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DAY 0: Planting Preparation

DAY 1: Mung Beans from both cups are slowly breaking out of its outer coating

DAY 2: Bean sprouts can be seen.

DAY 3: Seeds are continuously and rapidly growing. The leaves are slowling growing in both cups.

DAY 4: Mung beans have grown more height and the leaves are very visible in soil while the stems
in hydroponic are slowly growing and the leaves are slightly shown.

DAY 5: The mung beans have gained more height and the leaves are very visible. However, the
leaves of hydroponically cultivated mung beans are smaller compared to the other cup.
DAY 6: Almost all of the mung beans showed height increase in soil cultivated compared to the
hydroponically cultivated one.

DAY 7: The stems are continuously growing in both cups. The hydroponically cultivated mung beans
are transferred into a new cup with new solution.

DAY 8: The stems are starting to bend due to height increase.

DAY 9: Some of the stems from soil cultivated mung beans are cut off unexpectedly due to its height.
While mung beans in hydroponically cultivated cup are consistently growing.

10: Some stems from soil cultivated mung beans are cut off but others are still growing.
Hydroponically cultivated mung beans are continuously growing.
DAY 11: In the soil cultivated cup, some leaves have holes in it and some stems are cut off due to its
height. In hydroponically cultivated cup, the leaves and stems are continuously growing.

12: There is a smaller leaf with rough and hairy texture that is growing in between leaves in soil
cultivated mung beans. While hydroponically cultivated once are continuously growing and its stem

bended due to its height.

DAY 13: The smaller leaves that grows in between leaves in soil cultivated mung beans are getting
bigger each day. And the mung beans in hydroponic cup are still bended.
DAY 14: In total, five mung beans survived in soil cultivated cup while four mung beans survived in

hydroponically cultivated cup.

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