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“Explanation of the actualization of Pancasila values in the

Campus Environment”
(This lesson is written to fulfill one of the course assignments in the pancasila & civic education)

Compiled By :

Sekardiva Ulan Ningtyas





“Understanding Actualization”
Actualization is something actualizing. In this issue is how the values
Pancasila can truly be reflected in the attitudes and behavior of all citizens,
starting from the national apparatus and leadership to the common people.
Actualization of Pancasila values in the life of society, nation and state
requires conditions and a climate that allows all levels of society to be able
reflects the values of Pancasila and can be seen in real behavior,
not just lips service to achieve personal desires by inviting others
practice the values of Pancasila, while the behavior itself is far more than the values of Pancasila
The real.
Therefore, realizing Pancasila in the life of the community, nation and
actually can be done through the following ways:
a) Objectively actualizing Pancasila, namely implementing Pancasila in every aspect
the administration of the State includes the executive, legislative and judiciary and in
the field other state life.
b) Subjective actualization of Pancasila, namely the implementation of Pancasila in
each individual,
individuals, citizens and residents. The implementation of Pancasila is very subjective
determined by awareness, obedience, and individual readiness to practice

“Pancasila Education Goals”

In Law no. 2 of 1989 concerning the National Education system and also contained in the
Decree of the Director General of Higher Education. No.38 / DIKTI / Kep / 2003, it is explained
that the purpose of Pancasila Education is to direct attention to the moral that is expected to be
manifested in everyday life, namely behavior that radiates faith and piety towards God Almighty
in a society consisting of various religious, cultural groups. , and a variety of interests, societal
supportive behaviors that prioritize common interests over individual and group interests so that
differences in thinking are directed at behaviors that support the realization of social justice for
all Indonesian people.
Educational objectives are defined as a set of intellectual actions full of responsibility
oriented towards student competencies in their respective professional fields. The competence of
Pancasila education graduates is a set of intellectual actions, full of responsibility as a citizen in
solving various problems in the life of society, nation and state by applying thoughts based on
Pancasila values. These intellectual properties are reflected in the skill, accuracy and success of
acting, while the full responsibility is shown as the truth of action judging from the aspects of
science and technology, ethics or the appropriateness of religion and culture.
Pancasila education aims to produce students who are faithful and devoted to God Almighty,
with attitudes and behaviors:
1. Having the ability to take a responsible attitude according to one's conscience.
2. Have the ability to recognize life and welfare problems and ways of solving them.
3. Recognizing changes and developments in science, technology and art.
4. Having the ability to interpret historical events and national cultural values to promote
Indonesian unity. Through Pancasila Education, citizens of the Republic of Indonesia are
expected to be able to understand, analyze and answer problems faced by the people of
their nation in a sustainable and consistent manner based on the ideals and goals of the
Indonesian nation.

“Implementation Of Pancasila Values On Activities

College Student”
Students are part of the youth who have advantages in the fields of education, science,
technology and the arts. Therefore, students must stand at the forefront in pioneering the
development of their nation. Changes that occurred in the Indonesian nation, which started from
pre-independence until now, noted that students were the pioneers.
As a pioneer of development, of course, you must be an example for all citizens.
Thought, ideas, and up to day-to-day behavior become the spotlight and role model. For that, of
course, student behavior must also lead to a pattern where the pattern is based on values that are
in accordance with the national culture so that their thoughts, ideas, and actions can be accepted
and even become role models for their citizens.
As part of Indonesian society, student activities both on campus and within the
community must still be based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution and must uphold national
 Students in all their activities must be able to show faith and recognition
in God Almighty because all the results achieved both by each of us
individually and by the entire Indonesian nation in living as a state and
culture in all aspects are "Thanks to the grace of Allah Almighty". As a
manifestation of this is through appreciation and practice of religious
teachings (which are revelations of God through the Apostles and
Prophets) which are real deeds. For this reason, in real life there is a
need for tolerance between fellow religious believers..

 Students in all their activities must be well aware that humans are
created by God Almighty. Between humans who are the same and
equal, including before the law, have the same rights so as to foster a
sense of justice among all citizens, every citizen is guaranteed his rights
and freedoms regarding relationships with God, fellow humans, society
and also concerns. freedom to express opinions and achieve a decent
life in accordance with human rights.
 In all their activities, students must be able to strengthen national unity
and integrity, in implementing human rights, it should not cause the
unity and integrity to be broken. A student must be able to create a
situation that allows the flourishing of a feeling of pride in the nation
and Indonesian nationalism that overcomes all understanding of groups,
ethnicities. The nationalism that is developed should not be narrow
nationalism (chauvinism) because as God's creature, of course it will
also recognize and respect other nations as the manifestation of the
implementation of human rights.

 Students in all their activities uphold the principle that as an

independent and sovereign nation, we have determined a system of
government "democracy led by wisdom of wisdom in representative
deliberations". Which is the principle of Pancasila democracy

 The implementation of Pancasila democracy must be able to advance

the general welfare and the ideals of realizing "social justice for all
Indonesian people". Which includes the material and spiritual fields.
REFERENCES : perguruantinggi –
Setiardja, A. G, Prof. Dr, dkk. 2001. Pendidikan Pancasila di Era Reformasi. Undip Press:

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