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Ref No.

Status : Initial
Date Issued: May 2016

Title of the Study: “Factors Influencing Students’ Behavior towards Online Education of BTLED students
in Kolehiyo ng Pantukan”

Variables of the Study:

Independent Variable: _Online Education ______

Indicators: 1. _Social presence______________________
2. _Social interaction_____________________
3. _Satisfaction________________________
Dependent Variable: Students’ Behavior________________
Indicators: 1. __Students’ individual characteristics______
2. __Student’s needs_____________________
3. __Students’ quality preferences_____________

Moderator Variable: (If there’s any) ___________________________

Theoretical & Conceptual Framework of the Study:

Face-to-face learning is favored over online learning in terms of social presence, social interaction,
and satisfaction, according to the findings of this study. However, no statistically significant differences in
learning preferences between student levels were detected. Meanwhile, other students preferred online
learning since it allowed them to express themselves via the use of computer technology. (Sandro Tua
Bali, 2018).

The survey was completed by students' individual characteristics, needs, and interests are
determined. Students' quality preferences for online education and their understanding on how to use
virtual platforms (Boca, Gratiela Dana, 2021)

Statement of the Problem:

The study aimed to determine the factors influencing students’ behavior towards Online Education
of BTLED students in Kolehiyo ng Pantukan
More specifically, it sought to answered the following questions;
1. What are the factors influencing online education of BTLED students in terms of?
1.1 Social presence;
1.2 Social Interaction; and
1.3 Satisfaction?
2. What are the factors influencing the students’ behavior of BTLED Students in terms of?
1.1 Students’ individual characteristics;
1.2 Student’s needs; and
1.3 Students’ quality preferences?
3. Is there a significant relationship between the factors influencing students’ behavior towards
online education of BTLED students in Kolehiyo ng Pantukan?

Group Members:
_YPON, NECY MAE______________ _ALEGADO MAILYNN_______________
_HERALDIS, GEMA______________ _RANAIN, YSMAEL HYRONE__________
_____________________________ ________________________________

Approved by:
VP for Research and Extension

____________________________ ___________________________
Member Member

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