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PEC (Prueba de Evaluación Continua) and Exam 2021 2022


The PEC (Prueba de Evaluación Continua) and the Exam have exactly the same format.
The PEC and the Exam consists of two parts:
 The first part is worth 4 marks. You are expected to write a short answer in full
paragraphs on the topic proposed for each of the two questions. The topics
can be from the Study Guides or from Barry's book. You must show that you
have understood the subject matter and therefore be able to explain it and give
your opinion on it. Max. 250 words for each question.
 The second part is worth 4 marks too. You have to comment on the extract of
one of the literary texts studied following the questions posed. You must use
critical vocabulary adequately and give examples from the literary work to
support your arguments as well as show your knowledge and careful reading of
For both sections focus on the questions, make sure you develop your ideas well, and
proofread your work for English before submitting it.
The PEC will be available from 1 December in the Curso Virtual (Tareas). The
deadline for submission is 15 December 2021.
Only Units 1 and 2 are included in the PEC.

The UNED will inform you of all the necessary details so that you can take your exams
without any problems.
Here you have all the official information about the exams.
On the next page there is a sample exam for you to see the format and type of questions.
Keep in mind that these are last year's exams and some topics have changed. This
is, therefore, an approximate example.
03/09/2020 16:00
El examen tiene dos bloques, el primero con dos preguntas de desarrollo (máx. 250
palabras) sobre diferentes aspectos teóricos estudiados en el curso. Cada pregunta vale
un máximo de dos puntos. La segunda parte es el análisis de un párrafo de uno de los
textos literarios estudiados en el curso siguiendo el orden y las preguntas propuestas.
En este bloque puede obtener un máximo de cuatro puntos.
Parte I: 2 preguntas, 250 palabras cada una. 4 puntos.
1) What would be the first two things you would do regarding a literary text if you
were a structuralist and a poststructuralist critic?
2) Do you agree with Chinua Achebe’s critique to Joseph Conrad?

Parte II. (4 puntos)

Opción 1:

And I must enter again the round

Zion of the water bead

And the synagogue of the ear of corn

Shall I let pray the shadow of a sound

Or sow my salt seed

In the least valley of sackcloth to mourn

CONTEXT (Max 70 words): Identify and contextualize the literary work and author.
(Up to 0.5 marks).

FORM AND CONTENT (Max 70 words each question): 1) Is the rhythm of the first
verse repeated in the rest of the stanza? Substantiate your answer; 2) Analyze the
meaning of the last verse in this fragment. (Up to 1.5 marks).

THEORY AND CRITICISM (Max 200 words): Explain to what school of criticism is
this text related in the course and why. (Up to 2 marks).

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