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AAWC Lesson Reflection (Completed after EVERY lesson taught)

Select (S):
Identify a lesson and what standards are you addressing
 I was teaching the students writing letter G. Also I was focusing on the words that start with the

Describe (D):
What were you trying to achieve in your lesson?
 In my teaching I was teaching the students using PowerPoint to make it easer to present. In
addition, students are using their white boards and markers at the same time some students are
using notebook and the others are using their iPads to write.
 In the introduction I started with the day and the date then I was opening the song, but I doesn’t
work for a reason, so I skipped this part and went to the activities directly. Actually the time runs
so fast and I didn’t end my lesson how I was planning for but I make sure that the students are
learning the words and the letter in the same way that I was planning for.
What did the students do?
 Some of students were active with me and they are writing what I asked them to do. And the
other was too quiet and I asked them to open the mic more than one time, but they didn’t.

Analyze (A):
How well did your teaching relate to the students’ prior understanding?
 Think about what the students already know about this concept/subject? Whenever I was asking
about a picture that start with letter G they was able to say it in Arabic so I try to give them a
chance to think and say it and if they don’t I give them the word in English.
 Describe what you did to tap into the students prior knowledge of the concept/subject I put the
pictures for the words before asking the students so they know what I am asking for. And
according to Bruner theory, Student have different way to learn so in my teaching I was using
inactive- symbolic and iconic.

How well did you engage the students?

 The students are little quite and for some of the slides they did not participate may because it
was my first teaching for them. At the same time some of the students were exiting because an
Emirati teacher is teaching them English and they keep asking me " miss do you speak Arabic? "

Why do you think the students responded the way that they did?
 Actually the students are smart maybe because there is someone to help them but they respond
how I was accepted from them. At the same time having the help form their parents will affect
their level and make them understand more so I think it is a positive thing.
Appraise (A):
Did your lesson meet your teaching goals?
 Describe the evidence from your lesson which proves that the students understood the LO.
During the lesson, the students were able to read the sentences and name the words that start
with letter G in English and Arabic.

Transform (T):
How might you enhance student learning of this lesson in the future?
 Use the ‘Areas of improvement’ section of feedback from MST/MCT
 In my next lesson I am going to focus more on the time .
 I will use more activities that helps the different intelligent as how Howard Gardner theory.

What are the implications for your professional practice?

 Using different activities that helping different intelligence .

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