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Contact of Monspherical Elastic Bodies M-o =
- $
a3 \b ) b2
Transmitting Tangential Forces
M- i v
P. J. V E R M E U I E N 1 and K . L. JOHNSON2

W H E N two elastic bodies in contact transmit a tangential force where G is the shear modulus and v Poisson's ratio, and where
it m a y be assumed to a first approximation that the existence of
tangential surface tractions d o not m o d i f y the Hertzian distribu- K - vD, a < b
tion of normal pressure. If the bodies are sliding 011 each other, tt(2 - i')/4, a = b
or are at the point of incipient sliding, the distribution of tangen- (6)
tial traction might reasonably be expected to follow that of the a >b
- [K - vB],
normal pressure multiplied b y a constant coefficient of friction p, a
B - v{D - C), a < b
ir(4 - 3J»)/16, a = b (7)
X(x,y)=pZ=X0 - S - Sf (1) $
[D - v{D - C)}, a > b
D - vC, a <b
A'o = pZ0 = tt(4 - i>)/16 a = b i.S)
B - v - C a > b
a and b are the semiaxes of the contact ellipse, and A* is the a a-
normal contact force.
Under the action of a tangential force less than that of limiting 0
I 2 c - C, a <b
friction (T < pN) Cattaneo [ l ] 3 first showed that the elliptical b
area of contact was divided into a central elliptical region,
= {7TV/S a = b (9)
liomothetic with the contact ellipse, where there was no relative
m o v e m e n t between the surfaces and an annular region of slip. I 2v - C a > b
T h e distribution of tangential traction follows equation ( 1 ) in the a-
slip region, while in the no-slip ellipse the traction is f o u n d b y
superposing the negative traction K, E, B, C, and D are the complete elliptic integrals defined a n d
tabulated b y Jahnke and E m d e [6] in terms of a modulus k =
_ T [(1 - a V 6 2 ) ] ' A for a < b and k = [(1 - 6 2 / a 2 ) ] ' / ! for a > b.
Xi(x,y) = -(1 - T/nN)l''Xt (2)
ar VI _ T h e functions T , <I>, and 9 are plotted in Fig. 1 for Poisson's
ratio v = 0.3.
in the no-slip ellipse, whose semiaxes 01 and 61 are given b y T o find the static compliance under the action of a force T <
pN, the displacements due to the traction X i are superposed on
equation ( 4 ) to give a constant displacement:
= 1 - T/pN (3)

5= ~ [i - (i - t/PN)^\ r [ l (10)
T h e compliance of stationary spherical bodies under various
sequences of normal and tangential loading has been studied ex-
which is the result obtained b y Deresiewicz ( 4 ) .
tensively b y Mindlin [2] and Mindlin and Deresiewicz [3], and
Surface Stresses. T h e surface stresses within the ellipse of c o n -
has been extended to nonspherical bodies b y Deresiewicz [4].
tact due to the tangential traction of equation ( 1 ) acting alone
I n rolling, as opposed t o stationary contact, Johnson [5] has
m a y be obtained f r o m the foregoing displacements.
shown that the no-slip region cannot be centrally placed in the
contact area and will n o t be liomothetic with the contact b o u n d -
ary. However, in the case of spherical bodies it was shown that
the assumption of a circular no-slip region, tangential with the
contact circle at its leading point, gave a reasonable a p p r o x i m a -
tion to the distribution of contact stress. This N o t e extends those
results t o nonspherical bodies. A t the same time, the complete
stress-tensor at a n y point in the contact surface is explicitly de-
termined. These calculations, although straightforward, are alge-
braically tedious in order to express the results in terms of t a b u -
lated functions.
Surface Displacements. T h e tangential displacement 011 the
contact surface, u and v, produced b y the tangential traction X
given in equation ( 1 ) , h a v e been f o u n d using Cerruti's potential
functions. 4 T h e y turn out to b e :

1 Instructor in Mechanical Engineering, William Marsh Rice Uni-

versity, Houston, Texas.

2 Lecturer, Engineering Laboratory, University of Cambridge,
Cambridge, England.
3 Numbers in brackets indicate References at end of Note.
4 See A. E. H. Love, Theory of Elasticity, Cambridge University
Press, p. 242; also Mindlin [2],
Manuscript received by Applied Mechanics Division, August 2,
1963; revised draft, December 17, 1963. Fig. 1 The f u n c t i o n s T, <£, 4 ' , M>i, a n d 9 p l o t t e d for v = 0,3

338 / JUNE 19 64 Transactions of the A S M E

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2G fdu d!/~] A'0 |\, o Q ~| a; direction of the force. Following the analysis of Johnson [5] for
<rx = - + „ — = _ 2 $ - v - e -
1 - v L&r ctyj 1 - v _ b J a spherical bodies, it will be assumed here that the shape of the
locked region is a similar ellipse located tangentially t o the c o n -
(11) tact ellipse at its leading point ( — a, 0). T h e conditions w h i c h
have to be satisfied b y the elastic displacements for no-slip in this
region are given b y Johnson [loc. cit., equations ( 1 4 ) and ( 1 5 ) ] .
" 1 - v L&y axJ 1 - v L b J a F o r bodies of similar elastic constant t h e y are:

„ Tdii ~I r a _ 1 y &U Cili

(13) — ( - x , y, - 1 7 ) - — (x, y, U) = const = (16)
ox ox

In view of the b o u n d a r y conditions du

( - x , y, - U ) - (x, y, U) = const = (17)
dx dx

5-sin (14) where U is the steady rolling v e l o c i t y and and are " c r e e p
r a t i o s " which specify the small difference in peripheral velocities
„ . = <T,
<r, == 0 )
of the t w o solids in the x and ^-directions. T h e surface traction in
the locked region due to a tangential force Tx is m a d e up of X and
E x a m i n a t i o n of these stresses reveals a high tensile stress at the
Xi where X is given b} r equation ( 1 ) and A'i b y
end of the axis parallel to the tractive force, i.e., at the p o i n t ( — a ,
0). This stress adds directly to the tension round the periphery
(x + cY
of the contact ellipse due t o the normal load. T h e tensile stresses X,(x + c, y) = -(1 - Tt/nN) 1/3 Xo -
at the point ( — a , 0 ) due to b o t h tangential and normal loads are ' b/f
plotted in Fig. 2 as a function of the ellipse shape.
I t is well k n o w n that due to a purely normal load yielding
initiates beneath the surface ( b y either the v o n Mises or Tresca and where
criterion). F o r small values of ju, this will continue to be the case. c/ft = 1 - a,/a = 1 - (1 - TJuN)1/a (19)
W h e n n exceeds a value of a b o u t 0.3 (0.26 for long cylinders, 0.31
for spheres 5 ), the point of initial yield m o v e s up to the contact Using equation ( 4 ) and ( 5 ) for the displacements clue t o c o m b i n e d
surface. F o r ellipses whose eccentricity is n o t extreme (k < 0.85, tractions X and X i
s a y ) the point of initial yield is also located at ( — a , 0). W h e n
the eccentricitj' is large, the maximum shear stress occurs towards du dih Xo , c
1_ — = — 2$ —
the center of the contact region and is very approximately given dx dx '2G a
^ + ^ = 0
Tmas. — Xo — /J.Zt) (15) dx dx

R e m e m b e r i n g that, for the locked region to be always shifted

Rolling Contact. T h e contact surface of two rolling bodies, w h i c h
toward the leading edge, c changes sign with U, so t h a t b y substi-
transmit a tangential force, is divided unsymmetrically into a
tuting equations ( 2 0 ) in equations ( 1 6 ) and ( 1 7 ) and using (19), we
region of slip and one of no-slip. T h e no-slip region is adjacent
to the leading edge of the contact b o u n d a r y irrespective of the
5 G. M . Hamilton, "Yielding in Contact Stress Problems," A. E. I.

Research Laboratory Report No. A.1374, Aldermaston Court, Berks,

England, 1963.

" \
2 2



• \ \


/ ex 10


O 6

O 4 Fig. 3 Measurements of transverse creep due to a transverse tangen-

tial force T,J. The profiles of the rolling solids have been chosen to give
0'2 four values of a/b. The observations are correlated using the values of
S^i given by the theory, and then compared with equation (23).

O 0-2 0 4 0-6 0-8 10 0-8 06 0-4 0-2 O a/b M

% — ^a + 0.276 0.923 0.11
A 0.683 0.803 0.16
Fig. 2 The tensile stress <rx at point P due to the tangential force T and O 1.57 0.615 0.17
due to the normal force N X 2.47 0.505 0.11

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t o a concentrated force is given b j ' Reissner f o r two particular

fc = - cases.
= o T h e present writer has considered the circular ring plate
clamped along the inner b o u n d a i y , loaded at partial arc along
T h e a b o v e results a p p l y f o r a tangential force Tx w h i c h acts in the outer boundary, and has shown the distribution of the bending
the direction of rolling. If a tangential force Ty acts transversely m o m e n t (along the inner b o u n d a r y ) for various loadings. In-
cluded also is a generalized direct m e t h o d of obtaining the maxi-
to the rolling direction, the locked region still remains tangential
m u m radial stress o n clamped circular ring plates subjected t o
to the point ( — a , 0). B y using equations ( 4 ) and ( 5 ) with a r o t a -
partial arc loading.
tion of axes through 7r/2, we obtain the displacement due to
transverse traction
y 2/b2 (22) T h e radial bending m o m e n t Mr, along the clamped inner
Y{x,y) = V{1 -*»/«'
2irab b o u n d a r y (r = ?•,) of a circular plate d u e to a concentrated force
P, applied at the outer b o u n d a i y ( r = ?-0), is given bj^: 2
I t m a y thus b e shown that the solids undergo a transverse creep
m o t i o n given b y
Mr = -— en cos nd (1)
L =o n = 0

f, = - 3fxN_ (23) where e„ can be obtained b y length}'- numerical calculations for

¥,[1 - (1 - T,/pN)1'*\
Grab different values of inner and outer radii ratio, p,. This bending
where m o m e n t for a unit load applied at 6 = £ is

B - v - C a < b 1 "
b2 M(6, £) = -— X ) cos n(6 - f) (2)
M f
)- ~[D - vC] a > b
n = 0

If the load P is uniformly distributed at a partial arc between

— 8o and 9 0 , the resultant bending m o m e n t along the inner b o u n d -
and is shown in Fig. 1 f o r v = 0.3. Equations ( 2 1 ) and ( 2 3 ) c o m - ary is obtained after inserting the Green's function and integrat-
pare with equations ( 3 7 ) and ( 4 1 ) in reference [5] f o r spherical ing t o b e
bodies. S o m e experimental results checking equation ( 2 3 ) are pre-
sented in Fig. 3. T h e influence of the shape of the contact ellipse
( a / 6 ) is correlated well b y equation (23). T h e absolute dis- M(d) = —— ( — + V — sin nd0 cos nd (3)
20o \ 7T ^ HIT
crepancy between equation ( 2 3 ) and the observed creep is a t -
tributed to the assumption of an elliptical no-slip region. Tliis solution represents the bending m o m e n t at any point
along the inner b o u n d a r y of a circular ring plate loaded at the
References outer b o u n d a r y b y a uniformly distributed load at partial arc
1 C. Cattaneo, "Sul Contatto di due Corpi Elastici," Accademia de 2d0. Fig. 1 shows the bending m o m e n t distribution along the
Lincei, Rendi conti, series 6, vol. 27, 1938, pp. 342-348, 434-436, 4 7 4 - inner b o u n d a r y due to various partial arc conditions for p,- = 2 / 3 .
478. T h e bending m o m e n t diminishes rapidly after the load is discon-
2 R . D . Mindlin, "Compliance of Elastic Bodies in Contact,"
tinued. If the load P is k e p t constant, the magnitude of the
J O U R N A L OF A P P L I E D M E C H A N I C S , v o l . 16, THANS. A S M E , vol. 71,
1949, pp. 259-268. m a x i m u m bending m o m e n t is reduced as the load is distributed to
3 R . D . Mindlin and H. Deresiewicz, "Elastic Spheres Under wider partial arcs. T h e m a x i m u m m o m e n t will exist at 6 = 0
Varying Oblique Forces," JOURNAL OF A P P L I E D MECHANICS, vol. and the corresponding m a x i m u m radial stress in a plate of thick-
20, TRANS. A S M E , vol. 75, 1953, pp. 327-344.
ness I will b e :
4 H. Deresiewicz, "Oblique Contact of Nonspherical Elastic
B o d i e s , " J O U R N A L OF A P P L I E D M E C H A N I C S , v o l . 2 4 , T R A N S . ASME,
vol. 79, 1957, pp. 623-624.
0"mat = — M — (4)
5 K . L. Johnson, " T h e Effect of a Tangential Contact Force
Under the Rolling Motion of an Elastic Sphere on a Plane," JOURNAL
OF A P P L I E D M E C H A N I C S , v o l . 2 5 , T R A N S . A S M E , vol. 80, 1958, pp.
6 E. Jahnke and F. Emde, Tables of Functions, Dover Publica-
tions, Inc., New York, N . Y „ 1945.
!90= 0

/ 2^-30*
Circular Ring Plates Under A

Partial Arc Loading / >00=60°

THE SOLUTION of an unsymmetrically loaded circular ring plate
built-in along the inner b o u n d a r y and loaded b y a concentrated
f o r c e at the outer b o u n d a r y is due t o H. Reissner. 2 T h e bi- 0.3
harmonic equation is solved b y using the series solution along with
the b o u n d a r y conditions to determine the constants which are

expressed in terms of the ratio of the inner and outer radii. T h e

radial bending m o m e n t distribution along the inner b o u n d a r y due 0.1

1 Large Steam Turbine-Generator Department, General Electric

Company, Schenectady, N . Y . 0
2 H. Reissner, " t j b e r die unsymmetrische Biegung dtlnner 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Kreisringplatten," Ingenieur-Archiv, vol. 1, 1929, p. 72.
Manuscript received b y Applied Mechanics Division, June 5, Fig. 1 Moment distribution along the inner boundary due to partial arc
1963. loading

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