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Disusun oleh :
Fitriah Parmadami hasibuan

Tugas Pertemuan 1
Pre Test
1.She drive/drives car to school every day
2.The sun rises/rise in the East everymorning
3.Are/do you hungry ?
4.Marry is/buy the T-shirt in the Singapore Mall today
5.John is/carries ten books every day
6.Does/do he have way to out ?
7.My mother and my sister watch/watches the TV in the living room
8.Budi and Marry are/is in the classroom
9.The door is/was opened by somebody today
10.The ball is/does kicked by Budi
3.Are you

Post test
1.Annie and her brother(is,are)at school
2.Either my mother or my father(is,are)coming to the meeting
3.The dog or the cats(is,are)outside
4.Either my shoes or your coat(is,are)always on the floor
5.George and Tamara(doesn’t,don’t)want to see that movie
6.Berito(doesn’t,don’t)know the answer
7.One of my sister(is,are)going on a trip to France
8.The man with all the birds(live,lives)on my street
9.The movie,incluiding all the previews,(take,takes)about two hours to watch
10.The players,as well as the captain,(want,wants)to win
11. Either answer (is, are) acceptable.
12. Every one of those books (is, are) fiction.

13. Nobody (know, knows) the trouble I've seen.

14. (Is, Are) the news on at five or six?

15. Mathematics (is, are) John's favorite subject, while Civics (is, are) Andrea's
favorite subject.

16. Eight dollars (is, are) the price of a movie these days.

17. (Is, Are) the tweezers in this drawer?

18. Your pants (is, are) at the cleaner's.

19. There (was, were) fifteen candies in that bag. Now there (is, are) only one

20. The committee (debates, debate) these questions carefully.

Tugas Pertemuan 2
1. The main topic of paragraph three is...
a. Pharmaceutical drugs are often classified into drug classes
b. The most widely used drug classification system
c. Groups of related drugs that have similar chemical structures, the same
mechanism of action (binding to the same biological target).

d. The Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System (ATC)

2. Psychoactive drugs are .....

a. chemical substances that affect the function of the central nervous system, altering
perception, mood or consciousness

b. solubility and permeability or absorption properties

c. alphanumeric code that assigns it to specific drug classes

d. chemical substances that not affect the function of the central nervous system,
3. Consumption of drugs can be via inhalation, injection, smoking, inges
tion, absorption via a patch on the skin, or dissolution under the to
ngue. It means that drugs can consume…

a. only by injection

b. only by inhalation

c. only by absorption
d. of our human body function

4. Which of the following best describe the drug in paragraph one?

a. Drug can make human body unhealthy
b. Drug can make drunk
c. Drug can change organism’s physiology when consume
d. Drug can consume for all human body.

5. Pharmacy medicines mean that..

a. can only be sold in registered doctors, by or under the supervision of a pharmacist

b. can only be sold in registered pharmacies, by or under the supervision of a

c. can only be sold by hospital register

d. alphanumeric code that assigns it to specific drug classes

1) a.Pharmaceutical drugs are often classified into drug classes

2) a.Chemical substances that affect the function of the central

nervous system,altering perception,mood or consciousness

3) d.Of our human body function

4) c.Drug can change organism’s physiology when consume

5) b.Can only be sold in registered pharmacies,by under the

supervision of a pharmacist

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