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What are the uses and abuses of Statistics in the 

real world? 

The uses of the statistics; Poll results are used to determine the television shows we watch and
the products we purchase, Manufacturers provide better products at lower costs by using
statistical control tools, such as control charts. Diseases are controlled through analyses designed
to anticipate epidemics. Endangered species of fish and other wildlife are protected through
regulations and laws that react to statistical estimates of changing population sizes. Through
statistical analysis of fatality rates, legislators can better justify laws, such as those governing air
pollution, auto inspections, seat belt and air bag use, and drunk driving.  Abuses of Statistics
Some people will use statistics in which the data are presented in ways that are designed to be
misleading. Some abuses are not intentional, but some are! “Statistics show far fewer
skateboarding injuries in the winter, while sledding injuries are more common.” Does this seem
like a valid statement? What could be a reason for such misleading statistics? Common ways in
which data are misleading: 1) Bad samples A major source of deceptive statistics is the use of
inappropriate methods to collect data. Self-selected survey – (voluntary response sample) is one
in which the respondents themselves decide whether to be included In such surveys, people with
strong opinions are more likely to participate, so the obtained responses are not necessarily
representative of the whole population. Common ways in which data are misleading: 2) Loaded
Questions Survey questions can be worded to elicit a desired response. A “loaded” item uses
emotionally charged words – words that have a strong negative or positive. Example: The
University of Pittsburgh should stop wasting student activities funds on elitist organizations such
as fraternities and sororities. A. strongly agree B. agree C. Neutral D. disagree E. strongly
disagree. This is a loaded item because of the use of the phrases “wasting funds” and “elitist
organizations.” It would be improved by making the wording more neutral.

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