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Significant Impact of NSTP 1 to My Life

National Service Training Program (NSTP), is a civic education and defense

preparedness program students instituted by the Government of the Philippines on 23 July 2001
by virtue of Republic Act 9163, otherwise known as the "National Service Training Program
(NSTP) Act of 2001. NSTP has three program components and these are Civic Welfare Training
Service, Literacy Training Service, and Reserve Officers Training Corps.

As a BSA freshman student of Tarlac State University, I have chosen Civic Welfare
Training Service as my program for my NSTP class. I ended up choosing this program because
as a citizen of my beloved Philippines, I want to enhance my civic consciousness and know more
about the value of service and commitment for the welfare and betterment of life in the
community. I want to give my big gratitude to our lecturer in NSTP class because he enables me
and the rest of the class to become aware of our community and taught us to become a better

NSTP 1 class trains me to become a person with discipline, strong values, and a correct
attitude. In this class, as a student in society, I learned to be mindful and conscious of my value
and it teaches me the things I can do about my surroundings. I have discovered that, while I am
still a student, I have the potential to contribute to the improvement of my community and
country. Additionally, in order to maximize my capabilities and become a bona fide Filipino, I
should posses the four core values that have been discussed to us and these are being maka-
Diyos, maka-tao, maka-kalikasan, and maka-bansa. In becoming a better a citizen, it is not
enough to have discipline and be responsible to your actions but also you must embodied the
faith in our Lord Almighty, focus on the truth, justice, freedom, love, equality and peace, be
involve in the conservation and development of our patrimony, and lastly, have respect for our
law and government.

Embracing all the lessons I’ve learned and sharing this knowledge to other people will
truly help me obtain my desired goal in service and commitment for my country. Indeed, NSTP 1
class has significant impact to my life because it awakens my sense of duty and responsibility to
my country and co-countrymen. I should say that the greatest lesson imprinted on me from this
class is that I have an impact on my surroundings and my youthfulness doesn’t hinder me from
bringing change to my community and even to my country.

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