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SIAPO Date: FEBRUARY 6, 2021

Section: BSE English I

Gulayan sa Bakuran
Tree Planting

II. Documentation

On the 8th day of this project, I saw that the seeds have germinated and
started to grow out in the sun. I still cultivated the land to give way for the
seedlings to grow.

I watered the plant beds to keep up with the moisture level of the soil. This
way, the plants will continue to grow.
DAY 10

As the plants grow more everyday, I tilled the soil around them to provide
them with enough ventilation. On this day, I see to it that weeds are pulled out
from the plant beds.
DAY 11

I watered the plants today and check for any weeds that grow out.
DAY 12

Today, I pulled out some weeds and watered the plant beds again.
DAY 13

I am happy today as I observed that most of the seeds I planted have been
germinated. Again, I tilled the soil around the plants to ventilate them.
DAY 14

Again, I did the weeding, and this time, I did spot watering to water only the
seedling but not the whole plant bed.

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