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JN5■ 60Incubator Operati① n InstructioⅡ

I Operating steps∶ the box and check thc incubato△ chcck、vhcthcr a1l ofthe accessorics insidc ofthc packing box are wcⅡ -cquippcd,
2.Take movab1e egg吱 Wash and clcan the basc,fced、 vatcr to tank A and B
`y brackct and cgg tray mcsh out ofthe basc。
inside ofbase,then put thc rnovable egg tray bracket into the base.

3.Aaer c。 vering the top covc△ Hghdy conncctthe po、 ver line and s、 vitch on the powcr supp1冫 1if tcmpcraturc is indicatcd on
伍c control panelin nomal condition,the hcating indicator(WorkJ、 vⅡ l bc On incubator、 vⅡ l bcgin to heat up。
4.Note:、 vhcn ambient tcmpcramrc is less than251C,rneasure sha11be taken for hcat prcscwation,it’ s good for temperature
u血 foⅡ 。ty Whcn伍 c de说 cc is cnc1oscd with clothes or otller warlns,and it also helps energy△ a访 ng and reduces heat |
dssΦ at0n
5.Check all parameters accord血 g to1P勿 s勿 -3彻 rrOPa sr砌 crjo刀 。 ~
J″ ∷
6. Tum overthe1novab1c cgg讧 ” brackct at least抑 ice onc day,duong egg tun⒒ ng,“ y bcstto putthc cggs in the middlc of ∷
伍e device to the side,and putthe ones O11山 c side to山 e middle ′
7.Thc incubator can bc putinto rt】 ming after2hours’ 臼
吐 al。 |∷
8.It’ s aboutto incubate,putthc sclcctcd cggs we11,take do、 vn the incubation thnc。 尸η }
9.The血 cubator b凵 ns ω incubate,pay猁 b匝011ω 曲c tclmpcranlrc hdcated on伍 c contrd pan0,删 ust"h伍 lllc r"
do∞ n’ toomply wi伍 rcq讧 remcnt,chcck thc W配 莳 lcvel for cvc叩 2ˉ 3d妒 阝 ζo as to avoid incubator in1ack of watc⒈ ∷∷
AΩer hcubaton for1S-19da~ys(take egg as examplΘ ,thC egg sllOLlld not be tLlmed at曲 谂
jmc,wJt for曲 c yo1mg poult ~
| = 10・ 宀
L|^ t。 break the shcⅡ and comc o飞 砘。 |

| Ⅱ. Thc Cgg tay exchange tme o dfercntaccording to number of血 cubaton days ofhnds ofpouhy“ usually takcs3叫
days Icss than thc number ofincubation days.Dodt mm伍 e egg when onc Or bvo cggs breaks.
12.Pay a你 沮doⅡ to tcmpcmnre and re1舶 ve hum记 ity a咱 ustment duⅡ ng曲 c wholc incubation proc邻 s,rcfcr to JP9c勿 3夕 ro刀

%c乃 ″o丨og h the opemJonins加 Ⅱtion for more details.

Ⅱ。Important for safety

1. Only thc p。 wcr supply lnarked on the incubator can be used,220-240v;

2.Don’ t put any goods on thc wirc,the po、 ver1ine ofincubator shal1be placed、 vhere it、 von’ t bc stcppcd on or rnake pcoplc
tr” and fa儿
3.Make svrc tllat thc sockct and cxtension linc in usc don’ t ovcrload,othcrwisc,it rnay cause flrc Or clcctric shock;
4.Ifthe incubator is smoking,or scnding abnomalsmeⅡ or unusual noise,p1ease cut offthc power supp1y and pu11down the
po、 ver1ine to stop thc fau1t,aiter that,contact thc agency or rnaintenancc ccntcr;

5. Dom’ ttouch the power hnc wi伍 wct hand,or it rnay causc clcctric shock;
6.This incubator can’ t be exposcd to rain and sunshinc;

7.Make sure thatthe powcr supply is s、 vitchcd offbefore cleaning the incubator;

ˉⅡ 8.Thc incubator sha11bc placcd in room whcrc has good耐 r but no vibr狨 ory cquipmcnt,⒒ call’ t be placed in room with fast
air1novement orroom、 vith harln钆 1and noxious chcn1icals and other pollutants。
9.Don’ t block the ai⒈ blccd hole、 vhen thc incubatoris in work condi伍 on。
III.Push-button Instruction:
A∶ Push sET once to cnter tempcrature control sct,push(+>or<ˉ )to a苟 ust paramctcr,push<十 >or(->for3s to entcr
fast a(d!jusmcnt mode,push sET agam to e虹 t幻 m茳碰ng statc。

B∶ Push sET for3s to cnter sy哎 cm menu sct,push(十 >or<-)to selcct m0nu in need of a哟 ustmcnt,then push sET
aga血 to enter rclative paramcter setthg state,push<+>or<->to seleCt paramctcr h nccd of modfIcation,push RsT to
Ⅱ Cxit aaer a苟 ustmCnt,or伍 e systcm wi11cxits aftcr5s delay.
∶ 2.(+>∶ Up button
∷ 3.(亠 )∶ Down button
∶ op(:)11・ a1tiion Ins廿 uction∶

∷ Indicating1amp otatc instruction∶

WORK lamp on thelca side。 fdisplay screen is rnade as、 vork indicating lamp,LED nomaⅡ y on1neans it’ s in hcating state.

Jd酬 γ s∵ ∞“ s used允 on山 c耐 岵 lamp蚶 ,LED mmdˇ m mc狈 毗 ∞“n早 “狨⒍

k、 黥 髁 谳 #岫
◆ Parameter HU and HD恕 sct by factory,when tempcrature excee“ ∞而ng valuc in sul1uner,parameter HU and HD sha11 |
,cranre can’ t Ⅱsc to se“ ng value in wintcr,HU and HD shall bc incrcascd。
be drop,when tc1il刂 ‘

◆ Tcmperature coⅡ c∝ on seL

When1neasunng temperame deviatcs flom rcference tcmpcrature,tempcra仅 rc CoⅡ ection(CA>iiInction shaⅡ bc used to
make伍c mca刖 ong value h accordancc with refcrcncc tempcramc,tempera缸 ′
四 aitcr coⅡ ccdon sha1l bc曲 csum of
- tcmperature bqfore coⅡ ccton and CoⅡecton value ooFCct0n value can bc positive number,negauvc number or zero,.
◆Tcmpcraturc coⅡ ccdon sc⒈
Push“ sET” for3s to Ontcr mcnu disp1ay,push<+>° r<-)until code“ CA” appcars on βcrCCn,then push“ sEt” to‘ Ⅱ splay ∶
temperatL【 re corrc⒍ oIl敬 咐血g vaIuc,push(+>or(>agaIm to a哟 ust parame“ 况 -

^槲 髑 鞔
can only be sct from30to39.5,so the disp1ay vahe stm ke
kecps as39.5ancr pushing‘ η卩’
changcd时 flrst.
ifit disp1ays39.5.Ifsetting valuc is bcyond the seuing range,then1Ι s and Ls mustbe

◆ Upper and lowcrIim⒒ se⒈

Push“ sET” for3s to cnter mcnu dispIay,push<+)or(->unti1code“ Hs” or“ Ls” appcars on scrcen,push“ sET” to disp1ay ~
upper orlowcr灿 血 蚶 血 g value,push(+>or(~>to a哟 ust伍 cp盯 me∞⒈Hs means upper Ⅱ血 t and Ls mcanslower hm⒒ .

◆ Mcnu Code sclccJon:

Code Descnption se创 凡qg range Facω ry sct U血 t
IIU Heatmg power paranleter 1-90
HD Hcat preservation poweF parameter l-80
Ls Lower Ⅱ血 t set -9.9^ˇ IIs 30 ℃

Hs Uppcr hm⒒ se】 Ls-99.9 39.5 ℃

CA Tempcrature coⅡ cCuon 5~+5

ˉ 0 ℃
Ultrahigh∞ mperanrc darm output 0-15 0 ℃
No AH腼 ction
L11tralow temperame alarm output o-15 0 ℃
No AL伽 ⒍on

IV。 hcubaton Tedmology

1.Incubation temperature cont了 《

Df戈 rcnt poultγ rcqukcs diffcrent tcmperamres∶ incubaton perod of ch。 kcn is21days,⒒ ’s38.2℃ from1st-6伍
day,37.8飞)from7ul'`ˇ 14th day,and37.2^ˇ 37.5飞 )Lon116tll'`ˇ 21st day;incubation pcriod of duck is28days,it’ s38R0 from
≈ 9dl day,37.8℃ 佥om8ul-15曲day,37.5℃ on16曲 day,and β7.2℃ 丘om17曲 ~28伍 day;ilacub乱 0n period耐 gc,ose怂 31
days,it’ s37.8℃ from1st~8伍 day,37.8℃ from9曲 ~1:曲 da~y,37.8℃ on19th day,and370℃ ~37.3℃ iom2o曲 ~31“

2.HumⅡ ity control∶ It rcqll△ cs diffcrcnt rc1肫 ivc humⅡ ity in different perod ofincubaton。 The rclat~e hum记ity shall kccp
wiu1in55o/o^ˇ 60%at伍e∞dier stage of incubation to ens刂 e even hcaung f。 r embryo,which is good for fonnation of
a11antoic nuid and anlniodc nuid,thc rclativc hunⅡ dity shal1kecp飞 〃ithin30o/。 ⌒ˇ
55%at thc rnidd1c stage ofincubation,which
is good for evapora伍 on of、 vatcr,the rclauψ c huⅡ1idity thc1ast stagc of incubation sha11bc increascd to65o/。 ~70o/。
,as high
rclat加 e humⅡ ity is good for poultto break the shcll,whcn abovc2o%阝 沌lts oomcs out,the RH shall keep at75%.

3, Clealling and⒍ criI弦 ation beforc incubation∶ wash and clean thc incubatorj thcn suffumigatc⒒ with potassium
pemanganatc and foⅡ naⅡ n.

4, Incubation cquipmcnt inspccuon bcf。 re incubation∶ chcck aⅡ ofthc parts complcte1y and observc whcther thc fan
rotation d钾 icc works nomdly呷 d Whethcr d1ofthe∞ mpollents arc in good∞ nditiola,thell a咄 Llst the∞ mpcra咖 c and
fccd water to曲 e tank.Make a1⒉ 24hows’ “ al again whcn the incubator reachcs tempcrature and humidi灯 rcquirement,
ifthc incubator、 vorks nomaⅡ y,it can be putinto mnning.

5,Choosc and store flcsh egg within5days σ days at most)as fCCding egg,as forthc cgg stored for more伍 an5days,4%
1css the incubation rate and30Ⅱ 1inutes prolongcd incubation period for one more day storage.Thc proper tempera白 urc士 or
feeding egg storage is12℃ ^ˇ 16℃ .Thc s血a11er s俐 e sha11be put upside during fccding cgg storage

⒍ STo烛 br° ff迕 r″ ˉ ~^η

r0od:T驼 「 ∝ css ω ICmovc nom cgg Lay⒊ Ⅱ kc1Fo打 ood tray ij0d℃ doF泖 e chi页 面耐 ryo~ˉ
usua11y removes offthc订 ay・at an age of18-19days.It sha11be placed gently during off-tray,it’ s bcst to lay to single layer.
It also removes to brood tray3days ear1⒗ r山 an incuba缸 on peⅡ od for othcr pouluy,

Poul位 y InCubaton Paramcter

Incubation Incubation
Brood per1od Brccdk吧 Brood pcr1od Bre刨 血 g
per1od pcr1od
Numbel cgg Num bcr cgg
P【 ,ultry
ofdays w⒍ ght ofdays wcight
Tcmp℃ RH, Γcrnp℃ R,H. Tcmp℃ RH Tcmp℃ RH.
±05 % ±05 % ±05 % ±05 %
Chickcn 380 55ˉ 7( 375 65-85 50-60 Goosc 376 65-80 37.1 65-85 100-120
Pcacock 37.8 50-7 37.3 65ˉ 85 100-120 Dovc 55-70 378 65ˉ 85 30ˉ 40

Twkcy 37,7 50-7∶ 372 65-85 75-80 Pheasant 24 382 55-70 377 65-85 30ˉ 40

Duck 28 378

$0-7~ 37,3 65-85 80-100 37.9 55-70 37.5 65-85 45ˉ 55


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