result some of the
programs were not successful and it boiled down to being uncommitted of some

In addition, Ms. Snooky retold her experiences every time the council holds its meeting.
She said that there were numerous instances that they cannot immediately have a
quorum because many members come tardy, and sometimes appeared uninterested in
attending the meeting. It can be assumed that some of the council members really lack
time consciousness and management. The secretary even disclosed the conditioof the
present condition of the Barangay Chairman, the office in charge can hardly hold his
colleagues in planning, decision making and other affairs the council is expected to
perform. In an incident given, it appeared that the OIC lacks some human relation skills
such as the communication. The attitudes of being disrespectful to the authority and
disrespectful to the time of other people and other unfavorable actions showed by the
members, many of the reports and other important matters to be accomplished by the
council were affected. Hence, it can be strongly perceived that lack of respect in an
organization leads to failure or worst it may collapse.

Moreover, Mrs. Julve as barangay treasurer for many years, she mentioned a conflict
between barangay officials and a land owner of an area where the concrete covered
court was built. In her statement, some of the parts of the land donated by the former and
now deceased barangay chairman whose last name is Martinez was already occupied
by some of the grand children as a result, the planned design of the covered court was
changed. The conflict she mentioned proved that the council lack of human relations skills
such as communication, negotiation, and conflict resolution to name a few.

Overall, it may be said that, indeed there is no perfect leaders and organizations.
However, there are highly recommendable skills that need to be developed and
inculcated in the minds and hearts of all members in an organization, in order for us to
achieve success and establish better relationship among stakeholders and members of
the community. In the case and instances given by the interviewees, the council must
develop reactive and proactive leadership where it allows the council to listen the needs
and problems in the community and plan solutions that may solve the problems. The
council members also need to strengthen their skills in communication which allows them
to listen and accept opinions and suggestions from others; conflict resolution and
negotiation which help them maintain balance and positive interaction among all
members of the council and the community; Ethics which reminds them that respecting
people in authority is just and right and is fundamental in establishing good relationship,
lastly the organizations skills must be put in every member’s mind that being responsible
and committed in duties and responsibilities that are delegated upon him or her helps the
organization work efficiently and effectively, thus time must be respected and be utilized

Ms. Snooky Sucaldito Mrs. Marisol H. Julve

Secretary Treasurer

Venue: Barangay Aupagan, Office of the Barangay Council.

Time: Approximately 2 o’clock

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