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Pangasinan State University

Department of Electrical Engineering

Environmental Science

Midterm Exam
Course and Section:____________________


1. This is the study of the multitude interactions between humans and the world
around them, living and non living. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE
2. This acts reciprocally with the abiotic factors of the environment , which limit their
3. This refers to a method of reasoning in which the premises are viewed as
supplying some evidence, but not full assurance, of the truth of the conclusion.
4.It comprises all the individuals of a given species in a specific area or region at a
certain time.
5. This is a scientific trait which refers being recognized as a source of of reliable
6. He/She led a grassroots movement that spurred an executive order from the
president to ban new mining permits. (First name and Last name only)
7. This is the profession of an organism in an ecosystem. NICHE
8. This starts out with a general statement, or hypothesis, and examines the
possibilities to reach a specific, logical conclusion.
9. This is intended to help the reader understand why your research should matter to
them after they have finished reading the paper. CONCLUSION
10.An animal that eats both plant and animal material
11.This is the primary component of mammalian bones and teeth, insect
exoskeletons, phospholipid membranes of cells, and is used in a variety of other
biological functions. CALCIUM PHOSPHATE
12.This is the product of incomplete combustion in fossil fuels.
13..This helps pull water lower and lower until it reaches the oceans and other such
depression may also serve as the lowest basin into which water can be drawn.
14. Mode of nutrition in which an organism is unable to synthesize its own energy-
rich carbohydrate molecules and is parasitic or saprophytic on other organisms .
15.This is the process of taking in the nitrogen compounds from the soil with the help
of their roots, which are available in the form of ammonia, nitrite ions, nitrate ions or
ammonium ions and are used in the formation of the plant and animal proteins.
16. These relate physical, or nonliving, factors that shape the ecosystem.
17. They play a very important role in the ecosystem because they recycle nutrients.
18. These use sources of heat such as solar radiation (direct and indirect) and
conduction to help adjust their body temperature
It is necessary for photosynthesis which, in turn , is the source of energy in almost of
all the ecosystems.
19. The energy remaining after respiration & stored organic matter. NET PRIMARY
20. They remain dormant, resisting drought and heat, until the following spring,
sometimes 2 or 3 springs when they repeat the cycle, germinating after winter rains to
bloom again in the spring
21. Examples of this are the mushrooms, mold and yeast. FUNGI
22. This show better growth in the presence of oxygen but will also grow without it.
23. These are microorganisms which can live up to 80 degree Celsius above.
24. This is the stage where the dead body swell because of gas accumulation.
25. This is carried out by plants (with chlorophyll). The rate is influenced by light
intensity, temperature, and availability of water. PHOTOSYNTHESIS
26.They often have few or no leaves,which reduce transpiration.
27. Process by which plants loses water from the small holes in the leaves.
28. Solutes are found here to reduce the freezing point of plants so that they can adapt
to low temperatures .
29.This refer to the biological influences on organisms within an ecosystem. BIOTIC
30.They can grow in presence of O2 but don't use it. an organism which turns into someone’s dine.
32.often contain same toxins as other part of plant to stop herbivory
33.This is where proteins are produced and certain toxins excreted by certain bacteria.
34. When the fruit ripens, its color changes and signifies that it has lost its what?
35.The bilharzia parasite, Schistosoma haemotobium, a parasitic flatworm that
completes its life cycle in a type of snail, namely? SNAIL FEVER OR BILHARZIA
36. These species exclude their competitors from that part of the
37. One species gets food by removing (and eating) ectoparasites of another.
38. Refers to a sequence of chain of organisms existing in a natural community in
which each link of the chain feeds on the one below and is eaten by the one above.
39. What level does the plant occupy in the food chain? HERBIVORES
40. This means literally ‘at table together
41.These organism are not able to synthesize its own energy, so they depend on
dead, decaying organic matter. DETRITIVORES
42.This allows us to see the interdependence of the species and the biodiversity of the
43.If there is more of this in an ecosystem, then there will be more connections in the
food web. FOOD
44.These are organisms which can make organic molecules from chemical in
hydrothermal vents.
45.How many percent is lost in the environment during energy transfer in the food
pyramid? (write in words) NINETY PERCENT
46.These are primary recyclers of the ecosystem .
47. This is the measure of the overall energy that is converted. ENERGY
48. This is the measure of how much the plants get after using some of the energy in
49. This is used to measure the efficiency of the energy transfer and the amount of
biomass that is transferred.
50. This is the study of how the energy is transferred from one source to other
51. This is similar to photosynthesis, but this process makes use of Hydrogen sulfide
to make glucose. CHEMOSYNTHESIS
52. Through the use of ecosystem productivity , only ___ percent of energy is
received by the plants from the sun. (write in figure)
53. This is the process where most of the plants’ energy is used up about 60 %.
54. These bacteria consist of this enzyme which has the capability to combine
gaseous nitrogen with hydrogen to form ammonia.
55. Phosphorus has only this form and this molecule never makes it way into the
atmosphere, it is always part of an organism, dissolved in water or in the form of rock.
56. These exists in living organisms, and they get passed through the food chain by
the consumption of other living organisms.
57. This refers to the length of time a chemical is held in an exchange pool or a
58.This occurs when the physical state of water is changed from liquid state to a
gaseous state.
59. Water inside of plant is transferred from the plant to the atmosphere as water
vapor through numerous individual leave openings called what? TRANSPIRATION
60.This is a biogeochemical process through which nitrogen is converted into many
forms, consecutively passing from the atmosphere to the soil to organism and back
into the atmosphere.
61. This is a kind of fertilizer from the converted form of ammonia . NITROGEN
62. These microorganisms transforms nitrites to nitrates.
63. Process wherein plants transpire to move nutrients to the upper portion of the
plants and to cool the leaves exposed to the sun.
64. Process where phosphorus are extracted from the rocks.
65. What is the approximate amount of energy of water exchanged during the change
of state(in kCal). (written in figures)
66. This process of the nitrogen cycle is the final stage and occurs in the absence of
67. This is a specific kind of process where bacteria fixes Nitrogen in the soil.
68. Sulfur is carried back to the earth in any form of precipitation with acidic
69.This refers when parasites that live in their host for a brief period and then move
on to another with or without killing the first.
70. This is what we call a solution that has pH of 7.
71. This is the simplest biogeochemical process.
72. These links the Dodder to its host and penetrate to the host’s vascular bundles.
73. One species gets food and /or shelter from another species and other partner gets
protection from being eaten.
74. use sources of heat such as solar radiation (direct and indirect) and conduction to
help adjust their body temperature
75. Conversion of ammonia into nitrate and nitrite is very important since ammonia
serve as what to plants?

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