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The teacher can provide an atmosphere of search, exploration and discovery in a

traditional classroom, again, by being creative and flexible. They cannot just rely
on what they are used to do. They themselves should explore different aspects of
how to learn. They should learn how to use the computer – providing powerpoint
presentations, downloading video clips or just simple images. They have to show
the students that it is not a crime to explore the web and to learn by interaction
and by being active. Let them do homeworks that would require them not just to
research in the net but also that will help them develop their critical thinking
skills. As a teacher, if you embrace the changes in the technology and the effects
that it has, then your students will definitely do the same thing too!

The teacher provides information to the students, wherein they do their responsibility as a student to

Books can be used as source of learning. And the teacher may provide pictures, models, or
mock-ups for the pupils to see the real structure of a thing.
My experience on this lesson was great because, i was able to know what hypermedia is. The
reporter was good in presenting their report and i was able to learn from them.

As my reflection in this lesson, Hypermedia is very effective to use, it is very useful tool for a
the teachers,it can use to motivate the learners and with the use of hypermedia,the teacher easily
catch the attention of the students.

By using this hypermedia it is very important as a future teacher to use it properly and the
teacher must have a wide knowledge on using this.

In a creative manner, teacher can provide such environment in traditional

classroom. Using those books and other materials in the classroom and
let the students explore and have some activity to use their skills.

The teacher can provide atmosphere of search, exploration and

discover by teaching the students the lesson where in the
students are the one to search,explore and discover their
lesson using the internet.In the internet there are a lot of
hypermedia material.
Books can be used as source of learning. And the teacher may provide pictures,
models, or mock-ups for the pupils to see the real structure of a thing.
by using some instructional devices such as paper works , visual aids and by using boards and chalk
the teacher can provide a learning environment. 

First, the teacher should know how to explore with themselves so that they will develop their self-
confidence to teach the learner about this hypermedia and let your student explore and search about
the activity you gave to them in the traditional classroom

The teacher can provide an atmosphere of search, exploration and discovery in

traditional classroom by using method like exploratory, discovery and inquiry method.
The teacher can simply use posing a question or problem to the student in the
beginning of his/her lesson, this way will enables student to discover solutions or
answers to that problem, they will surely explore their knowledge while the teacher still
provides students with information.

is that the teacher can use different techniques or materials that slow learner's attention and thinking
can easily be caught. He/she can use different media wherein students can be interested with.

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