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1. Technology has made the world a better place to live. Technology has greatly
improved as time is passing; Scientists are continually working in order to develop
useful products, in which facilitate our lives. Even though some people say that
technology has lessen our lives ' quality, I think that it has made the world a better place
to live.

2. The main functions of a computer are to receive, manipulate, display and store
data. These basic functions are performed by commands that the computer receives
either by a program or a human user. The commands that the computer receives are
known as raw data. After the raw data is processed by the computer, the data that the
computer displays is known as information.

1. Bluetooth-used for transferring and receiving data. Can also be used to
connect multiple devices.
2. Infrared Device-Infrared waves can be used for medical purposes, such as heat
therapy. There is a device called an infrared Lamp, which emits red light. Knee
pain, back pain, neck pain, and other joint pains can be relieved through infrared
waves 2.
3. Modem-The modem performs the modulation and demodulation function in
between your networking devices such as a computer or router and the
telephone line. The main purpose of using a modem is that it connects the
networking system or device to the Internet service provider (ISP) and we can
get access to the Internet only by using a modem.
4. Smartphone-the most portable and useful device which is a complete
package of computer, Music player, as well as a map. However, the uses of
a smartphone have become powerful nowadays, especially in our new
5. Network Card-The purpose of the network card is to prepare, send, and control
data on the network.


*Google Chrome
*Web Browser
*MS Word

*Computer Engineer
*Software Engineer
*Website Designer

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