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Pre-Intermediate Word Focus

Word Definition Word Definition
annoyed slightly angry horrible very bad or unpleasant
to arrive to get to a place ill not feeling well
barrier a fence that prevents people from important having a great effect on something or
entering an area of great value
bodyguard a person employed to protect incident something that happens that is unusual
somebody or unpleasant
canteen a place serving food and drink in a interesting something that attracts your attention
workplace, a school, etc. because it is special, exciting, or unusual
to celebrate to do something special to show that limousine a large, comfortable, expensive car
an event or date is important luggage bags, cases, etc. that contain clothes
charm the quality of pleasing or attracting and things for travelling
people manners polite behaviour
conference a large official meeting mistake an action that produces an unintended
diary a book with spaces for each day of the result
year in which you can write things you office a room or building where people work
have to do or have done at desks
disapprove to think that somebody or something is ordinary not unusual or different
not good or suitable politics the activities involved in influencing
to educate to teach somebody over time decisions that affect a country or
to elect to vote for someone to do a particular society
job presenter a person who introduces sections of a
to employ to give somebody a job to do for television programme
payment successful achieving your aims
exciting causing great interest or excitement supermarket a large shop selling food, drink, and
fan a person who greatly admires home goods
somebody or something thief a person who steals something from
free not busy, without particular plans or another person or place
arrangements typical happening in the usual way
frightened afraid or fearful unpleasant not pleasant or comfortable
furniture moveable objects in a house or office usual something that happens or is done
which make it suitable to live or work in most of the time or in most cases
to grab to reach out and hold somebody worried feeling unhappy and afraid about
suddenly and firmly unpleasant things that have happened
healthy having good health and not likely to or that might happen
become ill

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