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Republic of the Philippines

University of Southeastern Philippines

Obrero, Davao City
A.Y. 2019-2020

College of Education
Grade 8-Second Quarter, Module 2
Opinion-Marking Signals Lesson Plan
GRADE LEVEL STANDARD The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her
understanding of Philippine Literature and other texts types for a deeper
appreciation of Philippine Culture and those other countries.
CONTENT STANDARD The learner demonstrates understanding of: Southeast Asian literature as mirror to
a shared heritage ; coping strategies in processing textual information; strategies in
examining features of a listening and viewing material; structural analysis of words
and propaganda techniques; and grammatical signals for opinion- making,
persuasion, and emphasis.
PERFORMANCE STANDARD The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a persuasive speech
based on an informative essay featuring use of properly acknowledged information
sources, grammatical signals for opinion-making , persuasion, and emphasis, and
appropriate prosodic features, stance,and behavior.

I. Objectives
At the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:
 identify opinion-marking signals in essay;
 supply opinion-marking signals to complete the sentence; and
 use opinion-marking signals to share ideas through POV activity.

II. Subject Mattter

a. Topic: Opinion-Marking Signals
b. Skills Focus: Speaking and Writing
c. References:
d. Materials: Laptop, Cellular Phones
ICT Integrated Platforms: PowerPointPresentation,
Google Meet
III. Procedures
A. Routine Activities
1. Opening prayer
2. Checking of attendance
3. Reminders of submissions
4. Greetings and recapitulation
B. Activity

Favorite Ice Cream Flavors

7% Chocolate
40% Strawberry


1. Chocolate is the most loved ice cream flavor.

2. I think Vanilla flavor is the best because it tastes better for me.
3. To begin with, chocolate is too sweet compared to the three flavors.
4. Among them, Mint Chocolate Chip has the least percentage.
5. The strawberry flavor placed third in this information

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is an opinion? It is _____.
a. an occurrence in the real world
b. the ability to see something or to be seen from a particular place
c. something that is based on your own feeling, thinking and judgment
d. something that is true or something that has occurred or has been proven correct
2. Which is an opinion statement?
a. Your heart pumps blood through your body.
b. The leaves of growing plants are usually green.
c. Rodrigo Roa Duterte is the 16th Philippine President.
d. Some people think that water always comes from the sky.
3. Which best defines opinion-marking signals?
a. They are words or phrases used to identify opinion.
b. They transmit information or instructions by means of a gesture, action, or sound.
c. They place a specific number, letter, or other symbol on someone or something to
indicate a particular meaning
d. They are words or symbols on a score indicating the correct tempo, dynamic, or other
aspect of performance.
4. Which is an opinion-marking signal?
a. I agree b. however c. because d. even though
5. What is the correct opinion-marking signal to be used in the sentence below?
____________, exercising daily does wonders for your health.
a. I think
b. Even though
Online games should be banned
I strongly agree that online gaming
should be banned in the country. Ever since its
trend, not only adults, especially teenagers have
been obviously become hyped with it. With that
said, it entertained people but also became a
c. In my experience
distraction for students. The attention and
priorities of
d. It is claimed that teenagers have been diverted into
these online games causing them to lack focus on
their studies. Another reason, parents complain
C. Analysis
that their children are becoming lazy to do
household chores and errands for the reason of
Social Media is necessary
being busy playing the game. Finally, it is
Though a lot of people find social
undeniable that these online games require
media distracting and toxic, I still believe that it is
monetary support for load in order to play the
necessary. Social media is not only a means for
game. In this time of pandemic, parents work
people to post their opinions but also a platform
extra hard to earn money for the day-to-day
where factual information could be disseminated
expenses, and spending money for leisure of
and gained. It is only because, people take
online games doesn’t contribute sensitivity. In
advantage of freedom of speech as a reason that
conclusion, I strongly believe that online games
could defend them from cyberbullying or
are unnecessary in this time of crisis.
discriminating in these social media platforms.
Also, this helps me connect easily with people I
am attached to and those I want to be aware of,
aside from text messages, social media platforms
are more widely used nowadays. In conclusion, I
think people just have to know their boundaries
when voicing out their personal sentiments on
social media. Sensitivity, respect, and limitations
should be observed. As they say, anything too
1. Choose between the two paragraphs that you much is mostly
could bad and relate
our righton.
ends when the rights
of others are being stepped on.
What is the topic all about?
2. What is your own stand on this topic?
D. Abstraction
Opinions cannot be proven; however, they can be supported by facts and other
knowledgeable opinions. Facts can be proven with evidence, statistics, records,
photographs, data, etc

An opinion is a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on

fact or knowledge. It is also important to know how to express facts and opinions.
Opinion-Marking Signals
- tools that you can you use to mark that the statement is an opinion.
- There are markings or signals that you need to be familiar with. Let’s now take a look
at some examples of the signal words and phrases being used that are used to introduce
a statement of fact or opinion.
-Opinion sentences/statements have hints or signal words, they are what we call
opinion-marking signals. We use these marking signals in introducing our personal point
of view, in a specific time with our own perspective and style about a topic that will
complement the sentence.

Opinion-Marking Signals Examples

I think… I think he will be included in the top list since he studied
In my opinion, … In my opinion, the main responsibility of the media is to
tell the truth.
Some people think… However, some people think that it is already safe to
travel even the COVID threat is still there.
I believe that… I believe that we should be extra careful in posting
pictures in our social media accounts.
In my view… In my view, books will always be needed.
I feel… I feel bad after watching the movie; it is not a good
Based on what I know, … Based on what I know, President Duterte is the best
Philippine president.
In my experience, … In my experience, the road is muddy and difficult to
pass by.
I agree… I agree to his point of view.
From my perspective… From my perspective, the curfew is effective in
minimizing the number of COVID-19 positive in the city.
Many people believe…
They don’t like…

Opinion-marking signals indicated can be used on varying situations.

The above opinion-marking signals can also be used in different situations.

Suppose you wanted to make the statement stronger.

You can do it by adding an adverb or adjective to our signal words.

For example:
 I really think…
 I strongly believe…
 I truly feel… or
 In my honest opinion…

In addition, giving reasons for your opinion adds strength to the claim.
For example: In my honest opinion, Davao City has the best street foods. They offer
varied and delicious yet in a very affordable price. Reason

Next, there are also signal words you use in a formal situation.
Below are some opinion-signal words/ phrases.
 From my point of view…
 From my perspective…
 In my view…
 It seems to me that…

For example: In my view, lotteries should be banned. They are just a waste of money.

Finally, to show agreement or disagreement, you can use short, clear statements.
 I agree. or
 I couldn’t agree more.
For example: I couldn’t agree more that there’s nothing we can do to flatten the curve
of COVID-19. We just need to follow the safety protocols set by the government.

It is important to have an idea about this signal words since it helps us to identify
opinion statements and to express our personal viewpoint
E. Application
This time you will apply your learning about the topic by doing the task. Look for an
editorial page in the newspaper. Cut and paste it in the box. Then, write your point of
view (POV) using the opinion-marking signals.
F. Evaluation
Directions: Below are pictures that show some of the current situations we are now
experiencing. Let me know your thoughts by writing sentences in each picture. Use
opinion-marking signals in completing this task.
G. Conclusion
Clarification. Reminders, and closing prayer
Prepared by: Submitted to:


BSEd-English Pre-service Teacher Coordinating Teacher

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