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Grade 7


1. Identify the health services in school and in the community

2. appreciate the benefits of the of health services offered in school and in the
3. Identify coping skills/techniques in dealing with health concerns;
4. value the importance of applying coping skills in dealing with health concerns.
5. demonstrate some of the health appraisal procedures based on the
availability of their resources


 Complete the given task in this module

Routine Check

Directions: Put a check (/) if the statement relates to your habit and (X) if it doesn’t.
Write your answers in your MAPEH activity notebook.

________ 1. Do you exercise regularly?

________ 2. Do you have a lot of friends?
________ 3. Do you play strategic games?
________ 4. Do you pray before and after you sleep?
________ 5. Do you attend masses or bible studies?
________ 6. Do you seek advice from your teachers?
________ 7. Do you drink 8-10 glasses of water per day?
________ 8. Do you talk your problems with your parents?
________ 9. Do you do “mano” to your parents or the elderly?
________ 10. Do you read books or any reading materials every day?

Evaluate your answer. How many statements did you check?

The number of items you checked describes your routine:
9-10 - Excellent Keep it up!
7-8 - Very satisfactory
5-6 - Satisfactory
3-4 - Fair
1-2 - Need improvement—you need to change and correct your habits.
Well done! Thank you for your honesty and cooperation!

Lesson 1 – Holistic health

Holistic Health is actually an approach to life. Rather than focusing on illness or specific parts of the
body, this ancient approach to health considers the whole person and how he or she interacts with
his or her environment.

Dimension of Holistic Health

Physical Health Mental/ Intellectual health

Emotional Health Spiritual Health

Interpersonal or social health Environmental health

Achieving holistic health requires the balance and integrations of all your health dimensions


Directions: Write P if the statement is for Physical health, S for Social health, MS for Moral-
spiritual Health, E for Emotional health, and M for Mental health. Write your answers in your
MAPEH activity notebook.

1. Studying Bible
2. Telling the truth
3. Listening to mood music
4. Jogging around the park
5. Reading your favourite books
6. Getting enough rest and sleep
7. Finding friends in Social Media
8. Playing strategic online games
9. Eating a balanced diet regularly
10. Going out with family and friends
11. Having faith to Heavenly Creator
12. Joining support group discussions
13. Sharing jokes with family members
14. Respecting your parents and elders
15. Playing chess, checkers, and Math games

Check Your Life Skills

Directions: Write YES if you practice the following health and life skill and NO if you
do not.

_______1. I take care of my body.

_______2. I take pride in being unique.

_______3. I show respect to all people.

_______4. I try to make informed decisions.

_______5. I settle conflicts in healthful ways.

_______6. I work on having healthy relationships.

_______7. I seek new learning about growth and development.

_______8. I seek advice if I feel nervous about my body changes.

_______9. I accept how my body changes as I grow and develop.

_______10. I choose habits that promote healthful growth and development.

_______11. I always adjust my attitude towards others

_______12. I make sure to eat a balance diet.

_______13. I take responsibility with good ease.

_______14. I do exercise regularly.

_______15. I go to church every Sunday.

Lesson 2- Stages of Growth and Development

Developmental milestones are physically skills and behaviors that manifest in infants and children as
they growth and develop.

Adolescence is usually challenging and confusing tie. Adolescents start to feel significant changes in
all aspects of their well-being.

Puberty is a period when boys and girls begin to undergo the process of sexual maturity

 The growth and changes in adolescents are controlled by the endocrine system
 The growth hormone promotes growth metabolism ad body composition
 The puberty hormones or gonadotropins act on reproductive organs
 The testes produce male hormones called testosterone and ovaries produce the
female hormones called estrogen

Changes in Different Health Dimensions During Adolescence

10 to 14 years old are characterized by

 physical growth and hormonal development

 a growing ability to use abstract thought
 social and emotional growth

Characteristics of adolescent

a. Physical Development 1. Rapid and irregular growth 2. Body

changes 3. Maturing 4. Restlessness and fatigue
5. Sexual awareness 6. Prefer junk food but
need good nutrition 7. Lack of physical fitness
8. Physically vulnerable

b.Mental Development 1.Wide range of intellectual development

2.Transition of thinking 3.Active learning
4.Interaction with peers 5.Positive thinker
6.Often worried with self 7.Inquisitive 8.Lack of
interest in academe 9.Understand high level or
complicated humor

c. Moral Development 1.Compassion for those suffering and special

concern for the environment 2.Acceptance of
their own 3.Capable of an value direct
experience in participatory democracy
4.Greatly needs role model 5.Awareness
between values exhibited by adults and their
condition they see in the society

D. Emotional and Psychological Development 1.Mood swings 2. Outbursts 3.Seeking to be

independent 4.Self-conscious 5.Concern about
physical growth and maturity 6.Behave in their
gender 7.Concerned with many major societal
issue 8.Believing that experiences are unique to

Changes during puberty for girls

A girl starts to

 Develop breasts and hips widen and waist narrows

 Pubic, underarm and leg hairs thicken
 Hair and skin may become oily, may experience cramps, mood swings, irritability,
and fatigue

For boys: - At the age of 11 (one year later than girls) but occur anytime between 9 to 14

 Enlargement of testicles and thinning and reddening of the scrotum

 Wet dreams
 Involuntary erections
 Breast enlargement
 Skin
 Body size

Changes that occur during adolescence based on gender

 Menstruation - major biological process which facilitates reproduction It is a delicate

interplay of hormones and the cycle begins on the first day of bleeding
 Circumcision - the foreskin is surgically removed, exposing the end of the penis


Connecting Similarities and Differences

A. Directions: Write at least three (3) physical changes in adolescents

the image of the boy for boys and at least three (3) inside the

image of the girl for girls. Write the at least three (3) changes

that are shared by both inside the cirle.

B. There are changes that happen to boys and girls during puberty. Write TRUE if
the statement is correct and FALSE if it is wrong.
_______ 1. Girls are taller than boys.

_______ 2. Girls’ hips become broader.
_______ 3. Voice change occurs among boys.
_______ 4. Boys become more aggressive than girls.
_______ 5. Muscle growth is faster in girls than in boys.
_______ 6. Boys reach the age of puberty earlier than girls.
_______ 7. Girls and boys experience rapid mental growth.
_______ 8. Boys and girls like to be alone more than to be with friends.
_______ 9. Changes that happen to boys and girls occur in all dimensions.
_______ 10. Boys grow beard or mustache.
_______ 11. Menstruation and enlargement of breast occur at the same time.
_______ 12. There is no rapid increase of height during puberty.
_______ 13. Adolescents are already capable of thinking deeply.
_______ 14. Only boys get pimples.
_______ 15. Both boys and girls develop body odor.


Directions: Identify one teen problem that you are worried about. Write a positive
self-talk about the
11 identified problem. Follow the example given below.


Your problem is having too many pimples.

“I can “I can ask
overcome this somebody for
problem.” help.”

Lesson 3- Management of Health Concerns

Coping Skills

Coping skills will help you deal with sad, difficult and stressful
situations/experiences in your life. If you have coping skills, you can prevent serious
problems resulting from these experiences.

These are several coping

12 techniques you can use in ordinary life situations.

Some are very useful; some are not. Some can help you for a short time only while
some can help you for a long time. Read the following techniques of coping and see
if these relate to your coping skills.

 Support-Seeking Strategies
1. Talk to a friend who can do something.
2. Seek advice from responsible relatives/friends.
3. Talk to someone to find out more about the problem.
4. Look for someone who will sympathize with you.
5. Seek professional help.

 Positive Problem-Solving Strategies

1. Make a plan of action.
2. Look at the problem as a challenge.
3. Be creative in solving the problem.
4. Come up with different solutions to the problem.
5. Think carefully before making any decision.

 Avoidance Strategies (These are acceptable for short term, but do not
exclude other ways of coping).
1. Avoid being surrounded with negative people.
2. Prepare for the worse that may happen.
3. Wish the situation to go away or be over.
4. Try to forget the whole thing.
5. Exercise or eat.
6. Hope a miracle would happen.

 Positive-reframing Strategies

Self – talk is a way to help you change your thoughts. Here are some self-talk
statements that you can use as a coping skill. These statements are useful when you
are under stress or facing a challenge/problem.

1. When you are preparing for a stressful situation, you can use any of these
 I know I can do it.
 It is easier once I get started.
 What exactly do I have to do?
 Tomorrow, I will get better.
 I have succeeded with this before.
 I will not entertain negative thoughts.
2. When you are facing the challenge/problem
 I can do this.
 I can only do my best.
 If I get nervous, I will take a deep breath.
 It is okay to make mistakes; no one is perfect.
 If I feel tensed, I will do my coping exercise.
 I will not rush. I will take it slowly step by step.
3. When you are coping with fear
 Relax! It will end.
 God help me!
 I can always call someone.
 Take a deep breath.
 I will survive this.
4. Self-Congratulations
 I did it!
 I did it well.
 Next time, I will not have to worry much.
 I have to tell this to_____________
5. Affirmation
 Every day in every way, I grow stronger and stronger.
 I enter the day with a peaceful thought.
 I develop self-management skills in maintaining a healthy lifestyle
during adolescence

What is self-management skill? It is your ability to manage your personal

reactions to responsibilities and challenges in life. This involves managing your time
and adapting to changing situations. It requires you to reflect on your experiences
and their effect on your physical and mental, emotional and social, and on your
spiritual well-being. Having self-management skills requires you to develop the
following background skills such as:

1. Reflection
2. Self-awareness
3. Time management
4. Flexibility
5. Self-appraisal
6. Setting goals
7. Planning and monitoring

Remember, self-management skills are important skills in attaining holistic

health. These skills will help you in everything you do in any situations throughout
your life. There are some teenagers who develop strong self-management skills
while others have poor management skills. Some have had more opportunities to
use these skills while others have had to rely on help from others like teachers,
family and friends.

Let us see how each background skill can work for a healthy management of
oneself. Under each skill are ways you can do to develop it.

Background Skills

1. Reflection
 Think of your past experiences and consider their effects on your state of
mind, your emotions and feelings, your relationships with others, your
behavior, your health or your plans for the future.
 Be aware of your own interests, needs and desires. Think about how you
react to people and situations, and how your actions are perceived by
 Learn from this process of reflection and awareness; for example, by
identifying ways to change negative behavior, feelings or attitudes, or by
creating new strategies towards achieving your goal.
2. Self-awareness
 Be aware of your personal skills, knowledge, responsibilities and values.
 Accept your talents and feel confident about yourself and what you can do
(including the ability to improve on and gain new talents and skills).
3. Flexibility
 Adjust to new situations by applying your skills in different areas, or by
acquiring new skills as needed.
 Work with people with different beliefs, values, and backgrounds.
4. Time Management
 Identify the different demands on your limited time, set priorities, and
schedule your time according to your targets, responsibilities and needs.
 Be aware of your personal time preferences and using these to your
advantage to minimize stress.
5. Setting Goals
 Check your own interest, desires, commitments and responsibilities,
identify goals that are important and commit to work towards the
achievement of those goals (such as deciding to live a healthy life).
 Set realistic, clearly-defined goals with a specific time frame, where you
can measure progress (for example, “I will maintain an ideal weight”).
 Track down own progress, adjust and add goals as you monitor your
development in life.

6. Planning and Monitoring

 Develop a detailed, realistic strategy to solve a problem or reach a goal.
 Expect problems or challenges, review and adjust plans to accommodate
changes in your situations and priorities.
 Assess the success of a strategy in reaching the original goal, within the
set time frame.
7. Self-appraisal
 Analyze own situation, skills and qualities objectively, recognize own
strengths and weaknesses, and acknowledge areas for improvement.
 Reflect on and accurately judge own efforts and progress.
 Identify areas of life where you would like to increase your knowledge or
skills, and set goals to achieve these.
Steps in Decision Making

1. State the situation/problem. Examine the situation/problem and ask yourself:

What decisions are needed to be made? Consider all the health information
related to the problem and the people involved.
2. List all possible options/alternatives. What are possible choices/alternatives
you can make? Share your options and opinions with a responsible adult,
sibling or friend. Ask for their opinion and advice.
3. Weigh the possible outcomes. Weigh the possible consequences of each
option/alternative. Use the word HELP to guide your choice.
 H (Healthful) What health risks, if any, will this option/choice present?
 E (Ethical) Does your option/choice reflect the moral-spiritual beliefs of
your family, community, and society?
 L (Legal) Does your option/choice violate any rule or law?
 P (Parent’s approval) Will your parents or guardians approve of this

Always remember, a responsible choice/decision must:

 Be safe and promote health

 Be legal and follow the rules of the home/school/community
 Be acceptable to parent and other members of the family
 Show respect for self and others


A. Make a list of five (5) decisions you have made in relation to your health for
the past week. For each decision, reflect and write what things/persons
influenced your decisions and what affects your decisions had on you and
others. An example below will guide you. Copy the table and write your
answers in your activity notebook.

Effects of my Self-management
decisions on skills I apply in
Health decisions that influenced
myself and to making a
my decisions
others decision
Example: Result of my height I will be Self-awareness,
Maintain an ideal and weight, my comfortable with self-appraisal,
weight Health teacher, my appearance reflection, goal-
best friend and I may setting, time
influence my management,
friends to do the flexibility, planning
same. and monitoring




B. Directions: Identify the terms being described. Choose your answers from
the box provided and write them in your MAPEH activity notebook.

Flexibility Reflection Self-appraisal

Time management Setting goals Reflection

Planning and monitoring Self-awareness Self-management

Support-seeking strategies Self-talk Positive-reframing strategies

Coping Skill Decision Making Avoidance strategies

Positive problem-solving strategies

___________1. It is your ability to think about how you respond to people and

___________2. It is your skill to identify the different demands on your limited time.

___________3.It is your skill to work with people with different beliefs, values, and

___________4. It is your skill to set realistic, clearly-defined goals with a specific

time-frame that
19 is measurable.

___________5. This is your ability to assess the success of a strategy in reaching

the original goal.
___________6. It is your skill to recognize your strengths and weaknesses, and
acknowledge areas for improvement.

___________7. It is your skill to identify ways to change negative behavior, feelings

or attitudes as a result of contemplation.

___________8. It is your skill to adjust to new situations.

___________9. It is your ability to think of your past experiences and consider their
effects on your health.

___________10. It is your skill to manage your personal reactions to responsibilities

and challenges in life.

___________11. It is your ability to reflect on and accurately judge own efforts and

___________12. It is your ability to expect problems or constraints.

___________13. It is your ability to be aware of your own interests, needs and


___________14. It is your ability to accept your talents and feel confident about
yourself and what you can do.

___________15. It is your ability to be aware of your personal time preferences and

using these to your advantage to minimize stress.


True or False

Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is

___________1. Every woman should do breast self-examination every month.

___________2. Scoliosis is a condition in which the spine curves to the side.

___________3. Scoliosis affects boys more often.

___________4. Scoliosis can be corrected if treated early before the bones have not
fully developed.

___________5. Early detection can prevent scoliosis from progressing.

___________6. It is very important that you are aware of any changes in your body.

___________7. Any deviation from the normal must be keep in yourself.

___________8. You can go to your school clinic to seek advice from the health
personnel there.

___________9. Don’t wait for your health problem to get worse.

___________10. In the school, the school nurse or the health teacher can do the
scoliosis screening
21 test.
Lesson 4- Health Appraisal Procedures

Holistic health can be achieved by practicing good health habits and

submitting yourself to different screen tests.

Screening Tests Procedure Equipments

1. Medical Exam a. Go to a clinic and  Stethoscope
- A thorough see a physician.
physical b. Basic medical check-
examination. up covers the
measurement of your
blood pressure, heart
rate and the like.
c. Further medical
examination will be
done if there is a

2. Height Taking a. Start by grabbing a  Tape

- A process pencil and standing measure
which you with your back  Ruler
intend to against a wall.  Pencil
measure b. Use the pencil to
your height. mark where the
highest point on the
top of your head
meets the wall.
c. Get a tape measure
and measure the
distance from the
floor to the mark you
made on the wall.

3. Weight Taking a. Remove your  Weighing

- A process slippers or shoes. scale
which you b. Step on the weighing
will do to be scale.
aware of
your weight.
4. Vision Test a. This is usually done  Phoropter (or
- It checks along with the phoroptor)
different examinations with
functions of complete apparatus
the eye. and tests that check  Snellen
the health of the eye. Chart

5. Breast Self- While taking a shower:  Pillow

examination a. Examine gently every  Towel
- A technique part of each breast  Mirror
which allows using your fingers.
an individual b. Use the right hand
to examine for the left breast,
his/her and the left hand for
breast tissue the right breast.
for any c. Check carefully for
physical or any lump, hard knot,
visual or thickening.
changes. While in23
front a mirror:
a. Examine each breast
with arms at the
sides, then raise your
arms high overhead.
Look closely for the
 Changes in shape
of each breast
 Swelling, redness
 Dimpling of the
 Changes in the
b. Press down firmly to
flex the chest
muscles using palms
While lying down:
a. Place a pillow or
folded towel under
the right shoulder.
b. Place your right hand
behind your head.
c. With the fingers of
your left hand flat,
press gently in small
circular motion
around an imaginary
clock face. Move the
hand inch by inch
toward the nipple.
Keep circling to
examine every part
of the24breast
including the nipple.
Do the same on the
left breast.
d. Press the nipple of
each breast gently
between the thumb
and index finger.
Note any discharge
such as milk or
blood. Report this
immediately to a

6. Scoliosis Test Forward Bend Test 

- A test to a. Bend forward at the
detect waist 90 degrees,
structural or feet 4 inches apart,
functional knees straight, and
scoliosis. feet parallel to each
Scoliosis is a other.
condition in b. Palms of the hands
which the are facing each other
spine curves and arms hang
to the side. It down, and are
affects girls relaxed. The head is
more often. down.
There is possible
scoliosis if the screener
observed the following:
 One side of rib cage
and/or the lower
back showing
uneven symmetry.
 Curve in the
alignment of the
7. Hearing Test a. If you have trouble  Audiometer
- A process of hearing others talking
detecting when they are in a
ones hearing crowded room or you
capability. have been told you
raise the volume on
the TV way too high.
b. Go to a clinic and
see a physician who
has the expertise on
the field of Ears, Nose
and Throat (ENT).

8. Dental Exam a. Go to a dental clinic  Mirror

- A check-up and have your teeth  Dental
of your checked by a dentist Patient Chair
teeth and if you experience  Handpieces
gums. sharp shooting pain
when you eat, you
spot discolorations
on your teeth, or if
you find it impossible
to drink hot or cold
b. Your dentist will
discuss your oral
health including your
risk of tooth decay,
gum disease and
other oral health
problems, and
preventive measures
you can take to
improve and improve
your oral health.

Health Screening Contract

Directions: Make your own Health Screening Contract similar to the one below. You
may want to have your parents witnessed your contract to help remind
you of your promise. Write it in your activity notebook.

My Health Screening Contract

Name: _________________________________ Date: ______________

I promise that ___________________________________________________



I plan to _______________________________________________________




Student: Witness:

________________________ ________________________
Print Name and sign above Print Name and sign above
Directions: Complete the sentences below. Choose your answer inside the box.

Vision Test Folded Towel Height Taking

Medical Exam Practical Exam Girls
Breast self-examination Scoliosis Scoliosis Test
Hearing Test Weight Taking monthly

1. A woman should do breast self-examination _______.

2. A condition in which the spine curves to the side is ________.
3. ___________ keeps you aware of your weight.
4. Scoliosis affects on __________ more often.
5. In breast self-examination, you can use a pillow or _________ while lying down.
6. ___________ keeps you informed of any abnormal curvatures of the spine.
7. ___________ keeps you informed about your general health status.
8. ___________ is done to check unusual lumps.
9. ___________ is a process which you intend to measure your height through the
use of a measuring tape.
10. ______________ checks different functions of the eye.

What Do I Know

Directions: Answer the following questions. (All answers will be accepted)

Given you these pictures,

1. What do you see in the picture?

2. Does the picture show health services? Why or why not.
3. Are these services being offered in your school or in your community?
4. Do you need to avail these services from your school and your community?
Why or why not?
Lesson 5 – Health Services and Health Activities

Health programs based in schools and in the community provides a venue for
linking resources in health, nutrition, sanitation and education.The following are the
services offered in school and in the community:

School: Community:

Health Education on Anti-smoking Control of Locally Disease

Schools lead Managing of locally disease focuses

on the awareness on the prevention of its occurrence to

among school-age lessen death rate such as malaria or

children regarding dengue.

the bad effects of

smoking to your

Dental Services Treatment on Communicable Disease

Oral check-up,
permanent filing and Government focuses on the
oral prophylaxis containment, control and on treatment of
any transmitted illness just like corona
(Medical term for the virus disease. Example: Expenses from
prevention of disease of the Quarantine process.
its possible spread) are
just some of the
services that you can
avail in school.
Deworming Operation Tuli or Circumcision
A type of service that(Boys)
Done every
deworming month boys can avail in which they will undergo

in which anti- surgical procedure that removes the

foreskin (the loose tissue) covering the
helminthic tablet
glans (rounded tip) of the penis.
are given to
School: Community:

Iron Folic Acid Supplementation (Girls) Tetanus Tetanus

vaccine, also known as
Folate (vitamin B-9) is important

Hand Washing Facilities Maternal

A typeHealth Care that encompasses
of service
Program such
as Wash in the health of women during pregnancy,
schools are childbirth and the postpartum period.
designed to
provide you a
proper health

Safe Water Supply Access to a Poliomyelitis Immunization

One must take
clean, healthy the poliomyelitis
vaccine which is
drinking water is given for free by
essential to your the government in
order to avoid the
proper mental and
health condition
physical as shown in the
development. picture.

Clean and functional

Clean and Functional comfort
Comfort Room Supply ofGENERIC
of the Philippines
rooms for male and female are
is enacted to provide all Filipino citizen a
provided in school as it plays an
better access to health care through the
important role in your hygiene.
utilization and acquisition of free
School: Community:
Medical Check-up

A service that can be accessed to both school and in the community.

Getting of vital signs such as: pulse Health consultation, childbirth, access
rate, blood pressure, height & weight to free medication, and laboratory test are
measurement, body mass index and first just some of the services that your rural
aid are just some of the services in school health unit or city health can offer aside
that you could access. from the enumerated services in school.
Now that you are done accomplishing the module, let us check what you have
learned. Fill in the blank with corresponding health services in school or in the
community. Choose the correct answer from the hanging ribbons of knowledge below.
Ribbons of Knowledge

Health Control of
Education Deworming Locally
on Anti- Disease

Safe Water Communicable Supply of
Disease Essential
Supply Medicine

Dental Medical
Services Check-
Operation up
Maternal Health Poliomyelitis Hand Washing
Services Immunization Facilities

Maternal &
Iron Folic
Acid Clean and
Tetanus Suppleme Functional
ntation Comfort

_________________1. GENERIC ACT of the Philippines is enacted to provide all
Filipino citizen a better access to health care through the utilization and acquisition of
free medicine.

________________2. Schools lead on the awareness among school age children

regarding the bad effects of smoking on your health.

________________3. Focuses on the illness prevention of its occurrence to lessen

death rate such as malaria or dengue.
________________4. A type of vaccination that will be given to those who are bitten by
dogs and got wounded caused by stained metal object.

________________5. Done on a specified month in which anti- helminthic tablet are

given to schoolage children.

________________6. Access to a clean, healthy drinking water is essential your proper

mental and physical development.

________________7. Government focuses on the containment, control and on

treatment of any transmitted illness just like corona virus disease.

_________________8. Oral check-up, permanent filing and oral prophylaxis are just
some of the services that could be availed.

________________9. A service that can be accessed to both school and in the

community which verify your health status.

________________10. A program that distributes folate which is important in red blood

cell formation and for healthy cell growth and function.

_______________11. Type of service provided by the school which plays an important

role in your hygiene.

________________12. Immunization given to prevent infectious viral disease that

affects the central nervous system and can cause temporary or permanent paralysis.

________________13. Facility which is designed to hand hygiene.

________________14. Type of service that encompasses the health of women during

pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.

_______________15. A service that teenage boys can avail in which they will undergo
surgical procedure that removes the foreskin covering the glans of the penis.

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