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Name: Candido Argenis

Last name: Nova Ogando

School: San Miguel Arcángel

Number: 24

Course: 6th grade

Theme: The grammar

Subject: English

Grammar studies the structure of words

and their accidents, as well as the way in which they are combined to form sentences; it
includes morphology and syntax, and certain schools include phonology as well.

vocabulary related to health problems

1- fever fiebre
2- take pills pomar pastillas
3- sore throat dolor de garganta
4- feel sick sentirse enfermo
5- germs gérmenes
6- headache dolor de cabeza
7- sneezing estornudo
8- cough tos
9- have the flu tener gripe
10- have a rash tener un sarpullido

My brother is coughing. Mi hermano está tosiendo.

His grandmother takes pills every day. Su abuela toma pastillas todos los días.
I have a sore throat. Tengo dolor de garganta.
Maria has the flu. Maria tiene gripe.
My hands are full of germs. Mis manos están llenas de gérmenes.
I'm sneezing a lot because of my allergy. Estoy estornudando mucho debido a mi

Modal verbs
The green modals are verbs that do not represent any action.
the most common are:

Subject + should + base form the verb affirmative

Ella debe una mascarilla.
She should wear a mask.
Subject + modal verb + base form the verb.

should in the pass

Ella debió usar una mascarilla.
She should have worn a mask.
subject + modal verb + auxiliary + past participle of the verbs.

Example: negative

Ellos no debieron ir a la fiesta.

They should not have gone to the party.
Subject + negative modal verb + auxiliary + past participle of the verb.

Vocabulary Covid-19

1- curfew Toque de queda

2- Social Social
3- Crisis Crisis
4- Difficult Difícil
5- Situation Situación
6- Awesome Asombrosa/so
7-Stressed out Estresado/da
8-To agree Llegar a un acuerdo
9-To relax Relajarse
10-Virtually Virtualmente
11-To be locked at a place Estar encerrado en un lugar.
12-To feel Sentir

Simple Past

The simple past is a verb tense that is used to talk about things that already happened or

We use the simple past to express the idea that an action started and finished at a
specific time in the past.

-I had covid. I am fine now. Yo tuve covid. Ahora estoy bien.
-I felt terrible, I got a fever, my body hurt a lot and I had a terrible headache. Me sentía
terrible, me dio fiebre y me dolía mucho el cuerpo y tenía dolor de cabeza.
-My mother gave it to me as a present for my good grades. Mi madre me lo dio como
presente por mis buenas calificaciones.
-He did not go to the beach yesterday. Él no fue a la playa ayer.


International Internacional
Dominant Dominante
Useful Útil
Worldwide Mundial
Member Mienbro
Common Común
Official Oficial

Here are some examples of how to use these words.

Fatty food can harm your heart. La comida grasosa puede dañar tu corazón.
Smoking is bad for your lungs. Fumar es perjudicial para la salud.
Drinking alcohol can affect our liver. Tomar alcohol puede afectar el hígado.

Verbs ending in ED or D to indicate an event that happened in the past

Regular verbs

Want Querer
Wanted Quería
Walk Caminar
Walked Camine

Verbs ending in E or U radically change their base structure.

Irregular verbs

Bring Traer
Brough Traje
Write Escribir
Wrote Escribió

Affirmative forms

Subject + verb in past form

I + visit + the doctor yesterday
Yo visite el doctor ayer

Negative forms
Subject + did not or didn't + verb in base form
I + did not did not + visited the doctor yesterday
Yo no visite al doctor ayer.

Simple past question

Colocamos el auxiliar did + subject + base form of the verb y se escucha asi:
Did + your visit the doctor yesterday? ¿Visitaste al doctor ayer?
Did you see my mother today? ¿Viste a mi madre hoy?

The most used connectors: and, but, because.

We use “and” to add information. Usamos “and” para añadir información.

For example: I like sleeping and I enjoy watching tv.

We use “but” to express contrast, usamos “but” para expresar contraste.

For example: I love eating out, but I can + go out
Me gusta salir a comer, pero no puedo salir.

We use “because” to give reasons, usamos “because” para expresar razones.
For example: I have to stay home because there is a curfew. Tengo que quedarme en
casa porque hay toque de queda.

Orange Naranja
Sports Deportes
Boring Aburrido
Argue Discutir
About Acerca de
Responsible Responsable.
To work hard Trabajar duro.
To support a family Mantener a una familia.
To save money Ahorrar dinero.
To respect each other Respetarse el uno al otro.

Comparing the past with the present

During this unit you will work with vocabulary, grammar, reading and writing related to

Childhood Niñes
Adulthood Adultez
I had not thought about it No lo habia pensado
When I was younger Cuando yo era joven
Recently Recientemente
To ask Preguntar
To guess Adivinar
Grandparents Abuelos

Comparing the past with the present

Modal verbs
“used to”
We used to take
Face to face classes


learning new vocabulary

Broken down car Auto o carro averiado

Writing poems Escribir un poema
Reading books leer libros
Gymnastics class clase de gimnasia
Playing an instrument Tocar un instrumento

Connectors o conectores

Opinión connectors
I think so in my opinion. Besides, Además.

Sequence conectores
First of all, Primero que todos.
Firstly, Primeramente
Finally, Finalmente

To express preferences in english

We use the verb “prefer”
“Prefer the beach to the viver”
“prefer rainy days to sunny days”
how to structure a sentence to express preferences in a general sense.

Subject + prefer + noun + to + noun.

I prefer coffee to tea. Prefiero el café al té.

how to structure it when it comes to activity.Why are you studying

Subject + prefer + verb in ing form + to + verb in ing form.
They prefer swimming to camping.

“Why are you studying english
Because I want to learn a new language

Since: to express a point in time.

“We have been married since 2020” Hemos estados casados desde al 2000
para expresar resultado

“Since it is a rainy day, cars are moving very slowly” como un día lluvioso, los carros
se mueven lentamente.

“I don't go to crowded places because there is a pandemic”

“Since there is a pandemic, I don't go to crowded places”

I am very sleepy
She is very sad
He is very happy

Esas son las razones y los motivos y para ellos se debe usar la palabra since.
-Why are you studying english? becauses, want to learn a new language.
-Why are you laughing? because someone told me a joke

choose “since” or “because”

1- Don t want to go out because it is raining.

2- Since he is a good son; his mother bought him a video game.

3- I did not go to your party since I got sick.

4-Since i because i am underage ; i am not able to vote.

High school was an amazing experience.

Let me tell you

Because it was close to my house.

Another significant reason why I love high school.

They were so kind and tough.

My best friend’s name.

They always taught fun and interactive classes.

The cafeteria served delicious food.

Since and because.

Since I studied math all weekend, I got an in the exam.

“Recause” is used to focus on the reason for something. “Because” is used frequently in
spoken English as well as in written english.

“Since” is used when we want to focus more on the result rather than the reason.
“ since” is more formal than “because”
Might have

We use might + have + past participle, to express possibility in the past, for example:
I might have gone that restaurant, but I'm not sure.

Could have

We use could + have + past participle, to express that something, was possible in the
past but didn't eventually happen for

You were lucky. you could have been hurt.

Must have

We use must + have + past participle, to express a positive deduction about the past. En
otras palabras usamos esa expresión cuando estamos casi seguros que eso fue lo que


-Linda didn't come to work today. Maybe she is sick.

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