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(881204565875001) (oumh1303)

Fakulti Sains Sosial Dan Gunaan


OUMH 1303


NO. MATRIKULASI : 881204565875001

NAMA : Muhammad Azizil B Mazlan

NO. TELEFON : 017-2969950





1.0 Introduction

Cctv is a surveillance camera or a camera system overseer, the system

consists of a camera and DVR (Digital Video Recording). CCTV technology has been
given a life extension. However, the DVR can only be considered an interim step on the
path to a fully digital surveillance solution. The DVR adds some digital benefits to the
CCTV system, but its analog cameras and coax transmission network leave the resulting
integration largely analog. CCTV or known as Closed Circuit Television camera system
is widely used as a security system for surveillance in offices as well as in houses. The
system is used for monitoring purposes to keep a close vigil. CCTV’s is widely used
globally for safety cautious. CCTV system can provide instant alerts when problematic
trouble occurs, ensuring that crime against people, theft and vandalism are all
substantially reduced and covered. And when crime does occur, CCTV system incident
recording can provide valuable evidence, improving the likelihood of a conviction. This
technology can be used either internally or externally environments to watch over and
protect people, property, vehicles and valuables. CCTV is considered to be the most
effective methods of reducing crimes.

The advantages of using a CCTV Camera System can ensure:

 Prevents Crime

The presence of CCTV camera system for surveillance will reduce petty thefts and
vandalism in shopping malls, supermarket, hypermarkets and stores. Hence, the activities
are being monitored; fewer nuisances are likely to be created. It also reduces the losses
due to stealing.

 Helps Maintain Records

The images and video captured by a CCTV camera system are often documented and
stored into a databank. These are helpful in maintaining records so that they can be easily
retrieved later, when needed.
 Protects Employees

These are very useful in the customer service department. The employees providing
customer services may sometimes be subjected to verbal abuse or physical attacks.
CCTV Camera system helps to identify such instances and act immediately. It is also
helpful to keep a tab on the activities of the employees.
 Evidence

In legal cases of thefts and other forms of crime, video and images provided by the
CCTV camera system can serve as a valid proof and evidence against the defaulter. This
assist in making legal claims as well. There are a variety of situations in which CCTV
cameras are used to provide surveillance, especially schools. Sometimes, in larger
schools, providing security guards is not enough. It is not uncommon for some schools to
install CCTV security systems in their premises to monitor and keep track of all the
activities that take place. Sometimes, in larger schools, providing security guards is not
enough for school security. This is usually done with complete awareness on the
student’s, parent’s and teacher’s parts.

There are many benefits of using CCTV surveillance systems in schools:

School Security

CCTV security systems help in preventing or identifying unauthorized intruders who

enter the premises, thereby promoting school security. Keeping track of remote
entrances and exits is easier through CCTV cameras. CCTV surveillance systems can
keep track of housekeeping and ensure they are doing their work. CCTV security systems
help organize exit in case of emergencies. School security measure to protect school
property and identify perpetrators and vandals.

For Teachers

CCTV surveillance systems help in the protection of staff vehicles. They keep track
of teacher attendance and punctuality. CCTV cameras can help keep track of teacher’s
attitude and methodology in teaching.
For Students

CCTV cameras aid monitoring and preventing bullying amongst students. They help in

ensuring discipline and punctuality amongst students. Prevent or track student thefts.
Keep parents mind at ease about school security and environment. CCTV surveillance
systems in schools are a way of ensuring a safe, secure and healthy learning environment
for children. Always consult with experts to work out the most strategic places to install
CCTV cameras in your school.

The disadvantages of using CCTV camera system are:

 Does not function sometimes

This system will be fixed on the wall but it won’t be functioning at all the time. Hence it
cannot be considered as a foolproof method for crime prevention.
 Costly

The installation cost per system is very high. The installation may also increase the initial
expenditure which depends on the type of camera purchased.
 Privacy concern

Offensives of privacy are the major issue when it comes to any security system. It lowers
the employee morale and obstructs productivity at times. Constants monitoring of every
activity might put the workers ill at ease. How does CCTV work to prevent crime?
This argument is crucial to answer because this is on the individual perception on how
they adapt to the system. Research shows that some people are happy with the CCTV
system because they feel secure and some feel this is an interrupting system to their
privacy. They feel that the owners does not trust their customer and think their customers
are offenders.


To be rationally, this is a wrong perception of individual whom think on the other way
round. Actually this system is widely used to prevent theft to happen and as well as to
prevent vandalism. There are certain group of people whom have this ethical problem
shows their anger to the public properties. Government bodies and NGO’s are placing
and spending tremendous of expenditure is keeping the city clean and modernized. For
example, bus stops, railway stations, telephone booths are the victim of vandalism. The
walls are painted with beautiful drawings and wording which is a public nuisance. The
public must be aware that we are the people should contribute to the cleanliness of the
city. To ensure all this things the CCTV cameras are spotted in all the areas a safety
measures. Below is the other feasibility using CCTV’s in shop lots, railway stations and
other premises.
 Reduce Fear of Crime

Many studies have determined if the presence of cameras in public places reduces fear of
crime. But the general arguments are that the area will benefit from a positive economic
impact when people feel safer. The findings are mixed but generally show there is some
reduced level of fear of crime among people in CCTV area, but only people who were
aware they were in area under surveillance.
 As a helping tool in Police Investigation

CCTV can be used as the detection tool in preventing the crime. The CCTV has
contributed in a number for the police investigation in arresting the offenders. CCTV
camera evidence can be compelling, though issues of image quality are a factor if CCTV
images are used for identification process. The potential to assist in police investigations
may also drive offenders away from committing offenses that take time, as they run a
greater risk of capture.
 Increased Suspicion or Fear of Crime

This shows the public’s concern to the camera’s existence. There are surveys done an the
outcome was stated that the CCTV camera was to “spy on the people”. There are several
group denied on the availability of CCTV. They assume how crime still can happen even
the camera is there. The public have no fear of the system.

 Increased Crime Reporting

CCTV sometimes helps in recording the crime of drugs deliveries. The offenders are not
aware that there is a CCTV located and here they are caught right handed. This shows it
prevents the crime in other way. This recorded crime is very helpful and useful for the
investigation bodies.
 Information gathering tool

Cameras can also be used to gather information in public area. Camera operators often
come t know the faces of local offenders, and the camera become a way to monitor their
movements in a less unpleasant manner than deploying ununiformed police officers. For
example, officers in one city were able to gather intellect on the behavior of individuals
selling stolen goods. This intelligence was gathered remotely by CCTV camera and
enabled police to interdict in an organized and direct manner.

Due to the increase of crime in the cities, the uses of the CCTV system has increasing. It
has been opened for the public interest such as prevention of crime and fly- tipping by the
police and local government, but private information such as faces or behavior patterns
can be recorded I CCTV. When the recorded data is exposed, it may cause an invasion to
privacy and crimes.



Nama Pengarang, (tahun), Tajuk Buku, Penerbitan

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