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Awesome Mixtures

Submitted by:

Group 8

Bethany Grace Serapio

Pauline R. Serrano

Amanda Samonte

Irish Mae Sayno

Penille Saluna Sensioco

Grade 11- Obedience

October, 2021

Submitted to:

Marjorie Relavo

General Chemistry Teacher



Water covering over 70% of the earth, is undoubtedly one of the most precious

natural resource of the world. However, in spite of such large quantity of water present

on the earth’s surface, only 0.4 % is available for use, 97% is the salt water of oceans

and seas while the remaining 2.6% is captured in polar ice caps, glaciers, atmosphere,

or underground (Himesh et al., 2007). The abundance of non-potable water cannot

support the human population. And half of the composition of the human body is water.

Thus, a source of clean water is essential for prolonging one's existence.

The experiment entitled “Separation of Mixture” aims to introduce the purification

of the salt-water mixture in a process called distillation. The experimentation will allow

the students to perform the distillation process alternatively by using household

materials and creative ways by designing a more efficient setup. Conducting the activity

will offer the students prior knowledge and profound comprehension about the scientific

explanation of the separation process. The distillation process will enable the students

to integrate the experiment into real-life situations.

Statement of the Hypothesis:


The modified setup will purify a greater volume of water than the given setup (First still).

The given setup (First still) will purify greater volume of water than the modified setup.


Separation of Mixture is composed of 2 parts: Part A (First Still) and Part B (Self-

designed setup). In part A, the students will follow the given procedures to create the

salt-water mixture. And allow it to undergo the distillation process by exposing the given

setup under the sun for a couple of hours. In part B, the steps used in making the salt-

water mixture are still the same. However, on this part, the students will freely modify

the design based on inferences and analyses from the first part of the experimentation.

Similar to part A, place the setup under the sun for a couple of hours. At the end of this

experiment the students expect the following results:

1. A greater volume of purified water will be collected on the modified setup.

2. The modified setup will be more effective than the given setup (First still).


The students executed the experiment in their respective homes. Strictly

following safety guidelines. The experiment is meant to prove the validity of the

proposed method. Following the practical setup to see if it yields the expected results.

To study and analyze each of the processes that take place. The students also

experimented with the interchangeable variables to see how they affected the outcome.



Students gathered all the required materials. Most of which are everyday household

materials. Such as Plastic wrap, food coloring, salt, big and small bowl, rubber bands,

spoons or measuring cups, kettle and water.


The students added three tablespoons of salt into a bowl, adding 1000ml of boiled

water. Put a few drops of food color and mix it for a while for the salt to dissolve with the

food color.

Place a cup in the middle of the bowl and pour in the colored salt solution. Next,

place the plastic wrap around the bowl and use a rubber band to seal the edges

carefully. Place a rock on top of the plastic wrap, on top of where the cup is in place.


Leave the setup under the sun and wait for a few hours shows fascinating results

when exposed to the sun. Then results in water droplets below the plastic wrap.

The students will check the measured amount of water collected within the day

and observe the volume using a syringe.

Formula for % of water purified:

% water purified = x100


The students adjusted the setup to produce more efficient results. The Methods

are kept the same, but more materials were used. This was done to compare and

improve the accuracy/effectivity of the previous setup.

Student 1


The student gathers the materials needed for the innovation. All materials

used were in the household: medium-sized box, insulation foam, and black



Discard the unnecessary flaps to make the box a decent-looking base.


Vertically place the insulation foam on its sides. Extend the length of the insulation

foam on three sides of the box that will serve as the reflector of the setup.


Evenly cover the inside bottom part of the box with the black fabric. The black fabric

will be the absorber of the setup.


The students use the same materials and procedures on the salt-water mixture.

Place the new setup on a heat conducive place. Put the salt-water mixture inside the

box and let the setup be exposed for couple of hours under the sun.


The students will check the measured amount of water collected within the day and

observe the volume using a syringe.

Formula for % of water purified:

% water purified = x100



Students gathered all the required materials. Most of which are everyday

household materials. Such as Plastic wrap, food coloring, salt, glass bowl, rubber band,

spoons, kettle and hot water.


The students added three tablespoons of salt into a bowl, adding 1000ml of

boiled water. Put a few drops of food color and mix it for a while for the salt to dissolve

with the food color.


Place a cup in the middle of the bowl and pour in the colored salt solution. Next,

place the plastic wrap around the bowl and use a rubber band to seal the edges

carefully. Place a rock on top of the plastic wrap, on top of where the cup is in place.


Leave the setup under the sun and wait for a few hours shows fascinating results

when exposed to the sun. Then results in water droplets below the plastic wrap.


The students will check the measured amount of water collected within the day

and observe the volume using a syringe.

Formula for % of water purified:

% water purified = x100


This section presents the data obtained by the students after conducting the Part A and

B of the experiment.

Student Volume of water Volume of water % Of water purified

added (mL) collected (mL)

1 1000 mL 2 mL 0.2 %

2 1000 mL 3ml 0.3%

Table 1. Part A (First Still)

The table shows the added volume of water, the collected volume of water, and

the percentage of the purified water using the given setup.

Figure 1. Part A: Student 2 Figure 2. Part A: Student 1

After exposing the setup for After exposing the setup for
couple of hours, the student couple of hours, the student
collects 3mL of purified water. collects 2mL of purified water.

Student Volume of water Volume of water % Of water purified

added (mL) collected (mL)

1 1000 mL 20mL 2%
2 1000 mL 6.1mL 0.61%

Table 2. Part B (Self-designed setup)

The table shows the added volume of water, the collected volume of water, and

the percentage of the purified water using the modified setup.

Figure 1. Part B: Student 2 Figure 2. Part B: Student 1

After exposing the setup for After exposing the setup for
couple of hours, the student couple of hours, the student
collects 6.1mL of purified water. collects 20mL of purified water.

After conducting the experiment about purifying a salt-water mixture through

the process of distillation, the students were able to determine the difference and

significance of the two setups. Based on the collected data, the students obtained a

greater volume of collected water: 20mL and 6.1 mL and a percentage of purified water:

2% and 0.61mL using the modified setup.

The result of the experimentation accepts and supports the proposed

alternative hypothesis of the study. It was further consolidated by the percentage of

purified water gathered in table 1 which, is 0.2 % (Student 1) and 0.3% (Student 2) and

the percentage of purified water gathered in table 2 which, is 2% (Student 1) and 0.61%

(Student 2). The results of the experiment made the students conclude that:

1. A greater volume of purified water will be collected on the modified setup.

2. The modified setup will be more effective than the given setup (First still).

In the distillation process, the students only used alternative or household

materials. The proper way of conducting the activity is to utilize a distillation apparatus

such as a heat plate, distilling flask, three-way adapter, thermometer, condenser,

vacuum adapter, and receiving flask. The distillation apparatus uses a heat plate as the

source of energy for the distillation process to occur. Unlike the given activity, the

students only use the sun's heat. Non-heat conducive places produce a lower

percentage of purified water. Due to inconsistent weather patterns, the students gather

different results.

The experiment can be improved through:

a. The use of location when the weather is high on heat/temperature.

b. Utilization of materials that has good thermal conductivity and are available in

c. Substituting the material used to cover the mixture like plastic wrap, replace with

aluminum foil.

The experiment employs the distillation process in purifying the salt-water

mixture. As the components of the mixture have different boiling points, a higher

temperature or concentration from the sun must be present for it to undergo evaporation

and eventually, condensation. The experiment implies that temperature is an essential

element in the distillation process.


Jodi M. L., Birnin-Yauri U. A., Yahaya Y. and Sokoto M. A. (September, 2012) The use

of some plants in water purification. 2012 Global Advanced Research Journals



There are a variety of methods for separating a mixture, one of which is

chromatography. It's a method for dissolving mixtures into their basic elements and

examining them. In addition, this process separates many compounds that make up a

mixture. A scientist can determine the components of a chemical by examining it.

Chromatography, which means "color writing," is a method for a chemist to test liquid

combinations. In 1903, M.S. Tswett, a Russian botanist devised chromatography while

researching plant coloring compounds.

Chromatography is utilized in a variety of applications. It is also used by some

people to determine what is in a solid or liquid and to figure out what compounds are

unknown. When the police, the FBI, and other detectives are seeking to solve a crime,

they also utilize chromatography.

The laboratory methods are made up of a number of steps that allow for the

identification of unknown mixtures. The three main processes in this technique are gel

filtration preparation, solvent system preparation, and chromatography development. To

do so, we'll use chromatography, which is a monitoring system that isolates the

numerous chemical combinations found in ink and leaves.

Each individual will be conducting ink and leaf chromatography. Every student

will discover the method of separation and explain what happened in the experiment. In

this approach, the test solution or samples are placed at a place near one edge of a

filter paper. They’ll look at the diverse chemical makeup of a variety of inks and leaves

in this experiment.

By having these following materials; filter paper, alcohol as solvent, extracts of

leaves as solute, ink as another solute, container, different colors of markers, ruler and

pencil, a chromatography experiment can be performed.

Statement of the Hypothesis

Alternative Hypothesis

The experiment will be successful in separating dissolved chemical substances.

Null Hypothesis

The experiment will not be successful in separating dissolved chemical



Paper Chromatography
Set up 1: Leaf Chromatography

The materials that has been used in conducting the experiment are; green

leaves, colorful leaves, filter paper, ethyl alcohol, mortar and pestle, small stick,

measuring cup (ml), clear glass container, tape, pencil/pen and ruler.

Procedure (Green and Colorful Leaf chromatography)

Part A

Step 1: Cut out the filter paper in a rectangular shape then cut out the edges of the

paper to form a pencil-like shape.

Step 2: Second, draw a line at the center of the pencil line.

Step 3: Pour 5 ml of an ethyl alcohol in the clear glass container then set aside.

Step 4: Tear the green/colorful leaves into small chunks to crush it easier.

Step 5: After tearing the green/colorful leaves, add 5 ml of ethyl alcohol along with the

leaves in the mortar then grind it with pestle until the mixture is finely ground.

Step 6: Once the leaves produces extract, use the small stick to drop the extract at the

center of the pencil line in the paper.

Step 7: Make sure that the pigment is dry before adding up more drops. Drop the

pigment as many as 10 times.

Step 8: Stick the filter paper on a pencil/pen with a tape.

Step 9: Hang the filter paper inside the clear container. As you hang the paper, make

sure that the tip of the paper touches the alcohol but the pigment should still be above

the solvent. Also, the paper should not touch the sides of container.

Step 10: As the solvent rises up the paper, it separates the pigments. Remove the

paper as soon as the solvent reaches the top and set it aside to dry.

Part B

Step 11: As the paper dries, measure the pigment’s distance (cm) to where it moves up

from starting point (pencil line) and the center of each pigment band.

Step 12: Measure also the total distance traveled by the solvent.

Step 13: After measuring the distance traveled by the solvent and pigment (solute),

calculate each Rf value of the bands of pigment and distance alcohol traveled.

Distance traveled by solute


Distance traveled by solvent

Set up 2: Ink Chromatography

The materials that has been used in performing ink chromatography are;

highlighters/marking pens, filter paper, ethyl alcohol, measuring cup (ml), clear glass

container, pencil/pen, ruler, paper clip and tape.

Procedure (Ink Chromatography)

Part A

Step 1: First, cut out the filter paper in a rectangular shape.

Step 2: Then draw a line for about 1.5 cm up from the edge of the paper.

Step 3: Make a large dot of three different colors in line with the line that was drew.

Step 4: Stick the filter paper on a pencil/pen with a tape.

Step 5: Pour 10 ml of ethyl alcohol inside the container.

Step 6: Hang the strip into the solvent and make sure that the end is touching the

alcohol but keep the color dot above the level of the solvent.

Step 7: Remove the paper strip from the cup once the solvent has finished travelling up

the paper strip.

Part B

Step 8: As the paper dries, measure the pigment’s distance (mm) to where it moves up

from starting point (pencil line) and measure the total distance of alcohol traveled.

Step 9: After measuring the distance traveled by the solvent and pigment (solute),

calculate each Rf value of the bands of pigment and distance alcohol.

Distance traveled by solute

Distance traveled by solvent


This part shows the results from the data gathered from the actual experiment.

The following tables presents the analysis of the distance traveled by the solute and

solvent. It also shows the separated pigment bands and their Rf value in a tabular and

textual presentations.

Table 1.1 Results of Leaf Chromatography using Green Leaves

Students who Type of Number of

Color of
conducted Green extracted Name of Pigment Rf Value
experiment leaves used pigment

Green Chlorophyll B 0.18 cm

1 Malunggay 2
Yellow Xanthophyll 0.22 cm

2 Guava 1 Brown Chlorophyll A 0.92 cm

3 Malunggay 1 Dark Green Chlorophyll A 0.8 cm

The findings of leaf chromatography utilizing green leaves are shown in Table

1.1. The table below displays the hue, Rf value, and name of the pigment extracted in

the experiment completed by students 1, 2, 3.

Table 1.2 Results of Leaf Chromatography using Colorful Leaves

Students Type of
Number of
who Colorful Color of Name of
extracted Rf Value
conducted leaves Pigment Pigment
experiment used

Green Chlorophyll B 0.23 cm

1 Mayana 2
Yellow Xanthophyll 0.29 cm

2 1 Violet Anthocyanin 0.82 cm

3 Camote 1 Brown Chlorophyll A 0.5 cm

The table above shows the pigments that was extracted from the colorful leaves.

It also shows the Rf value, name and color of each pigment.

Fig. 1, Student 1, Fig. 2, Student 2, Fig. 3, Student 3,

Green Leaves Green Leaves Green Leaves

Fig. 4, Student 1 Fig. 5, Student 2 Fig. 6, Student 3

Colorful Leaves Colorful Leaves Colorful Leaves


Table 2.1 Results of Ink Chromatography

Student 1 Student 2 Student 3

Distance Alcohol Traveled Distance Alcohol Traveled Distance Alcohol Traveled

48 mm 70 mm 2 mm

Color Color Color

Distance Rf Distance Rf Distance
Pigment Color Pigment Color Pigment Color Rf Value
measured Value measured Value measured
# # #

0.72 1 Black 62 mm 0.89

1 Orange 35 mm 1 Orange 1.5 mm 0.6 mm
mm mm
0.87 0.75
2 Green 42 mm 2 Violet 1.5 mm
mm mm

3 Blue 48 mm 3 Blue 1.5 mm 1.5 mm

The table shows that the experiments done by students 1, 2, 3 was successful.

The colors did rose up to the paper and somehow separated them.

Fig. 7, Student 1 Fig. 8, Student 2 Fig. 9, Student 3

Ink Sample Ink Sample Ink Sample


Separation of substances is required in order to acquire pure compounds for

home, industrial, and research uses. In this experiment, paper chromatography is the

technique that the students performed.

By hanging the filter paper with three different highlighter colors in a container

filled with 10 ml of ethyl alcohol, the ink immediately rose up after a few seconds being

exposed to the solvent. While in the leaf chromatography with 10 drops of extract and

1.5 ml of ethyl alcohol in each container, the solute climbed up longer than the ink.
Maybe because the amount of solvent in the container of ink is higher for it has 10 ml of

ethyl alcohol while the container of green and colorful leaves only has 1.5 ml each.

Along with solvent's and solute's distance traveled, we calculated the Rf values

of each pigments extracted and colors that emerged on the filter paper. And it shows

that they differ depending on the ink and leaves used.

Separation of different pigments on strip is based on the fact that paper

chromatography separates compounds on the basis of their different rates of migration

on filter paper (cellulose). The rate of migration depends upon the solvent which is

flowing up and also on the relative adsorption which holds the molecules more or less

tightly to the paper. (Shreya, C., 2013)

However, one of the students who performed the leaf chromatography had only

one common error during the experiment. The experiment failed because just a little

amount of leaves was utilized, resulting in only a small amount of extract and with not

quite visible result.

In that case, the proper amount of leaves must be utilized so that the extract is

sufficient enough to drop up to ten drops. While it is possible to make mistakes when

conducting tests, you can examine the areas where you went wrong or where you

lacked in the experiment.


1. How did the appearance of the chromatography paper strips change in appearance
during the procedure?
- In the ink chromatography, after a few seconds being exposed to the solvent, the ink
climbed up immediately. Color differences can be seen gradually, as well as a gradual
change in appearance during the procedure.
2. Why do the different colors separate as capillary action carried the dyes along?
- It separates due to its own composition, as well as the components traveling at
different rates across the paper, which is why we can see the separation as capillary
action occurs.
3. What evidence is there that any of the ink samples are mixtures? Explain.
- We can determine whether or not it is a mixture by using the chromatography method
even with our naked eyes. We can clearly see that it is already a mixture based on the
separation of colors.
4. Do either of the samples appear to be a pure substance? Why or why not?
- No, neither sample appears to be a pure substance because ink is composed of two
substances, whereas chlorophyll is composed of two compounds.
5. Use an analogy (something familiar that sheds light on the thing that you are
explaining) to explain why different colors move different distances in chromatography.
- Chromatography is like dropping a bleach on a colored fabric where colors are
distributed differently and immediately separate.
6. Cite some of the real-life situations where it is important to separate a mixture to
identify the substances in it.
- People working in FBI or police and other detectives are seeking to solve a

crime. When collecting fingerprints in crime scenes, while in medical field, when

identifying RNA and DNA.

7. In your own words, explain chromatography.

- Chromatography is a process where we can see the actual process of
separating of mixtures even with our naked eye.



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