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6.1 Introduction

6.2 Classification of Singularities

6.2.1 Zeros of an Analytic Function
6.2.2 Singular P~ints
6.2.3 Types of Isolated Singular Points
6.2.4 Singularitiesat Infinity
6.3 Calculus of Residues
6.3.1 Residue at a Finite Point
6.3.2 Residue at the Point at Infmity
6.3.3 Cauchy's Residue Theorem
6.3.4 Mittag-I,eflk-rExpansion Theorem
6.3.5 Rouche's Theorem
6.4 Summary
6.5 Answers/Solutions/Hints to Exercises

Consider the functions
1 1 1
; ,x sin ; ,exp (- k2), ---- etc. x E R
x(x - l)(x - 2)'
We see that each of these fmctions is not defrned at 0. In such a case, the point x = 0 is
a singular point for each of these functions in the sense that the function is defined in a
deleted neighbourhood of 0. The problem of classifying singularities are not easy to
solve satisfactorily for functions on R. On the other hand, the situation in C is different.
Iff is analylrc at a point s = a, then there is a neighbourhood N of a inside which f is
analytic. Let r be a positively oriented smooth closed curve contained in N. Then,f is
analybc Inside and on r and, as seen in Unit 5, celebrated Cauchy Integral Theorem
tells us that

If, however,ffails to be analytic at finitely many points interior to r,then the above
argument fails; which means that there is, as we shall see in this unit, a specified
number (zero or non-zero) which each of these points contribute to the value of the
integral. This motivates to generalize the idea of Cauchy Integral Theorem to functions
which have isolated singularities. This is reflected in the Residue Theorem.
In this unit, we start with the zeros of an analyhc function. We then classify the
singularities of complex-valued functions - in particular, we define isolated and
non-isolated singuldies, removable singularities, poles and their order, singulsrrities at
infinity and illustrate these singularities.
Cm~plbxVariables The notion of residue at an isolated singularity is introduced and this notion is used to
prove the Residue Theorem. Using theresidue theorem, we develop and illustrate
some of the basic methods employed in Complex Integration.

Objectives b 1
After studying this unit, you should be able to I
tell zeros of an analytic function and find their order,
define sinnularities of an analytic function and make distinction between
(i) isolated and non- isolated singularities (ii) removable and irremovable
singularities, -1

determine poles, if any, of an analytic h c t i o n and their order,

define singularities at infinity,
define and obtain residue of an analytic function at a frnite point,
define and obtain residue at the point at infinity,
learn Residue Theorem and its applications in evaluating some integrals in
complex plane, and
learncertain applications of residue theorem.


Before we take up singularities of a complex-valued function, it is desirable to study.
the zeros of an analytic function, which we take up next.

6.2.1 Zeros of an Analytic Function

If a function f(z), analytic in a region R, is zero at a point zo in R, then zo is called a zero
of f(z).

If f(zo) = 0 but f '(z,) # 0, then z, is called a simple zero or a zero of the first order.

If f(zo) = 0,f '(z0) = 0 ,..., f (n- ') (ZO)= 0, but f ("' (z,) + 0, then z, is called a zero of
order n.

For ixample, the function z2 sin z has a zero of order three at z = 0 and simple zeros at

The function 1 - cos z has second order zeros at z = 0, + 2n, +- 4n, ...

If an analytic function f(z) has a zero of order n at z = z,, then its Taylor series is of the

= ( ~ - ~ O ) ~ [ b , + h , -( lz - ~ ~ ) + b , + ~ ( z - z+...I

= (z - z,)" [b, + (Z- zO)Sj, say

By taking ) z - z, ) sufficiently small, we can make

lb,dl > lz - zol . I SI

Thus a neighbourhood of zo can be found where
is not zero. Consequently, f (zlkasnrrcrt have another zero in this neighbourhood. ClvssiCication of Singularities and
Calculus uf Residues
We express this by saying that the zeros of an analytic function are isolated.

We next take singularities of complex-valued functions

6.2.2 Singular Points

A complex-valued function f(z) is said to have a regular point at z, i f f is analytic at z, .

The point zo is called a Singular Point or Singularity of f(z) if z, is a limit point of

regular points and f(z) is not analytic at zo .

For example z = 0 is a singular point off(z) = z-', z # 0.

If the singular point z, is such. that there is no other singular point in its neighbourhood,
i.e., iff (z) is analytic in some deleted neighbourhood of zo,then the point z, is called
an Isolated Singular Point or Isslated Singularity off (2).

For example, the functionflz) = l is analytic eveqwhere except at z = a.Thus f(z)

z -a
has an isolated singularity at z = a.

z2 + 1
T!le function has three isolated singular points, namely
(z- 1) (z + 4 )

The function -has an infinite number of isolated singularities at

z = f 1, + V2, k V3, f l/4,
........ The origin z = 0 is also a singular point, but it is not an
isolated singular point, because there are other singular points in its neighbourhood,
however small we choose thf;neighbourhood.

The function &has a singularity at z = 0, which is not isolated. The other si~lgularities
near the origin arise due to the discontinuity suffered by a single-valued branch of &
on crossing the cut in the z-plane. Singularities of this nature always arise at 'branch
points', where two branches of a multivalued function have the same value.

Other examples of such a singularity are log z'at z = 0 and sin-'z at z = f 1.

If ro is not an isolated singularity off (z), it is called a Non-isolated singular point of

Descriptions of Non-isolated singularity at z, and for isolated singularities at z,, I,,2,
are given in Figures 6.1 & 6.2, respectively.
Example 6.1

"Discuss the singularities if'g(z) = '/f(z), where

Az) = U(X,y) + iv(x, y) = sin

It is easy to see thatf (z) is analybc everywhere except at z = 0. Therefore the
singularity of g is at z = 0 and at the points where f (z) = 0, i.e., when u (x,y) = 0
and v(x,y) = 0.

Since cos h @/I a f ) > 1, therefore u (x, y) = 0 implies that

In the case when sin(x/( z 12) = 0,we have cos( ?flzl2 ) f 0. Thus v(x,y) = 0 implies

sinh (v/lz12)= 0
Thus (6.1) gives

and (6.2) yields y = 0. I+


(n X )
1,-+2,........ Thusu(x,y)=Oand
v(x, y)=Oholdsifandonly if x = l / ( n n ) , n = O , + 1 , + 2 ,... .Thusthe
singularities ofg(z) are at points x = l/(nn) , n = 0, 1 ,f 2 ,... and at their limit
point z = 0. This shows that g (z)has isolated singularities at
z = l/nn, n = 0,f 1, f 2, .... and has non-isolated singularity at the limit point z
= 0.

Remark 1 :We note that fi)= sin

the discussion of singularities of g
zeros of sin ( l/z ).

Remark 2 : Any neighbourhood of a non-isolated singular point of a function f (2)

contains other singularities and hence a non-isolated singular point off (2) is a limit
point of the singular points of f(z). Further observe that f(z) must be discontinuous
at an isolated singular point.
You may now try an exercise.

Exercise 1

Discuss tlte singulnritiet;PC 1/COS ( ).

We next take up the kinds of isolated singularities for an analytic function.

6.2.3 Types of Isolated Singular Points

There are three kinds of isolated singularities for an analytic function
i) Removable ,Singttlurity, \vhicli upon close exalniilatioii is not actually a
singular point at all.

ii) Pole is a zero of the reciprocal which is an analytic iimctiun.

iii) Erseitial sing?tlnrit.v, which is neither rerl~ovablenor a pole.

We next,give definition and examples of these kinds of isolated singularities.

Definition : "An isolated singularity zz,of C (2). f E N ( D ,\ I x-, j) , is calied rcniovable

or that f (z) has a removable singularity at z, i f f (z) can be defr12ed at z, so that it
becomes analytic at z , ''

In other words, f (2) can be extended to z, too so that f (2) is analy~icon D

Xote : :V ( D\lx, j) is the dclctcd neighbourhood, 1.e D escluding the po~nt2,

Consider the fui~ctious.

.I;(z ) = sin z, 2 # 1

Thesc ftlncdnns 11a-c.cremovable singularitics at 1. 1 and O respcc1ive1.c.w!~icl~

call bc
rcrllovcrt by letting

,/;(I) =sinl, J: (1) =: 2 and I; ( 0 ) : ~1,


Exercise 2
" Discuss the removable singu1,uities sf the functions

sin z

2 (1 -cos z)
and g, (zj = -- z f 0

and give the values of the functions ~v11ichcan remove the singularities ".

We obscrvc that if J{L)is analyl~con ol)cn scl S and z,, E S . thcn titc fi~nctionI;
defined by
Thus F(z) has a removable singularities at 2, , which can be removed by letting
F(z0) = f '(20) .
The following example illustrates this.
Example 6.2

z2 + aZ
"Discuss the singularity ofAz) = - 7 , z # - ia.
z + ra


ClearlyAz) is analytic every where except at z = - ia

Forz # - ia,we have

and hence Lt Az) = - 2ai .

z + ia

ThusAz) has a removable singularity at z = - ia . Now we put

g(z) = "I z + ia
- 2ai
=z-ia for z i t - i a
for z = - ia

Then g(z) becomes analytic everywhere including at z = - ia

Remark :More generally, i f f has a removable singularity at z,, then there is a function
f analytic at 2, such thatflz) = g(z)for all z in deleted neighbourhood N \ {z,}.

An important result for removable singularities is given below :-

Result I : "If f(z) has an isolated singularity at z, ,then z = z, is a removable

singularity i f and only if one of the following conditions holds:-

a) Az) is bounded in a deleted neighbourhood of z, ;

b) Lt Az) exists
2 + Zo

It may be observed that Lt Az) exists may give rise to the following situations:-
Z + Z,

i) Az) may not be defined at to.

ii) Az) may be defined at 2, but&,) may not be equal to Lt Jz)

Z -+ Zo

iii) Jz) may be defined at 2, and&,) is equal to Lt Az).

2 + Zo

In the last case (iii), f(z) is not singular at z0 . This shows that if f(z) has a removable
singularity at z, ,then either (i) or (ii) holds.

We now give another result for removable singularities.

Result I1 : "Iff(z) and g(z) are analytic and if both have a zero of order n at z, ,we
may write
Classification of Singularities and
f(z) = (z - zo)"fo (z) , R(Z)= (Z- zo)" go (z) , Calculus of Residues

where both f, and go are analytic and non-zero at z, . Hence

exists. This means thatf(z)/g(z) has a removable singularity at z,."

For example, each of the functions

ez- 1 z - sin z
h(z) = y and h(z) =

has a removable singularity at z = 0 .

We have seen that iff (2)is bounded in a deleted neighbourhood of an isolated

singularity at z, ,then z, is a removable singularity off (2).Thus if z, is not a removable
singularity off then f is not bounded near z, . We might then ask whether (z - z,)" Az)
is bounded near z, . The answer is provided in the definition of pole given below.

Definition: "If (z - z,)"flz) is bounded near z, ,then the point z, is called apole ofAz)
and the number n which is the smallest positive integer such that (z - z,)"f(z) is
bounded near z, is called the order of the pole at z, . A pole of order one is called a
simple pole."

For example, the functionfiz) = :/(z - 1$ has a double pole at z = J

The hnctionfiz) = 1/(1 + ei"') has simple poles at z = 1 +_ 2n ,n = 0,1, 2, .... and z = rn
is the limit point of these poles.
The function

z cos (m/2a)
fiz) =
(Z- a) (z2+ b2 )' sin5z

where a and b are distinct non-zero real numbers, has poles of order 7 at ib, 4 at+
+ +
z = 0: 5 at k ~r:, k = 1, 2 ,.... and a removable singularity at z = a.

The function

thenfiz) has a pole of order 4 at z = bi and a pole of order 3 at z = - c.

The function
fiz) = . , a f ( k + 1 / 2 ) n , ( k = 0 , + 1 , + 2 ,...)
sin z - sin a

has simple poles at z = 2 kn + a , z = (2k + 1) .rc - a.

Remark : If f(z) is analytic in a deleted neighbourhood of z,, then f has a pole of order
n if and only if

i, (z - z,)"f(z) has a removable singularity at z,, i.e.

Lt (z - z,)" + 'fiz) = 0, and

2 --f z,
Consider the f'ol?o\ving example

'- Disccisz thc si!~~ulari:ic~


CLle poles of /. tt' an\.. nrc ck?cn~r:ned111

kietlcc /(s) 113s,I .sllnple pull: ; ~ r: - 13 = i I 2 1 and n ~ e n ~ o \ a bs~rig~rlar~t\

lc iit
" r y - - l { r
wherc 1- is tile distance from z,to the nearest singularity o f f ( 2 ) other tlian z, itself., (If
z, is the 01114- si!lgulari!y, than r- = u.).

Throughout thc abovc discussion: we have supposed that,f(z) is defined for all z near z,],
but 1101 ~iccessarrlyat z, ~tself.Thus the classific;ition of the isolated singularity of
f(%) depends only an the local hchaviour of f(z) in a neighhourhood of r,,

in ( 6 5 ) . the senes with the negative powers of (E - z,)1s called Principal part nhereas
the serles with non-negatlx e powers oE(z - z,) is called the Analytic part.

T'hrcz miltualll cxc1usrx.e cases arise.

Cast 1 : Xo Principal Part

111 1111s casc. (6.5) takes thc form


j ( z j =: 2 (Z --Z")
. 0 < 1 z - Z" 1 < r
t z 11

Thus if lve dcfine,

jl-'") = a,,= Lt flz) .

+ Lo 7

1 aial!?ic a1 z, This shows :, is a rernov:lhle singularity mid the

then f (L) ~ 1 1 be
Laurent scries c.;yansion of fli)must coincldc \ \ ~ l hthc Taylor serics evpalaslnrl ticarz,

Case 2 : Finite Principal Part

In this casel (6.5) takes the form

) a pole at z =z, and if (z - it,)-"i s the highest negative power in the

a n d f i ~has
Lauror~texpansion offlz) ,the pole i s said to he of order 11.

(6 5 ) o f - f i ~ ~
In other words:'-Jz) has a pole of ordcr n if and only if nn the cspa~~sion
a-,+O.buta-k=O for k > n + 1."

Case 3 : lntinite Principal Part.

If tlae Laurent expansion ofJz) in the neighbourhood of an isolated singular point z = z,

contains infinitely many negative powers of (z - z,), i.e., if in (6.5), a- k # 0 for
infinitely mmly k 2 1, thenJ(2) has an essenti:d singularity at z = z,.

In this case, LL./(zj fails to exist (including the possibility of the limit bei~iguginity).
z -3 Z"

For example, if&) = e ,then.f is analytic on c \ (0). Further, for this function, with
.r > 0 and n > 0, fixed, we have

Therefore, it follows that f is neither bounded near z = 0 nor can f have a pole of order
n at z= 0. Here e' has an essential singularity at z = 0.

Similarity, it is easy to see that the function

has an essential singularity at z = b .

Also the function

~ z l z=e
or e-I/' or sin (:)or cos ](:
has an essential singularity at z = 0

You may now try an exercise.

Exercise 3

Show that z = h is an essential singuliinty ot'thc ii~i~ctron

<z) = (z - a ) sin --
(z: b],

The behaviour of a function in the neighbourhood of an essential singularity is

described by Casorati - Weierstran Theorem ,which states

"If f(z) has an essential singularity at z, and if w, is a fixed complex number,

then there exists a sequence {zn}with z,, +zo such that f (z,) -+ wo.In other words,
f(z) takes values arbitrarily close to every complex number in every
neighbourhood of essential singularity."
A result, deeper than above, is given by Picard according to which " in every
neighbourhood of an essential singular point at z, of Az), supposed analytic in
0 < 1 z - z, ( < 6 for same 6 > 0 ,Az) takes on every value, with at most one
exception, an infinite number of times.
Consider the following example.
Example 6.4

"Show that e'4 assunies every value infinitely many times with exception of zero,
(Picard exceptional value)."

=e , e;tO
where e may be taken as a complex number. If e is real and non-negative, then (6.6) CIossification of Singularities and
implies Calculus of Residues

Thus, in particular, we have a sequence {z,),with z, + 0, such that

=e, n=1,2, ...
-1 18
In general, if'e # 0 is complex number, then let z = p e ,where 8 is a real number,
so that (6.6) becomes
p (cos 0 - i s m 0) In I e 1 + i arg e
e =e

=> pcos 8=lnlel and p sin 8 = - a r g e

Hence, we have

and pZ = (In le(f + (arg el2,

where arge=arge+2&. k = 0 , + 1 , & 2,....

Clearly, (6.7) and (6.8) are solvable -(6.7) is solvable since in the range 0 I8 I2n,
- 1
tan 8 takes on all values in ( - m, ) and (6.8) is solvable for 0 < - < E,for each E > 0,
since arg e may be chosen as large as we please.

You may try the following exercise.

Exercise 4
Sllow that sin (%) assumes every 1 alue infinntely many dn~zst$ifh cxdcg.rron o f

So far, we have discussed the singularities of a function which are isolated and lie in
the complex - plane C. We shall now be concerned with the singularity of a function at
the point at ini3nity.

I 6.2.4 Singularities at Infinity

We shall extend the complex plane C by adjoining one extra point at infinity which we
shall denote by z = -, i.e., we consider the extended complex plane C u ( -) as a
closed surface having a single point at infinity.

Role of the point at infmity is understood through the function

This function is defined for evcq t + 0, and maps each point z in C, except z ;t 0. into a
point of ~v-plane.If we assign the point at infinity in ni-plane. to z = 0 and IV = O to the
point at ~ n f i n ~in
t y z-plane, then thc above function 1s one-to-one from extended z-plane
to extended w-plane.

1 .
Letfbc the analytic in 1 z > R , 0 _<R< w . By putting z = - inf, we obtain

Tllcn F is anal?tic in dcleted neighbourhood iw : 0 < 1 w I < /'R! of zero. The nature of
singularity o f f at z = m (point at infinity ) is detined to be the same as that of F at
\v = 0.

For example, function fdefined by

has a pole of order n at z = .o, since the corresponding F defined by

has a pole of order 11 at w = 0 .

z ) + z'" has a pole of order two at z = 0 and a pole of order m at infinity.
~ u n c t i o n ~=~ 7

Similarly, function/(z) = e" has an essential singuIarity at z = m,since F defined by

F(wj=/(l/',) = eL/"has an essential sillgularity at 1g = 0.

Function tan z has essential singularity at z = w which is the limit point of poles of tan z
and assumes every complex value with Picard's exceptional value f i.

Suppose that f (z) has an isolated singularity at z = .o and R is ihe distance from origin
to farthest singular point off(If the point at infinity in the only singularity-,,thenR may
be chosen as an arbitrary positive number).

than F has an isolated singularity at w = O and so the nearest singularity of F from w = 0

is at a distance l h .

Now, the function F(w) has Laurent expansion about w = O as

The following cases arise:

Case 1: You may recall that the function F(cv) has a pole of order k at w = 0 if and only
if (6.9) takes the fonn.
CI:~ssiticatiunof Singularities and
and part a- k w- % ... + a_, w - I is the principal part of F at w = 0. Calculus of Resid~res

Hencef ( z ) has a pole of order k at z = m if and only if its Laurent's expansion has the

where the principal part off(z) at z = m is

Case 2 : Suppose that in (7.9) a _ ,= 0 for all k 2 1. Then (6.9) becomes

Thus if we define F(0) = a,: then F will be analytic at w = 0. Hence F has a removable
singularity at w = 0 if and only if in (6.9) a _ ,= 0 for d l k 2 1 , that is, if we set

then f(z) defined by

is analytic at z = m .

In other words,f(z) has a removable singularity at z = w if and only if its Laurent

expansion has the form

Case 3 : The functionf (z) has an essential singularity at z = m, if its Laurent expansion
has the form

where an infinite number of a- k 'S are non-zero fork 2 1

We observe that "An entire function f(z) is transcedental if and only iffph) has an
essential singularity at 0."
Let us consider the following example.

Example 6.5

Forf(z) = - 1 z # h , k = 0 , + 1 , * 2 ,...,
sinz '

discuss the singularity off at m."

Con~plexVariables Solution
We define

and discuss the singularities of g(z) at z = 0.

Here g(z) is not analytic in the neighbourhood of origin, because every

neighbourhood of origin contains a singularity inside such neighbourhood. Hence
g(z) has isolated essential singularities at the points z = 9i.h),k = 0, 1, f 2,......
and has a non-isolated essential singularity at z = 0 .

This shows that f(z) is not analytic in { z : i z I > R} for any R > 0 and w is a
non-isolated singularity for f6).
You may now try the following exercises.

Exercise 5

Show that w is a non-isolated singu:ar~tyfar

~z).=(I?'- 1)- .

Show that functioll g(z) = z4 sin ( Q z + 1)) has a polc of' order five at the point at

Exercise 7
Discuss the singularity of the function
a sin
fi)= 7 . (x)at inEinity.

One of the most important and often used tool that applied scientists and engineers
need from the theory of complex functions is the Calculus of Residues and we shall
focus our attention on it in our next section.


We begin with the defintion of residue of a function at an isolated singularity.

6.3.1 Residue at a Finite Point

We know that if f(z) has an isolated singularity at z, than there is a deleted
neighbourhood S = { z : 0 < ( z - z, 1 < r} in which f(z) may be expanded in a Laurent
series as
Classification of Sindarities and
calcul~sof Residues
... (6.10)


where C is any circle centred at zo and lying inside S and integral along C is taken in
the positive direction.
Here circle C may be so small that it does not go beyond the domain of analyticity of
fTz) and has no other singularity inside it. Also by Cauchy's Deformation Theorem, the
integral in (6.11) will have the same value on any positively oriented curve which
encloses zo but no other singularity offb).

Then, according to (6.1l), we have

The coefficient a_, of the term (z - %)-' in the Laurent expansionflz) is of great
importance and is of special significance, (because of its connection with the integral of
function through the formula (6.12)) and is called the residue of&) at isolated
singularity to.

If z, is a simple pole, then Laurent expansion (6.10) becomes


(z - zo)Az)= C ak (z- 20)

k+ 1
Hence + a- I
k= 0

The terms (z- z;lk+ vanish when z + 2, ; therefore

This gives a simple method of calculating the residue off (2) at its simple pole 2,.

If tois a pole of order m, then Laurent's expansion (6.10) off (2) becomes
Differentiating (6.14) ( m - B ) times and t'aking the limit as z - z, , we get

1vi:ilich is the residue off!z) at z - z, , a pole of order m.

We note fio~n(6.14)that Lt (z - z,)"f(z)) is finite and non-zero. This fact can bbc used
L '7"

Tor determining the order of a pole.

Relation (6 12) provides a conven~etitwa? o f evaluatuig certain integrals of a functim

f(z) around an isolated smgulmt). since its value 1s s~niplyths product of 2x1 a i d the
coefficient of ( z - zo)- ' in its Laurcnt expansion (6 10)

-We observe that the most convenient way to find the residue is directly from Laurent
sxpansion, af it was already available.

Faemark I : Iffit) is analytic at z, , then b~ Tav1or.s Theorem, these are 110 negative
process of :j - 6,)
it1 thc expa~slono f f 0 and has a residue offit) at zOis zero.

Further, if

then residue 0f.L (z) at z, is zero for n 2 2 .

Remarli I1 : 1f.f (z) has a removable singularity at z,, then residue of,f(z) at z, is zero.

Further, iffjr) has removable singulmties at z,, k = 1 , 2, .... w. then restdue of at z,

for k = 1. 2. .... r? is zero.

In particular. if C is a simple closed curve containing removable singularities at z,

k = 1.2 ....,n inside it, then

Remark I11 : If fb) has an isolated singularity at z, and iff is even in (z - z,), i.e.,

Az - 4,) =f [- (z - z,)] ,then residue of,f() at z, is zcro. For example, residue of even

function [ cos z - 1
at removable singularity 0 is zero.

Similarly residue of even function -at removable singularity 0 is zero.

Further, for the function el"l ,the point z = 0 is an essential singularity. Also elh2 is
an even function in z. Hence residue of el/\t z = 0 is zero.

2 2
Since sin (z - kn) = sin z ,thereforeAz) = -is an even function in (z - kn) and
(sin z)
residue off (2) at A
z is 0 for k = 0, f 1, 2,.... +
Similarly has residue at 0 as zero.
sin (z2)
I i,:t us tske up sollie examples

Lxumljle 6.6
iI ' Dctemiine tlie poles of the l'unction

and the residue at each polc."

The poles of,f ( 2 ) are given by

I lius z = 2 is a silnple pole and z = - I is a pole of' order 2 for,f O )

Now residue ofj(z) at ( z .:2)

Also rcsiduc cf f iz) at double pole (I.= -- 1'1

t l poles
"l)cter~n~~lc ~ of the t ' u n ~ ~ r t--'-
ll~ v ~ LdI ~ s resrdrrc; ,rl <;ICJ~ !IUIG '
CllS z

JZ -7K - q/2
-- I,1 b) I-" t iaspilsl'h t-nlc
- 5111 ;

h,is simplc pales at t = rm t %l , /i =: cr .f I f 2.

W L L L , C S I ~ L I C S(- I)" '' ftt +;K)

Yc>uir~ayxiow try the ~ ' c l l l o w icxorci~eu.

Exercise 8
1 /zn
For the functionflz) = e ,show that z = 0 is xi essential singular point and
rcsidueoff(2) at z = O i s Orfn* 1 and 1 I f n = 1.
Exercise 9
Detennine the singularities for the function

1(z) = ,I
z (a - a )
,(a b e ~ non-zero
g real ), and the residue at saeh pal$

Exercise I0
Fkd the residue of cosh z cot z at its singularities.

Show that z = 0 is a simple pole for the function

sin 3.2 .- 3 sin I.
j$,= -----.---
(sin z - z)sin z
and find the residue of&) at z = 0.

h reca above in e o n 6.2.4,a h t i o n f(z) may have siagularity at inhity. We,

naw, define the residue at the point at infinity and give method of fin* the same.

6.3.2 Residue at the ~diotat Infinity

We fust consider
z= '/,
rmd look at the geometric aspect of above transformation.

Tbis shows that as z describes the circle. I z I = M in z-plane in clackwise direction, then
w describes the circle I w I = YM in w-plane in anti-clockwise direction.
-1 i6
kthepointro=pe-'e, p~.M,outsideIzI=Moomepondstoapo~two=p
inaide ( w 1 = (see Figure 6.4).
Letf (2) be analytic in a deleted neighbourhood of the point at infinity. Thenf (2) Classif~cationof Sigularities and
admits Laurent series expansion of the form Calculus of Residues

We define

~ = { zIzI=M>R,
: M issufficiently large),
where C is traversed in clockwise direction (so that the point at infinity is to the left of
* C as in the case of finite point zo ).
4 Let z =Me- Ie. Then, we have

That is ,

residue off (z) at Sinity = 1 jo dz = - a-

In other words, residue off (2) at infmity is negative of the coefficient of - in Laurent
series expansion off (z) with centre at the point at infimity; or

We observe that for z = ~ e ''- with M = %',

residue offi) at infinity = - Az) dz

= - Residue of f*,

where C = { w : ( w I = lhI is described in the anti-clockwise direction round a small

circle about the origin.
Hence [residue off (2)
f (%)7
at infinity] = - Residue of - at zero]

= Lt [ - z X z ) ] .provided that this limit has a definite value

2. -i "E

Important Observation
It can be easily seen that the residue at a finite point is zero if the functiol~is
analytic at that point hut mag not be so at infinity. e

For example; consider the function for residue at infinity. The only singularity-of ,
the function is a simple pole at z = a. The fui~ctionis analytic at infiniq*.However, by

the residue of --
I at infinity

2- n
&=---I I
2 ~
Y I ~ "

i re"
d0 ,by putting z -. a = I. el"

Firrther, if/@) is aldytic at z = m ,lt still llus a aon-zzro r~siducat infinity esccpt when
(4 t f - ln t11e Latrront's o?.pu=~s~on
,.coefliercnlm of/'(;) ol tlkc ncighbourhood ofWz-- 1.3.
IS r$ro

Thus Rz J has a silnplc p d c ;it L. - - 1

singularity at 2 -
Ftr!alrer, due to r'" in Ble tlhirncrdor c?f'!{/)
thc;scf'ore /(2) has mr::t's4~lrtial

If wc put vr. -z !a:: liwl wc obtaln

=> r :m i s u pcl;ir: ul'order ( n - I ) Stir liz) .

Since z = 0 is an essential singularity ofAz), we must rely on Laurent expansion of Classification of Singularities and
Calculus nf Residues
Az) around zero.

We have Az) = z" (1 + 2)- ' .'e

Collecting the terms involving '/, ,we have

x %,+
k- 1
a- =
(n k)!
which is residue ofAz) at z = 0. Ans I1

To find variable ofJz) at z = w, using (6.17), we write

Again collecting the terms of - ,we find ' I

(-l)n+(- l)"-l
residue of F(w) at (w = 0) = -
0! l!
+ ... +-=x
(- 11°
(- 1)" -

Hence, residue ofAz) at (z = w)

residue of*
at w = b
You may now try an exercise.

Exercise 12
"Find the residue of*

Log (1 + 2)
Az) =
(1 + z Y
at each of the poles.

The notion of residue of a complex valued function at the vaiious singularities will be
used to prove the residue theorem, which we take up next. However, caution must be
C c ~ l ~ p l cVariables
x exercised to avoid reaching hasty conclusions based on appearances. We must identify
the type of singularities and then choose a proper curve.

6.3.3 Residue Theorem or Cauchy's Residue Theorem

Statement : "Iff (z) be analytic at all points inside and on a simple closed curve C,
except for a finite number of singula points z,, z,, ..., zn inside C, then

Az) dz = 2ni x (sum of residues at z,, z,, ..., z,, )."

Proof :We enclose each singular point z, z, ,...,zn by small non-intersecting circles
C,, C,, ... ,C, lying wholly inside C (see Figure 6.5).

These circles C,, C,, - , Cntogether with

the curve form the boundary of a
multiply-connected region in whichfiz) is
everywhere analytic.

This region can be converted'into a

simply connected region by giving it
suitable cuts (along the dotted lines). The
boundary l- of the singly connected
region consists of curve C (traversed anti-
clockwise), the circles C,, C,, ... C,, (all
traversed clockwise) and the cuts from C
these (traversed both ways). ...,
Figure 6.5 : The Circles Cl, C2, C,, Enclosing

Applying Cauchy Integral Theorem to

respectively the Su~gularPoints zl, z2,. ., z,,
within a Simple Closed Curve C.
.f(z) for curve l- ,we get

or,omitting the integral over the cuts since it is zero (once positive and other time
negative), we get

where now all integrations are taken in anticlockwise direction.

t dz is 2n i times the residue ofj(z) at zk.
~ u j(z)

Hence j(z> dz = 2ni x (sum of residuesof f(z) at z, z, , ..., z.).

This establishes the important residue theorem.

Remark :In residue theorem, f(z) can have only a finite number of singularities,
becausc otl~eenvisesingularities of f(z) would have a limit point 5 (possibly at the point
at infinity ), and so 5 would not be an isolated singularity to f(z) , contrary to our

Combining the residue at the point at infinity and Cauchy's residue theorem, we have
"Residue Formula for the extended complex plane" as follows:

"If f(z) is analytic with the exception of finitely many isolated singularities at a, in
the extended complex plane9then '
the sum of all residues (including the residue a t
infinity) of f(z) equals zero."
Equivalently (using residue theorem and relation (6.14)), we write Classilication of Sinylarities and
Calculus of Residues
(Residue of A
'4 at 0 ) = (suin of residues off@) on all singularities
a, in complex-plane).

We can use Residue Formula for the extended plane, as stated above, to give another
simple proof of Liouville's Theorem.
.AlternateProof of Liouville's Theorem

Let f (z) be entire and bounded on the complex plane; then we must show thatf (z) is

We pick up two distinct arbitrary points a, b in complex plane C and consider the

The function F(z) has singularities at z = a, b and possibility at the point at infinity.
Then by Residue Formula for the extended complex plane, we have

-Residueof F(z) at a + Residue of F(z) at b + Residue of F(z) at m = 0 .

Since Lt z F(z) = 0 (becausef (z) is bounded in C), we obtain


residue of F(z) at m = 0 ,

and therefore, we have

f(a) + f o = O
Residue of F(z) at a + Residue of F(z) at b = 0; i.e., -
a-b b-a

so that f (a) =f (b). Hencef (z) must be constant.

On most of the occasions, calculation of the residues at many singular points of
integrand is quite dficult. In this situation we can use Residue formula for the
extended complex plane to evaluate certain integrals.

Consider~z)= . Here all the singularities off@) lie inside the circle
(7' - 114(z4- 2$
lzl= 3. Also f (z) has a simple pole at infinity with residue at z = m equal to
Lt zAz) = - 4. Consequently,

I /Iz) dz = - 2ni x residue of&) at (z = m) = 8ni


You may try the following exercises.

Exercise 13
Exercise 14

The application of residue theorem can be seen in the following examples.

Example 6.9

"If C be the circle I z I = 3, show that


The integrand is analytic on I z I = 3 and at all points inside it except the poles
z = - 1 (of order 2) and z = 2 (a simple pole).

The residue of integrand at (z = - 1 )

The residue of integrand at z = 2

Hence by Cauchy's residue theorem,

& = 2n.i x (sum of residues at z = - 1 and z = 2)
J ( z + 1f

Example 6.10
"Fipd'the value of

where C is the circle (a) 1 z 1 = 2 (b) I z + i ( = 6.''


Thusf(z) has a double pole at z = 1 and a simple pole at z = - 3/2 .

a) For the circle, I z 1 = 2, both the singularity z = 1 & z = - V2 are inside the circle.
Now ~ e s i d u eofflz) at

Residue of f(z) at (z = - 3/2) = Lt - 1 2 ~ - 7- - 1 8 - 7

2 4 -3,5(~ - 1l2 - (5/2)2

:. I Az) dz = 2ni x (sum of residues of f(z) at z = +l and z = - 3/2)

C :121 = 2

b) For the circle (z + i) = 6,cartesian equation is

2 . 2 2 2
x + ( y + j ) =3=>x + y +2iy-2=0
Here z = 1 is inside the circle, but z = - 3/2 is outside the circle.

Hence &) dz = 2ni x (Residue ofAz) at z = 1)

= 2ni x 2 = 4ni Ans. 11.

You may now try the following exercises.

%vhreC is tile circle ( z 1 = 4 described m the pcsitne
Flzld \ d u e of
S A * Z'~

Evaluate I- (;-
( z - 1)
clx, die integral being taken arnufid t t o circle
l z - ~ ~ = 2 .

The expansion of a rational fractional function P ( x ) / ~ ( xin

) terms of partial fractions is a
well-known procedure. Using the residue theorem, we can now establish a result,
known as the Mittag - Leffler Expansion Theorem (named after the Swedish
mathematician G.M. Mittag - Leffler (1846 - 1927)), which generalizes this type of
expansion to a much wider class of functions.

6.3.4 Mittag - Leffler Expansion Theorem

Statement : "Iff(* is a function whose is analytic at z = O and whose only
singularities are first order poles at z,, z2,z,, ..., where the residues are respectively
b,, b,, b,, .....; if { C : JzJ= R, ) is a set of circles none of which passes through any
singularity of&) and where radii {R, ] become infinite as N + w ; and if on each of
these circles JAz)I is bounded by a constant M, which is independent of N, then

Proof :Heref (z) has first-dm poles at z = z , , z,, .... . with corresponding respective
residues b,, b,, ..... ; suppose that z = t is not one of these points. Then the function
flz)/[(z- t) has first order poles of z = z,, z,, ...... and at z = t ,

At z = zk, the residue o f f l z ) / ( z- t)

= Lt ( z - z,)
2 + 21;
z - t z,-t

and at z = t ,the residue is

Lt ( z - t ) & = f l t ) .
z+t z-t

Applying residue theorem to the region bounded by CN,assumed large enough to

include the point z = t, we have

J'2ni J%z=At)+~ -,bk

z-t 2,- t
where summation extends order all the poles off (z) within C.
Putting t = 0 in the above relation, we get

Subtracting (6.19) from (6.18), we get

z k - t zk 2ni
At)-A~)+xbk[L-L]=-~Az)[L-:]*+ z-t

The theorem will be proved if we can show that the limit of the last integral as N + w
is zero.
Now for values of z on CN, we have


Since by hypothesis, I flz) I is bounded on 6, by a number M, which is independent of

N, we find
infmite. C n l 4 u s of Residues

This coqplete the proof of the theorem.

We take up an example now.
Example 6.11

"Apply Mittag Leffler expansion theorem to the function

1 ' and verify that the result is equivalent to the ordinary partial - fraction expansion."


2z+ 1 - 2z+ 1
Heref(z) =
z'+6z2+ l l z + 6 - ( z + l ) ( z + 2 ) ( ~ + 3 ) '

Hence&) has simple poles at z = - 1, - 2, - 3 a n d f o is analytic at z = 0.

Now residue off(z) at (z = - 1) = Lt

22+1 --.- 1
,+-,(z+2)(~+3)- 2 '

2z+ 1 - -3
residue off(z) at (z = - 2) = Lt =3
z+-2(z+l)(z+3)-(- l)(-l)

and residue of f(z) at (z = - 3) = Lt

22+1 - - 5 - -5
z + - 3 ( z + 1)(z+2)-(-2)(- 1 ) - - 2

.: Applying Mittag - Leffler expansion theorem to f (z), we get

2z+ 1 - - A + B+
For ordinary partial fractions, let
2+6z2+11z+6 z + 1 z + 2
-z +C 3

This verifies the result.

You may now try an exercise.
~ o n l ~ l Variables
ex Exercise 17
"Apply Mittag - Leffler expansion theorem to the function

to find its expansion.''

Before we consider some useful consequences of Residue Formula for the extended
complex plane, we consider some results relating the residue of a function to the *
number of zeros and poles of the function.
Result I : "IfAz) has a zero of order m at z = a, then

residue of a
at (z = a) = m

Result I1 : "Iff(t.) has a pole of order n at z = b, then near z = b

f'(z) - --n + analytic function at z = b ."

Az) 2-6

Hence at each pole z = b of f(z) ,f '(z)/'z) has a simple pole at z = b with residue
equal to - n.

Combining resdts I & 11, given above, we obtain a principle knqwn as Argument
Principle, which states that
"Letfbe meromorphic in a domain D and have only finitely many zeros and poles. If
C is any simple closed curve in D such that no zeros or poles off (z) lie on C, then

where Nand P denote, respectively, the number of zeros and poles off (z), inside C,
each counted according to their order."

We now define, A. argf (z), that is, the change in argf (z) as z goes around C.

Letfbe analytic inside and on a simple closed curve C except possibly for poles inside
C andf(z) ;t: 0 on C. As z describes C once in the positive direction in the z-plane, the
image point w =f(z) describes a closed curve I'=f(c) in the w-plane in a particular
direction which determines the orientation of the image curve r. Sincef(z) ;t: 0 on C, r
never passes through the origin in the w-plane. Let w, be an arbitrary fixed point on r -
and let $ be a value of the argument of w,. Let arg w run continuously from i $ , ,as the
poitit begins at w, and traverses r once in the direction of orientation assigned to it by
w =f(z). If w returns to the starting point w, ,then arg w assumes a particular value of
arg w, ,which we denote by 9 . ,
We defme

, ,
We note that the difference $ - $ is independent of the choice of starting point w, .
, ,
We also note that the difference $ - $ is an integral multiple of 27c and integer
($ - $ ,)An is the winding numbet of r around the origin in w-plane as z describes C ltion of Singulal
Calculus of
once in the positive direction.
Corollary I :Under the hypothesis of Argument Principle, - A c argAz) = N - P

Corollary I1 : Iff(z) is analytic inside and on a simple closed curve C andAz) + 0 on

C, then the above formula reduces to

We now take up some examples to illustrate the use of Argument Principle and its
Example 6.12

Evaluate I=-
1 f'o
&, C = { z : Iz- 1}
21ci Az)

2-2 2-2
for ' a) Az) = - b) Az) =
z(z- 1) z(z - 1f


For our C, 0, 1,2 and i are inside C and 3, - 3, - i are outside C.

Now, we have I = N - P,

where Nand P are respectively the zeros and poles ofAz) inside C.

Thusfor ( a ) I = l - 2 = - 1
(c)I=O- 1 = - 1
Example 6.13


LetAz) = cos z

sin z
~ h e n Jtanza!z=+j -&=-If*&.
a sz

SinceAz)=O=>cosz=O <=> z=(k+1/2)1c, k = O , f 1,+2,...

the only zero of f(z) inside C about Y2 is z = Y2. There is no pole of f(z).

Thus by Argument Principle,

Note also that residue of tan z at (z = Y2) = - 1.

You may now try the following exercises.

The Argument Principle allows a comparison, under certain conditions, of the number
of zeros of two analytic functions. This is given by Rouche's Theorem, which we take
up next.

6.3.5 Rouche's Theorem

Statement : "LetJ(z) and g(z) be meromorphic in a domain D and have only finitely
~ d Let C be any simple closed curve in D such that no zeros or
many zeros a ~ poles.
poles off (z) and g(z) be on C. Further assume that

Ig(4 I<IAz) I o n c .

i.e., differei~cebetween the number of zeros and number of poles is the same forf and
f + g, namely7
Nf- Pf= N f + g - Pf+&."

Proof :In view of

* Is(z)I<IA~)IonC,
J(z) and g(z) have no zeros on C and, therefore, we can write
{ (
Then A , arg (f(z)+ g(z)) = A, arg f(z) 1 +
%I} Classification of Singularities and
Calculus of Residues

As z describes C by (6.21), point w = 1 + &&anverses the closed c w e r lying in

I w - 1 I c 1 (see Figure 6.6).

Figure 6.6

This implies I arg w I < Yz. This means that arg w has to return to its original value and

Thus the result follows as a direct consequence of the above, relation (6.22) and the
result that -A, argflz) = N - P .

Sometimes Rouche's Theorem is given an equivalent formulation. Instead of assuming

I g(z) I 1 flz) I on C, it is assumed that

then conclusion with respect to this assumption is

Remark :Iffand g have no poles in D, then from Rouche7stheorem f and f + g have

the same number of zeros inside the curve C.
The result of Rouche7sTheorem come handy in solving many problems easily, which
we illustrate by the following example.

Example 6.14

"Show that z4 + iz3 + 1 = 0 has all the four roots in I z I < 3/2.77

4 3
Takeflz)=l+z andg(z)=iz . T h e n o n / z I = R ,
4 3
IAz) 12R - 1 and (g(z) ( = R
Therefore on 1 z I = R, the inequality Iflz) I > 1 g(z) ( holds if
R ~ - ~ >. R
Con~plexVariables By Rouche's theorem, f and f + g have same number of zeros in I z I < R, for any
R, such that R: - 1 > R: .

Thus, in particular z4 + i z3 + 1 = 0 has all the four roots in I z ( < 3/2 .

You may now try an exercise.

Exercise 21

Show that the equation 2 + z - elZ= 0 has only one root in the entire upper half

The application of calculus of residues in evaluating real integral, improper integrals

and Fourier integrals will be taken up in the next unit.

We now summarize the results of this unit.

If a functionf (z), analytic L1a region R,is zero at a point z, in R, then z, is

called a zero off (2).
Iff(z,) = 0, but f '(2,) # 0 , than z, is called a simple zero or zero of the first
order off (2).
Iff(z,) = 0 =f '(2,) = ... =f (n - (zO)but f ("I @,) # 0 ,then z, is called a zero
of order n off(z).
Zeros of an analytic function are isolated.
Iff(z) is not analyhc at z, ,then 2, is called a singular point off (2).
If the singular point z, off(z) be such that there is no other singularity off@)
in its neighbourhood, then 2, is called an Isolated Singular Point off (2).
If z, is not an isolated singularity off(z), it is called a Non-isolated Point of
A non-isolated singular point off (2) is a limit point of the singularities off (2).
f (z) must be discontinuous at an isolated singular point.
Removable singularity z, is one which on closer examination is not actually
a singular point, is., iff (z) can be defined at z, so that it becomes analytic at
zo .
Pole is a zero of reciprocal, which is an analytic function.
A singularity which is neither removable nor a pole,
is called an Essential
If (z - zo)"f(z) is bounded near z, ,then the point z, is called a pole of order
n off (2).
A pole of order one is called a simple pole.
In Laurent series expansion of a function f(z) about an isolated singularity z, ,
the series with negative powers of (z - 2,) is called Principal Part and series
with non-negative powers of (z - 2,) is called Analytic Part.
In L a y t series, (a) if there is no principal part, then singularity is Classification of Singularities and
Calculus of Residues
removable (b) if there is finite principal part ,then singularity is a pole (c)
and if there is infinite principal part, then singularity is an essential
Behaviour of a function in the neighbourhood of an essential singularity is
described by Casorati-Weierstrass Theorem, stating
"Iff(z) has an essential singularity at z, and ifw, is a fixed complex number,
then there exists a sequence {z,}with z, + z, such thatj(zo) - w, ."
Picard's Theorem : "In every neighbourhood of an essential singularity z, of
f(z), supposed analytic in 0 c lz - z, I c 6 for some 6 > O,f(z) takes on every
value, with at most one exception, an infinite number of times".

If w = 1/, and F (w) =f

(9 ,then the nature of singularity off(z) at z = m is
defined to be the same as that of F(w) at w = 0.
The functionf(z) has a pole of order k at z = m if and only if the principal part
off(z) at z = m is

Functionfiz) has a removable singularity at z = w if and only if its Laurent

expansion has the form

Function f(z) has an essential singularity at z = w if its Laurent expansion has

the form

where an infinite number of a- ,'s are non-zero for k 2 1 .

An entire functionf(z) is transcedental if and only iff(l1z) has an essential

singularity at 0.

The coefficient a- 1 of the term (z - 2,)- in the Laurent expansion off(z),


z ) a - z ) , ZE ~~:~c~z-z,~cr]with

where C is any circle with centre z, insides, is called the residue off(z) at ,

isolated singularity z, .
Residue of simple pole zo offiz)

Residue of a pole of order m at z, off(z)


Iff@) is analytic at zo ,then residue off (z) at z, is zero.

Iff@) has a removable singularity at 2, ,then residue off@) at z0is zero.
Iff(z) has an isolaied singularity at 2, and functionf is even in (z - z,)
i.e.,fTz - z,) =A- (z - z,)), then residue off(z) at z, is zero.
Residue ofJ(z) at infinity

= negative of Residue of 7at zero.


= Lt [- zf(z)], provided that this limit has a definite value.


Cauchy's Residue Theorem : "Iff(z) be analytic at all points inside and on a

simple closed curve C, except for a finite number of singularitiesz,, z,, ... ,z,
inside C, then
J Az) dz = 2xi x ( sum of residues of&) at z,, z,, ..., 2"). 7,

Residue Formula for the Extended Complex Plane : "Iff(z) is analytic

with the exception of finitely many isolated singularities a, in the extended
complex plane, then the sum of all residues (including thk residue at infinity)
off(z) equals zero."

Residue of A%)
--T- at zero = Sum of residues off@) on all singularitiesin the
complex plane.
Mittag - Leffler Expansion Theorem : "Iff(z) is a function which is
analytic at z = 0 and%hose only singularities are first order poles at
z,, z,, z,,....., where residues are respectively b,, b,, b,, .... N if ( C : 1 z I = R,
is a set of circles none of which passes through any singularity off@) and
where radii { R, } becomes infinite as N -+ = ;and if on each of these circles
I fTz) I is bounded by a constant M ywhich is independent of N, then

Iff@) has a zero of order m at z = a, then

residue of f-'(2) at (z = a) = m
Iff(z) has a pole of order n at z = b, then near z = b,

= --n+ analytic function at (z = b)

fTz) z- b

i.e., at each pole z = b forAz),m has a simple pole at z = b with residue

equal to - n .
Argument Principal : "Let fbe meromorphic in a domain D and have only
finitely many zeros and poles. If C is any simple closed curve in D such that
no zeros or poles off (z) lie on C, then
Classification of Singularities and
dz = N - P, where N and P denote, respectively, the number of Calculus of Residues
27ci fl Az)

zeros and poles off(z) inside C, each counted according to their order."
Change in argument off@ as z goes around C is given by

Under the hypothesis of Argument Principle,

A,argf(z) = N - P .
Rouche's Theorem : "Letf(z) and g(z) be meromorphic in a domain D and
have only finitely many zeros and poles. Let C be any simple closed curve in
D such that no zeros or poles off@) and g(z) be on C.
Assume that I g(z) I < JAz)I in C. Then

i.e., difference between the number of zeros and numbers of poles is the
same forAz) and Az) + g(z)."

Instead of I g(z) < JAz)I on C, if we assume that

then A, g(z) = AJz) .

ZfS(z) and g(z) have no poles in D, then from Rouche's Theorem,fand
f + g have the same number of zeros inside the curve C.


Exercise 1

LetAz) = -.Thenf(z) has the singularities at the points where

cos (l/z) = 0
i.e., singularities of f(z) are at the point
z= , n = O , f l , f 2,....
(2n + 1) le
Since in every neighbourhood N of z = 0, there are singular points, distinct from
z = 0, within N, therefore z = 0 is a non-isolated singularity of f(z).

For the points z = , n = O , f l , f 2,......,

there are neighbourhoods (say circles of sufficiently small radius 6 ) which contain
no other singularity. This means that these singularities are isolated.

Exercise 2
These functions have removable singularities at 0,O and 0 respectively, which can
be removed by letting

g , (0 ) = 1 , g, (0) = 1 and g, (0) = 1 respectively.

Exercise 3

Hereflz) = (z - a) sin -

which shows that €, = 0 or z = b is an essential singularity of f(z).

Exercise 4

Suppose for C real and C # 0

sin (I/,) = c

= > z = i log ic+ 1 - c


where k = 0, f 1, f 2, ...., we obtain a sequence {z,,)with zn + 0 such that

sin (lh,,) = c, n =1,2, ...
Hence sin (112) assumes evey value infinitely many times with the exception of
Exercise 6

Here g(z) = z4 sin (Idz+ 1))

men g ($1 7
-+ 1
5. (5)

which shows that w = 0 is a pole cbf order five.
Hence g(z) has a pole of order five at the point at infinity.
Exercise 7

Here&) = 4sin
Then/(;) = w2 sin w , which has a removable singularity at w = 0

Hencef (z) has a removable singularity at infiity.

Exercise 8 Clasqification of Singularities n r ~ ~ l
Calculus of Residues

- nk
= 7,Jzl> 0 (n E N), using series for exponential function.

From above series, z = 0 is an essential singularity offlz).

Therefore, residue off (z) at (z = 0) = Coefficient of z- ' in the above expansion,, which
is Lament's expansion

Exercise 9
= i 0 ifn7t1
1 if n = l

For the functionf(z) = ,

z (z
- a') '

denominator is zero when z1 (zZ - a') = 0


Hencef (z) has a double pole at z = 0 and single poles at z = a and z = -(7 .

We also note thatJz) =A- z)

=>f (z) is even in z.

Hence by the result "iff(z) has isolated singularity at z, and iff is even in' (z - z,),
then residue off@) at 2, is zero,"

the residue off (z) at z = 0 is zero. Ans I

Now residue off@) at z = a

Residue off (z) at (z = - a)

=Lt -=-- I Ans. 111
+ - z z a 2a3

Exercise 10
cos 2
Let cosh z cot z = cosh z -
sin z

Since sin z has simple zeros at z = h , k = 0, + I + 2,....and cosh z cos z is

non-zero at (z = k z )

:. Residue of cosh z . cot z at (z = kz)

- cash Ax. cos kn - cosh kn . cos hx = cosh h-n . Ans.

-d cos h
-(sinz) Iz=kn
Con~plexVariables Exercise 11
sin3z-3 sinz
Heref(z) =
(sin z - z) sin z

Thereforef (z) has a simple pole at z = 0

:. Residue off (z) at (z = 0) = Coefficient t' in the above expansion

Exercise 12

We know that Log (1 + z) is analytic in the deleted neighboorhood C\ & - 1)


andf(z) = Log (1 + z) has a pole of order two at z = i, -i .

Hence residue of Log (1 + z) at (z = i)

(z + i)"

Similarly residue of Lug(.-rj 31 I-= -. ;) = [- 8

)+ i (- -1
+ Log \5)
4 / '
Exercise 13 ClassUication of Singularities and
CaIcuIus of Residues
Letfi) =
(z2 + a)" (z3 + blrn '

The denominator off(z) is zero at z,, z, = i 1(;; and z,, z,, 2, where z' + b = 0 .
Hencef (2)has a pole of order n at z,, z, each and pole of order m at z,, z,, z, each.

By the conditions on a, b and R, these poles lie inside the circle I z 1 = R .

Therefore by residue theorem,

Ic (z2 + a)" (z3 + blm ~5= 2ni x (sum of residues at z,, z,, z,, z, and z,)
By residue fonnula for extended complex plane, we have

(Sum of Residues off (z) at z,,z,, z,, z, and 2,)

+ (Residue offiz) at ) = 0.

-> sum of residue off (2)at z,, z,, z,, z, and z,

= - (Residue off(z) at rn )

f (%I
= (Residue of --r at z = 0)

:. 1 z
c (2+ a)" (z3 + blm
Exercise 14

Therefore, we have

zz + 1
d z , whereJ7z) =
z (z- a)
C t ! ~ ' = l j~!=l

Hcre,f(f) has si~tlplepoles at-z = 9 and z = a and both these poles lie in I z = 1.

By residue theorem.
I = - x 2ni x (sum of residues of-f (z) at z .:0 and z = a )
Now residue off (z) at (z = 0) = Lt zflz) = - -
Z-+O a
a2+ 1
and residue off ( z ) at (z = a ) Lt ( z - a ) f i z ) = -
z-ta a

Exercise 15
The poles of - are at points where sinh z = 0
slnh z

Hence z .= 0 is the simple pole of -inside 1 z / = 4
sinh z
and residue of -
s1nl1 z
at (z= 0)

By residue thcorcm,

Exercise 16

Hencef (I)has a double pole at z = - 1 and a simple pole at z = 2 .

z-1 1
Residue 0f.f (z) at ( z = 2 ) = Lt - 1- -
z --, 2(z + 1)

d 2-1 (2-2)-(z- 1) ---1

Residue off (z) at ( z = - 1 ) = Lt -- - - Lt 2 -
- 1 - 2 1 (z-2) 9

For the circle lz - il = 2 , z = - 1 is the only pole inside this circle.

:. By residue theorem,

- 1) dz
( z + 112( z - 2 )
= 2ni x (residue of J [ z )at ( z = - 1))

- - - Ans.
Exercise 17 Classificationof Singulrrities and
Calrulus of Rcsidum

The functionf (2)has simple poles at z = - 1, i, - i

1 1
Now Residue off (2) at (z = - 1) = Lt 7 =-
zj-lz+l 2

Residue off (z) at (z = i) = Lt 1 -

1 - - l(1 - 1)
jiz+l)(z+i) 2i(l+i) 2(1+1)

1 -- 1 1
Residue off ( z ) at (z = - i) = Lt - -
+ (z+l)z-i) 1-i -21

By Mittag - Leffler expansion,

1 - 1 1 1 - z
+-.- Ans.
2 z + l 2 z2+1

Exercise 18

LetJTz)= sin xz and C = { z : lzl = nl.

Let I = j 1
mtzdz = - j .f'(4 (,z

SinceAz) = sin x z = 0 <=> z = k, k = 0, f 1, + 2, ....,

No\\; inside the circle C, there are seven zeros ofJ(z), namely, at the points
0.f 1 , + 2 , + 3 .

Tilerefore by Argument Principle,

Complex VariaMcs Exercise 19

qinh z
~ e t ~ = [ t m l l z d z =-J d z = J
cosh z
f !@I u ,
z-1(=2 C C

Sincef(z) = cosh z = ,- eZ+ e - z

- 0 <=> e 2 " + 1 = 0 = > e Z
- =fn = + j

Thus there are two zeros off@) inside the circle C

Therefore, by Argument Principle,

I = 25ci x 2 = 45ci Ans.

Exercise 20

and if z = - x, with x >O, then

Thus (6.24) and (6.25) imply that f (z)has no real positive roots and no real
negative roots respectively.

Further, ~fz = iy with y-real, thenf(z) =j: + 1 - i y"

and thercforefhas no purely imaginary roots. Ri
~ e i 0
~ n t h e o t h e r h a n d i f ~ = [ z : z = R .e 0 5 0 ~ 5 c b ]

R .
i.e., C is taken round the part of the first quadrant
Figure6.7: C = Z : l Z ! = R , O S a r g Z
bounded by I z I = R for sufficiently large R (Figure
6.7) then

I f R is sufficiently large, the second term is practically 1 and so.

On the axis of y,

Here y ranges from to O along the positive imaginary axis, the initial and final
values of argJ(z) are zero. Thus tlle total change when R is sufficiently large is
given by

which means that there is a root lying in the first quadrant.

Exercise 21 Classification of Singularities and
Calculus of Residues
TakeJz) = 2 + z and g(z) = e'

For z = x,

JX) = 2 +x-' > e l x / = l = l g ( x ) l ,

that is IJz) 1 > 1 g(z) 1 for z = x , x-real.

Ontheotherhand,ifz=Re , OIOIsc,then,

. ( f ( ~ e ' ~=) (( 2 + R e
2 2i8
1 2 ~ ~ - 2

and / g ( ~ e " ) I = ( e ' ~ ' I = e-Rsin e

Therefore on the upper semi-circle, we have

- R sin e
IJz) I > I g(z) I if R ~ - 2> e

If we choose R > 6 ,then

R -2>3-2=12e
- Rsin e for 0 l O l l r .

By Rouche's Theorem, the number of roots off+ g in

~ , = ( z : l z ls R and R ~ z ~ o ? ,
for any R > 6 is equal to the number of zeros of the equation

.,flz) = 2 + 22 = 0
In Q,. Thus, in the entire upper left-plane, the equation
2 + z -eIz=0
has only ont root.

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