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Baby Aizel L.

Reyes Media and Information Literacy

12 – CSS 2 – Zuckerberg Week 3

Text Information and Media

What I Can Do
Task 1

1. What is the message of the above signages?

- The signages are telling that people are not allowed to cross because it is an
accident prone area.
2. What are their similarities and differences?
- Those two signages both tells the danger thatmight occur when passing on the said
place. In the first signage, it tells that there is pathway for people and it will be
dangerous for them to pass. While in the second signage, there is a pathway but
people are not allowed to cross because someone was died in there and it’s a sign
that danger may occur on the said place.
3. Which signages do you think may the public easily persuaded to follow? Why?
- The second signages maybe because, if people reads that someone died in there,
they will not cross in that area.
4. Do you think the guidelines in producing appropriate text media is being applied in the
following signages above? Why?
- Yes, Because the text clearly stated the message, also it is readable and easy to


Guide Questions

1. How are texts become powerful to people?

- Text become powerful to people when it comes to discriminating information, offering
advice and making decision.
2. What is the importance of using words appropriately? How about using words in social
- To deliver the message correctly is the importance of using words appropriately
especially when using social media or in any situation.
3. How would you influence people using text media and information?
- I can influence people by making my text a persuasive one, and interesting. Also,
following the guidelines or principle and elements in designing text maybe effective


1. A 6. C
2. B 7. B
3. D 8. B
4. C 9. C
5. B 10. C


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