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Outdoor and Adventure

Module 1 Worksheet 3

Activity 3. Identify and describe two outdoor activities you wish to participate in the near
future. State at least 4 reasons of your choice. 30pts

Criteria 10pts 7-9 pts 5-6pts 4 and below

Extremely well Organized. Somewhat Poorly organized.
organized. Order & Structure allows organized structure A clear sense of
structure of reader to move allows reader to direction is not

information is through content move through some evident. Flow is

compelling and without confusion. of the content frequently
flows smoothly. Flows smoothly without confusion. interrupted
Flow is sometimes
Thorough and Complete Shows some Shows
insightful understanding of understanding of incomplete

understanding of the benefits of OA benefits of OA understanding of

benefits of OA the benefits of
Insightful and well Ideas are Ideas are somewhat Ideas are
considered ideas considered; more on topic; makes unclear
making multiple than one some connections
connections thoughtful few connections

connection is

Start encoding your answers below:

First Outdoor Activity:

1. Backpacking
Backpacking is a recreational outdoor activity of hiking while carrying clothing,
food, and camping equipment in a pack on the back.

I wanted to participate and experience backpacking because;

• It will help me develop patience and adaptability.

• This is the best way to experience a reflection in action, giving me the opportunity
to see life in a different perspective, meditate my mind and perspective to see the
life in a real world.
• It will be the platform for me to be trained and flexible, to appreciate the efforts
and struggles and to deal with the stress brought by the problems and unwanted
circumstances and simply, to loosen up and feel the freedom and peace.
• To strengthen and develop my physical wellbeing.

Second Outdoor Activity:

2. Orienteering
Orienteering is an outdoor competitive sport that is similar to cross-country
running, but with emphasis on map-reading and direction-finding skills. Through woods
and over hills or rough plains, contestants plot courses between isolated control points
that must usually be visited in sequence.

I wanted to participate and experience orienteering because;

• To improve my focus and sharpen my decision skills. This will help me exercise and
train my mind to think critically and constructively.
• To develop my social skills because I am an introverted person and I want to break
my shell and experience the outside of my comfort zone.
• To spend time unwinding and appreciating the beauty of nature to avoid stress
and anxiety.
• Training myself to be confident especially on the planning of ideas and deciding.
Also, to be optimistic and to remain focus on my goals.

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